WATER DESALINATION BY MOHAMMAD AK. AL-SOFI ARABIAN CONSULTING ENGINEERING CENTRE POST OFFICE BOX 3790, AL-KHOBAR 31952, KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA E-mail: [email protected] 1 H20 Desalination Nov. 21, 2005 WATER DESALINATION Mankind’s knowledge did not stop at appreciating the secrets of water but merged in his endeavors to imitate what happens in nature. Late Professor (of Desalination) Robert Silver once said that, “Earth is the largest distillation unit”. 2 H20 Desalination Nov. 21, 2005 WATER DESALINATION B A = APEX SEA WATER SAND BASIN B1 A1 FRESH WATER 3 AN ANCIENT SAMAWAR EARTH 2 AL-GHUMSAH 3RD MILLENNIUM B.C. 1 A1 = 2A B1 = 0.5B DISTILLATION ABOARD 4 DOUBLE WALLED WATER 5 SHIPS 2ND MILLENNIUM B.C. ARISTOLS CITATION 6 CAVERN 3RD MILLENNIUM B.C. 1ST MILLENNIUM B.C. 3 H20 Desalination Nov. 21, 2005 WATER DESALINATION 7 THE HOLLOW WAX BALL 8 THE OLDEST ANCESTOR OF 9 PERFUM DISTILLATION 1ST MILLENNIUM A.D. DAULL PRODUCTION OF HERIO OF ARABIAN CIVILIZATION 1ST MILLENNIUM A.D. 1ST MILLENNIUM A.D. 10DESALINATION USING DAMASQUAIN GLASS 11LEONARDO D’VINCI CITATION 12 THE TALE OF DANIEL 2ND MILLENNIUM A.D. 2ND MILLENNIUM A.D. DAVO 2ND MILLENNIUM A.D. 4 H20 Desalination Nov. 21, 2005 WATER DESALINATION Today the Arab World desalinates more water than all other parts of the globe combined. Saudi Arabia by itself represents about one-fourth of the total world’s capacity. Petroleum wealth has been the prime force behind this paramount growth in desalination capacity in more than one way. Oil booms have led to escalating rises in demand, the oil wealth provided capital funding for this growth and above all energy availability supported such high production rates of desalinated water. Some of the highest per capita desalination production rates are in Qatar and United Arab Emirates (UAE). 5 H20 Desalination Nov. 21, 2005 WATER DESALINATION (a) (b) (c) Multiples % % 20 100 7 19.71 6.9 90 95.2 6 80 15 5 70 TTTHHHIIIRRRSSSTTTYYY COUNTRIES NNNAAATTTIIIOOONNNSS WATER 60 WITH 4 RICH SUSTAINABLE WHAT TO DO? 10 50 COUNTRIES WATER 1. Allot, e.g.: 3 40 RESOURCES i) Management ii) Tariff Structure & 30 2 5 iiiiii)) TTEECCHHNNOOLLOOGGYY 20 23.5 1 1.11 10 0.48 0 0 0 Norway Japan Syria Egypt Iraq Saudi Arabia Consumption Divided by Renewable Water Resources NOTE: Surface water would also provide renewable electricity. 6 H20 Desalination Nov. 21, 2005 WATER DESALINATION Desalination Processes As known today: 1a-3a, or as could be thought of: 3b Desalination processes can be divided into: 1. Physical processes of phase change: a. Solar distillation, stands b. Multi-stage flash half-way between (MSF) distillation nature & MSF. c. Multi-effect distillation d. Vapor-compression (MED) distillation (VCD) REHEAT e. Pervapouration* f. Freezing * A process of vaporization and vapour permeation. 7 H20 Desalination Nov. 21, 2005 WATER DESALINATION Desalination Processes (Cont’d.) 2. Physical processes of ionic change: a. Reverse b. Electrodialysis Osmosis (RO) (ED) c. Inoexchange d. Hydration e. Electromagnetic f. Chelation 3. Processes of chemical change: a. Precipitation b. Bio-Desalination 8 H20 Desalination Nov. 21, 2005 WATER DESALINATION Performance of MED/TVC is Highly Influenced by Scale Formation 9 H20 Desalination Nov. 21, 2005 WATER DESALINATION Salient Features of MED (cid:190) High heat transfer rate (thin film boiling and condensation). (cid:190) Maximum temperature operation 65 °C to limit scale formation. (cid:190) Higher frequency of acid cleaning. Tube configuration is not suitable for sponge ball cleaning. (cid:190) Higher Gain output (GOR)*a MED GOR = N-1 (cid:190) MSF GOR = N/2 (cid:190) Low power consumption* (2 kWh/m3)a (cid:190) Small to medium capacity size plants* in MIGD range of: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6b 7 8b * These numbers are based on: a) Different steam grade than that required by MSF thus: GOR & Power Consumption are fictitious references, as they are used by many; yet the use of PR will give more realistic references. b) Unit capacities of over three are achieved by duplicate(s) of parallel ejectors and distillation stages. 10 H20 Desalination Nov. 21, 2005