Fifth Title in the Series of Books on World Class Universities or Institutes Washington Accord & Multi-Objective Integrated Model for Developing WCU World Class University Focus on Globalization, Good Governance, Finance, GDP, Knowledge Based Society, Nation Building, Brand Name, Benchmarking, Productivity, Graduate Attributes and Employability etc. Compiled By Dr. Rajiv V. Dharaskar Ph.D. (Computer Engineering) Washington Accord & Multi-Objective Integrated Model for Developing WCU By Dr. Rajiv V. Dharaskar Copyright © 2014, Dr. Rajiv V. Dharaskar First Edition: August 2014 ISBN 13: 978-93-5110-742-2 All rights reserved. No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, nor exported, without the written permission of the copyright owner or the publisher. Published by Shroff Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd. C-103, T.T.C. Industrial Area, M.I.D.C., Pawane, Navi Mumbai - 400 705. Tel.: (91-22) 4158 4158 Fax: (91-22) 4158 4141 E- mail: [email protected]. Printed at Repr India Ltd., Mahape, Navi Mumbai. Washington Accord & Multi-Objective Integrated Model for Developing WCU Dedicated To Dignitaries who are taking keen interest in developing World Class Education and Universities in India Hon. Pranab Mukherjee President of India Hon. Narendra Modi Prime Minister of India Mr. Ashok Thakur Secretary, Department of Higher Education, India Dr. Dinesh K. Paliwal Former National Board of Accreditation (NBA) member secretary, India Dr. Raman Menon Unnikrishnan Dean of Engineering and Computer Science at California State University, Fullerton, USA The credit for making India a member of Washington Accord goes to many individuals who worked behind the scenes for years. Among them are Raman Menon Unnikrishnan of California State University, Fullerton, who pleaded India's case along with former National Board of Accreditation (NBA) member secretary Dinesh K Paliwal and education secretary Ashok Thakur. (Times of India) iii Washington Accord & Multi-Objective Integrated Model for Developing WCU Published Books Funding Techniques of World Renowned Universities (204 pages, 251 References) Strategy to Develop World Class University (500 pages, 444 References) Technology-Storms Redefining World Class Universities (412 pages, 523 References) 113 Difficulties in Developing World Class Universities (319 pages, 345 References) This book is available for FREE download at iv Washington Accord & Multi-Objective Integrated Model for Developing WCU Preface This book deals with Washington Accord along with Multi-Objective and Multi-Parameter Based Integrated Model for Developing World Class University (WCU), which combines hundreds of Factors with Complex Inter Relationships among them. I have tried to reveal this complex nature with the help of following diagram. Knowledge Based GDP Growth Nation Building Society Brand name International International Graduate Employability Research Reputation Teaching Reputation Attributes Learning beyond Facilities provided by Classroom Teaching Classroom (LBC) fully residential institute Vocational Education Student Experience Distance Faculty Research Student Alumni Education Productivity University Admission Policy Association Global Interdisciplinary & Multidisciplinary International Industry Faculty Courses & Research Students Interface International Culture of Academic Learning Powered Curriculum Design Innovation Collaborations by Technology Productivity of University Benchmarking for selecting better processes v Washington Accord & Multi-Objective Integrated Model for Developing WCU The topics covered in this book are very diverse in nature and one may apparently feel that they are not at all related to WCU or Tier-1 institutes under Washington Accord. I feel that, few concepts are easy to understand but difficult to digest. In initial stages, few reviewers of this book could not be convinced about my thought process behind this work. As per views and comments received, I had patiently rewritten these controversial chapters many times and finally could convince them through logical presentation. In this exercise, I had restructured the entire sequence of the book number of times. It was a herculean task and required lot of patience. This tedious job demanded full attention and thus without bothering the financial losses, I took a long sabbatical leave for completing this series of 5 books on WCU. The globalization and Internationalization brings global competition and in turn introduction of the International Standards in every field. The academics is not an exception. I have highlighted this issue in the first Chapter. In the Chapter 16, I have continued the same topic and correlated the Global Economy and World Order with financial investment of WCU. The Accreditation is better than Ranking Mechanism, which provides the international equivalence in more realistic way. Thus for India, the Washington Accord is very vital and crucial tool for enhancing the standards of technical higher education sector and in turn for the development of Knowledge Based Economy as well as for economic growth of the nation. The membership of Washington Accord is an international recognition of the quality of undergraduate engineering education offered by the member country and is an avenue to bring it into the world class category. It ensures a minimum global quality for Tier-1 engineering institutions in India and thus require huge financial investments like World Class University (WCU). I have discussed this issue in the 2nd Chapter of this book. To arrange this huge finance, new revenue generation policies are required, which will introduce many new higher education systems and will also affect the Finance Model of the University. The University Governance Model consist of Finance administration, Office administration and Academic administration. Change in Finance Model affects the Finance administration and eventually affects the office administration as well as academic administration. That is, to accommodate the new revenue generation policies there is a need to extend the University Governance Model. All these aspects have been covered in 3rd Chapter. The human being always resists changes. Many changes are needed to attain world class education standards. If we try to change the existing system