T М >> FRONT: EDMONTON CENTRE е 7 / MUSIC: BRAMWELL PARK e 38 / ARTS: HELEN'S NECKLACE e 46 EDMONTON'S 100% INDEPENDENT NEWS & ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY | No. 535 / JANUARY 19-25, 24061 Ғ Е HTTP://WWW.VUEWEEKLY.COM - Gonfessional theatre gets thë irag treatment in Russell Bates E. track ic Sisters, Such reveled Besx 3 [By AIWYCHUK • 13 —— veas Pro Coro Canada аш. ——— | 6 2E 25 | ОЕ > ШT ЫТ H www.procoro.ab.ca WUEVVEEKLY Happy Birthday Mozart Sunday, Jan 22, 2006, 2 pm Lig hter Side of Pro Coro Sunday, Feb 26, 2006, 2 pm - The McDades , т” 4 + " = (401 a A Bouquet from Sweden | | е, Sunday, Mar 19, 2006, 2 pm Bach Mass in B Minor Good Friday, Apr 14, 2006, 7:30 pm Subscriptions & Tickets: Winspear Centre (780) 428-1414 Ni — D Atte | | Pro Coro Canada Register: . ---------. | Call David © 420-1247 Friends of the Quire | [email protected] Edmonton Membership: Ages 16-25 PIZZA 73 Ttekets to Pre Coro Canada concerts — only $14 BU LEE DAE EN O UUS wesleud maa t1 Jp ™ um SSS ۱ / bs / NS | / iM4 N \ V ` /| | Hii АА 1 ЛАТ КҮЙ j / li P 25 %%% 1L7O NNî N j / \ ИШ / T NM IS 4 XN Ж) SS c Г M Fina Ca Р FE S à X f БЗ ЈА ! 3 CA NN Á \ = Ган gig Т^ i | 4 Ғғ? -= | % A ! / И НТ @ m — АНІ)! VAАRSУ ДАЧИL!EE R \] N y ! ! He AH j ! AVETE || e ӯ JXH M D y A i i 1 4 } “a ) E 3 7 EDMONTON'S NE WEST PREMIERE GUITAR STORE ALME 2 10103-175 STR ROCF CHOP 444-ROCK 7625). 3=. . = WUEWEEKLY - 200 ,c€-GT YHAUMA, B = ra ЫШ ШИИТ Actor/playwright Russell Barr says he's got a sick sense of humour, and he's 4 Three Dollar Bill probably not kidding, seeing as in 6 News Roundup Sisters, Such Devoted Sisters, his alter- 6 Vue Point 7 Edmonton Centre ego Bernice Hindley comes out about 8 Bob the Angry Flower being a Glaswegian drag queen who 10 in the Box 11 Tooth and Claw likes to make pigeons explode е 13 12 Infinite Lives 13 Sisters, Such Devoted Sisters 17 Snow Zone Edmonton Bramwell Park: Coralie Cairns 14 Murietta's Bar & Grill Centre: Vue come on, feel and Mark Meer 15 La Shish Talouk 16 Grape Expectations shines a light the folk е 38 team up to find ALM on one of Helen’s 26 The Matador Canada's Necklace е 46 26 Searching for the tightest races Wrong-Eyed Jesus 27 Transamerica • 7 28 The Passenger 28 Karla THE AIR 30 Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World vative Stephen Harper as PM—a job the rific chronicle of the decade-long legal 31 Film Weekly Toronto-born (!) MP for Calgary South- battle for SSM in Canada that will be 32 Life and Hard Times three west covets like King David did Bathshe- published in English by Lorimer Books of Guy Terrifico ba— called up my friend Bruce Hicks, this May—thinks Harper can't drag this MUSIC TERRAI NFORMA the Montreal political scientist who co- out if he wants to hang onto power. dollar authored with Jerome Black a 2004 sur- "It is certain if elected the Conserv- 33 Live vey of 1,307 candidates running for the atives will hold a free vote on SSM but 34 Music Notes 75 bill 36 Music Weekly Bloc Quebecois, Conservative, Green, 1 think they will lose it," Larocque told FART ATHHEBEA SSI 38 Bramwell Park Liberal and NDP parties. The survey has me over his cellphone during a Paul [PRESH 41 Easy Life Club a 44-per-cent response rate and reports Martin campaign stop. "But if it passes, 42 New Sounds only 20 per cent of Conservative candi- they will need to debate the notwith- НИМ 5:30PM TIL 6:00PM Bv RICHARD BURNETT 43 Distant Replay dates supported SSM. The Tories were standing clause, and that will [also] be TUESDAY EVEMNGS 43 Quick Spins the only party where a majority of the debated in the senate, which support- 44 Glorious Gershwin X marks the spot candidates were against gay marriage. ed SSM last time." AN ENVIRONMENTLAOLO KA T ARTS “The one thing Harper has been Hicks says the Supreme Court Юм EAM AND THE. | have to hand it to Stephen Harper: Just clear on is he will hold a free vote imme- would—as most legal scholars in Cana- 45 Building a Collection: when | thought the battle for full gay diately after the election,” Bruce told me da predict—strike down an anti-SSM 80 Years at the and lesbian civil rights in Canada was this week. "It's as big a numbers game vote as unconstitutional, setting the Edmonton Art Gallery pretty much a done deal, the political as whether or not he will win a majority stage for an even more fractious parlia- 46 Helen’s Necklace Swine stood up and gave us the fucking government. Right now the numbers mentary vote on who has the final say, 47 Theatre Notes finger. If Harper and his cronies are show he's on the cusp of a majority that Parliament or the courts. Now, if you THE BACK elected on January 23, the first order of would bring him pretty close to the thought Canadians were initially divid- business will be a parliamentary vote to numbers he needs to defeat SSM." ed over SSM, just wait until Parliament 47 Free Will Astrology repeal same-sex marriage. And whether But Canadian Press parliamentary debates the notwithstanding clause. It 48 Arts Weekly that vote passes or not depends largely correspondent Sylvain Larocque—who will make Quebec's use of the clause in 49 Events Weekly on whether the Tories win a large wrote the recently-published book 1989 enshrining Quebec's Bill 101 lan- 49 Classifieds Mariage gai: Les coulisses d'une revolu- guage law look like а mere skirmish minority or majority government. 