WAUSAUKEE The story of the Slaets and Debot families Dominique L. Van Rentergem WAUSAUKEE The story of the Slaets and Deb ot families Those who live in memories are never dead 2th edition :\o part oflhis book may be used or reproduced in any manner what soe,·er \\ithout permission e.xcept in the case of brief quotations in articles and reviews. 2 Contents Introduction ................................................................................................... 7 Acknowledgements ........................................................................................ 8 Editorial Comments ...................................................................................... 8 Fantily Tree .................................................................................................... 9 ~y Memories ............................................................................................... io Twelfth-night i944 ................................................................................ 10 Family ..................................................................................................... 11 School .................................................................................................... 14 Happiness and sorrow ........................................................................... 15 Our Lady of Scherpenhcuvel ................................................................. 20 Military lottery ....................................................................................... 22 Aunt Fien Peeters .................................................................................. 24 Red Star Line ......................................................................................... 25 "Fien would also like another Flemish woman here" ........................... 27 My Brother Fons Slaets ......................................................................... 29 My Wife Jenny vVuyts ........................................................................... 29 Jenny's fantily ........................................................................................3 0 Take the floor ......................................................................................... 34 '..Ve are going lo America ....................................................................... 34 SS Illinois ............................................................................................... 35 Philadelphia ........................................................................................... 36 Bad news drives out the good news ...................................................... 37 v\lausaukee ............................................................................................ 40 Saw mill history .................................................................................... -42 Lumber camps ....................................................................................... 47 The Wausaukee train station and traffic ...............................................5 0 Hotels and boarding houses .................................................................. 51 Our children .......................................................................................... 56 The depression of 1893 ......................................................................... 57 The \o\Tisconsin fire of 1894 .................................................................... 58 1894 local election ................................................................................. 59 My Sister Roos married on a Friday ..................................................... 59 The Antwerp World's Fair of 1894 ........................................................ 61 Back-payment ........................................................................................ 61 Life in \·Vausaukee ................................................................................. 62 3 Visitors .................................................................................................. 63 Unpleasant discomfort and Nell' Year's Day 1896 ............................... 64 Secret societies ...................................................................................... 64 Our prayer houses and schools ............................................................. 68 Miscellaneous businesses ..................................................................... 74 The fourth of July .................................................................................. 78 The Wausaukee E,·ergrcen Cemetel)' ................................................... 78 Doctors and Dentists in the Area .......................................................... 79 The Wausaukee Independent ............................................................... 81 My Sister Jos married Peter De Coster in 1896 .................................... 83 Father died in 1897 ............................................................................... 83 \\'e bought ns a COii' and a calf .............................................................. 84 The Debot's in 1897 ............................................................................... 85 I ll'as their best man .............................................................................. 85 My Cousin ,Josepha Debot married fons DeRoeck .............................. 90 Norway, '.\1ichigan ................................................................................ 101 Father Jortnnes Franciscus Cautereels ............................................... 103 r.ly Cousin Ed Debot married Julia DeRoeck in 1898 ........................ 104 The Spanish-American \\'ar ................................................................ 106 Jenny came through it \\ell ................................................................. 107 My Sister Murie got hitched ................................................................ 107 The founder of Wausaukee died in 1900 ............................................ 108 The Louis Slaets Carpenter and Contractor Company ........................ 110 The Second \Var of Freedom ............................................................... 111 She certainly looked like a lovely Native American maiden ............... 113 The \\'ausaukee State Bank .................................................................. 116 Mother ll'ent to Heaven ....................................................................... 118 The Wausnukee Telephone Company. ................................................ 120 This picture was taken in 1903 ........................................................... 122 Joseph Simon Edlebeek died in 1903 ................................................. 123 Love is in the air .................................................................................. 125 John Hoff 11'35 a jack-of-all-trades. ..................................................... 129 A three-continental ll'edding ceremony in Bergen op Zoom ............. 130 It was cspcciail}' ll'Orse in the big cities .............................................. 134 King Leopold II of Belgium ................................................................. 134 Our Son married Liliannc M. Farrcll ................................................... 135 4 Harlan Page Bird died in 1912 ............................................................. 136 The last saw-mill was demolished in 1912 .......................................... 139 1914-1918 ............................................................................................. 140 They joined the countless fugitivcs ..................................................... 145 Rose died in young woma11hood ......................................................... 