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Wear: An International Journal on the Science and Technology of Friction, Lubrication and Wear 1993: Vol 162-164 Index PDF

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Preview Wear: An International Journal on the Science and Technology of Friction, Lubrication and Wear 1993: Vol 162-164 Index

Wear, 162-164, Part B (1993) 1157-1158 Author Index of Volumes 162-164 Aderikha, V. N., 426 Compos, R., 614 He, C., 314 Lai, Z., 624 Adler, T. A., 713, 1073 Conrad, H., 856 Heinz, J., 1103 Laptev, D., 957 Aghaie, K. K., 1054 Cooper, J. R., 378 Heshmat, H., 508, 518 Larsson, R., 996 Ahn, H. S., 636 Hill, A. J., 645 Lauer, J. L., 498 Ahn, Y., 246 Danyluk, S., 332 Hoglund, E., 996 Lauper, D., 89 Ajayi, O. O., 1150 Das, S., 64, 802 Honda, F., 339 Le Blanc, A., 590 Allen, C., 837, 1091 Dowson, D., 378, 627, 880 Hong, H., 34 Lee, E. H., 739 Alpas, A. T., 188 Duda, J. L., 944 Hopple, G. B., 919 Lee, S. H., 971 Anderson, P. M., 159 Dunlop, G. A., 790 Hsieh, J.-H., 1150 Le Gressus, C., 906 Anderson, R. M., 1073 Dirkopp, K., 985 Hsu, S. M., 314 Levin, S., 957 Arnold, B. K., 790 Dussault, D., 1012 Hsue, E. Y., 538 Li, C.-G., 75 Dyer, P. N., 552 Hu, H., 188 Li, C.-W., 280 Hung, P. V., 1066 Li, H., 944 Backmark, U., 1029 Hutchings, I. M., 139, 148 Lim, S. C., 971 Baer, D., 132 Ebadi, A. R., 1054 Lin, F.-Y., 569 Bahadur, S., 211, 285, 397 Egée, M., 590 Lingard, S., 597 Ball, A., 57 Ehrenstein, G. W., 662 Imada, Y., 339 Liston, M.-J., 558 Barbezat, G., 529 Eiss Jr., N. S., 418 Liu, J., 183, 833 Bastow, T. J., 645 Ellermaa, R. R. R., 1114 Jha, A. K., 802 Liu, P., 211 Bayer, R. G., 538, 913 Elliott, D., 89 Jin, Z. M., 627 Liu, Y., 611 Beele, W., 1033 Engel, P. A., 538 Jinhai, C., 1016 Liu, Y. B., 971 Bellow, D. G., 1048 Engelhardt, M., 132 Jobbins, B., 880 Livshitz, L., 957 Berns, H., 441, 585 Enomoto, Y., 119 Johnson, C. H. J., 645 Lloyd, P. G., 790 Berroug, H., 906 Erck, R. A., 1150 Jorden, W., 985 Loewenthal, S. H., 919 Bester, J. A., 57 Erdemir, A., 1150 Junghans, R., 649 Loffelbein, B., 220 Beynon, J. H., 173 Esposito, L., 925 Jun-Tong, X., 83 Loffler, F., 1033 Biswas, S. K., 110 Eyre, T. S., 1059 Lou Bingzhe, 811 Blau, P. J., 102 Kailas, S. V., 110 Lu, J.-W., 856 Bodnar, J. L., 590 Fang, L., 782 Kajdas, C., 357 Lu, Z., 1103 Bohnke, H.-J., 985 Fang, Z.-S., 75 Kale, R. D., 458 Lundh, R.-M., 624 Boness, R. J., 703 Farris, T. N., 246 Kamiya, O., 196 Lux, G., 558 Boud, F., 22 Fayeulle, S., 906 Kaneko, R., 370, 733 Bozet, J.-L., 1025 Fenske, G. R., 1150 Kang, S., 1123 Ma, L., 450 Braza, J. F., 748 Fischer, A., 441, 585 Kano, M., 897 Ma, X.-D., 569 Bredell, L., 480 Fiset, M., 679, 1012 Karasek, K. R., 280 Briscoe, B. J., 407 Fisher, J., 378, 627 Magnée, A., 848 Karmakar, S., 1081 Mai, Y.-W., 258 Broszeit, E., 966 Forrest, D., 126, 605 Kato, K., 305 Budinski, K. G., 757 Fotovati, M. R., 1054 Makel, D. D., 480, 1139 Kawabata, T., 688 Buijs, M., 954 Fricke, R. W., 837 Malhotra, S. K., 631 Keem, J. E., 919 Bulpett, R., 1059 Friedrich, K., 649, 1103 Man, Y., 833 Kim, D. E., 873 Bundschuh, W., 269 Furey, M. J., 357, 385 Mansur, L. K., 739 Kimura, T., 656 Butterfield, D., 234 Furst, R. E., 748 Marcus, K., 1091 Kimura, Y., 897 Mardel, J. I., 645 Klaus, E. E., 944 Marrero, M., 280 Cahoon, J. M., 34 Gao, C., 480, 1139 Kleff, J., 585 Cantera, F., 975 Garg, D., 552 Kloos, K.-H., 966 Marshall, A., 1022 Carmo Vaz, M. d., 990 Gautier, P., 305 Knotek, O., 1033 Matsumura, M., 688 Matsuoka, K., 126, 605 Chakrabarti, A. K., 580 Gee, M. G., 234 Ko, P. L., 721 Chander, S., 458 Ghasemi, H. M., 357 Kobayashi, S., 92 Matthes, B., 966 Chandrasekar, S., 246 Glaeser, W. A., 132 Kong, X. L., 782 Maupin, H. E., 432 Chandrasekaran, H., 1 Gochitashvili, T., 962 K6nig, W., 12 Mecklenburg, K. R., 47 Chattopadhyay, A. B., 580 Gong, D., 397 Korpel-van Houten, K., 954 Meikandamurthy, C., 458 Chattopadhyay, R., 1040 Guang-Shun, S., 83 Kramer, G., 1033 Meng, F., 466 Chaudhuri, D. K., 614 Gu Chenging, ., 811 Krishnamurthy, R., 458, 631 Meng, S.