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, PRINCIPLES OF SOIL MICROBIOLOGY BY SELMAN A. WAKSMAN Associate Professor of Soil Microbiology, Rutgers University, and Microbiologist of the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Stations BALTIMORE THE WILLIAMS & WILKINS COMPANY 1927 , ...,/ \ \.<.,..., ..•. \ .,\ / • j Y / f""""/ t' COPYRIGHT 1927 THE WILLIAMS & WILKINS COMPANY Made in United States of America Published April, 1927 COMPOSED AND PRINTED AT THE WAVERLY PRESS FOR THE WILLIAMS &; WILKINS COMPANY BALTIMORE, MD., U. S. A. i )/\ '!... ! .~ 'yO, ':~ \ \.<.,..., ..•. \ .,\ / • j Y / f""""/ t' COPYRIGHT 1927 THE WILLIAMS & WILKINS COMPANY Made in United States of America Published April, 1927 COMPOSED AND PRINTED AT THE WAVERLY PRESS FOR THE WILLIAMS &; WILKINS COMPANY BALTIMORE, MD., U. S. A. i )/\ '!... ! .~ 'yO, ':~ -i • In the years of their seventy-fifth and seventieth anniversaries respectively, this book is dedicated to Professors M. w. BEIJERINCK and S. WINOGRADSKY the investigators who have thrown the first light upon some of the most important soil proc- esses and whose contributiQns can well be considered first and fore- most in the science of Soil Microbiology PREFACE Although the biochemical processes in the soil as well as the nature of the microorganisms present there have received considerable atten- tion from various points of view and although an extensive literature has accumulated, not only dealing with soil processes in general but even with certain specific activities of the organisms, our present knowledge of the soil microflora and microfauna and of the numerous transforma- tions that they bring about has not advanced beyond a mere beginning of a systematic study. The isolation of numerous microorganisms from the soil, their identification and cultivation upon artificial media is very important but such data do not tell what role they play in the soil. A knowledge of the activities of certain organisms isolated from the soil is certainly necessary, but that is not a knowledge of the extent to which these processes take place in the soil itself. A book on soil microbiology should" include a study of the occurrence of microorganisms in the soil, their activities and their role in soil processes. It is this last phase which has been studied least and where the information available is far from satisfactory in explaining what is taking place in the soil. This is due largely to the limitations of the subject which depends for its advance on botany, zoology, bacteriology, chemistry, including biological and physical, and especially upon the advance of our understanding of the physical and chemical conditions of the soil. There are various kinds of audiences to which a book on soil micro- biology may appeal. There is the scientific farmer who may search for a better understanding of the processes taking place in the soil, those processes which control the growth of his crops and indirectly influence the growth of his animals. There is the agronomist, who is interested in the fundamental reactions controlling soil fertility, by reason of the need of directing such processes towards a greater utilization of the nutrients added to the soil or stored away in the soil organic matter. There is the investigator, the soil chemist or the soil microbiologist, who, in attacking problems