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Preview Wedge-local fields in integrable models with bound states II. Diagonal S-matrix

Wedge-local fields in integrable models with bound states II. Diagonal S-matrix 6 Daniela Cadamuro 1 0 e-mail: [email protected] 2 Mathematisches Institut, Universit¨at Go¨ttingen g u Bunsenstrasse 3-5, D-37073 Go¨ttingen, Germany. A Yoh Tanimoto 8 1 e-mail: [email protected] Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Tokyo ] h 3-8-1 Komaba Meguro-ku Tokyo 153-8914, Japan. p - h JSPS SPD postdoctoral fellow t a m [ Abstract 4 v We construct candidates for observables in wedge-shaped regions for aclass of 1+1- 2 dimensional integrable quantum field theories with bound states whose S-matrix is 9 diagonal, by extending our previous methods for scalar S-matrices. Examples include 0 7 the Z(N)-Ising models, the A -affine Toda field theories and some S-matrices with N−1 0 CDD factors. . 1 Weshowthatthesecandidateoperatorswhichareassociated withelementary parti- 0 cles commute weakly on a dense domain. For the models with two species of particles, 6 1 we can take a larger domain of weak commutativity and give an argument for the : Reeh-Schlieder property. v i X r 1 Introduction a Important developments in the construction of 1+1 dimensional quantum field theories with factorizing S-matrices have been obtained in recent years in the operator-algebraic approach. In the class of scalar S-matrices with no poles in the physical strip, Lechner [Lec03, Lec08] considered a large family of analytic functions which satisfy certain regularity conditions and constructed quantum field theories which have these functions as the two-particle S- matrix. The idea is to construct first observables localized in an infinitely extended wedge- shaped region. Lechner and Schu¨tzenhofer [LS14] generalized this construction of wedge- local observables to theories with a richer particle spectrum, which include among others the O(N)-invariant nonlinear σ-models. More recently, Alazzawi and Lechner (see [Ala14]) showed that the existence of strictly local observables in this class of models should follow if certain representations of the symmetric groups S can be nicely intertwined. Candidates n 1 for observables in wedges in certain massless models have also been found and their relation to conformal field theories have been investigated by one of the authors [DT11, Tan12, BT13, LST13, Tan14, BT15]. In [CT15], we further generalized Lechner’s construction to scalar models with S-matrices which have poles in the physical strip, which are believed to correspond to the presence of bound states. In these models, the scalar two-particle S-matrix has only one pair of poles in the physical strip, and it is interpreted that two bosons of the same species fuse into another boson of the same species (the Bullough-Dodd model is believed to have such properties). For this class of S-matrices, we constructed operators φ(f) := φ(f) + χ(f) by adding the bound-state operator χ(f) to the field φ(f) of Lechner, and we showed that φ(f) weakly commute with its reflected operator φ′(g) on a commonedomain. Hence this φ(f) is a good candidate for a wedge-local observable. e In this work, we extend this consteruction to models with a richer particle sepectrum. The modelswhich canbetreatedwithour methods have diagonalS-matrixandinclude the Z(N)- Ising model and the A -affine Toda field theories and other S-matrices with a CDD factor. N−1 These models are characterized