WATER RESOURCESRESEARCH, VOL.40,W07S05,doi:10.1029/2003WR002205, 2004 Water pricing: Analysis of differential impacts on heterogeneous farmers Jose´ A. Go´mez-Limo´n Fundacio´nCentrodeEstudiosAndaluces(centrA:)andDepartmentofAgriculturalEconomics,ETSIIAAPalencia, UniversityofValladolid,Palencia,Spain Laura Riesgo Fundacio´nCentrodeEstudiosAndaluces(centrA:)andDepartmentofEconomics,UniversityofPablodeOlavide,Seville, Spain Received27March2003;revised8August2003;accepted12September2003;published5June2004. [1] EuropeanwaterpolicyrequiresallEUMemberStates toimplementvolumetric water pricingatratesthatroughlycoverthetotalcostsofprovidingwaterservices.Theobjective of this paper is to develop a methodology that will enable us to analyze the differential impact that a water pricing policy for irrigation would have on heterogeneous farmers of an irrigated area. For this purpose, multiattribute utility theory (MAUT) mathematical programming models were used. The methodology is implemented on a representative area in the Duero Valley in Spain. Our results show the usefulness of differential analysis in evaluating the impact of a water pricing policy. From them we observe significant differences in the evolution of agricultural incomes and estimate the cost recovery by the state, the demand for farm labor, and the consumption of agrochemicals resulting from the rise in water price between the various groups of farmers established within the analyzed irrigated area. INDEXTERMS:6314 PolicySciences:Demand estimation; 3210 Mathematical Geophysics:Modeling;6324PolicySciences: Legislationandregulations;6334Policy Sciences:Regional planning;KEYWORDS:water pricing,irrigation water,Water Framework Directive, multicriteria programming,cluster analysis Citation: Go´mez-Limo´n,J.A., andL.Riesgo(2004),Water pricing:Analysis ofdifferentialimpacts on heterogeneousfarmers, Water Resour.Res., 40, W07S05,doi:10.1029/2003WR002205. 1. Introduction and Objectives action in the field of water policy (the Water Framework Directive,or WFD).Thereisnodoubt thatoneof the most [2] The constantly rising demand for water in Spain divisivetopicsofthisdirectiveisthearticlerelatedtowater clearly demonstrates the growing relative shortage of this pricing(article9),thathasbeenproposedasthemainpolicy resource.Thishasmotivatedanintensivepolemicaboutthe for dealing with demand for water within the EU. efficiency of use of this natural good by irrigated farms, which utilize 80% of the national water consumption [4] The European WFD establishes the convenience of using water pricing as the economic instrument to achieve [MinisteriodeMedioAmbiente,1998].Theapparentlypoor theproposedenvironmentalobjectives.Inthissense,article managementofwaterinSpanishirrigatedareas(largelosses 9 establishes that ‘‘Member States shall take account of the of water and its application to surplus crops, with low principleofrecoveryofthecostsofwaterservices,including profitability and low labor demand) has served as an environmental and resource costs.’’ Nevertheless, the nor- argument for the implementation of demand water policies mative adds that ‘‘Member States may in doing so have as an indispensable solution to this problem. Such demand regardstothesocial,environmentalandeconomiceffectsof policies consist in the main of the public reallocation of the recovery as well as the geographic and climatic con- water resources, water pricing, the promotion of infrastruc- ditions of the region or regions affected.’’ This final text of ture improvements and the introduction of water markets thearticlerelatedtowaterpricingismuchlesstoughthanthe [Chakravorty and Zilberman, 2000; Dinar et al., 1997; oneproposed inthe firstdrafts ofthe WFD,whichpursued Easter and Hearne, 1995; Sumpsi et al., 1998]. thecompulsoryimplementationofthewaterfullcostrecov- [3] The water economy has matured not only in Spain, ery (FCR) principle. In fact, the approved article only but also in other Member States of the European Union requirestheintroductionbefore2010ofthenecessarywater (EU).ThissituationhascausedEUinstitutions todecideto pricing measures in order to ‘‘provide adequate incentives developacommonpolicyinthefieldofwatermanagement. for users to use water resources efficiently, and thereby Oneresultofthisinteresthasbeentherecentapprovalofthe contributetotheenvironmentalobjectivesofthisDirective.’’ Directive 2000/60/CE of the European Parliament and of theCouncil,whichestablishedaframeworkforCommunity [5] Although water pricing established by the European WFD is basically due to environmental demands, the reasoning on which this instrument is based is purely economic.Inthissense,farmersinirrigatedareas,according Copyright2004bytheAmericanGeophysicalUnion. 0043-1397/04/2003WR002205$09.00 toeconomictheory,wouldrespondtotheintroductionof(or W07S05 1 of 12 W07S05 GO´MEZ-LIMO´NAND RIESGO: IRRIGATION WATERPRICING, DIFFERENTIAL IMPACTS W07S05 an increase in) water prices by reducing their consumption, objectivefunctionisalwaysupwardlybiasedandthevalues inaccordancewithanegativelyslopeddemandcurve.Inthis obtained for decision variables tend to be unachievable in way the water savings obtained would be redistributed real life [Hazell and Norton, 1986, p. 145]. among other uses such as productive or environmental [11] This aggregation bias can only be avoided if the purposes (ecological flows in rivers, etc.), according to the farms included in the models fulfill strict criteria regarding preferencesofsociety.Suchareallocationofwaterresources homogeneity [Day, 1963]: technological homogeneity would improvethe efficiency of their use. (same possibilities of production, same type of resources, [6] However, this set of assumptions, made from the same technological level and same management capacity), point of view of neoclassical economic theory, has been pecuniary proportionality (proportional profit expectations disputedbyvariousauthors,whohavestudiedtheimpactof for each crop) and institutional proportionality (availability water pricing on specific irrigated areas. In the case of of resources to the individual farm proportional to average Spain, we may mention the works of Varela-Ortega et al. availability). [1998], Go´mez-Limo´n and Berbel [1999], and Feijoo´ et [12] The case studied here is an irrigated area of about al. [2000]. These studies have all demonstrated that water 1902 has (community of irrigators of Virgen del Aviso pricingwouldnotstimulatethedesiredchangesinwateruse channel). This is a small area that can be regarded as fairly (reduced consumption and reallocation of the water saved), homogeneous in terms of soil quality and climate, and due to the low elasticity of demand for irrigation water. where the same range of crops can be cultivated and have Furthermore, the implementation of this economic instru- similar yields. Furthermore, the whole set of farms that are mentwouldproducecollateraleffects,suchasadecreasein integrated in this agricultural system operates the same agricultural income and a