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Preview Watercolor Magic, December 2007

The Magic of Light Ones to Watch 16 Must-Have Gifts Silver Made Simple makes the ordinary 10 artists who are you’ll want to keep 25 handy tips and extraordinary making a splash for yourself techniques DECEMBER 2007 I N S P I R A T I O N • I D E A S • I N S T R U C T I O N Attention to Detail Make a grand statement on a small scale US $5.99 CAN $8.99 12 0 FnL1 04 0120 01 JUYrVyBQdWJsaWNhdGlvbnMsIEluYyAo 02 SW9sYSBkaXZpc2lvbikPR3JlZ29yeSBL 03 cnVlZ2VyAEVTM8EEMTAuNAI4MAExBVVQ 04 Qy1BDDA3NDQ3MDAyNDk5NgA= 74470 02499 6 Display until December 11, 2007 Dreaming in Yellow (detail; watercolor on paper, 1½x1¾ ) by Gregory Raymond Halili www.watercolormagic.com 11220077__WWCCMM__CCOOVVEERR..iinndddd 11 99//55//0077 22::0044::2299 PPMM g , g , Dalio, Dayle Doroshow, Sean Dye, Hugh Greer, Janie Gildow, Sherri Haab, Polly Hammett, Charles Harrington, Claudine Hellmuth, Taylor Ikin, Terry Isaac, George James, Caroline Jasper, Kwan Jung, Da- vid N. Kitler, Jan Kunz, Robbie Laird, Mark Mehaffey, Leo Monahan, Judy Morris, Craig Nelson, Gloria Page, Arletta Pech, Ann Pember, Lesley Riley, John Bring your Salminen, Martha Saudek, Penny Soto, Jacqueline Sullivan, Urania Christy Tarbet, instructors home Ann Baldwin, Traci Bautista, Carrie Burns Brown, Sulsaen aBourrdent, Betty Carr, with DVD workshops. Cheng-Khee Chee, Virginia Cobb, Carl Dalio, Dayle Doroshow, Sean Dye, Hugh Greer, Janie Gildow, Sherri Haab, Polly Enjoy workshops on your schedule, Hammett, Charles Harrington, Claudine Hellmuth, Taylor Ikin, Terry Isaac, George as often as you like. James, Caroline Jasper, Kwan Jung, Da- vid N. Kitler, Jan Kunz, Robbie Laird, Learn techniques, Mark Mehaffey, Leo Monahan, Judy Morris, Craig Nelson, Gloria Page, Arletta design concepts, grow Pech, Ann Pember, Lesley Riley, John theory, and tips from Salminen, Martha Saudek, Penny Soto, today’s best artists. Jacqueline Sullivan, Urania Christy Tarbet, Ann Baldwin, Traci Bautista, Carrie Burns Brown, Susan Bourdet, Betty Carr, See how they paint and Cheng-Khee Chee, Virginia Cobb, Carl learn how they think. Dalio, Dayle Doroshow, Sean Dye, Hugh Greer, Janie Gildow, Sherri Haab, Polly Hammett, Charles Harrington, Claudine For students at all levels Hellmuth, Taylor Ikin, Terry Isaac, George of experience. James, Caroline Jasper, Kwan Jung, Da- vid N. Kitler, Jan Kunz, Robbie Laird, More than 60 full-length Mark Mehaffey, Leo Monahan, Judy workshops. Morris, Craig Nelson, Gloria Page, Arletta Pech, Ann Pember, Lesley Riley, John Salminen, Martha Saudek, Penny Soto, Rich in content. Jacqueline Sullivan, Urania Christy Tarbet, Very rich in value. Ann Baldwin, Traci Bautista, Carrie Burns Brown, Susan Bourdet, Betty Carr, Cheng-Khee Chee, Virginia Cobb, Carl Dalio, Dayle Doroshow, Sean Dye, Hugh Greer, Janie Gildow, Sherri Haab, Polly DVDs priced from Hammett, Charles Harrington, Claudine Hellmuth, eTaylonr Ikjin,o Terryy Isaac, George $29.95 to $59.95 James, Caroline Jasper, Kwan Jung, Da- vid N. Kitler, Jan Kunz, Robbie Laird, Mark Mehaffey, Leo Monahan, Judy Morris, Craig Nelson, Gloria Page, Arletta FREE ONLINE PREVIEWS Pech, Ann Pember, Lesley Riley, John www.ccpvideos.com/previews Salminen, Martha Saudek, Penny Soto, Jacqueline Sullivan, Urania Christy Tarbet, Ann Baldwin, Traci Bautista, Carrie Burns FREE CATALOG Brown, Susan Bourdet, Betty Carr, www.ccpvideos.com/r/catalog Cheng-Khece Crheee, Vairgintia Ceobb, Carl Dalio, Dayle