Agriculture,EcosystemsandEnvironment111(2005)1–12 Weed dynamics on Amazonian Dark Earth and adjacent soils of Brazil Julie Majora,*, Antonio DiTommasoa, Johannes Lehmanna, Newton P.S. Falca˜ob aDepartmentofCropandSoilSciences,CornellUniversity,Ithaca,NY14853,USA bCoordenac¸a˜odePesquisasemCieˆnciasAgronoˆmicas,InstitutoNacionaldePesquisasdaAmazoˆnia(INPA), 69060-001Manaus,Amazonas,Brazil Received27May2004;receivedinrevisedform21April2005;accepted27April2005 Abstract Field trials were conducted on Amazonian Dark Earth soils in the Manaus region, Amazonas, Brazil to assess the composition and impact of weedy vegetation on maize yield. Soil fertility among the Dark Earth varied considerably with differenceslargelyattributabletopast-usehistory.Consequently,maizeyieldandweedpressurevariedamongfieldlocations, reflectingthesedifferencesinsoilfertilityinadditiontodifferencesinweedreservoirssuchasseedbanks.Maizeyieldinweeded plotswasasmuchas63timesgreateronDarkEarth(0.55tha(cid:1)1)thanoncorrespondingadjacentsoil(0tha(cid:1)1),andlocation averagesvariedfrom0to3.15tha(cid:1)1forDarkEarth.Thepercentagegroundcoverofweedsinweedyplotswasupto45times greateronDarkEarth(65–99%)thanoncorrespondingadjacentsoil(2–89%),andspeciesrichnesswasupto11timesgreateron DarkEarth(4–14species)thancorrespondingadjacentsoil(1–8species).Therelativeproportionofannualandleguminous weedswas32and17%greater,respectively,onDarkEarththanadjacentsoil,andvegetativesproutingofplantswasmore commononsitesthathadbeenusedlessintensivelyinthepast.Ingeneral,asimilarweedcommunitywasobservedonthe differentDarkEarthsites,includingmanyspeciestypicallyassociatedwithenvironmentsthathavebeenhighlydisturbedby human activities, such as Cyperus spp., Phyllantus niuri, and Croton lobatus. Seedlings from a greater number of species emergedfromforestedDarkEarthseedbanks(2.1perflat)thanfromforestedadjacentsoil(1.2perflat).Thetotalnumberof emergedseedlingswasgreaterforDarkEarthseedbanks(9.1perflat,1,365m(cid:1)2)thanadjacentsoil(2.2perflat,330m(cid:1)2), however thespeciesobservedwere notlikelytobe problematic forcropping. #2005Elsevier B.V.Allrights reserved. Keywords: Derrisamazonica;Seedbanks;Soilfertility;TerrapretadeI´ndio;Tropicalsoil;Zeamays 1. Introduction * Correspondingauthorat:DepartmentofCropandSoilSciences, Amazonian Dark Earth (DE; locally called Terra 918 Bradfield Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA. Preta de I´ndio) patches occur in upland (i.e. non- Tel.:+16072551730;fax:+1607255-3207. E-mailaddress:[email protected](J.Major). flooded) environments throughout the Amazon 0167-8809/$–seefrontmatter#2005ElsevierB.V.Allrightsreserved. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2005.04.019 2 J.Majoretal./Agriculture,EcosystemsandEnvironment111(2005)1–12 Basin, and result from soil formation processes that 2. Materials and methods occurred in pre-Columbian times in areas settled by indigenous people. In general, the significantly Field trials were conducted during the first half of higher organic matter and phosphorus (P) contents, 2003. Maize plantings were established at four increased cation exchange capacity and pH, and locations near Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil (Fig. 1). loweraluminum(Al)levels(KernandKa¨mpf,1989; Each location consisted of one planting on DE and Lehmann et al., 2003) allow more intensive another on AS, for a total of eight plantings. All agricultural uses of DE soils than adjacent soils planting sites were under secondary forest regrowth (AS). Based on the Brazilian soil classification and not cropped when first visited in August 2002. system, these adjacent soils are considered to be Paired plantings at a given location were established primarily nutrient-impoverished, acidic Latossolos approximately200mapartfromeachotherexceptat (SalgadoVieira,1988),whichcorrespondtoOxisols RP, where this distance was 5km. In the absence of and Ultisols