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Preview Walsall Chronicle, January 19, 2017

Walsall & Willenhall Thursday,January19,2017 Readbymorethan78,000people Pricewhensold70p RAC RACING AHEAD IN RECRUITMENT DRIVE TO FIND 80 WORKERS NHS Healthandwellbeing sessionsatlibraries THERACisholdingamajorrecruitment Theiconiccentre,basedofftheM6near andcustomerservicefocusofourpatrols dayatitsWalsallHQonSunday. tojunction9,Wednesbury,isoneofthe andbreakdowncallcentreteam.Thecali- Theroadsiderepairfirmisopeningthe region’sbiggestemployerswithmorethan breofourtechnicalstaffissecondtonone doorstoitstechnicalcentreandHQinBes- 900callcentresupportandtechnicalcol- andthisistheprimereasonourmembers HEALTHandwellbeingdrop-insessions cotfrom9.30amuntil3.30pm. leaguesemployed. aresosatisfiedwiththeservicetheyreceive. arebeingheldatlibrariesbyDudleyand Thecompanyislookingtorecruitvehicle Theeventisopentocandidateswitha “Today’spatrolshaveexcellentdiagnos- TWruaslst.aSlltaMffewnitllableHoenahltahndPatortnoeffersrhaidpviNceHiSn mechanicsandtechnicians. minimumleveltwolightvehiclemainte- tics experience and are highly-skilled in afriendlysettingatStourbridgeLibraryon AcrossthecountrytheRAC,nowinits nancequalificationfromIMI,NVQorCity usingthelatesttechnologytoquicklyrepair February15from1pmuntil2.30pm.They 120thyear,isrecruiting80patrolperson- &Guildsqualifications.Toregistercandi- ourmembers’vehiclesattheroadside.This willalsobeatHalesowenLibraryonMarch neltoboostits1,500-strongroadsideforce datesshouldemailtheirnameandcontact ensurestheRACmaintainsitsexcellent 2from10amuntil12pmandatBrierleyHill tohelpmeetthegrowingneedsofitseight numbertorecruit@rac.co.ukgivingatime fouroutoffivefixratewhileatthesame LibraryonMarch30from10amuntil12pm. millionmembers. preference 9.30am/11.00am/12.30pm or timehelpingmembersavoidhighgarage DudleyandWalsallMentalHealthPart- Attendees at the recruitment day will 2pm,orcall03332022991. repaircosts. nershipNHSTrustemploysaround1,100 havetheopportunitytogetinsideandex- RACoperationsdirectorPhilRyansaid: “TheRAChasalongheritageofbeing staff at 26 locations and helps around periencetheRAC’soperationalandinnova- “AttheRACweprideourselvesonbeing thereforitsmembersandprovidingexcel- 560,000children,adultsandolderpeople. tioncentre.Thiswillincludeatouranda themotorist’schampion.Ourbusinessis lentcustomerserviceandwecontinuetobe Thisincludesthreehospitals:Bushey PartoftheiconicRACbuildingbytheM6 demonstration. builtonthequality,technicalexperience leadersininnovation.” FieldsHospitalinDudley,DorothyPattison inWalsall,andBloxwichHospitalforolder Talks underway over possible partnership move adultsinBloxwich,Walsall. POLICE UNI MAY STEP IN Body recovered from River Avon POLICEhavesaidtheybelieveabody recoveredfromtheRiverAvoninBris- tolisthatofa51-year-oldmanfrom Walsall.TheAvonandSomersetCon- stabularyannouncedthattheyarelink- TO SAVE GALLERY ingthediscoveryofthebodytoreports inDecemberthatapersonhadfallen from the nearby Clifton Suspension Bridge. Astatementfromtheforcereads: “Thediscoveryisbeinglinkedtoan incidentonDecember1inwhichwe received reports of a person falling fromthebridge.Hisdeathisnotbeing treatedassuspicious.Theman’snext of kin have been informed and are DELAY Treepruningputs WOLVERHAMPTONUniversitycouldstepintosaveWal- Clean bill of health for Josie’s work sall’sunder-threatNewArtGallery,ithasbeenrevealed. newlightsonhold TheUniversity,whichhasacampusinWalsallatGorwayRoad,has confirmedthatearlytalksareunderwayaboutsomeformofpartner- ship arrangement stating there is an ‘obvious’ case for collaboration THEinstallationofnewlightsinBloxwich withthevenue,whichcampaignershaveclaimedcouldcloseduetocuts towncentrehasbeendelayeduntiltheau- tumnsoworkcanbecarriedouttoprune incouncilfunding. trees. Auniversityspokesmansaid:“TheUniversityofWolverhamptonhasbeeninWalsall Apubliccampaignwaslaunchedlast formorethan50yearsandweareverykeentofurtherdevelopourpresenceandrelation- yeartoraise£5,000inordertoreplacethe shipsinthetown. brokenlights.Theywereduetobeputin “Aspartofthatwearecurrentlyin- ByCarlJackson placeonMondayandswitchedonuntil volvedindiscussionswithanumberof Marchasa‘thankyou’toresidentsafter organisations, including Walsall Coun- themoneywassuccessfullygeneratedbut cil,aboutpossibleareasofcollaboration Walsall Council leader Sean Coughlan nowthatmovehasbeenscrapped. aroundeducation,businessandenterprise. welcomed the latest developments and Atowncentrespokeswomansaid:“To “We’dliketoenhancewhatweofferin onceagaindefendedtheauthority’spoten- ensurethelightsaretip-topforChristmas Walsall,bothatourcampusandwithinthe tialmovetoreducefundingforthegallery, adecisionhasbeenmadetodelayinstal- communityandarekeentoidentifyanyop- whichopenedin2000. lationuntilNovember.” portunitiesthatmayhelpusachievethat. Hesaid:“Weareworkingandtalking “TheNewArtGalleryisatremendous withasmanypeopleaspossibletoensure INSIDE assetandasauniversityweofferabroad theartgalleryhasalong-termfuture. range of arts education and courses so “Againwehaveneverhadanyintention JASON ONSONG thereisasynergythereandanobvious toclosethegallery,wejustneedtorebal- areawherecollaborationcouldtakeplace.” ancewhatpublicmoneyisspenton. Funding “Iwelcometheuniversity’sinterest,Iam FORSUCCESS pleasedtheywanttogetinvolved. arelsvWoeaaclllseaadimlltehCdeoauu‘nmnciiavljleoorrrs’ilDtoyco’auslgcinoJmvaomplvaeensmywewnhatos, the“Tlahtetyerarsetangoetstohfeaonnoltyhoenrepsaarntndewrecoamreining JosieAdamshasworkedatthehospitalfor25yearswithoutadayoffsick,seenwithmatronDeniseFraser lookingtosponsorthegallerywhilebosses in,whichisverypositive. SHE has spent more than two decades around justlookingforajobwhenIsawtheadvertinthe werealsopreparingtoapplyfornational “Ithasneverbeenaboutclosingthegal- poorly people working as a hospital housekeep- Express&Star.IhadaninterviewandhereIam funding. lerybutaboutensuringmoneycomesin erfor25years–butJosieAdamshasneveronce 25yearslater.Ithasgottenalotbusieroverthe He said: “Currently discussions have fromelsewhere. calledinsickherself. years.Ithasalwayshadpeoplecominginbutthere beenprogressedwithWolverhamptonUni- “WhetherpeoplelikeitornottheGov- The60-year-old,fromWillenhall,startedworkat isalotmorenow.” versitytoexplorepartnershipsupport. ernmenthasputrealpressureoncouncils WalsallManorHospitalinJuly1991havingseena Staffhavehailedhercommitmentovertheyears “A sponsorship package is also being upanddownthecountrytomakechoices jobadvertintheExpress&Starandhasworkedin fornevermissingashift.Shesaid:“Ihavenever consideredwithamajorlocalcompany, betweenartsandserviceswhichkeeppeople theemergencydepartmenteversince. phonedinsick,evenifIfeltillIhavestilltriedto whichwouldbeauniquefinancialboost alive.” Josie,whohadpreviouslyworkedatYansport pullmyselftogetherbecauseifIwasillIknowhow forthefutureoftheNewArtGalleryand Morethan6,500peoplehavesignedape- inNethertonStreetandAsdabeforethat,said:“It welltheywouldlookafterme.I’dbeintheright PAGE2 artandcultureinWalsall.” titiontosavethegallery. justsortofhappened.IleftthefactoryandIwas place.” CONTENTS Jumper-ing into action for initiative Help on way 2 RHODES 4 over smart 17 LETTERS 7 A CHARITY is urging people to media with the hashtag #ShowUsY- ter energy bills to certain customers, which is terrible for those struggling 9, 20 MFAESMT OTRICYK LEATN E 1221 awtawekaaerr ieannnged sw ss ohooafl rlfyeu ecpllh opotohtvoiensr got yft. ot hheemlps eralvieses ohuaTsrhWhteao goa lp#lpyN,e aoalCl oconolmdgHseisdo mea set shs.teu dcaiems psahiogwn csuhScahroi mtaaseb tlheen otsereru gosytn s sltouowp hp ielnilcepor msc eearstls.a oin h cauvse- eatosb soheunetat ittah lte ht hceoiarst t h tohofom hseee saw.t ihIntog i astr heteh iwer roherofromierdee motorways uary 1 PMROOTPOERRINTYG 2398 pitesTo Nphloee Cicnoh ldaW rHeitsoytm MTesiud frlunaen2lud psso tvioes r stauysp ckpaiomnrgt- tWFhueaestlt P dMaeysidpmliateenn dt3 st5 or5 he,0cee9lpi0v wihnitoghu t sthheehe oWelndiensr tgeinyr teonmRereegsryes a bwrichllhos . c aarrer isetdr uogugtl ibnyg t wheit chh tahreitiyr aavre“a Iil mawbaolduee.l d a awsakr pe eoofp lteh teo hseulppp othrta to uirs confusion n paign. costs last winter, the charity says found that 52 per cent of those look- campaign to help raise awareness and Ja SPORT 43-44 The aim of the campaign is to raise that many will cut back on heating ing for support were unaware that make sure that more people get the ay, abwlea froern tehsos soef stthreu ghgellipn gt htao th iesa at vtahielair- tghlienigr fihnoamnec iablelcya.use they are strug- suUchr ghienlpg wpaeos palvea iilna bWle.est Midlands heTlph tehreey isso ad ersapnergaet eolfy ninefeodr.m”ation d CONTACT US homes. The campaign, which has received to support the campaign on social about the help that is available for CONFUSED motorists who break rules hurs areA sb epianrgt aosfk ethd et oc asmhapraei ginm, apgeeosp olef hrauigsien sgu apwpoarrte noens sso tchiaalt mmeadniya , eins earlgsyo mvueldniear, aKbalet hcieu sCtolamrkeer, wwohrok l eaatd sT tuhre- taht oswew swtr.utugrgnli2nugs .woritgh.u ekn/Aerbgoyu tc-oUstss/ roen- esdmucaartti omn octoourrwsaesy sb yc opuolldic eb.e offered cle T STEEe-DPml:OI Ta0ROi1TlR:5S wI4:A3 a L l4:s 6a l5l.3c0h5ronicles@expressandstar.co.uk tHhemselves ein woollyr clotheos on socia l suBppliers offeer supponrt toward s wind- n2us, seaid: “It ics now viery, vdery cold, eOur-casmpaigns /No-Ctold-Hoomes. sshpSTeoeumhdleda yerl ritam rtmeoi t btosret acoafornfimwcd ai tnyocgsa r nieno dcpourepecreaea snctie on ntghvglyeae rsptihoaioapbnrulde.