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Vortex nucleation by collapsing bubbles in Bose-Einstein condensates Natalia G. Berloff1 and Carlo F. Barenghi2 1Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WA 2School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU 4 (Dated: January 3, 2004) 0 0 The nucleation of vortex rings accompanies the collapse of ultrasound bubbles in superfluids. 2 UsingtheGross-Pitaevskiiequationforauniform condensateweelucidatethevariousstagesofthe n collapse of a stationary spherically symmetric bubbleand establish conditions necessary for vortex a nucleation. Theminimumradiusofthestationarybubble,whosecollapseleadstovortexnucleation, J was found to be 28±1 healing lengths. The time after which the nucleation becomes possible is 3 determinedas afunction ofbubble’sradius. Weshowthat vortexnucleation takesplace inmoving bubblesof even smaller radius if themotion made them sufficiently oblate. ] t f PACSnumbers: 03.75.Lm,05.45.-a,67.40.Vs,67.57.De o s t. In this Letter we establish a new mechanism of vor- about8ns. V(x,t)isthepotentialofinteractionbetween a tex nucleation in a uniform condensate. Previously, the a boson and a bubble. We will assume that the bubble m nucleation of vortices in a uniform condensate has been acts as aninfinite potentialbarrierto the condensate,so - d connected to critical velocities [1, 2, 3], instabilities of that no bosons can be found inside the bubble (ψ = 0) n the initial states [4] or to a transfer of energy among the before the collapse. This is achieved by setting V to be o solitary waves [5]. Moving positive [2] and negative [3] large inside the bubble and zero outside. c ionswereshowntogeneratevortexringsontheirsurface First we consider the case of a stationary spherically [ where the speed of sound was exceeded. Experiments symmetrical bubble. The spherical symmetry allows us 1 in superfluid helium have demonstrated long time ago toreducetheproblemtodimensionone,sothattheequa- v the production of quantised vortices and turbulence [6] tion (1) for ψ =ψ(r,t) becomes 1 by the collapse of cavitated bubbles [7] generated by ul- 2 ′′ ′ 2 0 trasound in the megahertz frequency range. The aim of 2iψt =ψ +2ψ /r+(1 ψ )ψ, (2) − −| | 1 this Letter is to analyse theoretically for the first time 0 the physics of this process in the context of the Gross- where r2 = x2 +y2 +z2. Equation (2) is numerically 4 integratedusingfourthorderfinitedifferencesdiscretiza- Pitaevskii (GP) equation. Vortex nucleation by collaps- 0 tion in space and fourth order Runge-Kutta method in ing bubbles could also be studied in the context of (non- / at uniform) atomic condensates (BEC), for which the GP time. Before the collapse the field around the bubble m equation provides a quantitative model, thus providing of radius a is stationary, ψt = 0. The boundary con- ditions are ψ(a,t) = 0 stating that the bubble surface experimentalists with a new mechanism to produce vor- - d tices in BEC systems, alongside rotation [8], the decay is an infinite potential barrier to the condensate and n ψ( ,t)=1. The stationary solutions for various a were of solitons [9] and phase imprinting [10]. Moreover, our ∞ o found by the Newton-Raphson iterations. The solutions workillustratesanewaspectofvortex-soundinteraction c : inaBose-Einsteincondensate,atopicwhichisreceiving are ψ(r) =(0,0) if r ≤a and ψ(r) =(Ra(r),0) if r >a, v increasing attention [11]. with the graphs of Ra(r +a) for a = 1,2,10,30 given Xi We write the GP equation in dimensionless form as on Figure 1. If the radius of the bubble, a, is suffi- ciently large, then we can set r = a + ξ and to the r a 2i∂ψ = 2ψ+(1 ψ 2 V(x,t))ψ, (1) leading order get R′′(ξ) + [1 − R(ξ)2]R(ξ) = 0 which − ∂t ∇ −| | − has the solution, satisfying the boundary conditions, R(ξ)=tanh(ξ/√2). Thetotalenergyofthe system[12], in dimensionless variables such that the unit of length = 1 ψ 2dV + 1 (1 ψ 2)2dV depends on the correspondstothehealinglengthξ,thespeedofsoundis E 2 |∇ | 4 − | | c=1/√2, andthe density atinfinity isρ∞ = ψ∞ 2 =1. radius oRf the bubble, anRd therefore, on the form of Ra: | | Toconvertthe dimensionlessunits intovaluesapplicable πa3 ∞ ′ 2 1 2 2 2 2to.1s8up1er0fl28umid−h3e,ltiuhmeq-4u,awnteutmakoeftchiercnuulamtbioenradsenκsi=tyha/smρ== E = 3 +2πZa [Ra(r) + 2(1−Ra(r) ) ]r dr. (3) 9.92×10−8m2s−1,andthehealinglengthasξ =0.128nm. TheinsertonFigure1showstheloglogplotoftheenergy This×gives a time unit 2πξ2/κ 1ps. Whereas for a vs radius of the bubble together with the linear fit. For sodium condensate with ξ 0.1∼4µm, the time unit is a>20theenergydependsontheradiusas 1.65a2.9. ≈ E ∼ 2 FIG. 1: (colour online) The plot of the amplitude of the so- FIG.2: (colouronline)Theplotofthedensityoftheconden- lution around the stationary bubbles of radii a = 1 (red),2 sateasafunctionofthedistancefromthecentreofthecavity (green), 10 (blue) and 30 (black) (the smaller a corresponds fort=0(black),10(blue),20(green),30(red),40(magenta) toasteeperamplitude). Theloglogplotoftheenergiesofthe after the collapse of the bubbleof theradius a=50. solutionswithvariousaareshownontheinsettogetherwith thelinear fit. 1 2 0.5 (a) 1.5 (b) 1 Ra(r +a) 3 -0.50 0.51 0.8 -1 0 -1.5 -0.5 0.6 12.5 2 -20 20 40 r60 80 100 0 20 40 r60 80 100 10 Log(E) 7.5 0.4 5 2.5 1 0 0.