by N 1 species of particles and an intricate pole structure − in the physical strip, which include simple and double poles. Moreover, the fusion process between the k-th species and the l-th species results in the (k+l mod N)-th species, hence the models realize a more realistic binding process (c.f. the Bullough-Dodd model we studied previously, where the bound state of the same two species is again the same species). They have already been studied before in the form factor programme [KS79, BK03, BFK06]. However, the convergence of the expansion of n-point functions in terms of form factors remains an open problem and Wightman fields for these models are not available to- day. Our goal is to attain a realization of these models in the operator-algebraic framework, i.e. the Haag-Kastler axioms. In this framework, we construct candidates for wedge-local observables by extending the construction carried out in [CT15] to a multi-particle situation. Our candidate operator φ(f) is given by the multi-particle component field φ(f) of Lechner-Schu¨tzenhofer [LS14] by adding a multi-particle extension of the bound state operator χ(f) introduced in [CT15]. We aelso construct the reflected operator φ′(g) and show that those components corresponding to “elementary particles” commute weakly on a dense domain. In the Z(N)-Ising models, these elementary particles are those which ehave index 1 or N 1. They are again polarization-free − generators (PFGs, an operator localized in a wedge which generates a one-particle state from the vacuum) [BBS01] but not temperate. The question of strong commutativity remains open. Since this time it is impossible to choose f such that χ(f) is positive in these models, the mere existence of a self-adjoint extension is more complicated. We think that this domain issue of unbounded operators is an essential feature of the models with bound states and deserves a separate study (c.f. [Tan15]). We will see that even the domain of weak commutativity is subtler in general, but the models with two species of particles, including the Z(3)-Ising model and the A - 2 affine Toda field theory, behave better. For these subclass of models, we also argue that the Reeh-Schlieder property holds, once the issue of strong commutativity is settled. The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. 2, we introduce our general notation for multi-particle Fock space recalling the results of Lechner-Schu¨tzenhofer [LS14]. Moreover, 2 we list the general properties of diagonal S-matrices with poles in the physical strip, of which examplesaretheZ(N)-IsingmodelsandtheA -affineTodafieldtheoriesandthosewithan N−1 extra(CDD)factor. Sec. 3isdedicated totheconstruction oftheboundstateoperatorsχ(f), χ′(g). We specify their domains and show symmetry properties as quadratic forms. In Sec. 4 we construct candidate operators φ(f) and φ′(g) and prove the weak wedge-commutativity between the components for “elementary particles”. Moreover, we argue that the Z(3)-Ising model and the A -affine Toda fieldetheory saetisfy the Reeh-Schlieder property. We expect 2 that this holds in general. In Sec. 5, we summarize our results and discuss open problems. 