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Preview Water quality and agrichemical loading in two groundwater basins of Illinois' sinkhole plain

QfuJiSiXXXXi^ Water Quality and Agrichemical Loading in Two Groundwater Basins of Sinkhole Plain Illinois' S.V. Panno, W.R. Kelly\ C.P Weibel, I.G. Krapac, and S.L. Sargent Illinois State Geological Survey and Illinois State Water Survey Environmental Geology 156 2003 ff-^ Rod R. Blagojevich, Governor ^0^ Department ofNatural Resources Joel Brunsvold, Director ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WilliamW.Shilts, Chief Equalopportunityto participate in programsoftheIllinois DepartmentofNaturalResources (IDNR) and those fundedbythe U.S. Fish andWildlife Serviceandotheragenciesis available to all individuals regardless ofrace, sex, national origin, disability, age, religion, orothernon-merit factors. Ifyou believeyouhave beendiscriminated against, contactthefundingsource's civil rights officeand/orthe Equal EmploymentOpportunityOfficer, IDNR, OneNaturalResourcesWay, Springfield, Illinois 62701-1271; 217-785-0067; TTY217-782-9175. This information maybe provided inan alternativeformatifrequired. ContacttheDNRClearing- houseat217-782-7498 forassistance. Disclaimer References to specificproducts, processes, orservices orto tradenames, trademarks, orservice marks do not indicate that theyare endorsed bythe Illinois State Geological Survey, the Illinois Department ofNatural Resources, orthe State ofIllinois. Cover: (Upperleft) Thestream monitoringand watersamplingsystem on theSouth Fork Creek bridge. (Lowerleft) CollierSpringunderfloodconditions. (Centerright) CollierSpring, a circular featureand theheadwaters ofSouth Fork Creek, isalso the resurgenceofa caveorconduitsystem that, atsomepoint,flows beneath Fogelpole Cave. EditorialBoard JonathanH. Goodwin, Chair MichaelL. Earnhardt DavidR. Larson B. BrandonCurry JohnH. McBride AnneL. Erdmann DonaldG. Mikulic William R. Roy ILLINOIS DNEPAARTTTUWRENATOLF RESOURCES IllinoisStateGeologicalSurvey Printed by the authorityoftheState ofIllinois PRT3291907 - .8M - 3/03 ©Printed on recycled and recyclable paperstock. Water Quality and Agrichemical Loading in Two Groundwater Basins of Sinkhole Plain Illinois' S.V. Panno, W.R. Kelly\ C.R Weibel, I.G. Krapac, and S.L. Sargent Illinois State Geological Survey and Illinois State Water Survey LIBRARY. Environmental Geology 156 2003 Rod R. Blagojevich, Governor Department ofNatural Resources Joel Brunsvold, Director ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WilliamV^.Shilts, Chief 615 E. Peabody Drive Champaign, Illinois 61820-6964 217-333-4747 Home page: http://www.isgs.uiuc.edu Contents Abstract 1 Introduction 1 Objectives 2 GeologyandBasinHydrology 2 Methods 3 GroundwaterBasins 3 Bridge Site 4 Indian Hole Spring 4 CollierSpring 5 Sampling 5 Analyses 6 ResultsandDiscussion 9 ChemicalCompositionofSurfaceWaterandGroundwater 9 IndianHole and CollierSprings 12 SouthForkCreekBridge 14 Agrichemicals 14 Nitrate 14 Nitrate Background 18 Phosphate 19 Pesticides 19 — Mass LoadingCalculations StreamFlow 20 — Mass LoadingCalculations ^Agrichemicals 20 Water-borne Bacteria 21 Dissolved Organic Carbon 22 SoilErosion Rate 22 Atrazine on Suspended Solids 22 SummaryandConclusions 23 Acknowledgments 24 References 24 Appendix 29 Tables 1 Thedrainageareas ofthe Fogelpole Cave and CollierSpringgroundwaterbasins asdetermined frommaps andusingGIS techniques 4 2 Land use intheCollierSpringandFogelpoleCavegroundwaterbasinsandthe total areaofthosegroundwaterbasinsplustheareadrainedbetweenthe springs and the South ForkCreekbridge 4 3 Field parameters, ions, bacterial indicators, and herbicides forCollierand Indian Hole Springs and the bridge across the South ForkofHorseCreek 13 4 Relationshipsbetweenspecificconductanceandmajorionsandsuspendedsolids usingsimplelinearregression 14 5 Bacterial species isolated from watersamples collected from Indian Holeand