Weiten-Psych-7-SE 1/6/06 11:25 AM Page 1 There’s more to psychology than meets the eye. Weiten p s y c h o What does this figure portray? Are you sure? If you counted your neurons—the cells in your l See page 140 to find out what you may have brain whose activity underlies everything that you missed. do—at the rate of one per second, you’d be o counting for 3000 years! See page 81. s e v e n t h e d i t i o n psychology g Psychology is an amazingly diverse field, with a legacy ThomsonNOW™ for Weiten’s Psychology: of unity (its themes) as well as diversity (its variations). Themes and Variations, Seventh Edition The process of research is applicable to so much in real This personalized online learning companion helps you y life. In this text, you’ll study acrophobia (fear of heights) focus your study time where you need it most. Get and zoophobia (fear of animals), sleeplessness and the started today at http://www.thomsonedu.com! symbolic language of dreams. You’ll find out what If an access card came with this text, you can start using psychologists learnwhen they study behaviors such as eating and fighting, and dig deeper to investigate how ThomsonNOW™right away. If not, just visit the site to t hormones affect emotions and how the brain registers purchase electronic access. h pain. You’ll explore broad social questions and personal, Study Guide e practical issues like the mysteries of love and the symp- 0-495-17034-8 toms of stress. Psychology is about youand yourlife— m and it’safascinating, eye-opening experience. Organized around learning objectives, this guide reviews v key ideas, people, and terms, complete with fill-in-the- a e Also available to help you succeed in your blank, short-answer,and matching questions, as well as a r s psychology course self-quiz. i Art and Lecture Outlines a PsykTrek 3.0: A Multimedia Introduction tt hh ee mm ee ss 0-495-17047-X t to Psychology Focus moreeasily on lectures by taking notes directly on i Be part of the action as you boost your understanding these outlines of key ideas and prints of text artthat are o and have more fun on your journey through introduc- likely to be shown in class. vv aa rr ii aa tt ii oo nn ss torypsychology.Icons in the text guide you to this n interactive media experience, where you’ll explore Featured Studies Reader s psychological concepts and phenomena with animated 0-495-17039-9 graphics, video, and simulations that let you take an Investigate the full research articles cited in the “Featured active role in experiments. You’ll even train a (virtual) Studies” sections of the main text, including explanatory seventh rat! Available on CD-ROM (0-495-09035-2) or online. introductions and up to ten questions per article. e d i t i o n Wayne Weiten Visit Wadsworth online at www.wadsworth.com For your learning solutions:www.thomson.com/learning SE/Weiten-Psychology-7 ISBN:0-495-09303-3 ©2007 Designer:Harasymczuk Text and cover printer:Quebecor/Dubuque Binding:Case Trim:9" x 10.875" CMYK 3306_W_Weiten_FM 1/6/06 11:56 AM Page i 7 th E D I T I O N Psychology Themes and Variations Wayne Weiten University of Nevada, Las Vegas Australia • Brazil • Canada • Mexico • Singapore • Spain United Kingdom • United States 3306_W_Weiten_Ch03 1/5/06 7:18 AM Page 72 3 C H A P T E R Communication in the Nervous System Nervous Tissue: The Basic Hardware The Neural Impulse: Using Energy to Send Information The Synapse: Where Neurons Meet Neurotransmitters and Behavior The Biological Bases Organization of the Nervous System The Peripheral Nervous System The Central Nervous System of Behavior Looking Inside the Brain:Research Methods Electrical Recordings Lesioning Electrical Stimulation of the Brain Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Brain-Imaging Procedures FEATURED STUDY • Probing the Anatomy of Sexual Arousal The Brain and Behavior The Hindbrain The Midbrain The Forebrain The Plasticity of the Brain Right Brain/Left Brain:Cerebral Laterality Bisecting the Brain: Split-Brain Research Hemispheric Specialization in the Intact Brain The Endocrine System:Another Way to Communicate Heredity and Behavior:Is It All in the Genes? Basic Principles of Genetics Investigating Hereditary Influence: Research Methods The Interplay of Heredity and Environment The Evolutionary Bases of Behavior Darwin’s Insights Subsequent Refinements to Evolutionary Theory Behaviors as Adaptive Traits Reflecting on the Chapter’s Themes PERSONAL