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Vortex Line Ordering in the Driven Three-Dimensional Vortex Glass Ajay Kumar Ghosh,1,2 Peter Olsson,1 and S. Teitel3 1Department of Physics, Ume˚a University, 901 87 Ume˚a, Sweden 2Department of Physics, Jadavpur University, Kolkata 700032, India 3Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627 7 (Dated: February 6, 2008) 0 0 Resistively-shunted-junction dynamics is applied to the three dimensional uniformly frustrated 2 XY model with randomly perturbed couplings, as a model for driven steady states in a type-II superconductorwithquenchedpointpinning. Foradisorderstrengthpstrongenoughtoproducea n vortexglass inequilibrium,wemapthephasediagram asafunction oftemperatureT anduniform a driving current I. Using finite size analysis and averaging over many realizations of quenched J randomness we finda first-order melting Tm(I)from a vortex line smectic to an anisotropic liquid. 2 PACSnumbers: 74.25.Dw,74.25.Qt,74.40.+k,64.60.-i ] n Keywords: o c - Orderingandphase transitionsin drivensteady states function on site ri of a cubic Lx×Ly ×Lz grid of sites r p far from equilibrium remains a topic of considerable with bonds in directions µ = x,y,z. The circulation of u general interest. In particular, the spatial ordering of A aroundanyplaquetteofthegridisfixedandequalto iµ s drivenvortexlines inatype-II superconductorwith ran- 2πf with f the density of applied magnetic flux quanta . t dom point pinning has received considerable theoreti- throughthatplaquette. Weuseauniformvaluef =1/12 a m cal [1, 2, 3, 4] and experimental [5] attention. Origi- oriented in the zˆ direction. The resulting field induced nally, Koshelev and Vinokur proposed [1] that a mov- vortexlinedensity,alsoequaltof,formsavortexlattice - d ing steady state would average over quenched random- intheequilibriumgroundstateofthepure(disorder-free) n ness, and that a system which was disordered in equi- system,with basisvectorsa =4yˆanda =3xˆ+2yˆ. To 1 2 o librium couldreforminto anorderedvortexlattice when model quenched point randomness we use couplings [14] c driven. Later,GiamarchiandLeDoussal[2]arguedthat J =J (1+pǫ ),whereǫ areuncorrelated,uniformly [ iµ µ iµ iµ this state would be a “moving Bragg glass,” with alge- distributed, random variables with hǫiµi = 0, hǫ2iµi = 1. 2 v braicallydecayingtranslationalcorrelationsbothparallel We use Jµ =J⊥ in the xy plane, and Jz =J⊥/40 to en- and transverse to the driving force. Balents, Marchetti hance vortexline fluctuations alongthe zˆdirection. The 4 7 and Radzihovsky [3] then arguedthat the moving Bragg disorderstrengthiscontrolledbytheparameterp. Inour 2 glass would be unstable to dislocations which decouple earlier work [14, 15] we showed that above a critical p c 3 the planes of vortex lines moving parallel to the drive, the vortexlinelattice becomesunstabletoa vortexglass 0 resulting in a smectic ordering. Other theoretical works atlowtemperaturesinequilibrium. Hereweconsiderthe 6 [4] have supported one or more of these scenarios. strongly random limit p=0.15>p ≈0.14. 0 c / While numerous simulations have studied this prob- at lem for point vortices in two dimensions [6], few works We use RSJ dynamics, with equation of motion as in m havetreatedthreedimensional(3D)vortexlinesatfinite [9], however with fluctuating twist boundary conditions - temperature [7, 8, 9, 10]. We present here the first 3D [13]inalldirections. WeapplyauniformcurrentI=Ixˆ, d simulations to include both a systematic study of finite resultinginaforcezˆ×Ionthe vortexlinesdrivingthem n sizeeffects,aswellasaveragingovermanyrealizationsof in the yˆ direction. We use a second order Runge-Kutta o c the quenched randomness [11]. Such considerations are integrationmethodwithdimensionlesstimestep[9]∆t= : necessary for an unambiguous determination of ordering 0.1, and typically 2.6 × 106 time steps per simulation v in driven steady states. We map the phase diagram as a run, resulting in a net displacement of the vortex line i X function of temperature T and driving current I for the center of mass of roughly 48,000 grid spacings in the r strongly random case, and study the nature of ordering ordered phase. Depending on system size, up to 3/4 of a just below and above the melting transition T (I). these