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CONTENTS OF VOLUME 37 Number 1 Full Papers EILA VARJO, ANU LIIKANEN, VELI-PEKKA A new gypsum-based technique to reduce methane and SALONEN and PERTTI J. MARTIKAINEN phophorus release from sediments of eutrophied lakes: (Gypsum treatment to reduce internal loading) SEBASTIEN SABY, MALIK DJAFER and Effect of low ORP in anoxic sludge zone on excess sludge GUANG-HAO CHEN production in oxic-settling-anoxic activated sludge process TSAIR-FUH LIN, CHIA-LING LIU, Effect of residual chlorine on the analysis of geosmin, 2- FENG-CHEN YANG and Hsu-WEN HUNG MIB and MTBE in drinking water using the SPME technique C.M. Kao, S.C. CHEN, J.Y. WANG, Y.L. CHEN Remediation of PCE-contaminated aquifer by an in situ and S.Z. LEE two-layer biobarrier: laboratory batch and column studies W. Cuu and M.H. CHING Modeling the ozonation of 2,4-dichlorophoxyacetic acid through a kinetic approach PETER M. OATES, PETER SHANAHAN Solar disinfection (SODIS): simulation of solar radiation for and MARTIN F. PoLz global assessment and application for point-of-use water treatment in Haiti HAN QING YU and HERBERT H.P. FANG Acidogenesis of gelatin-rich wastewater in an upflow anaerobic reactor: influence of pH and temperature VINOD TARE, AJAY VEER SINGH YADAV and Analysis of photosynthetic activity in the most polluted PURNENDU BOSE stretch of river Ganga E. VESCHETTI, D. CUTILLI, L. BONADONNA, Pilot-plant comparative study of peracetic acid and sodium R. BRIANCESCO, C. MARTINI, G. CECCHINI, hypochlorite wastewater disinfection P. ANASTASI and M. OTTAVIANI W.C. CHEN, NI-BIN CHANG and Rough set-based hybrid fuzzy-neural controller design for JENG-CHUNG CHEN industrial wastewater treatment PHILIPW . AMOS and PAUL L. YOUNGER Substrate characterisation for a subsurface reactive barrier to treat colliery spoil leachate HANG-SIK SHIN and SEOK-TAE KANG Characteristics and fates of soluble microbial products in ceramic membrane bioreactor at various sludge retention times J.M. WILKINSON, J. HILL and J.P. HILLMAN The accumulation of potentially toxic elements in edible body tissues of lambs grazing after a single application of sewage sludge JOSEPH P. DIETRICH, HAKAN BASAGAOGLU, Preliminary assessment of transport processes influenc- FRANK J. LOGE and TiMoTHy R. GINN ing the penetration of chlorine into wastewater particles and the subsequent inactivation of particle-associated organisms WATARU NISHIJIMA, FAHMI, TSUKASA DOC removal by multi-stage ozonation-biological treat- MUKAIDANI and MITSUMASA OKADA ment C.P. Cuu, D.J. Lee and J.H. Tay Gravitational sedimentation of flocculated waste activated sludge MATTHEW J. DEMARCO, ARUP K. SENGUPTA Arsenic removal using a polymeric/inorganic hybrid sorbent and JOHN E. GREENLEAF Nick CHRISTOFI, ELENA ASPICHUETA, Congruence in the performance of model nitrifying acti- DaviD DALZELL, ALEJANDRO DE LA SoTa, vated sludge plants located in Germany, Scotland and Spain JAVIER ETXEBARRIA, TERESA FERNANDES, MOonrlIcA GUTIERREZ, JOHN MORTON, URSULA OBsT and PETER SCHMELLENKAMP Lu-KWANG JU and PRAKASH B. NALLAGATLA Monitoring and kinetic study of ammonia oxidation using dissolved oxygen electrode and NAD(P) H fluorometer JOHN M. REGAN, GREGORY W. HARRINGTON, Diversity of nitrifying bacteria in full-scale chloraminated HELENE BARIBEAU, RICARDO DE LEON distribution systems and DANIEL R. NOGUERA Jess C. BROWN, VERNON L. SNOEYINK, The sensitivity of fixed-bed biological perchlorate removal LUTGARDE RASKIN and RICHARD LIN to changes in operating conditions and water quality characteristics MICHAEL Borst and ARIAMALAR SELVAKUMAR Particle-associated microorganisms in stormwater runoff M. KARA, H. YUZER, E. SABAH and M.S. CELIK Adsorption of cobalt from aqueous solutions onto sepiolite CHENGGEN XIE and Hua Cul Detection of tannic acid at trace level in industrial waste- waters using a highly sensitive chemiluminescence method Research note B. ANTIZAR-LADISLAO and N.I. GALIL Simulation of bioremediation of chlorophenols in a sandy aquifer Number 2 Rep, ANTHONY C. EDWARDS, The quality of drinking water from private water supplies in DaviID COOPER, ELAINE WILSON and Aberdeenshire, UK BRIAN A. MCGAW A. H. KAKSONEN, M.