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Waveve tor resonan e in a nonlinear multi-wavespeed haoti billiard Alexei Akolzin and Ri hard L. Weaver Department of Theoreti al and Applied Me hani s, University of Illinois, 104 S. Wright Street, Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA (Dated: 8th February 2008) Nonlinear oupling between eigenmodes of a system leads to spe tral energy redistribution. For multi-wavespeed haoti billiards the average oupling strength an exhibit sharp dis ontinuities as a fun tion of frequen y related to waveve tor oin iden es between onstituent waves of dif- ferent wavespeeds. The phenomenon is investigated numeri ally for an ensemble of 2D square two-wavespeed billiards with rough boundaries and quadrati nonlinearity representative of elasto- dynami waves. Results of dire tnumeri al simulations are omparedwith theoreti al predi tions. 6 0 0 t D Re entyearshavebeen markedby in reasedattention modalspa ing, ≪ ,individualmodesarenotresolved, 2 to multiple s atteringand propagationof lassi alwaves and statisti al des ription is in order. One of the energy n in disordered nonlinear media. Main resear h has been quantities onveniently a essible for experimental mea- a in opti s; see [1℄ and referen es therein. Chara teristi s surement under these onditions is the average spe tral J E(ω ,t)=D(ω ) E (t) k k k of a wave-(cid:28)eld pertinent to ontinuous-wave problems, density, h i, a onstantin theab- 6 su h as angular orrelations and oherent ba ks atter- sen e of dissipation or nonlinearity. Under the in(cid:29)uen e ] ing, have dominated [2℄. In(cid:29)uen e of nonlinearity on the of nonlinearity it evolvesin time. The evolution leads to D stabilityofaspe klepatternhasbeen onsideredalso[3℄; energydeposit into frequen ies that ontainedno energy C nonlinearphenomenain transient(cid:28)elds, as, forexample, initially, thereby allowing dete tion of the nonlinearity. . frequen yshiftingofalasing-modein arandomlaser[4℄, In ase of a weak nonlinearity the leading ontribution n have been studied. to thedeposit isgivenby onvolutionofenergydensities i l An anisotropi or multi-wavespeed nature of the at two frequen ies that have a given (target) frequen y n ω mediumsupportingpropagationofthe lassi alwavesal- as a ombination, i.e. their sum or di(cid:27)eren e [6℄: [ lowsabroadergroundforinterplaybetweennonlinearity +∞ 1 and multiple s attering. Statisti al e(cid:27)e ts of nonlinear E˙ (ω,t)=D(ω) dω′ N(ω,ω′, ω ω′ ) v wave-(cid:28)eld behavior have re eived little attention so far. Z0 X± | ± | 8 1 A lass of systems in whi h these e(cid:27)e ts are expe ted, is E(ω ω′ )E(ω′)/(ω ω′)2ω′2. given by elastodynami waves in solids, with anisotropy × | ± | ± (2) 0 1 or multiple speeds of propagation as a rule rather than 0 ex eption. Ballisti billiards in the form of elasti solids Redistribution of the energy involving triads of frequen- 6 with a ray- haoti shape are onveniently realizable and ies is hara teristi of a dominant quadrati nonlinear- 0 allowreadya esstothetimedomainandobservationof ity (cid:21) ontribution of the ubi terms of eq. (1) vanishes n/ transients[5℄. Thesebilliardsarerepresentativeof lassi- on the average, being of the next order of smallness, - i alwave-bearingsystems, andaresuitedforthestudyof (cid:21) and is in agreement with behavior expe ted from ele- l n statisti al nonlinear e(cid:27)e ts that stem from the multiple- mentarytheoryofnonlinearos illations( f.,forexample, : wavespeed hara ter of the wave-(cid:28)eld. The purpose of [7℄). It orrespondstointernal(frequen y)resonan ebe- v i this study is to provide eviden e of one of su h e(cid:27)e ts, tween the modes