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Water-in-Plants Bibliography: References no. 3687 – 5248 / ABD-ZWE PDF

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Preview Water-in-Plants Bibliography: References no. 3687 – 5248 / ABD-ZWE

Water-in-Plants Bibliography volume 4 1978 References no. 3687 -5248/ ABD-ZWE Editors J. Pospisilova and J. Solarova Springer-Science+Business Media, B.V. Contributors J. Solc~rova J. pospisilova v Z. Sestak v J. Catsky 1. Ticha D. Hodanova ISBN 978-90-6193-904-7 ISBN 978-94-015-6945-3 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-015-6945-3 111 PREFf.CE The fourth volume of Water-in-Plants Bibliography includes papers in al I fields of plant water relations research which appeared during the year 1978 - from theore tical considerations about the state of water in cells and its membrane transport to drought resistance of plants or physiological significance of irrigation. In addition to papers devoted entirely to plant water relations, papers on other topics are included if they contain data on plant hydration level, water vapour efflux, rate of water uptake or water transport, etc., or if they contain valuable methodological information ( measurement of selected microclimatic factors, soil moisture, etc. J. We have tried to cover fully the relevant papers which have appeared in the important scientific periodicals and books. Articles published in local journals, mimeographed booklets, abstracts of thesis and of symposia contributions, etc., were chosen mostly from reprints received directly fram authors. The courtesy of those authors who have al ready supplied us with reprints and lists of their publications is highly appreciated. The manuscript is usually prepared in May and June of the year fol lowing the year which it covers. Unfortunately some reprints come later and thus the respective references appear in the fol lowing volume, with one year delay. To ~aximize the value of the bibliography the references are arranged alphabe tical Iy according to the authors' names, and each volume is provided with three in dexes. The authors' index contains al I names of authors, co-authors and editors. Plant genera used as experimental material are indexed according to their Latin names. The subject index covers primary items chosen according to the interest of water re lation researchers. Its preparation is based not only on the titles, key words and abstracts but also on the whole content of the article. Since about 1500 relevant papers dealing with plant water relations and relative topics are published every year and included in this bibliography, and since al I cita tions have been checked with the originals, col lecting and preparing for publication such a large amount of material would have been impossible without col laboration of our colleagues fram the Department of Physiology of Photosynthesis and Water Relations of the Institute of Experimental Botany of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in Prague. We have also acknowledge with thanks the cooperation of Mrs. Drahomira TE~KA, Mrs. Vlasta FLORIANOVA, Mrs. Lenka KOLCABOVA, Mrs. Marie MANDLOvA, Mrs. Eva PLESSINGE ROVA, Mrs. Marta SMfDOVA and Mrs. Marie ~ANDEROvA who helped in typing card material, preparing indexes, etc., and Mr. Petr ZAZVORKA who supplied us with rare periodicals. Dr. Jana Pospisilova and Dr. Jarmila Solarova Institute of Experimental