reduction in the demand for technology at a similar level of mechanization. Given agricultural labor. These conclusions could be generalized these conditions, it can be assumed that the requirements to other countries and regions, both within and outside the regardingtechnologicalhomogeneityandpecuniarypropor- EU, where irrigated agriculture is a strategic sector in rural tionality are basically fulfilled. areas. The above comments show the importance of water [13] Inviewoftheexistenceofefficientcapitalandlabor pricing policies for the future of irrigation since, presum- markets, the constraints included in modeling this system ably, they would have a negative influence on its compet- have been limited to the agronomic requirements (crop itivenessandthusforthefutureoftheruralareasinwhichit rotations) and the restrictions imposed by the Common is employed. Agricultural Policy (set aside land and sugar beet quotas) [7] This study tries to establish a methodology for the that are similar for all farms. The requirement of institu- analysis of the potential impact of the implementation of tional proportionality may thus also be regarded as having waterpricingonirrigatedagriculture,studyingitseconomic, been met. social and environmental effects. For this purpose, we [14] Wecanthusseethatagriculturalsystemsofthiskind carried out a simulation technique based on mathematical can be modeled by means of a unique linear program with programming under the multicriteria decision making relatively small problems of aggregation bias. For this (MCDM) paradigm. The methodological proposal outlined reason a good number of studies with similar units of here is also based on a careful classification (aggregation) analysis have been based on this kind of aggregate model of farmers, in order to enable the differential impacts of [e.g., Bernard et al., 1988; Chaudhry and Young, 1989; water pricing by farm types (homogeneous groups of KulshreshthaandTewari,1991;Varela-Ortegaetal.,1998; farmers) to be analyzed. Berbel and Go´mez-Limo´n, 1999]. [8] Finally, the study attempts to apply the proposed [15] However,itisessentialtonotethattherequirements methodology to a particular irrigated area (community of discussed above are outlined from the point of view of irrigatorsofVirgendelAvisochannel,Spain),analyzingthe neoclassical economic theory, which assumes that the sole impact of the hypothetical implementation of recovery of criterion on which decisions are based is profit maximiza- costs water pricing proposed by the WFD on each of these tion. If a multicriteria perspective is being considered, an groups of farmers. additional homogeneity requirement emerges in order to avoid aggregation bias; namely, homogeneity related to choice criteria. This kind of similarity has been implicitly 2. Methodology assumed in studies based on a unique multicriteria model 2.1. Key Elements forthewholesetoffarmersintheareabeinganalyzed[e.g., [9] Beforetheproposedmethodologycanbediscussed,a Go´mez-Limo´n and Berbel, 1999]. brief presentation of the elements on which it is based is [16] Nevertheless, the experience that has been accumu- required:i.e.,theclassification(aggregation)offarmersinto latedinthisfieldleadsustosuspectthatthedecisioncriteria homogeneous groups and the scenarios proposed for the offarmerhomogeneitydonotreflectthenormalsituationin WFD implementation. real agricultural systems. This suspicion, as will be com- 2.1.1. Aggregation Bias and Cluster Analysis mented, has been confirmed by a survey of the area [10] Modelingagriculturalsystemsatanylevelotherthan analyzed. In fact, the decision criteria are primarily based that of the individual farm implies problems of aggregation on psychological characteristics of the decision makers, bias. In fact, the introduction of a set of farms in a unique which differsignificantlyfromfarmertofarmer.According programmingmodeloverestimatesthemobilityofresources tothisperspective,thedifferencesindecisionmaking(crop among the production units, allowing combinations of mix) among farmers in the same production area must be resources that are not possible in the real world. The final primarily due to differences in their objective functions result of these models is that the value obtained for the (in which the weightings given to different criteria are 2of 12 W07S05 GO´MEZ-LIMO´NAND RIESGO: IRRIGATIONWATERPRICING, DIFFERENTIAL IMPACTS W07S05 condensed), rather than other differences related to the [22] Foramoreconcretedefinitionoftheclusteranalysis profits of economic activities or disparities in resources performed in this research, we may also note that the requirements or endowments. classification of farmers was done by considering the [17] In order to avoid aggregation bias resulting from following parameters: (1) measurement of distances, chi- lumping together farmers with significantly differentobjec- square distance among actual crop mixes, expressed in tive functions, a classification of all farmers into homoge- percentages, and (2) aggregation criterion, Ward’s method neous groups with similar decision-making behavior (minimum variance). For more detailed information about (objective functions) is required. For this issue we have thisstatisticaltechnique,seeChatfieldandCollins[1980]or takentheworkofBerbelandRodr´ıguez[1998]asastarting Hair et al. [1998]. point.Theseauthorsnotedthatforthistypeofclassification 2.1.2. ImplementationoftheWFD:ScenarioProposals themostefficientmethodisclusteranalysis,takingfarmers’ [23] Alike in many countries, Spanish irrigation water real decision-making vectors (actual crop mix) as the users currently pay to the State a price that only partially classification criterion. reflects the cost of providing water. In fact, only the [18] The term ‘‘cluster analysis’’ embraces a loosely operationalandmanagementcostsarecoveredbythistariff. structured body of algorithms, which are used in the The remaining financial costs (i.e., capital depreciation) are exploration of data from the measurement of a number of met by the national budget and form a hidden subsidy to characteristics for a collection of individuals. Cluster anal- users, especially in the agricultural sector. ysis is concerned with the discovery of the groups. The [24] The first practical problem that we encountered in word ‘‘cluster’’ or ‘‘group’’ should be interpreted as a establishingappropriatescenariosisthelackofinformation collection of ‘‘similar’’ objects. In our case, the collection regarding the real cost of irrigation water that should be of individuals is the farmers operating in a particular used by each member state to implement the WFD. As far irrigated area. asSpainisconcerned,onlyafewstudieshavebeencarried [19] In order to obtain homogeneous groups with similar out, giving results that range from 0.01 to 0.11 ¼C/m3. decision-making behavior, the cluster analysis should be Probably the most reliable analysis is that of Escart´ın and performed using the relative importance of the different Santafe´ [1999]whichestimatesthefinancialwatercostsfor management criteria regarded by farmers as classification irrigation of different Spanish basins. For the Duero basin variables.Unfortunately,asshownbyBerbelandRodr´ıguez (where the area under analysis is included), the estimated [1998],thesedata,obtainedthroughverbalquestioning,only total cost for irrigated water was 0.041¼C/m3. poorly represent the real weightings that are taken into [25] We therefore selected three water-pricing scenarios account by farmers. This may be because management for our case study. First is ‘‘medium’’ price. Considering criteria are not well understood by farmers. Deffontaines Escart´ınandSantafe´ estimate,apriceof0.04 ¼C/m3maybe and Petit [1985] agree with these authors when they claim regardedasa‘‘fair’’valueforcostrecovery,whichwouldat thatfarmers’criteriaarebetterobservedbyindirectmethods leastcoverthefinancialcosts.Secondis‘‘subsidized’’price. thanbydirectquestioning.Thusthesampleoffarmersneeds Thisconsidersapriceof0.02 ¼C/m3.Thispricewillnotbe tobegroupedaccordingtovariablesthatcanberegardedas capable, in any case, of recovering total costs, but might at proxies of the relative importance of management criteria. least serve as an economic instrument to encourage a more [20] As pointed out above, we can assume that in a efficient resource use. Third is ‘‘FCR’’ price. A price of homogeneous area the differences in the crop mix among 0.06 ¼C/m3 would be a tough application of full cost farmers are mainly caused by their different management recovery principle, including a provision for environmental criteria (utility functions) rather than by other constraints costs. This tariff has been estimated assuming that the such as land quality, capital, labor or water availability. environmental costs account for 50% of the financial costs. Thus the surface (in percentage) devoted to the different Yetwestressthehypotheticalconsiderationofthisscenario crops (proxies of the real criteria) can be used as classifi- since a more precise tariff would imply a more detailed cation variables to group farmers using the cluster tech- study, far beyond the scope of this study. nique, as required for our purposes. 2.2. Methodology Outline [21] In this sense, it is also important to note that the homogeneous groups obtained in this way can be regarded [26] Onthebasisofthekeyelementsidentifiedabove,the as‘‘fixed’’inthemediumandlongrun.Asnotedabove,the methodology adopted by this study can be graphically decision criteria are based on psychological features of the displayed as in Figure 1. According to this plan, the decision makers, which is why they may be regarded as proposed methodology can be divided into four principal producers’ structural characteristics. In fact, these psycho- stages, as outlined below. logicalfeatures,andthusthecriteria,areunlikelytochange [27] The first stage differentiates among the different in the near future. This means that the selection variables groups of irrigators to be analyzed. These groups, as has chosen allow farmers to be grouped into clusters irrespec- beenobserved,shouldbesufficientlyhomogeneousintheir tive of any change in the policy framework (i.e., water decision-making behavior (weighting of the objectives pricing). In other words, once the homogeneous groups of considered) to allow aggregate models to be constructed producers have been defined for actual data (crop mix), we and resolved without unwanted bias. This classification of can assume that all elements inside each group will behave farmers was performed by the cluster analysis referred to inaparticularwaywhenthepolicyvariableschange;thatis, above. crop mix decisions will bemodified in asimilar fashion by [28] Once homogeneous groups of farmers have been all farmers within a cluster, although such modifications defined, the second stage builds the mathematical models. would differ among the individual groups defined. For each cluster a different multicriteria model was devel- 3of 12 W07S05 GO´MEZ-LIMO´NAND RIESGO: IRRIGATION WATERPRICING, DIFFERENTIAL IMPACTS W07S05 Figure 1. Research methodology. oped, in order to allow independent simulations based on characteristics of the farms (climate, soil fertility, market the decision-making behavior of the various groups of limits, European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) farmers to be run. For this purpose, the basic elements of requirements, etc.), that are basically identical for all of any mathematical model; i.e., decision variables, objective them. Only slight differences have been fixed by clusters function and set of constraints, have to be outlined. Thus, according to the data obtained in the survey; these are while the choice of crop areas as a decision variable does mainly related to farm type area and sugar beet quotas. notcauseanyproblem(observingcropdiversityinthearea [32] Thethirdstageofthestudyperformsthesimulations. studied is sufficient), the objective function and constraints Thus departing from the WFD implementation scenarios require more detailed analysis. already explained, the decisions taken, i.e., crop mixes and [29] The classification criterion used in the cluster anal- irrigation technologies, by the clusters of irrigators were ysis allows us to assume that all the farmers in the various obtained in the different cases. groupsarehomogeneousinthewayinwhichtheyconsider [33] From the crop mixes obtained in the model simu- the objectives that they wish to achieve. In other words, a lationswe analyze certain attributes tomeasure the impacts unique utility function as an objective function in their of the policy instrument. These are indicators relevant to decision making can characterize the set of farmers that policy makers from an economic (farmers’ income and the makes up each cluster. The estimate of this utility function state’s recovery of costs), social (direct employment gener- for each cluster will be made using the multicriteria proce- ated in the agricultural sector) and environmental (water dure that is described in section 2.3. consumption and fertilizer consumption) point of view. [30] Estimates of the respective utility functions were The calculation of these attributes and the analysis of obtained by models fed with data gathered for the current the efficiency of the economic instrument (water pricing) situation(highlysubsidizedwaterpriceperunitofirrigated proposed will be the core of the fourth stage of our surface).Hereitisimportanttonotethatweassumethatthe methodology. utility functions obtained at this point can be regarded as a structuralfeatureofeachcluster.Astheseobjectiveweight- 2.3. Multicriteria Programming Approach ings are the result of the farmers’ own attitudes, it is [34] As opposed to the neoclassical approach, we have reasonable to assume that they will remain constant in the assumedthatnotonlyprofitdeterminestheleveloffarmer’s mediumandlongrun.Thisassumptionisakeypointofthe utility, but that other attributes such as risk, leisure