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Warriors of Stillness Vol 3 - Masters of Perception: Sensory-Motor Integration in the Internal Martial Arts PDF

224 Pages·2013·5.35 MB·English
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Preview Warriors of Stillness Vol 3 - Masters of Perception: Sensory-Motor Integration in the Internal Martial Arts

Masters of Perception Sensory-Motor Integration in the Internal Martial Arts Volume 3 of the Trilogy Warriors Of Stillness Meditative Traditions In The Chinese Martial Arts Copyright © 2013 by Jan Diepersloot Published by: Qi Works POB 369 Walnut Creek, CA 94597 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Inquiries should be addressed to: Jan Diepersloot/Qi Works POB 369 Walnut Creek, CA 94597 E-mail may be addressed to: [email protected] Library of Congress Control Number: 2012914135 ISBN: 978-0-9859865-0-6 Cover, book design and illustrations by Adduci Studios. This Work is Dedicated to a Master of Perception, my Shifu 衷心的感謝 Acknowledgments To my editors, Ed Lempinen, Louis Swaim, Greg Pass, Jean Vieth, and Paul Samberg: I thank each of you for your unique contribution in turning my tortured prose into readable English! Thank you Adduci Studios, for the beautiful cover, book design and illustrations. PERSONAL PREFACE: CALVINISM, DAOISM, and THE CREATIVE PRINCIPLE Childhood Roots .............................................................................................................. 1 Adult World Views ........................................................................................................... 3 Meeting my Future Teacher ............................................................................................ 5 Signing on to No-Force .................................................................................................... 8 OVERVIEW: THE FOUR STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT The Qi Stage ................................................................................................................. 12 The Jin Stage ................................................................................................................ 13 The Yi Stage ................................................................................................................... 14 The Shen Stage ............................................................................................................. 16 To my editors, Ed Lempinen, Louis Swaim, BOOK 1 Greg Pass, Jean Vieth, and Paul Samberg: THE MINDFUL BODY - SOMATIC FUNCTIONS CONTROLLED BY MENTAL FACULTIES .............................................................................................. 18 I thank each of you for your unique contribution Introduction to Book 1 - The Anatomy of Posture and Movement ................................ 19 in turning my tortured prose into readable English! PART 1: ON QI - CULTIVATING HEALTH .................................................................. 26 Chapter 1: Standing Meditation The Origin and Purpose of Standing Meditation ..................................................... 27 My Introduction to Standing Meditation .................................................................. 29 Thank you Adduci Studios, for the beautiful cover, Standing Meditation for Health and Martial Art ..................................................... 30 book design and illustrations. Chapter 2: Integrating Posture, Breath and Awareness in Stillness and Movement Gravity Lines West and East ..................................................................................... 33 Integrating Posture ................................................................................................... 36 Natural and Normal Breathing ................................................................................ 41 Integrating Awareness ............................................................................................... 44 Three Dimensions, Six Directions ............................................................................ 47 Becoming a Sphere .................................................................................................... 50 Chapter 3: Making the Involuntary Voluntary Startle or Freezing Reflex ......................................................................................... 55 Balance Reflex ........................................................................................................... 58 Whole Body Reflex .................................................................................................... 59 Stretch and Tendon Reflexes ...................................................................................... 60 The Opposition/Resistance and Withdrawal/Accommodation Reflexes ................... 62 Flight-Fight Reflexes ................................................................................................. 64 PART 2: ON JIN - TRANSFORMING HEALTH INTO POWER .................................. 66 Chapter 4: The Power of the Center Evolution of the Whole-Body Reflex ......................................................................... 67 The Center in Eastern Traditions ............................................................................. 69 Dantian: The Dome of Power ................................................................................... 71 The Practice of Reverse Breathing ............................................................................ 73 Chapter 5: The Frame Elastic Internal Martial Arts and Elastic Strength ............................................................... 77 The Center and the Frame ........................................................................................ 78 The Frame as Energy Storage System ..................................................................... 81 Developing the Frame ............................................................................................... 82 Moving the Frame ..................................................................................................... 85 Practicing the Frame ................................................................................................ 86 The Limits of Power ................................................................................................. 89 BOOK 2 THE EMBODIED MIND - MENTAL FACULTIES CONTROLLING SOMATIC FUNCTIONS ..................................................................................................... 91 Introduction to Book 2 - Parameters of the Nervous System ........................................ 92 Voluntary and Involuntary ........................................................................................ 92 Fixed Action Patterns ................................................................................................ 93 Sensory-Motor Integration in the Cerebral Cortex ................................................. 94 The Cerebellum: Integrating the Internal Senses .................................................... 97 Bilateral Cortical Asymmetry .................................................................................... 