CollierSprings and the bridge site fromJanuary 1997 toAugust 1998 21 6 Atrazine in aqueous andsolid phases in stream-waterandsedimentsamples collectedin1998 atthebridge site 23 Al Complete chemicaldataforthewatersamplescollected from the South ForkCreek bridge site 29 1 A2 Complete chemical dataforthewatersamples collected from Indian HoleSpring 30 A3 Complete chemical dataforthewatersamples collected from CollierSpring 31 A4 Nitrate and herbicide samples collected at the bridgesite usingthe automated ISCO sampler 32 A5 Ammonium, nitrate, and herbicide concentrations in springwatersamplesfrom KellySpring, southwestern Illinois, collectedatthepeakoffloodingjustaftera 5.0-cm rainfall event 33 A6 Bacterial dataforCollierand Indian HoleSprings andtheSouth ForkCreek bridge site 33 Figures 1 Karstterraneofsouthwestern Illinois' sinkholeplain showingsinkhole areas, sinkhole density, andlocationofthe CollierSpringand FogelpoleCaveground- waterbasins 3 2 Thebridge monitoringsite at base flowand flood stage 5 3 Streamdischargeversus stream stage forSouth ForkCreek at thebridgesite 6 4 Indian Hole Springislocated atthe head ofablind valleyand isthe resurgence ofFogelpoleCave. CollierSpring is a circularfeature and theheadwatersofSouth ForkCreek 7 5 Contourmap ofIndian Hole and Indian Hole Spring 7 6 Indian Holedoes not flowunderbase flowconditionsbut pirateswater fromIndian Hole Springduringperiodsofflooding 8 7 Contourmap ofCollierSpring 9 8 CollierSpringunderbase flowconditions and underflood conditions 10 9 CrosssectionA-A' showingaschematic forthe approximate location ofthe twoseparate cave systems that drain thegroundwater basin and associated bedrockcontrols 11 10 Trilineardiagram shovdngthechemicalcomposition ofgroundwaterfrom Indian Hole Spring 11 1 Trilineardiagram shovingthechemicalcompositionofgroundwater from CollierSpring 11 12 Changes in pH and temperature ofgroundwaterand streamwaterduring thesampling period 12 13 Springand streamwaterwere typicallyoversaturated with respect to calcite 12 14 Relationship between laboratory-measured alkalinityand specific conductance plus anion concentrations usedto calculatealkalinityforthis investigation 12 15 Relationships between Na% Ca-*, Mg-*, SO^^", CI", and specific conductancefor all samples collected and the relationship between specific conductance measured at Indian Hole and CollierSprings 15 16 RelationshipsbetweenCa^* and SO^^"concentrationsforall samples collected at Indian Hole andCollierSprings 16 17 Temporal changes in silicaconcentrations inwatersamplesfrom all sites over the samplingperiod revealsthatgroundwaterfrom CollierSpringhad ahigher concentrationofsilicathan did Indian Hole Spring 16 18 Calciumversus Mg^* concentrations inwatersamplesfromIndianHoleand CollierSprings shovdngtwo distincttrends 16 19 Temporal changes in Mn concentrationsinspringandsurfacewatersamples showingseasonallyelevatedconcentrations ofMnat the bridge site during spring 16 20 Seasonaltrends in nitrateand herbicideconcentrations inwatersamples collected at the bridge site 17 21 Loadingofnitrate, atrazine, and alachlor; streamstage; andprecipitation 17 22 Nitrateconcentrations in combined springwaterandin streamwateratthe bridge site 18 23 CumulativeprobabilityplotofNO^"concentrations inwatersamples fromsprings, caves, and spring-fed surfacewaterfrom southwestern Illinois 18 24 CumulativeprobabilityplotofNO3'concentrations inwatersamplesfromdrilled and dugwells in southwesternIllinois 18 25 Atrazine concentrations in surfacewaterattheSouth ForkCreekbridge and stream stage duringthe samplingperiod 18 26 Relationshipbetweenspecificconductanceandthelogofsuspended solids 23 Al Meanammonium concentrations acrosstheUnitedStates in 1997showing industrialand agriculturalinput 34 A2 Meannitrate concentrationsacrosstheUnited States in 1997 showingindustrial and agricultural input 35 A3 Nitrate and ammoniumconcentrationsinrainfall samples collected attheNADP samplingsite nearestthe studyareafrom 1979 through 1993 showingaseasonal trendwith the highest concentrations duringthe springandsummer 36 Abstract western Illinois' sinkhole plain.The Thesevalues represent a 21 to 31% m springs are located 400 (1,300 ft) loss offertilizer N, a3.8 to 5.8% loss In akarstarea, leachingand runoffof from each otherand form the headwa- ofapplied atrazine, and a 0.05 to agrichemicals and animalwastefrom ters ofthe South Fork ofHorse Creek. 