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, TUAR MHIC EADAIGH PARISH MAGAZIN E ~96 0.50 e '.laol al a C"I eile ::, Id TIGH THUATHAII Bia agus Oeoc do shogh, chuile shaghas earrai t-' Ag freastal ar an gCeantar 6 1896 T. J . O'TOOLE'S LOUNGE BAR Pub Grub - Snacks - Sandwiches Petrol and Diesel Pumps Grocery - Fresh Meat and Fish - General Hardware Veterinary Medicines - Firearms Dealer SERVING THIS COMMUNITY SINCE 1896 # •• - •• - •• ----------.--•••••• --.---••• -.~ • Beannachtaf na Feile D'ar gCairde Uilig • I• • • • Cead Mile Failte go • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • : airc T eaIllpail1 : t • • • AfCTSI( . BARBE QUES . CARDS : Sea on If' ectmgs to all at Horne and Abroad : •••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••# , I Waf",'"" ~ TIntor IlJhic i'adoigla EDITORIAL I s gearr a bhionn bliain ag imeacht. Airim gur cupla lei 0 shIn a thamlg me mar sheiplineach go 'ruar Mhic Eadaigh, ach chruthaionn feiliere na bliana go mbeidh an chuld is fcarr de bhliain go leith caite anseoagam idir sliabh is loch, faoin am a mbeidh clo curtha ar an all beag sea. Taim ag teacht. isteach ar an bparaiste nun de reir a cheile. ce go bhfuil me s3ch mall Xl me is fearr ag cuir cainte ar dhaoine. ach Marfainn go dtuigeann daoine e sin. go hairithl' daoine ata cuthail lad fein. Ach rna fagtar s3ch fada me, beidh aithnl' agam archuile dhutnl' ar deireadh. Ie cunamh De. Agus mar a tharlaionn i gcanal, sin e an l·am a athraitear duine. Agus nil deifir ar bith orfisa. 6 Taim buioch don sagan pobail. Deasun Crogan a~rus do mhuintir na haite as an bhfailte a chuir sibh rom ham agus an gcunamh a thug sibh dom 6 lar na bliana s(:o caile nuair a thainig me i dUr, rian an tsaile fos orm, o lnis Meain. ach ta mo ChOS3 tIre curtha fUIll faain e am seo. Is athru mor a bheith in ann sui isteach i do charr I<i. ar bith I~ h3is a bheith ag brath ar bh<.lid is ar eitleain. ar ghalal is ar fharraigi mhora Ta nios mo de mhuintir na haite seo i Chicago no mar ala sa mbaile. Brt.!athn3itear ar chat-hair sin na gaoithe mar an taobh cile den phar6iste agus cuirim rno bheannacht agus beannacht na haite chucu. chomh maith Ie chuile dhuine eile de mhuintir an pharoiste ala scaipthe ar fud an domhain. Biodh Nollaig rnhaith agaibh agus Beannacht De oraibh i gconal. Is ion tach mar a fuair an domhan beag in imeacht na rnblianta. Is ft.Hdir a ra gurb e an reabhloid is rno Luaithe is cathrach a tharla Ie blianta beaga anuas n6 an It'iI~afoin j mbeagnach gach uile theach. Ceanglaionn an teileafon daoine lena gelann i bhfad.-) bhaile. agus is m6r an chabhair nn deiseanna leictn.'onacha ata ag seandaoine agu!