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Wave Function Renormalization Effects in Resonantly Enhanced Tunneling N. L¨orch,1 F. V. Pepe,2,3 H. Lignier,4 D. Ciampini,5,6 R. Mannella,5 O. Morsch,6 E. Arimondo,5,6 P. Facchi,7,3 G. Florio,2,3 S. Pascazio,2,3 and S. Wimberger1,8 1Institut fu¨r Theoretische Physik, Universita¨t Heidelberg, Philosophenweg 19, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany 2Dipartimento di Fisica and MECENAS, Universita` di Bari, I-70126 Bari, Italy 3INFN, Sezione di Bari, I-70126 Bari, Italy 4Laboratoire Aim´e Cotton, Universit´e Paris-Sud, Batiment 505, Campus d’Orsay, F-91405 Orsay Cedex, France 5CNISM-Pisa, Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita` di Pisa, Lgo Pontecorvo 3, 56127 Pisa, Italy 6INO-CNR, Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit`a di Pisa, Lgo Pontecorvo 3, I-56127 Pisa,Italy 7Dipartimento di Matematica and MECENAS, Universit`a di Bari, I-70125 Bari, Italy 8Center for Quantum Dynamics, Universit¨at Heidelberg, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany (Dated: January 31, 2012) 2 We study the time evolution of ultra-cold atoms in an accelerated optical lattice. For a Bose- 1 Einstein condensate with a narrow quasi-momentum distribution in a shallow optical lattice the 0 decay of the survival probability in the ground band has a step-like structure. In this regime we 2 establishaconnectionbetweenthewavefunctionrenormalizationparameterZ introducedin[Phys. n Rev.Lett.86,2699(2001)]tocharacterizenon-exponentialdecayandthephenomenonofresonantly a enhanced tunneling, where the decay rate is peaked for particular values of the lattice depth and J the accelerating force. 0 3 PACSnumbers: 03.65.Xp,03.75.Lm ] h I. INTRODUCTION probabilityischaracterizedbyanexponentialdecayrate p with a constant tunneling probability for each Bloch pe- - t riod [14]. Such a decay was examined in different theo- n Resonantly enhanced tunneling (RET) is a quantum retical analyses [5, 6, 14] and measured in experimental a effectinwhichtheprobabilityforthetunnelingofapar- u ticle between two potential wells is increased when the investigations with ultra-cold atoms [12, 13, 15, 16]. In q this study we scrutinize the time behavior of the tunnel- quantized energies of the initial and final states of the [ ing probability and use its remarkable features at short process coincide. In spite of the fundamental nature of and intermediate times in order to extract information 1 this effect [1] and its practical interest [2], it has been about wave-function renormalization effects. v difficult to observe it experimentally in solid state struc- 6 tures. Since the 1970s, much progress has been made in Thekeyquantityinthiscontextistheprobabilitythat 8 the system investigated “survives” in a given state (or a constructing solid state systems such as superlattices [3– 2 set of states, such as a band of a lattice). In this article 5] and quantum wells [6] which enable the controlled ob- 6 we shall deal with survival probabilities whose behavior . servation of RET [7]. 1 is complex and difficult to analyze. See for example the In recent years, ultra-cold atoms in optical lattices [8, 0 experimental results of ref. [15] and the Figs. 2 and 5 in 9], arising from the interference pattern of two or more 2 the following, which display the survival probability of a 1 intersecting laser beams, have been increasingly used to cloud of ultra-cold atoms in the ground band of an ac- : simulate solid state systems [9–11]. Optical lattices are v celerated optical lattice. Clearly, one can properly speak easy to realize in the laboratory, and the parameters i of the “decay” associated with an unstable system (the X of the resulting one-, two- or three-dimensional periodic atomstendtoleakoutoftheacceleratedlattice),butthe r potentials (the lattice spacing and the potential depth) a time evolution can display oscillations or even plateaus. can be perfectly controlled both statically and dynami- (Asweshallsee,thelatterareeasilyunderstoodinterms cally. In the papers [12, 13], a Bose-Einstein condensate of the initial atomic state.) (BEC) in accelerated optical lattice potentials was used General theoretical considerations show that the (adi- to study the phenomenon of RET. In a tilted periodic abatic) survival probability of an unstable system can potential, atoms can escape by tunneling to the contin- often be written as uumviahigher-lyinglevels. WithintheRETprocessthe tunnelingofatomsoutofatiltedlatticeisresonantlyen- P(t)=Zexp(−γt)+additional contributions, (1) hanced when the energy difference between lattice wells matches the distance between the energy levels in the whereγ isthedecayrate,whichcanbecomputedbythe wells. Fermigoldenrule,andtheparameterZ,representingthe The atomic temporal evolution is described by the extrapolation of the asymptotic decay law back to t=0, survival probability, starting from an initial state pre- is related to wave-function renormalization. Law (1) is pared in the ground band of the lattice. At long interac- valid both in quantum mechanics [17, 18] and quantum tiontimes, afterseveraltunnelingprocesses, thesurvival field theory [19, 20], and Z can be smaller or larger than 2 unity [21]. Typically, the additional contributions in (1) written in a suitable basis, known as diabatic basis. The dominate both at short and long times, where the expo- expectationvaluesofEq.