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Wave functions and decay constants of B and D mesons in the relativistic potential model ∗ Mao-Zhi Yang School of Physics, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, P.R. China (Dated: January 20, 2013) With the decay constants of D and Ds mesons measured in experiment recently, we revisit the study of the bound states of quark and antiquark in B and D mesons in the relativistic potential model. The relativistic bound state wave equation is solved numerically. The masses, decay con- stants and wave functions of B and D mesons are obtained. Both the masses and decay constants obtainedherecanbeconsistentwiththeexperimentaldata. Thewavefunctionscanbeusedinthe studyof B and D meson decays. 2 PACSnumbers: 12.39.Pn,14.40.Lb,14.40.Nd 1 0 2 I Introduction confining term. Such a potential will be consistent with n perturbativeQCD atshortdistance, itcanalsogenerate a J Thewavefunctionoftheboundstateofquarkandan- quark confinement at long distance [11, 18]. 0 tiquark is determined by the strong interaction between The parameters in the effective potential can be con- 3 quark and antiquarks. The study of the wave functions strainedbycomparingtheeigenvaluesoftheboundstate ofheavy-flavoredmesonslikeB andD areimportantnot wave equation with the masses of the relevant bound h] only for studying the property of strong interaction be- states measured in experiment. Recently the decay con- p tween heavy and light quarks, but also for investigating stantsofDandDsmesonshavebeenmeasuredbyCLEO - the mechanism of heavy meson decays. The wave func- [19–21], Belle [22] and BABAR [23] Collaborations. The p e tiondeterminesthemomentumdistributionsofthequark measured values of D and Ds mesons’ decay constants h and antiquark in mesons, which is an important quan- fD andfDs cangivefurtherinformationabouttheinter- [ tity forcalculating the amplitude of heavymesondecays actions within the heavy-light quark-antiquark system. [1,2]. Thelight-conemomentumdistributionamplitudes In this paper, with the recently measured decay con- 2 v forB mesonappearinthe amplitude ofB decays,which stants fD and fDs available, we revisit the study of the 9 are defined through the hadron-to-vacuum matrix ele- boundstatesofB, Bs,D andDs mesonsintherelativis- 1 mentofnon-localoperatorsofquarkandantiquarksepa- tic potential model. We solve the relativistic version of 8 ratedalongthelight-cone 0q¯β(z)bα(0)B¯(p) . Thelight- Schr¨odinger equation for the bound state wave function 3 h | | i cone distribution amplitudes of B meson have been ex- ofheavy-lightquark-antiquarkmesonsystem. Thedecay . 04 tensively studied in the recentseveralyears. Some prop- constantsfD andfDs canbeusedasafurtherconstriant ertiesofthelight-conedistributionamplitudeshavebeen on the parameters in the potential model. The obtained 1 1 obtained. Based on these achievements, several models masses and decay constants of B and D mesons can be : satisfying these constraints have been proposed in the wellconsistentwith the values measuredin experiments. v literature [3–9]. Methods to obtain the light-cone distri- Then the wave functions obtained here can be more re- i X butionamplitudeexactlyfromthefirstprincipleofQCD liable then ever. It can be useful for studying B and D r are still under investigation. decays, where the momentum-distribution of the quarks a Alternatively, directly studying the wave functions of is needed. the heavymesonsby solvingthe bound state waveequa- Althoughthe boundstates ofheavymesonshavebeen tionisaneffectivewaytoobtaintheknowledgeaboutthe studied with the relativistic potential model in the lit- boundstateofquarkandantiquark[10–15]. Foraheavy- erature several years before, these works need to be im- light system, in the heavy quark limit, the heavy quark proved with the recent experimental data of the decay canbeviewedasastaticcolorsourceintherestframeof constantsofD andDs mesonsavailable. Thedecaycon- the heavy meson. The light antiquark is bound around stantsandboundstatemassesarecalculatedinRefs.