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Water-in-Plants Bibliography: 1983 References no. 11193–12911 / ABD-ZUR PDF

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Preview Water-in-Plants Bibliography: 1983 References no. 11193–12911 / ABD-ZUR

Water-i n-Plants Bi bl iog raphy volume 9 1983 References no. 11193-12911 / ABO-ZUR Editors J. Pospisilova and J. Solarova 1984 DR W. JUNK PUBLISHERS a member of the KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS GROUP DORDRECHT / BOSTON / LANCASTER Contributors J. Solarova J. Pospisilova J. Catsky Z. Sestak I. TichB. ISBN 978-90-6193-520-9 ISBN 978-94-009-5510-3 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-009-5510-3 © 1984 Dr W. Junk Publishers, Dordrecht 111 PREFACE The ninth volume of Water-in-Plants Bibi iography includes papers in al I fields of plant water relations research which appeared during the year 1983. - from theoreti cal considerations about the state of water in cel 15 and its membrane transport to drought resistance of plants or physiological significance of irrigation. In addition to papers devoted entirely to plant water relations, papers on other topics are in cluded if they contain data on plant hydration level, water vapour efflux, rate of water uptake or water transport, etc., or if they contain valuable methodological in formation (measurement of selected microclimatic factors, soi I moisture etc. l. We have tried to cover ful Iy the relevant papers which have been publ ished in important scientific periodicals and books. Articles appeared in local journals, mimeographed booklets, abstracts of thesis and of symposia contributions, etc., were chosen mostly from reprints received directly from authors. The courtesy of those is highly appreciated. The manuscript is usual Iy prepared in May and June of the year fol lowing the year which it covers. Unfortunately some reprints come later and thus the respective references appear in the fol lowing volume, with one year delay. To maximize the value of the bibi iography the references are arranged alphabetic al Iy according to the authors' names, and each volume is provided with three indexes. The authors' index contains al I names of authors, co-authors and editors. Plant gene ra used as experimental material are indexed according to their Latin names. The sub ject index covers primary items chosen according to the interest of water relations researchers. Its preparation was based not only on the titles, key words and abstracts but also on the whole content of the article. By combining two or more items a more detai led information may be obtained. Since more than 1500 relevant papers deal ing with plant water relations and rela tive topics are publ ished every year and included in this bibi iography, and since al I citations have been checked with the originals, col lecting and preparing for publ ica tion such a lorge amount of material would have been impossible without the col labora tion of our col leagues from the Department of Physiology of Photosynthesis and Water Relations of the Institute of Experimental Botany of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sci ences in Prague. We have also acknowledge with thanks the cooperation of Mrs. Ludmi la Havova and Mrs. Jindriska Srbova who helped in typing card material and the I ibrarian of our Institute Mrs. Zora Zawoyska who helped