Volume growth and heat kernel estimates for the continuum random tree David Croydon ∗ UNIVERSITYOFWARWICK 7 February 2, 2008 0 0 2 n a Abstract J 4 In this article, we prove global and local (point-wise) volume and heat kernel bounds for the continuum random tree. We demonstrate that there are almost- ] R surely logarithmic global fluctuations and log-logarithmic local fluctuations in the P volume of balls of radius r about the leading order polynomial term as r 0. → h. We also show that the on-diagonal part of the heat kernel exhibits corresponding t global and local fluctuations as t 0 almost-surely. Finally, we prove that this a → m quenched (almost-sure) behaviour contrasts with the local annealed (averaged over [ all realisations of the tree) volume and heat kernel behaviour, which is smooth. 2 v 1 Introduction 5 8 5 The continuum random tree (CRT) has, since its introduction by Aldous in [1], become 2 1 an important object in modern probability theory. As well as being the scaling limit of a 6 variety of discrete tree-like objects, see [1], [3], by a suitable random embedding into Rd, 0 / it is possible to describe the support of the integrated super-Brownian excursion (ISE) h t using the CRT ([4]). In this article, we investigate and present various bounds for the a m fundamental solution of the heat equation on the CRT, which can of course be thought : of as the transition density of the Brownian motion on the CRT. In the course of doing v so, we also prove a collection of asymptotic results about the volume of balls in the CRT. i X With growing evidence ([20]) to support the fact that in high dimensions the incipient r a infinite cluster of percolation at criticality scales to the ISE, we hope that these results will eventually contribute to the understanding of the asymptotic behaviour of random walks on these lattice objects. We shall denote by the CRT, which is a random set defined on an underlying prob- T ability space with probability measure P (we shall write E for the expectation under P). It has a natural metric, d , and a natural volume measure, µ. The existence of Brownian T motion on , as defined in Section 5.2 of [2], has already been proved by Krebs, who T constructed a process via a Dirichlet form on , which was defined as the limit of differ- T ential operators, and then Brownian motion was a time change of this process, see [24]. ∗ Dept of Statistics, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK; [email protected]. 1 We provide an alternative construction, using the resistance form techniques developed by Kigami in [22] to define a local, regular Dirichlet form on the measure-metric space ( ,d ,µ). Given this Dirichlet form, standard results allow the construction of an asso- T T ciated Markov process, X = (X ) with invariant measure µ, which we show is actually t t 0 ≥ Brownian motion (as defined in [2]) on . The construction used here seems more natu- T ral, allowing us to define the Dirichlet form for Brownian motion directly. Furthermore, the arguments we use to deduce our process satisfies the properties of Brownian motion are more concise, using more recently developed techniques for resistance forms, rather than limiting arguments. Once a Markov process is established on , it is natural to ask whether it has a T transition density, and if it does, what form does the transition density take? The current literature on measure-metric spaces equipped with a resistance form seems to indicate that an important part of the answer to this question is the volume growth of the space withrespecttotheresistancemetric, see[7]and[25]. However, forcertainrandomsubsets it hasbeenshown that they donot satisfy thekindof uniformvolume growththatis often assumed. For example, in [19], Hambly and Jones show how for a certain class of random recursive fractals the volume of balls of radius r have fluctuations of order of powers of lnr 1 about a leading order polynomial term, rα. With the random self-similarity of − the CRT ([5]), it is reasonable to expect similar behaviour for the CRT. Indeed, it has already been shown that the