time, methodology, since the estimated utility functions are as- management complexity, etc., are also involved in farmers’ sumed to be those that the farmers in each cluster will decision making. For discussions of MCDM techniques in attempttomaximizeinthefuture,foranyscenariothatthey agriculture, see Anderson et al. [1977], Hazell and Norton will need to face. [1986], and Romero and Rehman [1989]. [31] With regard to the constraints that need to be [35] Takinginto accountthe evidenceabouthowfarmers satisfied in the decision-making process, it is worth taketheirdecisionswhiletryingtosimultaneouslyoptimize mentioning that these are mainly due to the structural a range of conflicting objectives, we have proposed multi- 4of 12 W07S05 GO´MEZ-LIMO´NAND RIESGO: IRRIGATIONWATERPRICING, DIFFERENTIAL IMPACTS W07S05 attribute utility theory (MAUT) as the theoretical frame- [41] This formulation implies linear utility-indifferent work for the MCDM programming modeling technique to curves, a rather strong assumption that can be regarded as be implemented. MAUT, particularly developed by Keeney a close enough approximation if the attributes vary within and Raiffa [1976], has often been argued to have the a narrow range [Edwards, 1977; Hardaker et al., 1997, soundest theoretical structure of all multicriteria techniques p. 165]. We therefore adopt this simplification in the [Ballestero and Romero, 1998]. At the same time, from a elicitation of the additive utility function. practicalpointofview,theelicitationofutilityfunctionshas [42] Finally, it is worth mentioning that furthermore the presentedmanydifficulties.Inthispaper,wehavefollowed theoreticaladvantagesofthisapproachexplainedabove,the a methodology that tries to overcome these limitations additive linear utility specification used in this paper has assuming some reasonable simplifications. beenchosenbasedoncomparisonwithotherspecifications, [36] The aim of MAUT is to reduce a decision problem as explained by Arriaza and Go´mez-Limo´n [2003]. with multiple criteria to a cardinal function that ranks 2.4. MAUF Elicitation Technique alternativesaccordingtoasinglecriterion.Thustheutilities of n attributes from different alternatives are captured in a [43] Havingagreedtouseadditivelinearutilityfunctions, quantitative way via a utility function, mathematically, U = the ability to simulate real decision makers’ preferences is U(x , x , ..., x ), where U is the multiattribute utility basedonestimatingrelativeweightings.Wehaveselecteda 1 2 n function (MAUF) and x are the attributes regarded by the methodology that avoids the necessity of an interacting i decision maker as relevant in the decision-making process. process with farmers, and in which the utility function is [37] If the attributes are mutually utility-independent the elicited on the basis of the revealed preferences implicit in formulation becomes separable: U = f{u (x ), u (x ), ..., the real values of decision variables (i.e., the actual crop 1 1 2 2 u (x )}. In modeling the agricultural sector, among the mix). The methodology adopted for the estimation of the n n family of separable utility functions, additive functions additive MAUFs is based on the technique proposed by has often been adopted. This study has also opted to Sumpsietal.[1997]andextendedbyAmadoretal.[1998]. follow this approach, and bases its analysis on mathe- It is based upon weighted goal programming and has matical models using an additive MAUF as the objective previously been used by Berbel and Rodr´ıguez [1998], function. These MAUFs take the following mathematical Go´mez-Limo´n and Berbel [1999], Arriaza et al. [2002], form: and Go´mez-Limo´n et al. [2002]. [44] In order to avoid unnecessary repetition, we refer to n thepapersmentionedabovefordetailsofallaspectsofthis X (cid:2) (cid:3) Uj¼ wiui rj ; i¼1;...;m ð1Þ multicriteriatechnique.Herewewishonlytopoint outthat i¼1 the results obtained by this technique are the determination of the weighting of objectives (w) that imply utility i whereU istheutilityvalueofalternativej,w istheweight functions that are capable of reproducingfarmers’ behavior j i ofattributeiandu(r)isthevalueoftheadditiveutilitydue as actually observed. As Dyer [1977] demonstrated, the i j to attribute i for the alternative j. weightsobtainedareconsistentwiththefollowingseparable [38] Considering an additive MAUF, alternatives are and additive utility functions: ranked by adding contributions from each attribute. Since aizttartiibounteissraerqeumireedastuoreednainbletetrhmesmotfodbifefeardednetdu.nTithse, nwoerimghatl-- U ¼Xq wkifiðxÞ ð3Þ ing of each attribute expresses its relative importance. i¼1 i [39] Although the additive utility function represents a where k is a normalizing factor. simplification of the true utility function, the mathemat- i [45] Precisely because this utility surrogate needs to ical form, Edwards [1977], Farmer [1987], Huirne and fulfill the requirements of being an additive MAUFs, it Hardaker [1998], and Amador et al. [1998] have shown must range between 0 and 1. For this reason, the following thattheadditivefunctionyieldsextremelycloseapproxima- equivalent MAUF expression is used: tions to the hypothetical true function even when the con- ditions of utility independence are not satisfied [Fishburn, 1982; Hardaker et al., 1997]. As Hwang and Yoon [1981, U ¼Xn w fiðxÞ(cid:4)fi* ð4Þ p. 103] point out, ‘‘theory, simulation computations, and i¼1 j fi*(cid:4)fi* experience all suggest that the additive method yields ex- tremelycloseapproximationstoverymuchmorecomplicat- Thenormalizingfactorin(4)isthusthedifferencebetween ed nonlinear forms, while remaining far easier to use and themaximum(f*)andminimum(f )valuesforobjectivei i i* understand.’’ in the payoff matrix developed for the criteria considered. [40] Having justified the use of the additive utility func- [46] The proposed method thus provides utility functions tion,wetakethefurtherstepofassumingthattheindividual that can be used as an instrument to simulate the observed attribute utility functions are linear. Hence the expression behavioroffarmers. In thisconnection itis worthmention- (1) becomes its simplest mathematical form: ing that this technique was used several times, once for every cluster defined, in order to obtain the characteristic MAUF of each of them. n X U ¼ wr ; i¼1;...;m ð2Þ j i ij 2.5. Scenario Simulations i¼1 [47] Inordertosimulatethevarious pricingscenarioswe where r is the value of attribute i for alternative j. decidedto estimate different water demand functions in the ij 5of 12 W07S05 GO´MEZ-LIMO´NAND RIESGO: IRRIGATION WATERPRICING, DIFFERENTIAL IMPACTS W07S05 case study area; one for each cluster. This enables us to water) and the values of other attributes of interest to the analyze the impact of the tariffs being considered as analyst, as is demonstrated in section 2.6. scenarios for the implementation of the WFD for each 2.6. Policy Makers’ Attributes group of farmers. [48] The demand curves are the result of the