us with checking the references. Dr. Jana Posplsi lova and Ing. Jarmi la Solarova Institute of Experimental Botany Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Flemingovo nam. 2 160 00 PRAHA 6 Czechoslovakia Praha, 8 October 1984 [V INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE A[ [ references are arranged a[phabetica[ [y according to the authors' names. They are numbered and these numbers are used in the indexes. An asterisk preceding the num ber denotes the reference pub[ ished in the preceding period (1975 - 1981). Authors' names are presented in the spei I ing used in the original paper. [f this spei [ing does not correspond to the spei [ing usual Iy used by the author (e.g. Russian papers of Engl ish authors), one spei [ing is referred to the other in the Authors' index. Like the transcriptions they are a[phabetica[ [y arranged most[y according to the authors' own references. Neverthe[ess, the editors apo[ogize for some misinterpre tations which are part[y corrected by the cross-indexing in the Authors' index. The references contain the original unshortened tit[e of the paper (book). English, French, and German tit[es are cited in the original [anguage. Tit[es in other [anguages are supp[emented with a translation in Eng[ ish (using the tit[e of the re spective Eng[ ish abstract, if it is presented). Tit[es of Japanese, Chinese etc. papers are given in English translation only. [n both these cases the abbreviations of the original language and the [anguage of the abstract are given in brackets at the end of the reference. The fo[ lowing abbreviations are used most frequent[y: Be10russian Japanese Bu1garian Latvian Chinene Lithuanian Croatian Norwegian Danish Pol i sh Eng[ish Russian ESthonian Roumanian French S10Vak German Spanish Geor!] i an Swedish Hungari an Ukrainian Ita1 ian Uzbeg The trans[ iteration of Cyri [[ ic characters is in accordance with the BS[-ASA/ SC-Z39 draft tab[e, i .e.: a a p rr b 6 r p eh '! s e d g sh 1lI e e sheh III e :3 t T f <I> ts U g r u y i H V B r j:j y bI k K ya iI kh x yu 10 1 n 'Z 3 m M zh J!( n H b 0 0 b Several exceptions app[y for Ukrainian and Be[orussian: Ukrainian: y H i i r r Be[orussian: U y The journals' names are abbreviated main[y according to the Style Manua[ for Bio[ogical Journals (Second Edition, American Institute of Bio[ogica[ Sciences, Washington, D.C. 1964), e.g.: Abhandlungen BraSi leira environmental lesni (-rhol Abstract Braz i I Enzymology Letters Abtei lung Breeding Estonskaya Limnology Academy Brit i sh European Linnean Acker Bulletin (-etins) Exper iment LitovskoT Acta Byulleten experimental Lucrari le Advances California Faculty Magazin Africa (-icanl Canada (-adian) Federation Management agricultural cellular (-ulaire) Fizika marina (-ine) Agriculture Center Fiziologiya Material Agrobiology (-ogiyal central Flurbereinigung Mathematics Agrobotan i ca Centralblatt fores tiere Medede I i ngen Agrokem i a ~eskoslovensky Fores try mediterranean Agronomy chemical Forschung Meldinger agropecuari a Chem i stry Foundation Meteorology Akademie (-emiyal chimicus France Microbiology Algology Chinese Gazette Midland allgemei ne Chromatography general Mitte i I lungen Amelioration Chronicle genetical Model i ng America Ciencia geneticheskil modern American cientificas Genetics (-ika) molecular Anais (-alelel COllege Geobotany Monographiae (-aphy) Analysis Comm i s