- ni Tel: 01902 319453 lar as a way of tackling congestion, run- o E-mail: chron.sport@expressandstar.co.uk ning on the M6 past its junction with the hr PHOTOGRAPHIC: Tel: 01902 319430 M54 near Walsall and Wolverhampton C E-mail: picturedesk@expressandstar.co.uk and also on stretches of the M5 in the The ATEe-Dml:V a0Ei1Rl:5 Ts4IaS3r Ia4Nh6G.5w:3 Si4na1firealhd -Jjoonneess@expressandstar.co.uk keep abandoned dog MceirBdnuleatdn dsthes.natio trh ep onleiwce rooaffdi creurlse sa arree ccoonn-- PROPERTY: Marguerita Finnegan fusing motorists and more awareness is Tel: 01902 319627 needed. Figures suggest an 18 per cent E-mail: marguerita.finnegan@expressandstar.co.uk rise in the number of people caught MOTORING: Phil Morris using the hard shoulder illegally be- Tel: 01902 319177 tween 2014-15 and 2015-16. E-mail: p.morris@expressandstar.co.uk In the last financial year there were CLASSIFIED: 1,014 tickets issued by the 38 forces that Tel: 01902 317878 responded to a Freedom of Information E-mail: my-classified@expressandstar.co.uk request, compared with 859 for the pre- DTEe-ImlS: Ta0Ri1lI:9B p0U.2jTo 3InO1eN9s9@: 9P0eaxupl rJeosnseasndstar.co.uk cAu eWdA LanS A‘LaLfr asidtu’ daenndt ‘wmhaoln oreusr-- Jason voices his pride in contest evriosAu mws hoynoea gcr l.tahime eedx ctuhseeys wgievreen hwalefr eo nd rtihve- Walsall ished’ abandoned dog has de- hard shoulder and half in the first lane cided to keep her as a pet. because it was the fastest route between Ben Brittain, spotted the German two places. Another said they were driving on the 51-53 Queen Street Shepherd – now called Alice – last hard shoulder because they were looking Wolverhampton, WV1 1ES wtheee kW, anteearrf rWonatl,s atlhl ec aHnauln ignr yf roHnotr soef forC soingcneargnes t ho atvhee ibr edeens trianiasteido na.bout the Open Monday to Friday 9am-1pm and 2pm-5pm pub, at the town centre. safety of using hard shoulders on motor- www.yourchronicle.com froTmh eW a2ls4a-lyl,e saari-do lhde, w54a,y fsr.o Mmo Ltoereigsot mAenrtyh oinn yT eMlfaorrsdt,o dni,e adg oend saw the dog looking the M6 close to its junction with the skinny and crying M54 in August. The father-of-two had when he came across stopped on the hard shoulder to check a her and so took her trailer when he was struck by a lorry, an home with him to accident that is still under investigation. safety. The National Police Chiefs’ Council Now, Ben, who is wants to create more awareness of the studying for a mas- road rules and improve compliance with ter’s degree at the them. The details are still to be con- Ben with Alice University of Bir- ficorumresdes, bfuort ipdeeoapsl be ewinhgo d bisrceuasks etdh ein vcaluridae- is staying in the familmy.i nSghhe’asm g,o isnagy st oA sltiacye ble speed limit. with me or at least within the family, he said. “I had to convince some friends and Kicking off fun family members but everyone was touched by the story and wanted to give her a good home.” for half term “The support online has been phenome- nal, it’s gone viral. I’ve been shocked and overwhelmed by the the messages of sup- port from as far as Yorkshire, Lincolnshire A WEEK of karate fun is being held in and Wales. Walsall over the Spring half term hol- “People have called me a hero and all iday. Walsall Karate Dojo in Stafford sorts – it just shows how much of a nation Street is holding the activity from Feb- of dog lovers we really are.” ruary 20 to February 24. Since Alice was taken back to Ben’s Any child aged between four and 12 house to keep her warm and fed, she hasn’t Jason Jones, with grandparents Kathleen and Raymond Jones, both aged 87, and his three-month-old son, Jax years can take part. They do not have left her new owner’s side. A SINGING sensation has thanked proud of me and they can’t really failed to get past the audition stage to be a member of the dojo or even have Ben confessed to originally calling her his family for their support – saying believe it. What I’ve achieved so far two years ago, then overslept last any karate experience whatsoever. Alfie, until changing the name to Alice his success is for them. RAC work- is something for them.” year and missed his slot. But he There is a maximum number of 30 upon realisation that she was a female er Jason Jones wowed millions of Jason added: “When I auditioned said that might have been fate. “I children per day – parents can book chil- dog. He added: “She’s been fine since viewers with his performance on I didn’t audition to be famous. I think it’s meant to be,” he said. dren a place for as many days as possible we brought her home – really happy and The Voice. wanted the platform to showcase “With the show moving to ITV but priority will be given to those book- bouncing, coming back to life. She follows He has progressed to the next what I can do. I’m doing it to be a from BBC there’s been a lot of hype ing for the week. me everywhere. stage of the TV singing contest, and success – not for the fame.” and build up and personally I think Day will run from 9am till 3pm with “We’ve been feeding her up now and said he hopes to continue making Jason’s version of Pillow Talk it’s better.” plenty of short breaks plus a lunch she’s definitely improving.” his family proud. From 12 to 23, by Zayn sparked rave reviews from We can next expect to see the break. RSPCA spokeswoman Rachel Butler Jason was brought up by his grand- judges Tom Jones, Jennifer Hud- RAC worker on our TV sets next Children should wear normal clothing said: “This is very sad however we are parents Kathleen and Raymond in son, Will.I.Am and Gavin Rossdale. month when the show reaches its for the camp and children will need bring pleased to hear that the dog was found by Burntwood. Jason, 31, who now He plumped for the tutelage of ‘battle’ stage. their own lunch, drinks plus snack. Mr Brittain. Abandoning an animal can lives in Brownhills, said: “They’ve Black Eyed Peas singer and pro- If he progresses through that All children must be collected at 3pm cause them a lot of distress and we urge always known I’ve been interested ducer Will. It is Mr Jones’ third then Mr Jones will take part in the prompt. anyone who knows who abandoned the dog in music. They’re just extremely bite of the cherry on the show – he live shows. For a booking form email stevencar- to contact us on 0300 1234 999.” less@hotmail.com Walsall:01922455018 Wolverhampton: 01902582051 24HrNumber:07853248056 CALL NOW FOR HUGE DISCOUNTS FFIIRREEPPLLAACCEESS THROUGHOUT JANUARY UNBEATABLE OFFER MarbleFireplacewithBritishMadegasorelectricfire manycolourstochoosefrom FULLY FITTED (byAwardWinningFitters)(ToPoint) Victorianand FREE SURVEYS 6Windows Doors Edwardian from Conservatories from Don’twastetimeshoppingaroundOtheroffersavailable £959 £325 from£3695 £799.00 Feelsecurreewwiitthhoouurr2244yyeears’experienceanddoouurriinnssuurraanncceebbaacckkeeddgguuaarraanntteeee Viewouronlinevideo@ ImprovingHomes www.windowtechinterframe.co.uk forover24years Units1,2&9BrickyardRoad,AldridgeWS98SR 197WolverhamptonRoadWest,Bentley,Walsall,WS20DU The Name You CAN Trust Tel:01922629454Open:10am-4pmdaily,ClosesWednesday/Sunday Region set Blakemore sales hit £1.31 billion NEWS IN BRIEF 3 to get £7.5m Councillor follows T FAMILYownedfoodretail,wholesale membersofstafffortheireffortsHe thefutureandthecompany’s2020 h anddistributiongroupAFBlakemore said:“Ithasbeenachievedagainsta vision,focusedupongeneratingsus- e for potholes &Sonsawan0.2percentincreasein backgroundofdifficulttradingcondi- tainablegrowthandlong-termpros- his grandfather C profitsanda2.4percentincreasein tionsinthefoodretailandwholesale perity. h salesfromitslatestannualaccounts. marketstogetherwithsignificantlev- Hesaid:“AFBlakemorehasset r on roadways w2b0ihlT1lii7hco,hnerewcWceioltirehldbleerpndarhteaea-nstlanl-xiubtasaplsrecsoeadfinltestsbeuunopsfair£nfy1reo.s3imsn1, esBilldsCaeokorfesapmttrioocicorneenddtpreuooflrilainntwtigeoadnst.h”tceoitytehedearafsaacnatdcthoMnart- oawaummittohuanlagtvif-itamsrniaoatdnraekstpteoitacrsnrtoaenltpiediuorisntfyaaatlniitofdsonocpfodoonsorsipstueiemorrnavetiraocsesr. AffsoahltiBlhpoLeworAfinwCaghKcieonnCutnohhuceeinltftolaraokytteescsrtoeotuphvnseiscroiyfltlehhoaeirsr.mwgrialaylnobdre-- onicle £7.59millionto£7.60mforthe2015- thebusinesshascontinuedtoretain “Collaboration is now required Councillor Marco Longhi, a Con- THE West Midlands and Stafford- 2016financialyear.Netassetshave andre-investallofitspost-taxprofits acrosstheAFBlakemoreGroupfor servative coun- Th shireistobegivenmorethan£7.5 alsogrownby7.6percentto£80.8m. intoimprovingthegroupoperations thebusinesstoachieveitsgoals.More cillor in Walsall, u milliontotacklepotholes. A F Blakemore