Doroshow, Sean Dye, Hugh Greer, Janie Gildow, Sherri Haab, Polly Hammett, Charles Harrington, Claudine SEE your special introductory o(cid:532)er at Hellmuth, Taylor Ikin, Terry Isaac, George www.ccpvideos.com/wm09 James, Caroline Jasper, Kwan Jung, Da- vid N. Kitler, Jan Kunz, Robbie Laird, Mark Mehaffey, Leo Monahan, Judy Morris, Craig Nelson, Gloria Page, Arletta Designed for learning. Pech, Ann Pember, Lesley Riley, John Salminen, Martha Saudek, Penny Soto, Jacqueline Sullivan, Urania Christy Tarbet, Ann Baldwin, Traci Bautista, Carrie Burns Brown, Susan Bourdet, Betty Carr, Cheng-Khee Chee, Virginia Cobb, Carl Dalio, Dayle Doroshow, Sean Dye, Hugh Greer, Janie Gildow, Sherri Haab, Polly Hammett, Charles Harrington, Claudine G ppCC22__11220077__WWCCMM__CCrreeaattiivvee__CCaattaallyysstt__AACC22 CC22 88//2277//0077 33::2255::1199 PPMM Contents Features 29 Ones to Watch December 2007 Volume Fifteen • Number Six Find inspiration in the stories of 10 watercolor painters who topped our list of breakthrough artists this year. By Jessica Canterbury 40 Big City Skyline Discover how John Bohnenberger captures the energy of the city in his evocative urban landscapes. By Chuck Sambuchino 46 Window to the World Get a glimpse into Gregory Raymond Halili’s inspiration for his incredibly detailed watercolor miniatures. By Sarah A. Strickley 54 Imitation of Life Learn how a lifetime of experiences inform Joanna Mersereau’s graphic watercolors. By Michelle Taute 60 Garden Variety T ake a lesson on painting light and shadow from Robert O’Brien’s extraordinary paintings of ordinary subjects. By Deborah Secor Special Report 67 Holiday Wish List Find something for everyone on your list—including yourself—in this guide to the year’s best gifts for artists. By Jessica Canterbury and Sarah A. Strickley 60 Hollyhocks in Forest Green (detail; watercolor on paper, 29x21) by Robert O’Brien DECEMBER 2007 www.watercolormagic.com 1 11220077__WWCCMM__TTOOCC..iinndddd 11 88//2277//0077 33::2266::0099 PPMM Contents On the Cover The Magic of Light 60 Ones to Watch 29 Columns 16 Must-Have Gifts 67 12 Making a Splash Silver Made Simple 19 Find out how you can do your part Attention to Detail 46 to put arts back in the classroom, and discover artist-friendly places to visit or make home. Plus, we remember artists “I’ve always struggled with how to portray what’s in my who passed away this year. heart and mind, and what manifests sometimes isn’t Edited by Jessica Canterbury what I imagined. I’m more interested in 16 Studio Staples the symbolic quality of a subject than the Learn how to play up texture with actual representation granulating colors. of an object.” By Stephen Quiller —Gregory Raymond Halili 19 Watercolor Essentials Enrich your still lifes with these 25 simple tips and techniques for painting silver. 46 By Laurin McCracken 26 Creativity Workshop Your assignment: Focus on the basics to harness the creative power of simplifi cation. By Cathy Johnson 74 Watercolor Magic 2007 Index Quickly fi nd your favorite features and columns from the past year in this handy reference guide. In Every Issue 0 4 Editor’s Note 0 7 Letters 080 Picture This 29 Watercolor Magic (ISSN 1079-5936) is published six times a year in February, April, June, August, October and December by F+W Publications Inc., 4700 E. Galbraith Road, Cincinnati OH 45236; tel: 513/531-2222. Single copies: $5.99. Subscription rates: one year $27. Canadian and foreign subscriptions add $7 per year surface mail, or $35 per