APPLICATION • Evaluating the Concept of “Two Minds in One” Cerebral Specialization and Cognitive Processes Complexities and Qualifications CRITICAL THINKING APPLICATION • Building Better Brains:The Perils of Extrapolation The Key Findings on Neural Development The Tendency to Overextrapolate Recap Practice Test Corbis © Royalty-Free/ 3306_W_Weiten_Ch03 1/5/06 7:18 AM Page 73 If you have ever visited an aquarium, you may Organisms as diverse as humans and squid share have encountered one of nature’s more captivat- many biological processes. However, their unique be- ing animals: the octopus. Although this jellylike havioral capacities depend on the differences in their mass of arms and head appears to be a relatively sim- physiological makeup. You and I have a larger reper- ple creature, it is capable of a number of interesting toire of behaviors than the octopus in large part be- behaviors. The octopus has highly developed eyes cause we come equipped with a more complex brain that enable it to respond to stimuli in the darkness of and nervous system. The activity of the human brain the ocean. When threatened, it can release an inky is so complex that no computer has ever come close cloud to befuddle enemies while it makes good its es- to duplicating it. Your nervous system contains as cape by a kind of rocket propulsion. If that doesn’t many cells busily integrating and relaying informa- work, it can camouflage itself by changing color and tion as there are stars in our galaxy. Whether you are texture to blend into its surroundings. Furthermore, scratching your nose or composing an essay, the ac- the animal is surprisingly intelligent. In captivity, an tivity of those cells underlies what you do. It is little octopus can learn, for example, to twist the lid off a wonder, then, that many psychologists have dedi- jar with one of its tentacles to get at a treat inside. cated themselves to exploring the biological bases of Despite its talents, there are many things an octo- behavior. pus cannot do. An octopus cannot study psychology, How do mood-altering drugs work? Are the two plan a weekend, dream about its future, or discover halves of the brain specialized to perform different the Pythagorean theorem. Yet the biological processes functions? What happens inside the body when you that underlie these uniquely human behaviors are feel a strong emotion? Are some mental illnesses the much the same as the biological processes that en- result of chemical imbalances in the brain? To what able an octopus to escape from a predator or forage extent is intelligence determined by biological in- for food. Indeed, some of science’s most important heritance? These questions only begin to suggest the insights about how the nervous system works came countless ways in which biology is fundamental to from studies of a relative of the octopus, the squid. the study of behavior. CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn iinn tthhee NNeerrvvoouuss SSyysstteemm Imagine that you are watching a scary movie. As the your brain. In essence, your nervous system is a com- PREVIEW QUESTIONS tension mounts, your palms sweat and your heart plex communication network in which signals are What are the key parts of beats faster. You begin shoveling popcorn into your constantly being transmitted, received, and inte- the neuron, and what are mouth, carelessly spilling some in your lap. If some- grated. The nervous system handles information, their functions? one were to ask you what you are doing at this mo- just as the circulatory system handles blood. In this How do glial cells con- tribute to the functioning ment, you would probably say, “Nothing—just watch- section, we take a close look at how communication of the nervous system? ing the movie.” Yet some highly complex processes occurs in the nervous system. What is an action are occurring without your thinking about them. A potential? setyiems.u Alulms (otshte i nlisgthant tfarnoemo uthsley ,s ycoreuern b)r iasi nst irsi kinintegr pyoreutr- Nervous Tissue: Psyk Trek Htraonws mdoisessio sny ntaakpet icplace? The Basic Hardware 22aa Which neurotransmitters ing the light stimulus, and signals are flashing to other regulate which aspects parts of your body, leading to a flurry of activity. Your of behavior? Your nervous system is living tissue composed of cells. sweat glands are releasing perspiration, your heart- The cells in the nervous system fall into