dealing with the occurrence of microorganisms in the soil, their activities, and especially with the relation of these activities to the physical and chemical soil conditions, seeks for specific or general information. These investigators may deal with organisms vii VIII PREFACE or processes which could be better understood when correlated with the other soil organisms and the numerous other processes. An attempt has been made to compile a book which will be of service not only to the investigators in soil science, but also to workers in allied sciences, especially botany, plant physiology, plant pathology and bacteriology, as well as to the general student in agriculture. This book is a collection of known facts concerning microorganis.ms found in the soil and their activities; it is a study of the literature dealing with the science in question; it is an interpretation of the facts already presented; it indicates the various lines of investigation and notes where further information is especially wanted. Soil microbiology is a science ,vhich is at the very base of our understanding of agricultural processes and the practice of agriculture; it comprises a number of sciences. The book may, therefore, be looked upon more as an introduction to further research rather than as an ordinary text-book; as of help to those work- ing in the allied sciences, who are desirous of obtaining some information' concerning the soil population and its activities. If this volume will help to disclose to the reader some of the numerous interrelated processes in the soil, if it will present in a clearer light to the chemist, the physiologist, the botanist, the bacteriologist and the zoologist the nature of the many scientific and practical problems awaiting the investigator, if it contributes in a small measure toward making soil science an exact science, the author will feel that he has been amply rewarded. The author is greatly indebted to his various colleagues for reading and criticizing the different chapters of the book and for the many helpful suggestions generously offered, especially to Dr. H. J. Conn, of the New York Agricultural Experiment Station, for reading Chapters I and VI; to Dr. B. M. Bristol Roach, of the Rothamsted Experimental Station, and Dr. G. T. Moore, of the Missouri Botanical Garden, for reading the Chapter on Algae; to 'Dr. Ch. Thorn of the Bureau of Chemistry, for reading the Chapter on Fungi; to Dr. M. C. Rayner, of Bedford College, London, for reading the section dealing with Mycor- rhiza Fungi; to Dr. A. T. Henrici, of the University of Minnesota, for reading the Chapter on Actinomyces; to Dr. W. M. Gibbs, of the Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station, for reading the Chapter on Nitrifying Bacteria; to Dr. A. L. Whiting, of tIle University of Wis- consin and to Dr. L. T. Leonard of the Bureau of Plant Industry, for reading the Chapter on Nodule Bacteria; to Dr. R. Burri, of Liebefeld, Switzerland, and to Dr. I. C. Hall, of the Colorado Medical School, PREFACE IX for reading the Chapter on Anaerobic Bacteria; to Mr. D. W. Cutler, Mr. H. Sandon, of the Rothamsted Experimental Station, and Prof., C. A. Kofoid, of the University of California, for reading the Chapter on Protozoa; to Dr. N. Cobb and Dr. Steiner, of tile Bureau of Plant Industry, for reading the Chapter on Soil Invertebrates; to