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Noname manuscript No. (will be inserted by theeditor) Weakly bound states of polar molecules in bilayers⋆ D.V. Fedorov · J.R. Armstrong · N.T. Zinner · A.S. Jensen 1 1 0 2 Received: date/Accepted: date n a Abstract We investigate a system of two polarized molecules in a layered trap. The J moleculesresideinadjacentlayersandinteractpurelyviathedipole-dipoleinteraction. 4 Wedeterminethepropertiesofthegroundstateofthesystemasafunctionofthedipole 2 moment and polarization angle. A boundstate is always present in thesystem and in ] the weak binding limit the bound state extends to a very large distance and shows s universal behavior. u cl Keywords dipole-dipoleinteraction·2Dgeometry·weaklyboundstates·universality - m t 1 Introduction a . s Cold gases of polar molecules represent an interesting opportunity to study the in- c terplay of long- and short-range interactions in the controllable environment of the i s magneto-opticaltrap[1].Oneofthepossibleconfigurationsisanopticallatticewitha y multi-layered stack of planar traps. h p Weconsiderasystemoftwopolarmoleculesinadjacentlayers.Theuniqueproperty [ of the system is that the interaction between molecules is pure dipole-dipole. This interaction has the integrated strength equal to zero – the attractive and repulsive 1 partsofthepotentialareofequalintegratedstrength.In2D-geometrysuchinteraction v always supports a bound state [3]. We investigate the energy and root-mean-square 2 6 radius of theground state as a function of the dipole moment and polarization angle. 5 Inparticularweshowthatintheweakbindinglimitthestateshowsuniversalbehavior. 4 . ⋆ Presentedatthe21stEuropeanConferenceonFew-BodyProblemsinPhysics,Salamanca, 1 Spain,30August-3September 2010 0 1 D.V.Fedorov 1 AarhusUniversity,8000AarhusC,Denmark : J.R.Armstrong v AarhusUniversity,8000AarhusC,Denmark i X N.T.Zinner r AarhusUniversity,8000AarhusC,Denmark a A.S.Jensen AarhusUniversity,8000AarhusC,Denmark 2 0.6 D2>0 0.4 D2<0 2 0.2 b / 2 D 0 , W r -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 0 1 2 3 4 5 r,b Fig. 1 The dipole-dipole potential (2) in the rotationally symmetric case, θ = π/2, as a functionofr= x2+y2.Thepotential ismultipliedbyr forbettervisibility. p 2 The Schr¨odinger equation for two dipoles in bilayer geometry ThesystemoftwopolarmoleculesinabilayergeometryisdescribedbytheSchr¨odinger equation, 2 2 2 ¯h ∂ ∂ − + +W(x,y) ψ(x,y)=Eψ(x,y), (1) (cid:20) 2µ(cid:18)∂x2 ∂y2(cid:19) (cid:21) whereµisthereducedmassofthetwomolecules,xandy aretherelativecoordinates in thelayer plane, and W is thedipole-dipole potential, 2 2 2 2 x +y +b −3(xcosθ+bsinθ) W(x,y)=D2 (x2+y2+b2)5/2 , (2) where b is the distance between the layers, θ is the polarization angle measured from the layer, and D2 is the product of the dipole moments of the molecules taken with thepositiveornegativesignifthedipolesarecorrespondinglyparalleloranti-parallel. The dipole-dipole potential has the integrated strength identically equal to zero – ithasattractiveandrepulsivepartswithequalintegratedstrength,seefigure1.Sucha potential is expectedto always haveabound state in atwo-dimensional geometry [3]. 3 Ground state energy Wehavecalculatednumericallythebindingenergyofthegroundstateofthesystemof two polarized molecules for different dipole moments as a function of the polarization angle for parallel and anti-parallel orientation of thedipoles. Theresults areshown in figure 2. Forparallel dipolesthestrongest bindingisachievedwhenthedipoles areperpen- dicular to the layer, θ = π/2. The binding decreases monotonically with increasing polarization angle. Approaching θ=0, thebinding decreases significantly but still re- mainsfinite.Foranti-paralleldipolesthesituationisopposite–thebindingisstrongest forθ=0anddecreasestowardsθ=π/2.Inbothcasesastrongerdipolemomentleads to stronger binding. 3 0 -5 ) 2 b µ 2 ( -10 / 2 ¯h E, D2=−7 -15 D2=−9 D2=+7 D2=+9 -20 0 π/4 π/2 θ Fig.2 GroundstateenergyofthesystemoftwopolarmoleculesdescribedbytheSchro¨dinger equation (1) as a function of the polarization angle θ for parallel, D2 >0, and anti-parallel, D2<0,orientationofthedipoles.D2 isinunitsofh¯2b/(2µ). 4 Root-mean-square radius and universality in the weak binding limit Forshort-rangepotentialsintwodimensionstherelationbetweentheroot-mean-square radius,Rrms,andthebindingenergy,|E|,isuniversalinthelimitofweak binding[4], 2 2 E→0 2 ¯h Rrms −→ . (3) 32µ|E| −3 The dipole-dipole potential asymptotically decreases as r , that is faster than −2 the centrifugal barrier, r . It is thus of a short-range type and must obey the uni- versal relation. Indeed the numerical calculations show that the universal regime is approachedat|E|∼0.001 h¯2 ,seefigure3.Fortheparallel(anti-parallel)orientation 2µb2 1.2 D2>0 D2<0 1 2/3 2¯hµE|| /2 0.8 ms 2Rr 0.6 0.4 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 |E|, 2hµ¯2b2 Fig. 3 Root-mean-squareradiusRrms ofthesystemoftwopolarmoleculesdescribedbythe Schro¨dinger equation (1) as a function of the binding energy |E| for parallel, D2 > 0, and anti-parallel, D2 <0, orientation of the dipoles. The binding energy was varied by changing the dipole-dipole strength D2 while the polarization angle was fixed at θ = π/2. The model independent (universal)asymptoticvalueforvanishingbindingis2/3. 4 ofthedipolestheuniversallimitisreachedfrombelow(above)reflectingthegeometry ofthedipole-dipole potentialforthetwoconfigurations–eitherabarrieroracore,as illustrated in figure 1. 5 Conclusion We have investigated the ground state of a system of two polar molecules in a bi- layer geometry. The ground state is always bound with the binding energy strongly dependentonthepolarization angle.Intheweakbindinglimitthesystemexhibitsthe universal relation between the root-mean-squareradius and thebindingenergy. References 1. A. Micheli, G. Pupillo, H P. Bu¨chler, and P. Zoller, Cold polar molecules in 2D traps: Tailoringinteractionswithexternalfieldsfornovelquantumphases,Phys.Rev.A76043604 (2007) 2. J.R.Armstrong,N.T.Zinner,D.V.Fedorov,andA.S.Jensen,BoundStatesandUniversality inLayersofColdPolarMolecules,EurophysicsLetters9116001(2010) 3. B. Simon, The Bound State of Weakly Coupled Schro¨dinger Operators in One and Two Dimensions,AnnalsofPhysics97279-288(1976) 4. E.Nielsen,D.V.Fedorov,A.S.Jensen,andE.Garrido,Thetree-bodyproblemwithshort- rangeinteractions, PhysicsReports347373–459(2001)

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