-L. RIEKKOLA-VANHANEN Optimization of metal sulphide precipitation in fluidized- and J. A. PUHAKKA bed treatment of acidic wastewater JINZHANG GAO, XIAOYAN WANG, ZHONGAI Hu, Plasma degradation of dyes in water with contact glow HUALING DENG, JINGGUO HOU, XIAOQUAN LU discharge electrolysis and JINGWAN KANG Mats ASTROM and NINA CorRIN Distribution of rare earth elements in anionic, cationic and particulate fractions in boreal humus-rich streams affected by acid sulphate soils ANDRZEJ SZYMANSKI, BOGDAN WYRWAS Determination of non-ionic surfactants and their biotrans- and ZENON LUKASZEWSKI formation by-products adsorbed on alive activated sludge C. G. WHITELEY, J. E. BURGESS, X. MELAMANE, The enzymology of sludge solubilisation utilising sulphate- B. PLETSCHKE and P. D. ROSE reducing systems: the properties of lipases B. VOLESKY, J. WEBER and J. M. PARK Continuous-flow metal biosorption in a regenerable Sar- gassum column PAL GUNDERSEN and EILIv STEINNES Influence of pH and TOC concentration on Cu, Zn, Cd, and Al speciation in rivers CLAYTON B. MAUGANS and AYDIN AKGERMAN Catalytic wet oxidation of phenol in a trickle bed reactor over a Pt/TiO; catalyst SANJEEVI RAJAGOPAL, GERARD VAN DER VELDE, How effective is intermittent chlorination to control adult MARINUVSAN DER GAAG and HENK A. JENNER mussel fouling in cooling water systems? KAREN L. POWELL, RICHARD G. TAYLOR, Microbial contamination of two urban sandstone aquifers AIDAN A. CRONIN, MIKE H. BARRETT, in the UK STEVE PEDLEY, JANE SELLWOOD, SAM A. TROWSDALE and DaviIbD N. LERNER G. R. PoPHALI, S. N. KAUL and S. MATHUR 353 Influence of hydraulic shock loads and TDS on the performance of large-scale CETPs treating textile effluents in India M. HAUSSARD, I. GABALLAH, N. KANARI, 362 Separation of hydrocarbons and lipid from water using Pu. DE DonaTo, O. BARRES and F. VILLIERAS treated bark Tom C. SHIH, MEDHI WANGPAICHITR 375 Evaluation of granular activated carbon technology for the and MEL SUFFET removal of methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) from drinking water W. BORCHARD and P. JABLONSKI 386 The thermodynamic water retention capacity of solutions and gels GOLOKA BEHARI SAHOO and DAVID LUKETINA 393 Modeling of bubble plume design and oxygen transfer for reservoir restoration DeEoK-HEE CHO, SUNG-HO KONG and 402 Analysis of trihalomethanes in drinking water using head- SEONG-GEUN OH space-SPME technique with gas chromatography THONGCHAI PANSWAD, APIRADEE DOUNGCHAI 409 Temperature effect on microbial community of enhanced and JIN ANOTAI biological phosphorus removal system PE! HONGPING and WANG YONG 416 Eutrophication research of West Lake, Hangzhou, China: modeling under uncertainty A. ABUSAM, K. J. KEESMAN and G. VAN STRATEN 429 Forward and backward uncertainty propagation: an oxida- tion ditch modelling example GAYATHRI B. SEETHARAM and 436 Degradation of phenol using tyrosinase immobilized on BRADLEY A. SAVILLE siliceous supports SHARON LAFFERTY Dory, TANYA QING SHANG, 441 Metabolism of the soil and groundwater contaminants, ANGELA M. WILSON, ALLISON LEIGH MOORE, ethylene dibromide and trichloroethylene, by the tropical LEE A. NEWMAN, STUART EDWARD STRAND leguminous tree, Leuceana leucocephala and MILTON PAUL