Botany Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Flemingovo nam. 2 160 00 PRAHA 6 Czechoslovakia Praha, 17 September 1979. IV INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE AI I references are arranged alphabetical Iy according to the authors' names. They are numbered and these numbers are used in the indexes. Authors' names are presented in the spei ling used in the original paper. If this spei I ing does not correspond to the spei ling usual Iy used by the author (e.g. Russian papers of English authors), one spei ling is referred to the other in the Authors' Index. Like the transcriptions they are alphabetical Iy arranged mostly according to the authors' own references. Nevertheless, the editors apologize for some misinterpre tations which are partly corrected by the cross-indexing in the Authors' Index. The references contain the original unshortened title of the paper (book). English, French, and German titles are cited in the original language. Titles in other languages are supplemented with a translation in English (using the title of the re spective Engl ish abstract, if it is presented). Titles of Japanese, Chinese etc. papers are given in English translation only. In both these cases the abbreviations of the original language and the language of the abstract are given in brackets at the end of the reference. The tol lowing abbreviations are used most trequently: Belorussian Japanese Bulgarian Latvi an Chinese Lithuanian Croatian Norweqian Danish Polish Engl i sh Russian Esthonian Roumanian French Slovak German Spanish Geor!Jian Swedish Hungarian Ukrainian Italian Uzbeg The transl iteration of Cyri II ic characters is in accordance with the BSI-ASA/ SC-Z39 draft table, i.e.: a a p n b 6 r p ch " 5 C d A sh w e e shch 111 e 3 t T f 4> ts 1\ 9 r y .". V B Y bI k K ya R kh x yu 111 I 11 Z 3 m M zh 111 H " l> o 0 b Several exceptions apply for Ukrainian and Belorussian. Ukrainian: y " i r Belorussian: y The journals' names are abbreviated mainly according to the Style Manual for Biological Journals (Second Edition, Amer. Institute of Biological Sciences, Washington, D.C. 1964), e.g.: v Abhandlungen Brasi leira environmental lesni (-iho) Abstract Braz i I Enzymology Letters Abtei I ung Breedi ng Estonskaya Limnology Academy British European Linnean Acker Bulletin (-etins) Exper iment Li tovskoT Acta Byulleten experimental Lucrari le Advances California Faculty MaQazin Africa (-icanl Canada (-adian) Federation Management agricultural cellular (-ulaire) Fizika marina (-ine) Agri cu I ture Center Fiziologiya t1aterial Agrobiology (-ogiya) cent ra I Flurbereinigung Mathematics Agrobotanica Centralblatt forestiere Medede I i ngen Agrokemia Ceskoslovensky Forestry mediterranean Agronomy chemi ca I Forschung Meld i nger agropecuaria Chemistry Foundation Meteorology Akademie (-emiya) chimicus France Microbiology Algology Chinese Gazette Midland all geme i ne Chromatography general Mi tte i lungen Amelioration Chronicle genetical tlodeling America Ciencia geneticheskiT modern American cientificas Genetics (-ika) molecular Anais (-aieie) College Geobotany Monographiae (-aphy) Analysis Comission Geofizika MoskovskiT (-ovskogo) analyt ica I Corrrnunication Geophysics Mycology Anatomy cornparative Gesell schaft national angewandte Comptes Rendus Giornale natura I anima I Conference gosudarstvennyT Natura list Annales (-als) Conqress Governement naturelle annual Conservation Grassland naturkund I i che anorganic (-anisch) Contamination