51 Alt Sex Column Fearing four years of socially conser- tion sociale (Flammarion Quebec), a ter- (The Quebec provincial Liberal govern- The Songwriters Association o! Canada presents THE Bin NUAL ЖЕНал«е«-К»ллс«н CSR SN EW FEMINIST ТӘГв«о ё>. И са NATIONAL NEWS PROGRAM Where Writers Sing and Tell TOUR WITH A LOOK AT WOMEN IN JIMMY CANADIAN POLITICS RANKIN DOORS 7:30 SHOW AT 8PM ROYAL ALBERTA MUSEUM THEATRE $18 IN ADVANCE $22 AT THE DOOR TICKETS AT TIX ON THE SQUARE, MYHRE'S MUSIC, ACOUSTIC MUSIC SHOP GALLANT or call (780) 438-6814. Rebate at door “> SHARI n А) пардаи n Pd Ше ULRICH Ae. EJ black доп freehouse 10425 Ste nt c Bourassa rewrote Bill in 1993 before the notwithstand- clause's five-year expiry date.) > So, YOU really “Harper—surrounded by people argue he should invoke the notwith- ‚ really want to һе clause—is being very clever in this campaign,” Hicks points out. “His 3 pronouncements on the notwithstand- _ ing clause are simply to not use ito n the first vote. A lot of time and money went into fighting for SSM, and if the battle is Are you prepared to work hard and opened up again—and it is large [social apply your creative and technical skills conservative] American groups that are to storytelling? funding this battle—it is unfair to have gay couples fight this again." In fact, not only did Harper address If so, our Digital Filmmaking program a March 31, 2005, B.C. fundraising din- places you right into a digital film studio. ner for the far-right Canadian Alliance You learn from industry professionals for Social Justice and Family Values " and work on real world projects. Association, which advocates against SSM and abortion, but Conservative Justice Critic Vic Toews received an Make your dream come true. Get achievement award from the group. started in April and get paid to work in Toews even praised the Canadian the exciting entertainment industry by Alliance in the House of Commons, say- next fall! ing, "Canadians across the country are grateful for its efforts." Also, the Halifax Get paid to watch movies. ACCELERATED ASSO Chronicle Herald reports the Conserva- tive Party has warned two Halifax-area | ЕБЕ a two-year he aa in one year at Selkirk College candidates they better not discuss their meeting with clergy who oppose 55М. Get started in April Your Accelerated Associate of Arts degree is transferable to the third Which brings us back to election day Reserve your seat today! year of bachelor degree programs at all British Columbia universities and this January 23. Last week, Toronto Star 1-866-860-2787 many others across Canada and internationally, so you ом € columnist Chantal Hebert opined, "When you want to Бе, faster. Enjoy life in a bustling mou it comes to the equality of gay Canadians, night life, relaxed coffee shops, live music, art and Paul Martin, like Jean Chrétien before pursuits in the heart of the beautiful mountain setting Зла ТА Ре E enu him, has been content to leave the mat- b.) 1.3855 2 ل2 1 Е from industry professionals! For info or to apply, contact Carol Retzlaff at [email protected] ter to the individual conscience of his ZITEC H N 0 LO & Y ER + members. Now, in the dying days of an or 250.365.1444, toll-free 1.888.953.1133 ext. 444 | election campaign, he is going a step KELOWNA FREDERICTON HALIFAX |— L andmark Technology Centre ІІ Suite 100 -1632 DicksoAnv e.