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US008277311B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,277,311 B2 Platis et al. (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 2, 2012 (54) WAGERING WEB SERVICE SYSTEM AND 6,120,376 A 9/2000 Cherry 6,236,900 B1 5/2001 Geiger 6,280,324 B1 8/2001 Tenenbaum 6,309,307 B1 10/2001 Kr t 1. (75) Inventors: Harry Platis, LynnWood, WA (US); 6,347,086 B1 2/2002 $3,322: a Kristopher Michael Shannon, Bothell, 6,358,150 B1 3/2002 Mir et a1. WA (U S) 6,383,074 B1 5/2002 Bo ‘6% s 6,450,887 B1 9/2002 Mir et a1. (73) Assl. gnee._ Harry Platl.s , M11. 1 Creek, WA (US) 66,,554048,,172019 BB12 41/02000%3 DKaerwmeaerskea re t a1‘ 6,554,708 B1 4/2003 Brenner et a1. ( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 6,554,709 B1 4/2003 Brenner er a1, patent is extended or adjusted under 35 6,688,978 B1 2/2004 Herman U.S.C. 154(b) by 515 days. (Continued) (21) Appl. No.: 12/472,344 OTHER PUBLICATIONS - _ NTRA Wagering Technology Working Group/Giuliani Partners (22) F?ed' May 26’ 2009 LLC, “Improving Security in the United States Pari-Mutuel Wager (65) Prior Publication Data ing System: Status Report and Recommendations”, Aug. 2003, accessed Jun. 16, 2008, <http://WWW.ntra.com/contenUWTWGi? US 2010/0151935 A1 Jun. 17, 2010 nalirepompd?, Related US. Application Data (Continued) (60) Provisional application No. 61/122,364, ?led on Dec. Primary Examiner i Ha Tran T Nguyen 13’ 2008' Assistant Examiner * Vongsavanh Sengdara (51) Int Cl (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Matthew Jellett A63F 9/24 (2006.01) (57) ABSTRACT (52) US. Cl. .................................... .. .. 463/25 _ _ _ _ (58) Field of Classi?cation Search ...................... .. None A system? coor?lllale a wagenngrevem usmf a vmualgveb See application ?le for Complete Search history' server Wit an a~ ' 1n1strat1on app 1cat1on an a server ata base. The adm1mstrat1on appl1cat1on 1s executable code (56) References Cited Which can generate a ?rst event page from an event category page. The administration application also has a player man U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS agement page, a pool page and a ticket management set of pages. The administration application interoperates With a 5,374,060 A 12/1994 Goldberg banking application and a casino application. The adminis 5,564,977 A 10/1996 Algie 5,746,657 A 5/1998 Ueno tration application Will send the event information to the 5,749,785 A 5/1998 Rossides casino application, receive Wager information from the 5,830,068 A 11/1998 Brenner et a1. casino application, coordinate Wager amounts With the bank 5,873,782 A 2/1999 Hall ing application, close the Wagering, monitor the event, update 5,957,775 A 9/1999 Cherry pool, close the pool, and allocate the Winnings and losses. 6,004,211 A 12/1999 Brenner et a1. 6,089,981 A 7/2000 Brenner et a1. 6,099,409 A 8/2000 Brenner et a1. 34 Claims, 10 Drawing Sheets US 8,277,311 B2 Page 2 US. PATENT DOCUMENTS 2007/0026940 A1 2/2007 Cannella 6,695,701 B2 2/2004 Amnson etal' 2007/0197281 A1 8/2007 Stronach 2008/0248846 A1 10/2008 Stronach et a1. 6,712,701 B1 3/2004 B0y1an,IIIetal. 