Description:A charismatic rebel commander of legendary fame, Signe drives a force of rapacious Columbian invaders off Main World of Gaea. Her patriotic, cooperative, intensely loyal fellow citizens unfailingly give their world's leader their full support. During a succession of lightning strikes launched at military installations in the heart of Columbia, the warrior-woman parlays a single space ship captured during a raid, into a fleet. A brilliant strategist, Signe fights Arlen, Commander-in-Chief of Columbia's military forces, to a draw.Warrior, statesman, and man of sterling honor, Arlen wields dictatorial power over his male-dominated, militaristic, fiercely competitive society. Besieged on two fronts, he cleverly outmaneuvers the four ruthless rivals seeking his downfall, even as Signe raids military bases on his populous world. A scientist as well as a master of political infighting, Arlen engineers a scientific breakthrough that renders Columbia impregnable to attack.