[13– the heavy quark by an effective potential. The heavy 15], where Richardson potential [24] was taken, here the quark spin decouples from the interactions as m potential we considered is different from theirs. In ad- Q → ∞ (m is the mass of the heavy quark) [16, 17]. The inter- dition, with the experimental values of the decay con- Q actions relevant to quark spin can be treated as pertur- stants fD and fDs available recently, the parameters in bative correction. thepotentialcanbeconstrainedmorestringently. There- Inspired by asymptotic freedom at short distance in fore our prediction on the decay constants for B and D QCD and quark confinement at long distance, the effec- mesons are quite different from previous predictions in tivepotentialbetweenquarkandantiquarkinmesoncan the relativistic potential model. betakenasacombinationofaCoulombtermandalinear The paper is organized as follows. In section II, we 2 solve the relativistic wave equation for the heavy-light condition quark-antiquarksystem. SectionIII givesthe decaycon- stant in terms of the wave function. In section IV the dΩY (rˆ)Y (rˆ)=δ δ . (5) l1n1 l2n2 l1l2 n1n2 QCD-inspired potential is presented. Section V is de- Z voted to the numerical result and discussion. Section VI Using the spherical harmonics decomposition of the ex- is a brief summary. ponential in Eq.(4), and factorize the wave function into the product of two parts: radial and angular wave func- tions II The relativistic wave equation for heavy-light system and the solvement ψ(~r)=Φ (r)Y (rˆ), (6) l ln TheB andDmesonsareassumedtobeapproximately then the wave equation of Eq.(3) can be transferred to described in terms of heavy-light valence-quark configu- be rations in the rest-frame of the mesons. The effective 2 k2 potential is one-gluon exchange dominant at short dis- V(r)Φ (r)+ dk dr′r′2( k2+m2 tances and a linear confinement at long distances [11]. l π¯h ¯h2 1 Z Z ′ q The equation describing the bound state wave functions + k2+m2 )j (kr)j (kr )Φ (r′)=EΦ (r). (7) is a Schr¨odinger-typewave equationwith relativistic dy- 2 l ¯h l ¯h l l q namics [11–15] For convenience later, let us define a new reduced radial wave function u (r) by ¯h2 2+m2+ ¯h2 2+m2+V(r) ψ(~r) l − ∇1 1 − ∇2 2 (cid:20)q q (cid:21) ul(r) =Eψ(~r), (1) Φl(r)= . (8) r where ~r = ~x1 ~x2 is the displacement of the light an- With this definition, and for the case l =0 which we are − tiquark from the heavy quark, and ~x1 and ~x2 are the interested in this work, Eq.(7) becomes coordinates of the light and heavy quarks respectively. ∞ ∞ eTvhaentopteorathtoersco∇o1rdainndat∇es2oafr~exthaengdra~xdi.enmtopiesrtahtoermsraesls- V(r)u0(r)+ π2¯h dk dr′( k2+m21 of the light antiquark, and m12 the m2 ass1of the heavy + k2+m2 )sinZ(0kr)siZn0(kr′)uq(r′)=Eu (r), (9) quark. V(r) is the effective potential of strong interac- 2 ¯h ¯h 0 0 tion between heavy and light quark-antiquark. In the q rest frame of the bound state system, the eigenvalues in where we have used the explicit expression of the spher- the waveequation will be the masses of the series bound ical Bessel function for l =0 states. sinx The wave function can be expressed in terms of spec- j0(x)= . (10) x trum integration Eq.