2 Zamolodchikov-Faddeev algebra Our construction of wedge-local observables is an extension of [CT15] to a larger class of integrable models with a richer particle spectrum. For a general overview of the program of constructing Haag-Kastler nets from given S-matrices, see [CT15, Section 2.1]. We consider quantum field theories in 1 + 1 dimensional Minkowski space with factorizing S-matrices, whicharecharacterizedbyamatrix-valuedtwo-particlescatteringfunctionfulfillinganumber of properties. These properties, without poles in the physical strip, have already been treated in the operator-algebraic framework by Lechner-Schu¨tzenhofer [LS14] and Alazzawi [Ala14]. In the following, we recall the mathematical framework and the notation we will use to describe these models, following [LS14]. 2.1 Diagonal S-matrix In the model with sharp mass shells, we have the well-defined concept of one-particle states. By isolating the irreducible representations of the Poincar´e group, we assign them indices α,β,.... As our models have factorizing S-matrix, their two-particle scattering process can be specified by the matrix-valued function Sαβ(θ), where θ is the difference of rapidities of γδ incoming particles. In this work, we restrict ourselves to models in which two incoming particles of types α,β result in two outgoing particles of types β,α. Such an S-matrix is called “diagonal” and has only non-zero components Sαβ(θ). We list in Section 2.2 examples of such diagonal βα S-matrices and refer to literature for their Lagrangian description, if any. As in the scalar case [CT15], our model can also include fusion processes. Indeed, each pole of the component Sαβ (of the so-called s-channel) in the physical strip corresponds to βα such a fusion process, and one needs to incorporate them in order to keep locality of the model. For simplicity, in this paper we assume that the fusion of two species is just one species. More complicated processes appear e.g. in the sine-Gordon model, which we will study in a separate work [CT16b]. The scattering data Now the S-matrix S is specified by the following data: index set , which is a finite set, = K. The elements of this set are denoted by • I |I| Greek letters, such as α,β,γ,δ,µ,ν,υ. Each element corresponds to a single species of 3 particle in the model. charge structure: for each index α, there is the conjugate charge α¯ , which is • ∈ I another index. It holds that α¯¯ = α. masses m : for each index α, there is a positive number m > 0, which is the mass α α • { } of the particle of the species α. We consider only massive particles. fusion table: to some pairs of indices α,β, there corresponds another index γ,α = • 6 γ = β. There is a list of all such correspondences and we call it the fusion table of the 6 model. When we write (αβ) γ, there is a correspondence from the pair α,β to γ → and this is called a fusion (process). In this paper, we assume that for a pair α,β, there is only one index γ such that (αβ) γ 1. → We assume further that if (αβ) γ is an entry of the fusion table, so are (βα) γ, ¯ ¯ → → (γα¯) β, (γβ) α and (α¯β) γ¯. The entries of the fusion tables are called an → → → s-channel of the fusion (e.g. [Que99, Kor00]). fusion angles θ : if (αβ) γ is a fusion process, then there is a positive number (αβ) • { } → θ (0,π) and there holds: (αβ) ∈ p (ζ +iθ )+p (ζ iθ ) = p (ζ), (1) mα (αβ) mβ − (βα) mγ mcoshζ where p (ζ) = . By putting ζ = 0 and considering only the real part, we m msinhζ (cid:18) (cid:19) can depict this relation as Figure 1. Eq (1) resembles energy-momentum conservation, but not quite due to complex arguments. One could interpret this relation as the situation where two “virtual” particles fuse into a third “real” particle (the bounded particle) whose momentum lies in the mass shell [Que99, Section 1.3.7]. S-matrix