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CONTRIBUTORS VII L. H. STERNBACH, M.PHARM., PH.D. Chemical Research Department, Hoffmann-La Roche Inc., Nutley, N.J. (U.S.A.) ELIZABETH P. STEYN-PARVE, PH.D. Professor of Physiological Chemistry, Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry, State University, Utrecht (The Netherlands) BRUCE B. STOWE, M.A., PH.D. Assistant Professor of Botany, Department of Biology, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (U.S.A.) DR. H. VELDSTRA Professor of Biochemistry, Department of Biochemistry, University of Leiden, Wassenaarseweg 64, Leiden (The Netherlands) ARTHUR F. WAGNER, PH.D. Research Associate, Fundamental Research, Merck Sharp & Dohme Research Labora› tories, Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N.J. (U.S.A.) CHARLES A. WEST. PH.D. Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of California, Los Angeles 24, Calif. (U.S.A.) ROGER J. WILLIAMS, PH.D., D.SC. Director, Clayton Foundation Biochemical Institute, The University of Texas, Austin 12, Texas (U.S.A.) GENERAL PREFACE The Editors are keenly aware that the literature of Biochemistry is already very large, in fact so widespread that it is increasingly difficult to assemble the most pertinent material in a given area. Beyond the ordinary textbook the subject matter of the rapidly expanding knowledge of biochemistry is spread among innumerable journals, monographs, and series of reviews. The Editors believe that there is a real place for an advanced treatise in biochemistry which assembles the principal areas of the subject in a single set of books. It would be ideal if an individual or small group of biochemists could produce such an advanced treatise, and within the time to keep reasonably abreast of rapid advances, but this is at least difficult if not impossible. Instead, the Editors with the advice of the Advisory Board, have assembled what they consider the best possible sequence of chapters written by competent authors; they must take the responsibility for inevitable gaps of subject matter and duplication which may result from this procedure. Most evident to the modern biochemist, apart from the body of knowledge of the chemistry and metabolism of biological substances, is the extent to which he must draw from recent concepts of physical and organic chemistry, and in turn project into the vast field of biology. Thus in the organization of Comprehensive Biochemistry, the middle three sections, Chemistry of Biological Compounds, Biochemical Reaction Mechanisms, and Metabolism may be considered classical biochemistry, while the first and last sections provide selected material on the origins and projections of the subject. It is hoped that sub-division of the sections into bound volumes will not only be convenient, but will find favour among students concerned with spe- cialized areas, and will permit easier future revisions of the individual vol- umes. Toward the latter end particularly, the Editors will welcome all com- ments in their effort to produce a useful and efficient source of biochemical knowledge. Liege/Rochester M. FLORKIN July 1962 E. H. STOTZ PREFACE TO SECTION II (VOLUMES 5-11) Section II on the Chemistry of Biological Compounds deals with the organic and physical chemistry of the major organic constituents of living material. A general understanding of organic and physical chemistry is presumed, but the reader will find the special topics in Section I of value in the fuller understanding of several parts of Section II. The Editors have made special effort to include a sound treatment of the important biological high polymers, including sections on their shape and physical properties. A number of substances peculiar to plants, certain isoprenoids, flavonoids, tannins, lignins, and plant hormones, often omitted from textbooks of biochemistry, are included. Nevertheless, it is inevitable that some omissions, hopefully minor ones, have occurred. The only intentional omission is the chemistry of the coenzymes and certain components of biological oxidation, which will be covered in connection with their function in Section III. The previous policy of dividing the section into smaller volumes has been continued, resulting in seven volumes for Section II. Two of the volumes each contain a complete area, namely Carbohydrates (Volume 5) and Sterols, Bile Acids and Steroids (Volume 10). Comments from readers will be appre- ciated by the Editors and be most helpful for possible future revisions. Liege/Rochester M. FLORKIN December 1962 E. H. STOTZ C O M P R E H E N S I VE B I O C H E M I S T RY S E C T I ON