(9) is for taking c = 1, if recover the speed of light ψ(~r) = d3r′δ3(~r ~r′)ψ(~r′) appearing in the formulas, Eq.(9) should be − Z ∞ ∞ = Z d3r′Z (2dπ3¯hk)3ei~k·(~r−~r′)/h¯ψ(~r′). (2) V(r)u0(r)+ π2¯hcZ0 dkZ0 ′dr′(qk2+m21 kr kr SubstituteEq.(2)intoEq.(1),thewaveequationbecomes + k2+m22 )sin(¯hc)sin(¯hc)u0(r′)=Eu0(r). (11) q d3k d3r′( k2+m2+ k2+m2 ) In principle the integration over momentum k in the (2π¯h)3 1 2 aboveequationcanbeperformedbecausethe wavefunc- Z q q ′ ei~k·(~r−~r′)/h¯ψ(~r′)=(E V(r))ψ(~r). (3) tionu0(r )doesnotdependonthemomentum. However ′ × − theintegrationoverk willgiveasingulartermforr r → The exponential ei~k·~r/h¯ can be decomposed in spherical in the above equation [14]. In this work, we will take a new step to continue to solve this equation, this method harmonics can circumvent the appearance of the singular integral ei~k·~r/h¯ =4π ilj (kr)Y∗(kˆ)Y (rˆ), (4) equation. l ¯h ln ln Foraboundstateoftwoparticles,whentheseparation ln X between them is large enough, the wave function will where j(kr) is the spherical Bessel function, Y (rˆ) is effectivelyvanish. Weassumesuchalargeenoughtypical l h¯ ln thesphericalharmonics,whichsatisfiesthenormalization value for the separation between the heavy quark and 3 the light antiquarkis L, then the quark-antiquarkin the Theaboveequationisjustthe eigenstateequationinthe bound state can be approximately treated as if they are matrix form. It is not difficult to solve it numerically. restricted in a limited space 0 < r < L. In the limited The eigenvalues are the masses of the series of bound space,theFourierexpansionofthereducedwavefunction states of the heavy-light quark-antiquark system. Once u (r) is the eigen equation is solved, the eigenvectors composed 0 of c can be substituted into Eq.(16) to get the reduced ∞ n nπ wave function u (r). u (r)= c sin r , (12) 0 0 n L Togetthe wavefunctioninmomentumspace,one can nX=1 (cid:16) (cid:17) use the Fourier transform of the wave function ψ(~r) where the expansion coefficients c are n 1 Ψ(~k)= d3re−i~k·~r/h¯cψ(~r). (18) 2 L nπ (2π¯hc)3/2 c = sin r u (r)dr. (13) Z n 0 L L Z0 (cid:16) (cid:17) Separate the variable-dependence of the momentum- space wave function as In the limited space, the momentum k should be dis- cretized, the integration over k should be replaced by a Ψ(~k)=Ψ (k)Y (θ,φ). (19) summation,thefollowingsubstitutionshouldbemadein l lm the wave equation (11) AsinEq.(8), wedefinethe reducedwavefunctioninmo- mentum space k nπ dk π , . (14) ¯hc → L ¯hc → L ϕ (k) Z Ψ (k)= l . (20) l k With the above replacement, and the integration over ′ ′ the distance r being limited within 0 < r < L, Eq.(11) ThenusingEqs.(4),(6),(8),(19)and(20),onecanderive becomes from Eq.(18) 2 L nπ¯hc 2 2 ∞ kr kr V(r)u0(r)+ n LZ0 dr′(s(cid:18) L (cid:19) +m21 ϕl(k)=(−i)lrπ¯hcZ0 dr¯hc jl(¯hc)ul(r). (21) X 2 For the case l =0, we get nπ¯hc nπ nπ + +m2 sin( r)sin( r′)u (r′) s(cid:18) L (cid:19) 2  L L 0 2 ∞ kr ϕ (k)= drsin( )u (r), (22) 0 0 =Eu0(r).  (15) rπ¯hcZ0 ¯hc whichgivesthemomentumdistributionofthequarkand The above equation can go back to Eq.