GORDON SHEN-YI CHEN, YING-CHIH CHIU, PEI-LIN 450 Assessment of recoverable forms of sulfur particles used in CHANG and JIH-GaAw LIN bioleaching of contaminated sediments D. W. CONNELL, C. N. FUNG,T . B. MINH, 459 Risk to breeding success of fish-eating Ardeids due to S. TANABE, P. K. S. Lam, B. S. F. WonG, persistent organic contaminants in Hong Kong: evidence M. H. W. Lan, L. C. Wonca, R. S. S. Wu from organochlorine compounds in eggs and B. J. RICHARDSON YOSHICHIKA HIRAHARA, HITOSHI UENO 468 Aqueous photodegradation of fenthion by ultraviolet B and KATSUHIKO NAKAMURO irradiation: contribution of singlet oxygen in photodegrada- tion and photochemical hydrolysis Number 3 T. KALLQvIST and A. SVENSON 477 Assessment of ammonia toxicity in tests with the microalga, Nephroselmis pyriformis, Chlorophyta A. MOSQUERA-CORRAL, A. MONTRAS, 485 Degradation of polymers in a biofilm airlift suspension J.J. HEISNEN and M.C.M. VAN LOOSDRECHT reactor S. Fass, J.C. BLock, M. BOUALAM,V . GAUTHIER, 493 Release of organic matter in a discontinuously chlorinated D. GATEL, J. CAVARD, S. BENABDALLAH drinking water network and V. LAHOUSSINE LUIGI VIGANO, ATTILIO ARILLO, ANDREA Quality assessment of bed sediments of the Po River (Italy) BUFFAGNI, MARINA CAMUSSO, RUGGERO CIANNARELLA, GIUSEPPE CROSA, CARLA FALUGI, SILVANA GALASSI, LICIA GUZZELLA, ANTONIO LOPEZ, MARINA MINGAZZINI, ROMANO PAGNOTTA, LUISA PATROLECCO, GIANNI TARTARI and SARA VALSECCHI KJETIL RASMUSSEN and KJETILL OSTGAARD Adhesion of the marine bacterium Pseudomonas sp. NCIMB 2021 to different hydrogel surfaces K.P.H. MEESTERS, J.W. VAN GROENESTIJN Biofouling reduction in recirculating cooling systems and J. GERRITSE through biofiltration of process water O. DANGLES and E. CHAUVET Effects of stream acidification on fungal biomass in decaying beech leaves and leaf palatability HEATHER B. RUNES, JEFFREY J. JENKINS, Treatment of atrazine in nursery irrigation runoff by a JAMES A. Moore, PETER J. BOTTOMLEY and constructed wetland BRUCE D. WILSON SIERRA RAYNE, MICHAEL G. IKONOMOU and Anaerobic microbial and photochemical degradation of MacMurray D. WHALE 4,4’-dibromodipheny] ether L. WANG, H. Cuua, Q. ZHOU, P.K. WONG, Role of cell surface components on Cu?* adsorption by S.N. Sin, W.L. Lo and P.H. Yu Pseudomonas putida 5-x isolated from electroplating effluent MARCUS SCHULZ, HANS-PETER KOZERSKI, The influence of macrophytes on sedimentation and nutrient THOMAS PLUNTKE and KARINA RINKE retention in the lower River Spree (Germany) MATTHEW M. MatTLock, BROCK S. HOWERTON, Soft metal preferences of 1,3-benzenediamidoethanethiol MICHAEL VAN AELSTYN, KEVIN R. HENKE and Davip A. ATwoop J. MEIER-HAACK, N.A. BOOKER and T. CARROLL A permeability-controlled microfiltration membrane for reduced fouling in drinking water treatment B.M. STEETS and P.A. HOLDEN A mechanistic model of runoff-associated fecal coliform fate and transport through a coastal lagoon SUSANNE JONSSON, JORGEN EJLERTSSON, Mono- and diesters from o-phthalic acid in leachates from ANNA LEDIN, IVO MERSIOWSKY different European landfills and Bo H. SVENSSON Eric P.M. Grist, MARK CRANE, CLAIRE JONES Estimation of demographic toxicity through the double and PAUL WHITEHOUSE bootstrap F. PAGNANELLI, A. Esposito, L. ToRo Metal speciation and pH effect on Pb, Cu, Zn and Cd and F. VEGLIO biosorption onto Sphaerotilus natans: Langmuir-type em- pirical model A. PAPADOPOULOS, G. PARISOPOULOS, Sludge accumulation pattern in an anaerobic pond under F. PAPADOPOULOS and A. KARTERIS Mediterranean climatic conditions JAKOB OTTOSON and THOR AXEL STENSTROM Faecal contamination of greywater and associated microbial risks R. RELLA, A. STURARO, G. PARVOLI, An unusual and persistent contamination