98 Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Branches of the Nervous System: Energy Expenditure and Restoration ......................................................................... 99 PART 3: ON YI - DEVELOPING THE MIND TO CONTROL POWER ..................... 101 Chapter 6: Yi as Neurological Interface Yi as Polarity Structure ........................................................................................... 102 From Tactile Stimulus to Motor Response ............................................................. 105 Use of the Yi in Internal Martial Arts ...................................................................... 109 Chapter 7: From Reaction to Response The Time it Takes to Move ...................................................................................... 113 The Time it Takes to Decide .................................................................................... 114 The Strategy of Readiness ....................................................................................... 116 The Master’s Touch .................................................................................................. 119 Engaging the Center ............................................................................................... 120 The Moment of Joy .................................................................................................. 121 The Taste of Death ................................................................................................... 123 Turning Enemies into Friends ................................................................................. 124 Chapter 8: In The Laboratory of Responsiveness The Name of the Game ............................................................................................ 126 The Responsiveness Skills: Listening and Following ............................................. 129 The Capturing Skill of Yielding ............................................................................... 131 The Capturing Skill of Sticking ................................................................................ 133 Obstacles to Responsiveness ................................................................................... 134 PART 4: ON SHEN - TRANSCENDING POWER THROUGH ENLIGHTENED AWARENESS ...................................................................................... 137 Chapter 9: The Neurology of the Spirit and the Varieties of Transcendent Experience Shen: The Spirit of Awareness ............................................................................... 138 The Nervous System, the Rhythm of Daily Life and Peak Experiences ................. 141 Sex: Primordial Prototype of Transcendent Experience ........................................ 145 Mystics of the Body: Transcendence through Sensory-Motor Engagement with the World .......................................................................................................... 147 Athletes of the Mind: Transcendence through Sensory-Motor Disengagement from the World .......................................................................................................... 150 The Shen of the Internal Martial Artist .................................................................. 153 Table 1: Peak Experiences and their Characteristics ............................................ 154 Chapter 10: The Enlightenment of the Internal Martial Artist Shen and Enlightenment ......................................................................................... 158 The Enlightenment of the Body/Mind ..................................................................... 159 Enlightened Touch + Enlightened Heart = Enlightened Interaction .................... 162 Enlightened Transmission ........................................................................................ 165 APPENDICES Chinese Characters Used .................................................................................................... 174 List of Illustrations ............................................................................................................... 176 WORKS CONSULTED Internal Martial Arts ................................................................................................... 178 Anatomy, Physiology and Body Work ....................................................................... 181 Oriental Medicine and Health .................................................................................... 182 Oriental Philosophies: Daoism and Bhuddism .......................................................... 183 Neuroscience, Psychology, Mind and Spirit .............................................................. 185 Oriental Culture and History ...................................................................................... 188 Western Science and Philosophy ............................................................................... 189 Index ......................................................................................................................... 191 Personal Preface: Calvinism, Daoism, and the Creative Principle Childhood Roots was born and raised in the belief of a Creator: omniscient, omnipresent and I omnipotent, a supreme being somehow outside of and above nature who had created everything that exists. He was of a Calvinist bent, this creator, and although described as indescribable, the image that distilled in my mind, not surprisingly, was that of the cultural archetype: an old white man with a long white beard, in the mold of Michelangelo’s Moses. For most of my childhood I pretty much accepted this belief without question; after all, it’s to the parents that the child looks for an explanation of things, both cosmic and practical, and as long as things go along fairly well, there’s no reason to question the explanations offered for the how and why of things. But when I was 10, the first of several personal cosmic earthquakes struck the edifice of this belief system and reverberated to cause cracks in its foundation. As goalie on the soccer team, I caught a ball in the stomach, which ruptured my appendix. My parents being away for a rare weekend of rest and relaxation, and the domestic help dismissing my complaints, it was three days before I was taken to the hospital with a nearly fatal case of peritonitis. I spent a month in the hospital, but pulled through, the physical scars of my surgeries symbolic of the deeper emotional and spiritual wounds I sustained as a result of this trauma. Feeling betrayed on some sort of cosmic level, I could not fathom why God decided to inflict this pain and suffering on me. What had I done to deserve that? Emotion- ally, I was unable to accept my parents’ well-intentioned but ultimately self-defeating explanations that, even if we don’t know the reason, we must believe that God did it for a reason and that God’s reason is ultimately for our own good. Not even articulate enough to voice my doubts, I swallowed them, nodded and said, “Yes, of course,” and continued on with life as usual. But the seeds of doubt and rebellion had been sown into my pre-adolescent heart and mind. 15

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