(11) as L . → ∞ antiquark in the rest frame of the heavy meson. NumericallyifthevalueofListakentobelargeenough, thesolutionofthisequationonlyslightlydepends onthe value of L. For the parameters we take in section V, III The pseudoscalar bound state of heavy-light we find that the solution of the wave equation will be system and the decay constant stationary when L>5fm. TruncatetheseriesoftheFourierexpansionofthewave The pseudoscalar meson composed of a heavy quark function u (r) as 0 andalightantiquarkQq¯(Qcanbeborcquark,q stands foru,dorsquark)canbewritteninthemesonrestframe N nπ as follows u (r)= c sin r , (16) 0 n L nX=1 (cid:16) (cid:17) P(p~=0) = 1 d3kΨ (k) 1 [bi+(~k, )di+( ~k, ) where N is a large integer. Substitute this truncated | i √3 0 √2 Q ↑ q − ↓ i Z X expansion into the wave equation (15) and simplify it, bi+(~k, )di+( ~k, )]0 , (23) one can finally get the equation about c − Q ↓ q − ↑ | i n where i is the color index. The factor 1/√3 is the nor- nπ¯hc 2 nπ¯hc 2 malizationfactorforcolorindices,and1/√2thenormal- +m2+ +m2 c s L 1 s L 2  n ization factor for spin indices. (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) The normalization of the meson state is  N 2 L nπ mπ  +mX=1LZ0 drV(r)sin(cid:16) L r(cid:17)sin(cid:16) L r(cid:17)cm hP(p~1)|P(p~2)i=(2π)32Eδ3(p~1−p~2), (24) =Ec . (17) where E is the energy of the meson. n 4 Substituting Eq.(23) into Eq.(24), we can finally get The running coupling constant α (Q2) in momentum s the normalization condition of the wave function in mo- space with N quark flavorsat large values of Q2, calcu- f mentum space lated in lowest-order QCD, is 12π α (Q2)= . (29) d3k|Ψ0(k)|2 =(2π)32E. (25) s (33−2Nf)ln(Q2/Λ2) Z This behavior of the strong coupling can be parameter- The decayconstantofapseudoscalaris definedbythe ized in a simpler form which can be conveniently trans- hadron-to-vacuum matrix element of the axial current formed into the r-space [11] 0q¯γ γ QP(p) =if p . (26) α (Q2)= α e−Q2/4γi2, (30) µ 5 P µ s i h | | i i X Substituting the meson state of Eq.(23) into the above where α are free parameters chosen to fit the behav- i equation in the rest frame, and contracting the quark ior of α (Q2) given by perturbative QCD (Eq.(29)). As s (antiquark) creation operators in the meson state with Q2 Λ2,thecouplingα (Q2)diverges,whichisbelieved s quark (antiquark ) annihilation operators in the quark tob→easignalofconfinement. However,asQ2 Λ2,per- field of the axial current, we can get the expression of turbative QCD can not apply, the behavior of→α (Q2) at s the pseudoscalar decay constant smallQ2 giveninEq.(29)cannotbe the exactprediction of QCD. One can make other choice for the behavior of ∞ 3 1 1 f = dk~k 2Ψ (k) the strong coupling at small momentum transfer. As in P r22π2mP Z0 | | 0 Ref. [11], we assume that the coupling αs saturate as a (Eq +mq)(EQ+mQ) ~k 2 critical value αcsritical, where αcsritical = iαi. In prac- −| | , (27) tice,onlyseveralα areneededtobenon-zero,whichcan × EqEQ(Eq +mq)(EQ+mQ) fitthebehaviorofαi (Q2)wellatperturbPativeregion,de- s p viation only occurs at small Q2. where E and E are the energy of the heavy and light Q q The transformation of α (Q2) by using Eq. (30) in- quarks. To be consistent with the wave equation, here s stead of Eq. (29) is [11] bothheavyandlightquarksaretakentobeon-shell. We apsrsouxmimeatthelaytdtehsecrdibeecdayins toefrtmhseohfeoanv-yshmellesvoanlenccaenqbuearakps-, αs(r)= αi 2 γire−x2dx. (31) √π although the sum of the four-momenta of the valence Xi Z0 quarksare not equalto that of the mesonbecause of the Fig.1 is the behavior of α (r) with the parameters α = s 1 existence of the color field within the hadron which can 0.15, α = 0.15, α = 0.20, and γ = 1/2, γ = √10/2, 2 3 1 2 carry both energy and momentum. γ = √1000/2, which is relevant to the critical value 2 We would like to mention that the leptonic