of drinking water D. FERRARA and L. DoRETTI by cutting oil Yu Liu, Hat-Lou Xu, SHU-FANG YANG and Mechanisms and models for anaerobic granulation in Joo-Hwa Tay upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor HOLGER BRUGGEMANN, HEINZ KOSER, Sonolytic debromination of ambroxol process wastewater ERICH MEYER and THANG-HOANG NGUYEN WOLFGANG RAUCH, DoRIS BROCKMANN, Combining urine separation with waste design: an analysis IRENE PETERS, TOVE A. LARSEN and WILLI GUJER using a stochastic model for urine production JARI KOIVUNEN, ANJA SUTONEN and Elimination of enteric bacteria in biological—chemical HELV! HEINONEN-TANSKI wastewater treatment and tertiary filtration units FREDERIK HAMMES, ARSENE SEKA, A novel approach to calcium removal from calcium-rich STEFAAN DE KNIJF and WILLY VERSTRAETE industrial wastewater CYNTHIA MURRAY-GULDE, JOHN E. HEATLEY, Performance of a hybrid reverse osmosis-constructed wet- TANJU KARANFIL, JOHN H. RODGERS JR. land treatment system for brackish oil field produced water and JAMES E. MYERS HyYUNG SOOL LEE, CHANG GYUN KIM Comment on ‘“‘the interaction of humic substances with and Tal IL YOON cationic polyelectrolytes” SANG-KyuU KAM and JOHN GREGORY Reply to comment on the interaction of humic substances with cationic polyelectrolytes Number 4 Full Papers M.F. SoTo-JIMENEZ, F. PAEZ-OSUNA and Nutrient cycling at the sediment—water interface and in H. BOJORQUEZ-LEYVA sediments at Chiricahueto marsh: a subtropical ecosystem associated with agricultural land uses M. GHOUL, M. BACQUET and M. MORCELLET Uptake of heavy metals from synthetic aqueous solutions using modified PEI—silica gels ALBERTO ZAFRA, MONSALUD DEL OLMO, Gas chromatographic—mass spectrometric method for the BEATRIZ SUAREZ, ERNESTO HONTORIA, determination of bisphenol A and its chlorinated derivatives ALBERTO NAVALON and JosE Luis ViLCHEZ in urban wastewater CHUNG-HSIN Wu, CHENG-FANG LIN, Effect of fulvic acid on the sorption of Cu and Pb onto y- HWoONG-WEN MaA and TING-QwetT HsI Al,O3 DaviID M. QUANRUD, SEAN M. CARROLL, Virus removal during simulated soil-aquifer treatment CHARLES P. GERBA and ROBERT G. ARNOLD S. NETPRADIT, P. THIRAVETYAN and Application of ‘waste’ metal hydroxide sludge for adsorp- S. TOWPRAYOON tion of azo reactive dyes QILIN LI, VERNON L. SNOEYINK, BENITO J. Elucidating competitive adsorption mechanisms of atrazine MARINAS and CARLOS CAMPOS and NOM using model compounds GORDON C.C. YANG, TSUNG-YIN YANG and Crossflow electro-microfiltration of oxide-CMP wastewater SHIOU-HUEI TSAI SHIOW SHYUNG LIN, DONG JANG CHANG, Catalytic wet air oxidation of phenol by CeO, catalyst— CHING-HUEI WANG and CHIA CHRN CHEN effect of reaction conditions INKE SCHAUSER, JORG LEWANDOWSKI and Decision support for the selection of an appropriate in-lake MICHAEL HUPFER measure to influence the phosphorus retention in sediments H. Axcay, A. OGUZ and C. KARAPIRE Study of heavy metal pollution and speciation in Buyak Menderes and Gediz river sediments YING OUYANG Simulating dynamic load of naturally occurring TOC from watershed into a river MATTHEW A. LARSON and BENITO J. MARINAS Inactivation of Bacillus subtilis spores with ozone and monochloramine RUEY-SHIN JUANG and YI-CHIEH WANG Use of complexing agents for effective ion-exchange separation of Co(II)/Ni(II) from aqueous solutions BENEDEK Gy. PLOSz, ANDREA JOBBAGY and Factors influencing deterioration of denitrification by C.P. LESLIE GRADY JR. oxygen entering an anoxic reactor through the surface RIINA LITKANEN, ILKKA MIETTINEN and Selection of NF membrane to improve quality of chemically Risto LAUKKANEN treated surface water RAJAT K. CHAKRABORTI, KEVIN H. GARDNER, Changes in fractal dimension during aggregation JosEPH F. ATKINSON