0.08% loss ofapplied alachlor.The landdominated byrowcropsandlive- Groundwaterwas monitored as it dis- loss ofatrazine adsorbed onto the sus- stockcan rapidlycontaminate ground- charged from Collier and Indian Hole pended solid fraction was low relative waterwith nitrogen (N), phosphorous Springs and at a monitoring station to the mass ofatrazine in solution (P), pesticides, bacteria, and soil. Dis- (a bridge) downstream ofthe springs. and amounted to only about 2 kg/yr chargeofcontaminated groundwater Water quality analyses and stream dis- (4 lb yr) or 5.1% ofthe total mass of fromgroundwaterbasinscan contrib- charge measurements were used to atrazine discharging from the ground- uteto thedegradation ofwaterquality calculate the total quantityofselected water basins. Phosphate concentra- in surface streams and, ultimately, agrichemicals (NO^ -N, PO^' and her- tions in waterwere typically less than coastalareas.To understand the pos- bicides) (mass loading) being,carried 0.01 mg/L, suggesting that the loss of sible extent ofcontamination in one out ofthegroundwaterbasins to sur- dissolved Pwas insignificant. karst region, we monitored two ground- facestreams. waterbasins in Illinois' sinkhole plain Bacteria identified in the springwater fromOctober 1996toAugust 1998 The NO,"-N concentrations in water included 17 generaand species present duringa period ofaverage precipita- samples ranged from 1.08 to 6.08 in millions ofcolony-formingunits/100 tion.Weexamined thecharacterand mg/L; median concentration was 3.48 mLofwater. Klebsiellapneumoniae, degree ofbacterial contamination, the mg/L. Atrazine and alachlor concen- Pseiidomonasspp., Escherichiacoli, massofatrazineon suspended solids, trations ranged from <0.01 to 34.0 and Bacillusspp. predominated. and thesoil erosion rates oftwokarst pg/Land <0.01 to 0.98 pg/L, respec- springs andtheirspring-fed stream. tively; median concentrations were The soil erosion rate in the study — 0.52 and 0.12 pg/L, respectively, for all area, based on the suspended solids The two karst spring—s Collierand sites. The two groundwater basins dis- load in the stream at the bridge (10" Indian Hole Springs drain relatively charged approximately 100,000 kg/yr kg/yr or2.2 x 10" Ib/yr), was estimated large groundwaterbasins (approxi- (220,000 Ib/yr) ofN as NO;-N, 39 kg/yr to be a—pproximately0.15 cm/yr (0.06 mately 19.9 km- [7.68 mi-'] and 17.8 (86Ib/yr) ofatrazine, and2.8 kg/yr (6.2 in/yr) orabout twice the rate ofsoil km^ [6.87 mi'l, respectively) in south- Ib/yr) ofalachlor. losses in the rest ofIllinois. Introduction growth brought on by nutrients deliv- manycases via groundwater, can ered by the Mississippi River (Rabalais degrade the waterquality ofhigher- Loss ofagricultural chemicals from et al. 2001, Goolsby et al. 2001). order streams and other bodies of leachingand runofffrom croplands In addition, human health problems water fed by these streams (Rabalais et and animal waste from livestock graz- are associated with coliform bacteria al. 1996). ing areas can load streams and shal- (Craun 1979), NO, (O'Riordan and lowgroundwater with nitrogen (N), Bentham 1993), and pesticides (Kelce Karst regions ofthe world are espe- phosphorous (P), pesticides, and bac- et al. 1995). Pesticides have also been cially susceptible to groundwater con- teria. The contamination ofground- linked to environmental problems tamination from fertilizer N, associ- waterand surface waterwith nitro- associated with endocrine disruption ated