chairman, Peter andthoseofitsindependentretail thaneverweneedtousetheexpertise willbecomemayor rs atnhmeTexothcueofinuntGnaoontfvrcyemirawnolnmyileeleyanbreteathocrahefisclrelreievginviinoepgnaoleiatndhcrottolhheseess SChairmatnofthaefirm,PteterBluakemoreeBalpalkeeamsinorgeos,tdeaedscyrirbefesudltt,htehafingkuBirnegsaalsl ciuMstormlBelarks.lemoryealsolookeWdaheadto ftrrhoemwhaocilreoscsogmouprandyi.v”ihsionstobtenefit oyt2hef0ae1r7t.hs/1te8arttfoinwoafnnctihaaetl day,Ja asTwheellaWsessttopMthidemlanfodrsmwinigll.receive isBweidineglyaregmaardyeodr nua £7.67moverall,including£1.22mfor asthetophonour ry theWestMidlandsCombinedAuthor- inlocalpoliticsbut 1 iGtyovaenrdnm£1e.n5t8msayfosrthSetaffufonrddisnhgirfeo.rTthhee CouncillorLonghi Chio’sunstciinlltowrilLlotankge- 9,2 aWreesatsMsuidchlanadssH,werheifcohrda,lsSohrinopclsuhdirees smashed at Molineux ohnisegxrtarnadsfaigtnhiefirc’sanfocoetsatsephse.followsin 017 andStoke,willleadtoaround144,000 WilfredClarkewasmayorofWal- potholesbeingfixedin2017/18. sallbetween1978-79,withhispicture Inannouncingthefunding,trans- uponthewallinthecouncilhouse port minister Andrew Jones said: alongside other Walsall mayors of “Roads play a significant part in pastgenerations. everydaylifelinkingpeoplewithjobs CouncillorLonghisaid:“Iamreally andbusinesseswithcustomers,which delightedtohavebeenvotedmayor iswhythisgovernmentisinvesting andlookforwardtoagreatyearbeing recordamountsimprovingandmain- ambassadorforthetown.” ttoaihneinlpgmhoigthorwisatyss.”acrossthecountry THEiconicBillyWrightstatueout- Manor Farm ploughs on to its 40th Experts to make Thenewfundshavebeenbackedby sideMolineuxhasbeenbadlydam- SouthStaffordshireMPandtheCon- agedafteracarcrashedintoit. railways safer servativechiefwhipGavinWilliam- Theplinthonwhichthestatueofthe son.Hesaid:“Thestateofourroads Wolves and England legend stands was isconsistentlyraisedwithmebylocal residentsandremainsagreatsource rippedapartintheearlyhoursdrama. THEUniversityofBirminghamhas offrustrationfordrivers. A30-year-oldmanhasbeenarrestedonsus- signed an agreement with Beijing fsaahrmo“iruTienlhideiwss.hIfatounbnrdudeiillbndyugssooiinsnnewtosheuselercs£or1mio,n0ae6dSn9st,ea0wtf0ofs0ogrfwodeert- picionofdrinkdrivingftdoahalneyldo.ewaHdiranelnyggwhetaorhsoueurbsscarodialfresiSdhvuinbningy- JsdreaieaaivlorwetcloahonypsgienxsgpUafentereritvcsahenrntsdooitlmowygooy(rrBektJeoTtffiohUgce)ieletpnhfotemr.rarokene- gotlastyearandisthelateststepin policeuntilnextmonth Bothuniversitieswillcontinuetheir ourplantobuildacountrythatworks pendingfurtherinquir- partnershipandstrengtheneducation foreveryone. iesandthestatuewas linksandallowChineserailengineer- “The announcement shows that cordonedofffollowing ingstudentstostudyatBirmingham, wearedeliveringonourcommitment thecrash. benefittingfromtheUniversity’sex- toinvestininfrastructuretoattract Three slate slabs pertise–particularlyinrailwaycon- businessesandsecureabetterfuture havetornoffthestruc- trolandsafety. forlocalbusinesses.” ture, including the University of Birmingham Thefundingallocatedspecifically panel that carries the Vice-ChancellorProfessorSirDavid for potholes is part of more than hero’sname,whichwas EastwoodjoinedProfessorBinNing, £115mtheWestMidlandsisreceiving Thestatue smashedintwo. PresidentofBJTU,tosigntheagree- toimproveroads,cutcongestionand Vicky Wright, the mentataspecialceremonyinBeijing. improvejourneytimes.” daughterofthelateplayer,saidshewas‘so Professor Eastwood said: “This sad’tohearaboutthestatue. agreementwithBeijingJiaotongUni- Co-op in pledge Shetweetedtosay:“Manarrestedafterthe versitymarksthestartofevencloser statuewasleftbadlydamaged.Thishasmade collaboration.” mesosad.” to remove treats AWestMidlandsPolicespokesmansaid:“Of- Bright ideas for ficershavearrestedamanfollowingacollision withastatueoutsideMolineuxonWaterloo teenage careers THECo-opGroupistoremovesweets Road,intheearlyhoursofSundaymorning. withmarketingandpackagingaimed A30-year-oldmanwasarrestedonsuspicionof TEENAGERShavebeeninvitedtoa atchildrenfromitsstorecheckouts drinkdrivinganddangerousdriving.” careerseventwhichistakingplacein and provide a range of healthier AWolvesspokesmansaid:“Theclubhas WestBromwich. snacks. been in contact with West Midlands Police The Connexions New Year, New Theassurancehasbeengivento overthedamagedonetothebaseofthestatue StarteventisatSandwellCollege’s theWestMidlandsrepresentativeon followingatrafficincidentintheearlyhoursof CentralSixthcampusinNewStreet. theCo-opMembers’Council,David Sundaymorning. Theevent,whichrunsfrom10am Hallam,aformerdirectorofthein- “Theclub’sstaffwillbeassessingthedam- and2pm,onJanuary21,isopentoall ternationaldiabetesfederationand agedonetothestatuewithaviewtocarrying ChiefExecutiveGaryBirdandFinanceOfficerGeorginaBallmarktheassociation’s40thanniversary youngpeopleaged14to19. memberoftheEuropeanParliament. outrestorationworkassoonaspossible.” A COMMUNITY association agotherewere60communityas- 2004buttheassociationremained Forfurtherinformationvisitwww. MrHallamsaid:“Thisisgoodnews The9ftbronzestatuewasunveiledin1996 whichprovidesactivitiestothou- sociationsbuttheywerefinanced atthesiteinKingGeorgeCres- connexionssandwell.co.uk fcohrildpraernenptisniwnghofodrruenadhehaaltvhiyngswtheeetirs wbyorBkilloyf’sarwti.d’oIwtiJsocyo,nwshidoecraeldleodniet‘oafwthoendfienrefustl sbarnatdesdoiftsp4e0otphleaenvneirvyerwsaereyk,atcetlhee- einnctrireealsyinbgybtuhdegceotucnocnisl.trWaiintthstfhoer cwehnot.arIetheemlppeldoybsya5b0ovuotlu6n0tesetrasf.f Wee dram for Burns atcheckouts.Ijusthopeeveryother footballstatuesinthecountry. weekend.ManorFarmCommuni- local authorities the financing The Manor Farm Conference conveniencechainfollowssuit.” ThesculpturedepictstheformerWolvesand tyAssociationwasregisteredasa from (Walsall) council driedup Suitealsoprovidesconferencefa- PUBSaretocelebrateBurnsNight TheCo-opGrouptoldMrHallam: Englandcaptain–whoearned105capsforhis charityonJanuary14,1977and andassoonasthathappenedalot cilitiesforupto150people.That withWhiskyShowcaseevents. “Wewillcontinuetodeveloptherange country–leadingouthisteam.Hediedin1994, hasservedpeoplefromitsbasein ofthemwentbump.” canbeusedforawiderangeof ofproductsonofferandwillbeguided aged70. Rushallsincethen.Itisnowone Originallythecommunityas- events, including seminars and Nicholson’spubs,inBirmingham, byourcustomersonthisissue.”Mr Thecampaigntoraiseapermanentmemo- of just a handful of community sociation,whichprovidesservices clubs’AGMs. including Bacchus Bar and The Hallam said he would continue to rialtotheplayerwasheadedbyWolverhamp- associationsoperatinginWalsall. forabout4,000peopleeveryweek, Forinformationonjoiningthe Shakespeare,willtakeplace. monitorthesituationcarefullyand toncouncillorFredLedsam. Its chief executive Gary Bird sharedfacilitieswithManorFarm communityassociationvisitwww. TheywillofferScottishdishesand wouldbeinterestedtohearwhether The £50,000 funding for the statue was said:“WhenIstartedout30years CommunitySchool.Thatclosedin manorfarmca.com. whiskytoexplorefromJanuary23. parentsthoughtthebanwashelpful. raisedbypublicsubscription. BLINDS MASSIVESTOCKCLEARANCETO WALSALL-www.bl£ind-1dea2ls.co0.uk MAKEROOMFORNEWSTOCK BEST DEAL! 3childsafe SSHHOORRTTHHEEAATTHHDDeennttaall PPrraaccttiiccee verticals NEWWEPLACTOIEMNETS ••OO2pwFeeenmnda&aleiMlydre8sn.S0tit0seatfskma--MIv5arpsnmoJvaane STopoetchiaWlOhiftfeenrinogn NOonOeBLpIeGrAThIoOuNsHeOhMolEdQoUfOfeTrE Emergenciesseen •ToothWhitening ★Conservatories★Orangeries inYcolEuutxhdm£aeeam1yssicba8neama.lete5eliiog&d0nibaplteyoofloisrh •••NsICmmoepswillmeapneyattotsiucie-Dnarlteewsnpawtlaiysecstlercdyotrhme-oagesmeetetdheof S£TAL1ARPTMA0INCINGK.A0FSTRE0OM HAULLGMEPERCAIHCSOEUSIRCEIEN&COLFFUITPDTOEIPNFUGRLEAER ★Windows★Doors★Soffits★Fascias rferifecyeeoitpurethaoatfmvceeehnrattadiifnaybobueanbaeryefiitnisn, •mDeisnstuinrgetReeepthaiprsermanently £150 PERPACK FABRICRSES&TGREICNTEIROONUSSSIZE Find thelastyear,ifyouare18 •SportsMouthGuards uson andioonrrfaaurrlleetiuumnneddeeerrd11u88c.ation ••BWrhaicteessFillings CALL contactyourlocaladvisor CallyourlocalexpertNeilforFreefriendlyquota(cid:415)on •Crownns,Bridges&Dentures (Bringthisadvertwithyou) FREE toseeourfabricrange& T:01922513096M:07521649420 2AOakenDrive, otheravailabledeals QUOTFARTEIEONEmail:wnewilw@.nnjjnnccoonnsseerrvvaattoorriieess..ccoo..uukk 00AAWWp1pio9llinet2mneh2ntaslAl4vWa7ilaVb8l1e2Im8m5eN9diUa3tely! 0800 0214266 More than 1,800 seek help in debt crisis College 4 THEBESTOF PETER joins with 7 19,201 RHODES sNeWedEoealkAvideRnergLbhYthamec1hl,pp8at0rwo0intityphaeinnolidpajlubWesialtaicltssriieaoxslslmstcoDootnnuattldhlaliscentyg–-, aainngdTedihvdCieedacbunhtanallor.eicvtkye,lpshraoadvtid£the1de5,hb9ei3gl2pgetfosotraaetvoaetcarh-l aajpurgaseertaeddotehvbteaotrtotth£fhe8£em1pc2rh,,e4auv1rpii5otu.fyrTshooymetelapa£lerd7d..e3wbmtitihncowtmhaes- mttoootLjaruoleswdtpeuienbonttpdelfereaerltsl£oitn7rtgmaatkf.eresoomaurtenleeonaacrnolysuor£ar9g.b2inumyg university y nearly£25million. of614peopleinthearea,upfrom590 TheDudleypostalarea,whichin- oncredit.Buttherearefearspeople ar AREADERtellsmehesawhisdoctor