steps may be discarded for equilibration. When m FollowingRefs. [8,9,10]weusethe3DXYmodel[12] probingbehaviorataspecificpointintheT−I plane,we with resistively shunted junction (RSJ) dynamics [13] to usually take the pure system ground state as our initial model our system. The Hamiltonian is given by, configuration. Fornumeroustestcases,however,wehave started with a random initial state at high T and slowly cooled to the desired point. Except for a narrow region H[θ(ri)]=−XJiµcos(θ(ri)−θ(ri+µˆ)−Aiµ) (1) ofhysteresisatthemeltingtransition,wealwaysfindthe iµ same long time steady state for both initial conditions. where θ(r ) is the phase of the superconducting wave- Todeterminethestructuralorderofoursystemweuse i 2 the vortex structure function, 0.8 (a) 0.7 S(k)= fLxL1yLz XR,reik·rhnz(R+r)nz(R)i (2) ent I 00..56 oIcr2dered urr 0.4 walathtipeoronesitntiimzo(ner)ra.nisdWt[he.e.u.]vsetoorht.de.ex.nilotintoeedadevneenorstaiegtyeasvieonrvateghreeisnzˆdovedpeirreenscidtmeionunt- Driving C 000...123 pI =c1 0.15 disopr d=e 0red realizations of quenched randomness (typically 40 real- 0.0 izations are used). We also consider the correlations, 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 Temperature T 1 C(x,y,z) = XS(k)e−ik·r (3) L L L x y z k FIG.1: (a) Phase diagram as function oftemperatureT and 1 uniformdrivingcurrentIxˆ(vortexlinesmoveinyˆdirection). C˜(x,ky,z) = X S(k)e−i(kxx+kzz) (4) Solidsymbolsareforapuresystem,p=0. Opensymbolsare L L x z forasystemwithquenchedpointpinning,p=0.15;◦isphase kxkz boundaryobtainedbycoolingT fromthedisorderedphaseat Using the appearance of sharp peaks in S(k⊥,kz =0) fixed I, while 2 is phase boundary obtained by increasing tosignalanorderedphase,inFig.1awepresenttheT−I or decreasing I from the ordered phase at fixed T. Results phase diagram for a 24×24×16 sized system for both are from a 24×24×16 size system. (b) Intensity plot of the pure (p=0) and random (p=0.15) cases. We mea- lnS(k⊥,kz = 0), for one particular random realization (p = 0.15), in disordered phase at I = 0.48, T = 0.13 for a 48× sure T in units of J⊥, and I in units of I0 = 2eJ⊥/¯h. 48×48 size system; k=0 is at thecenterof thefigure. Crossingthe phase boundary at any value of the current we find a discrete jump in energy, suggesting a first or- der melting transition T (I). For the random case our m phase boundary is from a single random realizationonly random483 systematI =0.48,T =0.09,just belowthe and is determined by two separate methods: by cooling maximum in T (I). Now sharp peaks, S /S(0) ≃ 1, m peak in T at fixed I from the disorderedphase (solid line); by lie along the k axis. In the pure system, the vortex x increasinganddecreasingI atfixedT fromwithintheor- lattice state has Bragg peaks at K = (2π/3)xˆ and 10 dered phase (dashed line). Assuming some hysteresis,as K = (2π)(xˆ/6+ yˆ/4), as labeled in Fig. 2a. In the 11 in a first order transition, the two methods give reason- random system a peak remains exactly at K ; a sec- 10 able agreement. At fixed T, the random system orders ond peak is always found with K = K but with y 11,y only for a finite current interval I (T) < I < I (T). K − K = 0,±2π/L depending on the particular c1 c2 x 11,x y For the pure case, our T (I) looks qualitatively simi- randomrealization. Wethereforegeneralizeournotation m lar to that found in Ref.[9] for the weakly random case to denote by K the exact location of this secondpeak, 11 p < p . The melting of the ordered phase upon increas- withthe understandingthatthevalueofK mayshift c 11,x ing I > I , which exists for both random and pure sys- slightlybetweendifferentrandomrealizations. InFig.2b c2 tems, is contrary to theoretical predictions [1, 2, 3, 4]. we plot the disorder averaged height of these peaks, Ref. [9] suggested this to be a consequence of thermally [S(K )] and [S(K )], vs. system volume V =L L L , 10 11 x y z excited vortex loops. We in fact find that the density for several different system sizes, for both the pure and ofthermallyexcitedloopsisnegligibleeverywhereinthe randomcases. Inbothcases[S(K )]scaleslinearlywith 10 ordered phase, but shows a finite jump to a noticeable V, indicating a sharp Bragg peak. This Bragg peak in- amount as T (I) is crossed; this jump is particularly dicates that vortex lines are organized