2 1 0 2 n a J Volume Distance to Hypersurfaces: 7 Asymptotic Behavior of its Hessian ] G D Marcos Craizer and Ralph C. Teixeira . h t a Abstract. Thevolumedistancefromapointptoaconvexhypersurface m M ⊂ RN+1 is defined as the minimum (N + 1)-volume of a region [ bounded by M and a hyperplane H through the point. This function is differentiable in a neighborhood of M and if we restrict its hessian 5 v to the minimizing hyperplane H(p) we obtain, after normalization, a 2 symmetric bi-linear form Q. 3 In this paper, we prove that Q converges to the affine Blaschke 2 metric when we approximate the hypersurface along a curve whose 2 points are centroids of parallel sections. We also show that the rate 7. ofthisconvergenceisgivenbyabilinearformassociatedwiththeshape 0 operator ofM. Theseconvergenceresultsprovideageometric interpre- 0 tation of the Blaschke metric and the shape operator in terms of the 1 volumedistance. : v Mathematics SubjectClassification (2010). 53A15. i Keywords.Volumedistance,Floatingbodies,Affinesurfacearea,Affine X shape operator. r a 1. Introduction Consider a strictly convex hypersurface M RN+1, a point p in the convex ⊂ side of M and n SN. Denote by U(n,p) the region bounded by M and ∈ a hyperplane H(n,p) orthogonal to n through p, with n pointing outwards the region,and by V(n,p) its volume.The volume distance v(p) of p to M is defined as the minimum of V(n,p), n SN. ∈ The volume distance is an important object in computer vision which has been extensively studied in the planar case n = 1 ([1]) and was also considered in the case n = 2 ([4]). For n = 1, the hessian of the volume distancewasstudiedin([2],[3]),whereitisshownthatitsdeterminantequals 1. This property is not extended to higher dimensions. Nevertheless, we − The authors want to thank CNPq for finnancial support during the preparation of this manuscript. 2 M.Craizer and R.C.Teixeira prove in this paper some asymptotic properties of the hessian of the volume distance in arbitrary dimensions. A pair (n,p) is called minimizing when n is the minimum of V(n,p) with p fixed. A minimizing pair necessarily satisfies ∂V (n,p)=0. (1.1) ∂n Itisprovedin[5]thatif(n,p)satisfies(1.1),thenpisthecentroidofR(n,p). In order to obtain n = n(p) implicitly defined by (1.1), the second derivativeofV with respectto n must be non-degenerate.A formulaforthis second derivative can also be found in [5]. From this formula, one concludes that the second derivative is positive definite in a half-neighborhood of M, i.e., the part of a neighborhood of M contained in its convex side. Based on this, we verify that there exists a half-neighborhood D of M such that, for any p D, there exists a unique n(p) that minimizes the map n V(n,p). ∈ → Moreover, the map p n(p) is smooth and consequently v(p) = V(n(p),p) → is also smooth. For p D, let ∈ 1 ∂2V Q(p)= (n(p),p), (1.2) b(p) ∂n2 where b(p) denotes the N-dimensional volume of the region R(p) H(p) ⊂ bounded by M. By making some calculations, we show that, for p D, ∈ 1 D2v(p) =Q 1(p) (1.3) − − b(p) H(p) (cid:12) where D2v(p) means the restricti(cid:12)on of D2v(p) to H(p). H(p) This paper is concerned with the asymptotic behavior of the quadratic (cid:12) form Q. In or(cid:12)der to motivate a bit more this study, we remark that this quadratic form is an important tool in the study of floating bodies. When M is the boundary of a convex body K, one can define its floating body K , δ for δ > 0, by the property that each support hyperplane of K cuts K in a δ regionofvolumeδ.Forsmoothstrictlyconvexbodiesandδsufficientlysmall, the convexbodies existandits boundary is asmoothsurface(see [5]). In[6], the quadraticformQ was a keyingredientin provingthatK is welldefined δ for every 0 < δ 1vol(K) if and only if K is symmetric with respect to a ≤ 2 