decay of αcritical =0.5. s pseudoscalar mesons was considered several decades ago 0.8 inadifferentmethodby assumingthe couplingofmeson ) with quark-antiquark pair [25]. (r 0.7 (cid:11)s 0.6 0.5 0.4 IV The QCD-inspired potential 0.3 0.2 The potential of strong interaction between the heavy 0.1 quark and light antiquark is taken as a combination of 0.5 1 1.5 2 a Coulomb term and a linear confining term inspired by QCD [11, 18] r (fm) 4α (r) FIG. 1: The behavior of αs(r), with the parameters α1 = V(r)= s +br+c. (28) 0.15, α2 = 0.15, α3 = 0.20, and γ1 = 1/2, γ2 = √10/2, −3 r γ2=√1000/2. The first term is the Coulomb term, which is consistent with one-gluon-exchange contribution for short distance calculated in perturbative QCD. The second term is the linear-confinementterm, whichgeneratesconfinement in V Numerical result and discussion longdistance. Thethirdtermisaphenomenologicalcon- stant,whichisneededtoreproducethecorrectmassesfor The parameters are selected by comparing the pre- heavy-light meson system. dicted heavy meson mass with the experimental data. 5 The recently measured values of the decay constants of At present the branching ratio of Br(B+ τ+ν ) has τ → D and D mesons can give a further constraint on the been measured in experiment. The results still suffer s parameters. The parameters which we finally obtain are from large uncertainties. The measured value of Belle collaboration is Br(B+ τ+ν ) = (1.79+0.56+0.46) b=0.10GeV2, c= 0.19GeV2, 10−4 [28], while the value→s of BAτBAR colla−b0o.4r9a−ti0o.5n1ar×e − mb =4.98GeV, mc =1.54GeV, (B1r.8(B+0+.9 →0τ.4+ντ)0.=2)(0.910±−40.6[3±0].0.1T)h×e1c0o−m4b[i2n9e]darned- ms =0.30GeV, mu =md =0.08GeV, sult−o0f.8B±ABAR± collab×oration is Br(B+ τ+ν ) = αcsritical =0.5, (32) (1.2 0.4 0.3 0.2) 10−4 [31]. Consider→ing theτlarge ± ± ± × uncertainties of the experimental results, our predictied and L=10 fm, N =100. branching ratio of the decay mode B+ τ+ν is cosis- The masses and decay constants of the B, Bs, D and → τ tent with the experimental data. D mesons calculated with the above parameters will s A super B factory will come into operation with the be given in the following. The masses are given in Ta- designed peak luminosity in excess of 1036 cm−2S−1 at ble I. Here we do not consider the contribution of spin- the Υ(4s) resonance in the next half decades [32]. The dependent interactions in our calculation, it may give integrated luminosity of 75 ab−1 would be collected in errors about 100 200MeV for the masses. Varying the ∼ five years of data taking. Then the branching ratios of parameters may also give errorsto the numerical values. B+ τ+ν and µ+ν can be measured at the SuperB We estimate the combination of both the errors can be → τ µ factory with precisions of up to 4% and 5% respectively about 7% for B and B mesons, and 10% for D and D s s [32]. Taking the value of the CKM matrix element V mesons. | ub| as input, the decay constant of f can be obtained at B superB. TABLE I: Masses of pseudoscalar heavy mesons calculated The decay constants are also compared with previous by solving the wave equation, and the comparison with ex- theoretical results in Table III. Our predictions for the perimental data. The data is quoted from the Particle Data decay constants are quite different from previous results Group [26]. calculatedintherelativisticpotentialmodel. Forf and mB mBs mD mDs f ,ourresultsarelargerthanthatinRef[14],whiDleour thiswork Ds 5.25 0.37 5.34 0.37 1.86 0.19 1.96 0.20 results for f and f are smaller than theirs. [45] (GeV) ± ± ± ± B Bs Exp. 