year air mail, and remit in U.S. funds. Watercolor Magic will not be respon- sible for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or artwork. Only submissions with a self-addressed, stamped envelope will be returned. Volume 15, No. 6. Periodicals postage paid at Cincinnati OH and additional mailing offi ces. Postmaster: Send all address changes to Watercolor Magic, P.O. Box 420235, Palm Coast FL 32142. F+W Publications Inc. Back issues are available for $8 including postage and handling. GST R122594716. Canada Publications Mail Agreement No. 40025316. Canadian return address: 2835 Kew Drive, Windsor, ON N8T 3B7. 2 Watercolor Magic DECEMBER 2007 11220077__WWCCMM__TTOOCC..iinndddd 22 88//2277//0077 33::2266::5533 PPMM WM 12 - 07 pp33__11220077__WWCCMM__RRooyyaall__BBrruusshh__AAdd..iinndddd 33 88//2277//0077 33::2277::3388 PPMM Editor’s NOTE By Kelly Kane A Sign of Good Things to Come Choosing a cover image is a sometimes contentious, but always exciting, proposition here at the Watercolor Magic offi ces. Often we have several images to choose from, and the staff and I will meet numerous times to argue the merits of each, testing the options in a number of scenarios—hanging on my offi ce wall, propped up on our makeshift “mini-newsstand,” or out in the hallway where we can gauge the oohs and ahs of passersby. For the October issue, we even turned to you by way of our e-newsletter to help us choose (we were torn between one of Susan Shatter’s dynamic waterscapes and the quiet, but exquisite, The Draining Mill by John Sell Cotman; thanks to your votes, the waterscape won out). But then there are times when we know we’ve got our cover the minute we see the image. Such was the case the instant Gregory Raymond Halili’s Dreaming in Yellow crossed our desks. That the stunning painting is contemporary, fresh and engaging goes with- out saying, but the subject also couldn’t have been more timely. Our February 2008 issue will mark the 15th anniversary of the magazine, and we’re in the throes of preparing for that celebratory issue as we go to press with this one. The image of the butterfl y, the symbol of rebirth, coincides with our observance of a resurgence in watermedia painting and with our exploration of how the magazine must continue to grow and adapt to meet the needs of our readers. When Watercolor Magic debuted in 1993 as a one-time-only special issue of our sister publication The Artist’s Magazine, it was to celebrate the growing number of watercolor artists and the beautiful yet unpredictable qualities that constitute the magic of the medium. No surprise to any of us with a passion for watercolor, the issue caused a sensation. The magazine soon accepted subscriptions and was published quarterly. Now a bimonthly publication, the magazine continues to serve a devoted readership of talented and passionate watercolor artists. As we celebrate 15 years of the best in watercolor, we’ll also be celebrating another new chapter in the magazine’s distinguished history by debuting a new name, one that still celebrates the magic of watercolor but puts the emphasis where it rightfully belongs—on you, the artist. And, hence, Write to Us your next issue will have all the step-by-step instruction, exciting painting Please share your questions and comments by writing to Watercolor ideas and helpful tips that you’ve come to expect, but with a fresh look and a Magic, Letters, 4700 E. Galbraith new name on the cover—Watercolor Artist. Road, Cincinnati OH 45236. Or e-mail us at [email protected]. 