CRT and a class of recursive fractals do exhibit the same form of Hausdorff measure function, rα(lnlnr 1)θ, with α = 2, θ = 1 in the case of the − CRT (see [13], Corollary 1.2 and [18], Theorem 5.2). Motivated by the random fractal examples, heat kernel bounds for measure-metric spaces with volume fluctuations have been established in [12]; these suggest that to establish global heat kernel estimates for the CRT, it will be useful to determine the volume growth behaviour. Henceforth, define the ball of radius r around the point σ to be ∈ T B(σ,r) := σ : d (σ,σ ) < r . ′ ′ { T } In the annealed case (Theorem 1.1), we calculate the volume of a ball of radius r around the root exactly. The expression we obtain is easily seen to be asymptotically equal to 2r2 as r 0. In the quenched case (Theorem 1.2), the behaviour is not as smooth and we see → fluctuations in the volume growth of logarithmic order, which confirm the expectations of the previous paragraph. Although it is tight enough to demonstrate the order of the fluctuations, we remark that the upper bound for inf µ(B(σ,r)) is almost certainly σ ∈T not optimal (as a consequence, neither are the corresponding lower heat kernel bounds). We conjecture that, up to constants, the lower bound for this quantity is sharp. Theorem 1.1 Let ρ be the root of , then T E(µ(B(ρ,r))) = 1 e 2r2, r 0. − − ∀ ≥ Theorem 1.2 P-a.s., there exist random constants C , C , C , C (0, ) such that 1 2 3 4 ∈ ∞ C r2ln r 1 supµ(B(σ,r)) C r2ln r 1, 1 1 − 2 1 − ≤ ≤ σ ∈T 2 and C3r2 ln1r−1 −1 inf µ(B(σ,r)) C4r2ln1ln1r−1, ≤ σ ≤ ∈T for r (0,diam ), whe(cid:0)re diam(cid:1) is the diameter of ( ,d ) and ln x := lnx 1. 1 ∈ T T T T ∨ Locally, we prove the following volume asymptotics, which show that the volume growth of a ball around a particular point has fluctuations about r2 of the order of lnlnr 1 asymptotically. This exactly mirrors the lnlnr 1 local fluctuations exhibited − − by the random recursive fractals of [19]. We remark that the limsup result has also been proved (up to a constant multiple) in the course of deriving the Hausdorff measure function of in [13]. However, we extend the result proved there by deducing the exact T value of the constant. Theorem 1.3 P-a.s., we have µ(B(σ,r)) 8 limsup = , r2lnlnr 1 π2 r 0 − → and also µ(B(σ,r)) liminf = 2, r→0 r2(lnlnr−1)−1 for µ-a.e. σ . ∈ T The global volume bounds of Theorem 1.2 mean that the CRT satisfies the non- uniform volume doubling of [12], P-a.s. Results of that article immediately allow us to deduce the existence of a transition density for the Brownian motion on and the T following bounds upon it. Theorem 1.4 P-a.s., the Brownian motion X = (X ) on exists, and furthermore, t t 0 ≥ T it has a transition density (p (σ,σ )) that satisfies, for some random constants t ′ σ,σ ,t>0 ′∈T C ,C ,C ,C , t > 0 and deterministic θ ,θ ,θ (0, ), 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 ∈ ∞ d3 1/2 d θ2 pt(σ,σ′) C5t−32(ln1t−1)−θ1exp C6 ln1 , (1) ≥ − t t ( ) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) and pt(σ,σ′) C7t−23(ln1t−1)1/3exp C8 d3 1/2ln1 d −θ3 , (2) ≤ − t t ( ) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) for all σ,σ , t (0,t ), where d := d (σ,σ ) and ln x := lnx 1. ′ 0 ′ 1 ∈ T ∈ T ∨ This result demonstrates that the heat kernel decays exponentially away from the diagonal and there can be spatial fluctuations of no more than logarithmic order. The following theorem that we prove for the on-diagonal part of the heat kernel shows that global fluctuations of this order do actually occur. Locally, the results we obtain are not precise enough to demonstrate the P-a.s. existence of fluctuations, see Theorem 1.6. However, they do show that there can only be fluctuations of log-logarithmic order, and combined with the annealed result of Proposition 1.7, they prove that log-logarithmic fluctuations occur with positive probability. 