agrichemicals, and other surface- genous compounds went from a local and the feminization ofaquatic organ- borne sources ofN (e.g., Feth 1966, problem in the early 1970s, to a isms, leadingto reproductive prob- Hallberg 1986,White 1988. Pasquarell regional problem in the 1990s (Heath- lems (Colborn et al. 1993, Kelce et and Boyer,1995). In the central United waite et al. 1993), and is now becom- al. 1995, McLachlan and Arnold 1996). States, water quality problems have ing a problem worldwide (Hallberg The herbicides atrazine and alachlor been observed in springs and wells in and Keeney 1993, Rabalais et al. 1996. are examined in this investigation. the karst region ofsouthwestern Illi- Diaz 2001). Because ofthe intensive Soil cultivation can accelerate soil ero- nois (Panno et al. 1994, 1996), north- agricultural activities in Illinois and sion and lead to transport ofsed- eastern Iowa (Rowden et al. 1993), the portion ofthe central and mid- imentswith elevated concentrations and Kentucky (Currens 1999, Ryan western United States drained bythe ofthese contaminants into surface and Meiman 1996). Although several Mississippi River, N contamination streams and, in karst areas, into the investigators have measured dissolved ofgroundwater and surface water groundwater system. constituents in karst hydrologic sys- has become awidespread problem tems duringflooding (e.g., Ryan and (Schocket al. 1992, Kolpin et al. 1998, Septic systems (N, phosphate, and Meiman 1996), onlya few researchers Groschen et al. 2000, Randall and bacteria) and atmospheric deposition have conducted such studies on a MuUa 2001). For example, some scien- (N) are also potential sources of scalewide enough to encompass the tists have attributed the hypoxic zone stream pollution. Discharge oftheir groundwaterbasin (Rowden et al. in the GulfofMexico to excessive algal contaminants to surface streams, in 1993, Currens 1999). linois State Geological Survey Environmental Geology 56 1 Karst regions, such as the "sinkhole ofagrichemicals duringandjust after the characterand degree ofbacterial plain" in Monroe, Randolph, and spring planting. For example, in 1994, contamination ofthe springs and a St. ClairCounties in southwestern floodwaters issuingfrom a springthat spring-fed stream dischargingfrom Illinois (fig. 1), are distinguished by drained agroundwaterbasin inthe the two groundwaterbasins. Because numerous sinkholes, disappearingor sinkhole plain dominated byrowcrops thetwo groundwaterbasins are losingstreams, large springs, and were sampled foUovdngthe first signif- intenselykarstified andland use within caves (Panno 1996,Weibel and Panno icant rainfall afterplanting. Concen- the basins is dominated byagriculture, 1997).Water qualityin these regions trations ofthe herbicides atrazine and we hypothesized that discharge from has longbeen known to be highlysus- alachlor inthewatersampleswere as these basins might represent aworst- ceptible to contamination from sur- high as97 and 16 pg/L, respectively. case scenario forthe loss ofapplied face activities. Because ofthe rapid However, atrazine and alachlorcon- agrichemicals to a surface stream. movement ofwater and suspended centrations in allwell-watersamples sediment into subsurface cave and fromthe same areawere always The secondaryobjectivewas to esti- conduit systems in this region, the belowthe U.S. Environmental Protec- mate the rate ofsoil erosion and the amount oftime available for purifying tionAgency's (USEPA) maximum con- potentialforthetransport ofpesticides reactions—such as adsorption, degra- taminant levels (MCL) of3 and2 pg/L adsorbed on suspended solids out of dation, and filtration in the subsur- (USEPA 1992), respectively. thebasins. Erosion is severe in many face—and the opportunities forexpo- places in the sinkhole plain because sure to them are limited (White 1988). Forthisinvestigation, theareas selected ofthe open conduits and cultivation The contamination