in the USDA soil classification system soil analysis data, the location of experimental plots (Soil Survey Staff, 1997). Where markets can be wasbasedlargelyonsoilcolor;asdarkaspossibleand easilyaccessed,DEsoilscanbeusedforpermanent, containingpotshardsforDE,andasredoryellowas mechanized crop production requiring high external possible for AS. After slash-and-burn, maize was inputs. In more remote areas, swidden subsistence seededbyhandinallfieldsbetween30Januaryand24 agriculture is commonly practiced on these soils, February, 2003. The open-pollinated maize cultivar with a greater range of crops produced than on AS ‘‘Solimo˜es’’ BR 5110, obtained from EMBRAPA including maize (Zea mays L.), vegetable, and fruit (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecua´ria) was crops. German (2003) reported that farmers con- used. Weeds present at the time of seeding were sistently rated the performance of a wide variety of removed by hand or with a hoe. Maize rows were cropstobebetteronDEthanAS.Thisdifferencein spaced 75cm apart with 20cm separating individual rating was especially striking for maize, with plants within the row, to give a density of farmers rating its performance at 2.00(cid:2)0.00 on 66,500plantsha(cid:1)1. The size of each planting was DEsoiland0.29(cid:2)0.62onAS,onascaleof0to2. approximately 12 by 13m. A randomized complete Fallowperiodsarereducedbymorethan50%onDE blockdesignwasapplied,withthreeblocksarranged compared with AS, and this results in fewer new perpendiculartothegradientjudgedmostimportantat swiddenareasclearedfrommatureforestonDEthan each site, for example slope, distance from road or AS (German, 2003). forest edge. The three treatments evaluated were: (i) In 2003, swidden plots planted to maize on both weeds only, where no maize was seeded, (ii) weedy DEandASwereusedtodeterminetherichnessand maize,whereweedswereallowedtocompetewiththe diversity of the weed flora, as well as maize and maize until harvest, and (iii) weeded maize, where weed biomass production on these two contrasting weeds were removed from plots monthly with a hoe. soils. Working hypotheses included that weed and Ateachplantingsite,nine1.5m2permanentquadrats maize biomass would be greater on DE, and that a wereestablishedandconsideredsamplingunits.Each different, more diverse weed community would be quadrat spanned two rows of maize with 1.5m found above and belowground on these soils perpendiculartotherowsand1malongtherows,and compared with AS. Surveys were carried out on included 10 maize plants at seeding. The treatments 16 DE farms to obtain additional data on weed were applied to an area of approximately 2.25m(cid:3) diversity. The seedbanks of DE and AS soils under 1.6m,withthepermanentquadratinthecenterofthis forest were sampled to assess the initial weed area,andanunweededrowofmaizeservedasabuffer pressure when swidden agriculture is initiated. between all treated areas. Differences in seedbank size between AS and DE After seeding, each sitewas visited monthly for 4 werenotexpected,becausesamplingbothsoiltypes months to collect crop and weed data. At each under a forest environment would mask any effects sampling, all weed individuals in the 1.5m2 perma- ofindigenousdisturbanceandmanagementincurred nent quadrats were identified and counted, and the centuries ago. general physiological stage and percentage ground J.Majoretal./Agriculture,EcosystemsandEnvironment111(2005)1–12 3 Fig.1. LocationofexperimentalsitesnearManaus,Amazonas,Brazil.MaizetrailswereconductedatlocationsCA,RP,RU1andRU2,and weedssurveysonplotsatthelocationsindicatedby(~).Numbersindicatethenumberofplotssurveyedateachlocation.Seedbanksamples weretakenatlocationsdenotedby( ,DE)and( ,AS). coverofeachspeciesrecorded.Totalgroundcoverof intoonecompositesamplepersiteandsamplingtime. weeds was calculated as the sum of percentages for Potassium(K),calcium(Ca),magnesium(Mg)andP individual species. The