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Water mites from Ecuador I. A new genus of the family Anisitsiellidae KOENIKE, PDF

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Preview Water mites from Ecuador I. A new genus of the family Anisitsiellidae KOENIKE,

à N 2 z X c.)s,^.st--*clcl v(.) ooN() .o6)h o\o\ (nF'E-¡r é) - ÉÉù- 6.).'- \-/ i,.¡3 f?ö:Êãå=F:Y¡V E-r¡H -.=_c¿ =F4 -cqÃõ€3 E ¡-eQ¡È< F.;< 9tr.:: 6H o¡ èo€;..E Er5ãetr.¿, Y,n 1=õ 9ú.liI r¡ :6)cE€å L - o € úa) ¡r 0)lr()()J¿o /1 < úi'õgêùdt LJ.Ô0).:0)=o.:-vE6)..:ocôo"-Ë oo,ço\ -:t-l ¡rcl¡-F-o ô04) U) CBI ãËÅ'*à ä g, t sE ee È ç ä r € :i*.õ ì 9 >È8o6.?2î9Ë: Sé Ë äE g *î=t€*ã.ÊÈ E c *tF a 'ù À99ãqË938s å Þ Ë Ë Eã! 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In the mediodistal angle of Cx-3, a not clearly interpretable structure possibly representing a 1980, 1988, and the literature cited therein), ourknowledge of the composition of the glandular opening; Cx-4 with equally rounded mediocaudal, and with caudally concave, rostrally convex water mite fauna of the South American continent is still patchy, with only a few lateral margins; a fine channel originating from the medial edge of Cx-4 reaches the lateral margin of the genital field on the level of its maximum width. The inner contour line of the genital field, formed mainly published data concerning Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador. During two collecting trips in November/December 1992 and December 1994/January 1995, I verified (as far as boyf tthhee fsuusteudre m cexd-i2all3 m. aHrogwinesv oerf, Cthx-e3 +ac4t,u saul beoxvtoeimd,a al ngteenriiotarlly onrgoat ne x(cFeiegd. inI gA th, e2 leDv;e lL o f2 oth2e, wme d1i0a3l e¡nrmds) possible) the absence of true water mites from the Galapagos archipelago (GERECKE conspicuously overlapping the anterior margin of this opening: genital flaps pointed and extremely elongat- et al. 1995) and produced a first inventory of this group in contiuental Ecuador. Collec- ed anteriorly, reaching the proximal margin of Cx-1. Genital flaps with only five pairs of very fine hairs, tions were done in streams and rivers along a virnlal transect from the Pacific coast plaeed on the medial margins; region of gonoporus borclered by a pair of narrow stripes bearing at least, across the Andean highlands to upper Amazonia, including an altitudinal range between 40 very small acetabula each; acetabula rounded or ovoid, änanged in three groups placed one behind the 10 and 3500 m asl. The description and discussion of the new taxa found during this other, probably indicating their origin by subdivision of the original three pairs of acetabula. survey (studies on species from the family Limnesiidae and the superfamily Excretory porus small, rhomboid without particular sclerotizations, at a distance of 175 pm from the Hydryphantoidea are in course) is a contribution to our understanding of the phylogeny genital field, and I l2 pm from the caudal margin of idiosoma. of water mite diversity. Legs robust, with few setae, no swimming hairs present; III-L particularly strong, completely lacking The following abbreviations are used: Cx-l - coxae l; H: height; L: length; dorsal setae, with all distal setae of segments 2-5 concentrated near the ventral margin; all claws with fine II-L-3 : third segment of second leg; P-l : first segment of palpus; W : width. dorsal clawlets, claws of III-L particularly strong, claws of IV-L accompanied by a strong dorsodistal seta. Shape of gnathosoma and its appendages as given in Fig. 2 A-c; gnathosoma L 160 pm, with short rostrum and well-developed dorsal and ventral proximal appendages; chelicera slender (total L 250, H 24 pm), with fine, weakly-curved claw; palpus total L 30ó pm, dorsal L (L/H relation) of segments P- I 26 pm Rubicundula pløcihilís gen nov., sp. nov (O.57); P-2 102 pm (1.42); P-3 54 pm (1.17); P-4 88 ¡rm (2.67); p-5 36 pm (2.00). p-2 enlarged, subrectangular, with