two major beat is quickening, and muscular movements are en- categories: neurons andglia. abling your hand to find the popcorn and, more or less successfully, lift it to your mouth. Psyk Trek Neurons 22aa Even in this simple example, you can see that be- havior depends on rapid information processing. In- Neuronsare individual cells in the nervous system formation travels almost instantaneously from your that receive, integrate, and transmit information. eyes to your brain, from your brain to the muscles of They are the basic links that permit communication your arm and hand, and from your palms back to within the nervous system. The vast majority of them The Biological Bases of Behavior 73 3306_W_Weiten_Ch03 1/5/06 7:18 AM Page 74 Dendrites Soma Myelin Axon sheath Terminal buttons and synapses Figure 3.1 communicate only with other neurons. However, a terial that encases some axons.The myelin sheath Structure of the neuron. small minority receive signals from outside the ner- speeds up the transmission of signals that move along Neurons are the communica- vous system (from sensory organs) or carry messages axons. If an axon’s myelin sheath deteriorates, its sig- tion links of the nervous sys- from the nervous system to the muscles that move nals may not be transmitted effectively. The loss of tem. This diagram highlights the key parts of a neuron, the body. muscle control seen with the disease multiple sclerosis including specialized recep- A highly simplified drawing of two “typical” neu- is due to a degeneration of myelin sheaths (Schwartz tor areas (dendrites), the cell rons is shown in Figure 3.1. Actually, neurons come & Westbrook, 2000). body (soma), the axon fiber along which impulses are in such a tremendous variety of types and shapes that The axon ends in a cluster of terminal buttons, transmitted, and the terminal no single drawing can adequately represent them. which are small knobs that secrete chemicals called buttons, which release chem- Trying to draw the “typical” neuron is like trying to neurotransmitters. These chemicals serve as mes- ical messengers that carry signals to other neurons. Neu- draw the “typical” tree. In spite of this diversity, the sengers that may activate neighboring neurons. The rons vary considerably in size drawing in Figure 3.1highlights some common fea- points at which neurons interconnect are called syn- and shape and are usually tures of neurons. apses.A synapse is a junction where information densely interconnected. The soma, or cell body, contains the cell nucleus is transmitted from one neuron to another (synapse and much of the chemical machinery common to is from the Greek for “junction”). most cells (somais Greek for “body”). The rest of the To summarize, information is received at the den- neuron is devoted exclusively to handling informa- drites, is passed through the soma and along the axon, tion. The neurons in Figure 3.1 have a number of and is transmitted to the dendrites of other cells at branched, feelerlike structures called dendritic trees meeting points called synapses. Unfortunately, this (dendriteis a Greek word for “tree”). Each individual nice, simple picture has more exceptions than the branch is a dendrite. Dendrites are the parts of a U.S. Tax Code. For example, some neurons do not neuron that are specialized to receive information. have an axon, while others have multiple axons. Also, Most neurons receive information from many other although neurons typically synapse on the dendrites cells—sometimes thousands of others—and so have of other cells, they may also synapse on a soma or extensive dendritic trees. an axon. Web Link 3.1 From the many dendrites, information flows into Neuropsychology Central the cell body and then travels away from the soma Glia This content-rich site, along the axon(from the Greek for “axle”). The axon Gliaare cells found throughout the nervous sys- maintained by Professor Jeffrey Browndyke of is a long, thin fiber that transmits signals away tem that provide various types of support for neu- Louisiana State University, from the soma to other neurons or to muscles or rons.Glia (literally “glue”) tend to be much smaller is dedicated to all aspects glands. Axons may be quite long (sometimes several than neurons, but they outnumber neurons by about of human neuropsychol- ogy, from the perspectives feet), and they may branch off to communicate with 10 to 1, so glial cells appear to account