Gruzinskaya Naturforschung applied Contribution Helveticus nauchnye (-nYI) aquatic Control Histochemistry Neerlandica Arbeit Croat i ca Histoire (-ory) Netherland Archiv cultura I Histology New Zealand Argentina Culture hort i cu I tura I Norges ASSociation Current Horticulture Norwegian Atmosphere Cytobi ology Hungaricae Notiser atmospheri c Cytochemistry Hungari cus nuclear atomic Cytology Husbandry Nutrition Aus tra I i a (-ra I i an) Czechoslovak Hydrobiology obshchel (-iT) Azerbaldzhanskaya Danske Hydrology Dceanography Bacteriology dendrological Indian Oecologia Beiheft Dendrology Indust,y Ökologie Beitrilge Department inorganic Opti cs Belgique Deutschland Institute opytnaya (-VI) Be 1o russkaya Development Institutului organic Beri chte Disease international original bi ochem ica I Di ssertat i on Investigation ornamental Biochemie Division Irrigation Otdelenie Biochemistry DokladV Isotopes Paleobotany biochimi ca Dopovidi issledovatel'skil Palynology biokhimi chesk iI Drainage Ital ian (-y) Pathology Biokhimiya ecological Izvastiya pedagog i chesk j'f Bioklimatologie Ecology Jahrbuch Pesquisa Biologia (-ogy) Economv Japan (-anese) Pesticide biological (-ogisk) Edafology Journal Pflanzen biophys ica I Education Khimiya Pflanzenernährung BiophySics Ekologiya Klasse Pflanzenphysiologie Bodenkunde eksperimental'nVI Kongel ige Pflanzenzüchtung Boletin (-ettino) Embryology Klizlemenyek Philosophy BolgarskiT Encyclopedia kul'turnykh Photogrammetric botanica (-anicorum) Engineering Laboratory Phycology botanical (-anisca) Enology Landbauforschung phYSical Botanlka (-any) Entomology Landwirtschaft Phys i cs VI physiological rolniczych SSSR Ukrains'kaya Physiology Ros t I i n (-I i na ) Stantsii (-ntsiya) Universidad (-ersity) Phytologist rostl i nna Station US, USA Phytopatho 1o gy ROumaine stiintifice USSR Phytotaxonomy royal subtropicale UZbekskiT (-ekskaya) Plantarum Russian summary vedecke (-ecky) Polonica (-ska) RUSSkiT Supplement vegetable Pollution Sborn i k Survey vegetale Prace Scandinavica Swedish Verhandlungen Practice Scandinavicus Symposium Veröffentlichungen prikladnoT School System Vestnik Proceedings Science Tagungsberichte Videnskabernes Progress scientific technical (-nische) Vi rology Pub I icat i on Section Technology Virusforschungen Publishers Selektsiya Tekhnika Viticulture Quality Selskabs theoretical Volume quantitative Sel'skokhozyaTstvo thermal Voprosy Quarterly Series (-iya) Tidsskri ft vostochnyT Radiation Service Tijdschrift vsesoyuznyT Radiobiology Shkola (-oly) Toxicology vyssheT (-iTl RasteniT SibirskiT (-skogo) Transactions vyzkumny (-umneho) Rastenievodstvo Skri fter Travai I (-aux) Weekblatt Recherche (-erchesl SlOvak (-ovenska) tropical (-icalel tletenschappen Report Society Trudy Wissenschaft Research Soobshcheniya Turkmenskaya Zapiski Resources SovetskiT (-iet) uchenye Zeitschrift Review (-ista, -ue) sovremennyT Ugeskri ft Zeitung Rivista speCial United Kingdom Zentralblatt Roczniky sperimentale UkraTnian Zhurnal The numbers at the end of each reference of a journal article denote: volume (issue) : first page - last page, year of publ ication. The number of issue is given only in journals where each issue is paginated separately. Book titles are cited according to the title page, not to the book jacket or cover. The publishing house, place and year of publ ication are included. 