point. Also in [9], Q appears as a tool in proving that a convex body with a sequence of homothetic floating bodies must be an ellipsoid. For q M, denote by T M = H(n(q),q) the tangent plane to M at q q ∈ and, for t > 0, define γ (t) as the centroid of the region R(n(q),q+tξ(q)), q where ξ(q) is the affine normal to M at q. We shall consider two symmetric bilinearformsdefinedonT M:theBlaschkemetrichwhichispositivedefinite q and h defined as h (X,Y)=h(X,SY), where S is the shape operator. By S S identifying H(γ (t)) with T M, the normalized hessian Q(γ (t)) can also be q q q seenasa symmetricbilinear forminT M.The mainresultofthe papersays q that Q(γ (t))=h(q)+th (q)+O(t2), q S Volume Distance to Hypersurfaces 3 where O(tk) indicates a quantity such that lim O(tk) = 0, for any ǫ > 0. t→0 tk−ǫ This result can be regarded as a geometric interpretation of the Blaschke metric and the shape operator in terms of the volume distance. Acknowledgements. The authors want to thank ProfessorPeter J.Giblin for stimulating discussions during the preparation of this paper. 2. Hessian of the volume distance 2.1. Notation Consider a strictly convex hypersurface M RN+1, possibly with a non- empty boundary ∂M. Denote by H(n,p) ⊂RN+1 the hyperplane passing through p RN+1 with normal n SN. F⊂or p RN+1, denote by E(p) ∈ ∈ ∈ ⊂ SN the set of unitary vectors n whose corresponding hyperplane H(n,p) intersects M ∂M transversally at a closed hypersurface Γ(n,p) H(n,p) − ⊂ boundingaregionR(n,p) H(n,p)containingpinitsinteriorandsuchthat ⊂ the region U(n,p) bounded by R(n,p) and M, with n pointing outwards, has finite volume V(n,p) (see figure 1). Denote by D RN+1 the set of 1 p RN+1 such that E(p) = and the infimum inf V(n⊂,p) n E(p) is ∈ 6 ∅ { | ∈ } attained at E(p). When n E(p) attains this minimum, we call the pair ∈ (n,p) minimizing and v(p) =V(n,p) the volume distance to M. We remark thatifM isaclosedhypersurfaceenclosingaconvexregion,thenthedomain D of the volume distance is all the enclosed region. 1 Figure 1. The section R(n,p) and the enclosed region U(n,p). For q M, denote by ξ(q) the affine normal vector pointing to the ∈ convex side of M. Along this paper, we shall call a half-neighborhood of M any set of the form q+tξ(q) q M,0 t<T(q) , { | ∈ ≤ } where T(q)>0 is some smooth function of q. Close to a pair (n ,p ), consider cartesian coordinates (x,z) RN I, 0 0 ∈ × I =( ǫ,ǫ)suchthatp =(0,0)andn =(0,1).Todescribethehypersurface 0 0 − 4 M.Craizer and R.C.Teixeira M in a neighborhood of H(n ,p ), consider cylindrical coordinates (r,η,z), 0 0 wherex=rη,η SN 1,r>0.ThenM isdescribedbyr =r(η,z),forsome − ∈ smooth function r (see figure 2). We write r(η,z)=r(η,0)+r (η,0)z+O(z2), (2.1) z for z close to 0. Figure 2. The curve r =r(η,z) with fixed η SN. ∈ 2.2. Smoothness of the volume distance v in a half-neighborhood of M The derivative ∂V(n,p ) can be regarded as a linear functional on T SN, ∂n 0 n which can be identified with H(n,p ). The proof of next proposition can be 0 found in [5], p. 166. Proposition 2.1. Denote by p(n,p) the center of gravity of R(n,p) and by b(n,p) the N-dimensional volume of the region R(n,p). Then ∂V (n,p)= b(n,p)(p(n,p) p). (2.2) ∂n − − Thus, a pair (n,p) is critical if and only if p(n,p)=p. The second derivative ∂2V(n,p) can be seen as a linear operator of ∂n2 T SN. Next proposition, whose proof can be found in [5], p. 168, describe n this linear operator in the above defined cylindrical coordinates. Proposition 2.2. Denote M the symmetric positive definite N N matrix N × η ηt, where η is a column vector and ηt its transpose. We have that · ∂2V (n ,p )= rN+1(η,0)r (η,0)M dη. (2.3) ∂n2 0 0 ZSN−1 z N If r (η) > 0, for any η Sn 1, then formula (2.3) implies ∂2V(n ,p ) z ∈ − ∂n2 0 0 is positive definite. Based on this, we can prove the following proposition: Volume Distance to Hypersurfaces 5 Proposition 2.3. There exists a half-neigborhood D D of M such that for 1 ⊂ anyp D thereexistsasmoothfunctionn=n(p)suchthatthepair (n(p),p) is min∈imizing and ∂2V(n(p),p) is positive definite. ∂n2 Proof. Given q M consider a neighborhood W of q in M with the follow- ∈ ing property: for any pair (n,p) such that Γ(n,p) W, r (n,p) is strictly z ⊂ positive. For p fixed, denote by E (p)= n SN 1 Γ(n,p) W . 