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WASTE SECOND EDITION WASTE A Handbook for Management SECOND EDITION Editedby T M. L REVOR ETCHER EmeritusProfessor,UniversityofKwaZulu-Natal, LaurelHouse,FosseWay,StrattonontheFosse,Somerset,UnitedKingdom D A. V ANIEL ALLERO DepartmentofCivilandEnvironmentalEngineering,PrattSchoolofEngineering, DukeUniversity,Durham,NC,UnitedStates AcademicPressisanimprintofElsevier 125LondonWall,LondonEC2Y5AS,UnitedKingdom 525BStreet,Suite1650,SanDiego,CA92101,UnitedStates 50HampshireStreet,5thFloor,Cambridge,MA02139,UnitedStates TheBoulevard,LangfordLane,Kidlington,OxfordOX51GB,UnitedKingdom Copyright#2019ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved. 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Inusingsuchinformationormethodstheyshouldbemindfuloftheirownsafetyandthesafety ofothers,includingpartiesforwhomtheyhaveaprofessionalresponsibility. Tothefullestextentofthelaw,neitherthePublishernortheauthors,contributors,oreditors, assumeanyliabilityforanyinjuryand/ordamagetopersonsorpropertyasamatterofproducts liability,negligenceorotherwise,orfromanyuseoroperationofanymethods,products,instructions, orideascontainedinthematerialherein. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData AcatalogrecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheLibraryofCongress BritishLibraryCataloguing-in-PublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary ISBN978-0-12-815060-3 ForinformationonallAcademicPresspublications visitourwebsiteathttps://www.elsevier.com/books-and-journals Publisher:CandiceJanco AcquisitionEditor:MarisaLaFleur EditorialProjectManager:TashaFrank ProductionProjectManager:PaulPrasadChandramohan CoverDesigner:MarkRogers TypesetbySPiGlobal,India Dedication For our wives, children, and grandchildren, as usevenmoreconfidentinthescienceandman- well as the past, present, and future engineers, agement strategies that will underpin success. scientists, managers, and all concerned with We welcome the next generation of waste the challenge of addressing wastes. Already management. optimists, editing this second edition has made Theenvironmentalstewardshipethosbeginsyoung.Sketch:“CorgiinRecyclingBin” byChloeJayneRandall(age10);usedwithpermission. v Contributors AndreasBartl InstituteofChemical,Environmental Selin Hoboy Legislative and Regulatory Affairs, & Biological Engineering, TU Wien, Vienna, Stericycle,Inc.,Atlanta,GA,UnitedStates Austria Paul D. Hooper Manchester Metropolitan Univer- Geoffrey Blight Professor Emeritus, University of sity,Manchester,UnitedKingdom theWitwatersrand,Johannesburg,SouthAfrica Kay Johnen Department of Processing and Recy- Geoff Blight Pratt School of Engineering, Duke cling,RWTHAachenUniversity,Aachen,Germany University,Durham,NC,UnitedStates Jo€rg Julius Department of Processing and Recy- Marcel Bosling Department of Processing and cling,RWTHAachenUniversity,Aachen,Germany Recycling, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Ruediger Kuehr United Nations University—Vice Germany RectorateinEurope,SustainableCycles(SCYCLE) John H. Butler Manchester Metropolitan Univer- Programme,Bonn,Germany sity,Manchester,UnitedKingdom Trevor M. Letcher Emeritus Professor, University Tom Cherrett Pratt School of Engineering, Duke of KwaZulu-Natal, Laurel House, FosseWay, University,Durham,NC,UnitedStates StrattonontheFosse,Somerset,UnitedKingdom Marian Chertow School of Forestry and Environ- Edith Martinez-Guerra Engineer Research and mental Studies, Yale University, New Haven, CT, DevelopmentCenter—U.S.Army,Vicksburg,MS, USA UnitedStates Stephen C. Cosper Engineer Research and Devel- Fraser McLeod Pratt School of Engineering, Duke opment Center—U.S. Army, Vicksburg, MS, University,Durham,NC,UnitedStates UnitedStates VictorF.Medina Engineer ResearchandDevelop- Tiago Matos de Carvalho Cranfield University, ment Center—U.S. Army, Vicksburg, MS, United Cranfield,UnitedKingdom States Alexander Feil Department of Processing and Imogen E. Napper Marine Biology and Ecology Recycling, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Research Centre, School of Biological and Marine Germany Sciences, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, Sarah Gabbott School of Geography, Geology and UnitedKingdom theEnvironment,UniversityofLeicester,Leicester, MohamedOsmani