components Sαβ : for each pair α,β of indices there is a meromorphic • { βα} function Sαβ(ζ) on C with the following properties (c.f. [LS14, Definition 2.1]) for βα ζ C: ∈ (S1) Unitarity. Sαβ(ζ)−1 = Sβα(ζ¯). βα αβ (S2) Parity symmetry. Sαβ(ζ) = Sβα(ζ). βα αβ (S3) Hermitian analyticity. Sαβ(ζ) = Sβα( ζ)−1. βα αβ − (S4) Crossing symmetry. Sαβ(iπ ζ) = Sβ¯α(ζ). βα − αβ¯ (S5) CPT invariance. Sαβ(ζ) = Sα¯β¯(ζ). βα β¯α¯ (S6) Bootstrap equation. If (αβ) γ is a fusion process, there holds → Sγν(ζ) = Sαν(ζ +iθ )Sβν(ζ iθ ). (2) νγ να (αβ) νβ − (βα) 1 We are awarethat this is not the generalcase. We plan to investigatethe sine-Gordonmodel where two breathers can fuse into different two breathers [Que99] in a separate paper [CT16a] 4 (S7) Pole structure. For each fusion (αβ) γ, Sαβ(ζ) has a simple pole at ζ = iθ , → βα αβ 0 < θ < π, where αβ θ := θ +θ . αβ (αβ) (βα) Furthermore, Sαβ has another simple pole at ζ = iθ′ := iπ iθ if and only βα βα¯ − βα¯ if (βα¯) is also a fusion. This is consistent with crossing symmetry. If (αβ) γ → is a fusion process, then the pole in Sβα¯ at ζ = iθ′ is called the t-channel α¯β αβ pole. In the physical terminology, we insert only fusion processes corresponding to s-channel poles in the fusion table. For a fusion process (αβ) γ, we denote → Rγ := Res Sαβ(ζ), R′γ := Res Sβα¯(ζ), (3) αβ ζ=iθαβ βα αβ ζ=iθα′β α¯β In general, we define Rγ = R′γ = 0 if (αβ) γ is not a fusion process. αβ αβ → (S8) Value at zero. Sαα(0) = 1. αα − (S9) Regularity. Each component of S has only finitely many zeros and there is ǫ > 0 such that S := sup Sαβ(ζ) : ζ R+i( ǫ,ǫ),α,β < . k kǫ {| βα | ∈ − ∈ I} ∞ Elementary particles. There is a distinguished index υ such that υ = υ¯ called the • 6 elementary particle (we will call υ¯ an elementary particle as well, but we fix an index υ) which has the following properties: – Sυβ has only simple poles (no higher poles) or no pole at all for each β. βυ – Sυβ hasatmosttwosimplepolesinthephysical stripR+i(0,π), onecorresponding βυ to the fusion process (υβ) γ and the other which is a t-channel pole for the → process (γυ¯) β (this properties is known as maximal analyticity). → – The fusion angle θ does not depend on α and it holds that θ = θ . (αυ) (αυ) (αυ¯) – It holds that θ +θ = π for any α which is not an elementary particle. (υα) (υ¯α) – If (υυ) κ is a fusion process, we say that κ is a composite particle. Recursively, → if (υβ) γ where β iscomposite, then γ is againa composite particle. We assume → that each index in is either elementary or composite. In other words, one can I arrive at any index by making successive fusions by an elementary particle. – Let κ be the index such that (υυ) κ. Then κ is the unique index for which → Sκυ(ζ) has a pole in R+i[0,θ ]. υκ (κυ) – Positive residue. For each fusion process (αυ) γ including υ, it holds that → Rγ iR . As we remarked in [CT15], this property is related with the unitarity αυ ∈ + ofHamiltonian(ifitexists atall). Notethat, fromother properties, itisautomatic that Rγ is purely imaginary but the condition Rγ iR does not follow and it αυ αυ ∈ + is crucial for our main results. Note that (S9) refers to the supremum in a neighborhood of the real line and not of the whole physical strip, because S now has poles inour cases. Inthe cases without poles [LS14, Ala14], 5 the condition (S9) has been used only in the (attempt at a) proof of modular nuclearity. We need it already here, when we apply the Cauchy theorem, as we will see. Note that the fusion angles θ depend only on the mass