3687 - 3701 / ABO - AKS 3687 - ABDULRAHMAN, F.S., WILLIAMS, G.J., 111.: The effects of NaCI and temperature on gas exchange and growth in SaZicornia fruticosa. - Plant Physiol. 61 (Suppl.): 6, 1978. 3688 - ABDURAKHMANOV, A.A., MOVCHAN, L. T.: Regu I yats iya vodoobmena u i zo I i rovannykh list'ev i ee prisposobitel'noe znachenie. [Regulation of water regime of iso lated leaves and its signiffcance for adaptation.] - In: VodnyT Rezhim Rasteni'" v Svyazi s Raznymi Ekologicheskimi Usloviyami. Pp. 171-175. Izdatel 'stvo Kazanskogo Universiteta, Kazan' 1978. [In R.] 3689 - ADAMS, J.A., BINGHAM, F.T., KAUFMANN, M.R., HOFFMAN, G.J., YERMANOS, D.M.: Responses of stomata and water, osmotic, and turgor potentials of jojoba to water and salt stress. - Agron. J. 70: 381-387, 1978. 3690 - ADAMS, J.E., RICHARDSON, C.W., BURNETT, E.: Influence of row spacing of grain sorghum on ground cover, runoff, and erosion. - Soi I Sei. Soc. Amer. J. 42: 959-962, 1978. 3691 - AEROV, I.L.: Izmeneniya fotosinteza, soprotivieniT diffuzi i C02 i dykhaniya u svekly v techenie vegetatsi i. [Changes in photosynthesis, resistances to CO2 diffusion and respiration in beet during vegetation.] - Fiziol. Biokhim. kul't. Rast. 10: 77-82, 1978. [In R, ab: E.) 3692 - AFSHAR, A., MARINO, M.A.: Model for simulating soil-water content considering evapotranspiration. - J. Hydrol. 37: 309-322, 1978. *3693 - AGABBIO, M.: Influenza dei I'intervento irriguo sul ciclo produttivo dell'olivo. Nota I: Influenza dei regime idrico sull 'accrescimento delle drupe deI la cv. 'Ascolana tenera' Osservazioni preliminari. ['nfluence of irrigation on the productive behaviour of the olive-tree. Note I: Prel iminary observations on the influence of the water regime on the fruit growth of 'Ascalona tenera' olive-trees.) - Quaderni Ric. Sei. 99 (30 Incontro sui Problemi Agronomici dell'Irrigazione.J: 300-308, 1977. [In Ital, ab E.l 3694 - AGGARWAL, G.C., KANWAR, B.B., TRIPATHI, B.R.: An inexpensive and rapid method of plant water determination. - Plant Soi I 49: 717-720, 1978. *3695 - AHARONI, N.: Enhancement of ethylene production in water-stressed leaves. - Plant Phys i 0 I. 59 (Supp I . ): 39, 1977. 3696 - AHARONI, N.: Relationship between leaf water status and endogenous ethylene in detached leaves. - Plant Physiol. 61: 658-662, J978. 3697 - AHARONI, N., RICAMONO, A.[.: Endogenous gibberellin and abscisic acid content as related to senescence of detached lettuce leaves. - Plant Physiol. 62: 224-228, 1978. *3698 - AKALEHIYWOT, T., BEWLEY, J.D.: The effects of dehydration-rehydration treat ments on protein synthesis in oat grains (Avena fatua cv. Harmonl during germination. - Plant Physiol. 59 (Suppl.l: 33, 1977. *3699 - AKALEHIYWOT, T., BEWLEY, J.D.: Promotion and synchronization of cereal grain germination by osmotic pretreatment with polyethylene glycol. - J. agr. Sei. 89: 503-506, 1977. *3700 - AKHTAR, P., SHAUKAT, S.S.: Role of dew in the survival and phenology of Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. Qalandri. - Pakistan J. Bot. 8: 151-155, 1976. 