147 The Lmrn Brothers stopped their activities in 1915 ............................ 148 Our Son George .................................................................................... 151 Our Daughter Stella married Bill Bo\\'ring ......................................... 152 Anti-Saloon League (ASL) ................................................................... 154 Recreation ............................................................................................ 155 \\'e were living in a warzone ................................................................ 161 They "ere married fifty years ago ....................................................... 162 The president of the Bird-Wells Lumber Company died ................. 166 My Cousin Agnes was married ............................................................ 167 The Payant brothers opened their store ............................................. 168 The Stock Market Crash of 1929 ......................................................... 169 Our Daughter ~1aiy left us ................................................................... 171 The Antwerp World Fair of 1930 ......................................................... 171 Friends of my Sister Mmie .................................................................. 172 Automobiles and filling stations ......................................................... 173 i\ly Wife Jenny went heavenward ....................................................... 174 My Grandchildren Dean and Dorothy m;irried in 1937 ..................... 176 An electrical shock was fatal to Jerry DeGroot. ................................... 177 A new world war .................................................................................. 178 Emile Everix died at 4:30 in the afternoon ......................................... 178 One day I'm going back to Belgium .................................................... 180 Lord grant me this gift ......................................................................... 181 Families ..................................................................................................... 182 1 -The Adrianus & Catherina Verbruggen-Peeters family ................. 182 1.6 -The Joarincs & Joanna Verhoeven-Peeters family ..................... 182 2 -The Jacobus & Angelina Peeters-Slaets family. ............................. 183 2.1 -The Ludovicus & Joanna Wuyts-Slaets family ........................... 184 2.1.1 -The Jacobus & Lilfanne LcMerc-Slaets family ......................... 186 2.2a -The Ludovicus & Rosalia Slaets-~ees family ........................... 187 2.2b -The Augustus & Rosalia Slaets-Hagendorens fam ................... 188 2.3 -The Petrus & Josephina Slaets-De Coster family ....................... 188 5 2.43 -The Adrianus & :'Ilaria Slaets-Bossyns family .......................... 190 2-4b -The Cyrille & l\laria Slaets-Van Brussel family ........................ 190 2.5 -The Alphonse & Comelia van Loon-Slaels family ....................... 191 3 -The Victor & Sophia Peeters-Debo! family. ................................... 192 3.1 -The Petrus & Anna Debot-Evcrix family. .................................... 193 3.2a -The Charles &Josephine Dcbot-Sandstone fam ...................... 194 3.2b -The Alphonse & Josephine Debot-DeRoeck fam ..................... 194 3.3 -The .Josephus & Catherine Bourdeau-Debot family ................... 195 3-4 -The Edmund & ,Julia DeRoeck-Dehol family ............................. 196 3.7 -The .John & Justina Debot-DeGroot family ................................ 196 3.9 -The Clarence & Agnes Debot-Lindstrum family ........................ 198 4 -The Franciscus & '.\laria Roes-Slaets family .................................. 199 sa -The Franciscus & Joanna i\ecfs-\\'U)1S family ............................ 199 5b -The Franciscus & Joanna Govaerts-\\"u}1S family ..................... 200 6 -The Johannes & Anna Kennckcns-Slacts family .......................... 201 7-Thc Nicolaus & Anna Van Elsacker-Debot family ......................... 202 8 -The Philippus & Maria Poppc-Everix family ................................ 203 9a -The Dcsiderius & Delphina Van L.:111deghem-De Roeck family .. 204 9b -The Dcsiderius & Anna Stacs-De Roeck family .......................... 205 10 -The I lendrikus & Petronella Vcrstrneten-De Groot family ......... 205 Sources ...................................................................................................... 209 6 Introduction This is the story of my Great-Uncle Louis Slaets and Great-Aunt Jen ny Wuyts and their children. Louis was known as Denys in Belgium. I'm sure they would never have imagined that one of their relatives was going to tell their story. I wrote it with the help of the letters that were sent - from i887 until 1937 - to Beli:,rium and the support of many people. In addition, old documents, archives, newspaper clip pings, books, testimonies and the notebooks of my grandfather Fons Slaets were used. The stories of Louis' Uncle Victor and Aunt Sophia Peeters-Debot and their children are included and also Wausaukee's histo1y and its pioneers. Wausaukee is a village in the northeast of Wisconsin. One of the reasons for my research is to provide the many de scendants, who are scattered throughout the USA, as well as the fam ily in Europe a different perspective on the lives of their pioneer an cestors. And, of course, for everyone who is interested in the emigra tion from Europe to America at tl1e end of the 19th centmy. If you have additional information about tl1ese families or have suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact me: [email protected] Dominique L. Van Rentergem .. I can't believe how hard it was back then - just to survive! How strange and frightening it must have been for those families to be in this strange country. Sounds like it was a good move at times but then at other times sounds like they would have been better off back in the old country. All in all, thought, I guess it was a good move" Doreen E. Sparr 7 Acknowledgements I would like to express my deep appreciation to the many people who helped me by giving information, in particular Brian llartncll and Doreen (nee Reich!) E. Sparr. This book would not be the work you see without the help of Vanessa Constantine and Karen \Voocl, who refined the final product. ~ly special thanks also go to Carine Christiaens Acks, the late Paul Oliver Bentley (tt999), Jose De Clercq, Brady DeGroot, the late Sis ter Maurice, born as Mary Elizabeth DcGroot (t2007), Rob Dellen, Reverend Charles Denys, Irving DeRocck, Sue (nee Seabolt) DeR oeck, DeWitt E\'erix, Kathy Everix, Ron Flemal, Sandra Freeman, Maria Gorissen, ~lary Ann (nee Payant) llamilton, Louise Hathaway, Jane Huempfner, Dorothy (nee Quella) .Jones, Elisabeth (nee Van den Hove) Khan, the late Rudy G. Laun (t2009), the late Dirk Lc naerts (t2010), the late :\larilyn P. (nee DeRoeck) ~lallin (t2010). Ann (nee Blackledge) >Icllhinney, ;\like and Rudy >lessar, Joan Obcrthalcr, Rilla (nee Dehot) Opclt, Eileen F. (nee Florence) Parker, Mike and Tracey Parkinson, Georges Picavet, Norbert G. Quella, Robert M. Quella, Terry Riley, Judy Joy (nee Kiefer) Seeley, my late Aunt and Godmother Josee Slaets (t2013). Norn1 Smith, Robert Snell, Ken Ste\'ens, the late Fat11er Frans Van Elsackcr (t2002), Jim Vcrtenten, Lisa (nee Edlebeck) Wentland, Paul West, Tom Wotruba and my wife Joanna Wouters for her unnaggiug support. Editorial Comments This book includes some family trees and many pictures. In the foot notes, you will find brief descriptions of the people who appear in this story. .M ore information about t11ese people and their mutual relationship are to be found in tJ1e chapter Families. Stained-glass window in the St. Augustine's Church 8