-K., 696 Meng, X., 450 Chauhan, R., 246 Kudo, A., 656 Chen, C. L., 944 Habig, K.-H., 220 Kufel, K., 1002 Menu, C., 590 Cheng, Y.-T., 763 Hager, A. M., 649 Kuhlmann-Wilsdorf, D.., Mimaroglu, A., 890 Childs, T. H. C., 890 Hamada, E., 370 480, 1139 Miura, S., 92 Chynoweth, K. R., 645 Hamzaoui, B., 906 Kumagai, K., 196 Miyake, S., 733 Clark, H. M., 669 Hasegawa, M., 471 Kunz, A., 966 Miyamoto, T., 733 Clayton, P., 202 Hawk, J. A., 432, 1073 Kwon, O. K., 636 Mizuhara, K., 119 Elsevier Sequoia 1158 Modi, O. P., 802 Rabinowicz, E., 126 Stuart, B. H., 407 Wei, R., 558 Monteiro Baptista, A. P., Rainforth, W. M., 322 Su, J. Y., 782 Whalen, P., 280 990 Ralph, B., 1059 Suh, N. P., 873 Wierzcholski, K., 1002 Morgan, T. J., 614 Ramasubramanian, N., 631 Sun, X., 183 Wikstr6ém, V., 996 Moriyama, M., 471 Rao, G. R., 739 Sundararajan, G., 773 Wilbur, P. J., 558 Mukhopadhyay, A. K., 258 Rao, U. R. K., 1081 Suzuki, K., 196 Williams, J. A., 864 Murata, H., 339 Ravikiran, A., 296 Suzuki, M., 471 Wilson, J. M., 1022 Riga, A. T., 34 Wilson, R. D., 432 Naerheim, Y., 593 Rigney, D. A., 159 Tagashira, K., 466 Wood, G. C., 706 Nakajima, K., 339 Routbort, J., 280 Tang, R., 466 Woydt, M., 220 Neises, A., 12 Ruff, A. W., 492 Thai, N. N., 1066 Wozniewski, A., 721 Neyman, A., 939 Thoma, M., 1045 Wu, C.-W., 950 Nichols, F. A., 1150 Sare, I. R., 790 Thoors, H., 1 Wycliffe, P., 574 Nicoletto, G., 925 Sargent, B. L., 498 Tréheux, D., 906 Nicoll, A. R., 529 Sargent, G. A., 856 Tripathy, B. S., 385 Xie, Y., 864 Nishimura, M., 471 Sato, M., 159 Tse, M.-K., 126, 605 Xu, L., 820 Nordén, H., 624 Satter, M. A., 1054 Tuan, N. A., 1066 Xu, S., 183 Savkoor, A. R., 980 Tucci, A., 925 Xue, Q., 229, 1068 Oka, Y. I., 688 Schon, J., 347, 1129 Tung, S. C., 763 Y, N. D., 1066 Okui, T., 92 Scott, C. G., 34 Turenne, S., 679 Yau, C. F., 597 Olszewski, O., 939 Seah, K. H. W., 971 Tweedale, P. J., 407 Yegneswaran, A. H., 802 Olund, P., 1 Sebastian, S., 407 Yoo, J. H., 418 Ouyang, J., 450 Sethuramiah, A., 1081 Uchiyama, Y., 656, 930 Yu, C. W., 597 Seyed-Harraf, A., 880 UVezi, Y., 656 Pannhorst, W., 1103 Shao, H.-S., 569 Zaitsev, A. L., 40 Parry, T. V., 1022 Shen, W., 611 Van der Schoor, G. H., 980 Zambelli, G., 89 Pashby, I. R., 22 Shen Fusan, ., 811 Verhoeven, J. D., 211 Zanoria, E., 332 Perez-Unzueta, A. J., 173 Shi-Hui, L., 83 Vincent, L., 619 Zengwen, H., 1016 Peterson, M. B., 492 Shipway, P. H., 148 Vingsbo, O., 347, 1129 Zhang, B., 611 Petkova, D., 1004 Sickinger, A., 529 Viswanath, N. S., 1048 Zhang, F., 450 Pigeon, P., 590 Slifka, A. J., 614 Vicek, B. L., 498 Zhang, G., 450 Piroozan, A., 1054 Smirnov, V. V., 426 Vose, C., 820 Zhang, J., 188 Pleskachevskii, Yu. M., 426 Smith, M. E., 645 Zhao Kang, 811 Poonawala, N. S., 580 Song, G.-S., 75 Wada, N., 930 Zhou, J., 285 Pramila Bai, B. N., 296 Song, J., 662 Wallace, J. S., 314 Zhou, P. A., 721 Prasad, B. K., 64, 802 Sparks, A. J., 139 Wallbank, J., 22 Zhou, Q.-D., 75, 696, 782 Prasad, S. V., 47 Stack, M. M., 706 Walters, R. P., 713 Zhou, W.-S., 696 Stevens, R., 322 Wang, Y., 183 Zhou, Z. R., 619 Qi, S., 450 StJohn, D., 820 Wang, Y. S., 314 Zimmerlin, B., 269 Qing-De, Z., 83 Stott, F. H., 706 Wei, J., 229, 1068 Zum Gahr, K.