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Developments in Geotechnical Engineering, 76 Waste Disposal in Rock R. Pusch Clay Technology AB, IDEON Research Center, S-223 70 Lund, Sweden Department of Geotechnology, Lund University of Technology, S-221 00 Lund, Sweden ELSEVIER Amsterdam — London — New York — Tokyo 1994 Further titles in this series: Volumes 2, 3, 5-7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16A, 22 and 26 are out of print I. G. SANGLERAT - THE PENETROMETER AND SOIL EXPLORATION 4. R. SILVESTER - COASTAL ENGINEERING. 1 AND 2 8. L.N. PERSEN - ROCK DYNAMICS AND GEOPHYSICAL EXPLORATION Introduction to Stress Waves in Rocks II. H.K. GUPTA AND B.K. RASTOGI - DAMS AND EARTHQUAKES 14. B. VOIGHT (Editor) - ROCKSLIDES AND AVALANCHES. 1 and 2 17. A.P.S. SELVADURAI - ELASTIC ANALYSIS OF SOIL-FOUNDATION INTERACTION 18. J. FEDA - STRESS IN SUBSOIL AND METHODS OF FINAL SETTLEMENT CALCULATION 19. A. KÉZDI - STABILIZED EARTH ROADS 20. E.W. BRAND AND R.P. BRENNER (Editors) - SOFT-CLAY ENGINEERING 21. A. MYSLIVE AND Z. KYSELA - THE BEARING CAPACITY OF BUILDING FOUNDATIONS 23. P. BRUUN - STABILITY OF TIDAL INLETS - Theory and Engineering 24. Ζ. BAZANT - METHODS OF FOUNDATION EGINEERING 25. Â. KÉZDI - SOIL PHYSICS - Selected Topics 27. D. STEPHENSON - ROCKFILL IN HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING 28. P.E. FRIVIK, N. JANBU, R. SAETERSDAL AND L.I. FINBORUD (Editors) - GROUND FREEZING 1980 29. P. PETER - CANAL AND RIVER LEVÉES 30. J. FEDA - MECHANICS OF PARTICULATE MATERIALS - The Principles 31. Q. ZÂRUBA AND V. MENCL - LANDSLIDES AND THEIR CONTROL Second completely revised edition 32. I.W. FARMER (Editor) - STRATA MECHANICS 33. L. HOBST AND J. ZAJÎC - ANCHORING IN ROCK AND SOIL Second completely revised edition 34. G. SANGLERAT, G. OLIVARI AND B. CAMBOU - PRACTICAL PROBLEMS IN SOIL MECHANICS AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, 1 and 2 35. L. RÉTHÂTI - GROUNDWATER IN CIVIL ENGINEERING 36. S.S. VYALOV - RHEOLOGICAL FUNDAMENTALS OF SOIL MECHANICS 37. P. BRUUN (Editor) - DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF MOUNDS FOR BREAKWATER AND COASTAL PROTECTION 38. W.F. CHEN AND G.Y. BALADI - SOIL PLASTICITY - Theory and Implementation 39. E.T.HANRAHAN - THE GEOTECTONICS OF REAL MATERIALS: THE £e METHOD gk 40. J. ALDORF AND K. EXNER - MINE OPENINGS - Stability and Support 41. J.E. GILLOT - CLAY IN ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 42. A.S. CAKMAK (Editor) - SOIL DYNAMICS AND LIQUEFACTION 43. A.S. CAKMAK (Editor) - SOIL-STRUCTURE INTERACTION 44. A.S. CAKMAK (Editor) - GROUND MOTION AND ENGINEERING SEISMOLOGY 45. A.S. CAKMAK (Editor) - STRUCTURES, UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES, DAMS, AND STOCHASTIC METHODS 46. L. RÉTHÂTI - PROBABILISTIC SOLUTIONS IN GEOTECTONICS 47. B.M. DAS - THEORETICAL FOUNDATION ENGINEERING 48. W. DERSKI, R. IZBICKI, I. KISIEL AND Z. MROZ - ROCK AND SOIL MECHANICS 49. T. ARIMAN, M. HAMADA, A.C. SINGHAL, M.A. HAROUN AND A.S. CAKMAK (Editors) - RECENT ADVANCES IN LIFELINE EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 50. B.M. DAS - EARTH ANCHORS 51. K. THIEL - ROCK MECHANICS IN HYDROENGINEERING 52. W.F. CHEN AND X.L. LIU - LIMIT ANALYSIS IN SOIL MECHANICS 53. W.F. CHEN AND E. MIZUNO - NONLINEAR ANALYSIS IN SOIL MECHANICS 54. F.H. CHEN - FOUNDATIONS ON EXPANSIVE SOILS 55. J. VERFEL - ROCK GROUTING AND DIAPHRAGM WALL CONSTRUCTION 56. B.N. WHITTAKER AND D.J. REDDISH - SUBSIDENCE - Occurrence, Prediction and Control 57. E. NONVEILLER - GROUTING, THEORY AND PRACTICE 58. V. KOLÂR AND I. NÉMEC - MODELLING OF SOIL STRUCTURE INTERACTION 59A. R.S. SINHA (Editor) - UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES - Design and Instrumentation 59B. R.S. SINHA (Editor) - UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES - Design and Construction 60. R.L HARLAN, K.E. KOLM AND E.D. GUTENTAG - WATER-WELL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 61. I. KASDA - FINITE ELEMENT TECHNIQUES IN GROUNDWATER FLOW STUDIES 62. L. FIALOVSZKY (Editor) - SURVEYING INSTRUMENTS AND THEIR OPERATIONAL PRINCIPLES 63. H. GIL - THE THEORY OF STRATA MECHANICS 64. H.K. GUPTA - RESERVOIR-INDUCED EARTHQUAKES 65. V.J. LUNARDINI - HEAT TRANSFER WITH FREEZING AND THAWING 66. T.S. NAGARAI - PRINCIPLES OF TESTING SOILS, ROCKS AND CONCRETE 67. E. JUHÂSOVÂ - SEISMIC EFFECTS ON STRUCTURES 68. J. FEDA - CREEP OF SOILS - And Related Phenomena 69. E. DULÂCSKA - SOIL SETTLEMENT EFFECTS ON BUILDINGS 70. D. MILOVlC - STRESSES AND DISPLACEMENTS FOR SHALLOW FOUNDATIONS 71. B.N. WHITTAKER, R.N. SINGH AND G. SUN - ROCK FRACTURE MECHANICS - Principles, Design and Applications 72. M.A. MAHTAB AND P. GRASSO - GEOMECHANICS PRINCIPLES IN THE DESIGN OF TUNNELS AND CAVERNS IN ROCK 73. R.N. YONG, A.M.O. MOHAMED AND B.P. WARKENTIN - PRINCIPLES OF CONTAMINANT TRANSPORT IN SOILS 74. H. BURGER (Editor) - OPTIONS FOR TUNNELING 1993 75. S. HANSBO - FOUNDATION ENGINEERING ELSEVIER SCIENCE B.V. Sara Burgerhartstraat 25 P.O. Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands Library of Congress Cataloging-in-PublIcatlon Data Pusch, Rolana. Waste disposal in rock / R. Pusch. p. cm. — (Developments m geotechnical engineering ; 76) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-444-89449-7 1. Radioactive waste disposal in the ground. 2. Environmental geotechno 1 ogy. 3. Rock mechanics. I. Title. II. Series. TD898.2.P87 1994 628. 4'4566—dc20 93-4819* CIP ISBN: 0-444-89449-7 © 1994 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, Elsevier Science B.V., Copyright & Permissions Department, P.O. Box 521, 1000 AM Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Special regulations for readers in the USA - This publication has been registered with the Copyright Clearance Center Inc. (CCC), Salem, Massachusetts. Information can be obtained from the CCC about conditions under which photocopies of parts of this publication may be made in the USA. All other copyright questions, including photocopying outside of the USA, should be referred to the publisher. No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or pro­ perty as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. This book is printed on acid-free paper. Printed in The Netherlands Foreword Early 1978 the author - at that time professor in soil mechanics at the University of Luleâ with a background in rock mechanics, geology and structural design of industrial plants - became engaged in the work that had just been initiated by the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co (SKB), Stockholm, for development of a technical solution of the problem of safe disposal of radioactive waste from the Swedish nuclear reactors. This enga­ gement has continued through the years and the combined efforts of SKB and its consultants, catalyzed by governmental authorities, has resulted in a successively improved understanding of the long-term performance of repositories for radioactive waste with metal waste contai­ ners and clay seals as major engineered barriers to radionuclide escape to the biosphere. Several candidate concepts for disposal of highly radioactive burnt-out fuel from the Swedish nuclear reactors have evolved from this work and a repository for disposal of low- and medium level radioactive waste constructed at Forsmark in Sweden with the author being responsible for the clay-based barriers. Around 1980 the international Stripa Project - an autonomous OECD activity for developing and testing techniques for isolating highly radioactive waste - was started with Canada, Fin­ land, France, Great Britain, Japan, Sweden and USA as member nations. The project, which was headed by SKB, comprised geophysical, geochemical and geohydrological studies and a number of field experiments with clay materials for shielding simulated highly radioactive waste. The latter experiments, for which the author was responsible as principal investigator, also included rock sealing and plug construction and testing. The experience from the comprehensive SKB research and the Stripa Project work on clay- based engineered barriers and rock performance is huge but reporting has mainly been in internal technical reports to which access is limited. Since information from the two activities is expected to be of interest to a wide group of organizations and authorities that deal with disposal of hazardeous and particularly radioactive waste, as well as to consultants and cons- ttuction companies and also university students interested in environmental protection, the reason for writing this book has been to present both fundamental principles of the behavior of repository barriers as they have evolved in the SKB research work, and practically useful information from the Stripa tests. The title of the book indicates that disposal of all sorts of hazardeous waste will be treated but the reader will find that most of the examples refer to radioactive waste, which is explained both by the fact that the author's work has been focused Waste Disposal in Rock viii Foreword on such waste and by the belief of the author and a number of his colleagues that the same techniques can be used for isolation of radioactive and other hazardeous waste, like toxic che­ mical waste although they have not yet been utilized. The aim has been to put together a sort of scientifc will comprising a synthesis and presenta­ tion of major current ideas and of the most important results and findings evolved in the work in which the author and his collaborators at the company