| | further by basically asking voters to re- * DISCOVER THE SELKIRK ADVANTAGE 30A nimation 30G ame Animation AudioE ngineering Digital Filmmaking Digital MediaD esign Event Management elect his [own] social conservative MPs to protect some of the very minorities Call: (250) 860-2787 or 1-866-860-2787 www. getready.ca whose rights they have systematically opposed for the better part of a decade." "Harper is against SSM but he so wants to be in power that if he wins a minority government, he will tell [his MPs], 71 went as far as | could,'" Larocque says. "Harper has no taste to drag this issue out. Power is his goal." That is what gay and lesbian vot- ers, as well as their straight friends and families, must remember at the ballot box next week. Vote strategically. as Because if the Tories end up with a Marty Rybiak Donna Martyn jason Rockwell Arlene Chapmar | und jncan majority government, the first thing to Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton _ Edmonton Edmont: Leduc Centre Spruce Grove East Millwoods Beaumc Strathcona Shenwood Park t. Alber go will be same-sex marriage. @ To get the change you want, you have to vote for it. Here's your opportunity Significant funding for education and training to save lives. Book a blood Expand public healthcare donation ар ointment . Clean air and water ay! Canadian Electoral reform Blood Services 8249 - 114 Street Donor Clinic Hours Affordable housing and transit Monday- Friday 8:30 am - 1:30 pm & 3 pm - 7 pm Saturda 9 am - 2p m More info at www.ndp.ca or call 780-669-9619 Call1 888 2 DONATE ‘form oreI nformation ort ob ookq oa gpolalmtat. This time *NDP "WUEWEEKLY © ‚ JANUARY. 19-25, 2006 vuepoint Bv ROSS MOROZ Electile dysfunction No matter how Monday's election turns out, it's fair to assume that the winning party, even if they manage to achieve a majority, will do so with a little less than half of the popular vote. In the case of a majority, the scenario is pretty familiar: a party receives 40 per cent of the popular vote, giving them roughly 60 per cent of the seats in Parliament, which is a fairly comfortable majority. One «dishGvueweekly.com» hundred per cent of the power for Jeremy Derksen (Snow Zone Editor) «snowzoneGvueweekly.com» 40 per cent of the votes—sounds kind of gross, really, but if you're Production Manager Lyle Bell reading this on Tuesday morning, it <[email protected]> might have already happened. Layout 5о the Canadian electoral system Sean Rivalin is dysfunctional. So what? | mean, it’s <[email protected]> certainly no less dysfunctional than, Listings say, the American system, right? And Glenys Switzer <[email protected]> it’s virtually the same as the one complaining about NAFTA, the U.S. agreement for more money for cities Britain has used for a couple of cen- lumber industry filed court papers on by as early as this spring. turies, at least, isn’t it? Rob Lightfoot Tuesday accusing Canada of unfairly According to the CBC, Bronconnier Well, yes, this is true, but it might «com> subsidizing exports to the States and is meeting with Municipal Affairs Minis- be worthwhile to note that, these Distrib&u Prtoimootinon s contending that the North American ter Rob Renner this Friday, where he countries (and India, actually) Representative news trade pact violates the U.S. Constitution. plans to make it clear that Calgary can- notwithstanding, no one uses our style Christine Yanish According to a report from Reuters, not continue to increase property taxes of horse-race democracy anymore. <[email protected]> roundup the Coalition for Fair Lumber Imports to pay for its sprawling developments, Not in Scandanavia, not in Western Advertising Call 426-1996 bases its claims on the supposition that especially when so much of that Europe, not anywhere. Our system National Advertising the North American Free Trade Agree- money goes directly into provincial causes the outcome of every Canadi- DPS Media (416) 413-9291 ment's dispute settlement process, coffers as an education tax. If the city an election to be grossly skewed. For Bv CHRIS BOUTET called Chapter 19, makes findings was able to keep a portion of that tax, example, in 1993, two million Cana- Contributors appealable only to panels of individu- Bronconnier plans to reduce the dians voted for the Progressive Con- David Berry, Josef Braun, Rob Brezsny, ALBERTA: als, some of whom are not U.S. citizens amount taxpayers have to contribute servative party, but the PCs won only Richard Burnett, Colin Cathrea, Sarah BLAMELESS! Chan, Phil Duperron, Brian Gibson, Hart and therefore not accountable within to maintain city services. two seats in parliament, at a million Golbeck, James Grasdal, Whitey the U.S. government. Calgary's mayor, along with pretty votes a pop. The Liberals, meanwhile, Houston, Graham Johnson, Tyson Less than a week after the Alberta gov- Canada ships about $6 billion in much every other publicly funded won one seat for every 32,000 votes Kaban, James Lyle, Paul Matwychuk, Ross Moroz, Eden Munro, Andrea ernment quietly agreed to settle out- softwood'lumber to the United States organization in the province, has long cast. In 2000, 2.3 million people in Nemerson, Stephen Notley, TB Player, of-court on a class-action lawsuit filed each year, and the trade has long been been pushing for a greater share of Ontario voted Liberal, giving the party Steven Sandor, Sonya Solo, David by