ratios of the particles involved (αβ) (see Figure 1). mγ θ(β¯γ) mα mβ¯ θ(αβ) mγ θ(βα) mβ Figure 1: The mass parallelogram for fusion process (αβ) γ. The length of a vector is → proportional to the mass of the corresponding particle. As a consequence of the assumptions above, there are certain relations between these quantities. (P1) Consequence of (S5). If(αβ) γ isafusion, thenthereholdθ = θ ,θ = θ → (αβ) (α¯β¯) αβ α¯β¯ and Rγ = Rγ¯ . αβ α¯β¯ (P2) Consequence of Eq. (1). If (αβ) γ is a fusion, then there hold θ = θ and → (αβ) (γβ¯) θ = π θ (see also Figure 1). γβ¯ − (βα) (P3) Consequence of (S4). R′γ = Res Sβ¯α(ζ) = Res Sαβ(iπ ζ) = Rγ . (4) αβ ζ=iπ−iθαβ αβ¯ ζ=iπ−iθαβ βα − − αβ (P4) Consequence of (S6) and (S8). Shifting ζ ζ +iθ in Eq. (2), we find (βα) → Sγν(ζ +iθ ) = Sαν(ζ +iθ )Sβν(ζ). νγ (βα) να αβ νβ At ν = β, we have Sγβ(ζ +iθ ) = Sαβ(ζ +iθ )Sββ(ζ). βγ (βα) βα αβ ββ If (αβ) γ is a fusion, then so is (γβ¯) α and Sγβ has a t-channel pole at iθ′ , → → βγ γβ¯ which is equal to iθ as we saw in (P2). Furthermore, Sαβ(ζ + iθ ) has a pole at (βα) βα αβ ζ = 0, while Sββ(ζ) is unitary when ζ R, therefore, ββ ∈ Res Sγβ(ζ) = Res Sγβ(ζ +iθ ) = Res Sαβ(ζ)Sββ(0). ζ=iθ(′γβ¯) βγ ζ=0 βγ (βα) ζ=iθαβ βα ββ Moreover, Sββ(0) = 1 by (S8). Therefore, the equation above yields R′α = Rγ , ββ − γβ¯ − αβ which also implies by (4) that Rα = Rγ . γβ¯ αβ 6 (P5) Consequence of simple fusion process. We assumed that, if (αβ) γ, then → α = γ = β. It follows that Rα = Rβ = 0. 6 6 αβ αα¯ (P6) Consequence of properties of elementary particles. We assumed that any index α could be obtained with successive fusions of an elementary particle υ (we use the notation α = υk for k fusions, e.g. (υυ) υ2 ). The following relations hold: → sinh(kθ ) 0 θ = θ , θ = kθ , m = m , (5) (υkυ) 0 (υυk) 0 υk υ sinhθ 0 where θ is a constant (depending on the model). The first relation follows since θ 0 (αυ) depends only on υ. The second and third relations are proved by induction on k. Specifically, the third relation is proved by taking the real part of Eq. (1) with α = υk, β = υ and γ = υk+1 as below m coshζcoshθ +m coshζcoshθ = m coshζ υk 0 υ (υυk) υk+1 andusingthesecondrelationin(5). Thesecondrelationfollowsbytakingtheimaginary part of Eq. (1) with α = υk+1, β = υ and γ = υk+2, which is given by the following expression m sinhζsinhθ m sinhζsinhθ = 0 υk+1 0 υ (υυk+1) − and using the third relation in (5). We note that parity symmetry (S2) implies that the bootstrap equation holds for the flipped indices: Sνγ(ζ) = Sνα(ζ +iθ )Sνβ(ζ iθ ). γν αν (αβ) βν − (βα) 2.2 Examples 2.2.1 The S-matrix of the Z(N)-Ising model The Z(N)-Ising models are conjectured integrable quantum field theories which should be obtained as the scaling limit of certain statistical models [KS79]. The form factors of fields in the models have been investigated in [BFK06]. Particle spectrum Let us fix N Z,N 3. The Z(N)-Ising model contains N 1 species of particles, labeled ∈ ≥ − by α = 1, N 1 . There are fusion processes where two particles of type α,β ∈ I { ··· − } ∈ I fuseinto anotherparticleof typeα+β mod N, forallα+β = 0 mod N. Ifα+β = N, there 6 is no fusion process. Moreover, the conjugate charge of a particle of type α is α¯ = N α. − The masses of the particles are απ sin N m = m , (6) α 1 π sin N where m > 0 is the mass of the first particle, which is arbitrary. 