Dr. O. Meyerhof, of the K. Wilhelm Institute, Berlin, for reading the Chapter on Energy Transformation; to Dr. T. B. Osborne, of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, for reading the Chapter on Protein Transformation; to Mr. A. Bonazzi, of Cuba, for reading the Chapter on Non-symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation; to Dr. R. L. Jones, of the University of Wisconsin, for reading'Chapter XXX; to Dr. E. B. Fred, of the Uni- versity of Wisconsin, for reading the Chapter on Nitrate-reducing Bacteria; to Prof. D. R. Hoagland and Dr. W. P. Kelley, of the Uni- versity of California for reading Chapters 24 and 25 respectively; to the members of the Soil Microbiology Division of the New Jersey Ag- ·ricultural Experiment Station, especially to Dr. J. G. Lipman and Dr. R. L. Starkey, for reading v3/rious parts of the book, and to all those who have generously allowed the use and reproduction of the variolls illustrations in the text. SELMAN A. WAKSMAN. August 25, 1,926. New Brunsu"ick, N. J., U. S. A. A CLASSIFIED LIST OF BOOKS FOR REFERENCE IN SOIL MICROBIOLOGY CLASSIFICATION OF ORGANISMS. Bacteria BERGEY, D. H. A manual of determinative bacteriology. Williams & Wilkins Co., Baltimore. 1923. BUCHANAN, R. E. G~neral systematic bacteriology. History, nomenclature. groups of bacteria. (Monogr. on systematic bacteriology, vol. 1.) Williams & Wilkins Co., Baltimore. 1925. CHESTER, F. D. A manual of determinative bacteriology. M.acmillan Co., New York and London. 1901. FLtiGGE, C. Die Mikroorganismen. 2 vols., 3rd Ed. Leipzig. 1896. LEHMANN, K. B., AND NEUMANN, R. O. Atlas und Grundrisz der Bakteriologie. 6th E/d. Teil. I, Atlas. Teil II, Text. J. F. Lehmann. Munchen. 1920. l\1ATzUSCHITA, T. Bakteriologische Diagnostik. Jena. 1902. MIGULA, W. System der Bakterien. Jena. Bd. I, 1897; Bd. II. 1900. WINSLOW, C. E. A., AND WINSLOW, A. R. The systematic relationships of the Coccaceae. J. Wiley & Sons, New York. 1908. Fungi BREFELD, O. Botanische Untersuchungen ~ber Schimmelpilze. 1872. CLEMENTS, F. E. The genera of fungi. Minneapolis. 1909. COUPIN, H. Fungi (champignons). Album Gen. Cryptogames. 1921. DEBARY, A. Comparative morphology and biology of the fungi, mycetozoa and bacteria. (Tr. Gainey, H. E. F. and Balfour, I. B.) Clarendon Press, Oxford. 1887. ENGLER, A., AND PRANTL, K. A. Die natUrlichen Pflanzenfamilien. Teil I, Abt. I. Engelmann, Leipzig. 1900. FISCHER, E., Pilze. Handwort. Naturwiss. V. 7. Jena. 1912. GXUMANN, E. Vergleichende Morphologie der Pilze. G. Fischer, Jena. 1926. LINDAU, G. Fungi imperfecti. Hyphomycetes. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen Flora. Vols. 8 and 9. 1907-1910. LINDAU, G. K. Kryptogamenflora fur Anfanger. 2 (1) Die mikroskopischen Pilze (Myxomyceten, p'hycomyceten und Ascomyceten). 2nd. Ed. J. Springer, Berlin. 1922. SACCARDO, P. A. Sylloge Fungorum. Patavia. 1882-1913. WETTSTEIN, R. Handbuch der systematischen Botanik. 3d Ed. Vol. 1. Wien. 1923. ZOPF, W. Die Pilze in morphologischer, physiologischer, biologischer und systematischer Beziehung. Breslau. 1890. xi A CLASSIFIED LIST OF BOOKS FOR REFERENCE IN SOIL MICROBIOLOGY CLASSIFICATION OF ORGANISMS. Bacteria BERGEY, D. H. A manual of determinative bacteriology. Williams & Wilkins Co., Baltimore. 1923. BUCHANAN, R. E. G~neral systematic bacteriology. History, nomenclature. groups of bacteria. (Monogr. on systematic bacteriology, vol. 1.) Williams & Wilkins Co., Baltimore. 