thousands of people who were a point of contention between the two Alberta's projected $8.7 billion surplus, 100 seats frorn the province, but the Young, Darren Zenko shortchanged by the province's welfare countries, with Washington claiming and Bronconnier feels now is the time 2.2 million Ontarians who voted Cover Photo Courtesy of Robert Day system, provincial cabinet minister Canada subsidizes its lumber industry to get such a deal done. "We've seen against the Liberals ended up sending Mike Cardinal came forward Monday by charging unreasonably low rates to the incredible surpluses that are posted only three opposition MPs to Ottawa. Production Assistant Michael Siek to state there was nothing mean-spirit- log in public forests. Ottawa, mean- in each and every quarter by the You can even argue that our electoral Administrative Assistant/ ed about the welfare policy and had while, denies engaging in such prac- provincial government," the CBC system actually undermines national Jasmine Politeski tices and accuses the States of being reported Bronconnier as saying. "If unity by favouring regional parties the suit gone to trial, the government <[email protected]> would have been found blameless. protectionist. you're not going to reinvest back into over those with broadly based sup- Printing and Film Assembly municipalities now, when you've got a port: in the last four elections, roughly The lawsuit, filed two years ago, In a press release issued Tuesday, The Edmonton Sun the same amount of Canadians voted claimed the province underpaid or ille- the Coalition said its suit, filed to a fed- record surplus, record growth, when Distribution are you going to do it?" for the Bloc Quebecois and the NDP, gally clawed back money from welfare eral appeals court in Washington, D.C., Marty Anderson, Alan Ching, Derek Mohammed, Bob Riley, recipients, severely handicapped Alber- demonstrated how U.S. companies are Once funding issues have been respectively, but because the Bloc's Wally Yanish, Clark Distribution tans and people receiving widow’s being deprived of their right to due addressed, the mayor said next on his support is concentrated regionally, pensions. Though the policies were process by a NAFTA system which agenda is a plan that will target “огда- they have continued to win between Weekly is available free of charge at well over 400 locations throughout Edmonton. We are fund- changed last year, thousands of Alber- allows panels including Canadians nized crime, gangs, drugs, prostitution, two and four times as many seats as ed solely through the support of cur advertisers. tans who received welfare payments appointed by the Canadian govern- violent crimes involving weapons, and the New Democrats. Vue Weeldy is a division of 783783 Alberta Ltd. and is published every Thursday. Of course there are other options, from 1979 to 2004 are entitled to their ment to decide on issues under U.S. serious crime." Wow. One has to wonder if the such as proportional representation piece of the pie. According to a report law affecting U.S. companies. Weekly ts available free of charge throughout nion and Northern Alberta, limited to Lawyers assigned to the case state phrase "cleansed by fire" shows up and single transferable vote. Obvious- from the Canadian Press, the minister х reader. Vue Weekly may be distributed onty е Weekty's authorized independent con- anywhere in that plan. ly any change to the voting system of human resources and employment that no date has been set for the actors and employees. No person may, without would require more analysis than refused to assign blame for the actions hearing. prior written permission of Vue Weekly, take more than one сору of each Vue Weekly issue. this, but the fact that not one of the that led to the $100 million settlement. CITIES: major parties is discussing electoral "| don't think there was any delib- NEED MONEY! Well, after three and some years of reform is disappointing, if under- erate wrongdoing to hurt anybody," standable: Why would a party said Cardinal in an interview with CP. “1 being a writer and editor in various think the policies would be defensible. In light of the sheer amount of surplus capacities for Vue Weekly, it saddens change the system that brought them into power? For all their talk of We could have defended them, but it money being launched out of a can- me to announce this ís the last issue in non at the Alberta economy by the oil which you'll see my byline, as I’m mov- empowering citizens, the fact that could have dragged on five years." industry, Calgary Mayor Dave Broncon- ing to Toronto to take a job at a daily the Liberals and the Conservatives NAFTA: UNFAIR! nier announced