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127 Pages·2007·3.14 MB·English
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WEB SERVICE COMPOSITION UNDER RESOURCE ALLOCATION CONSTRAINTS A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY ERMAN KARAKOÇ IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN COMPUTER ENGINEERING APRIL 2007 Approval of the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Prof. Dr. Canan Özgen Director I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science. Prof. Dr. Volkan Atalay Head of Department This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science. Asst. Prof. Dr. Pınar (cid:1)enkul Supervisor Examining Committee Members Prof. Dr. Adnan Yazıcı (METU, CENG) Asst. Prof. Dr. Pınar (cid:1)enkul (METU, CENG) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Do(cid:2)ru (METU, CENG) Assoc. Prof.Dr. (cid:3)smail Hakkı Toroslu (METU, CENG) Asst. Prof. Dr. Hürevren Kılıç (Atılım Uni., CENG) I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last name: Erman Karakoç Signature : ABSTRACT WEB SERVICE COMPOSITION UNDER RESOURCE ALLOCATION CONSTRAINTS Karakoç, Erman M.S., Department of Computer Engineering Supervisor : Asst. Prof. Dr. Pinar Senkul April 2007, 113 pages Web service composition is an inevitable aspect of web services technology, which solves complex problems by combining available basic services and ordering them to best suit the problem requirements. Automatic composition gives us flexibility of selecting best candidate services at composition time, this would require the user to define the resource allocation constraints for selecting and composing candidate web services. Resource allocation constraints define restrictions on how to allocate resources, and scheduling under resource allocation constraints to provide proper resource allocation to tasks. In this work, web service composition system named as CWSF (Composite Web Service Framework) constructed for users to define a workflow system in which a rich set of constraints can be defined on web services. On the contrary many technologies and studies, CWSF provides a user-friendly environment for modeling web service composition system. The output of the framework is the scheduling of web service composition in which how and when web services are executed are defined. With this work, a language, CWSL is defined to describe workflow, resource allocation constraints, selection and discovery rules of web services and associated semantic information. An important property of CWSF system is converting web service composition problem into a iv constraint satisfaction problem to find the best solution that meet the all criteria defined by user. Furthermore, CWSF has ability to display other possible solutions to provides users flexibility. This study also includes semantic matching and mapping facilities for service discovery. Keywords: Dynamic Web Service Composition, Resource Selection, Constraint Satisfaction Problem, Semantic Web Services v ÖZ KAYNAK AYRIM KISITLARI ALTINDA WEB SERV(cid:3)S B(cid:3)RLE(cid:1)(cid:3)M(cid:3) Karakoç, Erman Yüksek Lisans, Bilgisayar Mühendisli(cid:2)i Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi : Yrd. Doç. Dr. Pınar (cid:1)enkul Nisan 2007, 113 sayfa Günümüzün karı(cid:4)ık problemlerini sadece bir web servis tarafından çözmek mümkün olamamaktadır, bu yüzden web servis birle(cid:4)imi web servis teknolojisinin zorunlu bir özelli(cid:2)i haline gelmi(cid:4)tir. Web servis birle(cid:4)imi temel olarak çalı(cid:4)abilir ve uyumlu web servislerini biraraya getirip sıralayarak problemin tüm gereksinimlerini kar(cid:4)ılamayı hedefler. Servislerin otomatik birle(cid:4)imi kullanıcılara sa(cid:2)ladı(cid:2)ı esneklik ile birle(cid:4)im zamanında problemin çözümünde en iyi web servisleri seçmeyi amaçlar. Otomatik birle(cid:4)im sırasında kullanıcılar servis seçimi ve birle(cid:4)imi için kaynak ayrım kısıtları belirterek aday web servislerin nasıl seçilece(cid:2)ini tanımlayabilirler. Kaynak ayrım kısıtları, kaynakların da(cid:2)ılımına dair sınırlamalar tanımlar ve bu kısıtlar altında yapılan birle(cid:4)imin planlanmasını, web servisler için do(cid:2)ru kaynak atamalarının yapılmasını sa(cid:2)lar. Web servis birle(cid:4)im problemi i(cid:4) akı(cid:4)ı mantı(cid:2)ında tanımlanabilir; i(cid:4) akı(cid:4)ı karma(cid:4)ık i(cid:4)lemleri olu(cid:4)turmak üzere biraraya gelmi(cid:4) görevler toplulu(cid:2)udur. Bu çalı(cid:4)mada, CWSF (Composite Web Service Framework) ismiyle web servis birle(cid:4)im sistemi tanımlanarak kullanıcıların bir i(cid:4) akı(cid:4)ı sistemi üzerinde geni(cid:4) bir yelpazede web servis kaynakları üzerinde kısıtlamalar koyarak en iyi birle(cid:4)imi yakalama amaçlanmaktadır. Aynı zamanda birçok mevcut çalı(cid:4)maların askine kullanımı kolay bir birle(cid:4)im ortamı sa(cid:2)layarak kullanıcılara esneklik sa(cid:2)lanması hedeflenmektedir. Sistemin çıktısı web servis birle(cid:4)im planı olup bu planda servislerin hangi zamanda ve nasıl çalı(cid:4)tırılaca(cid:2)ı vi belirtilmektedir. Bu çalı(cid:4)ma ile CWSL ismiyle bir dil tanımlanarak kullanıcıların i(cid:4) akı(cid:4)ını, kısıtlarını, web servislerin seçimini ve anlamsal bilgilerini tanımlayabilece(cid:2)i bir dil olu(cid:4)turulmu(cid:4)tur. CWSF sisteminin önemli