number of live maize plants were extracted using the Mehlich 1 solution (HCl was determined in each quadrat. At harvest, maize 0.05moll(cid:1)1+H SO 0.0125moll(cid:1)1),withavailable 2 4 plants were cut at soil level, separated into ears with P determined colorimetrically using the ammonium husk and stalks, and fresh weights were recorded. molybdate with ascorbic acid method, K determined Weedswereseparatedintothetwodominantspecies, by flame emission photometry, and Ca and Mg seedlings were separated from sprouts, and the fresh determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. weight of all groupings recorded. When possible, all Exchangeablealuminumwasextractedwith1moll(cid:1)1 plant material was brought back to the laboratory, KClandthefiltratetitratedwith0.025moll(cid:1)1NaOH. dried at 608C for at least 24h, and weighed. Total carbon and nitrogen were determined by dry Weeds were identified with the collaboration of combustion with an automatic Leco CN-2000 CN INPA(InstitutoNacionalde Pesquisas daAmazoˆnia) analyzer (Leco Corporation, St. Joseph, MI, USA). and according to Ribeiro et al. (1999) and Lorenzi Particle size analysis was carried out using the (2000). hydrometer method (Bouyoucos, 1927). Soilsamplingtoadepthof20cm wascarriedout Transectswereestablishedon16croppedplotson usingaDutch auger.Eightsamples were collectedat tenfarms(Fig.1),andweedsidentifiedinten1.5m2 seeding from each 12m(cid:3)13m site, and combined quadrats,separatedby1malongthetransect.Thus,a 4 J.Majoretal./Agriculture,EcosystemsandEnvironment111(2005)1–12 total of 15m2 were sampled on each of the 16 plots. and 1208C for 30min were also included. Species Theplotssurveyedwereplantedtoanumberofcrops, emerginginthecontrolflatswereconsideredtohave whichwereatdifferentstagesofgrowthatthetimeof beencarriedintothescreenhouse,whichwasnotfully sampling. A variety of crop management and weed screenedfromtheoutside,andwereexcludedfromthe controlstrategieswereusedonthedifferentplots.The analysis. Flats were watered as required, but not lastweedingpriortothesurveyrangedfrom2weeks fertilized. Emergence was assessed twice weekly for to 2 months. The quadrats sampled for the four DE approximately 59 days. Emerged seedlings were sites in the maize field experiment, with a total of removed and transplanted into separate pots until 13.5m2 surveyed per site, were also included in the theycould be identified. Due to high temperatures in survey. the screenhouse, shallow soil depths in the flats and Fortheseedbankstudy,soilsampleswerecollected logistical limitations, excessive soil drying occurred on 16–17 April 2003 along the Urubu´ River, on several occasions, resulting in 37% of observed Amazonas, Brazil (Fig. 1), in the latter part of the seedlings dying before they could be identified. rainy season that typically lasts from December to Hereafter, these seedlings are categorized as being May.Allsamplinglocationswereunderoldforest,and ‘‘unaccounted’’. based on knowledge from local inhabitants had not Analyses of variance were performed using the been disturbed. For AS sites, this likely meant that GLMprocedureinSAS(SASInstitute,2001),withall these areas were under ‘‘virgin’’ forest, whereas the termstreatedasfixedvariablesexceptlocationinthe DE sites had probably not been cropped since seedbank study, which was treated as a random abandonment by Indigenous people when their variable nested within soil type. After examining populations were decimated between 1600 and 1700 residual plots, weed percentage ground cover data A.D.Sixlocationsweresampled:Z,A,andSonDE werearcsine-squareroottransformed,countsofweed and D, I, and L on AS. At each site, a transect was individuals as well as seedbank emergence counts established approximately 10m into the forest and weresquareroottransformed,andbiomassdatawere paralleltotheedgeoffalloworcroppedfields.Atone log transformed to stabilize variance. In