during his state of the publication. Thanks for everything, aren't talking about this issue speaks volumes about how they really feel city address on Tuesday that he Edmonton. It's been nothing if not Audit Bureau of Circulations about democracy in Canada. © Not content to sit idly back and let the expects the province and its cash- radular. Member Canadian government have all the fun strapped municipalities will reach an And, uh... go Oilers. © WUEWEEKLY O JANUARY 19-25, 2006 Race for the prize With election day looming, Vue zooms in оп the main candidates in what has become the country's most disputed riding, Edmonton Centre Bv ROSS MOROZ lk McLellan is not panicking. McLellan's streak of tight wins may report indicated than anyone. But if cedes that his rival remains popular against the Liberals, rather than an Honestly, she's not. As she sits be about to come to an end. In à you look at what Mr. Gomery said, he in the community, although he is endorsement of Conservative poli- rinking tea and eating potato province that has been almost com- was very clear: he said that what was confident that McLellan's luck is cies, Hawn insists that, when it chips in her campaign headquarters pletely dominated by the Conserva- done wrong was done by a relatively about to run out. "The coalitions comes to the main concerns of his on Jasper Avenue, she insists that tive party and its various small group of people, and he went that Anne has been able to build are constituents (which he identified as she's not worried. Really. Despite a predecessors for a generation, McLel- on to say that the vast majority of there, but they are starting to realize “crime, drugs and prostitution”), front-page story in that morning's lan always faces an uphill battle public servants and politicians are that what she says and what the Lib- voters have been responding posi- Edmonton Journal citing a poll that towards re-election, and with the honest, hardworking people, and erals say just doesn't happen, and tively to his party’s platform. shows her trailing Conservative chal- Libera! vote collapsing across the that's how I see myself." they're willing to give someone else “Crime is a huge issue, and it’s lenger Laurie Hawn by seven points, country and the collective might of Besides, as McLellan readily a chance," he says. "The message getting bigger, in terms of gang and despite the Liberals’ continued the Conservative party focused on admits, support for the Liberal Party from the voters Гуе been talking to caime, gun crime and violent crime, ELECTION has been increasingly that it's time and people are very concerned about freefall in national polling, the finally claiming this stubborn out- for a change—enough is enough." this,” he says, singling out the Liber- Deputy Prime Minister seems almost post of Liberal red in an otherwise In Hawn's opinion, in addition als’ drug policy as particularly trou- disturbingly calm, collected, and con- Tory-blue province, national media fident as she tells Vue that, somewhat attention has become focused on to widespread voter dissatisfaction bling. “The Liberals are suggesting unbelievably, she still feels pretty what is arguably the most hotly con- itself is not what continues to deliver with the Liberals, the fact that his that we should de-criminalize posses- good about her prospects for victory. tested riding in the country. increasingly improbable victories for party is widely expected to win sion of 15 grams of marijuana, and the woman who is somewhat sarcas- enough seats to form at least a when people understand what that is “J think it's fair to say generally [that the attitude of voters] towards "NO ONE is more devastated about tically nicknamed “Landslide Annie." minority government may also help in terms of actual marijuana ciga- me personally is very positive," says what happened than those of us who “J get elected by a coalition of pro- him defeat McLellan. “Anne has rettes—and Гуе never smoked mari- McLellan, who adds, іп the mother of are honest Liberals, because it makes gressive conservatives, Liberals, and some personal popularity, there’s no juana and wouldn't know [a joint] to all understatements, that "there is us all look bad," McLellan explains, New Democrats,” she explains. “Peo- question, but one of the other rea- see one—but that makes a significant some concern around what happened acknowledging that being associated ple don’t think of me as a Liberal; sons she gets elected is because she amount of material that we don't with the sponsorship situation." with a Liberal party that has never they don’t even think of me as the was given a cabinet post and the want kids bringing to school." _ No