-H., 269 Wear, 162-164, Part B (1993) 1159-1163 Subject Index of Volumes 162-164 Abrasive particle trajectories CAM follower wear modeling of abrasive particle trajectories during erosion by quantitative analysis of cam follower wear in relation to a slurry jet, 679 various material properties, 897 Acoustic emission Carbides sliding wear studies using acoustic emission, 597 study of the comet-shaped carbides in the uppermost on-line wear monitoring using acoustic emission, 605 surface layer of bearings, 466 measurements of wear and acoustic emission from fuel- Carbon content wetted surfaces, 703 influence of carbon content of martensitic matrix and Active wear mechanisms retained austenite on wear of martensitic ductile iron, study of some active wear mechanisms in a titanium-based ee cermet when machining steels, 1 Carbon fiber-glass matrix composite Ag/Mo thin film coatings wear and friction of a unidirectional carbon fiber- microstructures and tribological characteristics of electron- glass matrix composite against various counterpart, beam co-deposited Ag/Mo thin film coatings, 763 1103 Al,O, Carbon—PEEK composites scale of microstructure effects on the impact resistance of tribological behavior of unidirectional graphite-epoxy and Al,O,, 1073 carbon—PEEK composites, 385 Alloy white cast irons Ceramic femoral heads repeated impact—abrasion testing of alloy white cast irons, an evaluation of the penetration of ceramic femoral heads 790 into polyethylene acetabular cups, 880 Alumina ceramics Ceramics grain size effect on abrasive wear mechanisms in alumina sliding friction and wear of ceramics in neutral, acid and ceramics, 258 basic aqueous solutions, 220 SEM studies of material damage in alumina ceramics role of indentation fracture in free abrasive machining of by angular single and multiple particle impacts, ceramics, 246 285 Ceramic thermal sprayed coatings Aluminium alloy composites abrasion, erosion and scuffing resistance of carbide and tribological behaviour of aluminium alloy composites: a oxide ceramic thermal sprayed coatings for different comparative study with a copper-based alloy, 64 applications, 529 Aluminium alloys Ceramic tool wear effect of external loading on wear maps of aluminium ceramic tool wear when machining austempered ductile alloys, 619 iron, 22 Aluminum metal—matrix composites Cermet friction behavior of ceramic fiber-reinforced aluminum study of some active wear mechanisms in a titanium-based metal-matrix composites against a 440C steel counter- cermet when machining steels, 1 face, 47 C*-implanted silicon Anti-wear adhesive coating wear resistance of C*-implanted silicon investigated by study of antiwear adhesive coating under different erosion scanning probe microscopy, 733 conditions, 569 Composites Austempered ductile iron mechanisms of hard alloy wear in frictional processes with lubricated sliding and rolling wear of austempered ductile polymers and composite materials, 40 iron, 696 Copper base alloys Austenite tribological behaviour of aluminium alloy composites: a influence of retained austenite on the wear resistance of comparative study with a copper-based alloy, 64 high chromium cast iron under various impact loads, Cr,O, coating 83 effects of surfactants on the tribological properties of a Cr,O, coating, 229 Cu-20% Ni in situ composites further investigation on the tribological behavior of Bearing liners Cu-20% Nb in situ composite, 211 wear of bearing liners at low speed rotation of shafts with Cutting tool materials contaminated oil, 996 wear mechanisms of ultrahard, non-metallic cutting Bearings materials, 12 study of the comet-shaped carbides in the uppermost mapping the wear of some cutting-tool materials, surface layer of bearings, 466 971 Belt conveyor rollers laboratory simulation of the wear process of belt conveyor rollers, 1012 Damage accumulation Boundary film plastic deformation and damage accumulation below