SchoolofArchitecture,Building UnitedKingdom and Civil Engineering, Loughborough University, Nicolas Go Department of Processing and Recy- Loughborough,UnitedKingdom cling,RWTHAachenUniversity,Aachen,Germany Ronald A. Palmer Consultant, Scottsdale, AZ, Andy Green Agriculture & Environment Research UnitedStates Unit, Department of Biological & Environmental Jooyoung Park Graduate School of Energy and Sciences, School of Life & Medical Sciences, Uni- Environment (KU-KIST Green School), Korea versity of Hertfordshire, Hertfordshire, United University,Seoul,SouthKorea Kingdom Thomas Pretz Department of Processing and Stephen Hobbs Cranfield University, Cranfield, Recycling, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, UnitedKingdom Germany xiii xiv CONTRIBUTORS GaryM.Scott DepartmentofPaperandBioprocess Daniel A. Vallero Department of Civil and Envi- Engineering,StateUniversityofNewYork,College ronmental Engineering; Pratt School of Engineer- of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, ing,DukeUniversity,Durham,NC,UnitedStates NY,UnitedStates Daniel J. Vallero Public Works Department, Engi- ValerieShulman DepartmentofCivilandEnviron- neeringSection,Durham,NC,UnitedStates mental Engineering, Duke University, Durham, Paola Villoria-Sa´ez School of Building Construc- NC,UnitedStates tion, Universidad Polite´cnica de Madrid, Madrid, Valerie L. Shulman The European Tyre Recycling Spain Association(ETRA),Brussels,Belgium ColinN.Waters SchoolofGeography,Geologyand Rebecca Slack School of Geography, University of theEnvironment,UniversityofLeicester,Leicester, Leeds,Leeds,UnitedKingdom UnitedKingdom Gene Stansbery NASA Orbital Debris Program NatalieWelden SchoolofBiologicalSciences,Ports- Office, NASA, Johnson Space Center, Houston, mouthUniversity,Portsmouth,UnitedKingdom TX,UnitedStates AnneWoolridge IndependentSafetyServicesLim- RichardC.Thompson MarineBiologyandEcology ited,GlobeWorks,Sheffield,UnitedKingdom Research Centre, School of Biological and Marine JanZalasiewicz SchoolofGeography,Geologyand Sciences, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, theEnvironment,UniversityofLeicester,Leicester, UnitedKingdom UnitedKingdom Authors Biography This book is blessed with an unprecedented interests include systems and concurrent engi- cadre of chapter authors. The senior authors of neering tools and modeling, optimization each chapterare listed in alphabetical order: methods,androbotictechnologiesforservicing Andreas Bartl is an Assistant Professor at applications (Chapter30). Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Tom Cherrett is Professor of Freight and Chemical Engineering. His research activities Logistics at the University of Southampton. includegrindingandcharacterizationof(short) Hismainresearchareasincludedevelopingsus- fibers, fiber recycling, and silicate filaments tainablestrategiesforthecollectionanddisposal (Chapter16). of wastes, goods distribution, and journey time Marcel Bosling graduated in Computer Sci- estimation (Chapter4). ence at RWTH Aachen University in 2013. In Marian Chertow leads the industrial envi- 2007, he worked as a student researcher, from ronmental management program as well as 2013 as a research assistant at the Department the program on solid waste policy at the Yale of Processing and Recycling (I.A.R.). In 2018, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. Bosling successfully completed his dissertation Shehasworkedinwastemanagementandrecy- on the topic “Measurement of Particle-Based cling in the public, private, and not-for-profit Characteristics of Secondary Raw Materials by sectors and was an early adopter of “industrial Optical Sensor Systems” at the I.A.R. Since ecology,” which offers a systems approach to mid-2018, he has been working for Steinert questions concerning materials, energy, and Elektromagnetbau (Chapter10). waste (Chapter18). John Butler is an independent consultant StephenC.CosperisanEnvironmentalEngi- helping small businesses and NGOs to assess neer at the U.S. Construction Engineering the environmental impacts of their operations Research Laboratory in Champaign, IL. He has andplanformoreenvironmentallybenignout- a B.S. in Civil Engineering from the University comes. His research is primarily in the field of ofIllinoisandanM.S.inEnvironmentalScience waste management