analyses, meter intervals for a distance of 10m, sampling was ramets of species reproducing by rhizomes or root carried out along a 1m line perpendicular to the sprouts were considered to be separate individuals. transect. Using a Dutch auger, four equidistant soil Sorensen’s coefficient of similarity (S) was used to cores were taken along this line on either side of the compareweedcommunitiesatdifferentsites,accord- transect,toadepthof15cm.Coarsedebrisandloose ing to the equation surfacerootswereremovedbeforesampling.Thefour 2c samplescollectedforeachofthe10mlocationswere S¼ s þs combinedtoyield10compositesamplespersampling 1 2 location. The sampling area of 667cm2 is within the where c is the number of species common to both range used in other similar studies, such as Uhl and communities, s is the number of species in the first 1 Clark, 1983 and Benoit et al., 1989. community and s is the number of species in the 2 Samples were air-dried for one week in the dark second community. Pearson Moment Correlation beforeprocessing.Afterbreakinglargesoilaggregates coefficients were calculated for the various weed byhand,1lsub-samplesofsoilwereplacedinplastic and maize parameters. germination flats. Sixty flats, 10 for each of the six locations, were placed in a screenhouse receiving natural light with flats arranged in a completely 3. Results and discussion randomized design. The photoperiod during the trial was approximately12h,andprevious datashowthat 3.1. Soil fertility temperatures inside the screenhouse during the study periodaveraged318Cbutcouldhavereachedadaily DE soils at CA and RU1 were more fertile than maximumof418C.Twentycontrolflatscontaining1l theircorrespondingASareas,asevidencedbyhigher of DE soil of unknown origin autoclaved at 101kPa pH, P content and base saturation, and lower Al J.Majoretal./Agriculture,EcosystemsandEnvironment111(2005)1–12 5 Table1 KeysoilpropertiesofsamplestakeninFebruary2003afterslash-and-burnofsecondarygrowthonfourAmazonianDarkEarth(DE)andfour adjacentsoils(AS)inthecentralBrazilianAmazon Parameter Unit CA-DE CA-AS RP-DE RP-AS RU1-DE RU1-AS RU2-DE RU2-AS pH (CaCl) 5.02 4.07 4.71 5.03 4.62 4.48 4.51 4.47 2 P (mgkg(cid:1)1) 200.1 5.1 44.8 2.8 15.0 3.4 7.5 4.0 BSa (%) 65 2 12 24 20 2 2 4 ALSb (%) 0 19 14 12 10 19 17 17 a Basesaturation. b Aluminumsaturation. saturation(Table1).DEsoilsatRPandRU2,however, (P<0.0001). While yields were low, maize dry ear exhibitedhighAlsaturation,lowPcontentinthecase biomasswasgreatestonthemorefertileDEsitesCA of RU2-DE, and lower base saturation than the andRU1(1.4and3.2tha(cid:1)1,respectively).Lowerthan corresponding AS areas (Table 1). Past management expectedyieldsattheCA-DEversustheRU1-DEsite mayhavenegativelyaffectedfertilitylevels,resulting were likely due to soil compaction from a road in a fertility gradient among DE sites. crossingtheCA-DEsiteinthepast.AttheCA-ASand RU2-ASsitesnoearswereproduced.TheCA-DEsite, 3.2. History of study sites although subjected to high disturbance and soil compaction in the past, did not experience large soil Important differences in past-use history charac- fertility declines as might be expected. terizedthefieldsitesusedinthisstudy.Forthisreason, Weeding did not have a significant effect thefieldsitesweredividedintotwogroups,basedon (P>0.05)onoverallmaizeperformance.Ingeneral, the intensity ofpast-use history.The ‘‘intensive-use’’ maize did not respond to weed removal, however at sites include locations CA and RP (Fig. 1, Table 2), the CA-DE site both ear and stalk biomass were, on whichareclosertomarketsinManausandRioPreto average, more than double in weeded plots daEva,inthecaseofRP,andwheremostDElandis (1.9tha(cid:1)1 ear) versus non-weeded plots (0.9tha(cid:1)1 underpermanentcropproduction.AttheCA-DEsite, 1ear).Incontrasttoothersites,weedpressureatthe landusepriortofallowingwasintensiveasremnants CA-DE site occurred early but decreased rapidly