> ag daoine leo fein Ie cunamh a glaoch rna theastaionn se. Ach nil fon ar bith chomh rnaith Ie daolnt' a fheiceail. agus cuirimis faBte mhor roimh gach duine ala tagtha abhaile i gcomhalr na Nollag. I write Lhese few notes as someone who grew up in a village called Ballyd3\'tJCk. Il'~:o. than Lwenty miles to the northeast ofTourmakeady. I used to think ours was the vlHagt' of the two pigs (Baile an dha mhuc) until I discovered there was a S3int callt:d Dnvoc Davoctown sound much belter than Twin Pigs. Standing on the hilltop at the back of our hous~ there were mountains and hill~ 10 be set;:n in all directions. Croagh P31rick was a perfect triangular pyramid on the western horizon The great bulk ofNeiphin stood out to the northwest. while stret.ching-3way of the southwest was Lhe exotic blue of the Partry mountain~ with the tips I)f the Twelve Pins clear bf.:yond them on a fin~ day. My first job took me west along the road to Tourmakeady. In the 13~t Summer of my father's life I had the pleasure of working with him for Mayo County Council in Cappaduff. Westport 3nd Ballinrobe It remains a precious time among my memories a", I was. at eighteen. getting to know him man to man as well as son to father The follOWing year he dropped dead, a1l too .soon. while working on a doctor's house in Congo Go ndeana Dia t.rocaire air. Ilit.t.le lhought all thoseyt:ars ago that life and work would take ml' back tl) Tl)urm3keady. bULI'm glad it did. It's a pleasure for me 10 be priest here, and I thank you all for your welcome and support since I arrived at the end of July. 1995. I would like to compliment all the people who are working voluntarily in the vanou:; committees and societIes in the parish. The number of people involved and the variety of the work only caml' home to me the evening that adjudicators from the Clor na nCael organisation caml:' to asse:;s all that IS happening. I won't attempt to Its! all the vari01l6 organisations because there are so many l\nyway I'm too cute - I might lea\'l' someone out and create offence. I do think that the editorial committee that has produced Waterfall for the past len yean. deserve the highl:ht commendation. It has reached out to the many people born and n:ared here who are now In farOung places around the world. Looking back on earlier cdJlltlns has been a great help to me in getting more of 3 feel for the vary inter~$ting histl'lry of the place and its people. I wish all readers of WSlerfal1. at home and abroad. a very happy Christmli:' May the Christchild who became one of us almost two thousands years ag:o shower you \Yuh many blessings. PADfu\l(; STANDUN '- Waterfoll - Thuar JUhit! tndoigh Chrlst.os, 1996 I ~~-~§ -.::::: • 14 • 16 • 24 SEATER For all your TOURS - HOLIDAYS - DISCOS WEDDINGS - CHRISTMAS PARTIES To find out more call SEAN OR BREEGE ON 094 - 30828 or 087 - 506920/ 472922 Ballintubber Abbey, Co. Mayo Ch ..b ,. .o s, 1996 WaltT'all • Thuor JUhil! iadaigh 3 Taken in Cappaduf{in the late 208 are, back row, left to right: Kate Moree, R.I.P., Martin Walsh, R.I.P. (ex postman), Mary Connelly, R.I.P., mother of Anthon}' Connelly, Cappaduffand Mary Moree. Middle row, lep to right: Mary Moree King, R.I.P., Michael Dolan, R.I.P., Molly O'Reilly, R.I.P. Front row,left to right: Rose Maree Casey, R.I.P., Anthony Connell.)