for over 50% of the experimental re- a number of other cells. of the brain’s volume. Among other things, glial cells search laboratory as well In humans, many axons are wrapped in cells with supply nourishment to neurons, help remove neu- as the applied clinical set- a high concentration of a white, fatty substance rons’ waste products, and provide insulation around ting of the hospital and professional office. called myelin.The myelin sheath is insulating ma- many axons. The myelin sheaths that encase some 74 C H A P T E R 3 3306_W_Weiten_Ch03 1/24/06 12:55 PM Page 75 axons are derived from special types of glial cells. ions inside the cell. The resulting voltage means that Glia also play a complicated role in orchestrating the the neuron at rest is a tiny battery, a store of poten- development of the nervous system in the human tial energy. The resting potential of a neuron is its embryo. stable, negative charge when the cell is inactive. As These functions, which have been known for shown in Figure 3.2(a), this charge is about (cid:1)70 milli- many years, made glial cells the unsung heroes of the volts, roughly one-twentieth of the voltage of a flash- nervous system. Until recently, it was thought that light battery. the “glamorous” work in the nervous system—the Psyk Trek transmission and integration of informational sig- The Action Potential 22aa nals—was the exclusive province of the neurons. New As long as the voltage of a neuron remains constant, research, however, suggests that glia may also send the cell is quiet, and no messages are being sent. When and receive chemical signals (Fields, 2004; Fields & the neuron is stimulated, channels in its cell mem- Stevens-Graham, 2002). Some types of glia can de- brane open, briefly allowing positively charged so- tect neural impulses and send signals to other glial dium ions to rush in. For an instant, the neuron’s cells. Surprised by this discovery, neuroscientists are charge is less negative, or even positive, creating an now trying to figure out how this signaling system action potential (Koester & Siegelbaum, 2000). An interfaces with the neural communication system. action potential is a very brief shift in a neuron’s Although glia may contribute to information pro- electrical charge that travels along an axon. The fir- cessing in the nervous system, the bulk of this crucial ing of an action potential is reflected in the voltage work is handled by the neurons. Thus, we need to spike shown in Figure 3.2 (b). Like a spark traveling examine the process of neural activity in more detail. along a trail of gunpowder, the voltage change races down the axon. TEhnee rNgeyu troa lS Iemnpdu Ilnsfeo:rUmsaintgio n Psyk Trek22aa nelAs fitner tthhee ficerilnl gm oefm abnr aacntei otnh apto toepnetniaeld, thtoe clehta nin- sodium close up. Some time is needed before they What happens when a neuron is stimulated? What is the nature of the signal—the neural impulse—that Figure 3.2. moves through the neuron? These were the questions The neural impulse. The electrochemical properties of the neuron allow it to transmit signals. The electric charge of a neuron can be measured with a pair of electrodes connected to an oscillo- that Alan Hodgkin and Andrew Huxley set out to an- scope, as Hodgkin and Huxley showed with a squid axon. Because of its exceptionally thick axons, swer in their groundbreaking experiments with axons the squid has frequently been used by scientists studying the neural impulse. (a)At rest, the neu- removed from squid. Why did they choose to work ron’s voltage hovers around (cid:1)70 millivolts. (b)When a neuron is stimulated, a brief jump occurs in the neuron’s voltage, resulting in a spike on the oscilloscope recording of the neuron’s electrical with squid axons? Because the squid has a pair of activity. This change in voltage, called an action potential, travels along the axon like a spark travel- “giant” axons that are about a hundred times larger ing along a trail of gunpowder. than those in humans (which still makes them only (a) about as thick as a human hair). Their large size per- mitted Hodgkin and Huxley to insert fine wires called 50 microelectrodes into them. By using the microelectrodes to record the electrical activity in individual neurons, Inside 0 Hodgkin and Huxley unraveled the mystery of the electrode olts v neural impulse. Axon Milli –50 Outside The Neuron at Rest: Psyk Trek electrode –100 Milliseconds