1 − { ∈ | ⊂ } Thereisahalf-neighborhoodU(q)ofqsuchthatforanyp U(q),there ∈ exists a minimizing n(p) E (p) and any minimizing pair n(p) must be in 1 ∈ E (p). Since r (n,p) is strictly positive, the map n E (p) V(n,p) is 1 z 1 ∈ → convex, so the minimizer n(p) is unique. Considering D = U(q), q M ∂M we complete the proof of the proposition. ∪ ∈ − (cid:3) 2.3. Derivatives of the volume distance Consider D the half-neighborhood of M given by proposition 2.3 and let p D. Recall that ∈ v(p)=V(n(p),p). (2.4) Lemma 2.4. We have that ∂V (n,p)=b(n,p)n. (2.5) ∂p As a consequence, Dv(p)=b(n(p),p)n(p). (2.6) Proof. Since p V(n,p) is constant along the hyperplane H(n,p), we con- → clude that ∂V(n,p) is parallel to n. Also, for t small, ∂p V(n,p+tn) V(n,p)=tb(n,p)+O(t2), − and thus the first formula is proved. Now differentiating (2.4) we obtain (2.6). (cid:3) Proposition 2.5. The normalized hessian of v is exactly Q 1, i.e., − 1 D2v(p) =Q 1. − −b(p) H(p) (cid:12) Proof. Differentiating (2.6) with respec(cid:12)t to p and using that n is orthogonal to H(p), we obtain dn D2v(p) =b(p) . H(p) dp (cid:12)H(p) (cid:12) (cid:12) On the other hand, if we differe(cid:12)ntiate (1.1) wit(cid:12)h respect to p we obtain (cid:12) ∂2V dn ∂2V (n,p) + =0. ∂n2 dp ∂n∂p Now, from (2.5), ∂2V ∂b =b(p)I+ n. ∂n∂p ∂n 6 M.Craizer and R.C.Teixeira We conclude that dn ∂2V −1 = b(p) (n,p) , dp − ∂n2 (cid:12)H(p) (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:12) thus proving the proposit(cid:12)ion. (cid:3) (cid:12) 3. Convergence to the Blaschke metric Forq M,considerthecentroidγ (t), t>0ofthe regionR(n(q),q+tξ(q)), q ∈ where n(q) is orthogonal to T M and ξ(q) is the affine normal vector at q. q Then Q(γ (t)) is a symmetric bilinear form defined in H(γ (q)), which can q t be identified with T M. The aim of this section is to prove the following q theorem: Theorem 3.1. For q M, ∈ Q(γ (t))=h(q)+O(t), (3.1) q and so Q(γ (t)) is converging to h(q) when t goes to 0. q By applying a suitable affine transformation, we may assume that q =(0,0),thetangentplaneT M isz =0andtheaffinenormalatq is(0,1). q Then, close to q, the surface M is defined by an equation of the form r2 z = +O(r3). (3.2) 2 where O(rk) may depend on η but satisfies lim O(rk) =0, for any ǫ >0. r→0 rk−ǫ In this coordinatesh(q)=I andξ(q)=(0,1).Thus we canchooset=z and write γ (z)=(x(z),z). q The following lemma is the main tool for proving theorem 3.1: Lemma 3.2. Define 1 Q (z)= rN+1(η,z)r (η,z)M (η)dη, (3.3) 1 z N b(z)ZSN−1 where b(z) denotes the N-volume of the section parallel to the hyperplane z =0 at height z. Then Q (z)=I+O(z). 1 We now show how theorem 3.1 follows from lemma 3.2. Since ξ(q) is tangenttothe centroidline([8],p.52),wehavethatx(z)=O(z2).Nowfrom equations (1.2) and (2.3) we conclude that Q(γ (z)) is O(z2)-close to Q (z). q 1 Hence lemma 3.2 implies that Q(γ (z))=I +O(z), q thus proving theorem 3.1. It remains then to prove lemma 3.2. Volume Distance to Hypersurfaces 7 Proof. Since lim r =1, we can write r→0 √2z1/2 r(η,z)=√2z1/2+O(z3/2). (3.4) Straightforwardcalculations from (3.4) show that rN 1 = zN/2+O(zN/2+1). N2N/2 N Differentiating rN+2 with respect to z leads to N+2 rN+1r z =zN/2+O(zN/2+1). 2N/2 The integral of η η over SN 1 is equal to λδ , where λ = λ(N) is the i j − N ij Lebesgue measure of SN 1 and δ = 1, if i = j, and 0, if i = j. Thus the − ij 6 integral L(i,j) of rN+1r η η satisfies z i j L(i,j) λδ = ijzN/2+O(zN/2+1). 