of the billiard, whi h e(cid:27)e tively takes X namely waveve tor resonan e in a haoti nonlinear bil- pla ewhenindividualmodesarenotresolved,andhen e r liard,withanelastodynami billiard hosenasanunder- a ombination frequen y of two sour e modes is indis- a lying physi al model. tinguishable from the frequen y of another mode of the Dynami sofan elastodynami billiardafterex itation system. The resonan e manifests itself in early-time lin- by a transient sour e an be redu ed in the absen e of ear energy growth that an be linked to se ular terms energydissipation to aset ofnonlinearly oupledos illa- arising in Regular Perturbation Theory [6℄. ω torswithnaturalfrequen ies k, amplitudesofvibration Redistributionofthespe tralenergyinthebilliardo - d N k, and oupling matri es [6℄: ursduetononlinear ouplingofthemodes. Theaverage d¨ +ω2d +N d d +N d d d =0, oupling strength is provided by the fun tion, k k k klm l m klmn l m n (1) N(ω ,ω ,ω )=(π/2) N N k l m klm klm wherenonlinearityupto ubi termshasbeena ounted =(π/2)Nˆ Nˆ K(cid:10) (ω )K (cid:11)(ω )K (ω ). αβγ νµη αν k βµ l γη m (3) for. Asso iated with ea h os illator (mode) is its lin- E = d˙2 +ω2d2 /2 ear energy k (cid:16) k k k(cid:17) . AlthouEgh not being Greek indi es denote spatixal degrees of freedom in lud- k trueenergyinthepresen eofnonlinearity, elu idates ing both spatial position and Cartesian indi es, and trends of modal energy redistribution when nonlinearity repeatedindi esimply summation. The fun tion issym- is weak. metri al with respe t to its arguments, rendering inter- For observation times mu h smaller than the inverse a tion strength of any triad of frequen ies independent 2 of energytransferdire tion between them. Nevertheless, ent wavespeeds is termed waveve torresonan e here. in nondispersive billiards wDith tVheωidn−v1er+se..m.odal spa - Toverifyexisten eofthewaveve torresonan easeries d ing given by Weyl series, ∼ [8℄, where of dire t numeri al simulations (DNS) was performed. V d d stands for -dimensional volume of the billiard, the An ensemble of dis rete 2D square billiards with aver- overall power input exhibits a trend of the energy to be age boundary roughness of one twenty-fourth of the bil- transfered up the frequen y spe trum. liard size was taken; f. [14℄. Evolution of the wave- Spe i(cid:28) s of the physi s ofua parti ular systNeˆm re- (cid:28)eldinsidethebilliardswasgovernedby(cid:28)rst-order(cid:28)nite- side in statisti sNof its=mNoˆdes uk,(αa)nud (oβp)eurato(rγ) that di(cid:27)eren e version of the following two-wavespeed elasto- a ts on them, klm αβγ k l m . Un- dynami equation: der the assumption that the modes are mutually un or- u¨ =c2u + c2 c2 u +εΦ (u u ) , related Gaussian random ve tors [9, 10℄, the statisti s i t i,jj (cid:0) l − t(cid:1) j,ij ijklmn k,l m,n ,j (4) atorreKfuαllβy(pωrko)vi=dedukby(αt)huekp(aβir)w.isIenstphaetiashlomrto-dwaalv eolernregltah- where cl and ct are longitudinal and transverse (cid:10) (cid:11) limit, when boundarye(cid:27)e ts areunimportant,the orre- wavespeeds, respe tively. The nonlinear oupling term lator anbeapproximatedbymeansoftheGreen'sfun - was housentobequadrati inderivativesofthedispla e- tion in boundless medium, with long-range orrelation ments , a form representative of the physi al nonlin- L beinglimitedtobilliarddiameter . Re(cid:28)nedapproxima- earity in isotropi elasti solids des ribed by the (cid:28)ve- tions of the orrelator that in lude (cid:28)nite size and geom- onstant theory [15℄. The derivatives were oupled by etry e(cid:27)e ts an be onstru ted upon need, see [11℄ and the elementary isotropi tensor, referen es therein. Φ = ijklmn Under a Random Wave Model (RWM) a