the boundary film for structural ceramic materials, 1150 worn surfaces, 188 Elsevier Sequoia 1160 Dielectric properties Galling role of dielectric properties in the tribological behaviour of galling in aluminum alloys and Duralcan aluminum matrix insulators, 906 composites, 574 Diesel engine Gas-blast erosion rig tribological studies of precise friction pairs under operating influence of nozzle roughness on conditions in a gas-blast conditions in a diesel engine, 1004 erosion rig, 148 Diffusion treated surfaces Gas machinery the wear resistance of diffusion treated surfaces, 757 wear-resistant materials for oil and gas machinery, 957 Digger teeth Gas turbine bearings the characterization of white layers formed on digger sliding friction and wear up to 600 °C of high speed steels teeth, 1059 and silicon nitrides for gas turbine bearings, 890 Dynamically stressed material Gears characterization of sliding wear in dynamically stressed wear of gears: a case study at Shiraz Cement Plant, 1054 material, 1081 Grain size effect of grain size on friction and sliding wear of oxide ceramics, 269 Electrical contacts Grain size effect hardness, friction and wear of multiplated electrical grain size effect on abrasive wear mechanisms in alumina contacts, 538 ceramics, 258 a general model for sliding wear in electrical contacts, 913 Graphite—epoxy composites Engineering steels tribological behavior of unidirectional graphite—epoxy and study on mechanism of combined action of abrasion and carbon—PEEK composites, 385 cavitation erosion on some engineering steels, 811 Grit size effect Erodent recycling accelerated wear testing using the grit size effect, 126 effects of erodent recycling in solid particle erosion testing, Gross slip criteria 139 gross slip criteria in fretting, 347 Erosion—corrosion mechanisms review of mechanisms of erosion—corrosion of alloys at elevated temperatures, 706 Hard coatings Erosion damage comparative dry wear behavior of hard coatings, 925 relationship between surface hardness and erosion damage Hardness caused by solid particle impact, 688 the differential effect of the hardness of metallic materials Erosion prediction on their erosion and abrasion resistance, 773 erosion prediction of pure metals and carbon steels, 1114 Hertzian fracture tests Erosive wear a study of the fundamental mechanisms of erosion using erosive wear behavior of chemical vapor deposited multi- Hertzian fracture tests, 856 layer tungsten carbide coating, 552 High speed contacts the failure of poly (ether ether ketone) in high speed Fe—Al intermetallic alloys contacts, 407 wear deformation of ordered Fe—Al intermetallic alloys, High speed sliding 432 high speed sliding of Al,O, pins against an En-24 steel Fe—Mo-S materials disc, 296 reactions during preparation and sliding of sintered Humid tropical conditions Fe—Mo-S wear-resistant materials, 450 the wear of material in humid—tropical conditions, 1066 Flooring materials Hydroabrasive wear processes comparative wear testing of flooring materials, 990 trends in developing theoretical and experimental investiga- Four-ball tester tions in studying hydroabrasive wear processes, 962 wear as measured with a four-ball wear tester using fully Hydrocarbon coatings flooded and vapor phase with condensation lubrication rolling-contact-fatigue wear characteristics of diamond-like methods, 944 hydrocarbon coatings on steels, 558 Free-wheel clutches Hydroturbine runners specific friction and wear mechanisms in clamping-roller high silt wear of hydroturbine runners, 1040 free-wheel clutches, 985 Fretted couple research on fretting wear dependence of hardness ratio Impact loads and friction coefficient of fretted couple, 