irrigators’ [54] Theattributesarevaluesofinteresttotheanalystthat production adjustments in the face of rising water prices. are deduced from the vectors of decision variables (crop In order to account for the new scenarios, the simulation plans) chosen by the agricultural producers. The models models included the following new alternatives: (1) sub- were developed in order to obtain, at the same time as the stitution of water-intensive crops by others with less need cropplan,thevaluesreachedbythedifferentattributes that for water, (2) cessation of irrigation and introduction of are of interest to policy makers. Nevertheless, it should be rain-fed crops, and (3) introduction of new irrigation noted that these attributes are not relevant to the farmers’ technologies. decision-making process, but are merely outputs of the [49] Although the implementation of water stressing models that were not utilized as criteria in the objective (deficit irrigation) is in theory one way of dealing with functions. higherwatertariffs,ithasnotbeenconsideredsinceitisnot [55] The policy makers’ attributes considered here at- a real alternative for farmers, as was shown by the survey. tempt to analyze the kind of impacts that implementation So,whenthepriceofirrigationwaterisraised,farmerswill of the WFD might have on irrigated areas: (1) First is opt for less water-intensive or simply rain-fed crops in economic impact, which is measured in our model by the preference to implementing deficit irrigation. Identical gross margin (farm revenue estimator) and by the public responses have been found in other empirical studies sectorrevenuederivedfromirrigationwaterpayments,both [Sunding et al., 1997; Schuck and Green, 2001]. This attributes measured in¼C/ha. (2) Second is social impact. behavior is mainly the result of the low elasticity of Agriculture is the main source of employment in most irrigation water production functions [Nieswiadomy, 1988; irrigated areas in continental Spain. This means that any Ogg and Gollehon, 1989]. change in irrigation water pricing policy could affect the [50] In sum, the presented simulations are based on social structure of these regions. This phenomenon can be ‘‘static long-run analysis’’, this is, models that estimate evaluatedviathelabordemandattribute,whichismeasured farmers’ decision making after the adjustment strategies in labor day per ha. (3) Last is environmental impact. have been implemented. Considering that introduction Estimated water consumption is one of the attributes that of new irrigation technologies could take some years, policy makers try to control. Its incorporation as a relevant our predictions would apply to a time period of 3– attribute is of interest in analyzing the amount of water 5 years. savedinagricultureasaresultoftheimplementation ofthe [51] Furthermore, this simulation exercise assumes that WFD.Anotherenvironmentaleffectofgrowingrelevanceis the only changing variable is water price. Therefore any the nonpoint source pollution caused by the use of agro- other policy (i.e., Common Agricultural Policy: subsidies, chemicals in agriculture. Because of this, the nitrogen agricultural prices, etc.) or key factor (farming costs, tech- balance (nitrogen applications minus nitrogen withdrawals, nological availability, etc.) are considered the same in our measured in kg of nitrogen per ha) can also be regarded as future scenario. an indicator of the environmental impact of agricultural [52] Generating demand curves in accordance with the activitiesthatcouldbemodifiedbytheWFDpricingpolicy. above considerations required corresponding simulation models to be built. These models are similar to those that 3. Case Study enabled us to obtain the payoff matrices, but they take the 3.1. Description of Area following considerations into account: (1) The objective functions (to be maximized) were the utility functions [56] The evaluation of the impact of water pricing needs obtained for each cluster. (2) New activities (crop irriga- to be developed in the context of real agricultural systems. tion technology ‘‘double’’ variables) are introduced in Thusthepracticalapplicationofthemethodologyproposed order to allow changes in the irrigation techniques and above will be based on the community of irrigators of the inclusion of rain-fed crops. (3) In the calculation of Virgen del Aviso channel in northern Spain. gross margins of each crop (GMi) the water cost generated [57] This irrigated area covers 1902 ha, on which about by the different tariffs has been included. The gross 820 irrigators are farming. The range of crops in 2000, a margins considered are thus equal to the initial gross typicalyear,includedmaize(54.8%),wintercerealssuchas margins (with zero volumetric tariff) less the amount paid wheat and barley (8.3%), alfalfa (3.5%), sugar beet (5.0%), for water (water consumption for each crop multiplied by sunflower (6.5%), set aside (16.6%), and other minor crops the tariffs) for each water price. (5.3%). [53] Once the models have been built, the method of [58] The most widely used irrigation system is gravity simulating farmers’ behavior as a reaction to the water irrigation, while sprinkler irrigation is used only for sugar pricing policy consists of parameterizing the water price, beet. The official water allotment is 8021 m3/ha per year, starting with a tariff of 0¼C/m3. This tariff was increased but on average only 4218 m3/ha per year is actually progressively, being incorporated as a variable cost for the consumed. different crops according to their respective water needs. [59] Water pricing is currently based on a fixed sum per Foreachtariffitispossibletodeterminethecropmixesthat unit of irrigated surface, like most irrigated areas in Spain. wouldprobablybeplannedbyfarmers,whichenablesusto In this case the watertariffis 139.50 ¼C/ha, equivalent to a calculate water consumption (demand curve for irrigation volumetric tariff of 0.017¼C/m3. 6of 12 W07S05 GO´MEZ-LIMO´NAND RIESGO: IRRIGATIONWATERPRICING, DIFFERENTIAL IMPACTS W07S05 Table1. Clusters of Farmers inthe Irrigated Area Virgendel Avisoa Cluster2 Cluster1 RiskDiversification Cluster3 Average CommercialFarmers Farmers ConservativeFarmers FarmerinIrrigatedArea Shareoffarmers 45.5% 24.2% 30.3% Shareofsurface 23.2% 33.4% 43.4% Averageage 47.9 44.9 47.1 46.9 Shareofincomefromagriculture 76.5% 88.1% 89.0% 83.1 Educationallevel primary,63.3%;without primary,68.8%; primary,60.0%; primary,63.6% education,23.3% secondary,25% secondary,35.0% secondary,22.7% Agriculturaltraining agriculturalcourses,86.7% agriculturalcourses,87.5%, agriculturalcourses,55.0%; agriculturalcourses,77.3% withouttraining,35.0% Agriculturalinformationsources farmers’unions,83.3% farmers’unions,93.8% farmers’unions,65.0% farmers’unions,80.3% Employees no,86.7% no,87.5% no,75.0% no,83.3% Totalsurface,ha 21.8 73.1 87.0 54.0 Irrigatedsurface,ha 19.2 51.8 53.7 37.5 Crops Wintercereals 8.7% 35.8% 42.7% 32.5% Maize 70.7% 38.3% 15.1% 35.7% Sugarbeet 7.8% 12.7% 4.1% 