i on Geofizika MoskovskiT (-ovskogo) analytical Communication Geophys i cs Mycology Anatomy comparative GeSe I I schaft national angewante Comptes Rendus Giornale natural anima I Conference gosudarstvennyT Natura list Annales (-als) Congress GOVernment nature I I e annual Conservation Grassland naturkund I i che anorganic (-anisch) Contamination Gruz i nskaya Naturforschung applied Contribution Helveticus nauchnye (-ny Tl aquatic Control Histochemistry Neerlandica Arbeit Croatica Histoire (-ory) Netherland Archiv cultural Histology New Zealand Argentina Cultu re horticultural Norges Association current Horticulture Norweg i an Atmosph"re Cytobiology Hungaricae Notiser atmos"I"eric :ytochem i stry Hungaricus nuclear atomic Cytology Husband ry Nutrition Austral ia (-ral ian) Czechoslovak Hydrobiology obshche l' (-i Il Azerbaldzhanskaya Danske Hydrology Dceanography Bacteriology dendrological Indian Recologia Beiheft Dendrology Industry Okologie Beitr~ge Department inorganic Optics Belgique Deutsche (-schland) Institute opytnaya (-y I) Belorusskaya Development Institutului organic Berichte Disease internationa I original bi ochem ica I Dissertation Investigation ornamental Biochemie Division Irrigation Otdelenie Biochemistry Doklady Isotopes Paleobotany biochimica DopOVidi issledovatel'skiT Palynology biokhimicheskil Drainage !tal ian (-y) Pathology Biokhimiya ecological Izvestiya pedagog i chesk i I Bioklimatologie Ecology Jahrbuch Pesquisa Biologia (-ogy) Economy Japan (-anese) Pesticide biological (-ogisk) Edafology Journal Pfl anzen biophYSical Education Khimiya Pflanzenernährung BiophYSics Ekologiya Klasse Pflanzenphysiology Bodenkunde ~ksperimental 'nYI Konge li ge Pflanzenzüchtung Boletin (-ettino) Embryology Közlemenyek Philosophy Bolgarskil Encyclopedia ku 1 'tu rnykh Photogrammetric botanica (-anicorum) Eng i neeri ng Laboratory Phycology botanical (-anisca) Enology Landbauforschung physical Botanika (-any) Entomol ogy Landwirtschaft Physics VI physi olog i ca I rOlniczych SSSR Ukrains'kaya Physiology Rostl in (-I ina) Stants i i (-nts i ya) Universidad (-ersity) Phytologist rostl inna Statio USo USA Phytopathology Rouma i ne stiintifice USSR Phytotaxonany rOyal subtrop i ca I (-i ca Ie ) UzbekskiT (-ekskaya) Plantarum Russian SUmmary vedecke (-ecky) Polonica (-ska) RuSSkiT Supplement vegetable Pollut i on Sbornfk Survey vegeta Ie Prace Scandinavica Swedish Verhandlungen Practice Scandinavicus Sympos i um Veröffentlichungen prikladnoT School System Vestnik Proceedings Science Tagungsberichte Videnskabernes Progress scientific techn i ca I (-n ische) Virology Pub I i shers Section Technology Virusforschungen Quality Selskabs theoretical Volume quantitative Sel 'skokhozyaTstvo therma I Voprosy Quarter Iy Series (-iya) Tidsskrift vostochnyT Radiation Service Tijdschrift vsesoyuznyT Radiobiology Shkola (-oly) Toxicology vyssheT (-iT) RasteniT SibirskiT (-skogo) Transactions vyzkumny (-umneho) Rastenievodstvo Skr i fter Trava i I (-aux) Weekbl att Recherche (-erches) Slovak (-enska) trop i ca I (-i ca Ie ) Wetenschappen Report Society Trudy Wissenschaft Research Soobshcheniya Turkmenskaya Zapiski Resources SovetskiT (-iet) uchenye Zeitschrift Review (-ista, -ue) sovremennyT Ugeskri ft Zeitung Rivista speCial Un i ted Kingdan Zentral blatt RocZn i ky sperimentale Ukrainian Zhurna I The numbers at the end of each reference of a journal article denote: volume (issue) : first page - last page, year of publication. The number of issue is given only in journals where each issue is paginated separately. Book titles are cited according to the title page, not to the book jacket or cover. The publishing house, place and year of publication are included. Printers' errors in the original papers are marked by underl ining the respective words (I etters) . 