Atotalof1,778peopleintheDY, duringthesameperiodtheprevious cludesTipton,Kidderminster,Stour- areborrowingbeyondtheirmeans for course u lastweek.Thisweekhereceivedanemail WVandWSpostcodeareascontacted year,andthetotallevelofdebtrose portandBewdley,accountedfor519 andaraterisecouldseearushof an from a funeral-insurance company. Just theStepChangecharityduringthe from£9.4mto£9.8m.Atotalof645 ofthecharity’scalls,andtheaver- repossessions. J keeptellingyourselfit’spurecoincidence. firsthalfof2016,equivalentto10 peoplefromtheWVpostcodearea ageamountowedwas£13,459.These RobertWhiteofStepChangesaid y, calls every day. The WS postcode contactedthecharityduringthefirst figureswereamarkedimprovement thefirsthalfof2016hadbeenits sda unAwFilTlinEgRtmoycraercryengtupnies,ceaornetipreodlicceobpeirneg- Barea,whoichalsorincluedesLicdhfield sixmtonthesoflasteyear,wnithanaver-iconmparedtothheprevioousyearm,with busieestonrlecored. ss WwiAthLSaAuLnLiveCroslilteygteohlaausnjcohinaednefwordcees- ur callsthat,althoughheneverwantedapis- greeapprenticeship.Thecollegehas h tol,hefoundhimselfwithoneduringaraid. workedwiththeUniversityofWol- T Ithadfallenoutofanotherofficer’sholster. verhamptonaswellasemployersto e designthefour-yearcourse. nicl ofAaNrmOiTnHgEsRomexe-cboopbbteiellssmcheilltshehipsrobslopoedct. AofpTpbhrueesnintCiechseass,rhtiienprcewludidlliMncgoavnmeargaenarlalgaDesmepgeerncettes, hro Hmeysoaldyss:h“Siftomweeroefsthoegyuonugn-gheortbhoebybwieosuoldn shelter set fire to box manadrkoepteinragt,ihonumsmananreasgoeumrceenst,fiasnawneclel C haveshoteachotherbeforetheyhadgot asequippingapprenticeswithskills he othuetoofffitcheerspareraadllye-oropopmoseddootor.bIneteinrgesatrinmgelyd, seuracchyaasnednctorlelpabreonraetuirvsehwipo,rdkiignigt.allit- T wereexsoldiers.” Theapprenticeshipismainlywork basedandstudents’learningwillbe ATEAMofblacked-upMorrisdancers supportedbylectures,distancelearn- startedtheirshowinBirminghamandwere ingmaterialswithin-housecompany heckledandabusedandforcedtoclear mentorsandtrainingsupport. off.Well,whatdidtheyexpect?TheAlve- JamesNorris,assistantprincipal cahnuorlcdhtrMadoirtrioisnmofednancclaeimrsbtolacbkeenfoinllgowthinegir ByNathanBriant France honours D-Day hero pair fsoarllcComolmlegerecisaalidd:ev“eTlohpismnenewtadteWgraele- facessoasnottoberecognisedbytheir levelapprenticeshipisthelatestaddi- employers. Bunkum. This practice was A TEENAGER set fire to a tiontoourportfolioofuniversitylevel confinedtosmallpartsofWales,centuries cardboard box in his bed- qualificationsanditprovidesanideal aoMgnooer.rilsiWkehsiydthehesasAallivlteobcvehecurorcmEhnegteslaaonmdp,owpehusiplcahercwwiaialtlhys roofodma,mcaaugsein–g£b1e,0c0a0usweorhthe saptnreodpgp3rienbsgusssfiutnorentshesefaro.prporuernctiucrerselnotoLkienvgelt2o foundedlessthan30yearsago?Lookat wasbored,acourtheard. “It will enable students to de- ovilrdtupahllyotoasllotfhMeofrarcisessidaeresawnhdityeo.uB’lllaficnkd- staDyyinlagn aOthaara,Waaglesdall18C,owuans- vbevereolorap,diettnhisetahhleisgiorhaecravrilaeeebvrleelppsrrkooislgplrseactmthsam,thewofwoilr-l ing-upisnotsomereveredoldtradition cil-ownedhomelessshelterlast employerswhowanttoupskillexist- butamodernchoice,andinthemiddleof December. ingstaffandsupportthemingaining multiculturalBrumaverysillychoice. Staffwerealertedtothearson abroaderoverviewoftheirbusiness. attack and rushed into the room “Thecoursewillincreasestudents’ OH, dear. It’s –whereOharatoldthemhehad knowledgeandskillsacrossdifferent bbeen another started the blaze because he had disciplinesofbusiness,inpreparation tterribleweekfor nothingelsetodo.WalsallMagis- formanagementpositions,whichwill tthose people trates’CourtheardOharawasalone inturnsupportbusinessgrowthand variously de- intheroomandthat‘substantial innovationinourregion.” scribedasBre- damage’hadbeencausedtothewin- mainersorRe- dow,windowsillandcarpet. Magical event for moaners. They Afireblanketwhichhehadused deserveanew inadesperateattempttostopthe name, some- cardboard box burning at Rivers Harry Potter fans tthhiinnggttooccaappttuurreetthheirgrowingac- House,inSlackeyLane,wasalso ceptanceofBrexit,coupledwithundying scorched.Firefighterswerecalledto dismay.ItoyedwithLesMiserablesbut checkthesiteafterthefire,which FAMILIESinWalsallwillbeableto tchaallt’tshefamrttohoeGEulurmopse.aHna.vSinoginspsteenatdm,olentthuss bstearr2te8d.atabout10.30pmonDecem- icnodmuilnggeFinebarsupaortyohfamlfatgeircmov.ertheup- warningdarklythatnewtradeagreements Conviction Harry Potter fans are invited to cinohuoldrrtoarkaesaBdoericsaJdoeh,nthsoenGmluemtsthweaTtrcuhmepd comSemntuennictyinsgerhviimcetaoftaerlothneg‘sspeeriloluosf jtforhioenmtao1wP1rnaomfceesnustnorrteilS’sn4aVppmicetoloornoiakFn-ae-Ablirrkuceaadrinye teamandsewedupsomesortofunder- offence’,chairwomanofthebench 18,wherehewillbehostingafreepo- standingwiththeYanksovercoffee.Okay, MrsJanetHolmessaid:“You’re18 tionsmasterclass.Visitorswillgetthe it’snotapropertradeagreementbutas now.It’stimetogrowup.” opportunitytofollow‘Snape’ashe wearegraduallydiscovering,youdonot Ohara admitted one count of leadsaninteractiveworkshopwhere needatradeagreementinordertoagree arsonatahearingatWalsallMag- youngsterscancreatetheirveryown totrade. istrates’ Court on December 30. ‘magical’potions. His hearing was adjourned for a Thecentrewillbebringinginaspe- FORamateurweatherforecasters,this pre-sentencereporttobeprepared. cialPlatform9¾themedbackdropfor isasignificanttimeofyear.Accordingto ForOhara,MrBrijChaudhrysaid shopperstotakephotosagainstwhilst theDiallofDaiespublishedin1590,each itwastoOhara’screditthathehas thefamousSortingHatwillbeavaila- ofthefirst12daysofJanuarypredictsthe beenabletofindhimselfnewaccom- Walsallveterans,LeonardFreeman,intheberet,andEdwardBillingham,withMayorKathPhillips bleforPotterfanstoposewith. iowwntshoveeeeoaearDwndtahseelooleo..afrrttDJhnfoaooenrfr’nuftsotohaurtremyJmtyumh8enr,aoaefirwr.oysArtoafnesowdxrcaaot2Pmyom0dp1yeeale7.ey’,t’sTsoihenlwwdedeeericaaasaftttehhteeaeers--rr mcwllbSciiaoovtgaonrOrrehsdeeetstheadatiaasttoncon,iirtlmgondaS‘ncw.imtwes.iMhiosteaelhhrtsanehtcaCohewawwdhisrisycaademklusbxfia.vdiop1smiHhattn5orreieg,dlymnyahci,sbennoaat’ofsdihaxdTtbenhhhOeidaancoethsotnm.hauhnariarinaosstt ThHsdNaswpl’iWasehgeiazhocnOfitinref-haooosnl,tcrmDecdcWmueu-,DrrWpaieblailiammeostyladatseohlradnlFvy,laeylrahltaagsMaeonnetrnfcddaaWoeoynr.uo9EasTrr1ltd.shh,hwaCLeealwoaelvtuorpeTwednarnooeracwbtBrimlpednliteolrehlFHnerniensrayKeregalenehlawpcmtalteleaahamiadsrvyntd,Peew,edTdhfdfriuitrtollhoehlimFibsmepdeirLsrara,SKéanmyhga.ticniieotenodgr’nagst-- tawasathoarwacioSedosamupm:rlpneade“aapdndeIrklddattehilhitnostnaeehfgdgfsetIsaruhcn,boRereomoelpuacnuirsnodtliosinsedstiteaviahthc.oenMeIeydarLwMrntaédhacFiggolsarBeliuteoeudannenpplmntr1tdriof7ica’iouthenersmasoc,en,antawednMnMsdho.esetoruaedhlrraaBle,villresiMeldoimdlnirstnewoBh2gdo0iiihapltk1lalhsi,5npmiiRangtarhoswwataynhaaimandessl wtitheeCBiHhhtiealllhdroprreyoonfsPicdetoastnstfredtserueroicnfhoanaicnnretoapocattraeihnrett,ciertrahfh.arlvoaoluuglrhl- Rhodes every Mon- coOmhmauranmityustocrodmerp,leitnecalu1d8i-nmgon3th5 maMnroBnitllhinegwhaarmshsiperavneddcaosloannyacbllaesssecarmuiasenr,aHndMtSorMpeaduo- Nwaarv.yHaendtoRootyoaolkMpaarritnienstfhroemD-1D9a4y3luanntdilintghse,etnradvoeflltinhge BplLenOiOshDsdtoonckosr.sSareessnioenedsewditlolhbeelpherled- day to Friday in your dgraaymsmofea.Hpreombautsitonalssoerdvoic2e0-l0edhopurros- ariltliieuds,fifgrhomtin1g9d4u3ritnog1t9h4e6.hiHsteorwicasDa-Dtatyhelahnedairntgso.fTthhee stotaNrtoormftahnedcyaomnpJauignne.6,1944andwasthereatthevery aontJthaenuMareym2o6r,iafrloHma1ll.1i0n-3B.3r0opwmnhainllds Express & Star opfayu£n1p3a5idinwcoorukr.tOcohsatrsaamndusatna£l8s5o vshesipses.lDheursienrgvetdheonoeffewnassivoenheeofsatwheamctaivinebseormvibcaerodfmfethnet adSdpedea:k“Iin’mgarebaolulytstuhreprLiésgedio.nInde’hvoenrneexuprecMterdFanreyethmianng furpomorb4o.3o0k-7ap.4p5opimnt.mDenontsovrsiac0a3n00tu12rn3 victimsurcharge. coastofallthemainNormandybeaches.Nostranger likethis.” 2323oronline. Come and visit WearedelightedtoofferALL our new range of NewClientsa... LOG BURNING STOVES. FREE Specialist supplier of the Newman Stoves Specialistsinfinestqualitybespoke GasandElectricfiresandsurrounds Cut & Finish WhenyouhaveANY FULLFITTING, ColourService! Wearelessthan DELIVERYSERVICEAND Don’tmissout,calltoday. 