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Wavelet theory approach to pattern recognition (2nd edition of "Wavelet theory and its application to pattern recognition") PDF

482 Pages·2009·8.92 MB·English
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WAVELET THEORY APPROACHTO PATTERN RECOGNITION 2nd Edition SERIES IN MACHINE PERCEPTION AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE* Editors: H. Bunke (Univ. Bern, Switzerland) P. S. P. Wang (Northeastern Univ., USA) Vol. 58: Computational Web Intelligence: Intelligent Technology for Web Applications (Eds. Y. Zhang, A. Kandel, T. Y. Lin and Y. Yao) Vol. 59: Fuzzy Neural Network Theory and Application (P. Liu and H. Li) Vol. 60: Robust Range Image Registration Using Genetic Algorithms and the Surface Interpenetration Measure (L. Silva, O. R. P. Bellon and K. L. Boyer) Vol. 61: Decomposition Methodology for Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: Theory and Applications (O. Maimon and L. Rokach) Vol. 62: Graph-Theoretic Techniques for Web Content Mining (A. Schenker, H. Bunke, M. Last and A. Kandel) Vol. 63: Computational Intelligence in Software Quality Assurance (S. Dick and A. Kandel) Vol. 64: The Dissimilarity Representation for Pattern Recognition: Foundations and Applications (Elóbieta P“kalska and Robert P. W. Duin) Vol. 65: Fighting Terror in Cyberspace (Eds. M. Last and A. Kandel) Vol. 66: Formal Models, Languages and Applications (Eds. K. G. Subramanian, K. Rangarajan and M. Mukund) Vol. 67: Image Pattern Recognition: Synthesis and Analysis in Biometrics (Eds. S. N. Yanushkevich, P. S. P. Wang, M. L. Gavrilova and S. N. Srihari) Vol. 68: Bridging the Gap Between Graph Edit Distance and Kernel Machines (M. Neuhaus and H. Bunke) Vol. 69: Data Mining with Decision Trees: Theory and Applications (L. Rokach and O. Maimon) Vol. 70: Personalization Techniques and Recommender Systems (Eds. G. Uchyigit and M. Ma) Vol. 71: Recognition of Whiteboard Notes: Online, Offline and Combination (Eds. H. Bunke and M. Liwicki) Vol. 72: Kernels for Structured Data (T Gärtner) Vol. 73: Progress in Computer Vision and Image Analysis (Eds. H. Bunke, J. J. Villanueva, G. Sánchez and X. Otazu) *For the complete list of titles in this series, please write to the Publisher. Steven - Wavelet Theory and Its.pmd 2 3/18/2009, 1:04 PM Series in Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence - Vol. 74 WAVELET THEORY APPROACH TO PATTERN RECOGNITION 2nd Edition Yuan Yan Tang Chongqing University, China and Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong World Scientific NEW JERSEY • LONDON • SINGAPORE • BEIJING • SHANGHAI • HONG KONG • TAIPEI • CHENNAI Published by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. 5 Toh Tuck Link, Singapore 596224 USA office: 27 Warren Street, Suite 401-402, Hackensack, NJ 07601 UK office: 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London WC2H 9HE British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. WAVELET THEORY APPROACH TO PATTERN RECOGNITION (2nd Edition) Series in Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence — Vol. 74 Copyright © 2009 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without written permission from the Publisher. For photocopying of material in this volume, please pay a copying fee through the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA. In this case permission to photocopy is not required from the publisher. ISBN-13 978-981-4273-95-4 ISBN-10 981-4273-95-3 Printed in Singapore. Steven - Wavelet Theory and Its.pmd 1 3/18/2009, 1:04 PM March 17, 2009 10:26 WorldScientific/ws-b8-5x6-0 wavelet I dedicate this book to my parents, wife, daughter, brother and sisters v March 17, 2009 10:26 WorldScientific/ws-b8-5x6-0 wavelet TThhiiss ppaaggee iinntteennttiioonnaallllyy lleefftt bbllaannkk March 17, 2009 10:26 WorldScientific/ws-b8-5x6-0 wavelet Preface Thisbookisanupdateofthebook“WaveletTheoryanditsApplicationto PatternRecognition”whichwaspublishedin2000. Threenewchaptersare added to this new book. The objective is to attack a challenging research topicthatisrelatedtobothareasofwavelettheoryandpatternrecognition. Wavelet analysis and its applications have become one of the fastest growing research areas in recent years. This is in part attributed to the pioneering work by the researchers as well as practitioners in the fields of mathematics and signal processing. Wavelet theory has been employed in many fields and applications, such as signal and image processing, com- munication systems, biomedical imaging, radar, air acoustics, theoretical mathematics, control system, and endless other areas. However, the re- search on applying the wavelets to pattern recognition is still too weak; only a few publications deal with this topic at the present. This book focuses on this challenging researchtopic. Themostfascinatingareaofsignal/imageprocessingwithpracticalap- plications is pattern recognition. Making computers see and recognize ob- jects like humans has captured the attention of many scientists in differ- ent disciplines. Indeed, machine recognition of different patterns such as printed and handwritten characters, fingerprints, biomedical images, etc. has been intensively and extensively researched by scientists in different countriesaroundthe world. The