kidding. Thanks to the ubiq- been particularly popular in Alberta Deputy Prime Minister. They think of position of deputy prime minister,” Of course, in a cosmopolitan, uitous sponsorship scandal and hasn'“tIn bteecromms e ofa ntyh e eaLsiibeerr alas poafr tlya,t e.y es, mpeeo palse Ains nate —thmayt lerveella. tiIo tnhsihnikp mwoistth hteh ene xphleari npse.r so“nIfa l thpoospeu ldairsiatpyp emaar,y dCievnetrrsee,, muarnbyan ofa retah e liCkoen sEerdvmaotnivteosn" resulting public inquiry, the once- social policies—particularly their zhty Liberals are faced with the I am a member of the Liberal party, people who vote for me vote for me." not Tbhea te novuotgehr s to arseu stuapisne th erw.i” th the opposition to same-sex marriage, in crea! singlyev elni kmealjyo rsicteyn aCroinos erovfa -a satnad ndfiorn gt hmoseem boefr sus owfh ot hea reL ibleornagl- MCLELLAN’S Conservative oppo- Liberals isn’t exactly a revelation, addition to the aforementioned pro- obseegr vers ntom ewnot,n decra usiifn pg ermhaanpys ptraerstsye dw eb ya rweh amto reMr .d iJsutsutricbee d Goamnedr yd'iss- nFeorncte, CrFe-t1i8r edp ilRoot yaLalu riCea nHaadwina,n coAni-r thhiomu ghi,s maendr elwyh ena avsokteed oiff a pvrootte esfotr SEE NEXT PAGE VUEWEEKLY В JANUARY 19-25, 2006 | to vote for what you believe; other- wise you end up with a two-party “ТЕ Continued from previous EN system like they have in the States. Democracy requires that you have hibition-based drug policy—remain many voices, not just one or two." * TASUKETE s$ 0 70“ TOREBAGAY _ + MAMI NO Yo MO- unpopular, although Hawn under- Martyn is realistic about her TOoK KoI-€T E ,U MI оте” Ан amoo DF plays the importance of these issues. chances of being elected, but she feels “If the most important thing to you her candidacy will have been a suc- MANORIII- GA-MILL1 is decriminalizing marijuana, don't cess if she is able to force the fron- vote for me," he states frankly. "I trunners to discuss issues that she completely support civil unions, I feels are most important to con- completely support all of those rights stituents of Edmonton Centre, includ- and privileges... but I support the ing defending public healthcare, traditional definition of marriage, so making post-secondary education. if that's your only issue, don't vote affordable, and reducing poverty. for me. "The NDP just being here is the only "But if your issues are taxation reason these issues are being dis- and education and health care and cussed," she stresses. "And if we don't child care and foreign affairs and stand up for what we believe in, we'll security and defense and safe always settle for second best." ge streets and on and on and on," he Green party candidate David Park- Y If we were Ф call forh elp Y Like a wave youd come continues, "then vote for me, er concurs. “Му main objective is to Мо са, О Mothra: Over time, over sea Our guardian ange/ because for those issues we have raise issues," says Parker, an instructor the best policies." at NAIT who also ran for the Greens in Edmonton Centre in last year's WITH SO MUCH ATTENTION election. “It’s a very high-profile rid- focused on the battle between the ing, and that's one of the main rea- two front-runners, the other candi- sons I ran in this constituency: I want dates in Edmonton Centre are strug- to get votes for myself, obviously, but gling to simply be heard above the beyond that I'm here to help Greens din, trying to raise issues important everywhere get votes, and being in to them in a campaign they know the limelight, so to speak, I’m able to ~ they have no hope of winning. raise issues that wouldn't otherwise 2 ^] have always stood for and get talked about." fought for NDP ideals, and I’m not Parker is, unsurprisingly, most es 7 going to stop now," says New Demo- concerned with environmental cratic Party candidate Donna Mar- issues, and while he's not particularly tyn, who is troubled by the Liberals" impressed with any of the "big strategy of convincing NDP support- three" parties, he reserves his most ers to vote Liberal to help defeat vitriolic attacks for the Conserva- Conservatives. "Strategic voting tives. "The Tories getting in is the doesn't work anywhere if you expect worst-case scenario. For so many rea- to make your voice heard. You have sons, the Conservatives are so much Be an In-School Mentor 424-8181 www.bbbsedmonton.org CANADA'S LARGEST ADVENTURE TRAVEL SHOW Great Show Discounts. Your chance to win an adventure holiday for two. Admission by Voluntary Donation to Kashmir Earthquake Relief Fund SAT {& SUN FEB Ii & 12 - SHAW CONFERENCE CENTRE- 9797 JASPER AVE SUNDAY { SATURDAY THEATRE 2 THEATRES _ THEATRE | THEATRE 2 THEATRE 3 THEATRE d I. мы | Ecuado&rT h eG