into specific yz m large as I crosses I (T). planeswithaperiodic spacingof3xˆ betweenplanes. Or- c2 Consider first the disordered phase. Fig. 1b shows an deringwithin andbetweenplanesis reflectedinthe scal- intensity plot of lnS(k⊥,kz = 0) for a single realiza- ing of [S(K11)]. For the pure case, S(K11)∼V indicat- tion of a random 483 system at I = 0.48, T = 0.13, ing the long range translational order of a moving vor- just above the maximum in T (I). Two relatively faint tex line lattice. For the random case, however, [S(K )] m 11 peaks,S(K )/S(0)≃0.008,lieofftheoriginalongthek growslessrapidlythanV. ThedashedlineinFig.2brep- 0 x axis. Previous works [9, 10] have interpreted such peaks resentsapowerlawdivergenceof[S(K )]∼V2/3 ∼L2, 11 as evidence for a smectic phase. However, as shown in however if we discard the smallest point at L = 12, the Fig. 2b, we find no significant increase of peak height exponentofa powerlawfit in L becomes 1.65. It is thus S(K ) with system size, thus indicating that this is an unclearfromFig.2bwhetherourbiggestsizesystemhas 0 anisotropic liquid with only short ranged translational reached the asymptotically large L limit. The sublinear correlations. growthof[S(K )]with V indicates that the systemhas 11 Next consider the ordered phase. Fig. 2a shows an in- lessthanlongrangetranslationalorder. Howeveritdoes tensityplotoflnS(k⊥,kz =0)forasinglerealizationofa notindicatewhichdirection(s)arelessorderedthanoth- 3 105 1.2 p = 0.15 (b) (b) Kous 104 p = 0! KK111,0 p=0 0)|]/C0 01..80 LL == 2346xx KS()] vari 110023 K11, p=0.15 ~C(x, K, z=11,y 000...246 LL == 4680xx [ K0, p=0.15 [| 101 0.0 103 104 105 106 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 V = LxLyLz x FIG.2: (a)IntensityplotoflnS(k⊥,kz =0),foroneparticu- FIG.3: (a)Intensityplotofrealspacecorrelation,C(x,y,z= larrandomrealization,inorderedphaseatI =0.48,T =0.09 0),foroneparticularrandomrealization, inorderedphaseat ofofrtaheLfixg=ureL.y(=b)LSzca=lin4g8osifzedissyorsdteemr;avker=ag0edispaetakthsehceeignhtetsr Isy=ste0m.4;8r,=T 0=is0a.0t9t,hpe=cen0t.e1r5,offotrheafiLgxur=e.L(by)=CoLrzre=spo4n8dsiinzge vs. systemvolumeV =LxLyLz. Fortheorderedstateof(a) disorder averaged correlation, [|C˜(x,K11,y,z = 0)|] vs. x for we plot [S(K10)] and [S(K11)] for pure (p = 0) systems of systems of size L×L×L. size24×24×L(squares) andL×L×24(triangles), andfor systems with quenched point pinning (p = 0.15) of size L3, L = 12,24,36,48,60 (circles). We also plot [S(K0)] for the phase to be a smectic rather than a Bragg glass. p = 0.15 disordered state at T = 0.13 of Fig. 1b for systems of size L3 with L=24,36,48,60 (crosses). Next we consider correlations parallel to the direction of motion yˆ, within a givensmectic plane. Fig. 4a shows [C(0,y,0)] vs. y, for various system sizes, for the same ers. For this we will consider the shape of the peak at I = 0.48, T = 0.09 as in Figs. 2 and 3. Since we found K and the real space correlations of Eqs. (3) and (4). ξ ∼ 6 is fairly small, we include also systems of size 11 x The sharpness of the peak at K11 in the kˆy direction 36×L×L in order to obtain larger values of Ly. Fig. 4 suggests that vortex lines are periodically ordered along suggestsdecaytoaperiodicoscillation,withonlyasmall their direction of motion yˆ within each yz plane. That finitesizeeffectwheny ∼Ly/2. Thelargey limitcanbe thispeakappearsbroadinthekˆx directionsuggeststhat described by the three envelop functions, [Cmax(Ly)] ≡ the yz planeshaveonlyshortrangecorrelationsbetween minm[C(0,4m,0)], [Cmin(Ly)] ≡ maxm[C(0,4m+2,0)], them. We thus referto the yz planes containingthe vor- and [Cmid(Ly)] ≡ maxm[C(0,4m±1,0)], for m integer, tex lines as smectic planes. We now consider the real which we plot vs. Ly in Fig. 4b. For long range transla- space correlations of Eqs. (3) and (4). Fig. 3a shows an tionalorder,these shouldconvergeto differentconstants intensity plot of C(x,y,z = 0) corresponding to S(k) of as Ly → ∞. For algebraic or short range order, these Fig. 2a. We clearly see the structure proposed above: shouldallconvergetothevalue1/4characterizingauni- vortices lie in periodically spaced yz planes with separa- form vortex line density. We find that both exponential tion 3xˆ; within a given plane, i.e. x=0, vortices are pe- decay to long range order (red solid line), and an alge- riodicwithseparation4yˆ; atfinite transverseseparation, braic decay to 1/4 (blue dashed line), give equally good i.e. |x| > 0, the variation of C(x,y,0) with y decreases, fits. For long range order,the fit to [Cmax] gives a decay untilatlarge|x|itisalmostuniforminy,thusindicating length ξy ∼ 25, while the algebraic fit to [Cmax] gives a shortrangedcorrelationsbetweenthesmecticplanes. To power law exponent of ∼0.2. quantify this, we consider the correlation Eq. (4) evalu- Finallyweconsiderthecorrelationsalongzˆ,parallelto ated at ky = K11,y giving the periodicity within a given the applied magnetic field, within a given smectic plane. smecticplane. Sincethe slightlydifferentvaluesofK11,x Fig. 5a shows [C(0,0,z)]−1/4 vs. z, for various system for the different random realizations give rise to differ- sizes, for the same I = 0.48, T = 0.09 as before. The ent complex phase shifts in C˜(x,K11,y,z = 0), we dis- subtractedvalue1/4is theuniformvortexdensityinthe order average the absolute value. In Fig. 3b we plot smectic plane, in the absence of any ordering. For the [|C˜(x,K11,y,0)|]/C0 vs. x, for different system sizes L3. largestsystemsizeLy =96wefindanexponentialdecay We normalize by C ≡ [|C˜(0,K ,0)|] to better com- to zero with a decay length ξ ∼ 9. Smaller sizes show 0 11,y z pare different system sizes. We see a clear exponential a decay to a small finite constant that decreases with decay to zero; solid lines are fits to a periodic exponen- increasing L , consistent with our earlier observation in y tial giving correlation lengths in the range ξ ∼ 5−6.5. Fig.2bthat[S(K )]hasnotyetreachedtheasymptotic x 11 In recent works [9, 10] pictures similar to Fig. 2a were large L limit for L ≤ 60. In Fig. 5b we show an in- identified as a “moving Bragg glass.” However the short stantaneous configuration of vortex lines in a particular range correlations of Fig. 3b clearly show our ordered smectic plane. At fixed z, the lines appear periodically 4 1.2 0.8 its neighbors, moving either diffusively with respect to (a) 36!36!36 (b) 1.0 48!48!48 0.7 its neighbors, or even with a slightly different average 6306!!6600!!6600 ]min0.6 [Cmax] speed. Planes whose lines have smalltransverse wander- 0, y, 0)] 00..68 3366!!7926!!7926 C], [Cmid00..45 iipnslgansne,ecsreesimsnaaroiynrdtseotrrohtonavghelyavocenolrsyrheoalratfteerwdanwsguiecthhavtdeherecaiorguenpeclieogdrhrbeslmoartesic.otnIicts [C( 0.4 ], [x0.3 [Cmid] along xˆ, as in Fig. 3b. ma0.2 Ouranalysis ofthe orderedphase hasbeen for a point 0.2 C [0.1 [C ] justbelowthepeakinthefirstordermeltingcurveT (I). min m 0.0 0.0 Establishing the nature of correlations throughout the 0 10 20 30 40 50 20 40 60 80 100 y L ordered phase would require similar finite-size, random- y realization-averaged, analyses elsewhere in this region. OurpreliminaryinvestigationssuggestthataseitherT or FIG. 4: (a) Disorder averaged real space correlation, [C(x= 0,y,z = 0)] vs. y for various system sizes, in the ordered I isdecreased,finitecorrelationlengthsgrowandbecome phase at I = 0.48, T = 0.09, p = 0.15. (b) Corresponding too large to make such studies feasible at present. We limitingvaluesofmaximum,middle,andminimumenvelopof thus cannot rule out the possibility of a more ordered [C(x=0,y,z =0)](seetext)vs. Ly forvarioussystemsizes; “moving Bragg glass” phase at lower temperatures. red solid line is a fit to an exponential decay to a constant, This work was supported by DOE grant DE-FG02- bluedashed line is a fit to an algebraic decay to1/4. 06ER46298, by Swedish Research Council contract No. 2002-3975,andbytheresourcesoftheSwedishHighPer- 0.8 96 formanceComputingCenterNorth(HPC2N).Travelwas (a) 36!36!36 (b) 0.7 48!48!48 84 supported by NSF grant INT-9901379. 4 0.6 60!60!60 72 1/ 36!60!60 - 0.5 36!72!72 60 z)] 0.4 36!96!96 z48 0, 0, 0.3 36 [1] A.E.KoshelevandV.M.Vinokur,Phys.Rev.Lett.73, ( 0.2 24 3580 (1994). C [ 0.1 12 [2] T. Giamarchi and P. Le Doussal, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 3408 (1996). 0.00 10 20z30 40 50 00 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 [3] L. Balents et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 751 (1997) and y Phys. Rev.B 57, 7705 (1998). [4] S. Scheidl and V.M. 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