11193 - 11209 / ABO - AHM ;,11193 - ABO EL-HAFEEZ, A.A.: Comparative ET studies on Berseem clover grown at diffe rent water table depths. I. Under rainfal I conditions. - Acta agron. Acad. Sci. Hung. 30: 415-424, 1981. 11194 - ABDELLY, C.; SELLAMI, A.: Variation de la tai Ile du pool des nucleotides adenyliques chez des halophytes, en relation avec. I'etat hydrique du 501. - C.R. Acad. Sci. (Paris) Sero II1 297: 91-93, 1983. 11195 - A8DUL-JABBAR, A.S., SAMMIS, T.W., LUGG, D.G., KALLSEN, C.E., SMEAL, 0.: Water use by alfalfa, maize, and barley as influenced by avai lable soi I water. - Agr. Water Manage. 6: 351-363, 1983. ;'11196 - ABDULLAEV, Kh.A., KASPAROVA, I.S., NJI,sYROV, Yu.S.: Vliyanie solevogo stressa na intensivnost' fotosinteza i fotodykhanie khlopchatnika. [Effect of salt stress on photosynthetic rate and photorespiration of cotton.] - Ookl. Akad. Nauk Tadzh. SSR 25: 306-308, 1982. [In R, ab: Tadj.] 11197 - ABOD, S.A., SANDI, 5.: Effect of restricted watering and its combination with root pruning on root growth capacity, water status and food reserves of Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis seedl ings. - Plant Soi I 71: 123-129, 1983. 11198 - ABO-H!l.f1ED, 5., COLLIN, H.A., HARD~IICK, K.: Biochemical and physiologieal aspects of leaf development in cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.). VI I. Growth, orientation, surface structure and water loss from developing flush leaves. - New Phytol. 95: 9-17, 1983. 11199 - ACEVEDO, E., BADILLA, I., NOBEL, P.S.: Water relations, diurnal acidity changes, and productivity of a cultivated cactus, Opuntia ficus-indica. - Plant Physiol. 72: 775-780, 1983. ;'11200 - ACHARYA, C. L., SANDHU, S. 5., ABROL, I. P.: Note on the effect of su bso i I sodicity on the water use by irrigated wheat. - Ind. J. agr. Sci. 52: 872- 873, 1982. 11201 - ACKER~1AN, W.L., ZHANG, A.-L.: Oistinguishing Camellia L. species using dorsal leaf surface impressions. - J. Amer. Soc. hort. Sci. 108: 439-444, 1983. 11202 - ACKERSON, R.C.: Comparative physiology and water relations of two corn hybrids during water stress. - Crop Sci. 23: 278-283, 1983. 11203 - ACKERSON, R.C., RADIN, J.W.: Abscisic acid aecumulation in cotton leaves in response to dehydration at high pressure. - Plant Physiol. 71: 432-433, 1983. 11204 - ADAMS, C.A., FJERSTAD, ~1.C., RINNE, R.W.: Characteristics of soybean seed maturation: necessity for slow dehydration. - Crop Sci. 23: 265-267, 1983. *11205 - ADARA, O.A., KANNENBERG, L.W.: Performance under stress of advaneed cyeles of four populations of corn (Zea mays L.) in an SI per se. Recurrent se lection program. - Can. J. Plant Sci. 61: 29-36, 1981. 11206 - ADDICOTT, F.T. (ed.): Abscisic Acid. - Praeger PUhlishers, New York 1983. 11207 - Jl.HLRICHS, J.S., BJI.UER, M.E.: Relation of agronomic and multispeetral reflect ance characteristics of spring wheat canopies. - Agron. J. 75: 987-993, 1983. *11208 - AHMAD, I., WAINWRIGHT, S.J., STEWART, G.R.: The solute and water relations of Agrostis stolonifera ecotypes differing in their salt tolerance. - New Phytol. 