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VULNERABILITY ANALYSIS FOR TRANSPORTATION NETWORKS MICHAEL A. P. TAYLOR Elsevier Radarweg29,POBox211,1000AEAmsterdam,Netherlands TheBoulevard,LangfordLane,Kidlington,OxfordOX51GB,UnitedKingdom 50HampshireStreet,5thFloor,Cambridge,MA02139,UnitedStates Copyright(cid:1)2017ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved. Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproducedortransmittedinanyformorbyanymeans, electronicormechanical,includingphotocopying,recording,oranyinformationstorageand retrievalsystem,withoutpermissioninwritingfromthepublisher.Detailsonhowtoseek permission,furtherinformationaboutthePublisher’spermissionspoliciesandour arrangementswithorganizationssuchastheCopyrightClearanceCenterandtheCopyright LicensingAgency,canbefoundatourwebsite:www.elsevier.com/permissions. Thisbookandtheindividualcontributionscontainedinitareprotectedundercopyrightby thePublisher(otherthanasmaybenotedherein). Notices Knowledgeandbestpracticeinthisfieldareconstantlychanging.Asnewresearchand experiencebroadenourunderstanding,changesinresearchmethods,professionalpractices, ormedicaltreatmentmaybecomenecessary. Practitionersandresearchersmustalwaysrelyontheirownexperienceandknowledgein evaluatingandusinganyinformation,methods,compounds,orexperimentsdescribed herein.Inusingsuchinformationormethodstheyshouldbemindfuloftheirownsafetyand thesafetyofothers,includingpartiesforwhomtheyhaveaprofessionalresponsibility. Tothefullestextentofthelaw,neitherthePublishernortheauthors,contributors,oreditors, assumeanyliabilityforanyinjuryand/ordamagetopersonsorpropertyasamatterof productsliability,negligenceorotherwise,orfromanyuseoroperationofanymethods, products,instructions,orideascontainedinthematerialherein. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData AcatalogrecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheLibraryofCongress BritishLibraryCataloguing-in-PublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary ISBN:978-0-12-811010-2 ForinformationonallElsevierpublicationsvisitour websiteathttps://www.elsevier.com/books-and-journals PublishingDirector:JosephHayton SeniorAcquisitionEditor:BrianRomer SeniorEditorialProjectManager:KattieWashington ProductionProjectManager:PunithavathyGovindaradjane Designer:VictoriaPearson TopCoverImageCredit:MassCommunicationSpecialistSeamanJoshuaAdamNuzzo, UnitedStatesNavy TypesetbyTNQBooksandJournals To Jean (1925e2017), who set me on the path, and to Charlie and Howie, who let me know that the world will be a better place. PREFACE Transportation network reliability has featured in transportation research for some decades, perhaps first as an interesting academic aside, but thendin the aftermath of the great Kobe earthquake of 1994 when sub- stantial parts of that region’s infrastructure were destroyeddas a topic of vital interest to governments and transportation agencies. Research in the 1990s focused on travel-time reliability and network connectivity reliability. The former topic has become an important consideration in transport economics and project evaluation, though not without contro- versy (but that is a story for another time). The latter was concerned with theabilitytofindapathbetweenanytwopointsthroughadisaster-struck network. Was the network still intact? Were there alternative paths that could be used? A series of international workshops were held in the 1990s where researcher presented and discussed their work on network reliability, culminating in the establishment of the triennial International Symposia on Transportation Network Reliability (INSTR), with the first INSTR held at Kyoto University in July 2001. In that event four researchers, a Swede, a New Zealander, and two Australians, started to talk about something slightly different: network vulnerability. What happened in networks that were damaged but still operating in some degraded state? When could they cope? How serviceable were they? How could this be measured? What if the damaged network was still fully connected but the available path (or detour) was so much longer than the disrupted path that its use was not logical, let alone practical? What were the critical elements in a network, where failure would have the largest effects, and how to protect them? How could the risk of failure be assessed? Thesequestionsinfacthavespurredadecadeandahalfofintenseinter- national research activity, which is still ongoing, and with new players emergingdas well as a growing list of influences from the modern world thatcanaffectvulnerabilityandinfrastructureperformance,withmajorim- plications for transportation network planning, design, and operations. Beyond the natural disasters that have been part and parcel of concerns on vulnerability, issues such as climate change, international terrorism, and j ix x Preface post-disaster relief have come to prominence. A recent report by the OECD1hasstressedtheimportanceofvulnerabilityinitsreviewofthepo- tentialeffectsofextremeweatherandclimatechangeontheperformanceof transportation systems. As society places more reliance on its infrastructure systems and their ability to provide safe, efficient, and equitable services oncall;aswestressthosesystemsmoreandmorethroughgrowingdemand