bir özelli(cid:2)i ise web servis birle(cid:4)im problemini kısıt problemine dönü(cid:4)türerek en iyi çözümü bulmayı amaçlamasıdır. Sistem kullanıcılara alternatif çözümler göstererek esneklik sa(cid:2)layabilmektedir. Aynı zamanda bu çalı(cid:4)ma içerisinde anlamsal e(cid:4)leme ve adresleme ile servislerin ke(cid:4)fedilmesi ve e(cid:4)le(cid:4)tirmesine imkan sa(cid:2)lanmı(cid:4)tır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Dinamik Web Servis birle(cid:4)imi, Kaynak Atama, Kısıt Problemi, Anlamsal Web Servisler vii To My Father viii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Firstly, I would like to thank to my thesis advisor, Asst. Prof. Dr. Pınar (cid:1)enkul, for her guidance, support and motivation she provided throughout my research. I also very much like to thank to my mother, father, and my older brother for always caring and for their support. Thanks are also to my girl friend for understanding me during my thesis study. ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT..............................................................................................................iv ÖZ..............................................................................................................................vi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.........................................................................................ix LIST OF FIGURES.................................................................................................xiii CHAPTERS 1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................1 2 PREVIOUS WORK................................................................................................4 2.1 Web Service Model....................................................................................4 2.1.1 WSDL.................................................................................................5 2.1.2 SOAP..................................................................................................6 2.1.3 UDDI..................................................................................................7 2.1.4 Other Standards..................................................................................7 2.2 The need for web service composition.......................................................7 2.3 Problems of Web Service Composition.....................................................9 2.4 Standards for Web Service Composition.................................................10 2.4.1 BPEL................................................................................................10 2.4.2 OWL-S.............................................................................................12 2.5 Web Service Composition Methods.........................................................16 2.5.1 General Architecture of Service Composition Frameworks............17 2.5.2 Workflow Based Frameworks..........................................................17 2.5.3 AI Planning Based Frameworks.......................................................18 2.6 Constraint Satisfaction Problem...............................................................22 2.6.1 Introduction to CSP..........................................................................22 2.6.2 Definition.........................................................................................22 2.6.3 Constraint Programming..................................................................23 3 COMPOSITE WEB SERVICE FRAMEWORK..................................................25 3.1 General Architecture................................................................................25 3.2 Motivation Example – Traveling.............................................................27 3.3 Main Contributions of Composite Web Service Framework...................30 3.4 Composite Web Service Language (CWSL)...........................................31 3.4.1 Workflow Structure..........................................................................32 3.4.2 Process Variables.............................................................................32 3.4.3 General Block Structure...................................................................34 Transition.....................................................................................34 Script Language............................................................................35 3.4.4 Start Block........................................................................................36 3.4.5 End Block.........................................................................................36 3.4.6 Sequential Block..............................................................................36 3.4.7 And Block........................................................................................37 3.4.8 Or Block...........................................................................................38 3.4.9 Xor Block.........................................................................................39 x

A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES OF In this thesis, a web service composition system named as CWSF (Composite Web
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