87: 615-629, 1981. ;'11209 - AHt~A.DI, M.S., HADERLIE, L.C., HlCKS, G.A.: Effect of growth stage and water stress on barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli) control and on glyphosate absorption and translocation. - Weed Sei. 28: 277-282, 1980. 11210 - 11224/ AHM - ALN 2 11210 - AHMADI, N.: Variabi I ite genetique et heredite de mecanismes de tolerance a la secheresse chez le riz Oryza sativa L.: I. Developpement du systeme racinaire. - Agron. trop. 38: 110-117, 1983. 11211 - AHMADI, N.: Variabi lite genetique et heredite de mecanismes de tolerance a la secheresse chez le riz OPyza sativa L. I I. Sensibi 1 ite stomatique aux deficits hydriques. - Agron. trop. 38: 118-122, 1983. 11212 - AH~IED, A.M., HEIKAL, t1.D., HINDAI~Y, O.S.: Side effects of Benomyl (fungicide) treatments on sunflower, cotton and cowpea plants. - Phyton 23: 185-195, 1983. 11213 - AHMED, A.M., HEIKAL, M.D., SHADDAD, M.A.: Changes in growth, photosynthesis and tat content of some oi I producing plants over a range of sal inity stresses. - Acta agron. Acad. Sci. Hung. 32: 370-375, 1983. 1'11214 - AHMED, A.M., HEIKAL, M.M., ZIDAN, M.A.: Photosynthesis and some other growth parameters of some leguminous plants as affected by sal inization treatments. - Natur. Montspeliensia, Sero Bot. 33: 1-10, 1980. 1'11215 - AINA, P.O.: Influence of soil moisture, soil compaction and K ferti lization on maize (Zea mays L.) grown on Iwo Soi I. - Z. Pflanzenernaehr. Bodenk. 143: 317-323, 1980. 11216 - AKEY, W.C., MORRISON, I.N.: Effect of moisture stress on wi Id oat (Avena fatua) response to diclofop. - Weed Sci. 31: 247-253, 1983. 1'11217 - AKrr~OVA, T.V., KRITENKO, S.P.: Vliyanie zakalivayushchikh i povrezhdayushchikh temperatur na nekotorye pokazatel i vodnogo i energeticheskogo obmena v I ist'yakh ogurtsa. [Effect of hardenning and damaging temperatures on some characteristics of water and energy balance in cucumber leaves.J - In: Vliyanie Faktorov VneshneT Sredy i Fiziologicheski Aktivnykh Veshchestv na Termorezistentnost' i Produktivnost' RasteniT. Pp. 43-50. Karel'skiT Fi I ial Akad. Nauk SSSR, Petrozavodsk 1982. [In R.J 11218 - ALAERTS, M., BADJI, M., FEYEN, J.: Effect of the simulation procedures of root water uptake on the assesment of the plant water stress. - In: MARCELLE, R., CLIJSTERS, H., YAN POUCKE, M. (ed.): Effects of Stress on Photosynthesis. Pp. 153. Martinus Nijhoff / Dr W. Junk Publishers, The Hague - Boston - London 1983. 1'11219 - ALBRIGO, L.G., LYRENE, P.M., FREEHAN, B.: Waxes and other surface characte ristics of fruit and leaves of native Vaccinium elliotti Champ. - J. Amer. Soc. hort. Sci. 105: 230-235, 1980. "11220 - ALDIS, D.F., FOSTER, G.H.: Moisture changes in grain from exposure to ambient air. - Trans. ASAE 23: 753-760, 1980. 11221 - ALLEN, E.B., CUNNINGHAM, G.L.: Ettects of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae on Distiehlis spicata under three sal inity levels. - New Phytol. 93: 227-236, 1983. 11222 - ALLEN, M.F., BOOSALIS, M.G.: Effects of two species of VA mycorrhizal fungi on drought tolerance of winter wheat. - New Phytol. 93: 67-76, 1983. 1'11223 - AL/1ADI, L.: Vlzhaztartasi vizsgalatok I. [Study of water regime I.J - Bot. Közlem. 