ofaroadandasuspecteddwellingwerenoticedonthe following the removal of weeds 1 month after experimentalplot.Similarly,theRP-DEsitewasused seeding when maize was at the six-leaf stage. Yield as a cattle pasture from 1988 to 1996. The intensive losses in maize ranging from 2 to 28% have been past use of these sites contrasts with the ‘‘light-use’’ reported in temperate regions, when weed removal sites and may have influenced weed-crop dynamics. was delayed until four weeks after seeding (Wilson The‘‘light-use’’sitesincludeRU1andRU2.These and Westra, 1991; Hall et al., 1992; Hellwig et al., sites are further away from the city of Manaus and, 2002). Higher soil fertility may increase the period therefore, market access is substantially reduced. duringwhichmaizecropscantolerateweedssuchas Although some horticultural crops are produced for in Nebraska, where the initiation of the critical marketonasmallscale,subsistenceagricultureisthe periodforweedcontrolinamaizefieldwasdelayed dominant practice on these sites. Experimental plots until the six-leaf stage with a nitrogen (N) selectedatthese‘‘light-use’’sitesreportedlyhadbeen application of 120kgha(cid:1)1, and resulted in an underfallowforshorterperiodsthanplotsinthemore acceptable yield loss of 5% (Evans et al., 2003). intensive-usesites,althoughcroppinghadnotbeenas Whennofertilizerwasadded,thecriticalperiodfor intensive. weedcontroloccurredatthetwo-leafstageofmaize. Similarly, maize was better able to tolerate weed 3.3. Maize performance pressure with a 220–250kgNha(cid:1)1 application as opposedtoa100–130kgNha(cid:1)1applicationinfield The effects of soil type, DE or AS, site, and their trials in southwestern Ontario, Canada (Tollenaar interaction on maize yield were all highly significant et al., 1994). 6 Table2 Fieldsitedescription,methodoflandpreparation,andintensityofburnforfourAmazonianDarkEarth(DE)andfouradjacentsoil(AS)sitesinthecentralBrazilianAmazon Locationname Locationcode Standingvegetationa Methodoflandpreparation Intensityofburnb CostadoAc¸utuba CA-DE Morethan10yearoldregrowth,dominated SlashedwkofJan.21,2003 Notburned bySennasp.trees15cmdiameteratbase. J Suspectedlocationofadwelling. . M CA-AS Virginforest,trees25mhigh SlashedinFeb.2002,burnedinJuly2002, Intense a jo hoedbeforeplanting r e t RioPretodaEva RP-DE 7-Yearoldregrowthafterpastureabandonment, SlashedwkofJan.28,2003, Light a l. treessparselydistributed,5mhigh burnedwkofFeb.10,2003 / A RP-AS Virginforestclearedin1995andplantedtorice, Slashed,andburnedandcleanedwithahoe Light gr thenmaniocandfruittreesplantedin1996, wkofJan.10,2003 icu sitesomewhatabandonedattime ltu re experimentestablished , E c RioUrubu1 RU1-DE 6-Yearoldregrowthdominated UnderstoryslashedwkofJan.28,2003, Moderate os y byOcoteasp.,10mhigh treescutFeb.4,burnedwkofFeb.5, ste branchesremovedbyhandbeforelightly m s re-burningtheleaflitterandplanting an d RU1-AS 16-Yearoldregrowthdominated ClearedSept.2002,burnedwkofFeb.5, Moderate E byVismiasp.,10mhigh branchesremovedbyhandbeforelightly nv re-burningtheleaflitterandplanting iro n RioUrubu2 RU2-DE 3-Yearoldregrowthdominated ClearedandburnedNov.2002 Moderate m e byVismiasp.,10mhigh, nt 1 treediameterbetween3and10cmatbase 1 1 RU2-AS 8-Yearoldregrowthslashedin2001, Re-cutNov.2002,burned7Feb.2003,plot Light (2 notpreviouslyplantedtocrops cleanedwithahoe 00 5 a Asobservedandreportedbylocalinhabitants. )1 b Light:treetrunksandmostbranchesleftunburned,moderate:mosttreebranchesburned,intense:mostplantmaterialburned. –1 2 J.Majoretal./Agriculture,EcosystemsandEnvironment111(2005)1–12 7 3.4. Weed population weedings,weedcoverwasgreateronweededDEplots atRP(28%)andCA(19%)sitesthanonsimilarplots Weed populations measured at the different sites at the other two sites (on average 6.5%) (P<0.05). variedwidely.Forexample,aweedcoverof100%was Theseedbank at theCAsitewasprobablyverylarge obtainedonplotsattheCA-DEsite,whilesomenon- since within 1 month of the start of the