7.9% Sunflower 2.3% 0.6% 0.5% 0.9% Alfalfa 2.3% 4.3% 17.0% 9.3% Others 0.6% 0.6% 0% 1.0% Setaside 5.0% 7.7% 20.5% 12.6% aSource:Ownsurvey. [60] The selection of this agricultural system as the case [64] 1. Cluster 1, the first group, included the largest study is due to its specific characteristics, in that it can be percentage of farmers (45.5%) but represented the smallest regarded as an‘‘average’’ irrigated areain the Duero basin. proportion of the surface of the irrigated area (23.2%). Other practical reasons, such as the availability of good Thesefarmers,unliketheothergroups,werenotexclusively quality data, were also taken into account. engaged in agriculture. They managed small-irrigated [61] All the data required for feeding the models were farms (19.2 ha on average), mostly sown with maize obtained both from official statistics and from a survey (71%) and sugar beet (8%). These are the most lucrative developed in the irrigated area studied. This survey was crops the farmers can choose, but are also the most risky. carriedoutduring2000–2001agriculturalyearforasample Thisfeatureledustodenominatethisgroupas‘‘commercial of 66 farmers selected in a random process. farmers.’’ [62] The survey was based on a questionnaire where [65] 2. Cluster 2, the second group, had the smallest individual information (particular data for each farmer) proportion of farmers (24.2%), who farmed 33.4% of was collected focusing on the following aspects: (1) The the area under study. Its profile was characterized by first aspect is variables related with agricultural produc- farmers with large irrigated farms (51.4 ha), which they tion, such as the surfaces devoted to each crop, yields ran on a full-time basis. The crop mix mainly consisted obtained, fixed and variable costs by crop, irrigation water of maize (38%), winter cereals (36%) and sugar beet volume, and number of irrigation events for each crop, (13%). Wetherefore regardthisgroupas ‘‘risk-diversifying etc. Other variables dealing with the constraints that limit farmers.’’ the crop mix (sugar beet quotas, rotational constraints, [66] 3. Cluster 3, the third group, consisted of 30.3% of etc.) were also included. (2) The second aspect is socio- the farmers and included the largest proportion of the economic variables. Among these variables were included irrigated area (43.4%). This cluster managed large irrigated the farmer’s age, family size, educational level, total farms (53.7 ha), whose farmers had in agriculture their income (from farming and nonfarming activities), amount principal activity. Their land was mostly given over to of land owned and leased, etc. (3) The third aspect is winter cereals (43%) and sunflower (17%), which are less variables related with management criteria, as structural profitable but less risky than other crops, and to maize variables for the purpose of better understanding of the (15%). These features led us to label this group ‘‘conserva- farmer’s behavior. In this sense, farmers were asked about tive farmers.’’ their basic management criteria (profit maximization, 3.3. Multicriteria Modeling maximization of leisure, minimization of risk, etc.), in order to propose the objectives a priori taken into account [67] Each mathematical model includes a set of ‘‘decision variables’’ that controls the simulation proce- by the producers for their use in the MAUF elicitation dure and determines the feasible decision-making pro- methodology. The questionnaire and the main results of cess; e.g., the farmer himself can determine his/her crop the survey are available from the authors on request. distribution and select the most appropriate irrigation 3.2. Cluster Analysis technology. This decision making as expressed through [63] Following the cluster technique proposed in 2.1.1, the decision variables is focused in such a way as to we obtained three homogeneous groups. The characteriza- achieve the various objectives that are taken into account tion of these clusters is shown in detail in Table 1. Some by the decision maker, being limited by certain con- aspects can be outlined. straints that have to be fulfilled. These are the main 7of 12 W07S05 GO´MEZ-LIMO´NAND RIESGO: IRRIGATION WATERPRICING, DIFFERENTIAL IMPACTS W07S05 Table2. Decision Variables itisconvenienttopointoutthattheseattributesarethemost relevant ones as revealed through the questionnaire, but is Irrigation not improbable that additional attributes might be able to CropC TechniqueT VariablesC-T i j i j explaintherealbehavioroffarmersmoreaccurately.Inany Wheat(WHE) Furrow(FUR) WHE-FUR,WHE-SPR,WHE-RAF case, we consider that MAUFs, including the attributes Barley(BAR) Sprinkler(SPR) BAR-FUR,BAR-SPR,BAR-RAF proposed above, are adequate to model farmers’ decision- Maize(MAI) Rain-fed(RAF) MAI-FUR,MAI-SPR making processes (see section 4.2), giving better results Sugarbeet(SUB) SUB-SPR Sunflower(SUN) SUN-FUR,SUN-SPR,SUN-RAF than assuming profit maximization behavior through the Alfalfa(ALF) ALF-FUR,ALF-SPR,ALF-RAF classic PL and its variants. Potatoes(POT) POT-FUR,POT-SPR 3.3.3. Constraints Beans(BEA) BEA-FUR,BEA-SPR [72] We identify the following constraints within the model as applied to each group of farmers. (1) First is land constraint. The sum of all crops must be equal to the total surfaceavailabletothefarmtypeofeachcluster.(2)Second elements of the model that is described below for this is CAP constraints. Weincluded 5% of set aside for cereal, particular study. oilseedandproteincrop(COPs).Sugarbeet,becauseofthe 3.3.1. Decision Variables quota,islimitedineachclustertothemaximumareainthe [68] Each cluster of farmers has a set of variables Ci-Tj, period studied. (3) Third is Rotational constraints. These representing the binomial crop irrigation technology. These weretakenintoaccountaccordingtothecriteriarevealedfor are the decision variables that may take any value included thefarmersinthesurvey.(4)Fourthismarketconstraints.We withinthefeasibleset,andtheyhavetobepositive.Atotal decided to limit alfalfa area to the maximum in the period of 19 variables have been considered, as Table 2 shows. 1993–1999becauseofitsrigiddemand.Thiscropisexclu- 3.3.2. Objectives sively consumed by the regional flocks of dairy cows and [69] After a survey of the study area, we concluded that sheep, whose sizes are fairly constant, due to CAP quotas, farmers choose a crop distribution that takes the following making it unlikely that alfalfa production sold could be objectives into account: (1) Maximization of total gross higherthanthemaximumproposed. margin (TGM), as a proxy of profit, is obtained from the [73] This basic model described above was built sepa- average crop gross margins from a time series of seven rately for each of the clusters under analysis. In these years (1993/1994 to 1999/2000) in constant 2000 euros. models the objectives considered a priori were the same (2) Minimization of risk (VAR) is an important factor in forallgroupsoffarmers.Ontheotherhand,theconstraints agricultural production. Farmers have a marked aversion to werealtereddependingontheclustersanalyzed,takingtheir risk,sothemodelshouldincludethisobjective.Inthiscase particular circumstances into account, for example, in the risk was measured as the variance of the TGM (VAR), case of the total farm surface, which was adjusted for each followingtheclassicalMarkowitz[1952]approach.Therisk of the clusters considered. Thus, for cluster 1 the available is thus computed as X~0(cid:6)[Cov](cid:6) X~, where [Cov] is the farmland was 18.5 ha, for cluster 2 it was 51.4 ha, etc. The variance-covariancematrixofthecropgrossmarginsduring sameappliestothesugarbeetquotaandmarketlimitations. the7-yearperiod,andX~isthecropdecisionvector.