and using life cycle assess- fromIndianaUniversity.Hisresearchareasare ment (LCA) to identify more environmentally in solid waste management, waste to energy, benign options in the implementation of waste and net zero waste at military installations and management policies (Chapter 15). contingency bases(Chapter29). Tiago Matos de Carvalho is a PhD graduate Alexander Feil has worked in industry as fromCranfieldUniversity(UK)witharesearch editor-in-chiefandasatechnicaldirector.Since background in the development of complex 2012, he works as a Senior Engineer at the space systems, with emphasis on On-Orbit Ser- DepartmentofProcessingandRecycling,RWTH vicing applications. Since 2010, he has been AachenUniversity,Germany(Chapter10). working in the aerospace industry and has SarahGabbottisaProfessorintheSchoolof research experience as a product development Geography,GeologyandtheEnvironmentatthe engineer and systems engineer. His research UniversityofLeicester.Sheundertakesresearch xv xvi AUTHORSBIOGRAPHY on the physical and chemical transformation of Institute and Directors at Medical Waste Man- organic materials across the Earth System agement Association. Selin provided critical throughinvestigationofenvironmentalsamples support to federal, state, and local authorities andlab-basedexperimentaldesign(Chapter23). during the Ebola crisis. She currently sits on Nicolas Go studied Waste Management two Ebola training Advisory Boards: LIUNA Engineering at RWTH Aachen University. In Training andBIDTI.PriortoStericycle:Optima 2014, he successfully completed his master the- BatteriesandWestonConsulting,Inc.BS—Penn sis “Recovery of recyclables for material recy- State in Environmental Resource Management cling from by-products of a beverage carton (Chapter27). recyclingprocess.”Since2014,hehasbeenwork- Paul D. Hooper holds a Chair in Environ- ingasa research assistant attheDepartment of mental Management and Sustainability and is Processing and Recycling with focus on light- HeadofEnterpriseDevelopmentintheFaculty weightpackagingrecycling(Chapter10). of Science and Engineering at Manchester Met- Andy Green is a Senior Research Fellow in ropolitan University. His research focuses on theAgricultureandEnvironmentResearchUnit the business response to the sustainable devel- (AERU) at the University of Hertfordshire. His opment agenda. With respect to waste issues research interests include sustainable resource he has coordinated research into the small and use and environmental best practice in agricul- medium enterprises (SME) response to waste tural and horticultural businesses, and the sus- minimization, the use of life cycle analysis tainable mitigation of agri-environmental (LCA)tooptimizerecyclingsystems,wastepol- pollution. He is a Chartered Environmentalist icyimplementationatnational/EUlevelsandis (CEnv), a Full Member of the Institute of Envi- currently involved in a project evaluating the ronmental Management and Assessment role of educational initiatives in promoting (IEMA),amemberoftheUKIrrigationAssocia- change in household recycling behavior tion(UKIA),andaFellowoftheHigherEduca- (Chapter15). tion Academy (HEA) (Chapter28). Kay Johnen studied Waste Management Stephen Hobbs leads the Space Group at EngineeringatRWTHAachenUniversity;from Cranfield University, UK. His research covers 2011, he worked as a student researcher at the the sustainable use of space, and the Group Department of Processing and Recycling (I.A. hasdesignedandsuppliedde-orbitmechanisms R.).In2016,hesuccessfullycompletedhismas- for UK and European satellites to reduce risks terthesis“Influenceofferromagneticsubstances due to space debris in Earth orbit. He has on the sorting with eddy-current-separation.” 25years’experienceofspaceengineering,often Since 2017, he works as a research assistant at workingonenvironmentalapplicationsofspace the I.A.R. focusing on metal recycling of fine technology. Working with ISO, he has contrib- fractions (Chapter10). uted to the development of international space Dr Jo€rg Julius trained as an Electrical Engi- engineering standards to tackle the challenge neer and is presently Senior Engineer at the of space debris(Chapter30). Department of Processing and Recycling, Selin Hoboy, Vice President of Legislative RWTH Aachen University, Germany. He has and Regulatory Affairs for Stericycle, Inc., has worked in industry as sales director and also been working with Stericycle operations since as technical director (Chapter10). 