1925. CHESTER, F. D. A manual of determinative bacteriology. M.acmillan Co., New York and London. 1901. FLtiGGE, C. Die Mikroorganismen. 2 vols., 3rd Ed. Leipzig. 1896. LEHMANN, K. B., AND NEUMANN, R. O. Atlas und Grundrisz der Bakteriologie. 6th E/d. Teil. I, Atlas. Teil II, Text. J. F. Lehmann. Munchen. 1920. l\1ATzUSCHITA, T. Bakteriologische Diagnostik. Jena. 1902. MIGULA, W. System der Bakterien. Jena. Bd. I, 1897; Bd. II. 1900. WINSLOW, C. E. A., AND WINSLOW, A. R. The systematic relationships of the Coccaceae. J. Wiley & Sons, New York. 1908. Fungi BREFELD, O. Botanische Untersuchungen ~ber Schimmelpilze. 1872. CLEMENTS, F. E. The genera of fungi. Minneapolis. 1909. COUPIN, H. Fungi (champignons). Album Gen. Cryptogames. 1921. DEBARY, A. Comparative morphology and biology of the fungi, mycetozoa and bacteria. (Tr. Gainey, H. E. F. and Balfour, I. B.) Clarendon Press, Oxford. 1887. ENGLER, A., AND PRANTL, K. A. Die natUrlichen Pflanzenfamilien. Teil I, Abt. I. Engelmann, Leipzig. 1900. FISCHER, E., Pilze. Handwort. Naturwiss. V. 7. Jena. 1912. GXUMANN, E. Vergleichende Morphologie der Pilze. G. Fischer, Jena. 1926. LINDAU, G. Fungi imperfecti. Hyphomycetes. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen Flora. Vols. 8 and 9. 1907-1910. LINDAU, G. K. Kryptogamenflora fur Anfanger. 2 (1) Die mikroskopischen Pilze (Myxomyceten, p'hycomyceten und Ascomyceten). 2nd. Ed. J. Springer, Berlin. 1922. SACCARDO, P. A. Sylloge Fungorum. Patavia. 1882-1913. WETTSTEIN, R. Handbuch der systematischen Botanik. 3d Ed. Vol. 1. Wien. 1923. ZOPF, W. Die Pilze in morphologischer, physiologischer, biologischer und systematischer Beziehung. Breslau. 1890. xi XII CLASSIFIED J~IST OF BOOKS Algae CHODAT, R. Monographie d'Algues en culture pure. Bern. 1913. COUPIN, H. Les algues <tu globe. V.I. Paris. 1912. ENGLER, A., AND PRANTL, K. A. Die naturlichen Pflanzenfamilien. Teil I, Abt. 1a. Leipzig. 1897. HEURCK, H. J. Traite des Diatomees. Anvers. 1899. LINDAU, G. Kryptogamenflora fur Anfanger. Bd. IV, 1, 2 and 3. Die Algen. J. Springer, Berlin. 1914-1916. OLTMANNS, FR. Morphologie und Biologie der Algen. 3 vols. 2nd Ed. G. Fischer, Jena. 1922. P ASCHER, A. Die Susswasserflora Deutschlands, Osterreichs und der Schweiz. Jena. H. 4 to H. 12. G. Fischer. 1915-1925. TILDEN, J. E. Minnesota algae. Minneapolis. 1910. DE TONI, G. B. Sylloge algarum omnium hucns que cognitarum. 1889-1907. Padua. WEST, G. S. Algae. Cambridge Botanical Handbooks. I. Cambro Univ. Press. 1916. Yeasts CHAPMAN, A. C., AND BAKER, F. G. C. An atlas of the saccharomycetes. Lon- don. 1906. JORGENSEN, A. Die Mikroorganismen der G~irungsgewerbe. 5th Ed. GUILLERMOND, A. The yeasts. (Trans. F. W. Tanner.) J. Wiley' & Sons, New York. 1920. HENNEBERG, W. Garungsphysiologisches Praktikum. Berlin. 1909. KLOCKER, A. Die Garungsorganismen in der Theorie und Praxis der Alkohol- garungsgewerbe. Max Waage 2nd Ed. Stuttgart. 1906. . !{OHL, F. G. Die Hefepilze. QueUe und Meyer. Leipzig. 1908. LINDNER, A. Saccharomycetineae. In Kryptogamenflora der· Mark Branden- burg. Bd. 7, H. 1. Leipzig. 1905. Protozoa BUTSCHLI, O. Protozoa. In Bronn's Thierreich. 1882-1887. CALKINS, G. N. The biology of the protozoa. Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia. 1926. CASH, J. The British freshwater Rhizol?ods and Heliozoa. Roy. Soc. London. 