and JOHN E. VAN BENSCHOTEN IAN McBetTH, Katta J. REDDY and Chemistry of trace elements in coalbed methane product QUENTIN D. SKINNER water RAMESH K. GOEL, JOSEPH R.V. FLORA Mechanisms for naphthalene removal during electrolytic and JOHN FERRY aeration W. Fucus, H. BINDER, G. MAVRIAS Anaerobic treatment of wastewater with high organic and R. BRAUN content using a stirred tank reactor coupled with a membrane filtration unit ANNE E. BERNHARD, THIERRY GOYARD, Application of a rapid method for identifying fecal pollution MICHAELT . SIMONICH and KATHARINE G. FIELD sources in a multi-use estuary NORMAND LABBE, SERGE PARENT and Addition of trace metals increases denitrification rate in RICHARD VILLEMUR closed marine systems KEITH R. HENCH, GARY K. BISSONNETTE, Fate of physical, chemical, and microbial contaminants in ALAN J. SEXSTONE, JERRY G. COLEMAN, domestic wastewater following treatment by small con- KEITH GARBUTT and JEFFREY G. SKOUSEN structed wetlands R1iTA CARABIAS-MARTINEZ, ENCARNACION Evolution over time of the agricultural pollution of waters RODRIGUEZ-GONZALO, M. ESTHER FERNANDEZ- in an area of Salamanca and Zamora (Spain) LAESPADA, LORENZO CALVO-SERONERO and FRANCISCO JAVIER SANCHEZ-SAN ROMAN DANIEL M. Waite, D. SARAH GARLAND, Natural organic matter and DBP formation potential in JASPRIT NARR and CRAIG R. WOOLARD Alaskan water supplies Research notes Omer YAVUZ, YALGIN ALTUNKAYNAK and Removal of copper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from FuatT GUZEL aqueous solution by kaolinite C.M. VILLANUEVA, M. KOGEVINAS and Haloacetic acids and trihalomethanes in finished drinking J.O. GRIMALT waters from heterogeneous sources Full papers ANNA FARKAS, JANOS SALANKI and Age- and size-specific patterns of heavy metals in the organs ANDRAS SPECZIAR of freshwater fish Abramis brama L. populating a low- contaminated site H.K. PANT and K.R. REDDY Potential internal loading of phosphorus in a wetland constructed in agricultural land JURGEN VON SACHS, ULRICH MEYER, New approach to control the methanogenic reactor of a PauL Rys and HEIKO FEITKENHAUER two-phase anaerobic digestion system Ki BEoM LEE, MAN Bock Gu and Degradation of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene by immobilized horse- SEUNG-HYEON MOON radish peroxidase and electrogenerated peroxide ROBERTO ANDREOZZI, VINCENZO CAPRIO, Paracetamol oxidation from aqueous solutions by means of RAFFAELE MAROTTA and DAVIDE VOGNA ozonation and H,0>/UV system MAGDALENA FRANSKA, RAFAL FRANSKI, A central fission pathway in alkylphenol ethoxylate ANDRZEJ SZYMANSKI and ZENON LUKASZEWSKI biodegradation LAODONG Guo, JAIME K. LEHNER, DANIEL Heterogeneity of natural organic matter from the Chena M. WHITE and D. SARAH GARLAND River, Alaska Vill ANJA KORNMULLER and UDO WIESMANN Ozonation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in oil/ water-emulsions: mass transfer and reaction kinetics P.N.L. LENs, R. KLIJN, J.B. VAN LIER and Effect of specific gas loading rate on thermophilic (55°C) G. LETTINGA acidifying (pH 6) and sulfate reducing granular sludge reactors M. ARAUZO Harmful effects of un-ionised ammonia on the zooplankton community in a deep waste treatment pond M.J. CEREJEIRA, P. VIANA, S. BATISTA, Pesticides in Portuguese surface and ground waters T. PEREIRA, E. Sitva, M.J. VALERIO, A. SILVA, M. FERREIRA and A.M. SILVA-FERNANDES MARKKU J. LEHTOLA, ILKKAT. MIETTINEN, Impact of UV disinfection on microbially available phos- TERTTU VARTIAINEN, PANU RANTAKOKKO, phorus, organic carbon, and microbial growth in drinking ARJA HIRVONEN and PERTTI J. MARTIKAINEN water TORSTEN PIETSCH, RALF MEHRWALD, Sedimentation behaviour of sludge particles in a biogas RALF GRAJETZKI, JAN SENS and