939 influence of retained austenite on the wear resistance of Fretting high chromium cast iron under various impact loads, 83 effect of fretting on electroplated Pd—Ni contacts, 339 Impact resistance Fretting corrosion scale of microstructure effects on the impact resistance of surface temperatures and fretting corrosion of steel under Al,O,;, 1073 conditions of fretting contact, 357 Indentation fracture Fretting damage role of indentation fracture in free abrasive machining of microstructural characterization of fretting damage, 624 ceramics, 246 Fretting testing Insulators giant-magnetostrictive vibrator system for fretting testing at role of dielectric properties in the tribological behaviour of low amplitudes, 1129 insulators, 906 Ion implanted polymers Nitrogenated chromium cast irons structure and dose effects on improved wear properties of wear characteristics of nitrogenated chromium cast irons, ion-implanted polymers, 739 580 Nozzle roughness influence of nozzle roughness on conditions in a gas-blast KCl erosion rig, 148 microscopic deformations in KCI single crystals by Nylon indentation and scratching with steel ball and pyramidal the transfer and wear of nylon and CuS-nylon composites: indenters, 92 filler proportion and counterface characteristics, 397 Liquid crystal polymers Oil machinery effect of temperature on the wear of unfilled and filled wear-resistant materials for oil and gas machinery, 957 liquid crystal polymers, 656 Oxide ceramics effect of grain size on friction and sliding wear of oxide Machinability ceramics, 269 machinability of steels and titanium alloys under lubrica- tion, 34 Partially stabilized zirconia Magnesia partially stabilised zirconia wear behaviour of plasma-sprayed partially stabilized a transmission electron microscopy study of wear of magnesia partially stabilised zirconia, 322 zirconia on a steel substrate, 636 Particle layer effects Magnetic properties friction microprobe investigation of particle layer effects on a study on the relationship between the magnetic proper- sliding friction, 102 ties of a worn surface layer and the wear resistance, Pearlitic rail steels 611 microstructure and wear resistance of pearlitic rail steels, Magnetization 173 study on reduction in wear due to magnetization, 196 Photothermal radiometry 440C Martensitic stainless steel detection of wear cracks by photothermal radiometry, wear mechanism maps of 440C martensitic stainless steel, 590 614 Plastic deformation Material damage plastic deformation and damage accumulation below the SEM studies of material damage in alumina ceramics by angular single and multiple particle impacts, 285 worn surfaces, 188 Plough bodies Mechanical components the wear of the shares of plough bodies with rigid and wear—corrosion-resistant materials for mechanical compo- nents in harsh environments, 721 elastic connections to the frame, 1002 Polyethene Microscopic deformations tribological characteristics of filled ultrahigh molecular microscopic deformations in KCI single crystals by weight high density polyethene, 631 indentation and scratching with steel ball and pyramidal Polyether indenters, 92 tribological behavior of blends of polyether ether ketone Microstructure effects and polyether imide, 418 scale of microstructure effects on the impact resistance of Poly(ether ether ketone) Al,O;, 1073 the failure of poly (ether ether ketone) in high speed Modelization of damage modelization of damage by abrasion, 848 contacts, 407 tribological behavior of blends of polyether ether ketone MoS, films and polyether imide, 418 wear of selected materials and composites sliding against Polyetherpolyurethane thermoplastic elastomers MoS, films, 