City of Coos Bay, ~~Oregon Wastewater Treatment Plant #2 Facilities Plan Amendment Volume 1: Report November 20, 2012 486 E Street Civil West Coos Bay, Oregon 97420 Engineering Services. Inc. Phone: 541.266.8601 Fax: 541.266.8681 City of Coos Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant #2 Facilities Plan Amendment Table of Contents Table of Contents ES Executive Summary ........................................................................................................ 1-1 1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2. Purpose .......................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.3. Need for Facilities Plan Amendment.. ............................................................................ 1-2 1.4. Project Goals and Objectives ......................................................................................... 1-2 1.5. Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................ 1-2 2. Study Area Characteristics .............................................................................................. 2-1 2.1. Study Area ..................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.2. Physical Environment .....................................................................................................2 -1 2.2.1. Soils ........................................................................................................................2 -1 2.2.2. Floodplain ............................................................................................................... 2-1 2.2.3. Wetland Impacts .....................................................................................................2 -4 2.2.4. Land Use Issues .....................................................................................................2 -4 2.3. Socio-Economic Environment ........................................................................................ 2-4 2.3.1. Economic Conditions and Trends .......................................................................... 2-4 2.3.2. Population ..............................................................................................................2 -4 2.3.3. Population growth projections ................................................................................ 2-6 2.4. Land Use Regulations .................................................................................................... 2-7 2.4.1. City or County Comprehensive Plan ...................................................................... 2-7 2.4.2. City or County Zoning Ordinance ........................................................................... 2-7 2.4.3. Intergovernmental Agreements ..............................................................................2 -7 3. Existing Wastewater Facilities ......................................................................................... 3-1 3.1. Wastewater Treatment Plant History and Existing Facilities .......................................... 3-1 3.2. Plant Operations ............................................................................................................ 3-1 3.3. Unit Performance and Deficiencies ................................................................................ 3-3 3.3.1. Influent Pump Station ............................................................................................. 3-3 3.3.2. Headworks: Screening ........................................................................................... 3-3 3.3.3. Headworks: Grit Removal ...................................................................................... 3-3 3.3.4. Primary Clarifier ...................................................................................................... 3-4 3.3.5. Aeration Basins ...................................................................................................... 3-4 3.3.6. lntermediate/RAS/WAS Pump Station ................................................................... 3-5 3.3. 7. Secondary Clarifiers ............................................................................................... 3-5 3.3.8. Disinfection System ................................................................................................ 3-5 3.3.9. Anaerobic Digestion ............................................................................................... 3-6 3.3.10 . Biosolids Storage ................................................................................................... 3-6 3.3.11. Control Building, Lab and Office Facilities .............................................................. 3-6 3.3.12. Controls and Electrical ........................................................................................... 3-6 3.3.13. Pumps and Other Support Facilities ....................................................................... 3-6 4. Wastewater Flows ........................................................................................................... 4-1 4.1. Wastewater Volume ....................................................................................................... 4-1 4.1.1. Flow Definitions ...................................................................................................... 4-1 4.1.2. Summary of Available Data .................................................................................... 4-3 4.1.3. Dry Weather Flow ...................................................................................................4 -3 4.1.4. Wet Weather Flow .................................................................................................. 4-5 4.1.5. Infiltration and Inflow .............................................................................................. 4-7 4.1.6. Summary of Existing Flows .................................................................................... 4-9 4.1. 7. Projected Wastewater Flows ............................................................................... .4-11 Civil West Engineering Services, Inc. Pagei City of Coos Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant #2 Facilities Plan Amendment Table of Contents 4.2. Wastewater Composition ............................................................................................ .4-11 4.2.1. Analysis of Plant Records- BOD, TSS, pH and Ammonia (NH -N) ................... .4-12 3 4.2.2. Analysis of Plant Records-Temperature ........................................................... .4-15 4.2.3. Wastewater Composition .................................................................................... .4-16 4.3. Projected Wastewater Characteristics ......................................................................... 