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WEATHER AND CLIMATE EXTREMES Changes, Variations and a Perspective from the Insurance Industry WEATHER AND CLIMATE EXTREMES Changes, Variations and a Perspective from the Insurance Industry Edited by Thomas R. Karl Neville Nicholls and Anver Ghazi Reprinted from Climatic Change Volume 42, No.1, 1999 ... . . . . . . . . . Sponsored by DG XII Science Research and Development ~ " Springer-Science+Business Media, B.Y. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Weather and climate extremes: changes, variations, and a perspective from the insurance industry / edited by Thomas R. Karl, Neville Nicholls, and Anver Ghazi. p. cm. Includes Index. ISBN 978-90-481-5223-0 ISBN 978-94-015-9265-9 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-015-9265-9 1. Climatic extremes. 2. Climatic changes. 3. Insurance. .. I. Karl, Thomas. II. Nicholls, N. (Neville) III. Ghazi, A., 1940- QC981.8.C53W4 1999 551 .6--dc21 99-25780 Printed on acid-free paper All rights reserved © 1999 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht Originally published by Springer-Science+Business Media, B.Y. in 1999. Softcover reprint of the hardcover I st edition 1999 No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilised in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner Contents THOMAS R. KARL I Overview Summary THOMAS R. KARL, NEVILLE NICHOLLS and ANVER GHAZI CLIVAR/GCOS/WMO Workshop on Indices and Indicators for Climate Extremes - Workshop Summary 3 Editorials KEVIN E. TRENBERTH and TIMOTHY W. OWEN I Workshop on Indices and Indicators for Climate Extremes, Asheville, NC, USA, 3-6 June 1997 - Breakout Group A: Storms 9 NEVILLE NICHOLLS and WILLIAM MURRAY I Workshop on Indices and Indicators for Climate Extremes: Asheville, NC, USA, 3-6 June 1997 - Breakout Group B: Precipitation 23 CK. FOLLAND, C MILLER, D. BADER, M. CROWE, P. JONES, N. PLUMMER, M. RICHMAN, D.E. PARKER, 1. ROGERS and P. SCHOLEFIELD I Workshop on Indices and Indicators for Climate Extremes: Asheville, NC, USA, 3-6 June 1997 - Breakout Group C: Temperature Indices for Climate Extremes 31 Climate Extremes and the Insurance Industry FRANKLIN W. NUTTER I Global Climate Change: Why U.S. Insurers C~ ~ STANLEY A. CHANGNON, E. RAY FOSSE and EUGENE L. LECOMTE I Interactions between the Atmospheric Sciences and Insurers in the United States 51 BRIAN D. SKINNER, DAVID CHANGNON, MICHAEL B. RICHMAN and PETER 1. LAMB I Damaging Weather Conditions in the United States: A Selection of Data Quality and Monitoring Issues 69 Observed Changes in Extremes CHRISTOPHER W. LANDSEA, ROGER A. PIELKE, Jr., ALBERTO M. MESTAS-NUNEZ and JOHN A. KNAFF I Atlantic Basin Hurricanes: Indices of Climatic Changes 89 P.O. JONES, E.B. HORTON, CK. FOLLAND, M. HULME, D.E. PARKER and T.A. BASNETT I The Use of Indices to Identify Changes in Climatic Extremes 131 VI CONTENTS R. HEINO, R. BRAzDIL, E. F0RLAND, H. TUOMENVIRTA, H. ALEXANDERSSON, M. BENISTON, C. PFISTER, M. REBETEZ, G. ROSENHAGEN, S. ROSNER and 1. WIBIG / Progress in the Study of Climatic Extremes in Northern and Central Europe 151 NEIL PLUMMER, M. JAMES SALINGER, NEVILLE NICHOLLS, RAMASAMY SUPPIAH, KEVIN 1. HENNESSY, ROBERT M. LEIGHTON, BLAIR TREWIN, CHER M. PAGE and JANICE M. LOUGH / Changes in Climate Extremes over the Australian Region and New Zealand during the Twentieth Century 183 PANMAO ZHAI, ANJIAN SUN, FUMIN REN, XIAONIN LIU, BO GAO and QIANG ZHANG / Changes of Climate Extremes in China 203 G. GRUZA, E. RANKOVA, V. RAZUVAEVand O. BULYGINA / Indica- tors of Climate Change for the Russian Federation 219 PAVEL VA. GROISMAN, THOMAS R. KARL, DAVID R. EASTERLING, RICHARD W. KNIGHT, PAUL F. JAMASON, KEVIN 1. HENNESSY, RAMASAMY SUPPIAH, CHER M. PAGE, JOANNA WIBIG, KRZYSZTOF FORTUNIAK, VYACHESLAV N. RAZUVAEV, ARTHUR DOUGLAS, EIRIK F0RLAND and PAN-MAO ZHAI / Changes in the Probability of Heavy Precipitation: Important Indicators of Climatic Change 243 DAVID R. EASTERLING, HENRY F. DIAZ, ARTHUR V. DOUGLAS, WILLIAM D. HOGG, KENNETH E. KUNKEL, JEFFRY C. ROGERS and JAIME F. WILKINSON / Long-Term Observations for Monitoring Extremes in the Americas 285 THOMAS R. KARL and DAVID R. EASTERLING / Climate Extremes: Selected Review and Future Research Directions 309 Some Critical Aspects of Extreme Events KEVIN E. TRENBERTH / Conceptual Framework for Changes of Extremes of the Hydrological Cycle with Climate Change 327 ANDREW R. SOLOW / On Testing for Change in Extreme Events 341 OVERVIEW In recent years, more climate data has become available to enable climatologists to analyze these data for trends and variations related to extreme weather and climate events. At the same time, the insurance industry has experienced a significant increase in weather and climate related insurance claims. The set of papers in this volume represent a major step toward developing a comprehensive set of information about worldwide changes in climate extremes. Nonetheless, there are still many difficulties in analysis, data availability, data quality and consistency that make it difficult to derive a clear picture of changes in worldwide extreme weather and climate events. Clearly, in some areas we know much more than in other areas. For example, analysis oft emperature extremes are much more comprehensive than other variables, although there is now emerging a number of new analyses related to precipitation