(2)onthetwostatesofthebasis nential decay law is superseded by a quadratic [22–24] dependlinearlyontimeandcrossatt=0. Ontheother and a power law [25], respectively. They are therefore hand, the coupling δE/2 between the states is constant. crucial in order to cancel the exponential in these time The diagonalization of Eq. (2) yields the eigenvalues domains. However, they can play a key role in a much (cid:115) more general context, such as the RET phenomenon to (cid:18)δE(cid:19)2 be investigated in this article. E =± (αt)2+ . (3) ± 2 The pioneering experiments performed in Texas, with Landau-Zener transitions in cold atoms, checked the ex- The eigenbasis of H (t) is called the adiabatic basis. At LZ istence of the short-time quadratic behavior [26] and the t → −∞ the adiabatic energy levels of Eq. (3) are in- transition [27] from the quantum Zeno effect [23] to the finitely separated, and no transition between them oc- anti- or inverse-Zeno effect [28–30], through a sequence curs. The distance between the levels decreases towards of properly tailored quantum measurements. the avoided crossing at t = 0, and then increases again With the arrival of Bose-Einstein condensates the ex- until,att→∞,theseparationbecomesagaininfinite. If perimental resolution has advanced even further as com- thesystemispreparedatt→−∞inoneoftheadiabatic pared to cold atoms. While cold atoms can have a mo- eigenstates, the probability that the system undergoes a mentum distribution on the order of a Brillouin zone or transition at t → ∞ towards the other adiabatic eigen- more, a very narrow distribution (much smaller than a state reads [33] Brillouin zone) is achievable with BECs. Even the step- likestructureofthesurvivalprobabilityoccuringforshal- (cid:18) π(δE)2(cid:19) P =exp − . (4) low lattice depth can be resolved with great precision LZ 4(cid:126)α [15, 16]. It is in this regime of shallow lattices and short jump times [31] where the yet unobserved link of RET Aparticleinashallowperiodicpotential,subjectedto and the initial deviation from exponential decay is most an external force, is an example of a physical system in striking. This work is devoted to the study of these ef- whichaLZprocesscanbeobserved. Inthiscase, thedi- fects. Thechoiceofadifferentinitialatomicstate,witha abaticbasisisrepresentedbythemomentumeigenstates. welldefinedmomentum,willenableustoobserveamore As schematized in Fig. 1, if the system is initially pre- complicatedtemporalstructure. Weshallthereforescru- paredinthelowestband,withaverypeakedmomentum tinize the time evolution in order to unveil an exponen- distributionaroundp=0,itwillevolvetowardstheedge tial regime and introduce the Z parameter in our RET ofthefirstBrillouinzone,wherethedistancebetweenthe framework. first and the second band is minimal and transitions are The paper is organized as follows. We briefly sum up morelikelytooccur,andthenevolvesbacktothebottom previous results on RET and the quantum Zeno effect in of the first band. The transition probability towards the Section II. We then analyze the dynamics in the tilted secondbandinthisprocesscanbeapproximatedbyP , LZ lattice in Section III, and show in Section IV, the main butdiscrepanciescanariseduetothedifferencesbetween part of this article, how the two phenomena arise as in- theidealizedcase,leadingtotheLZformula(4),andthe terferenceeffects. SectionVreportsexperimentalresults realphysicalsituation. Indeed,theperiodicityofthelat- forthewave-functionrenormalizationparameterZ inthe tice implies that the aforementioned process occurs in a caseofaBose-Einsteincondensateinanacceleratedopti- finite time, and that in the initial and final states the cal lattice, and also a comparison with the experimental adiabatic levels are not infinitely separated. The correc- configuration by Wilkinson et al. [26]. Section VI con- tions to the LZ transition probability due to the finite cludes our work. duration of the process are discussed in [16, 37]. OthercorrectionstoEq.(4)shouldbeconsideredifthe lattice is not shallow. In this case, couplings to higher momentumstatesplayanimportantroleandatwo-level II. LANDAU-ZENER AND RESONANTLY description is not a good approximation anymore. ENHANCED TUNNELING Moreover, there is another kind of deviation from LZ, which will be the main object of our analysis. Since Eq. A Landau-Zener (LZ) transition takes place in a sys- (4)isobtainedunderthehypothesisthatonlyoneofthe tem with a time-dependent Hamiltonian, in which the two adiabatic eigenstates is initially populated, it is not spectrum,asafunctionofacontrolparameter(heretime validanymoreifbothstatesarepopulated. Thesedevia- t), is characterized by the presence of an avoided cross- tionscanberelevantevenifoneoftheinitialpopulations ing[32–36]. ALZtransitionisdescribedbythefollowing isveryclosetozero,sincetheirorderissquarerootofthe two-level Hamiltonian smaller population, as will be discussed in the following. Inaperiodicpotential, tiltedbyanexternalforceF, the (cid:18) (cid:19) αt δE/2 probability that a wave packet initially prepared in the H (t)= , (2) LZ δE/2 −αt first band jumps to the second band corresponds to the 3 up an effective model, whose validity will be tested for 10 rather diverse ranges of the parameters, and compared to experimental results finally in section V. 8 