4-16 5. Basis of Planning ............................................................................... , ............................ 5-1 5.1. Basis for Design ............................................................................................................ ,5-1 5.1.1. Regulatory Requirements ....................................................................................... 5-1 5.1.2. Effluent Quality ................................................................................................. , ..... 5-1 5.1.3. Treatment Effectiveness ......................................................................................... 5-3 5.1.4. Plant Reliability Criteria .......................................................................................... 5-4 5.1.5. Design Concepts and Constraints .......................................................................... 5-6 5.2. Basis for Cost Estimate ............................. ,. ................................................................... 5-7 5.2.1. Construction Costs ..................................... ,. .......................................................... 5-7 5.2.2. Contingencies ......................................................................................................... 5-8 5.2.3. Engineering ............................................................................................................ 5-8 5.2.4. Legal and Administrative ............................ , ........................................................... 5-8 5.3. Water Quality Impact. ..................................................................................................... 5-9 5.3.1. Background Data on the receiving stream ............................. ,. .............................. 5-9 5.4. Water Balance Analysis of any Wastewater Treatment Impoundments ........................ 5-9 5.5. Design Capacity of Conveyance System and Wastewater Treatment Plant .................. 5-9 5.5.1. Conveyance System ....................................................................................... , ...... 5-9 5.5.2. Wastewater Treatment Plant Facilities ............................................................. , ... 5-1 0 5.5.3. Seasonal Land Irrigation ...................................................................................... 5-11 5.6. Value Assessment Study ............................................................................................. 5-12 5.6.1. VA Final Report Summary .................................................................................... 5-12 5.6.2. Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 5-12 6. Development and Evaluation of Alternatives .................................................................. 6-1 6.1. Upgrades to Gravity Conveyance System ..................................................................... 6-1 6.2. Raw Wastewater Influent Pump Station ......................................................................... 6-2 6.3. Headworks: Primary Raw Wastewater Screening Alternatives ...................................... 6-4 6.3.1. Step (Stair) Screens ...............................................................................................6 -5 6.3.2. Spiral Screen .......................................................................................................... 6-6 6.3.3. BaskeUBarrel Screens ............................................................................................ 6-6 6.3.4. Mechanical Bar Screen .......................................................................................... 6-7 6.3.5. Horizontal Semicircular Perforated Screen ............................................................ 6-8 6.4. Headworks: Primary Raw Wastewater Grit Removal. .................................................... 6-8 6.4.1. Aerated Grit Chamber ............................................................................................ 6-9 6.4.2. Vortex-Type Grit Chambers .................................................................................6 -10 6.5. Headworks: Cost Estimate ........................................................................................... 6-11 6.6. Wastewater Treatment Plant Liquid Stream Treatment Alternatives ........................... 6-11 6.6.1. Previously Completed Feasibility Studies ............................................................6 -12 Alternative 1 (West Yost Study 2007) .................................................................. 6-12 2 (North Spit Option) .......................................................................... 6-12 Alternative 3 (Combined Plant Option) ................................................................. 6-15 6.6.2. Activated Sludge Conventional ............................................................................ 6-15 6.6.3. Oxidation Ditch ..................................................................................................... 6-17 6.6.4. Sequencing Batch Reactor ................................................................................... 6-21 6.6.5. Packaged Activated Sludge Plant ........................................................................ 6-23 6.6.6. Membrane Bioreactors (MBR) ..............................................................................6 -26 6.6.7. MBR + ACTIFLO- Dual-Treatment (Blended Flow) Options ............................... 6-27 Civil West Engineering Services, Inc. Pageii City of Coos Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant #2 Facilities Plan Amendment Table of Contents 6.6.8. Packaged Fine-Bubble Aerated Lagoon .............................................................. 6-28 6.6.9. Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) ................................................................... 6-30 6.6.10. Integrated Fixed Film Activated Sludge (IFAS) (Existing Site)-VA Option 2 ........ 6-31 6.6.11. Chemically-Enhanced Primary Treatment+ MBR (Existing Site)-VA Option 1 ... 6-32 6.6.12. Liquid Stream Treatment Alternatives- Summation and Recommendations ...... 6-33 6.7. Disinfection Alternatives ............................................................................................... 