1905-1921. DOFLEIN, F. Lehrbuch der Protozoenkunde. 4th Ed. Jena. G. Fischer. 1916. LIf?TER, A. A monograph of the mycetozoa. 3rd Ed. Rev. G. Lister, Brit. Museum, London. ~925. MACBRIDE, T. H. North American sHrne molds. 2nd Ed. Macmillan. 1922. MINCHIN, E. A. An introduction to the study of the protozoa. E. Arnold, London. 1912. PASCHER, A., AND LEMMERMANN, E. Die S-Usswasserflora Deutschlarids, <Jster- reichs und der Sch\veiz. H. 1 to H. 3. G. Fischer, Jens. 1913. WENYON, C. M. Protozoology. 2 vols. Bailliere, Tindall and Cox. London. 1926. CLASSIFIED LIST O,F BOOKS XlII SCHAEFFER, A. A. Taxonomy of the Amebas 'with description of thirty-nine new marine and fresh-water species. Vol. 24, Car~egie Inst. Wash., Dept. Marine BioI. 1926. Nematodes BAYLIS, H. A., AND DAUBNEY, R. A synopsis of the families and genera of Nematoda. Brit. Museum, London. 1926. DE MAN, 'J. G. Nouvelles recherches sur les nematodes libres terricoles. M. Nijhoff, Hague. 1922. MI~OLETZKY, H. Die freilebenden Erd-Nematoden. Arch. Naturges. 87 (Abt. A). 1922. YORKE, W., AND MAPLESTONE, P. A. The nematode parasites of vertebrates. P. Blakiston's Son & Co., Philadelphia. 1926. WARD, H., AND WHIPPLE, G. C. Fresh Water Biology. J. Wiley & Sons, New York. 1918. THEORETICAL AND APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY General Microbiology BAUMGARTEL, T. Grundriss der theoretischen Bakteriologie. J. S.pringer, ,Berlin. 1924. BENECKE, W. Bau und Leben derBakterien. Teubner, Leipzig. 1912. CO:NN, H. W., AND CONN, H. J. Bacteriology. Williams & Wilkins Co., Balti- more'. 1923. ELLIS, D. Practical bacteriology. London. 1923. FISCHER, A. Vorlesungen tiber Bakterien. Jena. 1903~ HISS, P. H., AND ZINSSER, H. A text book of bacteriology. 5th Ed~ Appleton & Co., New York. 1922. JORDAN, E. O. A text-book of general bacteriology.. 7th Ed. Philadelphia, 1922. KENDALL, A. J. Bacteriology, general, pathological and intestinal. 2d Ed. Philadelphia. 1921. ' KOLLE, W., AND WASSERMANN, A. Handbuch der pathogenen Mikroorganismen. 2d Ed. Jena. 1913. !{RUSE, W. Allgemeine Mikrobiologie. Vogel, Leipzig. 1910. KRUSE, W. Einftihrung in die Bakteriologie. 'W. de Gruyter, Berlin. 1920. MEYER, A. Die Zelle der Bakterien. Jena. 1912. OMELIA'NSKY, W. L. Principles of microbiology (Russian). U. S. S. R. Leningrad. 5th Ed. 1924. PARK, W. H~, WILLIAMS, A. W. AND KRUMWIEDE, C. Pathogenic microorgan- isms. Eighth Ed. Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia. 1924. Agricultural Microbiology BAUMGARTEL, T. Vorlesungen tiber landwirtschaftliche Mikrobiologie. P. Parey, Berlin. 1925-1926. BUCHANAN, R. E. Agricultural and industrial bacteriology. New York. 1922. CHUDIAKOV, H. H. Agricultural Microbiology (Russian). Moskau. 1926. XlV CLASSIFIED LIST OF BOOKS DUCLAUX, E. Traite de Microbiologie. Masson et Cie, Paris. Vols. I-IV. 1898-1901. FUHRMANN, F. Vorlesungen tiber technische Mykologie. G. Fischer, Jena. 1913. GREAVES, J. E. Agricultural bacteriology. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia. 1922. JANKE, A. Allgemeine technische Mikrobiologie. I. Steinkopff. Dresden and Leipzig. 1924. KAYSER, E. Microbiologie appliquee A la fertilisation du sol. J. B. Bailliere, Paris. 1921. !(OSSOWICZ, A. Einfiihrung in die Agrikulturmykologie. Teil I, Bodenbak- teriologie. Borntraeger, Berlin. 