III. DYNAMICS OF INTERBAND TUNNELING ] ec p Er6 23 InouranalysisweareinterestedindescribingtheRET [ gyErec] s pErioncsteesisnfcroonmdetnhseatfierlsotadteodtihnetosaencoonpdticbaalnldattoifcea. IBtowsiel-l nerE nergy[ 4 p12 s23 12 p bareeainssuthmeecdonthdaentsaaltme,ossot tahllatththeepsayrstticelmesisofdetshcerisbyesdtebmy E 12 2 asingle-particlewavefunctionψ(x,t)[38]. Moreover,we p will consider the condensate dilute enough so that the 12 interaction between particles can be neglected. This im- 0 s plies that the wave function of the system obeys a linear 12 s 12 Schr¨odinger equation. Nonlinear effects have been stud- ied in the RET regime in previous works [12, 13, 39–44]. The experimental condition is that of an accelerating 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Time[TTime[T ]],, p[p2p ][2p ] one-dimensional optical lattice, with constant accelera- BloBclohch arect rec tion a. In the rest frame of the lattice, a particle of mass m sitting in the lattice is subjected to an external force F =ma, and thus the time-independent Hamiltonian of FIG.1: (coloronline)Energydiagramforaparticleinape- riodic potential vs either the time, in units of Bloch time T the system in this frame of reference reads B defined in (14), and the atomic momentum pat/2prec where (cid:126)2 ∂2 V (cid:18)2πx(cid:19) fporrecce,=th(cid:126)eπ/qduLasui-nmitosm. enUtnudmerinthcreeaaspepsliwcaitthiontimofeaanndexattertnhael H =−2m∂x2 + 2 cos dL −Fx≡H0−Fx, (5) avoided crossing between two bands, at the edge of the Bril- where V is the lattice depth and the lattice period d louin zone, where p = p , the condensate tunnels with a L at rec is half wavelength of the counterpropagating lasers. H probabilityamplitudep andsurviveswithanamplitudes , 0 ij ij defined in Eq. (22) below. Between two avoided crossings of represents the “unperturbed” Hamiltonian, whose eigen- the lowest two bands a relative phase φ, defined in Eq. (17), states are the Bloch functions is acquired, which is graphically displayed in the figure as a φ (x)=eikxχ (x), (6) grey area. The final survival probability at a given time is α,k α,k the sum over all possible routes, just like a path integral in χ (x+d )=χ (x), (7) α,k L α,k momentum space. H φ (x)=E (k)φ (x), (8) 0 α,k α α,k with α = 1,2,3,... the band index and k the quasi- LZ prediction (4) only if the second band is empty. A momentum, ranging in thefirst Brillouin zone B ={k|− small population in the second band gives rise to oscilla- π/dL ≤k ≤π/dL}. Thedynamicsofthesystemdepends tions around P . on two dimensionless parameters [16], related to lattice LZ Finally, the transition probability is enhanced by a depth and external force: large factor with respect to the LZ prediction if the en- V Fd (cid:126)2 (cid:18) π (cid:19)2 ebreginygdtihffeerleantctieceFsdpLa∆ciingbeatnwdeednL∆twiothpeodteisnttainaclewbeelltsw(edeLn V0 = Erec,F0 = EreLc, with Erec = 2m dL , (9) the wells) matches the average band gap of the non- where m is the mass of the atoms. Applying the unitary tiltedsystem(RET).OneexpectsthatinaRETprocess transformation from the first to the second band, the asymptotic regime will only be reached after a transient period. Indeed, ψ˜(x,t)=exp(−iFxt/(cid:126))ψ(x,t) (10) while the first transition occurs when the second band restores the translational invariance of the Hamiltonian, is strictly empty (and thus the tunneling event closely at the expense of an explicit time dependence: follows the LZ prediction), further RET transitions will occur periodically in time and, starting from the second 1 (cid:18) ∂ (cid:19)2 V (cid:18)2πx(cid:19) tunneling process, interference effects due to the finite H˜(t)= −i(cid:126) +Ft + cos . (11) 2m ∂x 2 d population amplitude in the second band will start to L play an important role, modifying the time evolution in RewritingthisHamiltonianinthemomentumbasisasin an important way. [16] establishes the relation to the Landau-Zener Hamil- Theanalysisofthefollowingtwosectionswillendeavor tonian introduced in Eq. (2): To calculate the time evo- to take all these effects into account. We shall build lution of any momentum eigenstate, we only need the 4 Hamiltonian H acting on the subspace with a given k0 quasi-momentum k , as there is no transition between 1 0 states with different k 0 0.6  ... 0  0.3  (cid:126)2(k− 2π)2 mV/2  Hk0 = 21m mV/d2L m((cid:126)Vk/)22 (cid:126)2(mk+V/d22Lπ)2  , P(t) 0 ... 0.06 (12) 0.03 wherek =k(t)=k +Ft/(cid:126). ThisHamiltonian(12)leads 0 to a very accurate numerical solution of the Schr¨odinger equation. For small V on the scale of E its dynamics rec 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 is well described by successive Landau-Zener transitions, time [T] B occuring whenever two diagonal terms in H become k0 degenerate. We will use this approximation to obtain 11 analytical results. In Fig. 1 the relevant transitions are 0.9 depicted graphically. 