areaofpatternrecognition,after overfive decades of continued development, is now definitely playing a very major roleinadvancedautomationinthe21stcentury. Althoughalotofachieve- ments have been made in the area of pattern recognition, many problems vii March 17, 2009 10:26 WorldScientific/ws-b8-5x6-0 wavelet viii Preface stillhavetobe solved. The goalofthis bookisto,throughmathematically soundderivations and experiments, developsome new application-oriented techniquesinwavelettheory,andthereafter,applythesenewtechniquesto solve some particular problems in the area of pattern recognition. This book is organized into two groups, namely, Chapters 1 - 4 extend wavelet theory, while Chapter 5 through Chapter 12 deal with the appli- cation of the wavelet theory to pattern recognition, which is the core of this book. Considering the major readers of this book are scientists and engineers, thus, in some chapters/sections, we give up the exactness in mathematics temporarily. Initially,inChapter1,abriefdescriptionofwavelettheoryisintroduced, and a comparisonbetween the waveletand Fourier transforms is discussed along with several pictorial examples. This chapter reviews established applications of the wavelet theory to pattern recognition. The review is not detailed, since this book concentrates on the novel research results developed by the author. However, the references are cited if additional details are desired. ThroughoutChapters 2 and 3, both the wavelet transformand wavelet bases are of critical concerns,which formulate the basic wavelettheory. In Chapter 2, the general theory of the continuous wavelet transform is ad- dressed, and its major properties are investigatedincluding the characteri- zation of Lipschitz regularity of signals by the wavelet transform. Chapter 2alsoprimarilyexaminesanimportantpropertybyrelatingthe processing to matched filtering concepts. Chapter 3 considers multiresolution anal- ysis (MRA) and wavelet bases, where the basic concepts of the both are presented as well as the construction of them. As an important algorithm for implementing the discretewavelettransform,Mallatalgorithmis intro- duced. After studying these basic concepts of the wavelet theory, some typical wavelet bases including the orthonormal and nonorthonormal bases are provided in Chapter 4. They benefit the application of the wavelet theory to the engineering, such as pattern recognition, image processing, etc. By formulating the above wavelet theory and the general applications withwavelettheory,thesecondgroupofthisbook(Chapters5-12)demon- strates more detailed applications, which become the core chapters. All of these applications were made by our research group. Chapter5developsamethodtoidentifydifferentstructuresoftheedges anddesignanalgorithmto detectthe step-structureedges. This technique March 17, 2009 10:26 WorldScientific/ws-b8-5x6-0 wavelet Preface ix can be employed to contour extraction in document processing as well as 2-D object recognition. Chapter6aimsatstudyingthecharacterizationofDirac-structureedges with wavelet transform, and selecting the suitable wavelet functions to detect the Dirac edges. A mapping technique is applied in this chapter to construct such a wavelet function. In this way, a low-pass function is mappedontoawaveletfunctionby aderivationoperation. Inthis chapter, the quadratic spline wavelet is utilized to characterize the Dirac-structure edges and an algorithm to extract the Dirac-structure edges by wavelet transform is also developed. Chapter7introducesanew waveletfunctioncalledTang-Yangwavelet, whichisconstructedbyourresearchgroup. ThecharacteristicsoftheTang- Yangwaveletwithcurvesarediscussed. Theyaregrey-levelinvariant,slope invariant and width invariant. The application of new wavelet function to curve analysis is presented. In Chapter 8, skeletonizationof Ribbon-like shapes basedon the Tang- Yang wavelet function is presented. Characterization of the Ribbon-like shape with wavelettransformusing the Tang-Yang waveletis investigated. Some useful algorithms are also provided. Chapter 9 presents an approach to feature extraction. In this way, the wavelet decomposition is used to produce wavelet sub-patterns, and thereafter, the fractal divider dimensions are utilized to find the numerical features from these sub-patterns. Chapter 10 applies 2-D multiresolution analysis (MRA) and Mallat al- gorithmtoformdocumentanalysis. TheHLandLHsub-imagesareutilized to find the reference lines in a form document, furthermore, the useful in- formation can be extracted in accordance with these reference lines. This application is verified by severalconcrete examples of bank checks. Chapter11usesB-splinewaveletforChinesecomputing,whichconsists of three operations, namely, (1) compression of Chinese characters, (2) enlargement of type size with arbitrary scales, and (3) generation of type styles of Chinese fonts. Finally,Chapter12dealswiththeclassificationofpatternswithwavelet theory, where the orthogonal wavelet series are used for the probability density estimation in the classifier design. Themaincomponentsofthisbookaretheachievementsinourresearch group with visiting research scholars. The professors from various uni- versities and the graduate students at Hong Kong Baptist University have

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