2008/0274796 A1 11/2008 Lube 6,786,824 B2* 9/2004 Canno. n ......................... .. 463/42 2009/0036204 A1 2/2009 Ama1t- 1s et a1. 6,811,488 B2 11/2004 Paravia et al. - . 2009/0088232 A1 4/2009 Ama1t1s et a1. 618371789 B2 V2005 GamhletaL 2009/0186691 A1* 7/2009 P 463/25 6 837 791 B1 * 1/2005 McNutt et a1. ................ .. 463/42 au- """""""""""""""" " ’ ’ 2010/0029370 A1 2/2010 Robinson et al. 6,910,965 B2 6/2005 Downes - 7070 499 B2 700% O 2010/0203950 A1 8/2010 Fr1ck 1 1 Camp‘) 2010/0298043 A1* 11/2010 Bytnar etal. ................. .. 463/24 7,094,151 B2 8/2006 Downes 7172508 B2 20007 S. {31 2010/0304850 A1 12/2010 Gelman et a1. 1 1 ‘H1096 ' 2011/0111841 A1* 5/2011 Tessmer et a1. ............... .. 463/25 7,311,606 B2 12/2007 Ama1t.1. s et al. 2011/0256922 A1 10/2011 Ama1t- 1- s et a1. 7,452,274 B2 11/2008 Ama1t1s et al. 2012/0041819 A1 2/2012 Rameretal. 715101116 B2 3/2009 Robbetal' 2012/0077571 A1 3/2012 Amaitisetal 7,742,972 B2 6/2010 Lange et a1. ' 7,775,880 B2 8/2010 Downes 7,942,735 B2 5/2011 Meyer et a1. OTHER PUBLICATIONS 8,142,279 B2 3/2012 Benrus . 2004/0029627 A1 2/2004 Harman et a1‘ PCT/ISNZIO International Search Report for PCT/US05/30568, 10 2004/0198483 A1 10/2004 Amaitis et a1. P9899 2004/0204245 A1 10/2004 Amaitis et al. PCT/ISN237 Written Opinion of the International Searching 2004/0229675 A1 11/2004 Cannella Authority for PCT?JS05/30568, 13 pages. 2005/0064934 A1 3/2005 Amaitis et a1. 2006/0252520 A1* 11/2006 Platis ............................ .. 463/28 * cited by examiner US. Patent Oct. 2, 2012 Sheet 1 0f 10 US 8,277,311 B2 -702 Even! creaiiad in wager Eveni displays D?iEbGBB ihruugi'l ihe resuiia in Casino Admin Appliuaiinn Appl iuaiinn z 704 Wager service if will send raqueat in casino service in display aveni Evelll ' In Casino Appliu'aitnn 706 Waqerservipe wpraogsr etshsei vpeo’o?l 710 wmil lc aanldm requaI ai In Wager App i lqdapay Wager!“J a“ Beiiing ran begin pocli mm in / I 740 active / — WaaBrMp win 712 Mm‘ “° push alnng with D9" Il‘? paypui amount Eventdisplaylr / ‘ npan far 'v ' Canine Appiiraiim Event disrieye /~ 756 closed for bemrlg Wager app In Caalnu updates Paula‘ ,,,,,,, Application Um 99W“ amount along with Be?nns plans HesPaldOui ?ag wagers m the f 764 Casino Awlimiiun 716 i 784 /~ 786 Wager la sent in Banking Appllclilkxn Beniu'nu Wager is refunded appiicaiian refunds * Tramalaion ands wager amount 718 3cu2s5l5m 3?3l5m3“" / ,>____ _\/\ " Baning application ’ 722 Wager rBfund la ?ii'li’n‘?im 1 K Wager in declined mlgn?sannkm wlo mil; e . \Tmnaecll'un ends H scrawled player), T20 "/1 imiiizsii 776 i / iheGasinu \ applilaiiorl Oasinu app displays player has mums /- 772 f i 724 All Wagara ior ihai Piiyer adds are / pla'yar are updeled caioulated tuilaiuaofRefund Waller daialls are i i WairariD'a alumni sail in “Eager badl in ihe Oaainn ii Dlaixhaae / 770 /ewzni emailed in wager Daiaharaa ii'lmugh i-i'B Mmin Applm l'l FIG. 1 US. 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5,564,977 A 10/1996 Algie. 5,746,657 A . manual procedures must be implemented to merge Wagering . VieW Operations, ISIS Papyrus, and Novell E Directory. The .. 814 Within the database a location ?eld 960 correlates to a.
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