0.8 We first examine an adiabatic approximation of the 0.7 dynamics generated by the Hamiltonian (5), yielding no 0.6 transition between bands (single-band approximation), which will highlight the time periodicity of the system 0.5 and the phase differences between bands. We shall P(t) then introduce an effective coupling between the low- 0.4 lying bands that enables one to obtain transition rates. The adiabatic approximation is consistent if FdL <∼ V, 0.3 namely if F0 <∼V0 in Eq. (9). The initial state will be assumed to be highly peaked around a single quasi-momentum value k0, that is, the 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 width of the initial quasi-momentum distribution will be time [TB] taken to be much smaller than the width 2π/d of the L first Brillouin zone B. In this situation, it can be proved [36, 37] that in the adiabatic single-band approximation FIG. 2: (color online) Adiabatic survival probability in the the average quasi-momentum evolves semiclassically, so lowest band P(t) vs. time, obtained by numerically solving that at time t the Schr¨odinger equation for the atomic evolution under the Hamiltonian of Eq. (11). The initial state has initial quasi- Ft k(t)=k0+ (cid:126) , (13) momentum0.2precintheBrillouinzoneandanegligiblequasi- momentum width. Upper panel: V = 1.5,φ (cid:39) 4π; lower 0 with negligible spread in the quasi-momentum distribu- panel: V0 =4.5,φ(cid:39)2π. The solid (blue) line represents the tion occurring during the evolution. This yields Bloch unperturbedtimeevolution,thedashed(green)linethetime evolution with the phase change discussed in Sec. VB after oscillations in a tilted lattice with a Bloch period each Bloch period. The red crosses are an extrapolation of 2π(cid:126) (cid:126) 2π thefirsttimesteptothefollowingperiods. Plateausmanifest T = = . (14) B Fd E F for V0 = 1.5 (upper panel). The validity of this picture is L rec 0 discussed in the text and in Appendix A. The initial state analyzed here has a well defined initial momentum (in B), but can be distributed among differ- ent bands. At the end of each Bloch period, the ampli- of the Pisa setup [15, 16] and model transitions from the tudein bandα acquiresthe followingphasewith respect firsttothesecondband. Intheparameterregimeofshal- to the amplitude in band β lowlatticesthereisnumericalandexperimentalevidence 1 2π of a step-like structure of the adiabatic survival proba- ∆ϕ =− (cid:104)E (k)−E (k)(cid:105)T =− (cid:104)(cid:15) (k)−(cid:15) (k)(cid:105), αβ (cid:126) α β B F α β bility P(t) [15] in the first band. If the initial state is 0 (15) peaked around k = 0 and lies in the first band, the sur- where (cid:104)...(cid:105) denotes the average over B and (cid:15) (k) is the vival probability is characterized by steep drops around γ energy ofthe state withquasi-momentum k in bandγ in times t = T (n+1/2) with n integer, and flat plateaus B units E . between these times [40]. This view is corroborated by rec We now analyze inter-band transitions through an ef- numerical simulations (Fig. 2, upper panel) and experi- fective model. We focus on the experimental parameters mental observations [15]. This time evolution is due to 5 the fact that the coupling between the first and the sec- ond band is maximal at the edge of the first Brillouin 8 zone, for k = ±π/d , and thus significant transitions L occur there, with periodicity TB. Figure 2 shows that 7 plateaus are clearly present for V =1.5 (shallow lattice, 0 6 upper panel), but start to wash out for V = 4.5 (lower 0 panel). Therangeofvalidityoftheplateaupictureisfur- 5 therdiscussedinAppendixAandisapproximatelyvalid 〉 for V0 <∼ 4.5. In the following analysis we shall focus on E 4 this regime. ∆ 3 Theapproximateddynamicstakesintoaccountexper- 〈 2 numerical imental and numerical evidence and is valid for small gap integration values of V and F , when the transition times can be 1 0 0 harmonic oscillator considered much smaller than T . We assume that the B 0 evolutioninsidethefirstbandisadiabaticforallk,except for k (cid:39) π/d , when a transition towards the state with −1 L 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 the same quasi-momentum in the second band becomes V 0 possible. This transition will be effectively described by the evolution operator of the form U˜ =(cid:18)ps12 −sp12 (cid:19) , (16) EFIrGec.u3n:its(.coCloormopnalirniseo)nAbveetrwageeenbannudmgearipca(cid:104)l∆rEes(cid:105)uvltss,Va0n,abloytthicianl 12 12 resultsfromEq.(19),andtheharmonicoscillatorapproxima- with p = (cid:112)1−s2 . The operator U˜ acts on the two- tion (20). In the small V regime the band integration yields 12 12 agoodapproximation,whileforlargerV,wherethecoupling dimensional space spanned by {|1(cid:105),|2(cid:105)}, where |1(cid:105) rep- becomescontinuous,theharmonicoscillatorapproximationis resents the state with k = π/d in the first band and L more effective. |2(cid:105) the state with same quasi-momentum in the second band. The transition from the second to the third band can be schematized as the loss of a fraction 1−s2 in the Theexactresultandthetwoaforementionedapproxima- 23 population of the second band towards a continuum, oc- tions are compared in Fig. 3. curring at the crossing around k = 0. This assumption The effects of the dynamics in a time T from one B is justified for small values of V0 (see discussion above), transition to the next one can thus be modelled in the such that a particle in the third (or higher) band can be basis {|1(cid:105),|2(cid:105)} by an effective non-unitary operator considered free. (cid:18) (cid:19) During each Bloch cycle separating two successive 1 0 W = . (21) transitions, the relative phase between the second and 0 s eiφ 23 the first band amplitudes increases by (15), which reads By making use of this simplified model, we describe 