2N/2 N Also, calculating b(z) as the integral of rN/N over SN 1 we obtain − b(z) λ = zN/2+O(zN/2+1). 2N/2 N Thus N 2N/2b(z) 1 = z N/2+O(z N/2+1). − − − λ and so Q(z)(i,j)=b(z) 1L(i,j)=δ +O(z). (cid:3) − ij 4. Convergence to the shape operator Along this section, we shall use the notation of [7]: let f :M RN RN+1 ⊂ → be the inclusion map and denote by ξ its normal vector field pointing to the convex part of M. For X,Y (U), we write ∈X D f (Y) = f ( Y)+h(X,Y)ξ X X ∗ ∗ ∇ D ξ = f (SX), X − ∗ where denotes the Blaschkeconnection, h is the positive definite Blaschke metric∇and S is the shape operator. Denote by ν : M R the corre- N+1 → sponding co-normal immersion. Close to the hypersurface M, we write p = γ (t), q M, t [0,T), q ∈ ∈ where γ (t) is the centroid of the section through q+tξ(q) parallel to T M. q q Then p is not necessarily on the normal line q+tξ(q), but we can write p=q+tξ(q)+Z, (4.1) for some Z = Z(q,t) T M, with Z = O(t2) (see [8], p.52). Differentiating q ∈ (4.1) with respect to t gives ∂p =ξ(q)+Z , (4.2) t ∂t 8 M.Craizer and R.C.Teixeira for some Z T M, with Z =O(t). We conclude that t q t ∈ v (p)=Dv(p) (ξ(q)+Z )=Dv(p) ξ(q), t t · · whereforthelastequalitywehaveusedtheorthogonalityofDv(p)andH(p) (see equation (2.6)). We have thus proved the following lemma: Lemma 4.1. The derivative of v is given by Dv(p)=v (p) ν(q), (4.3) t where ν(q) is the co-normal vector at q M and v (p)= dv(γ (t)). ∈ t dt q Lemma 4.2. For any X T M, q ∈ 1 lim D2v(X,ξ)=0. t→0vt · Proof. Differentiate equation (4.3) with respect to t and use (4.2) to obtain D2v(ξ(q)+Z )=v ν(q). t tt Thus, for any X T M, q ∈ D2v(ξ(q)+Z ,X)=0. t So D2v(X,ξ)= D2v(X,Z ) and hence t − 1 D2v(X,ξ)=Q(γ (t))(X,Z ). q t v · t Bycorollary3.1,Q(γ (t))isconvergingtohandsinceZ =O(t),weconclude q t that this last expression converges to 0, thus proving the lemma. (cid:3) Theorem 4.3. The rate of convergence of the bi-linear form Q(γ (t)) to h(q) q is h (q), i.e., S Q(γ (t))(X,Y) h(q)(X,Y) q lim − =h (q)(X,Y). S t 0 t → for any q M, X,Y T M. q ∈ ∈ Proof. Observe first that if we differentiate (4.1) in the direction X T M, q ∈ we obtain D (p)=(I tS)X+ Z+h(X,Z)ξ(q), (4.4) X X − ∇ with Z = O(t2) and h(X,Z) = O(t2). Then differentiate equation (4.3) X ∇ in the direction of X T M to obtain x ∈ D2v(D (p))=v ν (q)+X(v )ν(q). X t X t Thus, for Y T M, q ∈ D2v(D (p),Y)=v ν (q)(Y)= v h(X,Y) X t X t − (see [7], p.57,for the last equality). Expanding this equation using (4.4) and dividing by v we obtain t D2v(ξ,Y) Q(γ (t))(I tSX,Y) h(X,Y)= Q(γ (t))( Z,Y)+h(X,Z) . q q X − − − ∇ v t Volume Distance to Hypersurfaces 9 Now, from lemma 4.2 and theorem 3.1, we conclude that Q(γ (t))(X,Y) h(X,Y) q lim − =h(SX,Y), t 0 t → thus proving the theorem. (cid:3) Example. Consider the surface M R3 described by the equation ⊂ 1 c 1 z = x2+y2 + x3 3xy2 + (a x4+4a x3y+6a x2y2+4a xy3+a y4). 40 31 22 13 04 2 6 − 24 For thi(cid:0)s surface(cid:1)ξ(0,(cid:0)0)=(0,0,(cid:1)1) and we write r2 r3 r4 z = + P (θ)+ P (θ), 3 4 2 6 24 where η =(cos(θ),sin(θ), P (θ)=c cos3θ 3cosθsin2θ =ccos(3θ) 3 − and (cid:0) (cid:1) P (θ)=a cos4θ+4a cos3θsinθ+6a cos2θsin2θ+4a cosθsin3θ+a sin4θ. 4 40 31 22 13 04 Itisnotdifficulttoshowthat,inaneighborhoodof(0,0),theinversefunction r =r(z) satisfies P (θ) 5P2(θ) 3P (θ) r(θ,z)=√2z1/2 3 z+ 3 − 4 z3/2+O(z2). − 3 18√2 From this equation, long but straightforwardcalculations show that Q(z)= I+zA+O(z2), where c2 1(a +a ) 1(a +a ) A= 2 − 4 40 22 −4 31 13 . " −41(a31+a13) c22 − 41(a22+a04) # On the other hand, we can calculate the shape operator of M at the origin following [7], p.47. In this way we verify that h = A, in accordance with S − theorem 4.3. 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