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WATPPHYS-TH01/07 Vortex Holography 2 0 0 2 n a M.H. Dehghani1, A.M. Ghezelbash2 and R. B. Mann3 J Department of Physics, University of Waterloo, 1 1 Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1, CANADA 2 v 4 3 1 5 PACS numbers: 11.15.-q, 11.25.Hf, 04.60.-m, 11.10.Lm 0 1 0 / h t - p February 1, 2008 e h : Abstract v i X We show that the Abelian Higgs field equations in the four dimensional anti de Sitter r spacetime have a vortex line solution. This solution, which has cylindrical symmetry in a AdS ,isageneralization oftheflatspacetimeNielsen-Olesen string. Weshowthatthevortex 4 induces a deficit angle in the AdS spacetime that is proportional to its mass density. Using 4 the AdS/CFT correspondence, we show that the mass density of the string is uniform and dual to the discontinuity of a logarithmic derivative of correlation function of the boundary scalar operator. 1 EMail: [email protected]; On leave from Physics Dept., College of Sciences, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran 2 EMail: [email protected]; On leave from Department of Physics, Az-zahra University, Tehran, Iran 3EMail: [email protected] 1 Introduction The general idea behind the holographic conjecture is that a conformal field theory defined on a d- dimensional boundary of a (d+1)-dimensional spacetime (with prescribed asymptotic behaviour) provides a sufficient description of the physics of quantum gravity in that spacetime. Its most concrete manifestation has been due to the work of Maldacena [1] and Witten [2] concerning the relation of large gauge theories and conformal field theories. Specifically, the conjectured N correspondence is between the large limit of superconformal gauge theories and supergravity N on AdS spaces [1], one which has also been studied in connection with non-extremal black-hole d+1 physics [3]. More precisely, consider the partition function of any field theory on AdS defined by d+1 Z [φ ] = φ e S(φ) (1) AdS 0 − D Zφo where φ is the finite field defined on the boundary of AdS and the integration is over the field 0 d+1 configurations φ that approach φ when one goes from the bulk of AdS to its boundary. The 0 d+1 conjectured correspondence states that Z is identified with the generating functional Z of AdS CFT the boundary conformal field theory given by Z [φ ] =< exp ddx√g φ > (2) CFT 0 0 O (cid:18)Z∂Md (cid:19) for a quasi-primary conformal operator on the boundary ∂ of AdS [4, 2, 5]. This cor- d d+1 O M respondence has been explicated for a free massive scalar field and a free U(1) gauge theory [2]; other examples, such as interacting massive scalar [6], free massive spinor [7] and interacting scalar-spinor fields [8] have also been investigated, along with classical gravity and type-IIB string theory [9, 10, 11]. In all these cases, the exact partition function (1) is given by the exponential of the action evaluated for a classical field configuration which solves the classical equations of motion, and explicit calculations show that the evaluated partition function is equal to the gen- erating functional (2) of some conformal field theory with a quasi-primary operator of a certain conformal weight. These results encourage the expectation that an understanding of quantum gravity in a given spacetime (atleast one thatisasymptotically AdS) canbecarried outby studying insteadits dual theory, defined on the boundary of spacetime at infinity. This general “holographic principle” – of which the AdS/CFT correspondence can be viewed as a special case – has among other things the advantage that there are significantly fewer degrees of freedom in the holographic dual theory than there are in the bulk theory. Consequently, it is natural to inquire about the relationship between objects in the bulk and their dual holographic counterparts, and much effort has