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 Log(a) 0 0 0 1 r2 3 4 0 20 40 60 80 100 r From the energy conservation it is clear that after the particle flux we calculated the density per unit volume bubble collapses and the condensate fills the cavity the averaged over spheres of different radii, centred at the necessary (but not sufficient) condition for vortex nucle- origin, as functions of time. Figure 3 shows these func- ationisthattheenergyhastobegreaterthanthatofone tions for the radius of the cavity a = 128 and the radii vortex ring. The minimal energy of the vortex solution of the spheres over which the averaging of the density was found in [12] to be about 55 1 which corre- is performed being 4,8,16,32, and 64. From Figure 3 it E ∼ ± ∗ sponds to the minimum radius of a=2.2 with =55.7. is clear that there is a definite moment of time t 97 E ≈ Asthecondensatefillsthecavity,mostoftheenergywill when the density per unit volume reaches its maximum be emitted via the sound waves, so the energy of the at the same time (and taking the same value) for two bubble has tobe sufficiently greaterthanthe energyofa smallest spheres. This moment indicates the start of a single vortex ring to allow for such an emission. qualitativelynew stageofthe evolutionin whichthere is The time-dependent evolution of the condensate after anoutwardflux of particles as the condensate that over- the bubble collapses involves several stages. The overall filled the cavity began to expand. The density gradually picture is complicated by a complex interplay between approaches the uniform state ρ=1. ∗ dispersive and nonlinear effects. Dispersive effects be- It is after the time t that we expect the instability to come important on the wavelengths of order of the heal- setinandtogiverisetovortexnucleationastheoutward ing length with the group velocity approximately given flow can support outward moving vortex rings. We cal- by ∂( k2/2+k4/4)/∂k for the perturbation propagat- culatedt∗ forvariousradiiofthe bubble anddetermined ing alpong the uniform state ψ = 1 towards infinity and that for a>10 the time of the start of the outflow from with the group velocity approximated by ∂(k2 1)/2∂k thecentreofthecavityisapproximatedquitewellbythe − ∗ for the perturbation moving along the uniform state linear function t 1.96+0.72a. ∼ ψ = 0 towards the centre of the cavity. The wavetrain As it seen on the insets of Figure 2, some of the sur- generated by the nonlinearity is moving slower with the faces of zero real and zero imaginary parts may be just larger wavelengths than the dispersive wavetrain. Dur- a healing length apart (for instance, at t = 100 for the ingthefirststagedispersiveandnonlinearwavetrainsare radius of the cavity a = 128, one of the surfaces of zero generated near the areas of the largest curvature of the of the real part has radius 16.02 and the nearest surface stationary profile. The Fourier components propagate of the zero of imaginary part has radius 17.11). Small at different velocities generating wave packets moving in radial perturbations on these zero surfaces can lead to opposite directions. This stage of the evolution is char- their overlapwhichcreatestopologicalzerocurvesofthe acterised by a flux of particles towards the centre of the wavefunctionwhichquicklyadjusttheirformbyemitting cavityastheoscillationsofthegrowingamplitudearebe- sound waves to become axisymmetrical vortex rings. ing formed on the real and imaginary parts of the wave The smaller a is, the larger the distances between the function and the slope of the steep density front is get- zero surfaces are during the condensate expansion, so it ting smaller;see Figure 2. To follow the evolution of the would require a much larger perturbation to bring these 3 FIG. 3: (colour online) Theplots of thedensity perunit vol- FIG.4: (colouronline)Timesnapshotsofthedensityisoplots umeasfunctionoftimeforvariousradiiofspheresoverwhich ρ=0.1afterthecollapseofthebubbleofradiusa=50. The the averaging is performed. The initial radius of the cav- side of the computational box is 200 healing lengths and the ity in this case is a = 128. The radii of averaging spheres distance between ticks on the side corresponds to 20 healing are b = 4,8,16,32,64. The average density is calculated as lengths. Thevortexringsnucleateataboutt∼40(compared ρ¯b=3 bρ(r)r2dr/b3. with t∗ ∼38). 