3 Theorem 1.5 P-a.s., there exist random constants C ,C ,C ,C ,t > 0 and deter- 9 10 11 12 1 ministic θ (0, ) such that for all t (0,t ), 4 1 ∈ ∞ ∈ C t 2/3(lnlnt 1) 14 supp (σ,σ) C t 2/3(lnt 1)1/3, (3) 9 − − − t 10 − − ≤ ≤ σ ∈T C t 2/3(lnt 1) θ4 inf p (σ,σ) C t 2/3(lnt 1) 1/3. (4) 11 − − − t 12 − − − ≤ σ ≤ ∈T Theorem 1.6 P-a.s., for µ-a.e. σ , there exist random constants C ,C , t > 0 13 14 2 ∈ T such that for all t (0,t ), 2 ∈ C t 2/3(lnlnt 1) 14 p (σ,σ) C t 2/3(lnlnt 1)1/3, 13 − − − t 14 − − ≤ ≤ and also p (σ,σ) t liminf < . t 0 t 2/3(lnlnt 1) 1/3 ∞ → − − − The final estimates we prove are annealed heat kernel bounds at the root of , which T show that the expected value of p (ρ,ρ) is controlled by t 2/3 with at most O(1) fluctua- t − tions as t 0. → Proposition 1.7 Let ρ be the root of , then there exist constants C ,C such that 15 16 T C t 2/3 E(p (ρ,ρ)) C t 2/3, t (0,1). 15 − t 16 − ≤ ≤ ∀ ∈ At this point, a comparison with the results obtained by Barlow and Kumagai for the random walk on the incipient cluster for critical percolation on a regular tree, [8], is pertinent. First, observe that the incipient infinite cluster can be constructed as a particular branching process conditioned to never become extinct and the self-similar CRT (see [2]) can be constructed as the scaling limit of a similar branching process. Note also that the objects studied here and by Barlow and Kumagai are both measure-metric space trees and so similar probabilistic and analytic techniques for estimating the heat kernel may be applied to them. Consequently, it is not surprising that the quenched local heat kernel bounds of [8] exhibit log-logarithmic differences similar to those obtained in this article and furthermore, the annealed heat kernel behaviour at the root is also shown to be the same in both settings. It should be noted though that the volume bounds which are crucial for obtaining these heat kernel bounds are proved in very different ways. Here we use Brownian excursion properties, whereas in [8], branching process arguments are applied. Unlike in [8], we do not prove annealed off-diagonal heat kernel bounds. This is primarily because there is no canonical way of labeling vertices (apart from the root) in the CRT. A more concrete connection between the Brownian motion on the CRT and simple random walks on random graph trees is provided in [11], where it is shown that if is n T a family of random graph trees that, when rescaled, converge to the CRT in a suitable space, then the associated random walks Xn, when rescaled, converge to the Brownian motion on . In turn, this result is closely linked to the convergence of the rescaled T 4 height process (which measures the distance of a simple random walk from the root) on the incipient cluster for critical percolation on a regular tree, see [21], providing further evidence in support of the fact that the observations of the previous paragraph are not merely coincidental. The article is organised as follows. In Section 2, we provide definitions of and give a brief introduction to the main objects of the discussion, namely the normalised Brownian excursionandtheCRT.InSection3weproveseveralresultsaboutthesamplepathsofthe normalised Brownian excursion, which are then used to obtain quenched and annealed volume bounds in Section 4. In Section 6, we explain how already established results about dendrites and measure-metric spaces may be applied to the CRT to construct a process on and derive the quenched transition density estimates of Theorems 1.4, 1.5 T and 1.6. The annealed heat kernel bounds are proved in Section 7. The proofs of both the quenched and annealed heat kernel bounds use the results established in Section 5 about the upcrossings of the normalised Brownian excursion. Finally, we show that the process we have constructed is actually Brownian motion on in Section 8. T 2 Preliminaries 2.1 Normalised Brownian excursion An important part of the definition of the CRT is the Brownian excursion, normalised to have length 1, a process which we will denote W. In this section, we provide two characterisations of the law of the Brownian excursion and describe the appropriate nor- malisation. We begin by defining the space of excursions, U. First, let U be the space of functions ′ f : R R for which there exists a τ(f) (0, ) such that + + → ∈ ∞ f(t) > 0 t (0,τ(f)). ⇔ ∈ We shall take U := U C(R ,R ), the restriction to the continuous functions contained ′ + + ∩ inU . Thespaceofexcursions oflengthsisthendefinedtobeU(s) := f U : τ(f) = s . ′ { ∈ } Our first description of the law of W involves conditioning the Itˆo excursion law, which arises from the Poisson process of excursions of a standard Brownian motion. We will denote by B = (B ) a standard, 1-dimensional Brownian motion starting from 0, t t 0 ≥ built on a probability space with probability measure P. Since the Itˆo excursion law has been widely studied, we shall omit most of the technicalities here. For more details of excursion laws for Markov processes, the reader is referred to [27], Chapter XII, and [28], Chapter VI. Let L be the local time of B at 0, and L 1 := inf s > 0 : L > t be its right t −t { s } continuous inverse. Wherever L 1 = L 1, we define e U to be the (positive) excursion −t− 6 −t t ∈ at local time t. In particular, B , 0 s L 1 L 1, et(s) := ( (cid:12)(cid:12)0, Lt−−1+s(cid:12)(cid:12) s >≤L−t≤1 −−tL−t−−1. −t− (cid:12) (cid:12) The set of excursions of B is denoted by Π := (t,e ) : L 1 = L 1 . The key idea is that { t −t− 6 −t } Π is a Poisson process on (0, ) U. More specifically, there exists a σ-finite measure, ∞ × 5 n, on U such that, under P, d #(Π )=N( ), ∩· · where N is a Poisson random measure on (0, ) U with intensity dt n(df). Bearing ∞ × this result in mind, even though it has infinite mass, the measure n can be considered to be the “law” of the (unconditional) Brownian excursion. Our second description of the law of the Brownian excursion is the well-known Bismut decomposition. In short, this characterisation of n describes how, if (t,f) is chosen according to the measure 1 (t)dtn(df), then the law of f(t) is Lebesgue measure on [0,τ(f)] R and, conditionally onf(t) = a, theprocesses (f(s t)) and(f((τ(f) s) t)) are + s 0 s 0 ∧ ≥ − ∨ ≥ independent 3-dimensionalBessel processes rununtiltheylasthita. Moreprecisely, letm be the law of the 3-dimensional Bessel process, and note that, for every a 0 and m-a.e. ≥ f C(R ,R ), the last hitting time of a by f, defined by T (f) := sup t 0 : f(t) = a + + a ∈ { ≥ } is finite. The result of interest may now be written as follows: for every non-negative measurable function F on C(R ,R )2, + + τ(f) n(df) dtF((f(s t)) ,(f((τ(f) s) t)) ) s 0 s 0 ∧ ≥ − ∨ ≥ Z Z0 ∞ = 2 da m(df ) m(df )F((f (s T (f ))) ,(f (s T (f ))) ). 1 2 1 a 1 s 0 2 a 2 s 0 ∧ ≥ ∧ ≥ Z0 Z Z See [27], Theorem XII.4.7 for a proof. We now describe how the excursion measure n can be decomposed into a collection of related measures on the spaces of excursions of a fixed length. For c > 0, the re- normalisation operator Λ : U U is defined by c → 1 Λ (f)(t) = f(ct), t 0, f U. c √c ∀ ≥ ∈ Clearly, if f U, then Λ (f) U(1). Now, according to Itˆo’s description of n, (see τ(f) ∈ ∈ [27], Theorem XII.4.2), we can write, for any measurable A U, ⊆ ds n(A) = ∞n(s)(A U(s)) , (5) ∩ √2πs3 Z0 where, for each s, n(s) is a probability measure on U(s) that satisfies n(s) = n(1) Λ , s ◦ for some unique probability measure n(1) on U(1). In particular, we have that n(1) = n( τ(f) = 1). A U(1)-valued process which has law n(1) is said to be a normalised ·| Brownian excursion. Henceforth, we assume that W is a normalised Brownian excursion built on the probability space with probability measure P. 2.2 Continuum random tree The connection between trees and excursions is an area that has been of much recent interest. In this section, we look to provide a brief introduction to this link and also a definition of the CRT, which is the object of interest of this article. Given a function f U, we define a distance on [0,τ(f)] by setting ∈ d (s,t) := f(s)+f(t) 2m (s,t), (6) f f − 6 where m (s,t) := inf f(r) : r [s t,s t] . Then, we use the equivalence f { ∈ ∧ ∨ } s t d (s,t) = 0, f ∼ ⇔ to define := [0,τ(f)]/ . We can write this as = σ : s [0,τ(f)] , where f f s T ∼ T { ∈ } σ := [s] is the equivalence class containing s. It is then elementary (see [15], Section 2) s to check that d (σ ,σ ) := d (s,t), Tf s t f defines a metric on , and also that ( ,d ) is a compact real tree in the sense of [15], Definition 2.1 (tThfere the term usedTifs RT-ftree). In particular, is a dendrite: an f T arc-wise connected topological space, containing no subset homeomorphic to the circle. Furthermore, the metric d is a shortest path metric on , which means that it is Tf Tf additive along (injective) paths of . The root of the tree is defined to be the f f T T equivalence class σ and is denoted by ρ . 