been expended in this direction. For 1 example the asymptotic behaviour of bulk fields is directly related to one-point functions in the CFT [12], and it has been shown that the radial position of a position of a source particle following a bulk geodesic is encoded in the size and shape of an expectation-value bubble in the CFT [13]. When distinct bulk solutions have the same asymptotic behaviour it has been argued that non- local objects in the CFT are required to distinguish them; specifically, propagator kinks in Green’s functions in the CFT can be used to detect the presence of point particles in (2+1)-dimensional spacetimes that are asymptotically AdS [14]. In this paper we extend these considerations to extended objects in the bulk. Specifically, we consider topologicallynon-trivialsolutions ofAbelian-Higgsfield equations inthefourdimensional anti de Sitter space. Such vortex solutions have long been known in flat space [15], and have been of some interest in black hole physics in recent years since they provide a specific example of stable hair for the Schwarzchild black hole in (3+1) dimensions[16]. In this paper we investigate how a gauge vortex can be holographically represented via the AdS/CFT correspondence. These objects have some features in common with those of lower-dimensional point-particles: a cross- sectional slice at some fixed polar angle yields a spacetime approximately equivalent to that of a (2+1)-dimensional asymptotically AdS spacetime with a point-particle. However unlike the point particle the vortex solution extends all the way to the boundary, entailing different considerations of its relationship to the CFT. The model we consider will appear as the low energy limit of any string theory containing the minimal supersymmetric standard model in some (low-energy) limit, along with a mechanism in which supersymmetry is broken only by super-renormalizable terms. The Higgs field potential is given by the linear combination of the D-term of a scalar superfield potential, the F-term of another scalar field potential, and the most general superrenormalizable supersymmetry-breaking term. This term yields a potential and gauge couplings of the form we consider [17]. The Abelian Higgsmodelhasalsorecentlybeenshowntobeequivalent tothetheoryofamassive Kalb-Ramond string interacting with the worldsheet of the vortex in the limit of large Higgs coupling and thin core radius [18]. The outline ofour paper isasfollows. Insection two, we present a solutionof theU(1) Abelian Higgsequationswithnon-zerowindingnumber(3+1)-dimensionalantideSitterspacetime(AdS ), 4 and justify that these solutions describe a vortex-line structure. We then show in section three that this solution induces (for thin strings and to leading order in the gravitational coupling) a deficit angle in AdS . Since this solution has the same local asymptotic behaviour as pure AdS , 4 4 we therefore expect [14] that a non-local quantity in the boundary CFT will be needed for its holographic description. In section 4 we show this to be the case: we consider the two point correlation function of the dual boundary conformal scalar operator and show that there exists a kink in this correlation function which encodes the mass per unit length of the vortex. We compute this in section 5 using the boundary counterterm approach, and find the mass density to be uniform. A concluding section rounds out the paper. 