(3)The minimization oftotallaborinput(TL)objectiveimpliesnot onlyareductioninthecostofthisinputbutalsoanincrease 4. Results inleisuretimeandthereductionofmanagerialinvolvement 4.1. Objective Weighting and Utility (labor-intensive crops require more technical supervision). Function Elicitation (4) Minimization of working capital (K) has the aim of [74] Oncethebasicmodelshadbeenbuiltforeachcluster, reducing the level of indebtedness. In order to model this they were soptimized successively for the individual objec- objective we divided the year into months, differentiating tives proposed: TGM maximization and VAR, TL and K in this way the periods of cropping activities (capital minimization, thus obtaining the payoff matrices for each immobilization) and sales (income). groupoffarmers.Thenextstepintheprocedureistoidentify [70] These objectives, which are selected a priori, were theobjectivesthatparticipateinthedecision-makingprocess analyzed for the different clusters in accordance with the and the weight attached to each one by each homogeneous methodology described above. This analysis enables us to group of farmers. Finally, we elicit the MAUFs considered assess the importance of each objective in the decision- by each cluster,as it isshown in Table 3. making process for each homogeneous group of farmers. [71] In this way, TGM, VAR, TL and K will be the 4.2. Model Validation attributes that would be included as arguments in the [75] Validation of the models built for each group of MAUFs of the individual clusters of farmers. In any case, farmers is a key aspect of testing the quality of the results. Table3. MAUFs Elicitation W W W W 1 2 3 4 Cluster (TGM) (VAR) (MOT) (K) NormalizedUtilityFunction Cluster1:Commercialfarmers 78.4% 0.0% 0.0% 21.6% U=35.2TGM(cid:4)23.2K Cluster2:Risk-diversifyingfarmers 32.0% 0.0% 0.0% 68.0% U=14.8TGM(cid:4)72.49K Cluster3:Conservativefarmers 19.0% 3.6% 0.0% 77.4% U=9.7TGM(cid:4)3.7VAR(cid:4)86.6K 8of 12 W07S05 GO´MEZ-LIMO´NAND RIESGO: IRRIGATIONWATERPRICING, DIFFERENTIAL IMPACTS W07S05 correspond to those water tariffs that encourage farmers to replace their current crops with others with lower water requirements and/or to improve their irrigation systems (water use efficiency) by adoption sprinkler techniques. [79] The analysis of the water demand curves suggests differences inthe behavior patterns displayed byfarmers in a particular irrigated area. This fact has not been taken into account until now. Most analyses of demand curves found intheliteratureaggregateallfarmers,implementingasingle short-run (without considering changes in irrigation sys- tems) model for the whole set of farmers operating in the study area. Examples of such studies include those of Wahl [1989], Montginoul and Rieu [1996], Varela-Ortega et al. [1998], and Go´mez-Limo´n and Berbel [1999]. This brings Figure 2. Irrigation water demand curves. us to emphasize the importance of implementing a differ- ential analysis and study the impact of water pricingdue to The procedure employed was to compare the real situation the existence of a variety of responses among different (observed) with the data simulated by the models for the groups of farmers. current scenario. This type of comparison is the most [80] Thispaperhasfocusedonarangeofpricesbetween common method of validating models [Qureshi et al., 0.02¼C/m3and0.06¼C/m3,whichwebelieveapproximates 1999]. Implementing this technique demonstrated that the welltolikelyfuturepricingscenariosfortheimplementation deviationsintheobjectivesandthedecisionvariablespaces oftheWFD.Table4showstheinfluenceofthesescenarios weresufficientlysmalltopermitustoregardthemodelasa on agricultural water consumption in ourcase studyarea. good approximation to the actual decision-making process [81] Theinfluence of theslopes (elasticities) ofthe water in all clusters. demand curves in reducing water consumption obtained through resource pricing is remarkable. It can be seen that 4.3. Water Demand Functions in the more elastic (low slopes) segments of the curves the [76] The simulations described above gave us the de- increase in the price of water produces great savings in mand curves for irrigation water; one for each cluster of consumption, due to changes in crop mixes and sprinkler farmers considered in the case study area (see Figure 2). technologiesadoption,whileinthemoreinelasticsegments The most noticeable differences between the curves in the (higherslopes), tariffrisesdonotresult insignificant water Figure 2 are the water tariff that is currently being paid in savings, since the price rise does not persuade farmers to thisarea (zero marginal cost, and therefore price equivalent change their crop plans or their irrigation systems. This is to 0¼C/m3) and the range of prices being considered for the reason why the greatest savings are obtained with future pricing scenarios, the quantity of water demanded pricing scenarios that include more elastic segments of varies significantly from cluster to cluster. Thus, with the the water demand curves. This explains, for example, currenttariff,cluster1consume8021m3perha(legallimit why in the case of cluster 1, the one with the most elastic for water demand in this irrigated area), a substantially demand curves (lowest slopes), the implementation of any higher volume than clusters 2 and 3, whose water con- of the scenarios for water price proposed results in the sumption are 4258 and 3743 m3/ha, respectively. Never- greatest water savings in relative terms. theless, as can be seen, these patterns of consumption will [82] The important effects of a water pricing policy on varyalongthedemandcurvesasaresultofincreasesinthe the water saved by all clusters considered are worth water price. mentioning. In this sense, it is interesting to note that [77] Aspointedoutabove,currentwaterconsumptionby changing present pricing system based on the irrigated the clusters 2 and 3 are considerably lower than the surface into a volumetric water pricing would generates endowment given to this irrigated area (8021 m3/ha). This significant water conservation measures for all clusters, is due to the minimizing working capital and risk aversion even with a subsidized price (0.02¼C/m3). For the former behavior that characterizes these groups of farmers. Their crop plans thus