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Wahhabi Islam: From Revival and Reform to Global Jihad PDF

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Wahhabi Islam: From Revival and Reform to Global Jihad NATANA J. DELONG-BAS OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Wahhabi Islam This page intentionally left blank Wahhabi Islam From Revival and Reform to Global Jihad natana j delong bas . - 1 2004 1 Oxford NewYork Auckland Bangkok BuenosAires CapeTown Chennai DaresSalaam Delhi HongKong Istanbul Karachi Kolkata KualaLumpur Madrid Melbourne MexicoCity Mumbai Nairobi Sa˜oPaulo Shanghai Taipei Tokyo Toronto Copyright(cid:1)2004byOxfordUniversityPress,Inc. PublishedbyOxfordUniversityPress,Inc. 198MadisonAvenue,NewYork,NewYork10016 www.oup.com OxfordisaregisteredtrademarkofOxfordUniversityPress PublishedintheUKandCommonwealthbyI.B.Tauris&Co.Publishers 6SalemRoad,LondonW24BU www.ibtauris.com Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced, storedinaretrievalsystem,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans, electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recording,orotherwise, withoutthepriorpermissionofOxfordUniversityPress. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData DeLong-Bas,NatanaJ. WahhabiIslam:fromrevivalandreformtoglobalJihad/ NatanaJ.DeLong-Bas. p. cm. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN0-19-516991-3 1. Wahha¯b¯ıyah. 2. Islamicfundamentalism—History. 3. Islam—Doctrines. 4. Muhammudibn(cid:1)Abdal-Wahha˜b,1703or4-1792. I. Title. BP195.W2D452004 297.8'14—dc22 2003016382 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica onacid-freepaper To the glory of God and in loving memory of two remarkable women my mother Grace Ann Toothaker DeLong (1945–1998) and my grandmother Florence Margaret Rohe Toothaker (1913–2003) This page intentionally left blank Preface ThepoetJohnDonneoncewrotethat“Nomanisanisland.”Simi- larly,nobookisevertheproductofasingleperson.Thisworkhas beeninfluencednotonlybythescholarsandactivistsaboutwhomit iswritten,butalsobyavarietyofscholars,bothAmericanandSa- udi,whohaveread,commentedon,andcritiquedit.Iwouldliketo particularlyacknowledgetheseminalrolesofJohnO.VollandJohn L.Espositoinshapingmythoughtandfortheirencouragementand supportasIhavesoughttoshatterthestereotypesofWahhabiIs- lam.JohnL.Espositohasbeeninstrumentalinkeepingmefocused ontherelevanceofmyhistoricalresearchoncontemporaryissues andexpandingmyvisiontoencompassamoreglobalunderstand- ingofthephenomenonofpoliticalIslam.JohnO.Vollhasproven endlesslyresourceful,knowledgeable,andenthusiasticinappreciat- ingthevalueofastudyofIbnAbdal-Wahhab’sthoughtwithinthe variouscontextsofeighteenth-centuryIslamicintellectualhistory, worldhistory,andIslamicactivisminthecontemporaryera.Thanks areduetoJudithE.Tuckerforherinsightfulcommentsonandsug- gestionsforprovidingabroaderframeworkforthechaptersonIs- lamiclawandwomenandgenderinordertoappreciatebetterIbn Abdal-Wahhab’scontributionstothesefields.Thanksaredueto DavidComminsandWilliamOchsenwaldfortheircarefulreviews ofthechaptersontheologyandjihad.Iamindebtedtothelate GeorgeMakdisiforhisresearchonHanbalilawandIbnTaymiyya.I amgratefultoIraLapidusfordiscussionsofeighteenth-centuryhad- ithcriticism.ThanksareduetoHalaFattahfordiscussionsofGulf viii preface historyovertheyears.IamgratefultoAmiraEl-AzharySonbolforsparking my initial interest in this topic. I am also grateful to my Saudi friends and colleagues for their insights into and discussions of both Ibn Abd al-Wahhab andOsamabinLaden. Thein-depthstudyofIbnAbdal-Wahhabandhiswritingshasbeenmade possible by the generosity and support of many people. Thanks are due to Faisal bin Salman, Abd Allah S. al-Uthaymin, and Dr. Fahd al-Semmari, Di- rector of the King Abd al-Aziz Foundation for Research and Archives, in Ri- yadh, Saudi Arabia, for making the full corpus of Muhammad Ibn Abd al- Wahhab’s works available to me and to the Center for Muslim-Christian UnderstandingandtheDepartmentofHistoryatGeorgetownUniversity,the American Historical Association, and the King Abd al-Aziz Foundation for ResearchandArchivesfortheirfinancialsupport. Finally,Iwishtothankthosewhohavebeensupportiveatamorepersonal level, particularly by entertaining the children in order to give me space for writing and revisions. I am especially indebted to my “second mother,”Ruth SlonakerDeLong,whohassteppedintofilltherolesofcherishedfriendand beloved grandmother; my sister Zedeka, who has always been there in mo- mentsofcrisisasdeadlinesapproached;ourfriendsAnthony,Ursula,Chantal and Veronica Woodson and David, Pamela, Marissa and Nicole Helms, who have spent countless hours entertaining thechildren while I waswritingand outonthelecturecircuitfollowingtheSeptember11tragedy;andmymother- in-law, Franc¸oise LeSage Bas, for her assistance with the children during the summerof2002. Myownworldviewandfaithhavebeenprofoundlyinfluencedbythemost importantpeopleinmylife—myfamily.Myfather,theRev.JamesA.DeLong, hasalwayssetastrongexampleofwhatscholarshipisintendedtobeandhas been the example and role model I have striven to emulate in my own work andlife.Mymother,thelateGraceAnnToothakerDeLong,andgrandmother, thelateFlorenceMargaretRoheToothaker,dedicatedtheirlivestolovingser- vice of God, community, and family. Their examples of love, encouragement, and insistence that we be hard-working, faithful, and productive citizens re- sponsible for giving something back to our societies have had a profound in- fluenceonmylifeandwork. Finally, and most importantly, I thank my husband Christophe for his encouragement, support, and humor in seeing this project through to the end. His boundless energy, positive attitude, and assistance, both with child care and the never-ending housework and repairs, have made the experi- ence bearable for all of us. Our children, Aurora and Gabriel, have tolerated their mother’s preoccupation with Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab and Os- ama bin Laden with patience beyond their years. I am grateful for their constant reminders of the importance of seizing the opportunities each day preface ix has to offer and of their practical reminders of the importance of peace- keeping, mutual understanding, and the power of dialogue and discussion in resolving disputes. Raising them full time while completing this book has been a challenge, but I am grateful for their animated company and unconditional love.

Before 9/11, few Westerners had heard of Wahhabism. Today, it is a household word. Frequently mentioned in association with Osama bin Laden, Wahhabism is portrayed by the media and public officials as an intolerant, puritanical, militant interpretation of Islam that calls for the wholesale destructi
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