3701 - AKSENOV, S.l., GORYACHEV, S.N., NIKOLAEV, G.M., SOSUNOVA, L.N.: Izuchenie reaktsii na vysushivanie nizshikh rasteni'" v svyazi sikh usloviyami obitaniya. [Determination of reaction to drying of lower plants in connection wj·th their growth conditions.] - In: VodnyT Rezhim Rastenii' v Svyazi s Raznymi' Ekologi cheskiml Usloviyami. Pp. 153-160. Izdatel'stvo Kazanskogo Universiteta, Kazan' 1978. [In R.] 3702 - 3718 / AKS - AND 2 3702 - AK5ENOV, 5.1., KHARCHUK, O.A.: 0 kharakteristikakh YaMR dlya protonov vody i sostoyanii vody v rasteniyakh. [NMR characteristics of protons fram water and water status in plants.) - In: Vodnyr Rezhim Rastenif v Svyazi s Raznymi Ekologicheskimi Usloviyami. Pp. 340-346. Izdatel'stvo Kazanskogo Universiteta, Kazan' 1978. [I n R.l *3703 - ALBEROA, T., LOUWERSE, W., Van LAAR, H.H., KREHER, 0., Oe WIT, C.T., Oe VOS, N.M., BOOLAENOER, K.B.A., TOXOPEUS, H.: Crop photosynthesis: methods and campi lation of data obtained with a mobile field equipment. - Agr. Res. Rep. (PUDOC, Wageningen) 865: 1-46, 1977. 3704 - ALBERT, R., POPP, M.: Zur Rolle der löslichen Kohlenhydrate in Halophyten des Neusiedlersee-Gebietes (Österreich). - Oecol. Plant. 13: 27-42, 1978. 3705 - ALEKSEENKO, L.N.: Produktivnost' lugovykh rasteniT v svyazi sosobennostyami ikh vodnogo rezhima. [Productivity of meadow plants in connection with pecu~ liarities of their water regime.) - In: Tezisy Dokladov VI Delegatskogo S"ezda Vsesoyuznogo BotaniCheskogo Obshchestva. Pp. 226-227. Nauka, Leningrad 1978. [In R.) *3706 - ALEXANDROV, V.Ya.: Cells, Moleeules and Temperature. Conformational Flexibility of Macromolecules and Ecological Adaptation. Ecological 5tudies Vol. 21. - Springer-Verlag, 8erlin - Heidelberg - New York 1977. 3707 - AL-KHAFAF, S., WIERENGA, P.J., WILL1~MS, B.C.: Evaporative flux trom irrigated cotton as related to leat area index, soil water, and evaporative demand. - Agron. J. 70: 912-917, 1978. *3708 - ALLEN, L.H.,Jr.: Soi I water and root development. - Soi I Crop Sei. Soc. Flo rida Proc. 36: 4-9, 1977. *3709 ALL1SON, S., WALTER, A., GUTKNECHT, J.: Turgor regulation in Valonia macpo physa following acute hypoosmotic shock. - Plant Physiol. 59 (Suppl.): 61, 1977. 3710 - ALMADI, L.: Wasserhaushalt und Austrocknungresistenz von Seseli leucospermum und S. osseum im Plattensee-Oberland. - Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. 24: 1-13, 1978. "3711 - AL-SAADI, H.A., WIEBE, H.H.: The influence of maturity, season and part on matric bound wafer. - Plant 50i I 43: 371-376, 1975. 3712 - ALSTON, A.M., MILLER, M.H.: Eftect of water stress on subsequent uptake of chloride by wheat plants. - Plant Soi I 49: 305-315, 1978. 3713 - ANDERSON, C.E., JOHNSON, H.P., PO~JERS, W.L.: A water-balance model for deep loess soi 15. - Trans. ASAE 21: 314-320, 1978. ;'3714 - ANDERSON, C.M.: Cattai I decl ine at Farmington Bay waterfowl management area. Great Basin Natur. 37: 24-34, 1977. 3715 - ANOERSON, J.E., KREITH, F.: Effects 01 lilm-Iorming and silicone antitranspi rants on four herbaceous plant species. - Plant Soi I 49: 161-173, 1978. 3716 - ANDERSON, M.G.: Distribution and production of sago pondweed (Potamogeton pectinatus L.) on a northern prairie marsh. - Ecology 59: 154-160, 1978. 3717 - ANDRE, M., r-1ASSIMINO, D., DAGUENET, A.: Daily patterns under the life cycle of a maiz€ crop. 1. Photosynthesis, transpiration, respiration. - Physiol. Plant. 43: 397-403, 1978. 371.8.- ANDREEV, N.G., KOBOZEV, l.V., KUKULYUK, V.V.: Formirovanie nadzemnoT massy u Iyutsernogo i Iyutserno-zlakovogo travostoev pri oroshenii i vnesenii udo brenii. [Production of sprouts and leaves in alfalfa and alfalfa-cereal grass mixture stands under irrigation and fertil ization.l - Izv. T5KhA 1978(11: 49-59, 1978. [In R, ab: E.) 3 3719 - 3728 lAND - ANT 3719 - ANDREEV, N.G., TYUL'DYUKOV, V.A., MIKHALEV, 5.5.: Optimal'nye urovni mineral' nogo pitaniya i uvlazhneniya starovozrastnykh pastbishch na chernozemno-Iugo vykh