HERBERT tower reactor and the function of a _hydrostatically MARKL pressurized sedimenter JASON C. RUSHING, LAURIE S. MCNEILL Some effects of aqueous silica on the corrosion of iron and Marc EDWARDS HoNG-Joo LEE, SUK-JUNG OH and Recovery of ammonium sulfate from fermentation waste by SEUNG-HYEON MOON electrodialysis BERNHARD WETT and WOLFGANG RAUCH The role of inorganic carbon limitation in biological nitrogen removal of extremely ammonia concentrated wastewater BING-Mu Hsu and HSuUAN-HSIEN YEH Removal of Giardia and Cryptosporidium in drinking water treatment: a pilot-scale study Mb. ZAHANGIR ALAM and A. FAKHRU’L-RAZI Enhanced settleability and dewaterability of fungal treated domestic wastewater sludge by liquid state bioconversion process ALEX H.C. CHAN, CHAK K. CHAN, JOHN P. Solar photocatalytic thin film cascade reactor for treatment BARFORD and JOHN F. PORTER of benzoic acid containing wastewater YASUNORI TANJI, KATSUNORI MIZOGUCHI, Seasonal change and fate of coliphages infected to MASATOSHI YOICHI, MASATOMO MoriITA, Escherichia coli 0157:H7 in a wastewater treatment plant NosBuYuKI KIJIMA, HIROYUKI KATOR and HAJIME UNNO ADRIAN A. AMMANN, EDUARD HOEHN Ground water pollution by roof runoff infiltration evi- and SABINE KOCH denced with multi-tracer experiments CEZAR CATRINESCU, CARMEN TEODOSIU, Catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of phenol over Fe- MaTE!I MACOVEANU, JOCELYNE MIEHE-BRENDLE exchanged pillared beidellite and RONAN LE DRED A. DaBROWSKA, J. SWIETLIK and J. NAWROCKI Formation of aldehydes upon ClO, disinfection Y. Kacar, E. ALpay and V.K. CEYLAN Pretreatment of Afyon alcaloide factory’s wastewater by wet air oxidation (WAO) J.A. LOPEZ-RAMIREZ, S. SAHUQUILLO, Pre-treatment optimisation studies for secondary effluent D. SALES and J.M. QUIROGA reclamation with reverse osmosis ZHU SHIYUN, ZHENG XUESONG, LI DAOTANG Ozonation of naphthalene sulfonic acids in aqueous and CAI WEIMIN solutions: Part I]—Relationships of their COD, TOC removal and the frontier orbital energies IN-JOONG KANG, CHUNG-HAK LEE and Characteristics of microfiltration membranes in a membrane Kyvu-JIN KIM coupled sequencing batch reactor system IX Number 6 Full papers YOON-SEOK HONG and RAO BHAMIDIMARRI Evolutionary self-organising modelling of a municipal wastewater treatment plant JIAN-YING Hu and TAKAKO AIZAWA Quantitative structure—activity relationships for estrogen receptor binding affinity of phenolic chemicals DHANANIJAY S. BHATKHANDE, VISHWAS G. Photocatalytic degradation of nitrobenzene using titanium PANGARKAR and ANTHONY. A. C. M. BEENACK- dioxide and concentrated solar radiation: chemical effects ERS and scaleup E. A. C. EMANUELSSON, J.-P. ARCANGELI The anoxic extractive membrane bioreactor and A. G. LIVINGSTON C. MARAZIOTI, M. KORNAROS and Kinetic modeling of a mixed culture of Pseudomonas G. LYBERATOS Denitrificans and Bacillus subtilis under aerobic and anoxic operating conditions STIJN WYFFELS, KRIS PYNAERT, PASCAL BOECKX, Identification and quantification of nitrogen removal in a WILLY VERSTRAETE and OSWALD VAN CLEEMPUT rotating biological contactor by '°N tracer techniques F. ALATRISTE-MONDRAGON, R. IRANPOUR Toxicity of di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate on the anaerobic and B.K. AHRING digestion of wastewater sludge MIKLAS SCHOLZ Performance predictions of mature experimental con- structed wetlands which treat urban water receiving high loads of lead and copper JORGE DE VICTORICA and MATILDE GALVAN Preliminary testing of a rapid coupled methodology for quantitation/viability determination of helminth eggs in raw and treated wastewater PATRIK FAUSER, JORGEN VIKELSQE, PETER B. Phthalates, nonylphenols and LAS in an_alternately