6-37 ,:::; 7 1 Basic .A.Iternatives .................................................................................................6 -37 6.7.2. Design Criteria ......................................................................................................6 -39 6.7.3. Selection ...............................................................................................................6 -41 6.8. Effluent Discharge Alternatives .................................................................................... 6-43 6.8.1. Existing Outfall .....................................................................................................6 -43 6.9. Biosolids Management ................................................................................................. 6-43 6.9.1. Biosolids Stabilization Alternatives ....................................................................... 6-43 6.9.2. Lime Stabilization .................................................................................................6 -44 6.9.3. Rehabilitate Existing Anaerobic Digesters ........................................................... 6-44 6.9.4. Thicken and Haul to Plant #1 Anaerobic Digesters .............................................. 6-45 6.9.5. Aerobic Digesters ................................................................................................. 6-46 6.9.6. Selection ...............................................................................................................6 -47 6.9.7. Ultimate Use and Disposal Alternatives ............................................................... 6-50 6.1 0. Development and Evaluation of Complete Alternatives ............................................... 6-52 6.1 0.1. Common Parameters ........................................................................................... 6-52 6.10.2. Development of at least three complete alternatives ........................................... 6-53 6.1 0.3. Matrix Evaluation .................................................................................................. 6-66 7. Recommended Plan ........................................................................................................ 7-1 7.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 7-1 7 .1.1. Project Selection .................................................................................................... 7-1 7.1.2. Projected Design Flows .......................................................................................... 7-1 7.1.3. Project Cost Summary ........................................................................................... 7-3 7 .1.4. Detailed Project Descriptions and Design Data ..................................................... 7-3 7.1.5. Detailed Cost Estimates ......................................................................................... 7-7 7.2. Financing Strategy .......................................................................................................7 -12 7.3. Implementation Schedule ............................................................................................. 7-12 Civil West Engineering Services, Inc. Page iii City of Coos Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant #2 Facilities Plan Amendment Table of Contents Volume 2: Appendix Appendix A: Mutual Agreement and Order Appendix B: NPDES Permit Appendix C: South Site Wetland Delineation Report Appendix D: FEMA Maps Appendix E: NRCS Soils Reports Appendix F: Outfall Assessment Report Appendix G: lntertech Control System Assessment Appendix H: Inflow and Infiltration Study Appendix 1: North Spit Feasibility Study AppendixJ: Proposed New Site Wetland Delineation Report Appendix K: Value Assessment Study Appendix L: VA Life Cycle Cost Estimate Appendix M: Biosolids Management Report- February 6, 2012 Appendix N: Project Cost Estimates Appendix 0: Aeration Requirement Calculations Appendix P: CCTV Report Civil West Engineering Services, Inc. Page iv City of Coos Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant #2 Facilities Plan Amendment Executive Summary ES Executive Summary Introduction This Facilities Plan Amendment is the culmination of an exhaustive planning effort by the City of Coos Bay for the City's Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 2. The existing facilities at Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 2 are insufficient to meet current peak flows and redundancy requirements as well as expected future flow conditions. The facility was originally constructed in 1964 and contains several components that have exceeded their useful life. The City of Coos Bay has entered into (and updated) a Mutual Agreement and Order (MAO) with the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to establish a schedule of objectives to upgrade the facility. This plan amendment outlines the circumstances necessitating the City taking a step back in its planning and pre-design process from the previously recommended project outlined in the existing Facilities Plan, completed in 2007. In the very early phases of the predesign of the recommended alternative as described in the 2007 Facilities Plan, wetlands were found encroaching into the planned expansion area for the plant improvements (lot directly south of the existing plant site). In addition to the discovered environmental constraints, effluent discharge and disinfection regulations are expected to be modified with the upcoming National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit renewal. The lack of feasibility of the site to the south for expansion and the pending modifications to the discharge permit warranted the City of Coos Bay to search out a new alternative solution for the aged and under-sized existing wastewater treatment plant. This document contains summaries of updated population, wastewater influent characteristics, such as temperature and BOD, TSS and ammonia loading and discharge requirements. In addition to the updated information, several treatment alternatives are introduced and evaluated for cost and noneconomic factors. Concurrent with the early development of this document, the City of Coos Bay acquired a proposed new plant site, located at the northeast corner of Empire Boulevard and Fulton Avenue. The proposed new plant site made several new treatment alternatives possible that could not be considered during the original facilities plan. This plan amendment concludes with a recommended treatment plant upgrade. During the preparation of this document, the City enlisted a third-party team of experts and stakeholders to perform a value analysis (VA) of the plan amendment. The VA team reviewed a draft of this document, made observations of the existing facility and made recommendations for additional alternatives to be considered. A subsequent life cycle analysis was performed on several of the options from the VA process. The value analysis and life cycle cost procedures provided additional input into this document. Service Area Characteristics The City of Coos Bay is located on the southwestern Oregon coast on Highway 101, approximately 10 0 miles north of the state border with California. The City of Coos Bay is situated to the south of a large bend of the Coos River, at Coos Bay. The natural geologic formation of the area resulted in a City built over a ridgeline of hills. Because of the geographic constraints, the City of Coos Bay has developed a gravity collection Civil West Engineering Services, Inc. Page ES-1 City of Coos Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant #2 Facilities Plan Amendment Executive Summary system with two distinct, separate collection areas. Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 1 serves the east side of the City; while Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 2 treats sewer collected on the west side. Wastewater Treatment Plant No.2 also receives and treats all sewage originating from the Charleston Sanitary District, located to the south of the City of Coos Bay. Current population data were used to update the population values presented in the existing facilities plan. Population growth projections have been based on the City's Transportation System Master Plan, which proposed an annual growth rate of 0.75% until 2015 and 0.56% for the remainder of the planning period. It is expected that the new treatment plant improvements for Plant No. 2 will be operational in 2017; therefore, this plan amendment projects population and flow rates until 2037 to provide a 20-year planning period for the new wastewater treatment facility. Table ES.1 shows the expected population, using the growth rates described above, for the planning period. The 2010 population values are based on the current reports produced by the Population Research Center (PRC) at Portland State University. Coos Bay Population of C. B. served by WWTP#2 34.5% B. Population served by WWTP #2 5,819 6,026 6,197 6,373 6,553 6,814 ston Sanitary District* 3,983 4,242 4,362 4,486 4,665 WWTP#2 479 * Charleston 2010 Population based on 2007 population of 3,900 as described in 2007 Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 2 Facilities Plan. ** Population forecast based on City of Coos Bay accepted growth of 0.70% until 2015, and 0.56% growth rate from 2015 to 2037. Wastewater Characteristics The data necessary for design of a new or upgraded wastewater treatment facility includes flow rates (including expected peak flow events throughout the calendar year), temperature, and organic loading or concentration. The data provided in the existing facilities plan is updated in this amendment documentation with current flows, temperature and organic loads. Table ES.2 presents the current flows for each parameter of interest in the design of a facility. Civil West Engineering Services, Inc. PageES-2 City of Coos Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant #2 Facilities Plan Amendment Executive Summary Table ES.3 shows the current plant influent loading and concentration of organics. Table ES.4 depicts the average temperatures for the current wastewater flows discharged at the existing treatment plant. Based on the temperature data, the recommended design temperatures are 13 degrees Celsius for summer months and 10 degrees for winter months. The projected flows are based on the assumption that the addition of population will proportionally increase the flow rate for each of the flow parameters, including the inflow and infiltration components of the flow. This planning amendment document also includes analysis of the inflow and infiltration rates and peaks for the collection system transmitting flows to the Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 2. Inflow and infiltration is excessive in the collection system and an ongoing capital investment for the City of Coos Bay. Civil West Engineering Services, Inc. Page ES-3 City of Coos Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant #2 Facilities Plan Amendment Executive Summary The projected flows for the 20-year planning period are presented in Table ES.5. Table ES.6 provides the expected future organic loads at the end of the planning period, on which a new treatment facility design is based. Treatment Requirements The City of Coos Bay is cognizant of protecting the environment and water quality of the water in Coos Bay. Coos Bay provides important fish and shellfish habitat as well as public recreational opportunities. Because the wastewater treatment plant discharges to critical aquatic habitat, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) require that the facility meet Class I reliability standards. The NPDES permit regulated by the DEQ governs the quality of effluent discharged by the wastewater treatment facility. Table ES.7 summarizes the effluent discharge limits. Table ES.8 provides other constituent discharge limits and Table ES.9 shows an expected upcoming modification to the permit introducing a limit on the Enterococcus bacteria. Civil West Engineering Services, Inc. PageES-4 City of Coos Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant #2 Facilities Plan Amendment Executive Summary Average Effluent Monthly Weekly Daily Parameter Concentrations Average Average Maximum (Monthly) (Weekly) BODs 20 mg/L 30 mg/L • :,:• (\I I i ' < • I I I' i ~-·~- .· -~ '~~,t ...:;il· .. ; • .- . •_: ""~ . \ ..... , ' . ~. . ~_.:- Average Effluent Monthly Weekly Daily Parameter Concentrations Average Average Maximum (Monthly) (Weekly) (lb/day) (lb/day) (lbs) BODs 30 mg/L 45 mg/L 510 760 1000 TSS 30 mg/L 45 mg/L 510 760 1000 Other Parameters (year-round) Limitations Shall not exceed a monthly median of 14 organisms per 100 ml. Not more than Fecal Coliform Bacteria 10 percent of the samples shall exceed organisms per 100 ml. pH hall be within the range of 6.0-9.0 Shall not be less than 85% monthly BODs and TSS Removal Efficiency average for BOD5 and 85% monthly for TSS Shall not exceed a daily median value of Total Residual Chlorine 0.5 mg/1 and no single sample shall exceed 1.0 mg/1 Shall not exceed a monthly average Ammania-N concentration of 20 mg/L and a daily (May 1 -October 31) maximum concentration of 30 mg/L Excess Thermal Load Shall not exceed 37 Million kcals/day as a (May 1 -October 31) average. Civil West Engineering Services, Inc. Page ES-5