one blunt, subterminal ventral and 5 fine dorsal setae; P-3 with concave ventral and Diagnosis of the genus and only known species: Characters of the family Anisitsiellidae sensu Cook convex dorsal margins, bearing 4 setae on the medial and lateral surface; P-4 with maximum H at its base, I 974; dorsal shield with a pair of lateral suture lines anteriorly curved towards the median line; lateral eyes bearing a fine pointed ventral process and two long hairs at about 25 pm from the distal edge, distal fused with the ventral shield; lateral margins of the gnathosomal bay covered by laminar medial protru- margin surrounded by 4 fine and one slightly stronger hairs. sions of Cx-l; genital field elongated, with anteriorly pointed genital flaps; more than 80 acetabula on longitudinal stripes along the gonoporel IV-L with well-developed claws. Discussion Typus generis: Rubicundula placibilis CERECKE, 1995 Holotype, female (only known specimen, temporarily in coll. Gerecke, Tübingen, deposition in a utaxAamîaonxg H thAeB gEenEeBra, o1f 9A6n4is, itssiigetlhlidoarie¿,l /t¿he BneEwS CgeHnu,s lR9uób4ic,u nadn.¿d/¿ B ish asirmatiloanr iafo BcaonodaKk,ia 1T9H6O7R i,n 1 9t1h3e, Natural History Museum provided¡; Esmeraldas, El Dorado, brook E railway bridge Rio Carolina, 500 m symplesiomorphic presence of well-developed claws on IV-L, but differs in the boatshaped genital field, asl., XII-27-1994 leg. Gerecke. Mounted on slide, imbedded in Hoyer's fluid; gnathosoma isolated from idiosoma, one palp and one chelicera detached, dorsal and ventral shield separated. pvreorbifaiebdly wailtsho ctheert aminutylt ip-l iCcaotoiokn 1o9f7 4a)c,e ttahbeu laab s(epnreces eonft lyu,n tfhuese adc egtlaabnudlaurla rniau mibne trh <e> f dSoirgstahlo fruierrlloaw c,a annndg t thbee Description presence of curved suture lines on the dorsal shield. Furthermore, it differs fr<>m Sigthorietla in the more caudIadli otshoirmd;a wLi t6h3 50, pWair s4 9o5f pgmla;n dduolrasraial sihniceoldrp (oFriagt.e dI Bin) tehnet ilraet,e Lra l6 1m6a rpgmin, manadx iomnuem p aWir o(4f 4s0e tpame-)b einar irnhge orofb tuhset gpeanlpit awl itfhie lldes, sf rpormon uBnacnedda vkeian taranld tUubtaexrcalteasx oinn Pth-e4 aanbdse tnhcee souft uare l olinngeistu Cdixn-a3l/ 4s uretuarceh liinnge thaec romsas rgthine Cx-3, and frcm Bharatoni¿ in the presence of an entire, not bipartite dorsal shield. pori located medially from the anterior glandularia. On each side, medially from the glandularia a fine suture line separating a precipitous lateral area with apparently more dense porosity from the slightly The only further polyacetabulate genus in the family Anisitsiellidae is Sigthoria KOENIKE, 1907 (first convex central disk of the shield. Anteriorly, these two suture lines strongly curved and directed described under the name of "Amasis" by NORDENSKIöLD 1905). Rubi<.undula differs from Sigthoria in the following (apnmorphic) charaeter states: lamellar protrusions of Cx-l covering the lateral margins omfe gdliaoncdauuldaarilaly; , mapemprborxainmeaotuinsg dtohres aml efudirarno wli nfeìn eanlyd sotbrilaitteer,a wteidth a5n tpeariiorsrl yo ff rforeme -tlhyein lge vleyrl ifoisf stuhree ss.econd pair of the gnathosomal bay; genital tìeld elongated, boat-shaped and (consequently) number of acetabula Ventral shield (Fig. I A) completely sclerotized, with fine porosity, rhe lateral eyes included in the twofold higher; excretory pore removed from the caudal margin of idiosoma. On the other hand, Sigthoria anterior margin on the level of the insertions of I/ll-L; frontal margin equally convex dorsally, but with a dlaiscpklianygs inth ec lafowllso.w Aint gp raepsoemnto, rpith iiess :im dpoorsssaibl lseh iteold d ceocmidpel iicfa pteollyy ascceutalpbtuurliesdm, IiVs -aL swyinrha psowmimormphinyg ohf atihrse, tbwuot strong subrectangular medial protrusion surmounting the dorsal margin ofthe insertion ofthe gnathosoma. Cx-l 157 pm wide between the