492 an investigation of the morphology—wear performance MoS, lubrication relationships in polyetherpolyurethane thermoplastic micromechanics of MoS, lubrication, 480 elastomers, 645 Mosaic blocks Polyethylene study on the microstress and size of mosaic block and macroscopic and microscopic wear mechanisms in ultra- their relationship to the wear resistance of steels, 183 high molecular weight polyethylene, 378 Mosaic surfaces effect of fillers on the friction and wear behaviour of friction and wear behaviour of mosaic surfaces formed by ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene during water-lu- laser line remelting of cast iron, 89 bricated reciprocating sliding wear, 1091 Movement patterns Polymer-based composites movement patterns of abrasive particles in three-body increasing wear resistance in polymer-based composites abrasion, 782 using radiation-modified polymeric additives, 426 Multilayer films Polymeric additives development of fracture resistant, multilayer films for pre- increasing wear resistance in polymer-based composites cision ball bearings, 919 using radiation-modified polymeric additives, 426 Polymeric coating Ni-hard 4 cast irons reciprocating sliding wear evaluation of a polymeric/coating development of abrasion-resistant Ni-hard 4 cast irons, 833 tribological system, 748 1162 Polymers Slurry jet mechanisms of hard alloy wear in frictional processes with modeling of abrasive particle trajectories during erosion by polymers and composite materials, 40 a slurry jet, 679 an analysis of the wear of polymers, 1048 Slurry pot erosion tester Polymer surfaces specimen diameter, impact velocity, erosion rate and microwear processes of polymer surfaces, 370 particle density in a slurry pot erosion tester, 669 Polyurethane Slurry pump wear and friction of medical grade polyurethane sliding on effect of operating conditions on the wear of wet parts in smooth metal counterfaces, 627 slurry pumps, 1016 Powder lubrication Smooth, hard solids wear reduction systems for coal-fueled diesel engines. frictional behavior of extremely smooth and hard solids, I. The basics of powder lubrication, 508 873 wear reduction systems for coal-fueled diesel engines. Solid-particle erosion II. Experimental results and hydrodynamic model of solid-particle erosion of in situ reinforced Si,;N,, 280 powder lubrication, 518 Stability PVD-coated indexable inserts tribological stability of metallic materials at elevated comparison of abrasion model test results and machining temperatures, 441 tests with PVD-coated indexable inserts, 1033 304: Stainless steel wear and scratch hardness of 304 stainless steel investi- gated with a single scratch test, 713 Rail steels corrosion—wear study of 304 stainless steel in various NaCl rolling-sliding behavior of rail steels, 159 solutions, 950 Repetitive impact wear Stick-slip repetitive impact wear of steels, 837 fundamentals of stick—slip, 1139 Rubber composites Structural ceramics friction and wear of short-fibre-reinforced rubber compos- boundary film for structural ceramic materials, 1150 ites under various sliding speeds and loads, 930 Surface hardness relationship between surface hardness and erosion damage Scanning Auger spectrometer caused by solid particle impact, 688 In situ wear experiments in the scanning Auger spectrome- Surfactants ter, 132 effects of surfactants on the tribological properties of a Scratching Cr,O, coating, 229 material response to two-dimensional scratching by wedges, 110 Scratch test wear and scratch hardness of 304 stainless steel investi- Thermoplastic bearing materials gated with a single scratch test, 713 selected thermoplastic bearing materials for use at elevated Scratch