potential is espe- formonitoringwerethe CollierSpring practices.We hypothesized that the ciallyacute during flood events, when and Fogelpole Cave groundwater amount ofsediment dischargingfrom largevolumes ofwatercarryinglarge basinsandtheirdischargepoints. thesegroundwaterbasins could con- loads ofsuspended sediment that Thesegroundwaterbasinswerechosen stitute aworst-case scenario forsoil have eroded from cropland soil and becausetheirlanduse is dominatedby erosion in an intensivelycultivated agriculture (predominantlycroplands), karstarea. other sources are rapidlyflushed through karst aquifers. andtheterrainis intenselykarstified. Wehypothesizedthatthe resultsfrom Geology and Further, newsinkholes maydevelop, this investigationcould representa and existing ones mayexpand, during worst-case scenarioforthelossof Basin Hydrology and followingheavyrains.The extent appliedfertilizerN to awatershed.The Monroe County is on thewestern and effects oferosion in the sinkhole basinsweredelineatedviadye-tracing margin ofthe Illinois Basinwherebed- plain are reflected in complaints of techniques (Aleyet al. 2000) andare rockdips gentlyto the easttoward the water qualitydegradation byowners underlain, inpart, byFogelpoleCave, center ofthe basin. Here, beds ofMis- ofprivatewells in karst aquifers. abedding-plane-controlled, branch- sissippian age limestone, sandstone, Ctioomnpsloafinstusspaebnoduetdhsiegdhicmoennctenitnrwae-ll wwiotrhk-otvyepre22c.a5vek(mPa(1n4nomie)toalf.m1a9p98pae)d aInndthsehwaleestleiernatpoarrtneoafrthtehecosuurnftayc,e. watercommonlyare received bythe passages (PaulWightman, personal where calcite-rich limestone beds lie Monroe-Randolph Bi-CountyHealth communication 1997), andwhat at ornearland surface, karstification Department inWaterloo, Illinois, fol- appearstobe anequallylongbutinac- is adominant process.This region lowing intense rainfall and related cessiblecave (Panno etal. 1998a,Aleyet is referred to as the sinkhole plain floodingevents (J. Bade, personal al. 2000). Drainagefromthebasins exits because ofits high densityofsink- communication 1994). Much ofthe throughtwo springs (CollierandIndian holes.Approximately 10,000 sinkholes, suspended sediment in floodwaters Hole) thatformtheheadwatersofthe numerous large springs, and the lon- ofthe sinkhole plain results from SouthForkofHorseCreek (locallyand gest caves in the state are found here erosion oftopsoil and surficial depos- hereinreferredto as SouthForkCreek) (Panno 1996). Glacial drift and other its (predominantlyglacial till), which, (fig. 1).Amonitoringsitewaslocated materials that overlie the bedrockin in this agricultural region, could con- 2.4 km (1.5 mi) downstreamfromthe the upland areas ofMonroe County tain adsorbed pesticides. Desorption two springs alongSouth ForkCreek. are relativelythin (typicallyless than ofpesticides during sediment trans- Thestreamdrains into HorseCreek, 15 m (50 ft)), and bedrockexposures port orfollowing deposition could which, inturn, drainsinto the Kas- are common (Piskin and Bergstrom cause elevated concentrations of kaskiaRiver, whichdischargesto the 1975).The upland area (about two- agrichemicals in surface streams. Mississippi River.Abridge spanning thirds ofMonroe County) is, forthe Pinavnensotiegtatael.d(t1h9e94p,ro19b9l6e)msiniatsisaollcyiated SofouotuhrFmoornkitCorreienkgweafsfortth.esiteofmuch mcioaslttilplaartn,dc/oovrerreesdiwdiutuhmItlhlaitnoiisanovgelra-- with groundwatercontamination in lain bya layerofloess (windblown the karst regions ofsouthwestern Illi- Objectives silt). Loess and till are easilyeroded and form steep-sided sinkholes and 3nMo0oinsd.romoGeersoatuinncddwwReaaltnledsroalsnpadhmp1C0loeusspnrtfiirneogsmswioenvreer Tgahteiopnriwmaasrtyoodbejetcetrimvienoeftthheismiansvessti- assosnoc1i9a96t)e.d gullies (Hansel and John- loadingofselected agrichemicals and found to contain large concentrations Environmental Geology 56 Illinois State Geological Survey 1 The