then the resistance from stakeholder is inevitable. I would like to propose a new technique with the help of Center of Excellence, which can introduce the World Class Research University Component without any opposition and without major modification in existing structure. The University Ranking Mechanism expects changes at entire University level whereas the Washington Accord expects changes at Department level. In both the cases there is a possibility of resistance of stakeholder. The proposed new technique neither directly affects working pattern of entire University nor it affects Departments. It brings changes through Center of Excellence. These issues have been discussed in the 4th Chapter of this book. To enhance student’s employability, to produce graduate attributes at par with the developed countries, to improve international teaching and research reputation there is a need to address many vi Washington Accord & Multi-Objective Integrated Model for Developing WCU issues and crucial policies. Many of them have been already covered in my previous four books. To avoid redundancy, in this book, I have not repeated the topics already covered in my previous four books. The Chapter 5 to 16 covers only new topics and are applicable for developing WCU as well as Tier-1 NBA accredited institutes. Following issues and policies are discussed in details in my book “Strategy to Develop World Class University” 1. Global Faculty (Chapter 8, pages 186-203) 2. International Students (Chapter 7, pages 138-185) 3. Research University involved in teaching (Chapter 11, pages 265-291) 4. Industry Interface: Two Way Industry Partnership (Chapter 10, pages 250-264) 5. Alumni Association (Chapter 13, pages 312-354) 6. Academic Collaborations and Partnerships (Chapter 15, pages 364-376) 7. Culture of Innovation (Chapter 19, pages 407-426) 8. Good Governance and Academic Freedom (Chapter 18, pages 399-306) 9. International Curriculum Design, Pedagogy and Academics (Chapter 12, pages 392-311) 10. Global Employability (Chapter 9, pages 204-249) 11. Internationalization (Chapter 17, pages 390-398) 12. International Accreditations (Chapter 16, pages 377-389) The following issues are covered in details in my book “Technology-Storms Redefining World Class Universities” 13. Learning Powered by Technology (Chapter 1-9, pages 1-198) 14. Technology for Governance (Chapter 10-15, pages 199-332) All the necessary topics related to new revenue generation techniques and Financial Model are covered in my book “Funding Techniques of World Renowned Universities” The obstacles and hurdles for developing WCU are covered in my book “113 Difficulties in Developing World Class Universities” In the Chapter 5 to 16 of this book, I have discussed the new issues and topics, which are not covered in my previous books. These issues and crucial policies are: 15. Technique to add WCU flavor with minimum resistance from stakeholders 16. Residential Campus 17. Learning Beyond Classroom 18. International Teaching Reputation 19. Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Culture 20. Vocational Education 21. Distance Education 22. Benchmarking 23. Faculty and University Productivity 24. Student Admission Policy 25. State Government Laws and Location 26. GDP, Employment and Employability 27. Globalization and Financial Aspects of WCU vii Washington Accord & Multi-Objective Integrated Model for Developing WCU I have compiled this information in the form of book for national interest. How to improve the university or higher education institute is always a major challenge faced by all the academicians. For helping them to find this information at one place, I have put these efforts and published series of five books. The credit of each point mentioned here goes to respective authors mentioned in the references. I am amazed to see their enormous contribution in the field of higher education. I could refer only few articles written by them and could include very few points in this book. For detailed information regarding any issue, please refer their original articles and if needed search their other articles on the Internet. This is not just 300 pages compiled work but pointers to articles of thousands of pages, contributed by authors, who have spent their lives for the cause of education of mankind. I am thankful to them. I had introduced hundreds of problems, suggestions, remedies and best practices through my series of 5 books on World Class Universities, with more than 1700 pages and 1800 references. I have referred thousands of documents from around 30 countries and gone through beyond 3 Lakh pages. With GOD’s grace, I could reach to more than 5 Lakh academicians across the world and could ignite the minds of young faculty, researchers and students across the nation. In this pretty long journey, I was not alone. Thousands of academicians were constantly encouraging me to compete this gigantic task. I am thankful to them. The valuable comments of high profile readers are available at Many World Top 200 Ranking World Class Universities (2013-14 Times Higher Education) like California Institute of Technology (CalTech) (Rank 1), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (Rank 5), Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) (Rank 28), Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) (Rank 56), KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Rank 117), Tokyo Institute of Technology (Rank 125), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Rank 154) and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Rank 181) are Universities but used the word Institute for University. Thus, throughout the series of these four books, I have followed the same convention and used these words “University” and “Institute” interchangeably at many places. I have taken maximum care to give the authentic information but in case at some place, if you find some discrepancies then forgive me and help me to correct it in the next edition of this book. I am sure; the readers will like and welcome my sincere efforts to enhance the standards of higher education system. I hope this book will act as catalyst and will help in improving the overall higher education system, which can compete with the Universities in the developed countries. Dr. Rajiv V. Dharaskar viii