mode in- 1 δ δ δ +δ δ δ +δ δ δ +δ δ δ side a haoti billiard an be viewed as superposition ik jm ln ik jn lm il jm kn il jn km 8 of onstituent plane waves oming from all dire tions (cid:0) +δ δ δ +δ δ δ +δ δ δ +δ δ δ . im jk ln im jl kn in jk lm in jl km and having random amplitudes and phases [9℄. In a (cid:1) multi-wavespeed billiard these waves an have di(cid:27)erent speeds of propagation and di(cid:27)erent amplitudes, requir- Strenεgth of the nonlinearity was ontrolled1b0y−2param- ing a modi(cid:28) ation to RWM [12℄. Ea h pair of the on- eter , whi h was kept small on the order , while u = O(1) stituent waves from the sour e modes intera ts nonlin- . Diri hlet boundary onditions were imposed early produ ing a onstituent wave of the target mode. on the billiard boundaries. Initial displa ement(cid:28)eld was Two onservation laws must be obeyed in the pro ess. arranged so that only modes supporting two narrow- The (cid:28)rst requires frequen y of the resultant wave to be band Gaussian peaks of the spe tral energy entered at ω1 ω2 equal either to the sum or di(cid:27)eren e of the sour e ones. given frequen ies and were ex ited. The width of A parallel an be drawn to energy onservation applied the peaks was taken wide enough to en ompass tens of to parti le s attering problems. The law is automati- modes. Evolution oftthe=in(Ait/ia2l)(cid:28)ec−ld2u+pc−to2ocne/htenth of ally satis(cid:28)ed by the internal-resonan e stru ture of eq. theHeisenbergtime, H l t t ,where A h(cid:0) (cid:1) (2). The se ond law requires waveve tors of the on- is average billiard area, and is (cid:28)nite-di(cid:27)eren e step stituent waves to sum, thus standing for onservation of length, was then omputed by dire tly solving the gov- wave pseudo-momentum. In nondispersive systems in- erning ODEs (4). The pro edure was performed for a tera tion of onstituent waves of the same wavespeed is number of realizations in order to obtain ensemble av- alwaysallowedbytheabove onservationlaws,whenthe erage of the spe tral energy. Expe ted linear growth in wavesare ollinear. Thisme hanismprovidesanon-zero time of the energy peaks entered at ombinatori fre- ba kground oupling strength for any frequen y ombi- quen ies, ω1±2 = |ω1±ω2|, was observed. By varying nationof sour emodes. Intera tion of onstituentwaves entral frequen ies of the sour e peaks, and al ulating of di(cid:27)erent wavespeeds, however, is only possible if the average energy growth rate of the ombinatori peaks, frequen ies (and polarizations) of the sour e waves are the oupling strength (3) was re overed [6℄: in spe ial relation to ea h other [13℄. If the frequen ies aresu h, this additionalintera tion hannelisopen, and N(ω1±2,ω1,ω2)=(1/2)E˙1±2ω12ω22/D(ω1±2)E1E2, (5) nonlinear ouplingstrengthisexpe tedtobegreater. In- tegral ontributionofall onstituent-waveintera tionsis here E1,2 and E1±2 are total energies arried by the provided by eq. (3), statisti s of the waveKs being in- sour e and omNbinatori peaks, respe tively. Theoreti- orporated by means of spatial orrelator . Pre ise al estimate of was also obtained by means of eq. (3) onditions under whi h the maximum of the oupling for the purpose of omparison with the DNS. Nonlinear strength is a hieved depend on the spe i(cid:28) s of the non- operator ontaining spe i(cid:28) s of nonlinearity model was linearity; for typi al elasti solids they were seen to im- taken in a ordan e with the one used in eq. (4): plyintera tionofthe onstituentplanewavesin anearly ollinear fashion [6℄. By analogy to internal (frequen y) Nˆα={x,i}β={x′,k}γ={x′′,m} resonan e a sharp in rease in the oupling strength due =εΦ δ(x x′)δ(x x′′)∂3/∂x ∂x′ ∂x′′ . ijklmn j l n − − to nonlinear intera tion of onstituent waveswith di(cid:27)er- 3 Ž NHdBL Short-rangebehaviorofthespatialmodal orrelatorwas approximated by its behavior in boundless medium, -22 K∞α={x,i}β={x+r,j} =A−1 c−l 2+c−t 2 −1 -23 (cid:2) (cid:3) -24 ×(cid:26)(δij/2) c−l 2J0(klr)+c−t 2J0(ktr) -25 (cid:2) (cid:3) -26 +(δij/2−rˆirˆj) c−l 2J2(klr)−c−t 2J2(ktr) (cid:27). (6) -27 (cid:2) (cid:3) -28 A Area of the billiard enters the above expression due -29 Ω €€€€€€€€€€€1€€€€€€€€ to normalization of the modes to unity. The short-range Ω 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 1+2 orrelator,asit is, leadsto divergen e of the integralsat (a) largeseparationsineq. (3). Toa ountfor(cid:28)nitedomain size and to keep integrals onvergent spatial orrelation Ž L K = NHdBL Kof∞theexmp(oders/Lw)asrestri ted by billiard diameter : -28 − . The oupling strength was then found √L -30 to s ale asymptoti ally as with linear system size. The s alingisan artifa tofNproblemdiOmenLs0ionality, and -32 is not found in 3D, where remains [6℄. With -34 (cid:0) (cid:1) non-trivial dependen e of the oupling strength on the -36 systemsize,spe i(cid:28) softheaveragedomainshapebe ome -38 important. They ould systemati ally be a ounted for, butsu hundertakingliesbeyondthes opeofthepresent -40 work [16℄. -42 Ω Comparison of the DNS results with theoreti al es- €€€€€€€€€€€1€€€€€€€€ Ω timates is given in Fig. 1. Energy growth rate 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 1+2 (b) at the sum frequen y was utilized to obtain numer- i al values of the oupling strength; al ulations at the di(cid:27)eren e frequen y wereN arried out as well to Figure 1: Normalized oupling strength for (a) cl/ct = 2, he k proposed symmetry of . To fa tor out depen- ω1+2 = 1.2ct/h; and (b) cl/ct = 3, ω1+2 = 1.0ct/h.△Solid den e of the oupling strength on global parameters, a(cid:3)nddashlinesrepresenttheoreti alestimates,sym12b8ols a2n5d6 and isolate behavior asso iated with frequen y interre- provideDNSdata fornominal systemsizes of and 25 10 dlaeteimonedofbtehset souuitpeldedfomroadn3easl,yistiss:nNo˜r(mωa1l/izωe1d+2v,ekr1s+io2nL)wa=s gErrirdorpobianrtss, aovrereraspgoedndovteoroneasntdandarredaldizeavtiiaotniosn,.respe tively. π−2ε−2A2 1+(cl/ct)−2 (k1k2k1+2)−4/3N k = h i , with ω/c t . Plotted in this form the oupling strength reveals higher than that of longitudinal ones. itsin reaseattheresonan efrequen yratiosinthevi in- Although good qualitative, if not quantitative, agree- ω1/ω1+2 =(1 ct/cl)/2 ityof ± . Theratios orrespondto ment between theoreti al estimates and DNS was found ollinear intera tion of two onstituent transverse waves for parameters used, several remarks on their dis rep- produ ing a longitudinal one. They de(cid:28)ne a lower and an ies ought to be made. A di(cid:27)eren e between ba k- upper bound of the sour e to target frequen y ratio of ground o(cid:27)-resonan e oupling strength levels, espe ially the oupled modesfor whi hthe waveve torsof the on- at low frequen y ratios, is noted. The di(cid:27)eren e an be stituent waves an sum, i.e. their intera tion is possible attributedtothefa tthatthoughtheoreti alpredi tions in a ordan e with pseudo-momentum onservationlaw. based on eq. (3) are (cid:28)t-parameter free, some ambigu- Another onstituent-wave intera tion possible in physi- ity in de(cid:28)ning e(cid:27)e tive volume (2D area) of the billiard c /c > 1 l t al solids, with , involves a longitudinal and a interior, where nonlinear mode oupling takes pla e, ex- transversewaveprodu ingalongitudinalwave. Collinear ists. In the present theoreti al estimates it was taken waveve tor summation for this intera tion type o