4 Watercolor Magic DECEMBER 2007 11220077__WWCCMM__EEDD NNOOTTEE..iinndddd 44 88//2277//0077 33::2288::2200 PPMM 000 00 •ClassicFullEnglishSizedWatercolorBrushes 0 1 •MadeOfTheFinestKolinskyRedSableHair 2 •StainlessChromePlatedFerrules 3 •BalancedWoodHandleswithLacquerQualityFinish 4 •AllBrushesWithSplit-Proof3x0Point 5 •SuperResponsive,SpringyBrushes 6 •HoldandLayDownLargeWashesofColor 7 8 •NoteSize10isEqualtoaSize12or14inOtherBrands! •5StarRatingByProfessionalWatercolorists 10 BestValueOfAnyBrushInIt'sClass!CreativeMarkwantedtocre- ate a watercolor brush that surpassed virtually any other. WatercoloristshadreliedonthepureEnglishsizingdevelopedby WinsorandNewtonintheirseries7asastandard. Indesigningthe brushtheycommittedtothefullEnglishstandardwhereasasize10 isequivalenttoa12orinsomecasesa14inotherbrands. The hairusedisfrommalewinterKolinskytales,thebushiestandmost responsivehair. Insteadoftaperingdownthebellythesebrushes extendthebellyofthebrushdowntoholdmaximumcolor. The resultisabrushthatholdsaflawless,split-proofpointthatissuper responsivewithgreatresilienceandcanholdalargeamountof color. Eachbrushhaschrome plated brass ferrules attached toblackpolishedwoodhandles Size Cat# List Sale! with blue violet dipped ends. 000 76509$10.95 $3.99 Tryoneouttodayandifforany 00 76510 10.95 3.99 reason you are not delighted 0 76511 10.95 3.99 returnitforafullrefund. 1 76512 11.95 4.79 2 76513 14.95 5.99 3 76514 19.95 7.49 4 76515 24.95 8.99 5 76516 29.95 11.99 6 76517 32.95 12.99 7 76518 44.95 16.99 8 76519 69.95 27.99 10 76520 119.95 39.99 RhapsodyDeluxeValuePricedGiftSet AcollectionofprizedKolinskywatercolorbrushesinalovelyblack andbluevioletcasethatfeaturesagreycrushvelourinteroranda magneticclasp. Aspracticalasitisbeautiful. Setincludes1each ofsize0,2,4,6and8brush. Cat.#76521 $59.99 Sale! List$209.90 Instant Coupon for New Rhapsody Brushes! $10 Off any Purchase of Rhapsody Brushes over $25 Easy Ordering at www.jerrysartarama.com Orderbyphoneat1-800-827-8478. UseSourceCodeWM1107whencallingoruponcheckingoutofourwebsite. Offervalidforoneorderonlyandisnot combinablewithanyothercouponsordiscounts. Seewebsiteorcallforappropriateshippingandhandlingcharges.OfferExpiresDecember31st2007. pp55__11220077__WWCCMM__JJeerrrryy''ss__AAdd..iinndddd 55 88//2277//0077 33::2299::1188 PPMM www.watercolormagic.com EEddiittoorr KKeellllyy KKaannee Web Exclusives AArrtt DDiirreeccttoorr CCiinnddyy RRiiddeerr • Go inside the selection process and get comments from the pros who nomi- MMaannaaggiinngg EEddiittoorr SSaarraahh AA.. SSttrriicckklleeyy nated this year’s Ones to Watch.www.watercolormagic.com/onestowatch AAssssoocciiaattee EEddiittoorr JJeessssiiccaa CCaanntteerrbbuurryy • Check out more of Robert O’Brien’s inspiring CAodnvetrritbisuitnigng D Eirdeicttoorrs Cathy Johnson, Betsy DJamilleasr dM SctrIonutods,h M 8a0r0k/ 2W8i3ll-e0n9b6r3in. kext. 1374 paintings in this online gallery. www.watercolor [email protected] magic.com/obrien Advertising Sales Director Advertising Representatives • See how Gregory Raymond Halili paints his EEllaayynnee RReeccuuppeerroo 330011//557700--44330011 [email protected] magnifi cent minatures step by step. www.water [email protected] AKdrivsetirnti sRinoga rRke 8p0re0s/2en8t3a-t0iv9e63, ext. 1381 colormagic.com/halili Kkrriissttinin.r Roaorakr@k f8w0p0u/b2s8.3co-0m963, ext. 1381 [email protected] Watercolor Magic Blog Classifi ed Advertising Representative CHleaastshifie er dC Aodluvmerbtirsoin 8g0 R0e/2p8re3s-e0n9t6a3t,iv