1912. LAFAR, F. Handbuch der tec.hnischen Mykologie. 5 Vols. G. Fischer, Jens. 1904-1913. LIPMAN, J. G. Bacteria in relation to country life. The Macmillan Co., New York. 1911. LOHNIS, F. Handbuch der landwirtschaftlichen Bakteriologie. Borntraeger, Berlin. 1910. LOHNIS, F., AND FRED, E. B. Agricultural bacteriology. McGraw-Hill, New York. 1923. RUSSELL, SIR JOHN, AND OTHERS. The microorganisms of the soil. Long- mans, Green & Co., London. 1923. MARSHALL, C. E. Microbiology. Blakiston, Philadelphia. 3rd Ed. 1922. RUSSELL, H. L., AND HASTINGS, E. G. Agricultural bacteriology. 1915. ROSSI, G. DE. Microbiologia agraria e technica. Unione Tip, Torino. 1921- 1926. SMITH, E. F. Bacteria in relation to plant diseases. Vol. I, 1905; vol. II, 1911; Vol. III, 1914. STOKLASA, J., AND DOERELL, E. G. Handbuch der physikalischen und biochem- ischen Durchforschung des Bodens. P. Parey, Berlin. 1926. ' TANNER, F. W. Bacteriology and mycology of foods. New York. 1919. Manuals of Bacteriologic Technic ABDERHALDEN, E. Handbuch der biologischen Arbeitsmethoden. Abt. XI. 2nd Ed. 1924-1926. ABEL, R. Bakteriologisches Taschenbuch. C. Kabitzsch, Leipzig. 26th Ed. 1923. American Public Health Association standard methods lor the examination of \vater and sewage. 1915. BARNARD, J. E., AND WELCH, F. V. Practical photo-micrography. 2nd Ed. Longmans, Green & Co., New York. 1925. BESSON, A. Technique microbiologique et serotherapique. 3 vol. 1921-1923. BURGESS, P. S. Soil bacteriology laboratory manual. 1914. EMICH, F. Lehbach der Mikrochemie, Munich. 1926. EHRINGHAUS, A. Das Mikroskop, seine wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen und seine Anwendung. Teubner, Leipzig. EHRLICH AND WEIGERT. Encyclopedie der mikroscopischen Technik. Vol. I • & II. 1910. CLASSIFIED LIST OF BOOKS xv EYRE, J. W. H. Bacteriological technique. 2nd Ed. 1913. FRED, E. B. A laboratory manual of soil bacteriology. Blakiston Co., Phila- delphia. 1916. GAGE, S. H. The microscope. 14th Ed. Comstock, Ithaca, N. Y. 1925. GILTNER, W. Laboratory manual in general microbiology. 3rd Ed. J. Wiley and Sons, New York. 1926. HAGER, H. Das Mikroskop und seine Anwendung. 13th Ed. by F. 'Tobler. J. Springer, Berlin. 1925. HEINEMANN, P. G. A laboratory guide in bacteriology. 3rd Ed. 1915. HEWLETT, R. T.· A manual of bacteriology. London. 1921. KOCH, A. Mikrobiologisches Praktikum. J. Springer, Berlin. 1922. KRAUS, R., AND UHLENHUTH, P. Handbuch der mikrobiologischen Technik. 3 vols. Urban and Schwarzenberg, Berlin. 1923-1924. KtiSTER, E. Kultur der Mikroorganismen. 3rd Ed. Teubner, Leipzig. 1921. LANGERON, M. Precis de microscopie. 4th Ed. Masson et Cie, Paris. 192.5. LAUBENHEIMER. Lehrbuch der Mikrophotographie. 1920. LEE, A. B. The microtomist's Vade-Mecum. 8th Ed. Churchill, London. 1921. LIPMAN, J. G., AND BROWN, P. E. Laboratory guide in soil bacteriology. 1911. LOHNIS, F .. Landwirtschaftlich-bakteriologisches Praktikum. 2nd Ed. Born- traeger, Berlin. 1920. ]\fACE, E. Traite pratique de bacteriologie. Atlas de Microbiologie. Bailli~re. Paris. 1913. l\fEYER, A. Praktikum der botanischen Bakterienkunde. G. Fischer, Jena. 1903. PROWAZEK, S. V. (V. JOLLOS). Taschenbuch der mikroskopischen Technik der Protistenuntersuchung. 3rd Ed. J. A. Barth, Leipzig. 1922. SIEBEN, H. Einfuhrung in die botanische Mikrotechnik. :Fischer, Jena. 1913. SCHNEIDER, A. Bacteriological methods in food and drug laboratories. Blakis- ton, Philadelphia. 