1 7 Fusion table and angles The angles θ , yielding the position of the simple poles, can be obtained using (1) and (6). (αβ) One finds explicitly: βπ, α+β < N, θ = N (7) (αβ) ((N−β)π, α+β > N. N Summarizing, the fusion table of the Z(N)-Ising model is (c.f[Que99, Table 3.1], there seems to be a mistake in the Bindungswinkel (fusion angle) of the second case): processes rapidities of particles fusion angles cases (αβ) α+β θ = βπ,θ = απ θ = (α+β)π α+β < N −→ (αβ) N (βα) N αβ N no fusion α+β = N (αβ) 2N α β θ = (N−β)π,θ = (N−α)π θ = (2N−α−β)π α+β > N −→ − − (αβ) N (βα) N αβ N S-matrix components and their poles The component of the S-matrix corresponding to α = 1 particles is given by 1 2πi sinh θ+ 2 N S11(θ) = (cid:18) (cid:19), (8) 11 1 2iπ sinh θ 2 − N (cid:18) (cid:19) which has a simple pole at θ = iθ = 2iπ corresponding to the bound state (11) 2. The 11 N → value θ = 2iπ can be computed using (1) and (6) as well. 11 N All the other S-matrix elements Sβα(θ) can be computed using the Bootstrap equation αβ (S6), and one obtains the following expression (see [Que99, Section 3.2] for a more detailed account of the models and their bound states, yet one should be warned that the remark below about the product is missing there): α−1∗ sinh 1(θ+ iπ(β +m+1))sinh 1(θ+ iπ(β +m 1)) Sαβ(θ) = 2 N 2 N − , (9) βα sinh 1(θ iπ(β m 1))sinh 1(θ iπ(β m+1)) m=−(α−1) 2 − N − − 2 − N − Y where means that the index runs in steps of 2, namely (α 1), (α 3), ,α 3,α 1. ∗ − − − − ··· − − If α+β < N, this S-matrix element has two simple poles in the upper strip R+i(0,π) at ζ = iθ = iπ(α+β), corresponding to the bound state (αβ) γ = α+β. If furthermore αβ N → α = β, there is another simple pole at ζ = iθ′ = iπ α β . There are double poles at a 6 βα¯ N| − | distance of 2iπ between iπ α β and iπ(α+β). N N| − | N If α+β > N, there is a simple pole at iπ(2N α β), and if α = β, another simple pole N − − 6 at iπ α β , and there are double poles at a distance of 2πi between them. N| − | N The properties (S1)–(S7) and (S9) are straightforward, and we check them in 2.2.2 in more generality. (S8) is also well-known to the experts, yet has not been very often used in computations. To check it, one only has to note that in the product (9) with α = β there is the cancellation of a pole and a zero, and Sαα has only one simple pole in the physical strip αα (all the other poles are double). The properties of the elementary particles are new and we will check them below. 8 Elementary particles We declare that the particles corresponding to the indices 1 and N 1 are the elementary − particles of the model. In order to fix the notation, we take υ = 1. It is clear that any index α I = 1, ,N 1 can be achieved by α times fusion processes starting with 1. ∈ { ··· − } By (9), the components sinh 1(ζ + iπ(β +1))sinh 1(ζ + iπ(β 1)) S1β(ζ) = 2 N 2 N − β1 sinh 1(ζ iπ(β 1))sinh 1(ζ iπ(β +1)) 2 − N − 2 − N have clearly only two simple poles at ζ = iπ(β 1) (if β = 1) and ζ = iπ(β+1) and no other N − 6 N poles. Hence, by (S5), also the components SN−1β(ζ) = S1β¯(ζ) have only simple pole(s) βN−1 β¯1 at ζ = iπ(N β 1) (and at ζ = iπ(N β + 1) if β = 1). The poles of the components N − − N − 6 SαN−1(ζ) = Sα¯1(ζ) are also known from the above. From these observation, it is clear that N−1α 1α¯ S12 is the only component among S1β which has a pole in R+i[0, iπ] (actually at iπ). 