0 R 4 ρ¯ 3 4 ρ¯ 16 ρ¯ 32 2 1 ρ¯ ρ¯ 8 64 0 0 100 200 300 400 t surfaces to intersect. In this case the instability mech- anism would be somewhat different taking longer time to develop. The radial ’dips’ of the density of the ex- panding condensate, noticeable in Figure 2, are unsta- ble to non-spherically symmetrical perturbations, simi- lar to the instability of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili 2D solitons in 3D [4]. Depending on the energy carried by these ’dips,’ they evolve into either vortex solutions or at the various time snapshots after the bubble of radius sound waves. From these considerations we expect three a = 50 collapsed. Notice, that the non-symmetry of the possible outcomes after bubble collapses: (1) if the ra- field that was created at the time of nucleation (t 40) ≈ dius of the bubble is smaller then some critical radius continues to produce even more vortex rings as conden- a∗, the density ’dips’ generated by the expanding con- sateexpands. Eachvortexringatthemomentofitsbirth densate have rather small amplitude that decreases even has zero radius, as the surfaces of zero real and imagi- further as they travel away from the centre quickly be- nary parts touch each other, and gradually evolve into a coming sound waves before the instability has time to vortex ring of increasingly larger and radius, as clearly develop; (2) after the collapse of a bubble of an inter- seen on Figure 4. The process in which solitary waves mediate size, say, of the radius a∗ < a < aˆ, the waves evolve into states of a higher energy was elucidated in of sufficiently largeamplitudes are generatedandthe in- [5]. A finite amplitude sound wave that moves behind a stability of these waves develops in time inversely pro- vortex ring transfers its energy to it, allowing the vor- portional to the radius a; (3) if the radius is sufficiently tex ring to grow in size. The radius of the vortex ring large, a > aˆ, the time of the first vortex nucleation is stabilises only when it travelled sufficiently far from the approximately given by the moment of the start of the center of the collapsing bubble, where the flow became outward flux of the particles t∗ approximated above. As almostuniform. The largerthe radius ofthe bubble, the a condensate continues to expand the instability mecha- more finite amplitude sound waves will be generated at nism described in (2) is further facilitated by the broken shorter distances, the larger the size of the final ring is symmetry resulting from the previous nucleation events going to be. which leads to even more vortex rings being nucleated. Sofarweconsideredthecollapseofthestationarybub- To confirm the scenario outlined above we performed ble, where the vortex nucleation is connected to the in- full three-dimensional calculations for cavities of vari- stabilities developed in the spherically symmetric flow. ous radii in a computational box of the side 200 healing There are situations when the nucleation is facilitated lengths[13]. Wedeterminedthatthereisacriticalradius by an initial lack of the symmetry in the flow as in the ∗ ofthe bubble for whichvortexring nucleatea 28 1. case of a moving bubble or a bubble in the nonuniform ∼ ± The borderline radius between regime (2) and (3) was (trapped) condensate. The surrounding helium exerts a found as aˆ 45. Figure 4 shows the density isoplots netinwardpressureacrossthesurface,whichisbalanced ∼ 4 by the pressure inside the bubble. In was shown in [3] FIG.5: (colouronline) Thesnapshotsofthecontourplotsof by asymptotic analysis of the GP equation coupled with thedensitycross-section of acondensate obtained bynumer- the equation of the motion for the wavefunction of an ically integrating theGP model (1) for a movingbubble(see electron that a moving bubble becomes oblate in the di- text). Blacksolidlinesshowzerosofrealandimaginaryparts rection of its motion. This flattening is created by the of ψ, therefore, their intersection shows the position of topo- differenceinpressurebetweenthepolesandequatorasso- logical zeros. Both low and high density regions are shown ciated with the greater condensate velocity at the latter in darker shades to emphasise intermediate density regions. thanattheformer. Howoblatethe bubblebecomesdur- Only a portion of an actual computational box is shown. ing its motion will depend on the velocity and pressure inside the bubble. The non-uniformity of the flow in the collapsing oblate bubble leads to vortex ring nucleation for bubble sizes much smaller than in the case of a sta- tionary spherically symmetric bubble. Figure 5 shows snapshots of the density plots of the cross-section of the collapsing bubble that prior to t= 0 was moving with a constant velocity U = 0.2 and acquired an oblate form givenbyx2+1(y2+z2)=100. As the resultofbubble’s 2 collapse four vortex rings of different radii were created. Three of them are moving in the same direction as the bubble before the collapse andone vortexring is moving in the opposite direction. In the model used, the oblate- ness of a bubble and the velocity of its propagation, U, are independent parameters. A useful quantity that can be determined from further numerical simulations is the critical radius of the bubble as a function of the oblate- ness and U. This will be further analysed in our future research. 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