distal tips, maximum W Cx-3 315 pm, distance between insertions IV-L genera. Surely, this character has evolved many times independently in phylogenetically unrelated clades of water mites, and the numerous autapomorphies of the two genera indicate at least a long time of 375 pm. A continuous semicircular apodeme of Cx-l extending between the left and right I-L insertions and forming the caudal and caudolateral margins of the gnathosomal bay. In ventral view, this bay independent evolution. The presence of a lateral suture line on the dorsal shield of R¿åicundula c<>uldbe bordered by laminar medial protrusions of the surface of Cx-l which originate on the level of the anterior interpretated as a precursor stage of the complicated sculpturing in Sigthoria. However, similar suture lines tips of the genital flaps; their margins straight and diverging in an angle of about 50', but converging in arefoundalstrinunrelatedgenera suchasNavamamersides COOK, 1967 andNilgiriopsis COOK, 1967. the basal fourth, and slightly concave in the distal fourth. Coxal setae conspicuously long, arranged as 418 419 Habitat Rubicundula placibilis was taken by hand-netting the benthos of a second order brook in a rain forest area at 500 m asl. The water course is about 70 cm wide, its bed steeply inclined, formed by a series of cascades between rocks and overturned trees, nearly without lenitic areas. The substratum consists mainly of large stones and gravels with detritus, outcropping rocks and marcescent wood; neither macrophyte fD vegetation, nor mosses were found. Temperature 23.5"C, conductivir.y 24 ps/cm. The surrounding tenestrial vegetation is disturbed by wood harvesting, but the whole area is still completely shaded by forest vegetation. The collecting site is reached walking down the first brook E from the railway bridge crossing Rio Carolina. Acknowledgments This research was made possible by collecting and exportation permits of the Instituto Ecuatoriano Forestal y de Areas Naturales y Vida Silvestre (INEFAN). The field work was supported by a grant from ( the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, by amicable logistic help from Prof. Ciovanni Onore (Pontifica Universidad Catírlica del Ecuador, Quito), and the good company of Elicio Tapia, Christoph Bückle and Herbert Stemmler. Dr. D. R. Cook (Detroit) helped with initial suggestions to this paper, Dr. J. Adis (PIön) translated the abstract into Portuguese language. il Êa j References o BESCH, W. (1964): Systematik und Verbreitung der südamerikanischen rheophilen Hydrachnellen. - Beitr. Neotrop. Fauna, 3 (2):77-194. o COOK, D.R. (19ó7): Water mites from India. - Mem. Am. Ent. Inst. 9: l-41 l. COOK, D.R. (1974): WaterMite Cenera and Subgenera. - Mem. Am. Ent. Inst.2l: l-860. 'i- COOK, D.R. (1980): Studies on Neotropical Water Mites. - Mem. Am. Ent. Inst.3l: l-645. o COOK, D.R. (1988): Water mites from Chile. Mem. Am. Ent. Inst. 42: l-35ó. E GERECKE, R., PECK, S.B. & H. PEHOFER (1995): The invertebrate fauna of the inland waters of the o Galápagos archipelago (Ecuador) - a limnological and zoogeographical summary. - Arch. Hydrobiol. 0 Suppl. 107 (2): 113-147. HABEEB, H. (19ó4): Utaxatax, a new genus in the subfamily Anisitsiellinae. - Leafl. Acadian Biol.37: t-2. NORDENSKIöLD, N.E. (1905): Hydrachniden aus dem Sudan. - ln: JÄGERSK¡öLO, ¡,.: Results Swedish ¿- --1 zool. Exped. Egypt and White Nile 1901, 2(204): 1-12, Uppsala. t THOR, S. (1913): Ein neues Hydracarinen-Genus aus dem Bodenschlamm von Bandaksvand in Norwegen. - Zool. Anz.43(1): 4O-42. \t À. È \ .. :t .tEr.ô Êq 420 421 (_-- I, (-- A c / I ( \./ -l =-- I I a-b ì D B ) Fig. 2: Rubic undula pl acibil is. A - Right palp laterally, B - Gnathosoma with one chelicera and left palp medially, C - Chelicera, D - Cenital field (medial margins of genital flaps omitted in order to demonstrate the acetabula). Bar: 100 pm. 422

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