that pushes system capacity; and as our expectations of system performance growandwedemandmorefromthetransportationsystemwhilesqueezing its spare capacity, the concepts of vulnerability become more relevant and important.Thisbookexplorestheseissuesandconsiderstheissuesinherent invulnerabilityanalysis,themethodsproposedandadoptedtoassessvulner- ability, to identify critical infrastructure, locations and facilities, and the metrics proposed and techniques employed in those methods. It seeks to defineanintegratedapproachtovulnerabilityanalysisthatusesthecommon features(suchasdatarequirements)behindthealternativeapproacheswhile maintaining the rounded, multidimensional insights that are possible by using the full set of those approaches. The book charts the development of transportation network vulnera- bility analysis and the widening spread of the research on that topic. It alsodescribesapersonaljourneyfortheauthor,fromthoseearlybeginnings inKyototothepresentday.Theauthorbeganthewritingbelievinghimself tobeanexpertinthefieldandwhilethatbeliefisstilltheretoalargedegree (and is reinforced by the ongoing citations of a couple of his papers in the new published research), he has learnt much more about the topic in compilingthisworkthanheeverknewatthestart.Thatisavaluablething. Knowledgeiseverexpanding,andtheholdersanddevelopersofknowledge are diverse and spread across the globe. There is no single repository of knowledge or, indeed, wisdom. That has always been the casedfor example, think of Newton, Leibnitz, and the calculus. At the same time knowledge isephemeral. Transportation engineers of the1920swere using trip distribution models, originedestination matrices, and desire line maps, yet that knowledge disappeared (presumably due to economic depression and a world war) until it was reinvented from scratch, by necessity, in the 1950s. To keep knowledge of a topic alive and growing needs constant attention and development. The author hopes that this book will provide 1 ITF(2016).Adaptingtransporttoclimatechangeandextremeweather:Implicationsforinfrastructure ownersandnetworkmanagers.InternationalTransportForum,ITFResearchReports,Paris:OECD Publishing.Retrivedfromhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789282108079-en. Preface xi asignificantsteptowardthedisclosureofthestateoftheartinvulnerability analysisandtheraison d’êtretopreserve,extend,andutilizetheaccomplish- ments in the field. Much has been done, but there is much more still possibledand required. The starting point for the discussion is the need to maintain reasonable levels of serviceability, i.e., function, in a transportation system, and how this can be assessed. An inherent part of this assessment is the notion of risk; what are the implications and potential impacts of a system failure (full or partial). No system can ever be completely immune from degrada- tion, therefore a risk analysis is required to indicate the potential damage ofafailureeventandthelikelycostsofsafeguardstominimizethatdamage. Risk has two dimensions: the probability of an event and the (expected) magnitudeofitsimpact.Riskisthenrepresentedastheproductoftheprob- ability and the magnitudes, resulting in an expected outcome for an event. The potential combination of events is also apparent, and the risk analysis can handle this situation toodas discussed by Nicholson and Dalzeill2 in their consideration of the road network of the North Island of New Zea- land, and the potential simultaneous occurrence of volcanic eruptions and snowstormsinpartsofthatnetwork.Innormallifeweperhapstendtoover- value extreme eventsdor, perhaps, undervalue the more minor ones. The airplane crash is seen as severe, the road crash death toll perhaps less so, although the cumulative outcomes may actually indicate the reverse. Man- agersoftransportationandotherinfrastructuresystemsneedtoconsiderthe risks in economic, social, and political terms. Whatever the socio-political milieu, the availability of sound data and proper risk analysis are essential for informed decision making and network vulnerability analysis is now a core part of it. This is the theme developed early in the book, and it leads to the twin definitions of vulnerability relating to serviceability (ability of atransportationsystemtofunctionatanacceptablelevelunderdifferentcir- cumstances) and accessibility (ability of a transportation system to facilitate acceptable levels of participation in socioeconomic activities in a region). Transportation systems belong to a wider class of infrastructure systems, which also include water supply, drainage, wastewater and sewerage, tele- communications, and gas and electricity supply systems. In modern times, governments around the world are paying special attention to “critical 2 Nicholson,A.J.,&Dalziell,E.