alapagos The World's Best Treks Asia Overland | India & Sri Lanka Greece & Turkey Mongolia Antarctica & The Arctic | үсіп Holidays — ——— | Egypt & Jordan Europe Walking Ecuador & The Galapagos Climbing Kilimanjaro Grassroots South America | India & Sri Lanka Africa Overland Africa In Style South American Overland Along the Silk Road | Grassroots SE Asia Trans Siberian Rail - Argentina & Chile- Inca Trail & Peru Trans Siberian Rail Volunteer Vacations South Pacific | Egypt & Jordan Africa Overland Kashmir Earthquake Relief | Inca Trail & Peru China South America Overland_ F amily Adventures_ Africa In Style South East Asia Grassroots Africa Asia Overland Europe Walking Centra America Golf Escapes Himalayas Morocco, Tunisia & Libya Madagascar TREK ESCAPES Mom was right. still have it are Britain, the United States and India, laces, and all of those exam- This is what our mothers taught us. Play fair. Don't cheat, and be accountable basically two party states— ere's no diversity. Every other itry in the world has some kind roportional representation, for what you say and do. Stop fighting. Listen and show respect. If we're is a much more healthy sys- in my opinion." yelling at one another, we've failed. Clean up after yourself, whether THY OR NOT, however, our oral system continues to allow one | to dominthae ptolietic s of th pune. a reality McLellan it's your room or your planet. Take responsibility for your own mess or someone else hopes will convince voters to once again somewhat reluctantly cast a ballot for the increasingly unpopular has to. And that's wrong. Stay in 5СПОСОІ. An education is your ticket to a Liberals. "Coming from this province, where there are so many Conservative MPs, part of what I better life. Being able to afford it should be a right, not a privilege. Work hard, think is really important is making sure the people who don't vote Con- servative have a voice," she says. believe and you can achieve anything. маке a difference, like “Whether that voice is in opposition or government, those people deserve а voice. A third of the voters in this province do not vote Conservative, Nelson Mandela or Terry Fox. Our country was founded on these principles. And and it is not, I think, asking too much that they have at least one member speaking for them and their they're at the core of what the Green Party of Canada stands for. Oh, there's values and their interest." J Hawn, meanwhile, also acknowl- edges | many people in the rid- one last thing Mom taught us: Greens are good for ing ıtn ot share all of his party's values, and he is willing to offer some reassurance to constituents who may be uneasy with the idea of y OU. She's still right about that, too. being represented by a Conserva- tive. "At the end of the day, when I get elected I'm going to be the Member of Parliament for everyone in the constituency, not just the people who voted Conservative, and obviously there are issues that peo- Green Party: ШЕ can ple will disagree with us on, and T am very capable and ready to sit www.greenparty.ca down and discuss those issues. At the end of the day, when the next election comes along, if I’ve done that honestly and forthrightly and listened to them and helped them On January 23rd, let's make our mothers proud. | their problems, then they'll | me around. I’m not going to Let's vote Green. e everyone happy all of the time. No one can." While he's doing his best to avoid To find out more, visit www.greenparty.ca appearing overconfident, it is obvious : Hawn, like many observers, McLellan to finally lose this nd although she is willing to the possibility that her time Accountability * Fairness * Respect for our neighbours and for the environment be up, “Landslide Annie” is Affordable education * Health care for all Making a difference g things in Ive. ']'m focused on winning this That's what we believe in on, and the Liberal Party of ada isf ocused on winnintghi s - Authorized byt he Chief Agent oft heG reen Party ofC anada e'll see where all the б1 kыno w wЖhш at I've VUEWEEKIY QE) JANUARY 19-25, 2006 ia m another team’s goalie has a good game, GM DECIDEDLY JAZZ Kevin Lowe gets slammed for not signing or trad- ing for that player. I'm sure if Joe Chatshow or Mary Broadband can figure out that the Oilers need a more reliable starting goalie, Kevin Lowe = the probably has this figured out, too. If someone like DANCEWORKS Roberto Luongo, Martin Biron or even Martin ! box Brodeur (all goalies who have been "rumoured" presents to be coming to Edmonton) were available, they'd be here by now and we'd be missing a skater equally valuable. Sit tight. If the right deal By TB PLAYER is out there, we'll know by trade deadline. (DY) AND DAVID