Clay Technology AB, Lund, Swe­ den, have been involved, rather than to give a complete state-of-art overview of waste dispo­ sal in general. The reader will therefore find that most references carry the author's and his near colleagues' names. The author has refrained from loading the text with mathematics and the reader will not even find any deductions of the few equations that show up since the purpose has been to give the reader an idea of what techniques, design and construction principles that can be used in the establishment of deeply located waste repositories rather than to use up the space with the theoretical background that is accessible through the references referred to. The author wants to underline that the statements given are the author's, which are not neces­ sarily in line with the opinion of any organization involved in the matter in Sweden or elsewhere. Also, the book should be considered as an interim document since much work is going on internationally and future research may change the views. Waste Disposal in Rock Legend and abbrevia­ tions The book contains a number of notations, symbols, and constants as well as abbreviations, which are compiled in this chapter. LEGEND Latin letters a, b, c, distances, dimensions, μπι, mm, cm, dm, m, km A, cross section area c, cohesion, MPa; concentration, ppm, g/1 C, heat capacity, Ws/kg,K CEC, cation exchange capacity, mE/100 g solid material d, grain and particle size; fracture aperture, μπι, mm; days D, diffusion coefficient, m~/s, m~/a (square meters per annum, i.e. year) D, apparent diffusion coef ficient, m~/s a D, effective diffusion coef ficient, irr/s e D, coefficient of diffusive water transport, nr7s w e, base of natural logarithms; void ratio (ratio of volume of voids and volume of solid mass) E, (Young's) modulus of elasticity, MPa, GPa g, earth acceleration, m/s2 Waste Disposal in Rock xvi Legend and abbreviations G, shear modulus, MPa, GPa Gy, Gray, adsorbed radiation energy, J/kg i, hydraulic gradient JCOH, joint cohesion, kPa, MPa JDIL, joint dilation angle, degrees JFRIC, joint friction coefficient JKN, joint normal stiffness, MPa/m, GPa/m JKS, joint shear stiffness, MPa/m, GPa/m JTEN, joint tensile strength, kPa, MPa K, hydraulic conductivity, m/s m, grout viscosity parameter, Pas M, magnitude of earthquakes on the Richter scale n, porosity (ratio of volume of voids and total volume); constant N, migration rate, m/s p, total pressure, bar, kPa, MPa p, swelling pressure, kPa, MPa s q, flux, water flow, 1/irT, ml/s, m/s; deviator stress, kPa, MPa r, radius S, Sievert, radiation dose, t, time, s (seconds), min (minutes), h (hours), d (days), a (annum), y (years) t t, contants in creep equations G r T, temperature, °C, K; time Waste Disposal in Rock Legend and abbreviations xvii u, porewater pressure, kPa, MPa; flow rate m/s v, Q, velocity, flow rate, m/s w, water content (ratio of mass of water and solid mass), % w/c, water/cement (mass) ratio for cement w, liquid limit (ratio of mass of water and solid mass at certain defined consistency) % L W, fracture aperture x, y, coordinates Â, Angstrom unit, 10"8 cm Greek symbols a, angle; radiation; creep parameter β, angle ô, settlement, mm, cm φ, friction angle, degrees γ, angle, angular strain γ, creep rate, s"1 λ, heat conductivity, W/m,K p, bulk density, (ratio of mass and total volume), g/cm3, t/m3 pj, dry density (ratio of solid mass and total volume), g/cm3, t/m3 p density at complete water saturation (ratio of mass of water + solid mass and total s volume), g/cm3, t/m3 p, density of water, g/cm3, t/m3 w η, viscosity, Ns/m2 Waste Disposal in Rock xviii Legend and abbreviations ν, Poisson's ratio σ, σ, normal stress, Pa, kPa, MPa η Oj, major principal stress, kPa, MPa 03, minor principal stress, kPa, MPa o, σ, minimum and maximum (primary) horizontal total stress, kPa, MPa h Η σ, vertical total stress, kPa, MPa ν σ', effective stress ("grain pressure"), kPa, MPa τ, shear stress, Pa, kPa, MPa ABBREVIATIONS: Organizations: AECL, Atomic Energy Company of Canada Ltd CEA, Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, France ENRESA, Empreca Nacional de Residuos Radioactivos S.A., Spain IAEA, International Atomic Energy Agency ICRP, International Committee for Radiation Protection NAGRA, Nationale Genossenschaft fur die Lagerung Radioaktiver Abfàlle, Switzerland NEDRA, Scientific Industrial Company on Superdeep Drilling and Comprehensive Investi­ gation of the Earth's Interior, Russia OECD, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development SKB, Swedish Nuclear Fuel & Waste Management Co, Sweden TVO, Teollisuuden Voima Oy, Finland VTT, Technical Research Center of Finland Waste Disposal in Rock

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