trial, annual weeded plots at the CA-AS site had a weed cover of weedsandespeciallyEuphorbiaheterophyllaL.were 0%. Consequently, therewas a significantinteraction thedominantgroupandcomprisednearly80%ofthe (P<0.05) between site and soil type for the number groundcover(Fig.2).AttheRP-DEsite,however,the ofweeds,percentageground coverandbiomass.The dominant species on weeded plots at harvest were percentage ground cover of weeds was strongly members of the Cyperaceae such as Cyperus cf. correlated to their dry biomass at harvest (Pearson’s aggregatus Endl., C. cf. diffusus Vahl, and Rhynch- correlation coefficient=0.8, P<0.0001), whereas ospora nervosa (Vahl) Boeck. subsp. ciliata T. the total number of individual weed plants in the Koyama, which reproduce primarily vegetatively. 1.5m2quadratswaspoorlycorrelatedwiththeircover OnmorefertileDEsoilsatsitesCAandRU1,the and biomass. Positive weed responses on DE soils better performance of maize reduced weed cover in were most apparent on the more fertile DE sites CA the weedy maize plots on average by 32 and 58% at (98.5%cover)andRU1(77.3%cover),incomparison CA and RU1, respectively, compared with the plots to AS at these same sites (2.2 and 26.7%, respec- whereonlyweedsgrew,whereasthiswasnotthecase tively).WeedcoveronASwasgreatestattheRPsite at the less fertile DE sites. Early weed emergence at where Solanum subinerme Jacq. was found, which the CA-DE site likely explains why differences in reproduces vigorously by root sprouts. Biomass was weed coverage between the weed-only and weedy generally greater in the plots with only weeds maizeplotswerenotasdrasticasfortheRU1-DEsite, compared to those with weedy maize. As expected, where weed emergence was more gradual. Similar theweededmaizeplotshadsignificantlyfewerweeds, findingswereobtainedbyJornsgardetal.(1996)ina lowerweedgroundcoverandbiomassatharvestthan cereal field experiment in Denmark. At lower N othertreatmentplots.Atharvest,after4monthlyhand applications of 30–54kgNha(cid:1)1, crop growth and Fig.2. ProportionofgroundcovercomprisedofannualweedsandperennialsproutsatfourAmazonianDarkEarth(DE)andfouradjacentsoil (AS)sitesinthecentralBrazilianAmazon.The‘‘other’’categoryincludessedges,perennialsreproducingbyseed,speciesthatcanbehaveas annualsorperennials,andspeciesthatcouldnotbeidentified. 8 J.Majoretal./Agriculture,EcosystemsandEnvironment111(2005)1–12 development were reduced and weed growth favored E. heterophylla, Phyllanthus niuri L., Cyperus cf. because a greater proportion of light reached the aggregatus, C. cf. diffusus, and Microtea debilis Sw., weeds. At higher N application rates of 90– allofwhicharenativetotheAmericas,andAcalypha 162kgNha(cid:1)1,cropgrowthwasimprovedandplants arvensisPoepp.andEndl., whoseoriginis unknown. were able to overtop and shade out the weeds. On some sites, a single species represented more The greater weed pressure observed early in the than 60%of theweed coverage at harvest. Examples growing season on the CA-DE site was likely due to includeSpermacocelatifoliaAubl.attheRU1-DEsite the high disturbance history of the site and to it not and P. niuri at the CA-DE site. However, no single beingburned(Table2).Firehasbeendemonstratedto weed species was dominant across all field sites. reduce seedbanks in proportion to its intensity Sixty-two percent or 48 out of 77 weed species were (Monaco, 1998). found on only one site, including E. heterophylla L., Sida rhombifolia L., and S. subinerme Jacq. which 3.5. Weed species richness and dominance were each dominant on the site they colonized. Interestingly,S.rhombifoliahasbeenreportedtobean A total of 77 plant species were identified at the indicatorspeciesofhighsoilfertilityinCostaRica(de eight experimental sites. Mean species richness for la Cruz, 1994)and we found this species only onthe individualpermanentquadratswasgreateronDEthan CA-DEsite,themostfertileofthesites.Dominanceof AS soils, 