A Tiny Battery 22aa (b) Hodgkin and Huxley (1952) learned that the neural impulse is a complex electrochemical reaction. Both 50 inside and outside the neuron are fluids containing Inside electrode ePloescittriivceallyly c chhaarrggeedd saotdoimusm a nand dm pooletacsuslieusm ca ilolends iaonnsd. Axon + + – Millivolts –500 negatively charged chloride ions flow back and forth Outside across the cell membrane, but they do not cross at electrode –100 the same rate. The difference in flow rates leads to a Milliseconds slightly higher concentration of negatively charged The Biological Bases of Behavior 75 3306_W_Weiten_Ch03 1/5/06 7:18 AM Page 76 are ready to open again, and until that time the neu- to read this description of the neural impulse, bil- Web Link 3.2 ron cannot fire. The absolute refractory period is lions of such impulses have been transmitted in your the minimum length of time after an action poten- nervous system! Molecular Neurobiology: A Gallery of Animations tial during which another action potential cannot SNieteil eBduistiosr b arnindg ps htoysgiecitahner b2 emgiilnli.s eTchoins d“sd. oIwt ins ftoimlloew” eidsn b’ty vae bryri elof nregla, toivnel yre f1r aocr- TWhhee Srey nNaepusreo:ns Meet Psyk Trek22bb a set of QuickTime anima- tions demonstrating activi- tory period,during which the neuron can fire, but its ties at the molecular level threshold for firing is elevated, so more intense stim- In the nervous system, the neural impulse functions of the synapse, such as ulation is required to initiate an action potential. the fusion of synaptic vesi- as a signal. For that signal to have any meaning for cmleesm wbirtahn teh.e presynaptic The All-or-None Law Psyk Trek22aa tthhee nsyesutreomn atos oa twhehro cleel,l sit. Amsu nsot tbeed teraarnlisemr, itthteisd t frraonms- The neural impulse is an all-or-none proposition, like mission takes place at special junctions called synapses, firing a gun. You can’t half-fire a gun. The same is true which depend on chemicalmessengers. of the neuron’s firing of action potentials. Either the neuron fires or it doesn’t, and its action potentials Sending Signals: Psyk Trek are all the same size (Kandel, 2000). That is, weaker Chemicals as Couriers 22bb stimuli do not produce smaller action potentials. A “typical” synapse is shown in Figure 3.3. The first Even though the action potential is an all-or- thing that you should notice is that the two neurons nothing event, neurons can convey information about don’t actually touch. They are separated by the syn- the strength of a stimulus. They do so by varying the aptic cleft, a microscopic gap between the termi- rateat which they fire action potentials. In general, a nal button of one neuron and the cell membrane stronger stimulus will cause a cell to fire a more rapid of another neuron. Signals have to jump this gap to volley of neural impulses than a weaker stimulus will. permit neurons to communicate. In this situation, Various neurons transmit neural impulses at dif- the neuron that sends a signal across the gap is called ferent speeds. For example, thicker axons transmit the presynaptic neuron,and the neuron that receives the neural impulses more rapidly than thinner ones do. signal is called the postsynaptic neuron. Although neural impulses do not travel as fast as How do messages travel across the gaps between electricity along a wire, they arevery fast, moving at neurons? The arrival of an action potential at an up to 100 meters per second, which is equivalent to axon’s terminal buttons triggers the release of neuro- more than 200 miles per hour. The entire, compli- transmitters—chemicals that transmit informa- cated process of neural transmission takes only a few tion from one neuron to another. Within the but- thousandths of a second. In the time it has taken you tons, most of these chemicals are stored in small sacs, concept check 3.1 Understanding Nervous System Hardware Using Metaphors A useful way to learn about the structures and functions of parts of the nervous system is through metaphors. Check your understanding of the basic components of the nervous system by matching the metaphorical descriptions below with the correct terms in the following list: (a) glia, (b) neuron, (c) soma, (d) dendrite, (e) axon, (f) myelin, (g) terminal button, (h) synapse. You’ll find the answers in Appendix A. _______ 1. Like a tree. Also, each branch is a telephone wire that carries