15minutesfromthe HOMESURVEYAVAILABLE Authorised Orbitalislandin ValorCentre Cannock Newrangeoflog andElgin& LARGECARPARK burnersinstore Halldealer BEHINDDIZZYKIDZ 17 Anchor Parade, Aldridge WS9 8QP t: 01922 456152 Open66Dayysaweek1100aamm--55pppmm CClloosseeddSSuunnddaayyss Unit6,ArrowIndustrialEstate,StraightRoad T’s&C’s:Notvalidinconjunctionwithanyotherofferorpromotion.Validfornew ShortHeath,WillenhallWV125RA clientsonlyatFrancescoGroupAldridgewithselectedteammembersuntil28/02/17. SkinAllergyTestrequired48hourspriortocolourserviceforallnewcolourclients. www.firesandfireplaceswillenhall.co.uk 01922 475222 Appointmentsaresubjecttoavailability. Poorest face Kitten rescued after getting head stuck NEWS IN BRIEF 5 paying more Sweet Christmas T A KITTEN who had got his head been there for, but rubbish had been Susan Burney said: “I could see the h stuck in a drainage hole at the bottom piled on top of him and he was clearly kitten’s head was stuck in the hole. e council tax of a communal waste bin was rescued distressed. So I had to call the fire brigade who at Cadbury World C in a joint operation between the RSP- “The fire service were absolutely were fantastic and eventually they h CA and West Midlands Fire Service. fantastic and they managed to free got it out. It must have been there for r as limit cut The RSPCA was contacted by res- him very quickly. They used a blade at least two days and it was taken to CADBURY World, finished 2016 on a on wGidaleesnb teh SeHauorsudas nme ,B einuo wrGnilneeygb, e fa rSfottmerer ettthh, eeW bkaiilntsta ealnlt. htboeis n chtu ettah dee.i tshteeerl soifd teh oe fb tinh eb ahcokle t,o t fhreene tthhiTen hNge.”S PRCSCP.C IAt wisa su ar gbineagu tpiefuopl lleit ttloe stourg arer choirgdh f oarf tDere creemacbheirn.g a new visi- icle aweTmrengHeosPrtririeEderteele e deovnpcd niotoo o sntuolu oo rnia swneac ls n yi 7Wtlie n 5watsc aaploo nsrxemmaed rld eeladu mfwoictsrretoicei lrsoobls t unie htdnn havsetecevun,fih elbtnte csustmeo otruw ewatnp.ebhhcarliiyoeesl CThe okitten wituh its headn stuck cbctkkhoonitueAnoti l newfidanir tm ethowe naoslnlawle dysrc ev olbdsoilcl oe nebe gc.uft t riCtigte ohaifhenoredt ua l oyp nwfs ofidansio ctittdrehuh r: c ka h“kCtiWet attlthrpeehana ad f t tGro h tonihhamb’deet- a iHmshmterei“ acai Tsrwly ohnc.a ceWaoshpnwnnietp’k r tbphfe euwe aiidlvnnel ey gasB ronlihio parnwoemmgk e iwee anbdd agce ashhol fiilaetmnlmeavoer reD.t ”a ahutin ensod tjuwyu ri arsa aesnann d’dat-. mwtitsnohidia elatelkrhv lee–beo iriisnssdeuo s ,frt ot heapho rilbdseeei n a hnisns fa etel hpcia duepm bsrre ieaenan .krii” sneeao gnaps. dru cC ohraapea cre naayrct losey ruca tacrihdln ooa: s gut“e eItidttf- ii–vyfint eigoas IMaur 2ittrtsr 0wase we1 trdoyso6ek .ep l b,etc iOeyttm ofris vmon macerCgkeer o htndiahrmnrl telemgi ,ai s ntatnioChmcttra artaeograedn naeastb cr esh6uet e a4ivroD ono8yefnin ,nat04W. htnl04aseeo0, s0 ir tbnM0lp ydu 0e2ei s otwa0ivcper1iahsls’6esst-- Thursday, Ja ahsa sW naolwsa blle eCno urendcuilc eldo otko 7a0t pweary cse ntot Celal,d bsauirdy: W“Woreld’r ceo nretianlluye sp tleoa bsee dsu tchha at nua raise funds. The council needs to save popular destination for families across ry £86 million by 2020. the UK.” 1 Concerns have been raised that the Drummer Don at 9 new changes, which will be coupled , 2 with the already announced 3.99 per 0 cent council tax increase, will ‘bleed’ more foster families Slade convention 17 the poorest in society and lead to in- creased council tax arrears. Former councillor and mayor Pete A FOUNDER member of rock and Smith said: “Sadly it was Labour in pop legends Slade is to attend a Black their short time in office previous to Country convention devoted to the the present one that introduced first group. Drummer Don Powell will be time council tax charges to Walsall’s appearing at the event in the Robin 2 poorest, ensuring that 19,000 or so club, in Bilston, on May 28. paid at least 25 per cent of council tax for the first time. Tickets are available for the after- £nin8e “2wcT0o ,huc0ion0shc 0oir lres tsto aul(exl1lt y9ea d,r0a r0teitn0ar) ri bhso uutftg haecabo tlui ensn tctcoroioel adttsh aeaixsst Abtoe PehLneE lmpA a ytdooe u rneings iadc ehdnieltdssrp eiennr aWfitnead lsa atatl el smhaapfest ‘Hard work’ key to reaching 100 aDTnnohodonen .q a Tufatehnesedrtrin eoeo nwvo-enailnn li idann-lcgasl onus sdbeweess sea ir oa qsnnues sii zsno itaorenn rbd vwo ititehthwhe. payers within nine months of its in- place to live. showing of Slade films and videos. In troduction in April 2015. Now a La- At least 26 new caring, supportive the evening tribute group Slyde will bthoiusr g Croouupn ceivl eang afuinr tchheor.o sIe tsh tino kb liet eids ftoesrt ecrhiinldgr efanm oilfi edsi faferree nnte eadgeeds taon ldo obka cakf-- bwew pwla.tyhienrgo bailnl .tchoe.u cklassics. Details via absolutely disgraceful.” grounds, but particularly for sibling Police in appeal Speaking at the meeting last Mon- day, Councillor Diane Coughlan, the groups and older children. portfolio holder for social care, said: Walsall Council’s Fostering Team will be on street attack “It is only because this council finds holding information sessions during January itself in a dire financial position at locations around the borough. that this recommendation has been Local people interested in fostering for Wal- A GROUP of men were were assault- brought to full council.” sall Council can chat to the team, and current ed on a night out in the early hours foster carers, to find out more about caring for of the morning in Walsall. Police are a Walsall child. appealing the men were assaulted by Professor starts Maria and her husband Luke were approved another group of men in Bridge Street as foster carers last year and have been caring between 3.15am and 3.30am on New for their first child for nine months. Years Day. dual NHS role She said: “If you are considering fostering I Officers are interested in speaking would say ‘make the call, go to an information to anyone who may have seen a young session to find out more and go for it. white man with a facial injury, wear- A NON-EXECUTIVE director at Wal- “Fostering is hard work, but it is also one ing a blue shirt. Part of his lip was sall Healthcare NHS Trust has dou- of the most rewarding careers you could ever bitten off. Call 101 ext 871 3328 and bled his workload – after taking on begin to imagine. quote 20WS/402N/17. the same role at another trust. Positive Museum fares well Professor Russell Beale was ap- “Every ounce of time and effort you put into pointed to the board of Birmingham your work will be repaid 100 times over when as real ale venue and Solihull Mental Health NHS you see the very real and positive differences fFyreooaumrn. dhHaiest ib2or5ni n yTgersau rass w ta eat att lhtthhe eUo fsn teiaxvrpeter sroiifte ynt hcoeef hyoauv ec atank mena kteo tfoo sat ecrhiinldg’ sli lkifee a. Odurera omw.n E cahcihld orenne Abu OseNs Ea-nDdA Yr eeavle natle c oims bbieniningg hvienldta gine Birmingham, where he is currently of them brings love, kindness, fun and compas- Aldridge next month. Professor of Human-Computer Inter- sion into this little one’s life and each one of Beer and Buses is taking place at action (HCI) and Director of the HCI them gains so much back in return from her Aldridge Transport Museum in Shen- Centre, a major centre focusing on de- happy presence in our home.” stone Drive on February 19, from 2pm veloping the digital future. The information events begin on Monday to 10pm. at Streetly Community Centre and will con- The event, which is being run with Professor Beale has achieved world- tinue throughout the week in venues in Pel- the Rotary Club of Aldridge, will offer waritdiefi crieaclo ignntietliloigne fnocre h tios wasosrikst o inn tuesriancg- sCaelnl,t rBer.ownhills, Willenhall and Walsall Town Celebrating her 100th, Alice Barrett, with her son Colin Barrett at Mill House Care Home, Bilston beAerd tmasistsiniogn a ntod bthues rmiduesse.um on the tion between users and technology, Councillor Rose Burley, portfolio holder for A MUCH loved great-grandmoth- verhampton for 20 years while Cross and St John Ambulance for day is £5, with all the buses on display and is a Chartered IT Professional. Walsall Council’s children’s services supports er celebrated her 100th birthday bringing up children, Colin, now her voluntary work in the Second as well. Model of a show the latest campaign. surrounded by her family. 76, and Margaret Ann, who died. World War. Riders nuisance She added: “We need more residents from Alice Barrett, nee Babb, who The pair went on to work for She now has four grandchil- our town to help support children who need was brought up in Bridge Street, Wolverhampton council as care- dren and five great-grandchil- at SVR weekend loving and caring homes. Willenhall, did not move far away takers for Brinsford Lodge, which dren, many of whom joined her at OFF-ROAD bikers have been causing “Fostering can be such a rewarding choice when she married George Barrett, was a hall of residence for Wolver- Millhouse Care Home, in Bilston, a nuisance by riding alongside canal for so many people and can make a huge dif- whose mother kept a post office on hampton Polytechnic up to the where she now lives, to celebrate. towpaths. The problems have been THE Severn Valley Railway is staging ference to the lives of children who are facing Willenhall Road, Moseley Village. early 1980s. They retired in Brins- Mr Barrett said: “Mum’s secret reported in Pelsall and Brownhills in a display of model railways as part of challenging and distressing times. The couple, who met at the for- ford but when Alice was widowed to a long life is hard work. She recent weeks. West Midlands Police its Open House Weekend. The event “Calling the fostering team, or going to an mer Dale Cinema, Willenhall, ran she moved to Coseley. Son Colin has remained