chemical composition ofground- in this area (Panno andWeibel 1999). and Collier. FurtherworkbyAleyet — waterand surfacewaterin the Fogelpole Cave— the longest known al. (2000) refined thebasin boundaries sinkhole plain (wells, cave streams, cave in Illinois lies on the northeast through the use oftracerdyes.The springs, and surface streams) is char- limb oftheValmeyerAnticline, and its refined basin boundaries showed that acterized as a Ca^^-HCO^'-type water, directional trend parallels the axis of the CollierSpringgroundwaterbasin which istypical ofwaters in contact the anticline. lies, in part, to the south ofthe Fogel- with limestone (Panno et al. 1996).The pole groundwaterbasin and that the majorityofcaves and sinkholes in the Panno andWeibel (1999) mapped two groundwaterbasins had ashared the approximate boundaries ofthe sinkhole plain occurinthe calcite-rich, recharge area (fig. 1). Mississippian age Ste. Genevieve and groundwaterbasins ofthe fourlargest St. Louis Limestones and in the overly- knowm cave systems in the sinkhole Methods ingsediments, respectively (Panno et plain usingsinkhole distribution, water table elevation, and bedrocktopogra- talh.e1s9t9u7ad)y.aSrterauicntucrleusdeinthtehenovirctihnwietsyto-f phy.This initial mappingshowed that Groundwater Basins southeast-trendingValmeyerAnticline the boundaries ofthe two groundwater The studyarea consists oftwo ground- and Monroe CitySyncline (Weller basins discussed herein lie parallel to waterbasins: (1) the Fogelpole Cave andWeller 1939, Nelson 1995). These and just to the northeast oftheaxis groundwaterbasin that isdrainedby structures and local bedrocktopog- oftheValmeyerAnticline. Both basins FogelpoleCave, which, in turn, feeds raphyplayed major roles in the for- are boundedon the northeast bythe Indian Hole Spring, and (2) the Collier mation ofFogelpoleCave, the Fogel- Illinois Caverns and Kruegers Dry Run Springgroundwaterbasin is drained pole Cave groundwaterbasin, adjacent Cavegroundwaterbasins, lie within bya separate conduit system, which, large caves and theirgroundwater the Horse CreekWatershed, and termi- in turn, feeds CollierSpring (Panno et basins, and associated karstterrane nateattwo largesprings, Indian Hole al. 1998a,Aleyetal. 2000).Thetwo / T10W|T9W MISSOURI ,' ILLINOIS A / 1 cSSi• \\ ^v •^ Nii 1) R3S R4S \ "^o > __ "^A r \ '^ ' »\kX^^Indian Hole \;\v^-^ Spring 1 1 21 mi 1 ^~/%A' - xy, Bridge 3km / Collier V (^ Spring % KCx1 Sharedrechargearea V/ IH Surfacedrainage 1 CHICAGO k 8km 1 I I I I I I I I Sinkholeareas I I Figure 1 Karst terrane of southwestern Illinois' sinkhole plain (left) showing sinkhole areas, sinkhole density, and location ofthe Collier Spring and Fogelpole Cave groundwater basins.The boundaries ofthe groundwater basin, sampling sites, and line ofcross-section A-A' (fig. 9) are shown on the right (modified from Panno et al. 1999, Aley et al. 2000). linois State Ceological Survey Environmental Ceology 56 1 basins have mostlydistinct drainage Table 1 The drainage areas ofthe Fogelpole Cave and Collier Spring groundwater areas and relativelysmall areaswith basins as determined from maps by Aley et al. (2000) and using GIS techniques. shared drainage (Aleyat al. 2000; fig. 1, Area ofeach drainage^ Total area table 1). Groundwater basin (km^) (mi2) (km2) (mi2) The areasofthetwo groundwater basins aresimilar, and land use ispre- Fogelpole Cave (PC) 16.9 6.52 17.82 6.87 dominantlyagriculture.Thetotal area Collier Spring (CS) 19.2 7.41 19.92 7.68 Shared (PC and CS) 1.44 0.56 forthetwo groundwaterbasinsthat feed the stream is37.7km^ (14.6 Shared (PC and IC^)^ 0.27 0.10 Total area of basins 37.7 14.6 37.7 14.6 mi^).Additional drainageareato the stream (the areadrainedbetweenthe Surface drainage 10.9 4.2 10.95 4.2 springs andthe bridge) mustbe consid- Total area of study 48.6 18.8 eredwhen interpretingdatafromwater ^Area ofeach drainage is the area that constitutes a single groundwater basin, component samples collectedatthebridge, which ofthat basin, or separate surface drainage; total area is the area that constitutes a single lies2.4km (1.5 mi) downstreamfrom groundwater basin plus any areas that make up two or more groundwater basins (over- thesprings.Thatareaisapproximately lapping basinal areas) and surface drainage between the springs and the bridge. 