2π φ(V ,F )= (cid:104)∆E(V )(cid:105), (17) the time evolution in the following way. At t = 0 the 0 0 F 0 0 condensate is in the first band, with quasi-momentum where (cid:104)∆E(cid:105) is the energy difference (in units E ) be- close to k = 0. As the lattice is accelerated, the quasi- rec tween the second and the first band, averaged over B. momentum increases until it reaches π/dL at t = TB/2, This quantity can be exactly computed by using Math- where the operator U˜ comes into play and transfers part ieu characteristics a(κ,q), which are the eigenvalues of ofthepopulationtothesecondband. Theevolutionfrom the Mathieu equation [45] T /2 to 3T /2 is summarized by the application of W. B B Then, the second transition occurs, and part of the pop- d2y +[a−2qcos(2x)]y =0, (18) ulation in the second band (decreased by losses towards dx2 the third band) can tunnel back to the first band due to corresponding to the Floquet solutions y(x) = theactionofU˜ andgivesrisetointerferenceeffects. The exp(iκx)u(x). For small V , a good estimate is given same steps occur in the subsequent transitions. 0 by a Landau-Zener gap integration On a time span T , the dynamics of the system is B thereforedeterminedbythesuccessiveactionofthenon- 1(cid:113) V2 8 (cid:104)∆E(cid:105)(cid:39) 64+V2+ 0 arcsinh . (19) unitary operator 4 0 32 V 0 (cid:18) s −p s eiφ (cid:19) ForlargerV0,atight-binding,orharmonicoscillator,ap- U =U˜W = 12 12 23 (22) proximation yields p12 s12s23eiφ (cid:112) (cid:104)∆E(cid:105)(cid:39) 4V −1. (20) inthebasis{|1(cid:105),|2(cid:105)}. Theorderofthetwooperationsis 0 6 not relevant, since W acts trivially on the “initial state” is |1(cid:105) before the first transition. Besides the phase φ, the operator U depends on two |Φ (cid:105)=c en|ψ (cid:105)+c en|ψ (cid:105). (27) n 1 1 1 2 2 2 other independent parameters, namely the survival am- plitudess ands . s representthesurvivalamplitude 12 23 12 Due to the dissipative term in W, the two eigenvalues inthefirstbandafterthefirsttransition,whichisinfact are smaller than unity, and one of them, say e , is larger comparable to a LZ process since the second band is ini- 1 in modulus than the other one. Thus, for n sufficiently tially empty. The survival probability s is related to a 23 large, the evolution reaches an asymptotic regime, in LZtunnelingfromthesecondtothethirdband,ifweas- which the state after the n-th transition is determined sume the third band to be empty before each transition only by the state after the previous one, with a transi- process. A graphical representation of the parameters tion rate depending on the largest eigenvalue. Since the appearing in Eq. (22) is given in Fig. 1. survival probability in the first band can be defined as Using the LZ critical acceleration for the first and sec- P =|(cid:104)1|Φ (cid:105)|2, in the asymptotic regime one gets ond band gap [32, 33, 46, 47], analytical expressions for n n s and s as functions of the microscopic parameters 12 23 can be obtained. At lowest order in V0, the survival am- Pn (cid:39)|e1|2Pn−1. (28) plitudes read By defining an asymptotic transition rate (cid:113) s (V ,F ) = 1−P(1,2)(V ,F ) 12 0 0 (cid:115) LZ(cid:18) π02V02(cid:19) γ =−log(cid:0)|e1|2(cid:1), (29) = 1−exp − 0 , (23) 32F0 itispossibletointroduceafunctionPZ(t)thatcoincides (cid:113) withthevalueofthesurvivalprobabilityatthecenterof s23(V0,F0) = 1−PL(2Z,3)(V0,F0) the plateaus, at times t=nTB: (cid:115) (cid:18) π2V4 (cid:19) = 1−exp − 0 , (24) P (t)=Zexp(−γt). (30) 32·162(2F ) Z 0 where P(i,j) is the Landau-Zener transition probability Compare with Eq. (1). The parameter Z in Eq. (30) LZ is in general different from unity, due to the transient (4) from band i to band j. regime at the beginning of the evolution. It represents The evolution on a timescale T , determined by a se- B the extrapolation of the asymptotic exponential proba- quence of U operations, will be analyzed in detail in the bility back at t=0. following section. We now derive an analytical expression for Z. In the asymptotic regime, the system evolution described by Eq. (27) corresponds to an evolution operator applied IV. TRANSIENT AND ASYMPTOTIC to an initial unnormalized vector |Ψ (cid:105)≡c |ψ (cid:105): BEHAVIOR 0 1 1 |Φ (cid:105)(cid:39)c en|ψ (cid:105)=Un(c |ψ (cid:105))=Un|Ψ (cid:105). (31) We now specialize the model outlined in Section III n 1 1 1 1 1 0 to the Pisa experimental setup [15, 16]. The state of the systembeforethefirsttransitionis|1(cid:105). Immediatelyafter The Z parameter, representing the extrapolation of the the n-th transition, occurring at time t = T (n+1/2), asymptotic behavior back to t=0, can be defined as the B the state of the system is square modulus of the projection of the fictitious initial vector |Ψ (cid:105), onto the actual initial state |1(cid:105) 0 |Φ (cid:105)=Un|1(cid:105). (25) n Z ≡|(cid:104)1|Ψ (cid:105)|2 =|c |2|(cid:104)1|ψ (cid:105)|2, (32) The matrix U in Eq. (22) can be diagonalized, yielding 0 1 1 eigenvalues (e ,e ). By expanding the initial state as 1 2 which corresponds to an extrapolated “survival proba- |1(cid:105)=c |ψ (cid:105)+c |ψ (cid:105), (26) bility” in the subspace spanned by |1(cid:105), evaluated at the 1 1 2 2 initialtime. Zcanbeanalyticallycomputedasafunction where|ψ (cid:105)arethenormalizednon-orthogonaleigenvec- oftheindependentparametersofthemodel,byexplicitly 1,2 tors of U, the state of the system at time T (n+1/2) diagonalizing U. One obtains B 7 (cid:20) (cid:113) (cid:21)2 (cid:20) (cid:21)2 Z(s ,s ,φ)= s212(1−s23cosφ)+ K(s128,s23,φ) +s223sin2φ 2−√s2212K((1s+12s,2s32c3o,φs)φ) + s212 , (33) 12 23 K(s122,s23,φ) + K2(ss22132s,sin232,φφ)[2−s212(1+s23cosφ)]2 with K(s ,s ,φ) = s2 (cid:0)1+2s cosφ+s2 cos(2φ)(cid:1)−4s cosφ 12 23 12 23 23 23 (cid:113) + s4 (1+2s cosφ+s2 )−8s s2 (cosφ+2s +s2 cosφ)+16s2 . (34) 12 23 23 23 12 23 23 23 In order to gain a qualitative understanding of the de- TheestimatesofEqs.