extremes. What is more striking, however, is the complexity oflinking current information about climate extremes to the needs of the insurance industry. As the reader of this volume will quickly learn, however, there are many opportunities for clever scientists and insurance industry analysts to leverage various types of information from both fields to develop better statistics on climate variability that have a direct effect on insurance claims and rates. On average, as the climate has warmed, there has been a reduced frequency of extremely cold days leading to a reduction in frost and freeze frequency, although this general trend can be temporally reversed, as described in two separate analyses of severe freezes that have affected Florida and the southeast United States as global temperatures warmed during the 1980s. The reduction in the number of freezes and frosts is exaggerated by the fact that the minimum temperature is rising faster than the daily maximum temperature. There has also been an tendency toward an increase in the frequency of extremely warm days, but a strong trend has yet to emerge. Analyses of changes in precipitation extremes suggest that for some regions and times of the year there is clear evidence of an increase in extreme and heavy precipitation events, e.g., USA, PRC, and during summer in Australia, Canada, Norway, Mexico, Poland, and the former Soviet Union. There is now a solid foundation to expect increases in these types of events as the climate warms and precipitation increases. There are some areas, however, where differences in the way in which the data have been analyzed make it difficult to interpret the results, e.g., Canada, and can lead to apparent contradictions. Another difficulty relates to the inability of scientists to get access to data that is residing within national archives. The analysis of changes in tropical storms reveal intriguing relationships between large-scale climate variables and the number of storms that march across the oceans each year. Although there are important decadal variations evident in the data, no clear trends emerge, except for some regional changes noted in the Austral-Australian region. Changes in extratropical storms have important consequences related to wind ,~ Climatic Change 42: 1-2, 1999. 2 THOMAS R. KARL damage and other factors, but little evidence is available to suggest a real increase in damaging winds, although the record is woefully underanalyzed. Finally, there are some regions where local severe weather events such as hail frequency have been analyzed. For some parts oft he world, existing insurance claims provide a means to cross-validate weather and climate data for consistency of trends and variations. This is a potentially fruitful area of research in regions of the world that have a history of insurance claims. NOAA, Us. Department ojCommercelNOAA THOMAS KARL National Climatic Data Center 151 Patton Avenue,Room 120 Asheville, NC 28801-5001, US.A. CLIVA RlGCOSIWMO WORKSHOP ON INDICES AND INDICATORS FOR CLIMATE EXTREMES WORKSHOP SUMMARY THOMAS R. KARL National Climatic Data Center, 151 Patton Ave., Asheville, NC 28801-5001, U.S.A. NEVILLE NICHOLLS Bureau ofM eteorology Research Center, GPO Box 1289K, Melbourne Vic 3001, Australia ANVERGHAZI European Commission, 200, rue de la Loi, Brussels B-1049, Belgium There is general agreement that changes in the frequency or intensity of extreme weather and climate events are likely to have profound impacts on society and the environment (Karl et aI., 1997). A Workshop on Indices and Indicators for Climate Extremes was held in Asheville, North Carolina, 3-6 June 1997, to encourage the development of data sets, and analysis techniques, to determine whether such extreme events are becoming more extreme or variable. Over 100 participants, from 23 countries, including representatives from 15 insurance and re-insurance countries (which have a clear interest in extreme weather and climate), examined the following questions: • What needs to be done to improve data sets and analyses for extreme weather monitoring? • Can we establish priorities for specific data set development and improvement? • Can we establish indices and indicators of extreme weather and climate? • What are the impediments to improving the monitoring of climate extremes? The incentive for holding this workshop came largely from the difficulties the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has had in answering the question: Has the climate become more variable or extreme? The Second Assessment Report (SAR) of the IPCC was completed in 1995 and determined that (Nicholls et aI., 1996): Overall, there is no evidence that extreme weather events, or climate variability, has increased, in a global sense, through the 20th century, although data and analyses are poor and not comprehensive. On regional scales there is clear evidence of changes in some extremes and climate variability indicators. Some of these changes have been toward greater variability; some have been toward lower variability. .... Climatic Change 42: 3-7, 1999. ,~ © 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers. 4 THOMAS R. KARL The SAR further noted: • The data on climate extremes and variability are inadequate to say anything about global changes, but in some regions, where data are available, there have been decreases or increases in