incoming messages to you. _______ 2. Like the insulation that covers electrical wires. _______ 3. Like a silicon chip in a computer that receives and transmits information between input and output devices as well as between other chips. _______ 4. Like an electrical cable that carries information. _______ 5. Like the maintenance personnel who keep things clean and in working order so the operations of the enterprise can proceed. _______ 6. Like the nozzle at the end of a hose, from which water is squirted. _______ 7. Like a railroad junction, where two trains may meet. 76 C H A P T E R 3 3306_W_Weiten_Ch03 1/5/06 7:18 AM Page 77 called synaptic vesicles. The neurotransmitters are re- leased when a vesicle fuses with the membrane of the presynaptic cell and its contents spill into the synaptic cleft. After their release, neurotransmitters diffuse across the synaptic cleft to the membrane of the receiving cell. There they may bind with special molecules in the postsynaptic cell membrane at vari- ous receptor sites. These sites are specifically “tuned” to recognize and respond to some neurotransmitters but not to others. Receiving Signals: Psyk Trek A(pxroens yonf aspetnicd)i nngeuron Postsynaptic Potentials 22bb When a neurotransmitter and a receptor molecule Neural impulse combine, reactions in the cell membrane cause a post- synaptic potential (PSP), a voltage change at a re- Synaptic vesicles ceptor site on a postsynaptic cell membrane. Post- containing neurotransmitter synaptic potentials do not follow the all-or-none law as action potentials do. Instead, postsynaptic poten- Terminal button tials are graded. That is, they vary in size and they in- Neurotransmitter crease or decrease the probability of a neural impulse molecules in the receiving cell in proportion to the amount of voltage change. Two types of messages can be sent from cell to cell: excitatory and inhibitory. An excitatory PSP is a pos- itive voltage shift that increases the likelihood that the postsynaptic neuron will fire action potentials. Synaptic An inhibitory PSP is a negative voltage shift that cleft decreases the likelihood that the postsynaptic neu- ron will fire action potentials. The direction of the voltage shift, and thus the nature of the PSP (excita- Cell membrane tory or inhibitory), depends on which receptor sites of receiving (postsynaptic) are activated in the postsynaptic neuron (Kandel, Receptor sites neuron 2000). The excitatory or inhibitory effects produced at a Transmitter fits receptor Transmitter does not fit at synapse last only a fraction of a second. Then neuro- site, binds to cell membrane, receptor site, cannot bind transmitters drift away from receptor sites or are in- producing postsynaptic to cell membrane potential activated by enzymes that metabolize (convert) them into inactive forms. Most are reabsorbed into the presynaptic neuron through reuptake,a process in which neurotransmitters are sponged up from the simply relay messages it receives. It must integrate Figure 3.3 synaptic cleft by the presynaptic membrane. Re- signals arriving at many synapses before it “decides” The synapse. When a uptake allows synapses to recycle their materials. whether to fire a neural impulse. If enough excitatory neural impulse reaches an Reuptake and the other key processes in synaptic axon’s terminal buttons, it PSPs occur in a neuron, the electrical currents can transmission are summarized in Figure 3.4on the triggers the release of chemi- add up, causing the cell’s voltage to reach the thresh- cal messengers called neuro- next page. old at which an action potential will be fired. How- transmitters. The neurotrans- mitter molecules diffuse across ever, if many inhibitory PSPs also occur, they will Integrating Signals: Psyk Trek tend to cancel the effects of excitatory PSPs. Thus, ttho er escyenpatpotric s ictleesf to ann tdh eb ipnods t- Neural Networks 22bb the state of the neuron is a weighted balance between synaptic neuron. A specific neurotransmitter can bind A neuron may receive a symphony of signals from excitatory and inhibitory influences (Kandel & Siegel- only to receptor sites that its thousands of other neurons. The same neuron may baum, 2000). molecular structure will fit pass its messages along to thousands of neurons as As Rita Carter (1998) has pointed out in Mapping into, much like a key must fit a lock. well. Thus, a neuron must do a great deal more than the Mind, “The firing