pochvakh. [Optimal level of mineral nutrition and moisture on the pastu res on chernozem-meadow soi Is.] - Izv. TSKhA 1978 (21: 32-43, 1978. [In R, ab: L] '3720 - ANDRIANI, M.G., GATTO, L.: Prova di confronto tra criteri diversi di program mazione irrigua ed epoca di semina su ibridi di girasole nel Tavoliere di Pugl ia. [Tests to compare different irrigation programs and sowing times concerning sunflowers hybrids in the Tavoliere di Puglia region.] - Quaderni Ric. Sei. 99 (30 Incontro sui Problemi Agronomici dei l'lrrigazionel: 342-350, 1977. [I n I ta I, ab: E.] *3721 - ANDRIANI, M.G., SCALA, L.: Variazioni delle rese in funzione dei volume sta gionale su mais da granel la e mais da foraggio nel litorale Jonico-Pugliese (TAl. [Maize and si lage maize yield variations as depending on the seasonal watering volume.] - Quadern i Ric. Sci. 99 (30 Incontro sui Problemi Ag ronom i ci dell'lrrigazione): 170-178, 1977. [In Ital, ab: E.] *3722 - ANDRIANI, M.G., SCALA, L.: Prova di confronto tra lunghezza dei campi, pendenza e corpi d'acqua per sol co, nella irrigazione per infi Itrazione laterale su pomodoro e mais da granella. [Comparison test among length of the fields, slope, and water volumes per furrow, in the irrigation for lateral infiltration on tomate and seed-maize.] - Quadern; Ric. Sei. 99(30 Incontro sui Problemi Agronomici dell'lrrigazionel: 286-299, 1977. [In Ital, ab: E.] 3723 - ANIKIEV, V.V., DONTSOV, V.V.: Nedostatok vody v pochve i ustoYchivost' k nemu kukur-uzy v razl ichnye periody razvitiya. [Soi I water deficit resistance in the course of maize plant devefopment.] - In: Problemy ZasukhoustoTchivosti ~aste­ nir. Pp. 100-107. Nauka, Moskva 1978. [In R.] 3724 - ANISIMOV, A.A., BULATOVA, T.A.: Transpiratsiya i akropetal'nyf transport orga nicheskikh veshchestv pri raznykh usloviyakh mineral'nogo pitaniya. [Transpi ration and acropetal transport of organic compounds under different mineral nutrition.] - In: VodnyT Rezhim Rasteni" v Svyazi s Raznymi Ekologicheskimi Usloviyami. Pp. 69-73. Izdatel'stvo Kazanskogo Universiteta, Kazan' 1978. [In R.] 3725 - ANISIMOV, A.V., MIFTAKHUTDINOVA, F.G.: Nekotorye aspekty issledovaniya ogra nichennoi diffuzil vody v biologicheskikh ob"ektakh impul'snym metodom VaMR. [Some aspects of determination of limiting diffusion of water in biological systems with NMR impulsion method.] - In: VodnyT Rezhim RasteniT v Svyazi 5 Raznymi Ekologicheskimi Usloviyami. Pp. 346-352. Izdatel'stvo Kazanskogo Universiteta, Kazan' 1978. [In R.] *3726 - ANISlMOV, A.V., MIFTAKHUTDINOVA, F.G.: Raspredelenie razmerov kletok i vnutri kletochnykh struktur biosystem iz izmereniT diffuzii vody metodom impul'snogo gradienta spinovogo ekha YaMR. [Distribution of the dimensions of cel Is and intracellular structures of biosystems from the measurements of water diffusion by the method of impulse gradient of NMR spin echo.] - Biof;zr~a 22: 866-871, 1977. [In R, ab: E.] 3727 - ANISIMOV, A.V., MIFTAKHUTDINOVA, F.G., AKSENOV, 5.1.: Issledovanie trans!yat sionnoT podvizhnosti vody, IzolirovannoT v kletkakh liofil'no vysushennykh drozhzheT Cryptoeoecus albidus var. difZuens impul'snym metodom YaMR. IStudy of translation mobi I ity of water isolated in Iyophyl ized yeasts Cryptoeoeeus aZbidus var. difZuens by NMR impulse method.] - Biofizika 23: 479-484, 1978. [In R, ab: L] 3728 - ANTIPOV, N.I.: Intensivnost' kutikulyarnoT transpiratsii travyanistykh rastentT v raznykh llkologicheskikh usloviyakh. [Rate of cuticular transpira1ion of seme herbaceous plants under various ecological condi1 ions.] - In: Problemy Zasukho ustoTch i vost i RasteniT. Pp. 239-245. Nauka, Moskva 1978. [In R.l 3729 - 3745 / ANT - AUS 4 *3729 - ANTONY, A.K., KUTTY, E.K.: Effect of soil and climatic conditions on yield and fibre properties of improved strains of uptand cotton. - tnd. J. agr. Sci. 45: 199-203, 1975. 