SORENSEN and LARS CARLSEN operated wastewater treatment plant—fate modelling based on measured concentrations in wastewater and sludge GEORGE NAKHLA Biokinetic modeling of in situ bioremediation of BTX compounds —impact of process variables and scaleup implications ZHIMIN QIANG, JIH-HSING CHANG and Electrochemic. al regenerati. on of Fe~i" i. n Fenton oxi. dati. on CHIN-PAO HUANG processes RENE P. T. JANSSEN and WILKO VERWEIJ Geochemistry of some rare earth elements in groundwater, Vierlingsbeek, The Netherlands MAGALI BATTE, BONIFACE KOUDJONOU, Biofilm responses to ageing and to a high phosphate load in PATRICK LAURENT, LAURENCE MATHIEU, a bench-scale drinking water system JOSEE COALLIER and MICHELE PREVOST C. BARTIE, S. N. VENTER and L. H. NEL Identification methods for Legionella from environmental samples G. Ruiz, D. JEISON and R. CHAMY Nitrification with high nitrite accumulation for the treat- ment of wastewater with high ammonia concentration JORG H. LANGWALDT and JAAKKO A. PUHAKKA Competition for oxygen by iron and 2,4,6-trichlorophenol oxidizing bacteria in boreal groundwater SANNA K. MARTTINEN, RUuTTA H. KETTUNEN, Removal of bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate at a sewage treat- KAI M. SORMUNEN and JUKKA A. RINTALA ment plant E. D. BurTON, D. W. HAWKER and Estimating sludge loadings to land based on trace metal M. R. RE sorption in soil: effect of dissolved organo-metallic com- plexes M. VAINSHTEIN, P. KUSCHK, J. MATTUSCH, Model experiments on the microbial removal of chromium A. VATSOURINA and A. WIESSNER from contaminated groundwater SHIOW-MEy Liou, SHANG-LIEN LO and Application of two-stage fuzzy set theory to river quality CHING-YAO Hu evaluation in Taiwan NIKOLAOS P. NIKOLAIDIS, GREGORY M. DoBBs Arsenic removal by zero-valent iron: field, laboratory and and JEFFREY A. LACKOVIC modeling studies P. JORDAN and B. RIPPEY 1426 Lake sedimentary evidence of phosphorus, iron and manganese mobilisation from intensively fertilised soils C. GALLERT, A. HENNING and J. WINTER Scale-up of anaerobic digestion of the biowaste fraction from domestic wastes Number 7 Reviews URS VON GUNTEN 1443 Ozonation of drinking water: Part I. Oxidation kinetics and product formation URS VON GUNTEN 1469 Ozonation of drinking water: Part II. Disinfection and by- product formation in presence of bromide, iodide or chlorine Full Papers A. Dososz and A. SOBCZYNSKI 1489 The influence of silver additives on titania photoactivity in the photooxidation of phenol KUMIKO IKEDA and HISASHI YAMADA 1497 Changes in dietary bioaccumulation of tributyltin chloride (TBTCl) in red sea bream (Pagrus major) with the concentration in feed BAHADIR K. KORBAHTI and ABDURRAHMAN 1505 Continuous electrochemical treatment of phenolic waste- TANYOLAG water in a tubular reactor JONGHYUK SEOK and SIMEON J. KOMISAR 1515 Regulatory role of n-propanol in propylene glycol bio- methanization under overload MIN-WOONG RyYoo and GON SEO 1527 Improvement in capacitive deionization function of acti- vated carbon cloth by titania modification QINGYE SUN and LINZHANG YANG 1535 The adsorption of basic dyes from aqueous solution on modified peat—resin particle TOMOHITO KAMEDA, FUMIKO YABUUCHI, 1545 New method of treating dilute mineral acids using TOSHIAKI YOSHIOKA, MIHO UCHIDA and magnesium—aluminum oxide AKITSUGU OKUWAKI KUAN-CHUN LEE and BRUCE E. RITTMANN 1551 Effects of pH and precipitation on autohydrogenotrophic denitrification using the hollow-fiber membrane-biofilm reactor MARTINA M. DONNERMAIR-” and_ ERNEST 1557 Disinfection efficacy of organic chloramines R. BLATCHLEY III PETER REUSCHENBACH, UDO PAGGA and 157] A critical comparison of respirometric biodegradation tests UweE STROTMANN based on OECD 301 and related test methods KATRIN TEUBNER 1583 Phytoplankton, pelagic community and nutrients in a deep oligotrophic alpine lake: ratios as sensitive indicators of the use of P-resources (DRP:DOP:PP and TN:TP:SRSi) L. DussarT, J.