! (sitting), Paddy Moree R.I.P., Nellie Marie Bourke. Pictured ;n England· John O'Malley (right) Luiterineen Rose Moree Casey (R.I.P.). L'pper Churchfield and Wales. and a friend a I Wa.n-laU - Tlluar Mhi~ tadalgh Chris,.as, 1998 MI HAEL McDERMOTT &S ONS MONUMENTAL SCULPTORS Memoriams in Red, Black or Blue Granite Also Limestone and Marble Headstones cleaned and additional names added PARTRY - Telephone: 092-4301--2- .... •.............................. i mnvo ~! EHPRESS • • : FULLY LICENSED COURIER SERVICE : : (PROP.: EDWARD HENEGHAN : : Dereendafderg, Srah, : • • : Claremorris, Co. Mayo : • • : Collection and Delivery Service : : Nationwide : : : Telephone: 092-43086 E~~"s : Mobile No.: 088-566265 : :F No.: 092 - 43165 _ : •• • •••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••# CIaM. ...I I. ., 1996 Wa.erlull • Tlluar It'"ir iudaigh 5 , son Jimmy Coyne the day Minister Enda Kenny arrived by air for an information Odduar Strand, Norway - First day on Teilips no Gaeilge. grandson ofJ immy and Brenda Lally, Gorthnacul/in, Srah. Philly CoslellQ, Churchfield, Maire Higgins (Moran) Treen. Sarah Heneghan (Potccr), Treen" taken 01 the Connaughl Final in 1969 Tourmakeady's young anglers a.t the prize-giving in Maire Luke's Chris'. os, 1996 BISHOP INGDIES THt ~k.l1h tBllk pLu' Iht, pa,1 Summer of "as beloved b) all the people of the RI. Rc~ LIdO! \lannlng. A''iI,lanl Tounnakead). He was ahead of IllS lime. lil,hnpt)t C. 11ll:ln\\n Snulh Alma. ,,"Ilile on Dunng his !.tudent days Llam Manning a II\hln~ IwlldJ) In Connemara. Rcv. spent ht~ ho1tda) IImc 111 Toumlakeady and ;\lanmng had lund mCnlones of Ihc WC,I and had fond mcmonesof growing up hcre. He 01 Tnunnakl',ldy In particular "here hiS \l1~ltell Tounnal..cady about 10 yean. ago lillher 'en ell .1\ Redur 01 the !lamh from II hen he called 10 thc Old Rectory, identified 19J7 tn 1945. He h.ld a \h,tlngUl~hed c:lrcer hiS old bedroom 3nll strolled around thc In thc Mlnl,t!). garden~. LI:.un M.lnll1ng. wa, born In 1916 In EITi~. Liam Manmng never forgot his Irish nonh Mayo. where 1m lather W:J.!<. Rectur ongln. Where\er he went. he was an nf KIlct)lllll10n Erri,. He graduated from amb:h~ador for Ireland. While in Benl1uda, TrlMY Cullege. Dublin III 1944 ,lIlli wa~ he ~et up the Bemluda Imh Assu.:iatlon and oni;llned pfle~l. :I.') curale of Donnybrook became Its firsl pre)'ldenl. WherCl'crhe was. In Dublin. In 19"7 he 1\'1, appointed he alwa) ~ preached a scmlOn on SI. Palrick. prc;lchcr and Ilbranan al SI. Flnh:tr'<; u,uall) on the Sunday nearest Ihe feast. He C:tlhcdr.:llm Cork l·l1y. Nelermbu,t. he was pla)ed no mean pan. oflcn quietly behind aJvt\ed on medical ground, to ..,ed a the (ronllmes. m bnnging aboullhe end of ,unmer l·hm,tte. So. after twO year\ a!-> a ap;uthcld In Soulh Africa. He, III hl!-l own ". . hool I.:IMpl:un In England. during wl1l(.:h 4uict and dIplomatiC way. ~mOOlhcd the time he tDok .! M.A. degrcc from Oxford path for the close Ile!-l whIch nnw eXIst Um\ c ...... lIy. he {'nHgr.lted to Bennulia where bcl"een Ireland and South Africa. he bc,:amc iI Canon of BemlUda Cathedral. Llam's mllllSlry 10 hiS peopk and mdeed He rcm,lIned then' for JO )caf'. .Ifta whICh 10 all people who wcre fonunate locome m he 1\3' aPPolnte,,1 Dean nfS\1 It/erland and eOnl.1el wllh hml was marked by kindnes~ Chaplam ul Zuneh. 