5279.17 5366.3 1869.6 1968.47 (MeV) 0.29 0.6 0.16 0.33 ± ± ± ± TABLE II: Decay constants of pseudoscalar heavy mesons calculatedinthiswork,andthecomparisonwithexperimental data. Allvalues are in unitsof MeV. The decay constants obtained are fB fBs fD fDs fB =198±14MeV, fBs =237±17MeV, thiswork 198±14 237±17 208±21 256±26 f =208 21MeV, f =256 26MeV. (33) Exp. [19, 27] 205.8 8.5 2.5 254.6 5.9 D ± Ds ± − − ± ± ± The comparison of the decay constants obtained in this work with experimental data are given in Table II. Both Thereducedwavefunctionsincoordinateandmomen- the masses and decay constants obtained in this work tum spaces (Eqs. (8) and (20) are depicted in Figs. 2 canbe well consistentwith experiment. For f andf , and 3. The wave function squared u (r)2 is the possi- B Bs | l | there are still no precise measured values in experiments bility density distributed along the quark-antiquark dis- yet. Our prediction can be tested in experiment in the tance r. The curvesin Fig. 2 show that the most proba- future. ble distribution of the quarks occurs at the distance 0.4 The leptonic decay rates of B meson relevant to the fm between the quark and antiquark in both B and D decay constant f obtained in this work are mesons. The possibility density vanishes as the distance B larger than 2 fm. The mean square root of the distance Br(B+ e+νe)=(1.11 0.26) 10−11, (34) is about 0.5 0.7 fm. Br(B+ →µ+ν )=(4.7 ±1.1) ×10−7, (35) Thenumer∼icalsolutionofthewavefunctioninmomen- µ → ± × Br(B+ τ+ν )=(1.1 0.2) 10−4, (36) tum space is given in Fig.3, which shows that the peak τ → ± × ofthemomentum-distributionofthequarksintheheavy where the errors are mainly caused by the uncertainties meson is at about 0.4 GeV. The reduced wave function of the decay constant f and the CKM matrix element can be fitted with the analytical form as suggested in B V . The value of V is quoted from PDG [26] Ref.[15] ub ub | | V =(3.93 0.36) 10−3. ϕ (k)=4π m α3ke−αk, (37) ub 0 H | | ± × p 6 25 TABLEIII:Thecomparisonofthedecayconstantscalculated in this work with other theoretical results. All values are in ) 20 r unitsof MeV. (0 u 15 fB fBs fD fDs ForB andBs this work 198 14 237 17 208 21 256 26 10 Ref.[14]a 230±35 245±37 182±27 199±30 Ref.[33]b 203±23 236±30 205±20 235±24 5 ± ± ± ± Ref.[34]b 206 20 195 20 ± − ± − 0 1 2 3 4 5 200 221 r (fm) Ref.[35]c − − 230 270 12 (a) Ref.[36]d 177 21 205 22 10 RReeff..[[3378]]ee 1961−9329 2161−9532 23023±825 24824±127 ur()0 8 Ref.[39]f 18±9 21±8 23±4 26±8 6 ForD andDs Ref.[40]g 210±11.4 4 5.7 − − − ± 2 201 3 249 3 Ref.[41]h ± ± − − 17 16 Ref.[42]h 195 11 243 11 207±11 249±11 0 1 (b) 2 3 4 r (fm5) ± ± ± ± Ref.[43]h 207 4 241 3 − − ± ± Ref.[44]h 248.0 2.5 − − − ± FIG.2: Thereducedwavefunctionu0(r)incoordinatespace. (a) is for B and Bs mesons. The solid curve is for the wave a Relativistic potential model. function of B meson, the dashed one is for Bs. (b) is for D b QCD sum rule. andDs mesons. ThesolidcurveisforD,andthedashedone c Light front quark model. for Ds. d Finite energy sum rules. e Quark model based on Bethe-Salpeter equation. f Relativistic constituent Quark Model. g Derived from result of Lattice QCD. wave functions obtained here can be useful for studying h Lattice QCD heavy meson decays. where m is the heavy meson mass. The factor H Acknowledgments 4π√m α3 isthenormalizationfactorduetothenormal- H ization condition in Eq.(25). Note that the wave func- This work is supported in part by the National Nat- tion for B and/or D meson is Ψ (k) = ϕ (k)/k. 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