21 { β1} N N Now, all the other properties of elementary particle are easy except positivity of the residues. Actually, we can show that that Res Sαβ(ζ) iR . ζ=iπ(α+β) βα ∈ + N Let us first consider the case α β and α + β < N. The pole at ζ = iπ(α+β) appears ≤ N in Eq. (9) in the sinh factor on the right hand side in the denominator for m = (α 1). − − Hence, the residue at this pole is given by Res Sαβ(ζ) = ζ=iπ(α+β) βα N sin π(β +1)sin πβ α−1∗ sin π (α+2β +m+1)sin π (α+2β +m 1) 2i N N 2N 2N − , sin π sin π (α+m+1)sin π (α+m 1) N m=−(α−1)+2 2N 2N − Y Since (α 1) + 2 m α 1 and 1 α,β < N 1,α + β < N (the last one by − − ≤ ≤ − ≤ − assumption), then all the arguments of the sine in the above formula are between 0 and π, where the sine is indeed positive. The case α > β follows from parity (S2) and the case α+β > N is automatic using CPT (S5). 2.2.2 S-matrix with CDD factor We treat more examples of S-matrices with the same mass spectrum and the fusion table as those of the Z(N)-Ising model. In this class of diagonal S-matrices, given an S11 with 11 suitable properties, one can construct the full S-matrix by formula (12) below and show that it fulfills properties of Section 2.1. General properties As the model has the same mass spectrum and fusion processes as the Z(N)-Ising model, S must have the same pole structure as the S-matrix S of that Z(N) model. Hence, we can write S11(ζ) = S 11(ζ)S 11(ζ), where S 11(ζ) has no pole in 11 Z(N)11 CDD11 CDD11 the physical strip. S 11 is called a CDD factor [CDD56]. We assume that S11 satisfies CDD11 11 Unitarity (S1), • 9 Hermitian analyticity (S3), • Periodicity S11(ζ) = S11(ζ +2πi), • 11 11 Bootstrap consistency N−1S11 ζ + 2πij = 1. • j=0 11 N S11(0) = 1, Q (cid:0) (cid:1) • 11 1, if k = 1, lim S11 ǫ+ 2kiπ S11 ǫ 2kπi = − • ǫց0 11 N 11 − N (+1, if k > 1, (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) S11 has only finitely many zeros in the physical strip and they are configured as follows: • 11 1. Fix an integer 1 k N 1. For B C such that k 1 < ReB < k, ≤ ≤ − ∈ − the multiplicities of zeros of S11 at iπB, iπB, iπ(2k−B), iπ(2k−B) are the same (the 11 N N N N multiplicities can be 0). 2. Fix an integer 1 k N 1. For B C such that ReB = k, the multiplicities ≤ ≤ − ∈ of zeros of S11 at iπB, iπB are the same. 11 N N 3. Fix an odd integer 1 k N 1. For B R such that k 1 < ReB k, the ≤ ≤ − ∈ − ≤ multiplicities of zeros of S11 at iπB, iπ(2k−B) are the same. If ReB = k, it should 11 N N have a zero of even degree. 4. S11 does not have zeros at 2πki, k Z. 11 N ∈ S 11(ζ) R at the points ζ = 2πpi,p Z. • CDD11 ∈ + N ∈ S11 is bounded both below and above in a neighborhood of the point of infinity. • 11 There are meromorphic functions which have zeros exactly at those points specified above. They are called Blaschke products and can be explicitly written, correspondingly to the three cases above, as sinh 1 ζ iπB sinh 1 ζ iπB sinh 1 ζ iπ(2k−B) sinh 1 ζ iπ(2k−B) S 11(ζ) := 2 − N 2 − N 2 − N 2 − N B11 1 (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) sinh 1(cid:0)ζ + iπB(cid:1)sinh 1 ζ + iπB sinh 1 ζ + iπ(2k−B) sinh 1 ζ + iπ(2k−B) 2 N 2 N 2 N 2 N (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) sinh 1 (cid:0)ζ iπB(cid:1)sinh 1 ζ iπB S 11(ζ) := 2 − N 2 − N B11 2 (cid:16) (cid:17) sinh 1(cid:0)ζ + iπB(cid:1)sinh 1 ζ + iπB 2 N 2 N (cid:16) (cid:17) sinh 1 (cid:0)ζ iπB(cid:1)sinh 1 ζ iπ(2k−B) S 11(ζ) := 2 − N 2 − N B11 3 (cid:16) (cid:17) sinh 1(cid:0)ζ + iπB(cid:1)sinh 1 ζ + iπ(2k−B) 2 N 2 N (cid:16) (cid:17) We will later on refer(cid:0)to these(cid:1)Blaschke products as simply S 11(ζ). B11 Bootstrap consistency is an equality between meromorphic functions, hence we can trans- late the variable ζ and obtain 2N+l−1∗ iπ S11 ζ + j = 1 (10) 11 N j=l+1 (cid:18) (cid:19) Y 10

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