of a single neuron is not enough The Biological Bases of Behavior 77 3306_W_Weiten_Ch03 1/5/06 7:18 AM Page 78 Figure 3.4 Overview of synaptic transmission. The main elements in synaptic trans- mission are summarized here, 1Synthesis and storage of superimposed on a blowup 5Reuptake of neurotransmitters neurotransmitter molecules in of the synapse seen in Figure sponged up by the presynaptic synaptic vesicles 3.3. The five key processes neuron involved in communication at synapses are (1) synthe- sis and storage, (2) release, (3) binding, (4) inactivation or removal, and (5) reuptake of neurotransmitters. As you’ll see in this chapter and the 2Release of neurotransmitter 4Inactivation (by enzymes) or remainder of the book, the molecules into synaptic cleft removal (drifting away) of effects of many phenom- neurotransmitters ena—such as pain, drug use, and some diseases—can be explained in terms of how they alter one or more of these processes (usually at synapses releasing a specific neurotransmitter). 3Binding of neurotransmitters at receptor sites on postsynaptic membrane to create the twitch of an eyelid in sleep, let alone a be made while some old connections whither away conscious impression. . . . Millions of neurons must (Hua & Smith, 2004). fire in unison to produce the most trifling thought” Ironically, the elimination of old synapsesappears (p. 19). Most neurons are interlinked in complex to play a larger role in the sculpting of neural net- chains, pathways, circuits, and networks. Our percep- works than the creation of new synapses.The nervous tions, thoughts, and actions depend on patterns of system normally forms more synapses than needed neural activity in elaborate neural networks. These and then gradually eliminates the less-active syn- networks consist of interconnected neurons that fre- apses. For example, the number of synapses in the quently fire together or sequentially to perform cer- human visual cortex peaks at around age one and tain functions (Song et al., 2005). The links in these then declines, as diagrammed in Figure 3.5(Hutten- networks are fluid, as new synaptic connections may locher, 1994). Thus, synaptic pruning is a key process Figure 3.5 in the formation of the neural networks that are cru- Synaptic pruning. This cial to communication in the nervous system. graph summarizes data on 24 the estimated number of syn- apses in the human visual c(Horuttetxe nalso cah feurn, c1t9io9n4 )o.f Aasg e 20 Neurotransmitters Psyk Trek and Behavior 22bb,,44dd you can see, the number of synapses in this area of the 16 brain peaks around age 1 and 110) tchoeunr sme oosf ttlyh ed elicfeli nsepsa onv. eTrh tihse mber of(cid:2)es (112 Aicsa lw ceo huarvieer ss eteon c, othmem nuernviocautse s yinstfeomrm raetliieosn o bne ctwheemen- decline reflects the process Nuaps neurons. These neurotransmitters are fundamental to n ofsynaptic pruning,which sy 8 behavior, playing a key role in everything from mus- involves the gradual elimina- tion of less active synapses. cle movements to moods and mental health. 4 You might guess that the nervous system would Source:Data based on Huttenlocher, P. R. (1994). Synaptogenesis in human require only two neurotransmitters—one for excita- cerebral cortex. In G. Dawson & K. W. Fischer (Eds.), Human behavior and the 0 tory potentials and one for inhibitory potentials. In developing brain. New York: Guilford 7 2 4 6 81012 2 5 10 20 30 50 70 reality, there are nine well-established, classic (small- Press. Graphic adapted from Kolb, B. & Months Months Years Whishaw, I. Q. (2001). An introduction gestation molecule) transmitters, about 40 additional neuro- to brain and behavior. New York: Worth Publishers. Birth peptide chemicals that function, at least part-time, 78 C H A P T E R 3 3306_W_Weiten_Ch03 1/5/06 7:18 AM Page 79 as neurotransmitters, and a variety of recently recog- Table 3.1 Common Neurotransmitters and Some of Their Functions nized “novel” neurotransmitters (Schwartz, 2000; Neurotransmitter Functions and Characteristics Snyder, 2002). As scientists continue to discover new Acetylcholine Released by motor neurons controlling skeletal muscles and increasingly diverse transmitter substances, they (ACh) Contributes to the regulation of attention, arousal, and memory are being forced to reevaluate their criteria regarding Some ACh receptors stimulated by nicotine what qualifies as a neurotransmitter (Snyder & Fer- Dopamine