I (VOLUMES 1-4) Physico-Chemical and Organic Aspects of Biochemistry Volume 1. Atomic and Molecular Structure Chapter I. Atomic structure by W. PARKER ALFORD (Rochester, N.Y.) Chapter II. Electronic theory of organic molecules by H. H. JAFFE (Cincinnati, Ohio) Chapter III. The structure of molecules by J. D. BERNAL (London) Chapter IV. Stereoisomerism by KURT MISLOW (New York, N.Y.) Volume 2. Organic and Physical Chemistry Chapter I. Mechanisms of organic reactions by M. L. BENDER AND R. BRESLOW (Evanston, 111. and New York, N.Y.) Chapter II. Behaviour of molecules in solution by W. D. STEIN (Cambridge, Great Britain) Chapter III. Diffusion and osmosis by W. D. STEIN (Cambridge, Great Britain) Volume 3. Methods for the Study of Molecules Chapter I. Crystallography by G. J. BULLEN (London) Chapter II. X-Ray diffraction by G. J. BULLEN (London) Chapter III. Analysis by emission spectroscopy by NORMAN H. NACHTRIEB (Chicago, 111.) Chapter IV. Spectrophotometry in the ultraviolet and visible regions by R. A. MORTON (Liverpool) Chapter V. Infrared spectra of compounds of biological interest by L. J. BELLAMY (Waltham Abbey, Essex) Chapter VI. Fluorescence by A. EHRENBERG AND H. THEORELL (Stockholm) Chapter VII. Electronic paramagnetic resonance by S. I. WEISSMAN (St. Louis, Mo.) Chapter VIII. Nuclear magnetic resonance by C. D. JARDETZKY AND O. JARDETZKY (Cambridge and Boston, Mass.) Chapter IX. Determination of mass, form and dimensions of large particles in solution by CH. SADRON AND M. DAUNE (Strasbourg) Volume 4. Separation Methods Chapter I. Countercurrent distribution by LYMAN C. CRAIG (New York, N.Y.) Chapter II. Chromatography by E. LEDERER AND M. LEDERER (Paris and Rome) Chapter III. Gas chromatography by P. CHOVIN (Paris) Chapter I Thiamine i ELIZABETH P. STEYN-PARVE AND C. H. MONFOORT Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry, State University, Utrecht (The Netherlands) 1. Discovery and isolation In 1890 the Dutch physician Eijkman, working in Java, observed that fowls, mainly fed upon polished rice, developed a disease characterized by a weak- ness of the legs, a loss of balance, paralyses and a drastic drop of body temperature just before death. Microscopic examination revealed a degenera- tion of the peripheral nervous system. Sometimes the spinal marrow was also affected. He gave this disease the name of polyneuritis gallinarum. It did not develop on a diet of unpolished rice. Once developed, it coul1d be cured by administering rice polishings or by feeding unpolished rice . As the disease also occurred upon feeding rice starch or other kinds of starch, but not upon feeding meat, Eijkman suggested that a toxic principle, formed from starch in the intestine, would cause the observed degeneration of the nervous system. Rice polishings would contain an antidote. In 1901 Grijns, also working in Java, arrived at the conclusion that polyneuritis gallinarum should be regarded as a partial starvation and that "there occur in various natural foods substance2s, which cannot be absent without serious injury to the nervous system" . He was therefore the first to advance an explanation which later proved to be correct. Another ten years were to elapse before Funk gave the name of 'Vitamine" to the substance whose abs3ence from foodstuffs was responsible for the development of polyneuritis . Later the term vitamin(e) was applied to the whole group of organic compounds, small amounts of which are essential to the health of man and beast. The various vitamins were distinguished by prefixes or subscripts, and later still by giving them names from which the word 'Vitamin" had disappeared completely. As years went by, the sub- stance connected with polyneuritis has been called: vitamine, vitamine B, vitamin Bi, oryzanin, toruline, antineuritic vitamin, anti-beriberi vitamin References p. 21 4 THIAMINE I and aneurin. These names have now been almost universally superseded by thiamine. Ever since his first observations on polyneuritis gallinarum in 1890, Eijk- man was aware of the resemblance between this disease of fowls and human beriberi. Vorderman obtained more certainty for a common basis of these two diseases in 1896, when he established that in prisons in Java where polished rice was the staple diet beriberi was far more frequent than in prisons where unpolished rice was provided. Grijns and many others after him have attempted to extract and isolate the antineuritic substance from rice polishings. Of the early attempts those of Funk attracted most notice. He made use of extraction with dilute acid or acidified alcohol. His conclusion of 1912, that