eext. 1380 Stay informed in between issues as the magazine editors share their news and Hheeaaththeer.rc oCloulmumbrbor@of 8w0p0u/b2s8.c3o-m0963, ext. 1380 views. www.watercolormagic.com/blog [email protected] Advertising Sales Coordinator ACdhveeriret iIslign gH Saaalse 8s 0C0o/o2r8d3in-0a9to6r3, ext. 1219 Free Downloadables Cchheerrieie.h Ialags H@fawasp 8u0bs0./c2o8m3-0963, ext. 1219 • Download this handy guide to working with Adobe Photoshop Elements to [email protected] enhance the color in your reference photos.www.watercolormagic.com/wacknov Vicki Whitford Production Manager VDiecbkbi iWe Thihtfoomrda sP Prorodduuctcitoionn M Caonoargdeinrator • Jane Freeman shares her tips for using colors in light DKaetbhbeirei nTeh Soemala Ps rPordoudcutciotino nA sCsoisotardnitnator and shadow in this exclusive fi rst look at her book A Cel- Katherine Seal Production Assistant ebration of Light. www.watercolormagic.com/freeman F+W Publications Inc. FD+aWvid P Hub.l iSctaetwioanrsd ICnch.airman & CEO • Learn how to create your own giclée prints. www.wa DJoahvni dS pHe.r iSdtaekwoasr dC FCOhairman & CEO tercolormagic.com/lathamdownload JJoohhnn LSperenriedra Ekxoes cCuFtiOve VP, Interactive Media John Lerner Executive VP, Interactive Media Barbara Schmitz VP, Manufacturing Find It Online Barbara Schmitz VP, Manufacturing • Discover what it takes to break into the world of freelance watercolor illus- F+W Publications Inc. Magazine Group F+W Publications Inc. Magazine Group tration.www.watercolormagic.com/ CCoolliinn UUnnggaarroo PPrreessiiddeenntt David Pyle Group Publisher illustration David Pyle Group Publisher Other Online Services Steve Shanesy Group Editorial Director • What brushes should you have in SStaervae D SehCanarelsoy VGPr,o Cuopn Esudmitoerri aMl Darikreectitnogr your toolkit? Birgit O’Connor shares Subscription Services STaorma DWeiCanardlto B VuPs,i nCeossn Psulamnneinr gM &a Arkneatlyinsigs Director Tom Wiandt Business Planning & Analysis Director six of her personal favorites. www. Subscribe to Watercolor Magic: SSaarraa DDuummffoorrdd CCoonnffeerreennccee DDiirreeccttoorr watercolormagic.com/brushguide www.watercolormagic.com/ LLiinnddaa EEnnggeell CCiirrccuullaattiioonn DDiirreeccttoorr subscribe SSuussaann RRoossee NNeewwssssttaanndd DDiirreeccttoorr • Follow along as Richard Stephens Michael Kushner Digital Media Solutions Director Michael Kushner Digital Media Solutions Director demonstrates his painting process. Renew your subscription, pay Editorial & Advertising Offi ces www.watercolormagic.com/ your bill or change your address: Editorial & Advertising Offi ces 4700 E. Galbraith Road, Cincinnati OH 45236 stephens.asp www.watercolormagic.com/ 4te7l:0 501 E3./ 5G3a1lb-2ra2i2th2 Road, Cincinnati OH 45236 ’ service tNele: w51s3s/t5a3n1d- 2D2i2s2tribution Newsstand Distribution What’s New? CCuurrttiiss CCiirrccuullaattiioonn CCoo..,, Artist’s Network Newsletter 773300 RRiivveerr RRooaadd,, NNeeww MMiillffoorrdd NNJJ 0077664466 For fi ne art news, tips, and great SSuubbssccrriippttiioonn SSeerrvviicceess deals: www.watercolormagic. PP..OO.. BBooxx 442200223355,, PPaallmm CCooaasstt FFLL 3322114422 UUSS//CCaannaaddaa:: 880000//881111--99883344 com/newsletter.asp FFoorreeiiggnn ssuubbssccrriibbeerrss:: 338866//224466--33337711 WWeebbssiittee:: wwwwww..wwaatteerrccoolloorrmmaaggiicc..ccoomm Artist’s Network Forum PPrriivvaaccyy PPrroommiissee:: OOccccaassiioonnaallllyy wwee mmaakkee ppoorrttiioonnss ooff oouurr Join a creative