2 Abelian Higgs Vortex in AdS 4 We take the Abelian Higgs Lagrangian in AdS as follows, 4 2 1 1 (Φ,A ) = ( Φ) µΦ µν ξ(Φ Φ η2)2 (3) µ µ † µν † L 2 D D − 16πF F − − where Φ is a complex scalar Klein-Gordon field, is the field strength of the electromagnetic µν F field A and = + ieA in which is the covariant derivative. We employ Planck units µ µ µ µ µ D ∇ ∇ G = ~ = c = 1 which implies that the Planck mass is equal to one, and write the AdS spacetime 4 metric in the form r2 1 ds2 = (1+ )dt2 + dr2 +r2(dθ2 +sin2θdϕ2) (4) − l2 (1+ r2) l2 Defining the real fields X(xµ),ω(xµ),P (xν) by the following equations µ Φ(xµ) = ηX(xµ)eiω(xµ) (5) A (xν) = 1(P (xν) ω(xµ)) µ e µ −∇µ and employing a suitable choice of gauge, one could rewrite the Lagrangian (3) and the equations of motion in terms of these fields as: η2 1 (X,P ) = ( X µX +X2P Pµ) F Fµν ξη4(X2 1)2 (6) L µ − 2 ∇µ ∇ µ − 16πe2 µν − − µX XP Pµ 4ξη2X(X2 1) = 0 ∇µ∇ − µ − − (7) Fµν +4πe2η2PνX2 = 0 µ ∇ where Fµν = µPν νPµ is the field strength of the corresponding gauge field Pµ. Note that ∇ −∇ the real field ω is not itself a physical quantity. Superficially it appears not to contain any physical information. However if ω isnot single valued thisis no longer the case, andthe resultant solutions are referred to as vortex solutions [15]. In this case the requirement that Φ field be single-valued implies that the line integral of ω over any closed loop is 2πn where n is an integer. In this case ± the flux of electromagnetic field Φ passing through such a closed loop is quantized with quanta H 2π/e. We seek a vortex solution fortheAbelian HiggsLagrangian(6) inthebackground of AdS .This 4 solution can be interpreted as a string like object in the background metric (4). We consider the static cylindrically symmetric case with the gauge choice, Pµ(r,θ) = (0;0,0,P(r,θ)) (8) where µ goes from 0 to 3, corresponding to the coordinates t,r,θ,ϕ in the metric (4). The equations of motion (7) are (1+ r2)∂2P(r,θ) + 2(2+3r2)∂P(r,θ) + 1 ∂2P(r,θ) +3cotθ∂P(r,θ) + 6P(r,θ) l2 ∂r2 r l2 ∂r r2 ∂θ2 r2 ∂θ l2 (9) 4πeη2(eP(r,θ)+ csc2θ)X2(r,θ) = 0 − r2 3 (1+ r2)∂2X(r,θ) +2(1 + 2r)∂X(r,θ) + 1 ∂2X(r,θ) + 1 ∂X(r,θ) cotθ 4ξη2X3(r,θ) l2 ∂r2 r l2 ∂r r2 ∂θ2 r2 ∂θ − (10) 1 csc2θ +e2r2sin2θP2(r,θ)+2eP(r,θ) 4ξη2 X(r,θ) = 0 −{r2 − } We seek a cylindrically symmetric solution, one for which P(r,θ) = A(ρ)/ρ, X(r,θ) = X(ρ) (11) − where ρ = rsinθ. We thus obtain the following equations of motion ρ2 d2A dA 1 4ρ 2 1 1 (1+ ) + ( + )+A( )+4πeη2(eA )X2 = 0 (12) l2 dρ2 dρ ρ l2 l2 − ρ2 − ρ ρ2 d2X 1 4ρ dX 1 (1+ ) +( + ) 4ξη2X3 ( eA)2 4ξη2 X = 0 (13) l2 dρ2 ρ l2 dρ − −{ ρ − − } As expected, in the limit l , the equations (12) and (13) reduce to those whose solutions → ∞ describe the well known Nielsen-Olesen vortex in flat spacetime. In this case the solution for the gauge field is represented by a combination of Bessel functions which at large distance decay exponentially. Exact analytical solutions to the above equations (12) and (13) are not known. However if we assume that X becomes constant at large ρ, X = X(ρ ) = 1, which is the necessary 0 → ∞ condition to have a vortex line solution, then we are able to analytically solve (12) for the gauge field, obtaining 1 ρ dζ A(ρ) = +S(ρ) c +c (14) eρ { 1 2 ζ(ζ2+l2)3/2S2(ζ)} Z where the function S(ρ) is given by 5 1 5 1 ρ2 S(ρ) = ρ F ( + 1+16πe2η2l2, 1+16πe2η2l2,2; ) (15) 2 1 4 4 4 − 4 −l2 p p and F (a,b,c;x) is the usual hypergeometric function. To obtain the behaviour of solution 2 1 (14) in the limit l , one may use the following relation between the hypergeometric function → ∞ and the Bessel function, x2 2νΓ(ν +1)J (x) lim F (κ,̺,ν +1; ) = ν (16) κ 2 1 −4κ̺ xν ̺→∞ →∞ in which κ and ̺ could go to infinity through real or complex values [19]. The solution (14) for the gauge potential then reduces to a combination of the Bessel functions J (ρ) and N (ρ). By a suitable choice of constants of integration c and c we obtain 1 1 1 2 1 π A(ρ) = c (1)(i√4πe2ηρ) (17) eρ − 2e H1 4 where c is a constant and (1)(i√4πe2ηρ) is the Hankel function of order one, which in the large H1 ρ limit has the well behaved decaying exponential form analogous to that observed in [15]. The magnitude of the magnetic field H(ρ), which is given by 1 dΦ 1d(ρA(ρ)) H H(ρ) = = (18) 2πρ dρ ρ dρ is 2 ρ3 3 9 1 9 1 ρ2 H(ρ) = S(ρ) ( πeη2l2) F ( + 1+16πe2η2l2, 1+16πe2η2l2,3; ) ρ{ − 2l2 2 − 2 1 4 4 4 − 4 −l2 } A(ρ) 1 c p p − eρ + 2 (19) × S(ρ) ρ(ρ2 +l2)3/2S(ρ) Again by using eq. (16) one could show that as l goes to infinity, the above solution reduces to π H(ρ) = i cη (1)(i√4πe2ηρ) (20) − 2 H0 where (1)(i√4πe2ηρ) is the Hankel function of order zero. The above relation (20) is the same H0 as that of the magnetic field obtained for the string in the flat spacetime. In this case in the large ρ limit the magnetic field (20) is approximately 1 H(ρ ) e √4πe2ηρ (21) − → ∞ ∼ √ρ Consider next the behaviour of the magnetic field H(ρ) given by equation (19) as a function of the distance from the string. For values of η < 1, and different values of the cosmological constant, H(ρ) goes to zero very rapidly as ρ goes to infinity, as illustrated in Fig. (1). The characteristic length is defined to be a distance from the string axis which measures the region in spacetime over which the magnitude of H(ρ) is appreciably different from zero. From Fig. (1), we see that the characteristic length does not depend on the cosmological constant and therefore one could consider the characteristic length to be the same as the case of large l, which from equation (21) is equal to λ 1 . H ∼ √4πe2η NextwestudythebehaviourofthemagnitudeofthescalarfieldX(ρ).Eq.(13)isapproximately satisfied if X = X 1 (22) 0 ≃ where X is the minimum of the potential in (3). This minimum is just the vacuum value of the 0 field configuration. Denoting fluctuations about this vacuum value by ψ(ρ) X(ρ) = X +ψ(ρ) (23) 0 and expanding the potential in the Lagrangian about X , we have from eq. (13), 0 ρ2d2ψ 4ρdψ + 4ξη4ψ(ρ) = 0 (24) l2 dρ2 l2 dρ − 5 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Figure 1: H(ρ) for l = 1 (solid), l = 2 (dotted), l = 5 (dashed). 6 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Figure 2: X(ρ) for X = 1 and l = 1 (solid), l = 2 (dotted), l = 5 (dashed). 0 where in deriving (24) from (13), we have neglected terms of order unity in the coefficients of the first and second terms involving derivatives of the X field with respect to the terms involving ρ2. l2 From (24) the approximate solution to eq. (13) for large ρ is ρ 3+η2√9+16ξl2 /2 X(ρ) X0 1 ( )− (25) ≃ { − ρ (cid:16) (cid:17) } 0 Figure (2) illustrates the behaviour of X(ρ) for different values of l which is obtained by solving the field equations numerically. As with the magnetic field, the X field is nearly equal to its vacuum value X 1 everywhere 0 ∼ except within a certain region ρ . λ , which defines a characteristic length for this field. A X simple calculation shows that X 1 ε for ρ ρ 1+2ε/(3+η2 9+16ξl2) and so the 0 ≃ − ≃ characteristic length λX is of the order of ρ0. From fi(cid:16)gure (2) , we sepe that the va(cid:17)lue of λX is nearly independent of l. It is easily seen that if the order of magnitude of λ and λ are nearly X H equal to each other, then one has a well defined vortex line, or string. So the vacuum state is described by H = 0 and X = X , and the extension of the string is given by λ λ . As one 0 H X ∼ can see from figure (2), the value of X is nearly equal to X for ρ greater than some ρ which has 0 the same order as ρ = 1. This shows that we can have a vortex solution for the field equations. 0 7 3 Effect of the Vortex on AdS 4 We now consider the effect of the vortex on the AdS spacetime. This entails finding the solutions 4 of the coupled Einstein-Abelian Higgs differential equations in AdS . This is a formidable problem 4 even for flat spacetime, and no exact solutions have been found for the flat spacetime yet. Howeverwe can obtain some physical results by making judicious approximations. First, we assumethatthethickness ofstringismuchsmallerthatalltheotherrelevantlengthscales. Second, we assume that the gravitational effects of the string are weak enough so that the linearized Einstein-Abelian Higgs differential equations are applicable. For convenience, in this section we use the following form of the metric of AdS . 