jovial throughout has appealed for information on the on April 8 and 9 will feature 30 lay- information session is a great way to find out a greengrocers in Maxwell Road, said she was proud to have been her life and still has a smile for culprits, and anyone with details can outs in a variety of scales, in the En- if fostering could be right for you.” For details, in the All Saints district of Wol- recognised by the British Red everyone.” get in touch with them by calling 101. gine House at Highley. email fosteringinwalsall@walsall.gov.uk ADVERTISEMENT Has Your Double Glazing Cloudy2Clear GUARANTEEAll Steamed Up? CustomersThatAn AverageQuoteWill TakeNoLonger Than20MINS!!! Establishedforoveradecade faileddoubleglazing? experiencedengineersfora byanindustryleading25year Cloudy2Clearwindowshave Ifyouactnowyoucanavoid freenoobligationquote.A guarantee. Cloudy2Clearalso becomealeadingcompanyfor theseproblems. Cloudy2Clearquotetakes replacefaultylockshandles glassreplacement. Issueswith Now,youmaythinkyouneedto onaveragenolongerthan andhingesonallwindowsand Cloudy2ClearWindows... doubleglazingcanoftenbe replacethewholewindowincluding 20minutes.Oncethequote doors. ServiceWithASmile! gradualandmayonlybenoticed theframesandallthehardware, iscompleted,wewillsit YourfriendlylocalCloudy2Clear duringaclearsunnydayor howeverCloudy2Clearhavecome downwithyouandexplain specialistisBrianStanleyandhe duringthewinter.Afailedglass upwithasimpleandcostsaving theproblemandtellyouhow servicesWalsall&thesurrounding unitmaynolongerprovideyou solution…Justreplacetheglass!! wecanfixit. Withyearsof areas. withtheprotectionyouneed Ifyouseecondensationinyour experienceCloudy2Clearhave So,ifyourwindowsare orbeenergyefficient.Whynot windowsjustvisitourwebsiteor awealthofknowledgeandare steamedup,brokenordamaged spendafewminuteschecking giveusacallon0800 6121118. recognisedasaWhichTrusted giveBrianacallforafree yourhometoseeifyouhaveany Wewillsendoutourhighly Trader,plusourworkisbacked quotationon08006121118. 6 IN MY VIEW with Mark Andrews 7 NHS: We 1 0 2 9, y 1 need to ar u n a J be more y, a d s ur realistic h T e cl oni SOME years ago a man came into our WhBank clerky Tanya N elsonp weighing oout coins in u1983 nd inBatches of copins being mooved at thce Royal Miknt in 1983et r office with a complaint about the charity Ch then known as Age Concern. e theH ec hwaraitsy fwurhioou ws atsh astu psopmoseebdo dtoy hfraovme Th planed his door had not shown up. “Why do you always ask people for their age?” asked our receptionist when he had gone. I suggested that maybe a fit, healthy man in his mid-50s possibly is all about to change could do his own DIY. Which brings me to the “humanitarian crisis” which is supposed to be engulfing the NHS at the moment. There are no easy answers. We have a growing and ageing population and more costly procedures and drugs than ever before, not helped by profiteering drug companies. And while there are plenty of people who say it is all down to funding, these people tend to have a stock reply when wonder people thought they were being short- asked how much extra tax they are pre- Our new £1 won’t just look changed. The reverse designs of the £1 coin pared to pay. very different, its value is represented the UK and its four constituent Nothing. It should be somebody else parts – Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and who pays for it. nothing like it was years ago, England and the first series of designs took flo- Then there are the vast swathes of the as Mark Andrews reports ral emblems as its theme. population who take the attitude that if a Resistance to the coins turned out to be service is free to use, they might as well comparatively shortlived, and the last pound use it. HAD a look at your change lately? notes were phased out in 1988. Besides, there We’ve all met them. They take a fort- Noticed how many shiny new £1 was far more to complain about in 1990, with nTihgehyt coaflfl twheoirrk G ePv ewrhye nti mthee yt hgeeyt isnndeigeezse-. coins have been issued over the tahned i5nptr ocodiuncst.i oBnu ot f wthheil en etwhe s mpoaullnedr £co5i nn ohtaess tion. And rock up at A & E every time they past few months? largely been accepted by the general public, it get a headache. And shout a lot when Well don’t get too attached to them. By has given birth to another problem. Forgery. they don’t get immediate attention. October they will cease to be legal tender. From the start, the £1 coin has been forged A bit like middle-aged men who think A new, 12-sided £1 coin – designed by Wal- on a prolific scale, Ironically, one of the rea- a charity for the elderly should do their sall teenager David Pearce – will enter circu- sons the coins proved so popular with forgers home improvements. lation on March 28, and by October 15 the was the ease of disposing of them in vending Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has familiar round pound will be no more. Given machines. come in for a lot of stick for suggesting that there are thought to be 1.5 billion of these Surveys by the Royal Mint have estimated the four-hour waiting targets should only coins in circulation, it is going to be a very big that up to three in every 100 £1 coins are apply to people with urgent conditions, operation. fakes, and this has been a major driver in the but I tend to think it is a fair point. When the pound coin was introduced on redesign. David Gauke, chief secretary to the If people expect Bupa standards of April 21, 1983, the response was muted to say Treasury, has pledged that the new £1 coin healthcare, we are going to have to start the least. Just 10 months earlier, the 20p piece will be harder to forge than ever before. paying Bupa prices. All of us. Otherwise, had been introduced, with many consumers, Lighter we are going to need a mature debate particularly the older generation, complaining about what we can reasonably expect that it was too small – smaller than the 2p, 5p The new coin will be made from two met- from the NHS. or 10p coins of the day, for example. als, with a gold-coloured outer ring and a sil- And it might mean that while priority is Inflation Walsall youngster David Pearce whose design was chosen from 6,000 competition entries ver-coloured inner ring. It has an image that gcinaigvne c nwo atnoidt tiwthiooilnls hse,a wvtheitor htso egr d e wroniu t jhuin sceto tlnihfeda-ittt.ih oWrneasai ttt.ehna-t ddsrueeepSccrlaploiadrn cwieees hedoin fe t b nhhty heat aethav epcym oo liunonennstfluadgalm’ t seic esowotrniaosn, b ri ftltaehi slwf.tth eaeirstd p mr£ee1orflh reneac opttteshed l a iwntttha laees sguceoenriBninvtee e rtfodohaf rla i etncd ut heahrac rebldei an cn‘noebcik eyninc n owwo mtpaaeusse’ . riamcnphtopraroasedri neuangcp tepp dtro hoiwnapet rm riwa,a tititehnh elt a ton£h d1ae etlihsftee I ins Tmcp oh1aaienn9t er8 wode3af e, tsrjhaoue na slpttso a gfntpoihicernear se l w n£eme1nitw oocnunh ocgtinhtoheigs.n , f hsrw aowhdm eoa rutenhlad esa nlviaoets trtwea gaatoest cwIoliisthfg h sahatelhnltinsgeego hr etc tsthholh yeaifnar slcn o aavom rtnieghnrd eae y rim rs.‘so£ imslu’le eansedlydnl m e plfedobrtguootelmen srdt. i o,ndI btigt fuh ifsotee nr titneh sbnui nodtmt niaahbemn ersg reial dten‘ee1sdrs’. Back in 1967, when prime minister Harold Britain, there had been a not-especially-suc- least 40 years. The number of early £1 coins While the existing pound coin has changed A LOT has been made of the number of Wilson famously assured us that the pound in cessful trial in the Isle of Man. Many people still in circulation is testament to their dura- little since 1983, people’s spending habits celebrity deaths over recent months, but our pockets had not been devalued, a £1 note refused to acknowledge the new coin, causing bility. have, with greater use of plastic and the in- none has made me sadder than that of would have bought a discounted winter coat in them to more or less disappear from circula- Unsurprisingly, the vending trade was very ternet. former Villa, Wolves and England manag- the sale at Shrewsbury’s ABC Warehouse. Or tion. The Manx Treasurer was left with little supportive of the move, too, as it allowed ma- According to figures from the Payments er Graham Taylor. failing that, it would be enough to pay for 10 choice but to print a new batch of £1 notes. chines to be adapted to accept larger amounts Council, cold hard cash accounted for 86 per Maybe it’s because football is a bigger loaves of bread, or six pints of beer in a pub. The original £1 coin was designed by the of money. The launch of the new coin also co- cent of payments in the UK in the mid-1980s, part of my life than film, television or mu- But by the time the pound coin arrived in Bank of England’s chief engraver Eric Sewell, incided with the growth of pay-and-display car but by 2011 this had dropped to 55 per cent. sic. 1983, it did not go so far – enough to buy a who was very proud of his new design. He parking machines. The decline in cash usage has coincided with But maybe it is because the loss of the single pint of Carling Black Label, or five pints