YOUNG Welcome to Bizarro World While D-man Cory The Oilers spent last week playing its final three Cross has looked remarkably solid over the last games this season against Eastern Conference few games, poor Raffi Torres looks downright teams. A visit to Madison Square Garden resulted haunted. Every time Torres shoots (and doesn't score), | swear he's gonna cry. It'll come. Не in a 5-4 overtime loss to the New York Rangers, following an incredible 77-minute jersey retire- needs to chill out and just keep banging. It might ment ceremony for Mark Messier. The next two not hurt to shave that landing strip off his chin, matches weren't much better, with the Oilers los- either. (TB) ing 5-3 to the Ottawa Senators on Saturday and the suddenly-hot Buffalo Sabres by a score of 3-1 Lacrossed signals On Friday, January 6, the at Rexall last Monday. Edmonton Rush of the National Lacrosse League played their inaugural match in Rexall Place. | Not afraid of Americans The Juniors totally wonder if any stoned ex-headbangers showed up January 31 & stoked my appetite for some hardcore hockey and wondered where Geddy Lee and Neil Peart nationalism. I'm all giggly about the upcoming were. (DY) February 1 Olympics, though I'm not sure if it's because of Canada's chances, or the U.S.'s non-chances. In Law of averages The average Oiler, believe it or the coming weeks we'll preview all the teams not, is Washington's Brian Willsie. How do | know 8 PM going into the tournament, this? Based on the current 23- but I’m going to jump the gun man roster the average Ойег is 6'1", 206 pounds, 28 years and throw out my medal pre- dictions right now: Canada old and has 6.39 goals, 17.5 gets the gold, Russia takes the points and 32 penalty min- silver and the Czechs will settle utes so far this season. Willsie, 6'1" and 202 165, has six for bronze. The Slovaks, “...a jazz concert for the eyes” Swedes and Finns will all play goals and 17 points with 34 -The Globe and Mail | penalty minutes and is 28 tough, with everyone else just | years old this March. (DY) happy to be there. Except the U.S., who, by the end of the Did he promise Gretz he tourney, will want to be any- wouldn't cry? Hope not where else but Torino, watch- When the Oilers retired Paul ing everyone else win a hockey “..emotion-charged Coffey's number earlier this medal. (TB) triumph.” season, the ceremony took about 20 minutes and —Financial Post Gag order? | am going to put a gag order on the Oilers took the courtesy of acknowledging myself regarding the Oilers’ goaltending until that Coffey's career did take him to other teams, something is done about it. I’m seriously tired of honouring his time as an Oiler first and his career = the whole thing. No, I’m not going to shut my as a whole. After the 77-minute melodrama the mouth; it's just that the situation in the Oilers net Rangers held for Mark Messier before last Thurs- P == makes me gag. (TB) day's game (The Neverending Story's runtime, inci- “You listen. You look. And dentally, is 94 minutes), you would think the you say yes. That’s what Net results If only TB would put an actual gag speechwriters and former players were threat- order on himself regarding everything else, life ened with fines if they mentioned the words music should look like.” Ж. would be a little more pleasant. As far as Oiler "Edmonton" or "Oilers" or that he won more -Calgary Herald goaltending goes, if you listen to fans, every time than one Stanley Cup. (DY) WINTER YOGA CLASSES “They perform with an inspired, MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY joyous, playful passion that makes Hatha Yoga Hatha Yoga Hatha Yoga Yoga with Props Hatha Yoga Hatha Yoga Hatha Yoga them impossible to resist. (Intermediate) (beginner) (beginner) (beginner) (beginner) (beginner) (beginner) 11:302m-1pm 5:30-7pm 10-11:30am 10-11:30am 1-2:30pm 5:30-7pm 10-11:302т And that’s jazz!” Yoga with Props Lunch Hour Yoga Hatha Yoga Hatha Yoga Lunch Hour Y: Pre-Natal Yoga -Edmonton Journal inner) (beginner) (beginner) (beginner) (beginner) pu 12noon-1:30pm 7:30-9pm 12:10-12:55pm 5:30-7pm 7 30-9pm 12:10-12:55pm Hatha Yoga Hatha Yoga Hatha Yoga (level 1) (beginner) (beginner) 530-7pm 5:30-7pm 7:30-9pm Hatha Yoga Cal Ashtanga Yoga (beginner) inner) 7:30-9pm 7:30-9рт 3 T, 41 fF 1 GOLDEYE CENTRE 459-1542 \ y * Я , ЖҮР | | ) WITH KEN STRACHAN o comMpO NTON-YOGà A STUDIO or ticketmaster FEBRUARY 24-27, 2006 Hatha Iyengar Ashtanga THAI MASSAGE ( www-ardentheatre.com tel 451.8131 WORKSHOP WITH KEN STRACHAN зм. 12039 — 127 street APRIL 7, 8 & 9, 2006 ] www.edmontonyogastudio.com сото WWW.EDMONTONY OGASTUDIO.CO! FR wewee сйум Albert Bell Ф Flan dE2 ) FOR DETAILS Ans ch» VUEWEEKLY ОШ) JANUARY 19-25, 2006