3730 - ARKEL, H., van: The forage and grain yield of sorghum and maize as affected by soi I moisture conservation, lodging and harvesting losses. - Neth. J. agr. Sci. 26: 181-190, 1978. 3731 - ARMSTRONG, A.C.: The effect of drainage treatments on eereal yields: results fram experiments on elay lands. - J. agr. Sei. 91: 229-235, 1978. *3732 - ASH, S.R.: An unusual bennettitalean leaf from the Upper Triassie of the south-western United States. - Paleontology 20: 641-659, 1977. *3733 - ASHCROFT, R.T., WALLACE, A.: Sodium relations in desert plants: 5. Cation balance when grown in solution eulture and in the field in three speeies of Lycium fram the northern Mojave Desert. - Soil Sci. 122: 48-51, 1976. 3734 - ASHENDEN, T.W.: Drought avoidanee in sand dune populations of Dactylis glome l'ata. - J. Eco I. 66: 943-951, 1978. 3735 - ASHLEY, D.A., ETHRIDGE, W.J.: Irrigation effects on vegetative and reproducti ve development of three soybean eultivars. - Agron. J. 70: 467-471, 1978. 3736 - ASHRAF, C.M., AßU-SHAKRA, 5.: Wheat seed germination under low temperature and moisture stress. - Agron. J. 70: 135-139, 1978. 3737 - ASKOCHENSKAYA, N.A.: Vodnyr rezhim semyan razliehnykh ekologieheskikh grupp. [Water regime in seeds of different ecologieal groups.] - In: VodnyT Rezhim RasteniT v Svyazi s Raznymi Ekologieheskimi Usloviyami. Pp. 146-153. Izdatel' stvo Kazanskogo Universiteta, Kazan' 1978. [In R.] 3738 - ASLAM, M., HUNT, L.A.: Photosynthesis and transpiration of the flag leaf in four spring-wheat cultivars. - Planta 141: 23-28, 1978. 3739 - ASTON, M.J.: Differenees in the behaviour of adaxial and abaxial stomata of amphistamatous sunflower leave?: inhercnt or environmental? - Aust. J. Plant Physiol. 5: 211-218, 1978. 3740 - ATAYAN, R.R., GABRIELIAN, J.Y.: The influenee of postradiation moisture alte ration on biologieal after-effeet in Cl'epis seeds. - Environ. exp. Bot. 18: 9-17, 1978. "3741 - ATKINS, C.A., KUO, J., PATE, J.S., FLINN, A.M., STEELE, T.W.: Photosynthetie pod wall of pea (Pisum sativum L.). Distribution of earbon dioxide-fixing enzymes in relation to pod strueture. - Plant Physiol. 60: 779-786, 1977. 3742 - AUßUCHON, R.R., THOMPSON, D.R., HINCKLEY, T.M.: Envi ronmental influenees on photosynthesis within the erown of a white oak. - Oeeologia 35: 295-306, 1978. ,'3743 - AUSSENAC, G., DUCREY, M.: Uude bioel imatique d'une futaie feui Ilue (Fagus silvatica L. et Quepcus sessiliflopa Salisb.J de l'Est de la Franee. I. Analyse des profi Is mieroel imatiques et des earacteristiques anatami'ques et morpholo giques de I'apparei I fol iaire. - Ann. Sei. forest. 34: 265-284, 1977. 3744 - AUSSENAC, G., GRANIER, A.: Quelques resultats de cinetique journaliere du po tentiel de seve ehez les arbres forestiers. - Ann. Sei. forest. 35; 19-32, 1978. 3745 - AUSTIN, R.ß., KINGSTON, G., LONGDEN, P.C., DONOVAN, P.A.: Gross energy yields and the support energy requirements for the produetion of sugar from,beet and eane; a study of four produetion areas. - J. agr. Sei. 91: 667-675, 1978.

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