said it was very distinctive and could easily Given the pound’s origins, it is perhaps not the rise in automated payments such as direct bright young manager who arrived at Villa of milk. be picked out from lesser coins in a purse or surprising that some people felt the small coin debits and standing orders. Park in 1987 reminds us of our own mor- Today, it will typically buy two pints of milk, pocket of change. But on launch day it was re- had cheapened its value. The oldest currency Debit cards made up almost one fifth of pay- tality. or a single loaf of bread. But forget a trip to ported that some critics said they would spend in the world, the pound took its name from ments by 2011, but they made none when the Either way, he will be greatly missed. your local – a typical pint is now nearer £4. it like loose change because that was precisely its weight in silver during Norman times – £1 coin was first introduced because the debit As far back as 1980, the Royal Mint ob- what it was. 240 old silver pennies weighed one pound. No card was not brought in until 1987. SERVICE&REPAIRSYOUCANTRUST Concept APPROVEDBYMOTORCODES UPTO ‘ARRY’S GROUND FORCE BLINDS 50% OFF www.UNIPARTWALSALL.co.uk ALLBLINDS FREE COLLECTION AND DELIVERY Interim Service & MOT £89 Vertical&RollerBlinds MOT WHILE U WAIT£25 Newseasonfabricsnowavailable FREERE-TEST FULL ANNUAL AND £130 ChildSafety 5YEARGUARANTEE FeaturesFitted · ·· WARRANTY SERVICE FROM FreeofCharge Alsoavailable · CCCaaarrrPPPaaarrrkkksss,FFFFooooorrreeecccooouuurrrtttsss · TTaarrrmmmaacc CompleteFront&Back Gravelling DIAGNOSTICSANDWARNINGLAMPFAULTS •Romans•Pleated GardenLandscaping · TreesLopped •ConservatoryRoofBlinds · · MOTORHOME SERVICEAND MOT •WoodVenetians Wealsobuildextensions · QualityPaving •VenetianBlinds &conservatories CotswoldStoning · · Brakes Clutches Exhausts Cambelt AirCon •CurvedTracksforBayWindows 20%discount OrnamentalWalls FREEPHONE EXPRESS MOTORISTS CENTRE FREE 0800 5875279 AAllllWWoorrkkCCaarrrriieess1100YYeeaarrGGuuaarraanntteeee Fittingon 146 Bridgeman Street, Walsall WS2 9PG allblinds 0Op1e2n1Se4v2e9nD3a1y6s9aWeek 01922405760/07720348338www.arrysgroundforce.co.uk (01922) 632018 FREEHomeQuote.FASTDelivery Peter principle is recipe for disaster Plea over 7 Barnardo’s WITH reference to the letter in Chronicle perience or capability in man-management. on £750,000 salaries to council directors. I recently met a manager, who, other than T ifbwtoe eriIlrs.on e Iw a naa wlcetlc hmafeesapptmcteleoe toydasfi sn aot sgifm m ptlaiheefnre ea as tnyegho deheu r imPs gg heoaet-ntnefl erdwyy ip hnswraugihnt pd eceyinirrop evutlcieh st.poooasrryess wfbvcohieasriais nhor wggnim e rao i ,otrp ii fannm itgcnahl outneeuda rrtig,n e tehfghmua errde esb npnhitsooe hwre etmthsxs ap eootnenfsr t owsi eeoconvafr efckofero u. s lirhWdn oi flnshruatgeftpn anse ,lior lnsIt- ryWpsueeaaEaprdtrp’ D’eosorr sfrt elviasktu ooellt nueetatmirmooa an bk utletehro ga cebtha e ilhcdyoneormleeupwners he Chro What’s that, I hear you ask? The promo- conforming to health and safety standards – in this area. n tion of people as reward for their perfor- he seemed to be struggling. As the UK’s leading ic mance in a lesser role, but not necessarily When this extends to managers in educa- children’s charity, we at SuppliersandInstallersof:- le gawreiett hgr iodpin roogfv ieunnst oecl. eoWsmsa plpseeatolelpn Clceoe, u hfnoacrvi elt, hrinaed thjuoelbgr ettdhh aeinny tasiunordne ; o rrfe occaiopdue rr sfeoepr ab diericssoa; msstoiencrig.a la sceoruvnicceisll;o fir,n iatn icse as Bspteaoorrpnelaser dtaoon ’sdv oalhrueen lptleo eourk sii nnrg a ofiuoserr •Windows •Doors •Conservatories •PatioDoors •Bi-FoldDoors Thu promotion of many, painters, plumbers, RAY HAMMOND money to support our local •GarageConversions •CarPorts •Canopies •GarageDoors rs butchers, and metal polishers with no ex- Aldridge projects that work with dis- d Councillor LETTERS TO THE EDITOR advantaged children, young •Fascias,SooffffifittssanddGuttering ay peBopyl eg aivnidn tgh euisr faa mliitlitelse. of Rehau 70mm Profile , Ja comments your spare time, you will n POST EMAIL gthaaint cinovualdlu apbrolev iedxep ear isetnecpe- Internally Glazed uary aren’t fair 5CW1h-ar5ol3sna iQcllul eCe hEerdnoi ntSoitcrrileaeel,,t expwraelsssaalln.cdhsrtaonr.c@o. uk poyroin uagrn ps oteoprnspoeon rttaoul nsati tanyte etwmo eacnadtrd ef oetorr Fensa Registered 19, 2 IT is not often I put pen to Wolverhampton, WV1 1ES colVleogleu nort euenriivnegr siitsy .also a No Salesmen 017 paper or fingers to keyboard Letters should be brief and MUST include name, address and telephone great way to build confi- tyoo urre snpoewnds ptaop leert, tebrust wIi tfheienl number number. The Editor reserves the right to condense letters. danen ocep,p moreteutn niteyw tpoe otpryle naenwd OAP Discounts that the recent letter from We need action to things. Pete Smith cannot go unan- Our volunteers – who are A+ Rated Windows swered. I do agree with his all ages and come from all ccoilmlomr Denotusg rJeagmaredsi.ng Coun- prevent fatalities wtraaliknsi nogf laifned – oanreg ogiinvge ns fuupl-l 20th year in Business Most of his contribution port. sounds to me like sour To find out more about Family Run Business agnradp fersi.e nSdesv leivrae l writehlainti vMers AS a long time disability lobbied Bruce George in vnoalrudnot’se,e rpinlega sew iptohp Binatro- Smith’s Blakenall Ward, awareness campaigner and getting some traffic calm- your local Barnardo’s store Secured by Design and admittedly he has a political activist, if I may I ing measures installed. I or visit the website at www. hateelp, ehdo ‘wsoemveer’ aof ltohte o efl etchteomr- wWiessht tBo ruormgew tihche rReosiadde,n WtsS o5f elavsetn y reeacre ifvroedm a S flteeevtei nPgr evtitsyit, binagr.nardos.org.uk/volunteer- Experienced Fitters feel they were upset at his postcode, to contact their head of engineering and Thank you, we look for- refusal to fight for Dart- local councillors and high- transportation, who offered ward to meeting you in mouth House. ways department, and make reassurances that the prob- 2017! Tel: 01922 401425 That’s why he lost his their voices heard regarding lems with this main road Roy Clark - Director of council seat in my opinion the increasing near misses would be taken seriously. Retail & Trading and as far as I’m aware he and fatalities that we have Unfortunately this has Barnardo’s tdoid kne’te p‘fi Dghatr’t mthoeu cthu tsH tohuesne eronaddu.red on this stretch of neveevre rI shpaepapke wnietdh athned cwouhnecni-l Postal votes TOP QUALITY PRODUCTS AT REALISTIC PRICES! open even if it meant some Since the council decided it’s always the same story; refurbishment was needed some years ago to create ‘other roads in the borough fraud fears to improve services and a ‘showcase bus route’ be- are higher priority’. Harden wwww.ppvvccuuddiirectt.ccoo.ukk ppvcudirectt@@hhottmmail.co.uk keep the well-used Stroke tween Walsall and West Road in Leamore has had clinic and neuro-rehabilita- Bromwich and vice versa, extensive measures taken IT’S all very well having tion team in a centralised which incidentally never by installing mini islands proof of identity to vote in HEAD OFFICE SHOWROOM SALES OFFICE area. Therefore his attack happened, and cost the and speed bumps and yet a polling booth, but what on Councillor James is tax payers of Walsall thou- the road is nowhere near about the far more serious Unit1,CroxstallsClose, 34PortlandRoad 154cHighStreet somewhat amusing! sands of pounds to relocate as busy as this one and is postal vote fraud practised Bloxwich.WalsallWS32XT Aldridge Bloxwich JaIm aeds mmita tyh abte Cpouunblciiclliotyr idtrieasin aasg ew ealnl da ss errevmicoev ault iolf- csuerctha,i ninly m nyo to pai nmiaoinn. road as in Uthnet Wil esPt aMrlidialamnedns?t and Tel:08009175266 WalsallWS98PZ WalsallWS33JT seeking, it would be hard to grass verges, the road was Excuse my cynicism but West Midlands councils Fax:01922475719 Tel:01922744306 Tel:08009175266 think otherwise as he is so widened in some parts to it would appear that the attempt to tackle this far often in the newspaper com- three lanes of traffic, and Delves is the ‘forgotten area more serious voting fraud plaining about one thing or the speed of motorists has of Walsall’ until election problem, I smell hypocrisy. another. increased. I have assisted time comes around! GRAEME CONNINGALE 9.8 OUT OF 10 RWAaNlsNalIl SUHOOD Valaolnergisei dVea zm ayn dc ubrerfeonret hMerP; AWNaDlsYal lBROWN PWaalflrseayll FROM 150 SURVEYS PPPEEELLLSSSAAALLLLLL Call us now 01922 644226 JANUARY Wherereputationmatters Windows & Glass Ltd info@pelsallwindows.co.uk AMEMBEROF FENSSAA REGISTERED OFFERS EEssttaabblliisshheeddiinn11998899 MEMBERNO.31948 Quality Cel2eb8rating Products at Years BUY NOW PAY 2018 affordable ofservice prices INTEREST FREE FREE QUOTES Suppliersandinstallers 70mminternallybeadedsculpturedprofile ofhighqualityenergy (TERMS&CONDITIONSAPPLY) 28mmdoubleglazedunit FullMaintenace&repairserviceonUPVC efficientPVCuproducts WINDOWS, DOORS & CONSERV- windowsanddoors