8.0 and 4.2 respectively, except at the RU2 grasses and sedges was reported on intensively site,whichhadsimilarlylowchemicalfertilityonboth managed soils of Nigeria and Uganda where fertility soiltypes.Thegreatestnumberofspecieswasfoundat declines had occurred (Ugen and Wortman, 2001; the CA-DE site, while the lowest number of species Akobundu and Ekeleme, 2002). In this study, sedges was at the CA-AS site, 29 and 5 respectively. and grasses were each dominant with >40% of total Speciesrichnesshasoftenbeenobservedtofollow weed cover on four sites: RP-DE, which was aunimodalpatternalongaproductivitygradient,with previously used for pasture, and three AS sites: RP- the highest diversity occurring at moderate produc- AS, RU1-AS, and RU2-AS. The leguminous woody tivity levels and lowest diversity found at range vine,DerrisamazonicaKillip,waspresentonallsites extremes (Grime, 1979; Stevens and Carson, 1999). exceptCA,althoughsometimesatverylowdensities. Other factors may also be critical, with disturbance playing an especially important role in facilitating 3.6. Leguminous weeds species colonization (Grace, 1999 and references therein).InDEcropproductionsystems,fertilityand Although differences varied significantly between disturbance are often closely linked. In general, DE sites,thenumberofleguminousindividualsandtheir soilsarelocatedclosertodisturbedoropenareassuch percentage ground cover was greater on DE than AS as rivers and dwellings, where plant dispersal and (average 21 and 4%, respectively, P<0.0001). migration are facilitated. In addition, DE soils are Legumes occupied the greatest proportion of ground subjected to more frequent disturbance, with shorter cover on ‘‘light-use’’ sites RU1 and RU2 where the fallow periods (German, 2003). Weed dispersal and woodyvine D.amazonica Killip was dominant.This colonizationarealsoassistedbytheuseofmanureand species relies largely on vegetative sprouting for weedseed-contaminatedsoilamendments,which are propagationand,forthisreason,isexpectedathigher most often applied to DE soils and not AS in small- densitieswhereburnsarelessfrequentandintense(de holder agricultural production systems. Rouw, 1993) and where weeding is less intensive WeedcommunitiesonDEsiteshadamoresimilar (Kellman, 1980). species composition (P=0.069) than on AS sites. High availability of P, Ca, and micronutrients as Many weed species present on sites CA and RP well as low N availability stimulate the biological characterized as having an ‘‘intensive-use’’ history fixation of atmospheric N , which gives legumes a 2 werealsoobservedinurbanareasofManausincluding competitiveadvantageonDE(Lehmann etal.,2003) roadsides and abandoned lots. Examples of these explaining the greater proportion of legume weeds ‘‘cosmopolitan species’’ include Euphorbia hirta L., observed on DE than AS. In fact, N availability has J.Majoretal./Agriculture,EcosystemsandEnvironment111(2005)1–12 9 beenfoundtobereducedinDEsoilsbecauseofhigh Interestingly, weed species found on both soil types C:N ratios. didnotdifferintheirtimingoffloweringandfruitset. The proportion of biomass from woody sprouting 3.7. Weed reproductive strategy vegetation was greater at sites having ‘‘light-use’’ histories,anddidnotvarysignificantlywithsoiltype Annual species constituted a greater proportion of or weed treatment. Sprouting, as a regenerative weeds and vegetative cover on DE soils than AS strategy, is facilitated on sites with low weeding (P<0.05), although differences varied significantly intensity, less frequent or lighter burns (Kellman, betweensites(Fig.2).Thisfinding isconsistentwith 1980; Uhl et al., 1982; de Rouw, 1993). The workbyTilman(1987)andDielemanetal.