4 2z ds2 = exp( ) exp(A(ρ,z))dt2 +dρ2 +ρ2exp(B(ρ,z))dφ2 +exp(C(ρ,z))dz2 (26) l − (cid:0) (cid:1) In the absence of the vortex, we mbust habve A(bρ,z)b= B(ρ,z)b= C(ρ,z) = 0 , yielbding 2z ds2 = exp( ) dρ2b+ρ2dφ2 b dt2 +dbz2 (27) l − (cid:0) (cid:1) which is the metric for pure AdS4. The transfobrmabtion relatibons between two metrics (4) and (27) are z ρexp( ) = rsinθ (28) l z r r2 t bexp( ) = cosθ + 1+ cos( ) (29) l l l2 l r z r2 t texp( ) = l 1+ sin( ) (30) l l2 l r Usingthetransformationρb= ρexp(z)(whichinfactisequaltoρ = rsinθ)itisstraightforward l to show that the Abelian Higgs equations in the background metric (27) are simply equations (12 , 13). Employing the two assumptions concerning the thickness of the vortex core and its weak b gravitational field, we solve the Einstein field equations G 3g = 8πG , to this order of µν − l2 µν − Tµν (0) (1) (0) (1) approximation by taking g g +g , where g is given by (27), g includes the corrections µν µν µν µν µν ≃ which induce non-zero A(ρ,z), B(ρ,z) and C(ρ,z) in (26) by taking the energy-momentum tensor to be that associated with the solution (14) and (25). Hence µν T b b b 3 G(1) g(1) = 8π (0) (31) µν − l2 µν − Tµν (0) where is the energy momentum tensor of string field in AdS background metric (27), and µν 4 T (1) (1) G is the correction to the Einstein tensor due to g . µν µν 8 After scaling the coordinate ρ ρ , z z the gauge field P Pξη2, and l l , then → √ξη → √ξη → → √ξη the components of the energy momentum tensor of string in the background of AdS4, Tµ(0ν) = Tξµη(ν04) are given by, Tt(0)(ρ) = (1+ ρ2) 1(dX)2 2β[1ρ2(dP)2 +ρPdP +P2] 1ρ2P2X2 (X2 1)2 t l2 {−2 dρ − 4 dρ dρ }− 2 − − Tbρ(0)(ρ) = (1 ρ2) 1(dX)2 +2β[1ρ2(dP)2 +ρPdP +P2] 1ρ2P2X2 (X2 1)2 bρ − l2 {2 dρ 4 dρ dρ }− 2 − − Tϕb(0)(ρ) = (1+ ρ2) 1(dX)2 +2β[1ρ2(dP)2 +ρPdP +P2] + 1ρ2P2X2 (X2 1)2 ϕb l2 {−2 dρ 4 dρ dρ } 2 − − Tz(0)(ρ) = (1 ρ2) 1(dX)2 2β[1ρ2(dP)2 +ρPdP +P2] 1ρ2P2X2 (X2 1)2 (32) z − l2 {−2 dρ − 4 dρ dρ }− 2 − − Tρ(0)(ρ) = ρ (dX)2 +4β[1ρ2(dP)2 +ρPdP +P2] z l{ dρ 4 dρ dρ } b where X and P are the solutions of the string fields (25) and (14), β = ξ/4πe2 is the Bogomolnyi e parameter [20] and Tρ(0) = Tρ(0)exp(z). z z l b b Asitiswell known , themost generalformofthemetric ofacylindrically symmetric spacetime e ν(0) ρ(0) has three arbitrary functions [21]. Since all diagonal components of T and T depend only on µ z the combination ρ = ρexp(z), we assume the same for the functions A(ρ,z), B(ρ,z) and C(ρ,z) b l in the metric (26) as well. Furthermore, we expect that these three functiones rapidly approach constants for large ρ , since the string energy-momentum tensor falls off rapidly to zero outside the b b b b core of the string. It is straightforward to show from the Einstein equations that A(ρ,z) = A(ρ) and B(ρ,z) = B(ρ) approach non-zero constants whereas C(ρ,z) 0 in this limit. The constant → limit ofA(ρ) canbeabsorbed by a rescaling of thetime coordinate, whereas the Einstein equations b imply for B(ρ) that b b 1 ρ2 d2B 1 dB ρ2 1dB 2ρ2 (1+ ) + ( )2(1+ )+ (1+ ) = εTt(0) (33) 2 l2 dρ2 4 dρ l2 ρ dρ l2 − t b where ε = 8πGη2. Introducing b F(ρ) = ρexp(B(ρ)/2) (34) equation (33) becomes 2 1 d ρ2 dF t(0) (1+ ) = εT (35) l2 − F dρ{ l2 dρ} t b which be integrated to find F in terms of the mass per unit lebngth of the vortex 2π ρ0 µ = t(0) (2)gdρdϕ (36) Tt Z0 Z0 b p where(2)g isthedeterminantoftwo-dimensionalmbetricinducbedonthehypersurface(t,z) = (t0,z0) in the spacetime (26), and ρ is the orthogonal distance from the string. For ρ ρ the energy- 0 0 ≥ momentum tensor rapidly goes to zero, and so µ becomes a non-zero constant. Usinbg the relbation (35) with the boundary conditions F(0) = 1, F (0) = 1, we obtain ′ γ ρ2 1 ρ0 1ρ2 µ = (1+ 0)+ F(ρ)dρ 0 (37) 4π l2 2l2 − 4 l2 Z0 9

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