community to ccuussttoommeerr lliisstt aavvaaiillaabbllee ttoo ootthheerr ccoommppaanniieess ssoo tthheeyy mmaayy ccoonnttaacctt Wetcanvas.com, an online community yyoouu aabboouutt pprroodduuccttss aanndd sseerrvviicceess tthhaatt mmaayy bbee ooff iinntteerreesstt ttoo yyoouu.. connect and share with other art- IIff yyoouu pprreeffeerr wwee wwiitthhhhoolldd yyoouurr nnaammee,, ssiimmppllyy sseenndd aa nnoottee wwiitthh for artists, has just become part of the ists: www.artistsnetwork.com tthhee mmaaggaazziinnee nnaammee ttoo:: LLiisstt MMaannaaggeerr,, FF++WW PPuubblliiccaattiioonnss,, 44770000 F+W Publications family. If you haven’t EE.. GGaallbbrraaiitthh RRooaadd,, CCiinncciinnnnaattii OOHH 4455223366.. become a member, now is a good time Fine Art Bookstore AAtttteennttiioonn RReettaaiilleerrss:: TToo ccaarrrryy WWaatteerrccoolloorr MMaaggiicc iinn yyoouurr ssttoorree,, ccaallll AApprriill KKrruueeggeerr,, MMaaggaazziinnee RReettaaiill SSaalleess SSuuppeerrvviissoorr,, aatt to visit the site and fi nd out where ev- Browse new book selections in 880000//889944--44665566,, oorr wwrriittee WWaatteerrccoolloorr MMaaggiicc RReettaaiill SSaalleess,, eryone else has been hanging out to the “Art Instruction” or “North PP..OO.. BBooxx 55001144,, IIoollaa WWII 5544994455--55001144.. learn, chat and get inspired. Light” categories: www.fwbook PPrriinntteedd iinn tthhee UUnniitteedd SSttaatteess ooff AAmmeerriiccaa.. www.wetcanvas.com store.com CCooppyyrriigghhtt ©©22000077 bbyy FF++WW PPuubblliiccaattiioonnss,, IInncc.. WWaatteerrccoolloorr MMaaggiicc iiss aa rreeggiisstteerreedd ttrraaddeemmaarrkk ooff FF++WW PPuubblliiccaattiioonnss,, IInncc.. STAY IN THE KNOW! Watercolormagic.com is your 24/7 connection to the magazine. Sign up for our free e-mail newsletter and we’ll make sure you don’t miss out on any of the exciting stuff happening online. www.watercolormagic.com/newsletter.asp 11220077__WWCCMM__LLeetttteerrss..iinndddd 66 88//2299//0077 22::3399::5522 PPMM Letters WORKSHOPS: October - April, 2007 - 2008 For complete listings & registration info, visit: www.artsarasota.org No More Wimpy Watercolors Watercolor•Figurative Your August issue was a wake-up call Collage•Yupo Plein Aire•Acrylics for those of us who are timid about Landscapes•Still Life our work. In particular I was impressed Anne Abgott with Mark Willenbrink, Maxine Masterfield WWAATTEERRCCOOLLOORR EESSSSEENNTTIIAALLSS who is particularly Beth Arthur Vol. III, Part IV: PPaaiinnttiinngg BBuuiillddiinnggss The Art of Architecture straightforward in Linda Kemp By Mark Willenbrink both his painting and Miles Laventhall his advice for artists. Jeanne Blackburn Lian Zhen His article on painting Judi Wagner buildings [Watercolor namlTlPTeoshavh oateteWensur le eP -rlloemeahiynsfaaivle t kai teaivsngnhnd l nsL l pte.teoisdai mee t nsfsds aroy futgiprpyopnrnbts rsulil(t teijeewnwhecaet .grticgae ainTupt tttetth iitrre hoicoocee sr b eno.t ecppaayum loa tye aicaliimoiloponuldnsurenltieto t’,tneor nu ireidognnettr s;sf’g egfs pt ,e a o a eaifraw nminonsdpn id redtteppg o tha ra ooahf ,t rh iosrote1clsteorerlh1eanp gdwisnix tanst t1 tipe nde o tt5ctalihenholtci) teun e aaao c rt cigphsbeilontea aojopndiegionnrcrt syoowrstteats ivroi n s italstfdlghu ob.eec f eh mtdpthpcoohhhfnaaea oeipiiost nnn drhoevmegtteneis etel evaidaeinwn,entil ier ynelyevp yrmorig ila ni’eeus dnleoi w,’eyint nlnmwleto tia rawsusthaeii h lrgsiiarcenle t,noiedf i n oIn nstt.a a u chgtstW taetbloe ioafnlo j ehpnmoepdnaAcaasto t.aUlteitt