69: 85-93, 1982. [In Hung, ab: E.J 11224 - AL-NAKSHABANDI, G.A.: The potential evapotranspiration of Short grass (Cynodon dactylon) as related to the estimated potential evaporation and . evapotranspiration from meteorological data in the coastal region of Kuwalt. - J. Arid Environ. 6: 33-38, 1983. 3 11225 - 11240/ ALO - ANT ,',11225 - ALONI, B., PRESSMAN, L: Interaction with salinity of GArinduced leaf elon gation, petiole pithiness and bolting in celery. - Scientia Hort. 13: 135- 142, 1980. ,"11226 - AL-RASHIDI, R.K., LOYNACHAN, T.E., FREDERICK, L.R.: Desiccation tolerance of four strains of Rhizobium japonicum. - Soi I Biol. Biochem. 14: 489-493, 1982. *11227 - ALVINO, A., FRUSCIANTE, L., MONTI, L.M.: Yield and qual ity traits of two new tomato varieties for peeling under different irrigation regimes. - Acta Hort. 100: 173-180, 1980. 11228 - ALVINO, A., ZERBI, G., FRUSCIANTE, L., MONTI, L.M.: Evaluation of field bean I ines grown with a shal low water table maintained at different levels. - Field Crop Res. 6: 179-188, 1983. ,"11229 - AMBROS, Z.: Produkcny potenc i a I Ie snych ekosystemov. [Producti on potent i a I of forest ecosystems.J - Lesn. Casopis (B~atislava) 28: 315-326, 1982. [In Slov, ab: E, G, R.J 11230 - AMBROS, Z.: Hydricky potencial lesnych ekosystemov. [Hydric potential of forest ecosystems.J - Lesn. Casopis (Bratislava) 29: 3-13, 1983. [In Slov, ab: E, G, R.J 11231 - At-1THOR, J.S.: Sorghum seedling growth as a function of sodium chloride sali nity and seed size. - Ann. Bot. 52: 915-917, 1983. 11232 - ANDERSON, J.A., GUSTA, L.V., BUCHANAN, D.W., BURKE, M.J.: Freezing of water in citrus leaves. - J. Amer. Soc. hort. Sei. 108: 397-400, 1983. *11233 - ANDONOV, D.: Ikonomieheska efektivnost ot tsvekloproizvodstvoto pri napoya va ne ehrez d"zhduvane v usloviyata na Yambol. [Economic effectiveness of sugar beet produetion under irrigation in Yambol.J - Rasteniev. Nauki 19(8): 42-48, 1982. [In Bulg, ab: R, E.J 11234 - ANDONOVA, T., ANDONOVA, P.: Kol ichestveni izmeneniya na svobodnite tsitoki ni ni v mladi tsareviehni rasteniya pri pochveno zasushavane. [Changes in the free eytokinins of maize seedl ings during soi I drought.J - Fiziol. Rast. (Sofia) 9(1): 55-59,1983. [In Bulg, ab: R, E.J 1'11235 - ANGUS, D.E.: Effect of soi I moisture on evapotranspiration. - In: Agricultu ral Engineering Conference. Pp. 184-187. Geelong 1980. 11236 - ANGUS, J.F., HASEGAWA, S., HSIAO, T.C., LIBOON, S.P., ZANDSTRA, H.G.: The water balance of post-monsoonal dry land crops. - J. agr. Sei. 101: 699-710, 1983. 1<11237 - ANGUS, J.F., ZANDSTRA, H.G.: Climatic factors and the mOdeling of rice growth and yield. - In: Agrometeorology of the Rice Crop. Pp. 189-199. World Meteorological Organization, International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos 1980. *11238 - ANTIPOV, N.I.: Osobennosti vodoobmena rozl ichnykh tipov plodov rasteni!. [Characteristics of water exchange in different types of fruits.J - Ekolo giya 1980(2): 86-88,1980. [In R.J 11239 - ANTLFINGER, A.E., DUNN, E.L.: Water use and salt balance in three salt marsh succulents. - Amer. J. Bot. 70: 561-567, 1983. *11240 - ANTOSZEWSKI, R., LENZ, F.: Regulation of transport between leaf and fruit. - In: Proceedings 21st International Horticultural Congress. Volume I. Pp. 91-106. International Society for Horticultural Science, Wageningen 1982. 11241 - 11256/ APA - ATH 4 11241 - APARICIO-TEJO, P.M., BOYER, J.S.: Magnesium nutrition and grain yield of maize having low water potential. - Agron. J. 75: 919-923, 1983. 