0 f A natural volume measure to put on is the projection of Lebesgue measure on f T [0,τ(f)]. For open A , let f ⊆ T µ (A) := ℓ( t [0,τ(f)] : σ A ), f t { ∈ ∈ } where, throughout this article, ℓ is the usual 1-dimensional Lebesgue measure. This defines a Borel measure on ( ,d ), with total mass equal to τ(f). Tf Tf The CRT is then simply the random dendrite that we get when the function f is chosen according to the law of the normalised Brownian excursion. This differs from the Aldous CRT, which is based on the random function 2W. Since this extra factor only has the effect of increasing distances by a factor of 2, our results are easily adapted to apply to Aldous’ tree. In keeping with the notation used so far in this section, the measure- metric space should be written ( ,d ,µ ), the distance on [0,τ(W)], defined at (6), TW TW W d , and the root, ρ . However, we shall omit the subscripts W with the understanding W W that we are discussing the CRT in this case. We note that τ(W) = 1, P-a.s., and so [0,τ(W)] = [0,1] and µ is a probability measure on , P-a.s. Finally, it is clear from the T compactness of that the diameter of , diam , is finite P-a.s. T T T 2.3 Other notation The δ-level oscillations of a function y on the interval [s,t] will be written osc(y,[s,t],δ) := sup y(r) y(r ) , ′ | − | r,r′∈[s,t]: |r′−r|≤δ and we will denote by c constants taking a value in (0, ). We shall also continue to use . ∞ the notation introduced in Theorems 1.2 and 1.4, ln x := lnx 1. 1 ∨ 3 Brownian excursion properties Inthissection, weusesamplepathpropertiesofstandard1-dimensionalBrownianmotion and the 3-dimensional Bessel process to deduce various sample path properties for the normalised Brownian excursion. The definitions of the random variables B and W and measures n and n(1) should be recalled from Section 2.1. 7 Lemma 3.1 P-a.s., osc(W,[0,1],δ) limsup = √2. δ 0 √δlnδ−1 → Proof: The proof of this lemma from L´evy’s 1937 result on the modulus of continuity of a standard Brownian motion in R (see [27], Theorem I.2.7, for example) and the Poisson process description of the excursion law n is standard, and so we omit it. (cid:3) Lemma 3.2 P-a.s., inf osc(W,[t,t+δ],δ) t [0,1 δ] limsup ∈ − < . (7) δ 0 δ(lnδ−1)−1 ∞ → p Proof: We start by proving the corresponding result for a standard Brownian motion. Fix a constant c and then, for n 0, 1 ≥ P inf osc(B,[j2−n,(j +1)2−n],2−n) c12−n2n−12 j=0,...,2n 1 ≥ (cid:18) − (cid:19) = P osc(B,[j2−n,(j +1)2−n],2−n) c12−n2n−12, j = 0,...,2n 1 ≥ − (cid:16) 2n (cid:17) = P osc(B,[0,2−n],2−n) c12−n2n−12 , ≥ (cid:16) (cid:17) using the independent increments of a Brownian motion for the second equality. The probability in this expression is bounded above by c 4n c3n P sup B 1 = P T 1 c e− c2 , t∈[0,2−n]| t| ≥ 21+n2n12! (cid:18) BE(0,1) ≤ c21 (cid:19) ≤ − 2 1 for some constants c ,c , where T represents the exit time of a standard Brownian 2 3 BE(0,1) motionfromaEuclidean ballofradius1abouttheorigin. Thedistributionofthisrandom variable is known explicitly, see [10], and the above tail estimate is readily deduced from the expression that is given there. Using the fact that 1 x e x for x 0 and summing − − ≤ ≥ over n, we have c3n ∞ P inf osc(B,[j2−n,(j +1)2−n],2−n) c12−n2n−12 ∞ e−2nc2e− c21 , j=0,...,2n 1 ≥ ≤ n=0 (cid:18) − (cid:19) n=0 X X which is finite for c chosen suitably large. Hence Borel-Cantelli implies that, P-a.s., 1 there exists a constant c such that 4 inf osc(B,[j2−n,(j +1)2−n],2−n) c42−n2n−12, n 0. j=0,...,2n 1 ≤ ∀ ≥ − Let δ (0,1], then δ [2 (n+1),2 n] for some n 0. Hence − − ∈ ∈ ≥ inf osc(B,[t,t+δ],δ) inf osc(B,[t,t+2 n],2 n) − − t [0,1 δ] ≤ t [0,1 2 n] ∈ − ∈ − − inf osc(B,[j2 n,(j +1)2 n],2 n) − − − ≤ j=0,...,2n 1 − n 1 c42−2n−2 ≤ c δ(lnδ 1) 1, 5 − − ≤ p 8 which proves (7) holds when W is replaced by B. By rescaling, an analogous result holds for any interval with rational endpoints. By countability and a monotonicity argument, this is easily extended to P-a.s., inf osc(B,[t,t+δ],δ) t [r,s δ] limsup ∈ − < , 0 r < s < . δ 0 δ(lnδ−1)−1 ∞ ∀ ≤ ∞ → The lemma can be deducedpfrom this by considering the Poisson process of excursions of the Brownian motion B, as described in Section 2.1, and rescaling. (cid:3) Lemma 3.3 P-a.s., 11 dt 8 limsup 0 {Wt<δ} = , δ2lnlnδ 1 π2 δ 0 R − → and 11 dt liminf 0 {Wt<δ} = 2. δ→0 Rδ2lnlnδ−1 Proof: By applying the Bismut decomposition of n, see Section 2.1, to complete the proof, it will be sufficient to check that the lemma holds when 11 dt is replaced 0 Wt<δ { } by R ∞ ∞ 1 dt+ 1 dt, (8) R1<δ R2<δ Z0 { t } Z0 { t } where, under the probability measure P, the processes R1 and R2 are independent 3- dimensional Bessel processes. In the remainder of the proof we will write the first and second summands of (8) as T1(δ) and T2(δ) respectively, and also T(δ) := T1(δ)+T2(δ). The limsup asymptotic behaviour of the occupation time of 3-dimensional Brownian motion in a ball was considered in [10], Theorem 3, where it was shown that, P-a.s., T1(δ) 8 limsup = . δ2lnlnδ 1 π2 δ 0 − → From this result we clearly have limsup T(δ)/δ2lnlnδ 1 8/π2. The identical upper δ→0 − ≥ bound will follow from a simple Borel-Cantelli argument, in a similar manner to the proof of [10], Theorem 3, if we can show that for every ε > 0, there exists a constant c such 6 that P(T(δ) > δ2t) c6e−(π82−ε)t, (9) ≤ for every strictly positive t and δ. To prove this first note that from [10], Theorem 1, we have P(T1(δ) > δ2t) e π2t/8 for every t,δ > 0. Consequently, using an argument − ≤ analogous to the proof of [29], Lemma 6.5, we are able to obtain, for k N, ∈ δ2t P(T(δ) > δ2t) = P(T1(δ) > δ2t s)dP(T1(δ) s)+P(T1(δ) > δ2t) − ≤ Z0 k iδ2t/k = P(T1(δ) > δ2t s)dP(T1(δ) s)+P(T1(δ) > δ2t) − ≤ Xi=1 Z(i−1)δ2t/k 9 k P(T1(δ) > δ2t(1 i/k))P(T1(δ) > δ2t(i 1)/k) ≤ − − i=1 X +P(T1(δ) > δ2t) (k +1)e π2t(1 1/k)/8. − − ≤ By choosing k suitably large, we have the upper bound at (9), and the limsup result follows. For the liminf result, we can refer directly to [29], Theorem 6.8, where it was shown that liminf T(δ)/δ2(lnlnδ 1) 1 = 2, P-a.s. (cid:3) δ 0 − − → 4 Volume results In this section, we apply properties of the normalised Brownian excursion, including those introduced in Section 3, to deduce the results about the volume growth on the CRT that were stated in the introduction. We start by proving the annealed volume result of Theorem 1.1; this follows easily from the expected occupation time of [0,r) for a normalised Brownian excursion, for which an explicit expression is known. Proof of Theorem 1.1: By definition, we have that 1 µ(B(ρ,r)) = 1 ds. (10) Ws<r { } Z0 An expression for the expectation of this random variable is obtained in [16], Section 3, giving r E(µ(B(ρ,r))) = 4ae 2a2da. − Z0 (cid:3) This integral is easily evaluated to give the desired result. We now proceed to deduce the global upper volume bound for . The three main T ingredients in the proof are the modulus of continuity result proved in Lemma 3.1, a bound on the tail of the distribution of the volume of a ball about the root, and the invariance under re-rooting of the CRT. This final property is also important in proving the local volume growth results. Before continuing, we define precisely what we mean by re-rooting and state the invariance result that we will use. Given W and s [0,1], we define the shifted process W(s) = (W(s)) by ∈ t 0≤t≤1 W +W 2m(s,s+t), 0 t 1 s W(s) := s s+t − ≤ ≤ − t W +W 2m(s+t 1,s), 1 s t 1, s s+t 1 (cid:26) − − − − ≤ ≤ where m = m is the minimum function defined in Section 2.2. It is known that, for W any fixed s, the process W(s) has the same distribution as W, (see [26], Proposition 4.9). From this fact, an elementary application of Fubini’s theorem allows it to be deduced that, for any measurable A U(1), ⊆ E(ℓ s [0,1] : W(s) A ) = P(W A), (11) { ∈ ∈ } ∈ 10