(17)-(23),togetherwithEq.(33) pendenceofZ (andγ)onthephasedifferenceφacquired enable one to obtain an analytical expression Z(V ,F ), 0 0 duringaBlochcycle, letuscomparethefirstandsecond yielding the value of Z as a function of the microscopic transitions. LetP =1betheinitialvalueofthesurvival parameters. Figure 4 shows a comparison of the numer- 0 probability in the first band. After the first transition, ical calculation and the estimates for γ and Z with our the survival probability becomes analytical model. It is clear that the model yields a bet- P1 =s212P0 ≡e−γ0P0. (35) toefrZapaprerooxviemreasttioimnaftoerdsmanadlletrheV0p.icFtourreVo0f>∼su4c.c5estshievepetuakns- neling events with an intermediate phase accumulation At the second transition, the discrepancy with the LZ becomeslessvalid. IntheregimeofsmallV ,theanalyt- prediction becomes manifest. Since, in the parameter 0 ical model is very efficient, as long as F is not too large regime of small V we are considering, the ratio s /s 0 0 23 12 and the LZ tunneling rates do not have to be adjusted is very small [see Eqs. (23)-(24)], we can apply a first- due to the finite initial time of the evolution [37]. order approximation, yielding P (cid:39)(s2 −2s p2 cosφ)P ≡e−γ1P . (36) 2 12 23 12 1 1 Thus, if the phase is φ = 2πj, with j ∈ Z, the second transition is enhanced with respect to the first one. In V. EXPERIMENTAL CONFIGURATIONS this case, a local maximum in the transition rate as a function of F is expected. On the contrary, if φ=(2j+ 0 This section contains a discussion of the experiments 1)π, the second transition is less pronounced than the performed up to now and suggestions for future mea- first one. surementsaimedatcontrollingthedecaybyamanipula- A backwards extrapolation of the second step gives a tion of the phase of the temporally evolved atomic wave rough estimate of the Z parameter, which we call Z : 1 packet. The relations of Sec. IV can be tested experi- (cid:18)p (cid:19)2 mentally as follows. Z (cid:39)Z =eγ1−γ0 (cid:39)1+2s 12 cosφ. (37) 1 23 s 12 EvenifEq.(37)representsarathercrudeapproximation, it brings to light the correspondence between resonances A. Measurement of P(t) in the asymptotic transition rates and resonances in the Z parameter. Quantities like (37) are very useful in an experimentalcontext,whereonlythefirstfewstepsinthe An experimental check of the theory at the basis of Blochcyclesareaccessible. Ifthesurvivalamplitudecan thewave-functionrenormalizationZ isobtainedbymea- be measured up to the N-th transition, the Z parameter suring the survival probability P(t) for a time up to five can be approximated by Bloch periods for different parameter values, as in Fig. 2, and then introducing a fit with the exponential law of Z (cid:39)ZN =eNγN−(cid:80)nN=−01γn. (38) Eq. (30) for the survival probability at times t = nTB. The Z and γ parameters are determined by such a fit. At the same time, Theresultsofthisapproacharediscussedinthefollowing for the case of a narrow atomic momentum distribution, γ (cid:39)γ . (39) N as in the RET experiments at Pisa with a Bose-Einstein The convergence to the real value of Z is typically very condensate [12, 13, 15, 16], and for the case of a broad fast, and the first few cycles are already sufficient to ob- atomic momentum distribution, as for the experiment tain an excellent approximation. performed at Austin [26, 27]. 8 1. Pisa RET experiment 1 The time dependence of the adiabatic survival prob- ability was measured by freezing the tunneling process 0.5 through projective quantum measurements on the states T)B 0 of the adiabatic Hamiltonian [15]. Experimental results γ( 0 ofP(t)fordifferentvaluesofthelatticedepthandtheap- g1−0.5 pliedforceareshowninFig.5. Thesolidanddashedlines o l are a numerical simulation of our experimental protocol −1 andanexponentialdecayfitforoursystem’sparameters, respectively. Theverticalinterceptoftheexponentialde- −1.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 cay at t=0 gives the value of and the exponential decay rate gives the value of γ. The resonant tunneling appears as a strong variation for theexponentialdecayrateofγ asafunctionofφ,asmea- 1.5 suredintheexperiments[12,13]. Thisvariationmatches the numerical predictions of Fig. 4. Measured values of the Z parameter vs the φ param- eter are plotted in Fig. 6(a). The error bars on the Z 1 Z values are determined by the exponential fits, as in Fig. 5. NoticethatZ valuesbothlargerandsmallerthanone are measured. The error of the phase φ is linked to the experimental accuracy of the V and F parameters (V 0.5 0 0 0 carries an error of around ten percent). The experimen- 0 0.5 1 1.5 〈 ∆2 E 〉 /2F.