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International Guild of Occult Sciences” NeowprafCbege eres Sey 4 poacen Magick Whickeray Voodoo Sorcery Grimoire Copyright & 2000 by Bruje Negro Research Society ISBN 1-57179-076-4 THE INFORMATION IN THIS BOOK IS ONLY. USE AT OWN RISK. IR RESEARCH THE SOCIETY OFFERS A COMPLETE LINE OF BOOKS, COURSES AND SERVICES MEMBERSHIPS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE WRITE TO THE ADDRESS BELOW AND ENCLOSE $4.00 FOR OUR HUGE CATALOG. OR CALL 760-327-7355 FOR GREDIT CARD ORDERS, WE WELCOME ANY CCNINENTS OR GUESTIONS ON OUR BOOKS AND PRODUCTS. ENCLOSE & SASE FOR A REPLY. YOU ARE WELCOVE TO WRITE TO THE AUTHOR AT THE ADORESS BELOW. PLEASE ENCLOSE SASE OR $1.00 FOR, 5 ANSWER FROM THE AUTHOR P.O.Rox 291 Palm Springs, ca 9. Phone/Fax 780-227-7355 ence.org DEDICATION Tddicate this work in memory of my ancestral spirits & to the spits of the dead ‘unnamed & forgotten whom’ have been my guides in the world ofthe spirit. And in hanor of the spirits of those ancient sorcerers & witches that kepc these sacred traditions Alive despite the unbelievable odds thet they faced from religions persccuters. BRUIO NEGRO, DEC 1999 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION THE ANCESTRAL. ALTAR THE BASIC ALTAR SET-UP TUROWING THE BONES, DIVINATION WITH THE HOLY ASTRAGALS WORKING WITH THE DEAD, A NECROMANTIC METHOD OF VOODOO SORCERY PAPALEGBA THE DIVINE TRICKSTER, RITUALS & SPELLS KALFOULEGBA PATRON OF BLACK MAGICLANS ‘THE TEN VOODOO SPIRIT FAMILIES THE HOODOO SPIRIT BOX ‘BIBLIOGRAPHY ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. Inteoduction ‘Whit your ebout to read within these payes, isthe culmination of ny personal work & experience within the realms of Hoodoo & Voodoo practice, please note that there are strong differences between the two systems ag T shall aow explain, First and foremast “Hoodoo” is an Affo-Americsn tradition af sorcery, that also includes elements of European magical traditions, as well az a strong amount of Native American botanical lore, Mainly the Euro influence inthe art can be scen in the use of atar candles & in the ‘vay te magical powders are used on the altar in spell work, for example in European witchcraft the sorcerers will make certain diagrams or forms with the powers in their angle spells, Where as in Affiean sorcery the powders are usually sprinkled liberally on the altar & into the flame of the candle being used in a spell The strong vein of Aftican sorcery ean be seen in the use of foot print & foot track sorcery, this is where the sorcerer uses person's footprint to do conjure work om them, It is believed that the person's fooeprint carries their essence much like having their signature does, And the foot track is where the sorcerer buries a charm in the path where the vit ill walk over it & absorb the power of the charm d thus effect them Another example of A\tican sorcery is inthe use of sacred purifying baths, also in the practice of leaving completed spells atthe crossroads; the place where man & spirit mest However what isto be noted is that at one point in the history of the American South is, that, the already existing Hoodoo sorcerers began to mix their magic’s with the religion thar che Haitian Voodoo priesia & priestess brought into the south, when they fed from Haiti. This is evident in many of the elessic Hoodoo potions such names like: Voodoo Blessing oll, or Wangan Oil, these potions are classic examples ofthe mixing ofthe two systems of Oceul knowledge. Hence the blur between what Voedoe & Hoodao sal shout has existed fom its earlier beginnings til now. tis rie that in Hai the tation of sereery has a strong current withthe Voodon's & this is most evident withthe *Bokor* or the Sorcerer. Which believe itor ne is mot a pact ofthe Orthodox Voudoo deny, bu rather i person that has erat o beftend the Loa & spirits ofthe dead & gained these forces as ther alles, The Bokor and the Conjure worker or “Hoodoo worker” ofthe South have this tread in common they are distant cousins ofa similar tradition of belie this is whar made the Voodoo practice asians so wel with Hoodoo in the Southern Tiited States Henee what you wil read sbout isa blend af Hoodoo mixed with magic ofthe LOA from the Voodoo religion, And the most Jmpoctant past about, working with spits oF the dead which is integral to Albican folk ‘magic & religion, so let us begin this jourmey into the world of Hoodoo sorcery & the world ofthe spirits & the LOA Hail EswLegba! ‘The Ancestral Altar ‘The Aneostral altar is your First step to melting «real connection with the spiritual realms & not only with your ancestors but, with the spirits of the duad in general, And once you hnve made this star to your ancestors. your altar will become ike an antenne fo othe spcts who wil eke notice that you honor & wish to work with spirits. This isa ‘very importa step in this form of sorcery, & us you start by honoving vour ancestors They were your fly thet loved & cared for you in thei life & being that spirits ofthe ead were once ulive Tike you & T, this makes them the clases tous on this materia] plane. Tocke an aacestial alters simple males, the is thing you wil have todo is ind some pictues of your deceased relatives, aunts uncles or grand parents or great grand arens, A word of warning is required here concerning whom among your ancesors 4yo0 choose te place on your dksr. Don't place relative who you may ave had robiems with while alive thar you never reconciled with, they would only be angry et yo & chose great mischief the sor thet is umoanted. And make sue the heal bn similar religious belies meaning it they were Catholic