the substance would be a pyrimidine ba3se, prompted his naming it' Vitamine" ("an organic base essen- tial for life") . But the active product he isolated still only contained very little of this principle. The isolation of thiamine as an essentially pure, crystalline compound was only achieved in 1926 by Jansen and Donath, working in the same laboratory 4 in Java where Eijkman and Grijns had once carried out their investigations . The following points were fundamental for their success: (j) A fairly rapid and very reliable method, employing rice birds, for testing the activity of successive steps in the purification; (2) The inclusion in their procedure of an adsorption step: adsorption onto fuller's earth ("acid clay"), still quite unusual in those days; (3) The use of a then uncommonly large amount of starting material (rice polishings). For the rest they employed precipitating agents that were already in use in the days of Funk. 2. Occurrence Thiamine is present in all living organisms; this is easy to understand, for it is essential for life. Man and beast are dependent upon the synthetic ability of plants and micro-organisms for their supply of thiamine. Good sources of the vitamin are cereals (flour of high extraction percentage), legumes, yeast, potatoes, liver, kidney, pork and, generally speaking, all foodstuffs that are not too far refined. Wheat flour for white bread, corn starch, cane sugar, etc., are too far refined. 3. Structure Thiamine chloride hydrochloride, the form in which the vitamin is usually isolated or prepared, has the empirical formula C12H18N4OSCI2 and structure (i)- 3 STRUCTURE 5 3 CH, 5 I 3 NII= C- NH 2-HC/l7* 2C=C| -CHXH20H H.C-C2SC-CH.-N3 Hi ell IV il N-CH CI C-S H (I) It consists of a pyrimidine derivative, 2-methyl-4-aminopyrimidine* and a thiazole derivative, 4-methyl-5-(^-hydroxy)ethylthiazole, linked by a methylene bridge. 5 In the elucidation of the structure of thiamine (1934-1936) Williams and collaborators have had a major share, but important contributions also came from the laboratories of Todd and Bergel in Great Britain and Windaus and I. G. Farben in Germany. Williams et al. made the important observation that thiamine is quantitatively split by neutral sulfite solution at room temperature as follows: ClH21N84OSCl2 + Na2S03 C6H9N3S03 + C6H9N0S + 2NaCl (A) (B) Product A proved to contain 0a sulfonic group: it yielded sulfuric acid on treatment with water at 200 and sulfurous acid with alkali. Its absorption in the ultraviolet was suggestive of a pyrimidine nucleus. This suggestion was confirmed and the exact structure of the pyrimidine part of the vitamin established by the synthesis of 2,5-dimethyl-4-aminopyrimidine (II), which proved to be identical with the product obtained from compound A by treatment with metallic sodium in liquid ammonia. N=C-NH, '2 W3SO3 2Na+ H3C-C C-CH 3 Na2S03 + N-CH (A) (II) To ascertain the position of the sulfonic group in primary cleavage product A, Williams et al. prepared 2-methyl-4-hydroxypyrimidine-5-methyl sulfonic acid (III) by treating previously synthesized 2-methyl-4-hydroxy-5-ethoxy- methylpyrimidine (XI, see p. 7) with sodium sulfite. This proved identical with the product obtained from (A) by acid hydrolysis. N=C—OH C6H9N3S03 + H20 ^ H3C-C C-CH2S03H + NH3 N—CH (A) (III) * Positions 4 and 6 in the pyrimidine ring are equivalent, so this compound is often also indicated as 2-methyl-6-aminopyrimidine. References p. 21 6 THIAMINE I So structure IV could be assigned to A: 3 N=c— NH2 2 I I HX-C C—CH< II II N—CH (IV) Confirmation of the structure of the pyrimidine part of the vitamin soon followed when Grewe synthesized 2-methyl-4-amino-5-aminoinethylpyrimi- dine (V, see p. 8), a product obtained by Windaus et al. upon oxidizing thiamine with barium permanganate. From (V) Grewe was able to prepare a sulfonic acid derivative (IV), which proved to be identical with Williams's primary cleavage product A. The identification of fragment B of the vitamin molecule gave6 less trouble. It was recognized as a thiazole derivative by Clarke and Gurin . On oxidation with nitric acid it yielded 4-methylthiazole-5-carboxylic acid (VI), a com- pound that had already been synthesized in 1890. It appeared to contain an aliphatic hydroxyl group which could be replaced by chlorine without much change in the U.V. absorption spectrum, so it could be reconstructed as having structure VII. CH-, 3 3 I N C —CH3 N C —CH3 I —N C—CH, II II II II II || HC C-COOH HC C —CHXH.OH HC C—CHXHXH (VI) (VII) (VIII) 4-methyl-503-hydroxy) ethylthiazole The OH group was deduced to be in the /^-position, because the