-P. DUPONT, I. ZIMMERLIN, 1593 Occurrence of sessile Pseudomonas oryzihabitans from a M. Lacroix, J.M. SAITER, G.-A. JUNTER karstified chalk aquifer and T. JOUENNE J.M. CHIMENOS, A.I. FERNANDEZ, G. VILLALBA, 1601 Removal of ammonium and phosphates from wastewater M. SEGARRA, A. URRUTICOECHEA, B. ARTAZA resulting from the process of cochineal extraction using and F. ESPIELL MgO-containing by-product YOON-SEOK TIMOTHY HONG, MICHAEL R. ROSEN 1608 Analysis of a municipal wastewater treatment plant using a and RAO BHAMIDIMARRI neural network-based pattern analysis O. ABOLLINO, M. AcETO, M. MALANDRINO, Adsorption of heavy metals on Na-montmorillonite. Effect C. SARZANINI and E. MENTASTI of pH and organic substances SHIHWU SUNG and HARIKISHAN SANTHA Performance of temperature-phased anaerobic digestion (TPAD) system treating dairy cattle wastes R.T. Nosie, D.F. Moore, M.K. LEECASTER, Comparison of total coliform, fecal coliform, and enter- C.D. McGEE and S.B. WEISBERG ococcus bacterial indicator response for ocean recreational water quality testing HEATHER M. LESAN and ALOK BHANDARI Atrazine sorption on surface soils: time-dependent phase distribution and apparent desorption hysteresis SHIJIN REN and PAUL D. FRYMIER Use of multidimensional scaling in the selection of waste- water toxicity test battery components DEMING Dona, Louis A. DERRY and Pb scavenging from a freshwater lake by Mn oxides in LEONARDW. LION heterogeneous surface coating materials WILLI GUJER and URS VON GUNTEN A stochastic model of an ozonation reactor Technical Note S.H. ABDEL-HALIM, A.M.A. SHEHATA Removal of lead ions from industrial waste water by and M.F. EL-SHAHAT different types of natural materials Number 8 Full Papers F.F. REINTHALER, J. PoscH, G. FEIERL, Antibiotic resistance of E. coli in sewage and sludge G. Wu st, D. Haas, G. RUCKENBAUER, F. MASCHER and E. MARTH Joost LAHR, JOHANNA L. MAAS-DIEPEVEEN, Responses in sediment bioassays used in the Netherlands: SUZANNE C. STUIJFZAND, PIM E.G. LEONARDS, can observed toxicity be explained by routinely monitored JEANETTE M. DRUKE, SIMONE LUCKER, priority pollutants? ALBERT ESPELDOORN, L1A C.M. KERKUM, LEO L.P. VAN STEE and A. JAN HENDRIKS A. FIANDRINO, Y. MARTIN, P. Gor, Bacterial contamination of Mediterranean coastal seawater J.L. BONNEFONT and M. TROUSSELLIER as affected by riverine inputs: simulation approach applied to a shellfish breeding area (Thau lagoon, France) T.C. JORGENSEN and L.R. WEATHERLEY Ammonia removal from wastewater by ion exchange in the presence of organic contaminants TOMOHIRO KOSE, TETSUO MUKAI, KAZUTO Effect of non-aqueous phase liquid on biodegradation of TAKIMOTO and MITSUMASA OKADA PAHs in spilled oil on tidal flat SEBASTIAN J. INTERLANDI and CHRISTOPHER Recent water quality trends in the Schuylkill River, S. CROCKETT Pennsylvania, USA: a preliminary assessment of the relative influences of climate, river discharge and suburban devel- opment YOUNG-SEUK PARK, PIET F.M. VERDONSCHOT, Patterning and predicting aquatic macroinvertebrate diver- TAE-SOO CHON and SOVAN LEK sities using artificial neural network Lewis A. MoLort and PETER J. DILLON Variation in iron, aluminum and dissolved organic carbon mass transfer coefficients in lakes A.M. EL-Kosasy, S.M. RIAD, L.E. ABD Novel poly (vinyl chloride) matrix membrane electrodes for EL-FATTAH and S. ABD EL-KADER AHMAD the determination of phenolic pollutants in waste water XII

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