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Wechsler Nonverbal Scale of Ability PDF

200 Pages·2006·5.19 MB·English
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& WWeecchhsslleerr NNoonnvveerrbbaall SSccaallee ooff AAbbiilliittyy JJaacckk NNaagglliieerrii,, PPhhDD PPrrooffeessssoorr ooff PPssyycchhoollooggyy 44440000 UUnniivveerrssiittyy DDrriivvee,, MMSSNN 22CC66 GGeeoorrggee MMaassoonn UUnniivveerrssiittyy FFaaiirrffaaxx,, VVAA 2222003300 770033--999933--33881111 nnaagglliieerrii@@ggmmuu..eedduu Slides by Jack A. Naglieri, Ph.D. [email protected] George Mason 1 University. All images and data from WNV are copyright © 2006 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. TTooppiiccss & PPrreesseennttaattiioonn OOuuttlliinnee 1. Overview 2. Administration 3. Subtest Description 4. Interpretation 5. Reliability 6. Validity 7. Conclusions 2 Slides by Jack A. Naglieri, Ph.D. [email protected] George Mason University. All images and data from WNV are copyright © 2006 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. & WWNNVV OOvveerrvviieeww Slides by Jack A. Naglieri, Ph.D. [email protected] George Mason 3 University. All images and data from WNV are copyright © 2006 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. WWNNVV OOvveerrvviieeww & •• TThhee WWNNVV iiss aa nnoonnvveerrbbaall mmeeaassuurree ooff ggeenneerraall aabbiilliittyy mmeeaassuurreedd uussiinngg tteessttss tthhaatt – involve different demands – do not contain verbal content (e.g., Vocabulary) – do not require the examinee to speak – use pictorial directions 4 Slides by Jack A. Naglieri, Ph.D. [email protected] George Mason University. All images and data from WNV are copyright © 2006 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. WWNNVV OOvveerrvviieeww & •• WWNNVV wwaass ssppeecciiffiiccaallllyy ccrreeaatteedd ffoorr:: – Individuals from diverse linguistic groups – Those who have limited language skills – Hard of hearing or deaf individuals – Individuals with language disorders – Identification of gifted children from linguistically and culturally diverse populations 5 Slides by Jack A. Naglieri, Ph.D. [email protected] George Mason University. All images and data from WNV are copyright © 2006 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. WWNNVV OOvveerrvviieeww & •• TThhee tteesstt iiss iinntteennddeedd ffoorr ffaaiirr aasssseessssmmeenntt ooff ccuullttuurraallllyy aanndd lliinngguuiissttiiccaallllyy ddiivveerrssee ppooppuullaattiioonnss ffrroomm mmaannyy ccoouunnttrriieess •• SSttaannddaarrddiizzeedd iinn tthhee UUSS aanndd CCaannaaddaa •• FFoorr aaggeess 44::00 –– 2211::1111 •• YYiieellddss aa FFuullll SSccaallee aanndd ssuubbtteesstt ssccoorreess •• IInnnnoovvaattiivvee aaddmmiinniissttrraattiioonn ffoorrmmaatt •• FFuullll ((4455 mmiinnuuttee)) aanndd bbrriieeff ((2200 mmiinnuuttee)) vveerrssiioonnss aanndd ssooffttwwaarree iinncclluuddeedd iinn eevveerryy kkiitt 6 Slides by Jack A. Naglieri, Ph.D. [email protected] George Mason University. All images and data from WNV are copyright © 2006 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. WWNNVV OOvveerrvviieeww & •• TThhee WWNNVV ccaann bbee ggiivveenn ttoo aa wwiiddee vvaarriieettyy ooff iinnddiivviidduuaallss mmaakkiinngg iitt iiddeeaall ffoorr ssttuuddeennttss wwhhoo ssppeeaakk mmaannyy llaanngguuaaggeess •• MMiinniimmaall aaddaappttaattiioonn nneeeeddeedd ffoorr uussee iinn ddiiffffeerreenntt ccoouunnttrriieess oorr wwiitthh tthhoossee ffrroomm ddiiffffeerreenntt ccoouunnttrriieess •• MMeeeettss IIDDEEAA 22000044 rreeqquuiirreemmeennttss ffoorr rreelliiaabbllee aanndd vvaalliidd nnoonnddiissccrriimmiinnaattoorryy aasssseessssmmeenntt 7 Slides by Jack A. Naglieri, Ph.D. [email protected] George Mason University. All images and data from WNV are copyright © 2006 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. WWNNVV OOvveerrvviieeww & •• TThhee WWNNVV uusseess aa nneeww mmeetthhoodd ffoorr iinnffoorrmmiinngg tthhee eexxaammiinneeee ooff tthhee ddeemmaannddss ooff tthhee tteesstt –– PPiiccttoorriiaall DDiirreeccttiioonnss ((ppaatteenntt ppeennddiinngg)) •• EExxaammiinneeeess aarree sshhoowwnn aa sseerriieess ooff ppiiccttuurreess tthhaatt iilllluussttrraattee wwhhaatt hhee oorr sshhee hhaass ttoo ddoo •• TThhee PPiiccttoorriiaall DDiirreeccttiioonnss iinncclluuddee ggeessttuurreess bbyy tthhee eexxaammiinneerr tthhaatt ddrraaww tthhee eexxaammiinneeee’’ss aatttteennttiioonn ttoo tthhee ccoorrrreessppoonnddeennccee bbeettwweeeenn tthhee ddiirreeccttiioonnss aanndd tthhee ssttiimmuullii oonn tthhee ttaabbllee 8 Slides by Jack A. Naglieri, Ph.D. [email protected] George Mason University. All images and data from WNV are copyright © 2006 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. WWNNVV OOvveerrvviieeww & •• AAggeess 44::0000 –– 77::1111 •• AAggeess 88::00 –– 2211::1111 •• 44 SSuubbtteessttss •• 44 SSuubbtteessttss – Matrices – Matrices – Coding – Coding – Object Assembly – Spatial Span – Recognition – Picture Arrangement •• 22 SSuubbtteessttss •• 22 SSuubbtteessttss – Matrices – Matrices – Recognition – Spatial Span 9 Slides by Jack A. Naglieri, Ph.D. [email protected] George Mason University. All images and data from WNV are copyright © 2006 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. WWNNVV OOvveerrvviieeww & [email protected] 10 Slides by Jack A. Naglieri, Ph.D. [email protected] George Mason University. All images and data from WNV are copyright © 2006 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

Wechsler Nonverbal. Scale of Ability general ability measured using tests that. – involve .. 59. &. Step 1. • Report WNV Full Scale standard score
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