Contributes to control of voluntary movement, pleasurable emotions ris, 2000). (DA) Decreased levels associated with Parkinson’s disease Specific neurotransmitters work at specific kinds Overactivity at DA synapses associated with schizophrenia Cocaine and amphetamines elevate activity at DA synapses of synapses. You may recall that transmitters deliver their messages by binding to receptor sites on the post- Norepinephrine Contributes to modulation of mood and arousal (NE) Cocaine and amphetamines elevate activity at NE synapses synaptic membrane. However, a transmitter cannot bind to just any site. The binding process operates Serotonin Involved in regulation of sleep and wakefulness, eating, aggression Abnormal levels may contribute to depression and obsessive-compulsive much like a lock and key, as was shown in Figure 3.3. disorder Just as a key has to fit a lock to work, a transmitter has Prozac and similar antidepressant drugs affect serotonin circuits to fit into a receptor site for binding to occur. As a re- GABA Serves as widely distributed inhibitory transmitter sult, specific transmitters can deliver signals only at Valium and similar antianxiety drugs work at GABA synapses certain locations on cell membranes. Endorphins Resemble opiate drugs in structure and effects Why are there many neurotransmitters, each of Contribute to pain relief and perhaps to some pleasurable emotions which works only at certain synapses? This variety and specificity reduces crosstalk between densely packed neurons, making the nervous system’s com- munication more precise. Let’s briefly review some as antagonists. An antagonist is a chemical that op- of the most interesting findings about how neuro- poses the action of a neurotransmitter. For exam- transmitters regulate behavior, which are summa- ple, the drug curare is an ACh antagonist. It blocks rized in Table 3.1. action at the same ACh synapses that are fooled by Psyk Trek nicotine. As a result, muscles are unable to move. Acetylcholine 22bb Some South American natives put a form of curare The discovery that cells communicate by releasing on arrow tips. If they wound an animal, the curare chemicals was first made in connection with the blocks the synapses from nerve to muscle, paralyzing transmitter acetylcholine (ACh). ACh has been found the animal. throughout the nervous system. It is the only trans- Psyk Trek Monoamines 22bb,,44dd mitter between motor neurons and voluntary mus- cles. Every move you make—typing, walking, talking, The monoamines include three neurotransmitters: breathing—depends on ACh released to your mus- dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Neurons cles by motor neurons (Kandel & Siegelbaum, 2000). using these transmitters regulate many aspects of ACh also appears to contribute to attention, arousal, everyday behavior. Dopamine (DA), for example, is and perhaps memory. used by neurons that control voluntary movements. The activity of ACh (and other neurotransmitters) The degeneration of such neurons apparently causes may be influenced by other chemicals in the brain. Parkinsonism, a disease marked by tremors, muscular Although synaptic receptor sites are sensitive to rigidity, and reduced control over voluntary move- specific neurotransmitters, sometimes they can be ments (DeLong, 2000). “fooled” by other chemical substances. For example, if you smoke tobacco, some of your ACh synapses will be stimulated by the nicotine that arrives in your Muhammed Ali and Michael brain. At these synapses, the nicotine acts like ACh J. Fox are two well-known itself. It binds to receptor sites for ACh, causing post- victims of Parkinson’s dis- synaptic potentials (PSPs). In technical language, ease. Roughly one million Americans suffer from Park- nicotine is an ACh agonist. An agonist is a chemi- inson’s disease, which is cal that mimics the action of a neurotransmitter. caused by a decline in the synthesis of the neurotrans- atog opNnrooistdt aus.lc lSe co ahm ePmeS Pcic h(atelhms eti hkcaaetlys f sobloiidnl edssy tinona trpoet citceh prete olcoercsp ktb,o ubrtsu fata riietl World Photos mtoicoicntut erirsn dbdoeocppaaaummseiin noeef. tsThyhene td hreeetdseiursico-- dacecopteitosonnr’ tso ifwt etosh,re kr e)n.na Idtnue rreianflf get rctathn, estmmhe iuyttn etuer smbaybp looecr. acTruhipluyys i,bn tlgoh ceiktys t arhceet- © 2002 AP/Wide rina ttihone mofi dab srtariunc.ture located The Biological Bases of Behavior 79