emphasize ‘‘cheap’’ (with lower working capital needs) and ‘‘safe’’ (with lower TGM variability) Table4. WaterConsumption Reductionsa crops, which correspond to those that have lower water requirements, such as winter cereals and sunflower. SubsidizedPrice MediumPrice FCRPrice [78] It is also worth pointing out that changes in water 0.02¼C/m3 0.04¼C/m3 0.06¼C/m3 demand in the different clusters can be justified by the Cluster1,bm3/ha (cid:4)1306 (cid:4)3838 (cid:4)7535 existence of segments with different slopes for each price ((cid:4)16.28%) ((cid:4)47.85%) ((cid:4)93.94%) interval (i.e., elasticities of demand) that can be distin- Cluster2,cm3/ha (cid:4)1224 (cid:4)1925 (cid:4)2581 guished within each group’s demand curve. In all cases, ((cid:4)28.74%) ((cid:4)45.21%) ((cid:4)60.61%) Cluster3,dm3/ha (cid:4)266 (cid:4)1151 (cid:4)2136 the segments of the water demand curves with high slopes ((cid:4)7.11%) ((cid:4)30.74%) ((cid:4)57.06%) (relative low elasticities) coincide with prices for which the farmers are insensitive to resource price increases, main- aReductioninwaterconsumptionasapercentageofcurrentdemandfor watershowninparentheses. taining their usual crop mixes and irrigation techniques bCurrentconsumptionis8021. without any substantial change. On the other hand, cCurrentconsumptionis4258. the segments with lower slopes (relative high elasticities) dCurrentconsumptionis3743. 9of 12 W07S05 GO´MEZ-LIMO´NAND RIESGO: IRRIGATION WATERPRICING, DIFFERENTIAL IMPACTS W07S05 Table 5. Reductions in Gross Margins Reductions and Public went to other uses that produce lower added value for Revenuesa society as a whole, irrigation water pricing would actually result in less efficient allocation of resources. SubsidizedPrice MediumPrice FCRPrice 0.02¼C/m3 0.04¼C/m3 0.06¼C/m3 [84] As it is expected, the greatest income losses are produced by the highest tariff considered (0.06 ¼C/m3). GM Public GM Public GM Public These maximum losses in gross margins range between Decrease Revenues Decrease Revenues Decrease Revenues 41%and66%ofthecurrentTGM,dependingonthecluster. Cluster1,b (cid:4)206 134 (cid:4)360 167 (cid:4)424 29 This fact might produce a large drop in agricultural com- ¼C/ha ((cid:4)32.18%) ((cid:4)56.34%) ((cid:4)66.28%) petitiveness. In any case, it is necessary to emphasize that Cluster2,c (cid:4)103 61 (cid:4)164 93 (cid:4)198 101 the effect onagricultural incomes would bequiteimportant ¼C/ha ((cid:4)27.08%) ((cid:4)43.01%) ((cid:4)52.09%) in the three clusters considered. This decrease in the Cluster3,d (cid:4)91 70 (cid:4)183 104 (cid:4)241 96 profitability of irrigated agriculture might well lead in the ¼C/ha ((cid:4)15.43%) ((cid:4)30.99%) ((cid:4)40.73%) medium and long run to the economic unsustainability of aReduction in gross margin as a percentage of current gross margins farms, which in turn might bring about the withdrawal of a showninparentheses. large percentage of farmers from agriculture. bCurrentTGM/hais639. cCurrentTGM/hais380. 4.5. Social Impact dCurrentTGM/hais592. [85] Besides a reduction in water consumption, a rise in the price of water would lead to a decrease in the employ- case, these decreases in water consumption can be quanti- mentdirectlygeneratedbytheagriculturalsector,asTable6 fiedat16%,29%,and7%forcluster1,2and3respectively. shows. The decrease in agricultural employment is a social Thisreactionislogicallymoreintensewhen‘‘medium’’and cost caused by substitution of the most water-intensive ‘‘FCR’’ prices are implemented. For the highest tariff crops and furrow irrigation, which are normally also more considered (0.06¼C/m3), the reductions would reach 94%, labor-intensive, by others crops and irrigation technologies 61%, and 57% of current consumption in each case. with lower water and labor requirements. 4.4. Economic Impact [86] Thesedecreasesinagriculturalemploymentcouldbe evenhigherthan75%ofcurrentlabordemand(cluster1for [83] The changes in gross margins motivated by the FCR price). This could potentially have a serious social implementation of the WFD and the public revenues impact in the area studied. However, this drop in input obtained by the different pricing levels can be seen in demandshouldnotbedramatizedbecausefarmsinthestudy Table 5. Generally speaking, a water pricing policy would area are basically family operations, with only a few hired imply a significant fall in farmers’ incomes. These losses personnel. Thus this drop in demand for labor would be have two causes. First, the payment of water tariffs to the translatedintoanincreaseofpart-timefarmers,whotriedto State,andsecond,thewithdrawalofcropswithhigherwater maintaintheirlevelofincomeswithothernonfarmactivities, demands (corn, sugar beet or alfalfa), that usually generate or alternatively would enlargefarmers’ leisure time. greaterprofits.ThiscanbeobservedinTable5,where,]for eachclusterandpricescenario,onlypartofthefallinTGM 4.6. Environmental Impact is transferred via water pricing to the State, while the [87] The introduction of irrigation water pricing would remaining losses are due to changes in the crop plan and also affects nitrogen balance, as shown in Table 6. This is irrigation technology improvements. Such income reduc- due to the relationship between current crop plans and the tionsmayberegardedasrevenuestransferredfromagricul- nitrogenbalance.Itisthusnecessarytoobservethatcertain ture to other sectors, since the water saved through crop crops suchas maize or sugarbeet (with highwaterrequire- changes may generate productivity increases in other activ- ments)havehigherrequirementsforthiskindoffertilization ities, which would be beneficiaries of the savings in water and higher nitrogen balance (much more nitrogen applied resources (urban, industrial, environmental or recreational by fertilization than crop withdrawals) than others with uses). However, it should be noted that if the water saved lower irrigation needs, such as irrigated winter cereals, Table6. Changes in Employment andNitrogenBalancea SubsidizedPrice MediumPrice FCRPrice 0.02¼C/m3 0.04¼C/m3 0.06¼C/m3 Employment, Nitrogen, Employment, Nitrogen, Employment, Nitrogen, laborday/ha kgN/ha laborday/ha kgN/ha laborday/ha kgN/ha Cluster1b (cid:4)0.17 (cid:4)21.77 (cid:4)0.50 (cid:4)66.23 (cid:4)1.02 (cid:4)123.54 ((cid:4)12.42%) ((cid:4)15.58%) ((cid:4)36.87%) ((cid:4)47.40%) ((cid:4)75.16%) ((cid:4)88.42%) Cluster2c (cid:4)0.28 (cid:4)15.82 (cid:4)0.44 (cid:4)22.57 (cid:4)0.60 (cid:4)28.11 ((cid:4)24.56%) ((cid:4)25.98%) ((cid:4)39.12%) ((cid:4)37.05%) ((cid:4)53.20%) ((cid:4)46.14%) Cluster3d (cid:4)0.07 (cid:4)2.32 (cid:4)0.30 (cid:4)14.90 (cid:4)0.55 (cid:4)29.28 ((cid:4)5.90%) ((cid:4)3.96%) ((cid:4)25.03%) ((cid:4)25.44%) ((cid:4)45.70%) ((cid:4)49.99%) aPercentagereductioninemploymentrelativetocurrentdemandforlaborandpercentagereductioninnitrogenbalancevis-a`-vis thecurrentsituationshowninparentheses. bCurrentTL/hais1.35;currentkgN/hais139.72. cCurrentTL/hais1.14;currentkgN/hais60.91. dCurrentTL/hais1.20;currentkgN/hais58.57. 10of 12