10.9 km^ (4.2 mi^) and increasesthe ^Includes shared areas ofdifferent groundwater basins. One halfofeach shared basin was totalareato 48.6km^ (18.8mi^). added to the FC and CS groundwater basins. Detailedexaminationofthelandusein ^IC, Illinois Caverns groundwater basin. thebasinsshowsthatit is dominated "Because the area is shared by Illinois Caverns, only halfofthis area was used to calculate byrowcropsand grasslands (table2). total area. Crops includemilo, alfalfa, soybeans, ^Includes the area ofsurface drainage between the springs and the bridge. wheat, corn, andbarley. Herbicides, ptyrpeidcoalmliynaarnetalpypaltireadziinneAparnidlaalnadchMlaory,; 103 cm (41 in) (J. Angel, State Clima- tions, discharge measurements at the tologist, personal communications). bridgewere as high as 44,000 L/s the application oftheherbicideala- Thus, the period duringwhich we (700,000 gpm) (fig. 2; tableAl). Dis- chlorhasdecreased significantlysince conducted our investigation had aver- charge and stage data (fig. 3) were theinitiationofthisinvestigation, and age precipitation and should have fitted to apolynomial equation, which its useisbeingphasedout. Nitrogen yielded representative loadings of yielded the followingrelationship: fertilizeris appliedonceortwiceper agrichemicals in the springs and year, usuallyinthespringandfall Q = 43.86(stage) + 0.4088(stage). stream, aswell as erosion rates. (Panno etal. 1996). Potassiumand (1) phosphatefertilizersare applied as Bridge Site South ForkCreekis fed needed (R Kremmell, U.S. Department byCollierand Indian Hole Springs. where Qis discharge inthousands of ofAgriculture [USDA], personalcom- However, duringflooding, overland literspersecond, and stage is given in munication 1998). flowbetween the springs and the centimeters (r^= 0.99). Stage measure- bridge enters South ForkCreekvia ments atthebridge sitewereconverted The average precipitationforthe ephemeral streams that onlyflow to discharge measurementsusingthis study area, measured at Red Bud, Illi- during and immediatelyfollowing ratingcurve (fig. 3). nois (located about 10 km [6.2 mi] majorrainfall events. Discharge at the east ofthe studyarea), was 107 cm (42 bridgewas determined to be about Indian Hole Spring Indian Hole in) for 1990-2000. The average pre- 125 L/s (2,000 gpm) underbase flow Spring drains the Fogelpole Cave cipitation during 1996 to 1998 was conditions. Under high flowcondi- groundwaterbasin. The spring is a rel- iable 2 Land use in the Collier Spring and Fogelpole Cave groundwater (GW) basins and the total area ofthose groundwater basins plus the area drained between the springs and the South Fork Creek bridge.^ GW Total area basins Land use categories (ha) (acres) (%) (ha) (acres) (%) Row Crops^ 1,214 3,000 25.0 1,214 3,000 32.2 Forest/Woodlands 1,794 4,433 36.9 1,059 2,617 28.1 Grasslands (e.g., pasture) 1,127 2,785 23.2 814 2,011 21.6 Small Grains 589 1,455 12.1 589 1,455 15.6 Wetlands and Water 115 284 2.36 73.3 181 2.0 Urban Build-up (e.g., pavement) 22.5 55.6 0.46 19.1 47.2 0.5 Total 4,862 12,014 100 3,768 9,311 100 'Land use is based on a database developed by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (1996) and the Illinois Natural History Survey (2000).The database described the land use in 1996 and 1997, and there were no major changes to land use during this investigation. ^Corn and soybeans (row crops) usually are rotated annually. Acreage was assumed to contain 50% corn and 50% soybeans each year. Environmental Geology 1 56 linois State Geological Survey

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