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We Came Naked and Barefoot: The Journey of Cabeza de Vaca across North America (Texas Archaeology and Ethnohistory Series) PDF

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6 3 3 f o 1 t e e h s / T OO WE CAME NAKED AND BAREFOOT F E R A B D N A D E K A N E M A C E W / r e g e i r K 9 9 6 6 3 1 : 8 0 4 1 . 0 1 . 2 0 0 2 g n e s T 6 3 3 f o 2 t e e h s / T O O F E R A B D N A D E K A N E M A C E W / r e g e i r K 9 9 6 TexasArchaeologyandEthnohistorySeries 6 ThomasR.Hester,Editor 3 1 : 8 0 4 1 . 0 1 . 2 0 0 2 g n e s T 6 3 3 f o 3 t e e h s WE CAME NAKED / T O O F E R A B AND BAREFO OT D N A D E K NA THE JOURNEY OF E M A C CABEZA DE VACA E W / r e g AC RO S S e i r K 9 N O RT H 9 6 6 A M E R IC A ALEX D. KRIEGER (cid:1) EDITED BY MARGERY H. KRIEGER FOREWORD AND AFTERWORD BY THOMAS R . HESTER U  T P, A 3 1 : 8 0 4 1 . 0 1 . 2 0 0 2 g n e s T 6 3 3 f o 4 t e e h s / T O O F E R A B D N A D E K A N E M A C E W / r e g e ri Copyright©bytheUniversityofTexasPress K 9 Allrightsreserved 9 6 PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica 6 Firstedition, RequestsforpermissiontoreproducematerialfromthisworkshouldbesenttoPermissions, UniversityofTexasPress,Box,Austin,TX-. (cid:1)Thepaperusedinthisbookmeetstheminimumrequirementsof/.- ()(PermanenceofPaper). LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Krieger,AlexD.(AlexDony),– Wecamenakedandbarefoot:thejourneyofCabezadeVacaacross NorthAmerica/AlexD.Krieger;editedbyMargeryH.Krieger; forewordandafterwordbyThomasR.Hester.—sted. p. cm.—(Texasarchaeologyandethnohistoryseries) IncludestranslationsofNúñezCabezadeVaca’sRelacióny comentariosandofFernándezdeOviedoyValdésHistoria generalynaturaldelasIndias,book,chapters–. Includesbibliographicalreferences(p. )andindex. ---(cloth:alk.paper) .NúñezCabezadeVaca,Alvar,thcent.—Journeys—NorthAmerica. .NúñezCabeza deVaca,Alvar,thcent.Relaciónycomentarios. .America—Discoveryandexploration —Spanish. .America—Earlyaccountsto. .NorthAmerica—Descriptionand travel—Earlyworksto. .Southwest,New—Descriptionandtravel—Earlyworks to. .IndiansofNorthAmerica—History—thcentury. .IndiansofNorth America—Southwest,New—History—thcentury. .Naturalhistory—NorthAmer- ica. .Naturalhistory—Southwest,New. I.Krieger,MargeryH. II.NúñezCabeza deVaca,Alvar,thcent.Relaciónycomentarios.English. III.FernándezdeOviedoy Valdés,Gonzalo,–.HistoriageneralynaturaldelasIndias.Book,chapters–. English. IV.Title. V.Series. .  .'—dc  3 1 : 8 0 4 1 . 0 1 . 2 0 0 2 g n e s T 6 3 3 f o 5 t e e h s / T O O (cid:1)(cid:2)e(cid:3)(cid:2)ristians[s(cid:4)ave(cid:2)unters]...sai(cid:5)t(cid:2)att(cid:2)eirinterpreterswou(cid:4)(cid:5)te(cid:4)(cid:4) F E R A t(cid:2)em[t(cid:2)e(cid:6)n(cid:5)ians]t(cid:2)atwewereoft(cid:2)eirown[peop(cid:4)e]an(cid:5)t(cid:2)atwe(cid:2)a(cid:5) B D N (cid:7)een(cid:4)ost(cid:4)on(cid:8)(cid:7)eforean(cid:5)werepeop(cid:4)eof(cid:7)a(cid:5)(cid:4)uc(cid:9)an(cid:5)(cid:4)itt(cid:4)eva(cid:4)ue,an(cid:5)t(cid:2)at A D E t(cid:2)eyweret(cid:2)e(cid:4)or(cid:5)soft(cid:2)at(cid:4)an(cid:5)w(cid:2)omt(cid:2)ey[t(cid:2)e(cid:6)n(cid:5)ians]musto(cid:7)eyan(cid:5) K A N serve.