1915. SOILS AND PLANTS .The Physics and Chemistry of Soils and Manures AIKMAN, C. M. Manures and principles of manuring. London. 1910. CAMERON, F. K. The soil solution, the nutrient medium for plant growth. Easton, Pa. 1911. . CLARKE, F. W. The data on geochemistry. Bu!. 770, U. S. Geol. Survey. 1924. EHRENBERG, P. Die Bodenkolloide. 3rd Ed. Steinkopff, Dresden and Leipzig. 1920. EMERSON, F. V. Agricultural geology. J. Wiley & Sons, New York. 1920. FRAPS, G. S. Principles of agricultural chemistry. The Chemical Publishing Co., Easton, Pa. 1913. GLINKA, K. D. Soils of Russia and adjoining countries (Russian). Gosizdat, Moskau. 1923. HALL, A. D. The soil, an introduction to the scientific study of the growth of crops. 3rd Ed. London. 1920. HINKLE, S. F. Fertility and crop production. Sandusky, Ohio. 1925. xvi CLASSIFIED LIST OF BOOKS LYON, T. L., AND BUCKMAN, H. C. The natu:re. and properties of soils. Mac- millan, New York. 1922. HEIDEN, E. Lehrbuch der Dungerlehre. 2 parts. Hannover. 1879-1887. HILGARD, E. W. Soils, their formation, properties, composition and relations to climate and plant growth. Macmillan, New York. 1912. HOERING, P. Moornutzung und Torfverwertung mit besonderer Berucksichti- gung der Trockendestillation. J. Springer, Berlin. 1915. HONCAMP, F., AND NOLTE, O. Agrikulturchemie. T. Steinkopff,Dresden and Leipzig. 1924. HOPKINS, C. G. Soil fertility and permanent agriculture. Ginn & Co., Boston. 1910. KOBER, L. Der Bau der Erde. Borntraeger, Berlin. 1921. MAYER, A. Die Dungerlehre. 7th Ed. C. Winters, Heidelberg. 1924. MERRILL, G. P. Rocks, rock weathering and soils. Macmillan, New York. 1897. MITSCHERLICH, E. A. Bodenkunde fur Land- und Forstwirte. 3rd Ed. P. Parey, Berlin. 1920. MURRAY, J. A. The science of soils and manures. 3rd Ed. D. VanNostrand Co. 1925. PUCHNER, H. Der Torf. F. Enke, Stuttgart. 1920. RAMANN, E. Bodenkunde. 3rd Ed. J. Springer, Berlin. 1911. RUSSELL, J. Soil conditions and plant growth. Longmans, Green & Co. 4th Ed. London. 1921. VAN SLYKE, L. L. Fertilizers and crops. O. Jodd Co., New York. 1912. WARINGTON, R. Lectures on some of the physical properties of soil. Oxford. 1900. WHEELER, H. J. Manures and fertilizers. New York. 1913. WILEY, H. W. Principles and practice of agricultural analysis. Vol. I. Soils. 3rd Ed. Chemical,Publ. Co., Easton, Pa. 1926. The Soil Environment and Higher Plants BRENCHLEY, W. E. Inorganic plant poisons and stimulants. Cambridge. 1914. CLEMENTS, F. E. Aeration and air content; the role of oxygen in root activity. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. No. 315. 1921. CZAPEK, F. ~iochemie der Pflanzen. 2te Auff. 3 vols. Jena, vol. 1, 1913; vol. 2, 1920; vol. 3, 1921. HAHN, J. Handbuch der Klimatologie. 3 vols. Stuttgart. 1908-1911. JOST, L. Plant physiology. Tr. R. J. H. Gibson. Oxford. 1907-1913. KOLKWITZ, R. Pflanzenphysiologie. G. Fischer, Jena. 1922. KOSTYTSCHEW, S. Pflanzenatmung. J. Springer, Berlin. 1925. LUNDEGARDH, H. Klima und Boden in ihrer Wirkungauf das pflanzenleben. G. Fischer, Jena. 1925. PALLADIN, V. I. Plant physiology. Trans. by B. E. Livingston. 2nd Ed. Blakiston, Philadelphia. 1923. PFEFFER, W. The physiology of plants, a treatise upon the metabolism and sources of energy in plants. Tr. A. J. Ewart. 3 vols. Oxford. 1900- 1906.

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