urs exa tly equal to the average domain area. No a ount ω1/ω1+2 = [1 (3 cl/ct)/(1+cl/ct)]/2 at ± − . However, of boundary and on(cid:28)nement e(cid:27)e ts was made by the this resonan edoesnot manifest itself forthe given non- assumed orrelator form (6) with qualitative long-range linearity model. Under normal onditions it is expe ted orrelationdependen eontheorderofdomainsize. Near tobenoti eablysmallerthantheoneinvolvingtwotrans- theboundariesin reased orrelationofthemodesdue to versesour ewavesduetoequipartitionoftheenergy ar- boundary onditions is found, greater oheren e in their ried by two di(cid:27)erent types of onstituent waves inside a intera tion and orresponding in rease in the observed solid. 2Sin e most of the energy, in parti ular, a fra tion ouplingstrengthisexpe ted. Su he(cid:27)e ts anplayano- (c /c ) >1 l t , is arried by transversewaves, their parti - ti eable role for system sizes within urrent DNS rea h. ipation ratio in the oupling strength is expe ted to be In addition, at low frequen y ratios wavelength of the 4 Ž NHdBL arenotfullyunderstoodatthetime. However,itisspe - -22 ulated that it an be the result of frequen y smoothing imposed on the oupling fun tion by the (cid:28)nite width of -24 the sour e energy dNistribution. The smoothing leads to the fa t that only , averaged over hara teristi peak -26 width, ould be re overedwith the help of eq. (5). Both de reaseandbroadeningofthemode ouplingresonan e -28 peak will follow from this smoothing. System sizes ur- 150 200 300 500 k1+2L rently available for DNS real√izaLtions do not allow dire t observation of the expe ted s aling, or draw a on- lusive statement regarding its absen e. De rease of the sour e energy distribution width would be problemati , cl/ct = 2 Figure 2: Normalized oupling strength for , in that it needs to ontain many modes in order for sta- ω1+2 = 1.2ct/h . Dωo1t,/ωs1o+li2d=an0d.1d5as0h.25lines re0p.3r5esent theo- tisti al approa h to be valid. △reti× al estim(cid:3)ates at , and . Symbols In summary, existen e of the waveve tor resonan e , and provide DNS data for nominal system sizes of 128 192 256 384 25 25 10 in the mode oupling strength, responsible for non- , , and grid points, averaged over , , 10 linear redistribution of the average spe tral energy, and realizations, respe tively. was veri(cid:28)ed by dire t numeri al simulation in a two- wavespeed haoti billiard with nonlinearity representa- tive of isotropi elasti solids. Qualitative agreement lowestsour emodebe omeslargewithrespe ttobound- with theoreti al estimates in the absen e of (cid:28)t param- ary roughness, and omparable to domain size. Regu- eters was observed. Lo ation of the oupling strength lar stru ture of the mode a quired in this ase leads to peak was found to orrespond to ollinear intera tion of deviation from the assumed modal statisti s, and is ex- onstituent waves of di(cid:27)erent wavespeeds. The lo ation pe ted to provide in reased oheren e of mode oupling was determined from arguments based on onservation in the interior of the billiard. Large-s ale symmetry of prin iples, and to leading order depends solely on linear the square billiard, however, seems to be of less signi(cid:28)- system quantities. an e in this ase, as DNS al ulations of the oupling strengthforensembleofrough-boundary3:2aspe t-ratio quarter-stadium billiards produ ed ompatible results. A knowledgments As mentioned above, √ouLplingstrength is predi ted to asymptoti ally grow as with system size. The pre- di tion, however, is not supported by the DNS data, see This work was supported in part by the National S i- Fig. 2. 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