2000.Selinisresponsibleforworkinginallreg- Ruediger Kuehr is Director of United ulatorymattersatalllevels(EPA,DOT,OSHA, Nations University’s Sustainable Cycles DEA, FDA, CPSC, etc.). She serves on several Programme (SCYCLE). His work as political trade associations: Chair Healthcare Waste and social scientist focuses on sustainable xvii AUTHORSBIOGRAPHY production,consumption,anddisposalofubiq- the source of plastic into the marine environ- uitous goods. Ruediger cofounded the Solving ment.Inadditiontoherresearch,Imogenispas- the E-Waste Problem (StEP) Initiative and sionateabouttheuseofsciencecommunication served as its Executive Secretary from 2007 to to influence positive behavioral change 2017 (Chapter 25). (Chapter22). Trevor M. Letcher is Emeritus Professor of Mohamed Osmani is the Director of the Chemistry at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, ArchitecturalEngineering andDesignManage- Durban and a Fellow of the Royal Society of ment Programme at the School of Architecture, Chemistry. He is a Director of the International Building and Civil Engineering at Loughbor- Association of Chemical Thermodynamics and ough University, UK. He is known for his hisresearchinvolvesthethermodynamicsofliq- research on sustainable building design and uid mixtures and energy from landfill. He has construction; circular economy, material more than 300 publications in peer review jour- resource efficiency, designing out waste, and nals and edited and coedited twenty books in endoflifeassetandmaterialrecoveryandopti- hisresearchinterests.HislatestbooksareStoring mization. He is currently leading several inter- Energy (2017), Wind Energy Engineering (2017), national panels and expert groups, including AComprehensiveGuidetoSolarEnergy(2018)and BS 8895 series, Construction and Demolition ManagingGlobalWarming(2018)(Chapter17). TaskGroupoftheInternationalWasteWorking Edith Martinez-Guerra is a Research Envi- Group (IWWG), and the EU COST Action ronmental Engineer at the U.S. Army Research CA15115WorkingGrouponResourcePotential and Development Center (ERDC). She is a civil ofConstructionandDemolitionWaste.Hepre- and environmental engineer interested on any- sented work on construction waste-related thing related to the environment, including research in over 30 countries across the world waterandwastewatertreatment,waterquality, (Chapter19). hazardous and nonhazardous waste manage- Ronald A. Palmer studied Glass Science at ment, and sustainable energy (Chapter 29). the New York State College of Ceramics at Fraser McLeod is a Research Fellow at the Alfred University and Materials Science at the University of Southampton and a member of University of Florida. He worked in high-level its Transportation Research Group within the waste vitrification process development at the School of Civil Engineering and the Environ- Hanford Site in Washington state and for West ment. He has over 30 years’ experience in vari- ValleyNuclearServices,WestValley,NewYork ous areas of transport, including intelligent (Chapter11). transportsystems,buspriority,freightlogistics, JooyoungParkjoinedthefacultyoftheGrad- andwaste collection (Chapter 4). uate School of Energy and Environment (KU- VictorF.MedinaisaResearchEnvironmen- KISTGreenSchool)atKoreaUniversityinSeoul, talEngineerattheUSArmyEngineerResearch SouthKoreain2018.ShewaspreviouslyAssis- andDevelopment Center in Vicksburg, MS. He tant Professor at the School of Management, has over 15 years of experience in addressing UniversidaddelosAndesinBogota,Colombia. environmental issues and concerns related to She hasaPhD from theYaleSchool ofForestry the military and over 20 years of experience in and Environmental Studies and two degrees in environmental research and management in Environmental Engineering from Seoul general (Chapter29). NationalUniversity(Chapter 18). Imogen E. Napper is a PhD student at the Thomas Pretz studied mining and special- School of Biological and Marine Sciences, Uni- izedinprocessing,andin1997hewasappointed versity of Plymouth. Her research focuses on Professor in the Department of Processing and

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