(2003).Riskevaluationandmanagement:Aroadnetworkreliability study.InM.G.HBell,andY.Iida(Eds.),TheNetworkReliabilityofTransport(pp.45e59).Oxford: Elsevier. xii Preface infrastructure,” meaning both the systems and their components subject to degradation.Vulnerabilityanalysisisoftenconcernedwiththeidentification of critical components, providing planners and managers with information onthosecomponentsofthegreatestriskoffailuredmeaningofcoursethose componentswhosefailurewouldengenderthegreatestconsequencesasthe product of probability and impact. In Chapter 2 the book considers critical infrastructure,firstinbroadtermsincludingdiscussionofthepotentialinter- actions and interdependencies between different infrastructure systems, and then in terms of transportation systems specifically. The focus is on land transportationsystemnetworks,whichsplitintotwobroadtypes:roadnet- works and railway networks, each of which have their own features. The differencesbetweenthemlargelyrelatetotheoperatingrulesfortrafficusing the network, the technologies employed in vehicle propulsion and move- ment, and the nature of the traffic flows on them. Rail networks perhaps havemorecomplexitythanroadnetworks,butroadnetworksareinhabited by numerous individual decision makers (drivers, riders, pedestrians, and others) and the decisions made by one or more individuals can strongly influence the way that a system operates. The study of vulnerability and resilience in infrastructure systems is now widespread, with resilience being concernedwiththetimeandeffortrequiredforadisruptedsystemtoreturn to its normal operating conditions after the event. Tostudynetworkvulnerabilityanunderstandingofthestructureofnet- worksandhowtheelementsofnodesandlinksconnecttogetherisrequired first. It then requires understanding of the ways in which transportation flows occur in networks. The former is the study of network topology. This provides basic knowledge about the network and how flows through it will use different components. Transportation analysts have by and large ignored network topology in the past, leaving it to the mathematicians and the telecommunications engineers. Yet topological analysis can reveal much core information on how any network willfunction. Study of trans- portflowsdandhencenetworkusagedrequiresknowledgeandapplication of the theories and models used by transportation analysts to represent the traffic flows and the resultant network operating conditions. The basics of traffic flow theory lie in the particular description of continuity of flow forroadtraffic;thattherearetwomainvariablestodescribeflowinasingle trafficstream(trafficvolumeandtrafficdensity);thatdensity(thenumberof vehiclesperunitlengthofroad)istheprimaryvariable;andthattheratioof densitytovolumeyieldstheaveragespeedofthetrafficstreamalongaroad atagiveninstantoftime.Trafficvolume(therateatwhichvehiclespassan Preface xiii observation point over time) is insufficient to properly describe the traffic state on the road, for a low volume may imply either light traffic flow or a major bottleneck. Density will reveal the true state. The “macroscopic flowdiagram”illustratesthesecharacteristicsandcanalsoshowtheobserved phenomenonofthe“capacitydrop”difatrafficstreamisdisruptedataden- sityexceedingacriticalvaluethentheflowregimedegradesandmaximum achievable volumes are significantly less than those experienced before the disruption. This condition will continue until there is a substantial drop in density, which can only come from reduced demand to use the road. The question of travel demand is a key consideration in transportation networkanalysis,includingvulnerabilityanalysis.Traveldemandissumma- rizedbytheoriginedestinationpatternandcorrespondingoriginedestination matrices(thenumbersoftravelerswishingtomovefromagivenoriginpoint to designated destination points across the network). For vulnerability studies, the starting point for travel demand analysis is route choice, i.e., the paths that travelers take in making their journeys. Route choice is modeled using “traffic assignment” models, which route the trips along the links in the network between each origin and destination in response to the conditions (travel time or travel costs) experienced on the network. This situation where the number of trips to be made and the destinations of those trips are fixed is known as inelastic travel demand. Full or partial network failures (e.g., a blocked or congested link) may alter the available and preferred routes for some journeys. The extent of these alterations is at the heart of vulnerability analysis. However, route choice is not the only travel decision that people make: when to travel (departure time choice), where to travel to (destination choice), how to travel (transport mode choice), and indeed whether to travel at all (in a given time period) are also decisions to be made. Prolonged network failure or chronic congestionmaymaketravelersreconsidertheirearlierchoices.Suchchanges aretermedaselastictraveldemand.Elastictraveldemandhasstilltobeprop- erly considered in the existing methods for vulnerability analysis. The development of traffic congestion, which certainly contributes to lossofserviceabilityinanetwork,isakeypartofthevulnerabilityequation. In particular, this is because congestion manifests itself in different forms. Thereistheregular,cyclic“recurrent”congestionwhichispartofeveryday life: the morning rush hour, the business hours, the evening peak, the off peak hours, and the wee hours of the morning. Cyclic patterns also span the days of the week, the weeks, and seasons of the year. We know about thesepatternsandgenerallyworkwithinthem.Somecongestionisanatural