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 talresultsarecomparedtotheoreticalpredictionsforthe 0 numerical solutions of the time-dependent adiabatic sur- vival probability. The peaks in the plot are determined by RET resonances. The simulation of Fig. 4 evidences that the dependence of Z on φ matches the dependence 1 of γ. The position of the largest peak corresponds to the main resonance [12, 13] ∆i=1, and the positions of the 0 smallerpeaksareinagreementwiththoseofhigherorder γ T)B−1 reexspoenraimnceenst.alTdheeteargmreinemateionntsboeftwZeeisnvtehrye tghoeoodr,ettaickailnganind (10 account the difficulties of a precise determination of the g −2 lo lattice depth V0. It should be noticed a posteriori that −3 the experimental results are more easily produced in the case Z <1. −4 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 2. Austin experiment on non-exponential decay 1.5 The very broad atomic distribution of the experiment perfomed by Raizen’s group in Texas [26, 27], occupy- ing several Brillouin zones, leads to a different temporal evolution of the survival probability. In particular, the 1 Z deeper lattice potentials used in these works imply a dif- ferent behavior of the Z function. The survival proba- bility was numerically evaluated on the basis of the the- oretical treatment reported in Niu and Raizen [48] and 0.5 Wilkinson et al. [26]. For the case of Rb atoms and pa- 0 0.5 1 1.5 〈 ∆2 E 〉 /2F.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 rameters very close to those experimentally investigated 0 in Pisa, Fig. 6(b) reports the Z function versus the pa- rameter φ at a fixed value of the lattice depth. It may be noticed that the values of |Z − 1| are smaller than FIG.4: (coloronline)Decayrateγ andwave-functionrenor- those measured in the case of a narrow atomic quasi- malization Z vs (cid:104)∆E(cid:105)/F0 = φ/2π. Comparison among an- momentumdistribution. TheZ dependenceonF0isvery alytical results, obtained by exact diagonalization of the re- smooth, without the oscillations of Fig. 6(a). The Niu- duced evolution operator U in Eq. (22) [(red) dashed lines], numerical simulations based on Eq. (11) (solid lines) and Landau-Zenerprediction(dottedlinesforγ). Uppertwopan- els: V =2; lower two panels: V =4. 0 0 9 1 (a) 0.4 (a) Z-1 9 ) 8 (t 0.2 Z P 7 ), t ( P 6 0.0 5x10-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 time [T ] φ B 1 (b) Z-1 (b) 9 2 8 7 t) 6 0 ( PZ 5 -20 ), 4 x1 -2 t ( P 3 -4 2 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 φ time [T ] B FIG. 6: (a) Scaling plot of Z − 1 vs. φ of Eq. (17), de- FIG. 5: (color online) P(t): experimental results (squares) rived from RET experimental results (squares) using a nar- andnumericalsolutionoftheSchro¨dingerequationdescribing row atomic quasi-momentum distribution. The experimental the atomic cloud within the accelerated optical lattice (blue pointatφ=4.8isobtainedfromthedataofFig.5(a)andthe dashed line). The (red) continuous lines are exponential fits point at φ=34 from the data of Fig. 5(b). Full lines are the to the experimental data based on P (t) by Eq. (30), whose Z theoretical predictions for V = 1,2,3,4. The RET coupling 0 crossing with the y axis yields the value of Z. In (a) V = 0 yields the oscillating behavior of Z vs φ, with the oscillation 5.8E , F = 5 and in (b) V = 1E , F = 0.383. Both rec 0 0 rec 0 amplitudes increasing at lower V for a fixed φ. (b) Theoret- 0 cases yield Z < 1. The slope of the exponential decay gives ical prediction for Z−1 in an Austin-type experiment, with the decay rate γ. a broad atomic quasi-momentum distribution, at V =3,3.5 0 and 4 (continuous, dashed and dotted line, respectively). Raizentheory[26,48]includesonlythetwolowestenergy bandsanddoesnottakeintoaccounttunnelingphenom- ena such as RET or higher excited energy bands. The the phase imprinting could be too large to derive Z pre- Niu-Raizen model is thus essentially a two-state model cisely in this regime, the observation of a modified decay for Landau-Zener coupling, neglecting resonant tunnel- rate in the presence of a phase reversal would represent ing effects, and averaged over all quasi-momenta in the a direct proof that φ is responsible for the resonances in entire Brillouin zone. Such a model is better suited for the decay rate. large values of V , when the energy bands become flat. 0 The survival probability obtained in an experiment where after each period one halts or does not halt, with B. Phase control equal probability, represents another tool for modifying and testing the interference in successive Landau-Zener To further verify that the phase φ is, indeed, the im- processes. The change of the decay rate by this ran- portant quantity determining the temporal evolution of domization is equivalent to the change that would be the atomic wave function, it could be interesting to per- obtained via bona fide quantum measurements, as in the formaLZexperimentforwhichtheatomicaccelerationis standardformulationoftheZenoeffectwhichwasexper- stoppedaftereachBlochperiodforatimet =π/∆E, imentally oberved in [27]. It can be demonstrated that halt with ∆E the energy difference between the two bands, thesameatomicevolutionisobtainedbyperformingnon- in order to reverse the phase of the wave function’s evo- destructive survival probability measurements after each lution. Differences in the predicted time dependence of Bloch period, the quantum Zeno effect being achieved P(t) with and without this phase reversal are reported in the limit of very frequent measurements carried out in Fig. 2. Even if the experimental error introduced by within a Bloch period. 