place crix onthe ancestor dar, orif they were her form of Christan place a regular cross on the altar, Another thing to Keepin mind is hat you will no be doing any other rita on this lar excep 0 hoor the ancestors. And thus making this a separate altar from your working alta, this also means that you may construct this altar anyhere such as a dresscr top is adequate Although th bes place for you to have an ancestral altar is your living room since the ida is for you tinal your ancestors in your diy ie though closet ina separate ‘oom from your bedroom is also good place to create your ancestor shrine, You must fiat wath down the tabletop with an unerosing Alcor wash then you will place a white tale lth onthe ler top, then you wl place the religious symbol atthe back of the 2 ancestral sare the cros or crucifix. Ici also a good idea to ub “Van-Van oil” onthe cross or eucifix as this will help keep away negative sprts posing as your ancestors. ‘Now you arnmge the pisses oF your deccnsd relatives on theater, then you plac eas lases of water as any as you bave relatives on your altar. Is also a poo idea thet 0 keep it toa minimum of ne ancestors on the altar, ifs acruely ave thet many Pictured ancestors ofcourse, Now you wil ned a cesamic or glass white plate to have con your akar & a smaller bowl also a small expresso cup. You ned these to make food ‘offerings to your ancestors, you will also place & vase onthe alaro pu flesh flowers as an offering. “The plate & bow do not always have to he on the altar just keep them in a separate place than your regia eating plates & bows, what wll always be on the ar are the lear lasses of water also the vase, You must change the weler weekly as wells any flowers that you have placed om the altar, the best way todo this is to alvavs place the fesh water an Mondays & replace with new water the folowing Monday. This wey 300 always pray to your ancestors every Monday, hat you dois approach the altar knock tree times & tell them who you are. ‘Then offer them the fesh water & say» prayer tothe Supreme [Being on their behalf, ask wo bess them & help them grow in spvit, Talk vo them for a ‘hile tll chem how you miss them & have not forgot them, ask your ancestors for their blessing in your daily life & ask them to help you have good health, lave & prosperity ‘Then light a white candle for them dressed with Van-Van oil & leave it there to burn for them, offer your ancestors the light, heat, & energy of the candle ‘To close the ceremony clap three times this isthe signal to end the session, in time as you develop a stronger connection with your ancestors you can start to give them food offerings, such as bread fruits & candies Never salt the food thar you offer the dead this makes it nearly impossible for the ancestors to draw energy from the food offerings. ‘Try to offer foods that you knew they favored in life, this keeps them happy. As in time you may be surprised to find that as you develop this positive relationship with your ‘ancestors, that your life will gain a certain tranquility & peace as they will help you in your life to-resolve those problems that concarn the family. As en example om my personal experience with my ancestors, we were having many problems inthe family vith a cerain relative of mine. We had a bad falling out due toa betrayal on specifically ‘bes par, the person in question was relly into aleohol & one day disgraced me infront of some finds & family. Needless to say I would nt speak otis person for months & ‘my ancestors picket om the Fail tension & suddenly the person stared to saighten up their et. Then the day came when this peesoa approached me oftheir own accord to apologize for their actions & wished ta be at peace withthe family. Also it was a if they were being reminded of their wrongs, & one time T went to approsch the aneastar altar & my ancestors were telling me thar they helped resolve the family conflict. And so T made them a small feast oftheir favorite foods & thanked them for their blessings. As side nate 1 would like to ad that you can use seven day white candles, tapers or even the 50 hour glass encased candles to offer your ancestors ‘As well as burning incense for them such as copa incense is good incense vo offer your ancestors, als oe hem tobacco, cigars & black wotbe never sugared. Hower itis ‘wise that you only uve your ancescors these teats when they have indowd boon comenenicating with you regularly & notethat there wil be times when a negative spirit of the dead will pose as your ancestor, And most likely you be able to notice this if all ofthe sudden you are wetting lots of advice from one of your would be ancestors, Be ‘carefil bere this is most likely a negative sprit that is trying to either gain something from you or seek fo vontrol you, the simplest method! to discover i they’re an imposter is to ask them something only your “true” ancestor could knov: fir so occurs that you discover thet indeed the sprit is an imposter | soagest that you ‘warn them to leave & not desecrate you ancestral shrine, Then proceed to bum banishing incense around the shrine & light a white candle & pray for your ancestors to be blessed 1 would also recommend that you anoint the eross at your sitar with Fiery Wall of Protection Oil & infise imo this cross a command thar it protect the shrine, even imagine radiant white light emanating from the eross as it banishes all negative spirits from your shuine. This is rally all that you can do & usualy this will suffice to rid your shrine of negative spcits, In time as you pray & communicate with your ancestors you will note

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