11242 - APPLEBY, R.F., DAVIES, W.J.: A possible evaporation site in the guard cel I wal land the influence of leaf strueture on the humidity response by stomata of woody plants. - Oecologia 56: 30-40, 1983. 11243 - flPPLEBY, R.F., DAVIES, W.J.: The structure and orlentation of guard cel Is in plants showing stomata I responses to changing vapour pressure difference. - Ann. Bot. 52: 459-468, 1983. 11244 - ARAD (MALIS),S., MIZRAHI, Y.: Stress-indueed ripening of the non-ripening tomato mutant nor. - Physiol. Plant. 59: 213-217, 1983. 11245 - ARAÜJO, J.P., de, FREIRE, L.C., MAGALHAES, A.A., de, FARIA, c.t-1.B., de: Sistema de produ~ao para culturas irrigadas no submedio Sao Francisco. I. Tomate industrial. [Farming system for irrigated crops in the Sao Francisco region. I. Industrial tomato.] - Pesq. agropec. Bras. 18: 1-3, 1983. [In Port, ab: E.] 11246 - ARGEL, P.J., HUt1PHREYS, L.R.: Environmental effects on seed development and hardseededness in Stylosanthes hamata cv. Verano. I I. Moisture supply and i Iluminance. - Aust. J. agr. Res. 34: 271-277, 1983. 11247 - ARGEL, P.J., HUMPHREYS, L.R.: EnvironmentaI effeets on seed development and hardseededness in Stylosanthes hamata cv. Verano. I I I. Storage humidity and seed charaeteristics. - Aust. J. agr. Res. 34: 279-287, 1983. 11248 - ARMITAGE, A.M., KOWALSKI, T.: Effect of irrigation frequeney durlng green house production on the postproduction qual ity of Petunia hybrida Vi Im. - J. Amer. Soc. hort. Sc i. 10 8: 11 8-121, 19 83. 11249 - ARt1ITAGE, A.M., VINES, H.M., TU, Z.-P., BLACK, C.C.: Water relations and net photosynthesis in hybrid geranium. - J. Amer. Soc. hort. Sei. 108: 310-314, 1983. *11250 - ARTECA, R.N.: Effeet of root appl ications of kinetln and gibberel I ie acid on transplanting shock in tomato plants. - HortSeience 17: 633-634, 1982. 11251 - ASFARY, A.F., WILD, A., HARRIS, P.M.: Growth, mineral nutrition and water use by potato crops. - J. agr. Sci. 100: 87-101, 1983. *11252 - ASHLEY, D.A.: Soybean. - In: TEARE, I .D., PEET, M.M. (ed.): Crop-Water Relations. Pp. 389-422. John Wi ley & Sons, New York - Chichester - Brisbane - Toronto - Singapore 1982. 11253 - ASHWORTH, E.N., ROWSE, D.J., BILUWER, L.A.: The freezing of water in woody tissues of apricot and peaeh and the relationship to freezing injury. - J. Amer. Soc. hort. Sci. 108: 299-303, 1983. 11254 - ASPINALL, D., PARAr1ESHARAN, K.V.r~., GRAHAr1, R.D.: Proline accumulation in the grains, floral organs and flag leaves of wheat and barley in response to variations in water and nitrogen supply. - Irrig. Scl. 4: 157-166, 1983. 11255 - ASTADZHOV, N.: Vliyanie na polivaneto v"rkhu razvitieto i produktivnostta na blatnoto kokiehe. [The effect of irrigation on the development and pro duktivity of the marsh snowflake.] - Rasteniev. Nauki 20(1): 50-56, 1983. [In Bulg, ab: R, E.] 11256 - ATHERTON, J.G., FAROOQUE, A.M.: High temperature and germination in spinach. I I. Effects of osmotic priming. - Scientia Hort. 19: 221-227, 1983.

The ninth volume of Water-in-Plants Bibi iography includes papers in al I fields of plant water relations research which appeared during the year 1983. - from theoreti­ cal considerations about the state of water in cel 15 and its membrane transport to drought resistance of plants or physiological
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