tests temperatures, 649 scratch tests on iron-, nickel- and cobalt-based alloys at Three-body abrasion elevated temperatures, 585 a model for three-body abrasion of brittle materials, Self-lubricating composites 954 friction and wear of self-lubricating composites at tempera- Three-body abrasive wear tures to 450 °C in vacuum, 471 three-body abrasive wear of 0.98% carbon steel, 802 Self-welding TisAl,V/PCTFE experimental study of self-welding of materials in high type of wear for the pair Ti6Al4V/PCTFE in ambient air temperature liquid sodium, 458 and in liquid nitrogen, 1025 Semiconductor silicon TiN-coated bushings ball-on-flat reciprocating sliding wear of single-crystal, application of TiN-coated bushings in the standard method semiconductor silicon at room temperature, 332 for indicating the wear characteristics of Si,N, hydraulic fluids in vane pumps, 966 solid-particle erosion of in situ reinforced Si,;N,, 280 Titanium coating combinations Silicon nitride wear behavior of titanium—coating combinations at the combined effect of speed and humidity on the wear elevated temperatures, 1045 and friction of silicon nitride, 234 Titanium-nickel alloy Sintered materials tribological behavior of a titanium—nickel alloy, 202 a study of friction and wear characteristics of copper- and Tribochemical mechanisms Si,N, iron-based sintered materials, 1123 tribochemical mechanisms of Si,N, with additives, 1068 Sliding velocity Tribometer effect of sliding velocity on the wear-effect of time-— a SEM/AES/XPS tribometer for rolling and sliding temperature equivalence, 662 contacts, 593 Sliding wear Tribosurfaces a general model for sliding wear in electrical contacts, 913 wear reduction by pyrolytic carbon on tribosurfaces, Slurry environments 498 the performance of aluminium alloys and particulate Tungsten carbide coating reinforced aluminium metal matrix composites in erosive wear behavior of chemical vapor deposited multi- erosive—corrosive slurry environments, 57 layer tungsten carbide coating, 552 Unlubricated sliding Wear cracks wear mechanisms of silicon nitride, partially stabilized detection of wear cracks by photothermal radiometry, 590 zirconia and alumina in unlubricated sliding against Wear reduction steel, 305 study on reduction in wear due to magnetization, 196 Wear resistance a study on the relationship between the magnetic proper- Vane pumps ties of a worn surface layer and the wear resistance, application of TiN-coated bushings in the standard method 611 for indicating the wear characteristics of Wheel/rail systems hydraulic fluids in vane pumps, 966 slip—time history influences on the interaction between fric- Vertical shaft impact breaker tion and wear in contaminated rolling contacts of operational wear in the impeller of a vertical shaft impact wheel-rail systems, 980 breaker, 1022 Wheel flange wear Vibrator system investigation of wheel flange wear on the Santander FEVE giant-magnetostrictive vibrator system for fretting testing at rail — a case study, 975 low amplitudes, 1129 White cast irons abrasive wear study of selected white cast irons as liner Water slurries materials for the mining industry, 820 wear testing in water slurries, 1029 Worn surfaces Wear behavior of ceramics the generation of worn surfaces by the repeated interac- characterization of wear behavior of steel and ceramics in tion of parallel grooves, 864 the VAMAS round robin tests, 119 Wear behavior of steel Zirconia toughened alumina characterization of wear behavior of steel and ceramics in effect of microstructure on the wear transition of zirconia- the VAMAS round robin tests, 119 toughened alumina, 314

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