DoubleGlazedUnitsfittedthesameday TRADEENQUIRIESWELCOME ATORIES ...BUILTTOLAST Wewill nowbeooooppppeeeen onnnnSSSSaturdays 10am-2pm 10YEARINSURANCE BACKEDGUARANTEE Rollingmill Street FREEPHONE 0800 0355581 30years’experienceofmanufacturinghigh NOPRESSURESELLING Walsall WS2 9EQ qualitypvcuwindowsanddoorproducts Email:info@castlewindowswalsall.co.uk www.castlewindowswalsall.co.uk Factoryopeninghours www.pelsallwindows.co.uk 8-5pmMontoFri (AuthorisedandregulatedbythefinancialConductAuthority) MP Winnick in call for 8 GRAND NEW YEAR SALE 7 1 birthing cap removal 0 2 9, Topside/Silverside £1.99 lb 1 y ar Rib eye streak £2.99 lb u n a ay, J Rump steak £2.99 lb WcaAllLeSd AfoLrL tMheP c Doanvtrido vWerinsniailc bki rhtahs- Police probe after collision sd ing cap at the Manor Hospital to ur Sirloin steak £2.99 lb be removed after it was revealed Th that maternity staffing levels are e Whole boneless loin pork £1.29 lb now safe. cl Bosses have confirmed 18 midwives oni Whole legs lamb £9.99 each thhaev ec abpe ewna rse icnrturioteddu cseindc oen M tahrec hba wckh eonf r a damning watchdog report. Ch It limits deliveries at Moat Road to 4,200 e 5kg chicken fillet £18 in Ba uyte adre s–p ait ree mduactteironni toyf 7st0a0f fifrnogm le tvheel s2 0n1o5w. Th being within national requirements trust Full selection of other meats at chiefs confirmed in recent days that the cap was likely to remain until 2018. greatly reduced prices Walsall North MP Mr Winnick said: “It is disappointing. I certainly hoped that the cap would be removed before next year. Even now I would hope further considera- tion can be given to reviewing the situation and it could be removed at an earlier date. Measures “I understood the circumstances at the time and the priority is the health and wel- fare of patients, however I still want the cap to be removed as quickly as possible.” Maternity services at the Manor were branded ‘Inadequate’ by the Care Quality The aftermath of the crash in Hospital Street, Walsall (picture by Commission in January last year contrib- Andrew Lambert of Ace Recovery) uting heavily to the trust being placed into special measures. A POLICE investigation has been the man. Anyone with information The midwife to birth ratio was at one to launched after reports a man was is urged to call police on 101.” 37 at the time – way above the national rec- bundled into a car following a crash. Andrew Lambert, of Ace Recov- ommendation of one to 28. Inspectors de- The man is thought to have been ery, was at the scene at the time 38 High Street, Clayhanger, Brownhills WS8 7EA clared staff shortages compromised patient driving a blue Renault Clio which of the crash. He said: “There were safety. But now the ratio has been brought crashed into a silver Fiat Punto in three cars involved. The silver car 01543 375046 / 377625 down to one to 26 in 12 months following a Hospital Street, Walsall at about had nothing to do with it. He was Tel: successful recruitment drive. Manor chiefs 4pm on Monday, January 9. Eye- just coming down to the T-junction have confirmed further midwives have also witnesses said he ran away but was (with Stafford Street) and then he been appointed but have yet to start. put into another car, which was got rammed in by the blue Clio.” AllMajorDebit&CreditCardsAccepted Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust reiterated then driven off. Firefighters were called at about chief executive Richard Kirby’s statement A West Midlands Police spokes- 4.10pm and made the scene safe. Visitwww.edmundhowdle.co.ukforafullpricelist&offers last week which declared the cap would man said: “A blue Clio was seized Paramedics also attended but the remain while progress on a £5.6million ex- from the location and is being fo- Punto’s driver did not want to be Like us on Facebook pansion of the maternity department con- rensically examined and officers treated and the other man had left tinued. continue to make enquiries to locate the scene by the time they arrived. SALE FIRESIDE FACTORY MASSIVE FIREPLACE SALE NOW ON! EVERYTHING REDUCED EXTRA DISCOUNTS • ONE OFF SALE PACKAGES EX-DISPLAY SUITES TO CLEAR GENUINEREDUCTIONS AMAZINGCHOICE LOWEST SALE WOOD BURNING PRICES! BARGAINS DON’TMISSTHESE STOVES AMAZINGSALEPRICES SEWEOITVHERGA10S0&FEIRLEECPTLRAICCES AVAILABLEIN £FIT1TE8DF0RO0M CALLFIRESIDEFACTORYNOW! FIRTEHSEOLNODWISEPSLTAPYR-IACELSLAT EVERYSTY£LE 199 SELECTEDMARBLE FROM SURROUNDS ONLY FIREPLACES&STOVESFROMLEADINGMANUFACTURERS•FREESURVEYS•FREEDELIVERY•EXPERTFITTING 1stFloor,Units6&7 OPENINGHOURS fireside NNoorrttoonnCGareneensLBaunsein,eNsosrtPoanrkC,anesWS119SS Tuesday-Friday9am-5pm M6TOLLROAD F A C T O R Y Twwewl:.f0ire1s5id4ef3act2o7ry7.w3e6bs6.com SundaySaantd1M0aomnd-4apym-CLOSED WALSALLROAD Driver who Soul singer Jorja 9 is on our minds T twice drove Your local mobility experts with over 25 years experience h e OUR CONCERN IS YOU C h r o n at officers ic le T h u rs d locked up FoFlRdOinMg wOaNlkLYin £g7 s.t9ic9ks DISAOBLNELDY T£O2I.L9E9T KEY ONLCYU £P4.00 JAORN OLPYE £N2ER GORNALBY R £A3IL ay, J a WE WILL NOT n UUNNBBEEAATTAABBLLEE OOFFFFEERRSS ua BE BEATEN ry OONN SSTTRRAAIIGGHHTT // CCUURRVVEEDD 1 Aat HpEolRicOeI Nof fiusceerr sw fhoorc tiwngic teh edmel itboe lreaatpe ltyo d sraofvee- SSTTAAIIRR LLIIFFTTSS ON PRICE 9, 20 ty has been jailed for 20 months and banned 17 from driving. The incidents happened within five months of LLiimmiitteedd OOffffeerr NNeeww each other whilst he drove his disabled mother’s SSttrraaiigghhtt SSttaaiirr LLiiffttss Motobility car, Wolverhampton Crown Court heard. Supplied & Fitted Patrol officers began fol- By Marion Brennan Suppl£ie1d1 9&5 Fitted lowing 42-year-old Irfan £1195 Sanni after the Tiguan on November 17 in a car * subject to survey activated vehicle recog- park on Birmingham Road. * subject to survey Jorja Smith, the 19-year-old Walsall-based soul nlaisttio yne acra.m Beyr aths eo tni mJeu nthe e9y hPicc lBea aknedr rSeacnongin iinse dth teh de rvive-- FFuuIllnllyyc fifil utttdeedde sss tt2aa iirry lleiiffattssr iinnwssattaarllrlleeaddn bbtyyy songstress who is tipped to be big in 2017 reached Wednesbury Road, er’s seat. The court heard Fouurll yp rfi ottfeedss siotaniar llliyft str aininsetadl lefi dtt ebrys A TEENAGE soul singer from Walsall has been tipped as Wednesfield, colleagues in Sanni quickly covered some- one of the up-and-coming artists set to take the UK by a marked police car arrived thing on his lap as Pc Baker ostuorc pkriostfse sosfi oBnraololyk str,a uinseedd fic tutervresd storm this year. on the scene and signalled approached. Suddenly the ssttoaicr kliifsttss of Brooks, used curved Jorja Smith, aged 19, finished fourth in the BBC’s Sound for Sanni to pull over. Tiguan lunged forward into of 2017 competition. But as one of the officers a bush, said Mr Hanns, be- sFtRaEir Eli fHtsOME SURVEYS & FAST Listing her musical idols, Jorja said: “Amy Winehouse, got out of his vehicle, the fore turning and driving FFRITETEIN HGO SMEER VSIUCREV AEVYASI L&A FBALSET! Mos Def and Damian Marley. Tiguan shot forward to- straight towards Pc Baker. “When I used to go to London, I would listen to Back wards him, before mounting The officer was forced to run FITTING SERVICE AVAILABLE! On Both Sides by Mos Def travelling there and back from the pavement and manoeu- to avoid the speeding vehi- KINGSLEY Walsall all the time. vring around the police car. cle. Sanni was later arrested KINGSLEY I try to write as real as possible, even though I make Mr Simon Hanns, pros- at a hotel in Walsall. LIFT RECLINER things up. ecuting, said Sanni, from Mr David Swinnerton, de- LIFT RECLINER “They’re based on a truth that I believe. What I’m trying Walsall, drove through red fending, said Sanni had a 20- CHAIR to give people is honesty.” traffic lights at Corporation year heroin habit and had CHAIR “I listened to Amy Winehouse’s Frank so much when I Street West, continuing been smoking the Class A ONLY £399 was growing up and you can believe everything she’s say- until he arrived at his house drug in the car park. Sanni, ONLY £399 ing, everything is honest. in Rutter Street, where he of Rutter Street, pleaded “It’s almost like somebody’s talking to you. was arrested. Whilst on bail guilty to two charges of dan- EELLEECCTTRRIICC “If you listen to a song, you want it to help you with for dangerous driving, he gerous driving and one of whatever’s going on right now in your life.” was spotted in the Tiguan obstructing a police officer. AADDJJUUSSTTAABBLLEE JANUARY PROMOTION We will beat any like for like quote. 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Other assistant directors will earn including top brass pay and perks. November, having started last month. Worcestershire. Aldridge For more stores please visit: Fireplaces £ £ E S A L O N W £ O Wepayinstant£’sforyourunwanted,cleanandwearable £ N clothing,pairedfootwear,handbagsandaccessories! 1 Emptyyourwardrobesofallyourunwantedclothingandbringthemtous!£ £ 2 Wechecktomakesuretheyarecleanandreusable 3 Wepaycashforeverythingthatweaccept-instantly! 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