uyi nTeok Gnap rvt ecUnhetbaie hssSndieire.,tTna g olhcmnct,2eiui oog0vcrnotn0cwieogcnr7ulsneoe giwom vcsm;lftee oi siwelrneifotln,wn a tstlmwIttrneeh .eawta mcearbthave pyiteaarnese rcor.ybr gec mcau Woet chuala goohdi strhhtbrmeoiieoeofei aocfet nngute stvimo ucerteIy. e crr atoonoeyolmurl t- e 19 Estsimseunltaitailnsg] iasn vdis cuaarlely- BeNtiscyh oDliallsa rSdi-mSmtroounds (cid:47)(cid:54)(cid:47)(cid:40)(cid:37)(cid:54)(cid:50)(cid:33)(cid:37)(cid:0)(cid:50)(cid:50)(cid:18)(cid:36)(cid:16)(cid:0)(cid:18)(cid:16)(cid:35)(cid:16)(cid:0)(cid:35)(cid:0)(cid:47)(cid:51)(cid:47)(cid:52)(cid:54)(cid:37)(cid:37)(cid:44)(cid:47)(cid:48)(cid:50)(cid:0)(cid:0)(cid:50)(cid:34)(cid:33)(cid:0)(cid:57)(cid:46)(cid:41)(cid:44)(cid:0)(cid:36)(cid:51)(cid:44)(cid:52)(cid:0)(cid:53)(cid:17)(cid:37)(cid:22)(cid:51)(cid:48)(cid:16)(cid:52)(cid:0)(cid:0)(cid:36)(cid:50)(cid:48)(cid:33)(cid:37)(cid:33)(cid:39)(cid:52)(cid:45)(cid:41)(cid:37)(cid:47)(cid:47)(cid:51)(cid:51)(cid:46)(cid:51) fully instructive, full of great tips, cau- Frank Francese (cid:4)(cid:18)(cid:25)(cid:14)(cid:25)(cid:21)(cid:0)(cid:48)(cid:44)(cid:53)(cid:51)(cid:0)(cid:4)(cid:19)(cid:14)(cid:21)(cid:16)(cid:0)(cid:51)(cid:6)(cid:40) Don Andrews (cid:52)(cid:47)(cid:52)(cid:33)(cid:44)(cid:26)(cid:0)(cid:4)(cid:19)(cid:19)(cid:14)(cid:20)(cid:21) tions and words of encouragement. Taylor Ikin (cid:51)(cid:69)(cid:78)(cid:68)(cid:0)(cid:67)(cid:72)(cid:69)(cid:67)(cid:75)(cid:0)(cid:79)(cid:82)(cid:0)(cid:77)(cid:79)(cid:78)(cid:69)(cid:89)(cid:0)(cid:79)(cid:82)(cid:68)(cid:69)(cid:82)(cid:0)(cid:84)(cid:79)(cid:26) James L. Mitchell American Institute of Architects Mark Silvers (cid:36)(cid:47)(cid:46)(cid:0)(cid:33)(cid:46)(cid:36)(cid:50)(cid:37)(cid:55)(cid:51) (cid:48)(cid:47)(cid:0)(cid:34)(cid:47)(cid:56)(cid:0)(cid:21)(cid:18)(cid:21) Cambridge, MA Sue Archer (cid:38)(cid:33)(cid:41)(cid:50)(cid:40)(cid:47)(cid:48)(cid:37)(cid:12)(cid:0)(cid:33)(cid:44)(cid:0)(cid:19)(cid:22)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:19) Carol Brody (cid:38)(cid:47)(cid:50)(cid:0)(cid:33)(cid:0)(cid:51)(cid:46)(cid:37)(cid:33)(cid:43)(cid:0)(cid:48)(cid:50)(cid:37)(cid:54)(cid:41)(cid:37)(cid:55) Financial Tip for Artists Art Center Sarasota (cid:47)(cid:50)(cid:0)(cid:52)(cid:47)(cid:0)(cid:47)(cid:50)(cid:36)(cid:37)(cid:50)(cid:0)(cid:47)(cid:46)(cid:44)(cid:41)(cid:46)(cid:37)(cid:26) I wanted to follow up on an article 707 Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34236 (cid:87)(cid:87)(cid:87)(cid:14)(cid:68)(cid:79)(cid:78)(cid:65)(cid:78)(cid:68)(cid:82)(cid:69)(cid:87)(cid:83)(cid:14)(cid:78)(cid:69)(cid:84) you ran about money-saving tax tips 941-365-2032 for artists [Making a Splash, April] and let you know about another good deal for self-employed artists. Four years ago a new savings plan FREE BRUSH! called a Self-Employed 401K plan began. It has a catch-up component that allows an artist, age 50 or older, to defer up to 100% of his or her profi t before taxes (not to exceed Perylene Hansa Yellow French $20,000). My Self-Employed 401K SAVE Red Medium Ultramarine is administered by Fidelity funds in a profi t-sharing Keogh. The idea is $35.76 to allow the self-employed individual to catch up with employed people in NOW $16.95 terms of retirement savings. Granted, limitedtimeoffer Try our Primary Triad this will only work for people who don’t need all of their income for …and see what makes living expenses, but since I have a 15ml tubes Reg. Price NOW DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine™ PeryleneRed $12.38 — spouse whose earnings are suffi cient HansaYellowMed. $9.49 — the best watercolor available! for us to live, it has enabled me to FrenchUltramarine $9.49 — put away a lot of my income and SyntheticRound#8 $13.40 FREE! We will even save a great deal on my taxes. Shipping&Handling $7.95 FREE! Margaret Huddy $52.71 $16.95 throw in a brush to Alexandria, VA Useoffercode: NAWM1207 when calling or danielsmith.com/offer get you started! Editor’s Note: To learn more about Expires1/31/08.Offersubjecttochangewithoutnotice. this program, check out http://personal. ShippingisfreewithintheUSAandCanada. fi delity.com/products/retirement/get m start/newacc/keogh.shtml.cvsr and o speak to your fi nancial advisor. c . 800-426-6740 DECEMBER 2007 w ww.watercolormagic.com 7 11220077__WWCCMM__LLeetttteerrss..iinndddd 77 88//2277//0077 33::3311::1100 PPMM Our lowest price ever…only $49.95! A floor lamp that spreads sunshine all over a room CALL TODAY The Balanced Spectrum®floor lamp combines the benefits TO RECEIVE ofnatural daylight indoors with a savings FREE SHIPPING* of$77 over the life ofone bulb!** Modern light fixtures do little to overcome SAVE $77 over the life of one The Balanced Spectrum®floor lamp will change problems associated with improper Balanced Spectrum® bulb!** the way you see and feel about your living or lighting,such as eyestrain,dryness,and work spaces. A 150-watt incandescent bulb uses burning.As more and more ofus spend $0.013 per hour in energy cost. The This light can change the longer and longer hours in front ofour Balanced Spectrum®bulb uses an way you live and work computer monitor,these problems are average of 70% less energywhich “ Use the compounded.And As soon as I turned on the lamp and saves you $0.009 per hour. Based Balanced the effects ofimproper began to read the newspaper I could see on 8,000 hours bulb life, the Spectrum® indoor lighting are not Balanced Spectrum®bulb will save the wonderful difference. This ”lamp is necessarily limited to a just what I needed. Thank you so much. floor lamp... $72in energy cost. Plus, because physical problem:the Donna E. the Balanced Spectrum®bulb lasts quantity and quality Scranton, PA 10 times longer than an incandescent oflight can also play bulb priced at an average of $.50, Results may vary. a part in both our an additional $5savings is realized. mood and work performance. **Source: “Lighting the Way to Energy Savings”; 1999 Technology revolutionizes the light bulb Studies show that What’s the difference with ...for hobbies... sunshine can both Balanced Spectrum®? • 8,000 hours bulb life lift your mood and The value of a light source is measured by how • Energy efficient enhance your energy well it renders all colors of the visible spectrum • Shows true colors levels.But as we all without bias. The Color Rendering Index (CRI) is know,the sun does measured on a scale of 1–100. The bulb used in Balanced Spectrum® floor lamp not always shine. the Balanced Spectrum®lamp is an exceptional 50" Item# BB-3589...........was $59.95 ...at work... 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James, Caroline Jasper, Kwan Jung, Da- vid N. Kitler, Jan Cheng-Khee Chee, Virginia Cobb, Carl. Dalio, Dayle . February 2008 issue will mark the 15th anniversary of the magazine, and we're in the throes of .. decide which one(s) they want to support and with the click of a . Joe Miller Signature.
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