xiv Preface part of network operations, particularly in urban areas. On the other hand, there is incident-based “non-recurrent” congestion, which can strike “at random”anddisablesmall(orsometimeslarge)partsofanetworkfordura- tionsfromminutestodays.Incidentsrangefromvehiclebreakdownsblock- ing a lane and road crashes to police operations and structural collapses. Somearequicklydispelled,otherstakelongeranddemandconsiderablere- sources to remedy. Other influences including natural phenomena (e.g., floods, blizzards, landslides, and earthquakes) and manmade events (e.g., roadwork and road and track maintenance, road closures for special events, and construction zones) can also affect network operations and congestion levels. Then there are the occasional malevolent events including sabotage andterroristattackswhichcancauseimmediatedistress,orworse,andleave longerlastingimpacts.Vulnerabilityanalysishastobecognizantofall these potentials. Atthesametimevulnerabilityanalysisisimportantinruralandregional areasaswellasourcities.Ruralroadandrailnetworkstendtobesparse,with few alternative routes available. A network disruption can cause isolation and economic harm in a localitydthink of the dairy farm unable to ship its milk to the dairy because of a single road closure or bridge collapse. Trafficcongestionisrarelyamajorconcerninruralregions,butaccessibility and connectivity are. Natural hazards from extreme weather and environ- mentareperhapsmorepronetoaffectruraltransportationnetworks.Rural communitiesareoftenlessprivilegedintermsoftheiraccesstoservicesand facilitiesthantheirurbancousins.Theroadnetworkisoftentheironlytrans- port connection to the outside world. Loss of connectivity may have pro- found implications for health, education, and economic wellbeing in rural areas. The issues are explored in depth in Chapters 3e5 of this book. Thecruxofvulnerabilityanalysisisthentoprovidetoolsthatassisttrans- portation planners and decision makers in identifying potential points of weakness in their networksdcritical locations and infrastructuredand then assist in developing plans to protect those locations or provide ready alternativesincaseofdisruptions.Theresearchonwhichthisbookisbased identified four broad methods for vulnerability analysis: 1. Risk-based inventory assessment, which considers the infrastructure assets across the system and rates those assets at greater risk of failure or disruption due to traffic and environmental influences 2. Topologically basedassessment,whichconsiders networkstructureand connectivity, and identifies the nodes and links most critical for flows Preface xv throughthenetwork,aswellasthelocationswherefailuremayhavethe gravest effects on network operations 3. Serviceability-basedassessment,whichisconcernedwiththeimpactson network operations of failures and disruptions at different locations and maybeusedtoidentifycriticallocationsintermsofthoseimpacts,witha focus on transport and traffic 4. Accessibility-based assessment, which is similar to serviceability assessment but is more concerned with socioeconomic impacts outside the network traffic operations. Thebookdescribeseachofthesemethodsandprovidesexamplesoftheir applications. It alsoconsiders theapplications of themethods to road-based transportation and to (rail-based) public transport. Most of the reported studies have dealt with road networks, but public transport vulnerability analysis has emerged as a substantial area of transportation research since 2010. Chapter 6 of the book deals exclusively with studies of public trans- port networks. The various methods share some features as well as having their own, uniquecharacteristics.Recognizingthecommonfeatures,mainlyintheto- pological description of networks, provides the basis for a future integrated approachtovulnerabilityanalysisthatisoutlinedinthelatterchaptersofthe book.Thedifferentmethodsforanalysiscanbeseenintermsoflayeringof additionaldetaileddatadassetinformationandtraveldemandpatternsdon top of the basis connectivity information. Development and application of this integrated approach to vulnerability analysis should provide the firm and comprehensive footing for its full inclusion in transportation planning and systems analysis. We have the knowledge to enable this, and the soft- wareplatforms,suchasgeographicalinformationsystems(GIS),tofacilitate it. The author wishes that this book will provide the necessary blueprints. Therearemanypeople,family,friends,andcolleagues,whohavehelped me, inspiredme,and have contributedto thedevelopment of vulnerability analysis in concept, theory, and application. There are others who have encouraged and helped me in the preparation of this book. My grateful thanks are extended to them all. I must single out the following: Glen D’Este,forhistrail-blazinginsightsanduncannyknackfordescribingcom- plexphenomenainwaysthatallofuscanreadilyunderstand;MichaelBell, forhisauthority,novelthinking,andexpertadvice;SekharSomenahalli,my GISguruand“goto”person;myPhDstudent“Susi”Susilawati,forherGIS expertise, analytical skills, and “can do” enthusiasm; my Masters student Sally Freeman for her modeling skills and willingness to experiment in the

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