vitamin is optically inactive and B did not give an iodof7orm reaction. Confirmation of struc8ture VII soon followed when Buchman , and later Andersag and West- phal , synthesized this compound, and it proved to be identical with B. That the pyrimidine nucleus is linked to the thiazole nucleus through the nitrogen atom of the latter soon became apparent. A comparison of the behaviour of thiamine and its thiazole moiety towards certain chemical reagents indicated the presence of a quaternary nitrogen in the former. Moreover, upon potentiometric titration of thiamine with alkali it behaved exactly as an addition product (VIII) of VII and methyl iodide. The point of attachment on the pyrimidine fragment was of course already marked by the position of the sulfonic group introduced during the sulfite cleavage of the vitamin. Thus, in 1936, the structure I could be assigned to thiamine, ten years after the crystalline vitamin was first obtained. 4 CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS 7 4. Synthesis (a) Chemical synthesis* As the proof for the structure of thiamine had depended so largely upon the synthesis of certain breakdown products, the complete synthesis of the vitamin was accomplished10 very soon afterwards. The first publication came from W1i1lliams and Cline in the U.S.; hard on their8 heels followed Todd and Bergel in England and Andersag and Westphal in Germany. One can conceive of three possibilities for the synthesis of thiamine: (j) Building up the pyrimidine and thiazole moieties separately, then connecting both parts. (2) Building up the pyrimidine part with an aminomethyl group in position 5, elongating this side chain, and ring closure to form the thiazole part. (j) Building up the thiazole part, attaching a suitable side chain to the nitrogen, and achieving ring closure of the pyrimidine part. The first method was followed by Williams et al., while Todd and Bergel chose the second route. Andersag and Westphal tried both methods, with slight modifications. Both are now used in the industrial preparation of thiamine. The third method has also been described, but does not seem to have found much application. (i) To synthesize the pyrimidine part, Williams et al. condensed acetami- dine (IX) with ethyl sodioformyl-/?-ethoxypropionate (X) to form 2-methyl- 4-hydroxy-5-ethoxymethylpyrimidine (XI). 2 5 2 N=C —OH 3 I i 22 3 I I 5 22 H3C—C + C-CH20C9H, HX—C C—CHpOCJ-L + II II II II NH NaOCH N — CH (IX) (X) (XI) An amino group was substituted for the hydroxyl group in position 4 by successive treatment with POCI3 and alcoholic ammonia. For the ensuing synthesis of thiamine, the ethoxy group in position 7 was then replaced by bromine, so that 2-methyl-4-amino-5-bromomethylpyrimidine hydrobromide was obtained (XII). 3 N=C—NHp'HBr I I H,C — C C—CH2Br II II N — CH (XII) The amino group in position 4 could also be introduced directly by condens- ing either acetamidine with ethoxymethylene malononitrile (XIII), or acetimi- References p. 21 8 THIAMINE I no ether (XIV) with aminomethylene malononitrile (XV). The resulting 2-methyl-4-amino-5-cyanopyrimidine (XVI) was then catalytically hydro1- 2 genated to form 2-methyl-4-amino-5-aminomethylpyrimidine (V, Grewe ). NH2 CN j * HX—C + | IIII CII —CN 2 NH HCOC2H5 N=C—NH9 =C- -NHo (IX) (XIII) -CI CI—CN C2H50H Pd,H2 CI — II II II II N—CH N—CH NH CN II (XVI) (V) H3C-C C—CN + II OC2H5 HC—NH2 (XIV) (XV) (ii) Numerous ways have been developed for synthesiz7ing the thiazole part of thiamine (VII). Williams's collaborator Buchman employed a reaction between thioformamide (XVII) and y-chloro-y-acetopropanol (XVIII). In- stead of XVIII, y-halogeno-y-acetopropylacetate is also used. The ring clo- sure takes place readily. 2 NH2 0=C—CH3 N - -CH, I I II HC IC- HC HCL I \ CI (XVII) (XVIII) (VII) (Hi) The two ring systems are easily linked together when the bromopyrim- idine compound XII is heated with the thiazole compound VII. 3 CH3 2 CH3 I 3 N=C— NH2-HBr C=C-C2H XHX>H 3 N=c- NH2.HBr (Uc-C^CHjpH2 I I HX—C C—CH2Br HX—C C—CH?—N I II II II II /\y ' N—CH C—S N-CH Br S H (XII) (VII) Thiamine bromide hydrobromide Williams et al. replaced the bromine ions by chlorine ions by shaking a solution of the bromide with an aqueous suspension of silver chloride. (iv) Todd and Bergel followed the alternative procedure (2) of elongating the side chain in position 5 of the pyrimidine part. They were able to thio- formylate 2-methyl-4-amino-5-aminomethylpyrimidine (V) by treatment with potassium dithioformate and obtained 2-methyl-4-amino-5-thioformyl- aminomethylpyrimidine (XIX).

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