111cn III 1977 he was Lllm Mannmgl":In'IC from :ldl~lmguI~hcd and compa"~lon. Children felt drawn to hml l-Jllcd Itl South Alm,1 It) bel'orne ,I Canon family of c!erUlllen. Ht, father. the Rcv. fur hl~ ble\slng. Following on !-lome ~tudie~ oi S1. Gewgc'\ C.1thedr.ll. C:lpclt)Wn. anll Samuel D. Manntng waS :t son of Rcv. at IheJung Instltule of Psychology In Zunch II .1\ 1.lter ulIl,el"f'llcd BI,hlIP tIl Gem!!e .•1 Arthur M3nnlllg. Rcclor of Killannin (Sw1lzerland). counselling became an tU\ln 01 .thUUI 100,000 ["Io:np1c "UTne 160 (Mo)l"utlen. Co. Gal\laYI. Sallluel Mannlllg Hnportant pan of his minbtry ofheahng. null'\ C;I',\ 01 C.lpctO\l n. 'pent TllO,1 of hi .. life ,crving Ihe If he had e\pressed his dearest wtsh. 11 On retirement .1' n"hop of Gcor!!c III pari~hloner<; of Co. Ma)o. From Delvlll 111 would hale been 10 leavc Ihis world III Ihe 1~~4. LI;UlI f\.lannlllg bCl:tnle a<;",t;1ol Co. We..,t Mealh where he was a curate. he Wesl of Ircl;lnd. II was a wish to be granted. bl,hop tn the f JltH!lt' Af~ hhl,hop D("nlUIlU Wll> "PP01l1ICU Rector 01 Ktimorc Ern)' I'h~ funeral ~en'ICC took place in Howth lCo. Tutu of CapcllJWn. Although of dlffercnt 1915-18. Rectur of Turluu!;h (Ca .. [lcbar) Dubllll) III carly Augu~t and two Requiems l'{JIOllf. ,ullure :mll b.lckgrnund but wlllt 191R~27. Rel'\or of Moyru), Union were offercd III hi' memory at Ihe IwO lOltllnOn l)bJ~·~tl\e .. t<l re"IIJre the dlgl1lly fBaliinahtnch. Co. G<Jlway) 1928·37 :.Ind churches where he !>crvcd people of all ,)1 the depnled bIJ(.:1.. poPUI;ltHIIl (If South finally Recior of the Pam h of Batt}ovlc colour III South Afm·a. He " ),urv;ved by Alnl,l .tIlJ dcll'at JI1,lfthcH.I. both men were (Tounnakc:u.ly &. Panry~ \I here he oled 111 h ... WIle III South Afnca and hi!-. \1\ICr Meriel .:Io,e trH.'lId ... Perhap ... It I' n\) ('ul1ll"ldeIK'e 1945 and IS buned with 1m Wife 111 [he Latl'hford m Howth . tlMt LI,1m ~1.lnnm~',dc.llh lol1oll('ddn,cl) Church of Ireland l'l'nll,.'tery. By .111 a~:count ... Ar dhels Dc go raibh a an:Ull dtl1\. on An::hbl,hop Tutu'.., rellremcnt. Samuel Manmng endeared htnl~elf to and J. & R. ~1ULQUEEN • - \ .llIlIln·n's party in the> Rectory. Gortfree, Tourmakeady in May. 1932. Please note the fashion and transport of the day Waterfall· Thuar J"hic t:adaigh 7 Iheirday out in Knoch, Tommy Donoghue, Patrick Tommy and Delia Gibbons when they celebrated their and Anthony Costello. 'Ruby' anniversary. Mary Coyne, R.I.P., Maureen Coyne, R.I.P., Mick Aisling Prendergast, Churchfield, winner of the junior angling Durcan (R.I.P.), Jimmy Coyne and Moura competition, been presented with her prize from Liam Conroy. Gibbons. Sean Lydon ogull 'catch deas' Ie Gortmor Mannion -'/s deabhail blasta; e' Ba)' or chill • B Waterfall _ Thlmr JUhic l;udnigh Chris'mas, 1996 Beannachtai na feile d'ar gcairde uilig , Tuar Mhic Eadaigh, CO. Mhuighe6 Guthan 092-44015. Fax: 092-44025

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