(cid:10)ut[t(cid:2)e(cid:6)n(cid:5)ians](cid:2)e(cid:4)(cid:5)a(cid:4)(cid:4)t(cid:2)isto(cid:7)ewort(cid:2)very(cid:4)itt(cid:4)eornot(cid:2)in(cid:8). E M A C (cid:11)mon(cid:8)t(cid:2)emse(cid:4)vest(cid:2)eywou(cid:4)(cid:5)commentt(cid:2)att(cid:2)e(cid:3)(cid:2)ristians(cid:4)ie(cid:5)(cid:7)ecause E W wecamefromw(cid:2)eret(cid:2)esunrisesan(cid:5)t(cid:2)eycamefromw(cid:2)eret(cid:2)esunsets, / r e an(cid:5)t(cid:2)atwecure(cid:5)t(cid:2)esic(cid:9)an(cid:5)t(cid:2)ey(cid:9)i(cid:4)(cid:4)e(cid:5)t(cid:2)osew(cid:2)owere(cid:2)ea(cid:4)t(cid:2)y,an(cid:5) g e i r t(cid:2)atwecamena(cid:9)e(cid:5)an(cid:5)(cid:7)arefootan(cid:5)t(cid:2)eywerec(cid:4)ot(cid:2)e(cid:5)an(cid:5)on(cid:2)orse(cid:7)ac(cid:9) K 9 9 wit(cid:2)(cid:4)ances,an(cid:5)t(cid:2)atwewerenot(cid:8)ree(cid:5)yforanyt(cid:2)in(cid:8)(cid:7)uteveryt(cid:2)in(cid:8)t(cid:2)at 6 6 was(cid:8)iventousweinturn(cid:8)avetoot(cid:2)ersan(cid:5)(cid:9)eptnot(cid:2)in(cid:8),an(cid:5)[t(cid:2)ey] (cid:2)a(cid:5)noot(cid:2)erpurpose(cid:7)uttostea(cid:4)everyt(cid:2)in(cid:8)t(cid:2)eyfoun(cid:5)an(cid:5)never(cid:8)ive anyt(cid:2)in(cid:8)toanyone. ÁNCV Relacióndelosnaufragios 3 1 : 8 0 4 1 . 0 1 . 2 0 0 2 g n e s T THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 6 3 3 f o 7 t e e h s / T O O (cid:1)a(cid:2)(cid:3)eof(cid:4)ontents F E R A B D N A D E K A N E M A C E W / r e g e i r K 9 9 6 ListofMaps:viii 6 Foreword:ix Preface:xiii PartI:Introduction: PartII:TheJourneyofCabezadeVaca: PartIII:SummaryandConclusions: Afterword: (cid:1) Appendix:AccountoftheDisasters (Relacióndelosnaufragios), byÁlvarNúñezCabezadeVaca: Appendix:HistoriageneralynaturaldelasIndias, Book,ChaptersI–VII, byGonzaloFernandodeOviedoyValdez: References: SupplementalReferences: AuthorIndex: SubjectIndex: 3 1 : 8 0 4 1 . 0 1 . 2 0 0 2 g n e s T 6 3 3 f o 8 t e e h s / T O O (cid:5)istof(cid:6)aps F E R A B D N A D E K A N E M A C E W / r e g e i r K 9 9 6 Map:StagesA–D—ThroughSouthTexasand 6 NortheasternMexico: Map:StagesD–F—ToLaJuntadelosRíosandBeyond: Map:StagesF–H—CorazonestoCuliacán: Map:OverviewoftheTranscontinentalJourney: viii 3 1 : 8 0 4 1 . 0 1 . 2 0 0 2 g n e s T 6 3 3 f o 9 t e e h s / T O O (cid:7)orewor(cid:8) F E R A B D TR.H N A D E K A N E M A C E W / r e g e i r K 9 9 6 THE EARLY--SIXTEENTH-CENTURY odyssey of Álvar Núñez 6 CabezadeVacahasbeenthesubjectofmanybooksandscholarlyarticles, children’sbooks,andtelevisiondocumentaries.Inrecentyearstherehas beenasteadystreamofpublicationsinvolvingCabezadeVaca,including new translations of the Spanish accounts and anthropological interpre- tations,basedonthese,ofhisinteractionwithNativeAmericangroups. Therearesignificantdifferencesamongthesepublications—inthetrans- lationsthemselves,onthenatureofhisexperienceswithNativeAmerican groups, and most notably, widely divergent views of his route, especially acrossTexas.Twobasicroutesaretracedmostoften:ajourneythatwound throughcentralTexasandtheTexasPanhandleandonethathasCabeza deVacaandhiscompanionstraversingsouthernTexasandenteringnorth- easternMexico. Despitetherelativelylargebodyofliterature,onlyafewscholarshave placedCabezadeVaca’saccountintopropercontext,andevenfewerhave carried on over several decades their studies of the peoples, places, and eventsdiscussedtherein.T.N.Campbell(CampbellandCampbell) is one who has ‘‘tracked’’ Cabeza de Vaca for many years. Another was the late Alex D. Krieger, professor of anthropology at the University of Washington. Indeed, it is with the present book, written by Professor Krieger and editedbyhiswife,MargeryKrieger,thatIbelievearcheologists,anthro- pologists, geographers, and historians finally have both an authoritative translationand,perhapsmoreimportantly,aninformedandreasonedde- scription of the country and peoples Cabeza de Vaca encountered dur- ing his long journey. Krieger () devoted his doctoral dissertation to ix 3 1 : 8 0 4 1 . 0 1 . 2 0 0 2 g n e s T

Perhaps no one has ever been such a survivor as ?lvar N??ez Cabeza de Vaca. Member of a 600-man expedition sent out from Spain to colonize "La Florida" in 1527, he survived a failed exploration of the west coast of Florida, an open-boat crossing of the Gulf of Mexico, shipwreck on the Texas coast, s
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