10 C. Emptying the second band largerthanunity. IfZ <1,thedecaycanbesloweddown (quantumZenoeffect)orenhanced(anti-orinverse-Zeno A similar interesting experimental configuration is re- effect),butifZ >1,onlythequantumZenoeffectispos- alized by totally eliminating the second band’s occupa- sible [21]. tion after each Bloch period. This could be produced Ouranalysisoftheatomicevolutionintermsofsucces- as in the measurement protocol used in Ref. [15], by de- sive free evolutions and tunneling processes, with inter- creasing the acceleration after each tunneling event from ference in the population occupations, points out that the ground band down to a small value such that the Landau-Zener transitions and Stu¨ckelberg oscillations population in the second band tunnels to the continuum [34] are two facets (one could say particular cases) of and is not confined anymore by the optical lattice. At theverycomplexproblemoftheatomicevolutionwithin thesametimethepopulationinthelowerbanddoesnot the periodic potential produced by the optical lattice, in tunnel to the second one, and is ready to be accelerated analogy to a previous analysis by Kling et al. [58]. once again with the original large value. In this kind of For the shallow lattice regime, we have established a setup all Landau-Zener steps in the survival probability relationship between γ, Z and φ=2π(cid:104)∆E(V )(cid:105)/F . We 0 0 as a function of time would have the same height on a have demonstrated that the Zeno regime and resonantly logarithmic scale, determined by s12 only. The phase φ enhanced tunneling are both controlled by the same pa- wouldthenbetotallyirrelevantfortheatomicevolution. rameter φ in an ultra-cold atomic cloud. The resonances in Z can be explained by a decay following the Landau- ZenerprobabilityinthefirstBlochperiodandresonantly D. Links with quantum field theory enhanced decay in the following periods. In contrast, the Niu-Raizen description [48] applied to describe the Finally, from a theoretical perspective, it would be non-exponential decay of cold atoms in an optical lattice of great interest to explore the links with wave-function approximates the tunneling rate from the second to the renormalization effects in quantum field theory. In that third band by one complete decay. In the large V pa- 0 context, the quantity Z arises from an analysis of the rameter regime the RET resonances are not important propagator (enforcing probability conservation in the and do not affect the quantum Zeno effect. K¨all´en-Lehmannrepresentation[49,50])anddiffersfrom A future experiment could involve a BEC atomic unity at second order in the coupling constant. Z is cloud in the presence of atomic interactions [12, 13, 39– smallerthanunityforstablestates, butisunconstrained 44, 59, 60]. As verified experimentally [60], in this case and can become > 1 for an unstable state. There have the tunneling probabilities are not symmetric (s (cid:54)=s ) ij ji beenafewattempts[51–57]toanalyzethequantumZeno and the effect of the RET resonances could be enhanced effect in the decay of elementary particles, but no exper- or suppressed with attractive or repulsive interactions. iment has been performed so far. It would be interesting to try and mimic these effects by making use of RET in BECs. This would take us into the realm of quantum simulations. Appendix A: Check on the interrupted atomic evolution VI. CONCLUSION AND OUTLOOK The dynamics of interband tunneling is discussed in Sec. III and hinges on the assumption of a free phase In the pioneering work by Raizen et al. [26, 27] the evolution over the Brillouin zone, interrupted by a very focus was on the deviations from exponential decay and shorttunnelingeventattheavoidedcrossing, atwell de- theoccurrenceofthequantumZenoeffectanditsinverse fined times t = T (n+1/2) with n ∈ N, as in upper B [29, 30] due to repeated measurements. In the present panel of Fig. 2 and in Fig. 5(b). To check the validity article we endeavored to go further and studied Landau- ofthisassumptionweusetheHamiltonianH whichde- a Zener transitions [32, 33] under very different physical scribesthetimeevolutionintheadiabatic(energy)basis. conditions, both in terms of initial state and parame- H can be obtained by expanding the state |ψ(t)(cid:105) of the a ters. This enabled us to use these effects as a benchtest system in the time-dependent energy basis for the study of wave-function renormalization effects in quantum mechanics. We have seen that by scrutiniz- (cid:88) |ψ(t)(cid:105)= a (t)|n(t)(cid:105) (A1) ing the features of the survival probability of the wave n function that collectively describes an ultra-cold atomic n cloud, one can consistently define Z and extract crucial information on its behavior. It is remarkable that Z can and applying the Schr¨odinger equation i∂t|ψ(cid:105) = H|ψ(cid:105) be directly measured and that its deviation from unity with the Hamiltonian of Eq. (12) to obtain yields directly measurable consequences on the experi- mental observables. In addition, as the experimental pa- i(cid:88)(a˙ |n(cid:105)+a ∂ |n(cid:105))=(cid:88)a E |n(cid:105). (A2) n n t n n rametersarevaried,Z takesvaluesthatcanbesmalleror n n

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