extreme weather events and variability. • Other than the few areas with longer term trends to lower rainfall (eg., the Sahel), little evidence is available of changes in drought frequency or intensity. • There have been few studies of variations in extreme rainfall events and flood frequency. In some areas with available data there is evidence of increase in the intensity of extreme rainfall events, but no clear large-scale pattern has emerged. • There is some evidence of recent (since 1988) increases in extreme extra tropical cyclones over the North Atlantic. Intense tropical cyclone activity in the Atlantic has decreased over the past few decades although the 1995 season was more active than recent years. Elsewhere, changes in observing systems and analysis methods confound the detection of trends in the intensity or frequency of extreme synoptic systems. • There has been a clear trend to fewer extremely low minimum temperatures in several widely separated areas in recent decades. Widespread significant changes in extreme high temperature events have not been observed. • There have been decreases in daily temperature variability in recent decades, in the Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes. Despite the difficulties in assessing whether there had been recent trends in climate extremes and variability, the SAR examined model projections, to assess the likelihood of future changes in extremes and variability (Kattenberg et al., 1996) and concluded that: • A general warming would tend to lead to an increase in extremely high temperature events and a decrease in winter days with extremely low temperatures (eg., frost days in some areas). • With increasing greenhouse gas concentration, many models suggest an increase in the probability of intense precipitation. A number of simulations also show an increase in the probability of dry days and the length of dry spells (consecutive days without precipitation). • New results reinforce the view that variability associated with the enhanced hydrological cycle translates into prospects for more severe droughts and/or floods in some places and less severe droughts and/or floods in other places. • In the few analyses available, there is little agreement between models on changes in storminess that might occur in a warmer world. Conclusions regarding extreme storm events are obviously even more uncertain. The formation of tropical cyclones depend not only on sea surface temperature WORKSHOP SUMMARY 5 (SST) but also on a number of atmospheric factors. Although some models now represent tropical storms with some realism for present day climate, the state of the science does not allow assessment of future changes. The lack of certainty with regard to past and future extremes evident in the SAR indicates that further work is necessary to develop data bases capable of monitoring changes in climate extremes and variability, and to develop systems for such monitoring. This will require daily weather data to be made available over long periods, and for problems arising from changes in instrumentation, exposure, siting, and even analysis and meteorological interpretation, to be overcome. The Third Assessment Report (TAR) of the IPCC will be completed at the end of this century. Considerable efforts are needed before then, to ensure that the data and analyses are available to allow the TAR to provide a more complete answer to the question: Has the climate become more variable or extreme? CLIVA R provides a mechanism to coordinate studies aimed at answering questions raised by IPCC assessments. The WCRP CLIV AR program (CLIVAR, 1995) includes amongst its objectives: • To extend the record of climate variability over the time-scales of interest through the assembly of quality-controlled paleoclimatic and instrumental data sets. • To understand and predict the response of the climate system to increases of radiatively active gases and aerosols and to compare these predictions to the observed climate record in order to detect the anthropogenic modification of the natural climate signal. These objectives will be pursued through one of the 12 Principal Research Areas of CLIV AR: Climate Change Detection and Attribution. Detection of climate change is the process of demonstrating that an observed variation in climate is highly unusual in a statistical sense. Detection of climate change requires demonstrating that the observed change is larger than would be expected to occur by natural internal fluctuations. Attribution of change to human activity requires showing that the observed change cannot be explained by natural causes, forced or unforced. It is the process of establishing cause and effect relations, including the testing of competing hypotheses. CLIV AR will aim to improve the current state of studies of climate change detection and attribution through, inter alia, encouraging the development of historical time series of relevant climate data, with the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS). The first step in the detection/attribution of climate change is the assembly of high-quality time-series of key variables. We need to ensure that credible historical time-series are available, through the correction for time-varying biases caused by changes in observing practices, instrumentation, and location.

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