(2000)in substantially lower woody sprout biomass at the temperate regions showing that annuals are most RP-DE site was likely due to the site being used for abundant on more fertile soils. The greatest differ- pasturefor8years,whileatCA-DEthepresenceofa encesintheproportionofgroundcovercomprisedby dwelling in the past could explain the lower sprout annuals occurred at locations CA and RU1, where biomass obtained (Fig. 2). fertilitydifferencesbetweenDEandASweregreatest. WeedsenteredthereproductivephaseearlieronDE 3.8. Weed survey than AS sites. During the experiment, an average of 50%ofthespeciesoccurringonDEsitesand31%of Ninety-eight species were identified in the weed those occurring on AS sites flowered. These differ- surveyof20DEplotsincludingthosesurveyedforthe ences could be due to the contrasting phenologies of maizetrial.Awiderdiversityofweedswasrecorded, the species observed on each soil type rather than compared to that found in the controlled maize effects of the soil per se. More annual species were experiment,with44ofthespeciesfoundononlyone foundonDEsoilsthanAS,andtheseareexpectedto surveyed plot. The most frequent species were A. flowerandsetfruitearlierthanmostperennialspecies. arvensis Poepp. and Endl. (frequency (f)=0.65), P. Fig.3. Frequencyratingsbylifeformforweedssurveyedon16croppedAmazonianDarkEarth(DE)plotsinthecentralBrazilianAmazon. Shrubsandepiphytesarenotincludedsinceeachhadafrequencyof0.6%. 10 J.Majoretal./Agriculture,EcosystemsandEnvironment111(2005)1–12 niuri L. (f =0.60), and Mollugo verticillata L. The mean seedling density for AS corresponds to (f =0.55). All three may be considered ‘‘cosmopo- densities and associated seedbank sizes of 344–862 litan’’ species, as they were frequently observed seedlings m(cid:1)2 reported by Guevara and Gomez- growing in highly disturbed, urban areas. Thirteen Pompa (1972) for tropical forest soils. The seedling species were in the Euphorbiaceae family and densityforDEsoilsanditsassociatedseedbanksizeis accounted for 24% of frequency recordings. Forbs within the 2,300 seedlings m(cid:1)2 range reported by werethemostfrequentlyrecordedlifeform,followed Garcia(1995)foragriculturalsoilsinthetropics,even by trees (Fig. 3). Overall, 57% of species surveyed though the sample area was not under agricultural were perennials, 24% were annuals and 19% not production. The rate of seedling emergence was known. greatest between days 21 and 31 and was generally consistent across locations. Emergence rates 3.9. Seedbanks decreased gradually thereafter (Fig. 4). The observed differences between DE and AS are Seedlingsfromatotalof15specieswererecorded: likelyduetodifferentlevelsofdisturbanceassociated one member each of the Cyperaceae and Legumino- with the areas adjacent to sampling locations. In a seae,threemembersofCecropia,onemembereachof slash-and-burnagriculturalsystemwherenotillageis Vismia and Fittonia, Solanum appressum K.E. Roe, practiced, increased disturbance leads to increased Trema micrantha Blume, and six species groups that weed biomass and seedbanks when compared with could not be identified by name. In general, more fallowing (Akobundu et al., 1999; Ekeleme et al., seedlingsemergedinDEsoilsthanAS(9.1versus2.2 2004).DisturbanceisincreasedonDEbecauseshorter per flat, respectively, P<0.05), but there were fallows are used (German, 2003), and these soils are significant differences (P<0.05) between sampling oftencroppedmoreintensively,atleastwhenmarkets locations. Similarly, seedlings of more species areaccessible.Furthermore,whileswiddensonASare emerged from DE soils than AS (2.1 versus 1.2, sometimesclearedfarfrompermanentlivingareasor respectively, P<0.1), with no significant effect of evenonlandnotdirectlyadjacenttothem,dwellings samplinglocation.Thesevaluesconvertto1,365and areusuallylocatedclosetoswiddenplotsonDE,and 330seedlingsm(cid:1)2forDEsoilsandAS,respectively. thereforedisturbanceisincreased.Infact,DElocation Fig.4. Cumulativenumberofemergedseedlingsoveran8-weekperiodinascreenhousefor667cm2soilsamplesfromundisturbedsoils collectedatthreeAmazonianDarkEarth(DE)andthreeadjacentsoil(AS)locationsinthecentralBrazilianAmazon.