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Volkswagen Polo 1994 to 1999 (M to S registration) Petrol & Diesel PDF

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Preview Volkswagen Polo 1994 to 1999 (M to S registration) Petrol & Diesel

v w POLO 1994 to 1999 (M to S registration) Petrol & Diesel aynes Service and Repair Manual expert22 fl/m http://rutracker.org Includes Roadside Repairs and MOT Test Checks Contents REPAIRS & OVERHAUL Engine and associated systems Petrol engine in-car repair procedures Page 2A»1 Diesel engine in-car repair procedures Page 2B»1 Engine removal and overhaul procedures Page 2C»1 Cooling, heating and ventilation systems Page 3»1 Fuel system - single-point petrol injection Page 4A«1 Fuel system - multi-point petrol injection Page 4B»1 Fuel system - diesel Page 4C«1 Emission control and exhaust systems Page 4D»1 Starting and charging systems Page 5A»1 Ignition system - petrol models Page 5B«1 Preheating system - diesel models Page 501 Transmission Clutch Page 6»1 Manual transmission Page 7A*1 Automatic transmission Page 7B»1 Driveshafts Page 8*1 Brakes and suspension Braking system Page 9»1 Suspension and steering Page 10*1 Body equipment Bodywork and fittings Page 11*1 Body electrical systems Page 12*1 Wiring diagrams Page 12*20 REFERENCE Dimensions and weights Page REF*1 Conversion factors Page REF»2 Buying spare parts and vehicle identification Page REF»3 General repair procedures Page REF»4 Jacking and vehicle support Page REF«5 Radio/cassette anti-theft system - precaution Page REF»5 Tools and working facilities Page REF*6 MOT test checks Page REF»8 Fault finding Page REF»12 Glossary of technical terms Page REF»19 Index Page REF»23 B*1 1 Chapter 1 Part B: Routine maintenance & servicing - diesel models Contents Air filter renewal...................................................................................30 Lights and horn operation check......................................................... 7 Airbag unit check................................................................................. 8 Lubricate folding fabric sunroof guide rail...........................................22 Auxiliary drivebett check and renewal................................................25 Pollen fitter renewal...............................................................................24 Battery etee\to*y\e \eve& chcck..............................................................^2 Rear Vxake shoe tihecto..........................................................................>6 Brake fluid renewal ..............................................................................34 Regular maintenance............................................................................ 2 Braking system check..........................................................................15 Resetting service interval display ....................................................... 6 Coolant renewal....................................................................................33 Road test...............................................................................................20 Engine oil and filter renewal................................................................. 3 Steering and suspension check ..........................................................18 Exhaust emissions check ....................................................................35 Timing belt and belt tensioner renewal - engine codes AEF Exhaust system check..........................................................................17 and AQD ...........................................................................................32 Fault code check...................................................................................11 Timing belt and belt tensioner renewal - engine codes AHG Front brake pad check......................................................................... 4 and AKU..............................................................................................31 Fuel filter renewal..................................................................................23 Timing bolt condition and tension check - engine code AEF only .. 26 Fuel filter water draining ..................................................................... 5 Timing belt condition and wear check - engine codes AGD. AHG Headlight beam alignment check ........................................................19 and AKU.............................................................................................27 Hinge and lock lubrication....................................................................10 Transmission and driveshaft gaiter check............................................14 Hose and fluid leak check....................................................................13 Transmission oil level check ................................................................28 Idle speed check - engine code AEF only...........................................21 Underbody protection check................................................................29 Introduction.......................................................................................... 1 Washer system(s) check..................................................................... 9 Degrees of difficulty Easy, suitable for Fairly easy, suitable Fairly difficult. Difficult, suitable for Very difficult, novice with Sttte (or beginner with suitable for competent ^ experienced DIY suitable for expert D(Y experience some experience DIYmechanic mechanc or professional Roadside repairs 09 Identifying leaks Puddles on the garage floor or drive, or A Warning: Most automotive oils The smell of a fluid leaking obvious wetness under the bonnet or and fluids aro poisonous. Wash HAYNES . from the car may provide a underneath the car, suggest a leak that needs them off skin, and change out of IH lN T j due to what's leaking. Some investigating. It can somotimes be difficult to contaminatod clothing, without ' fluids are distinctively decide where the leak is coming from, dolay. coloured. It may help to ciean the car especially if the engine bay is very dirty carefully and to park it over some dean already. Leaking oil or fluid can also be blown paper overnight as an aid to locating the rearwards by the passage of air under the car. source of the leak. giving a false impression of where the problem lies. Remember that some leaks may only occur while the engine is running. Sump oil Oil from filter Gearbox oil Engine oil may leak from the drain plug... ...or from the base of the oil filter. Gearbox oil can leak from the seals at the inboard ends of the driveshafts. Antifreeze Brake fluid Power steering fluid Leaking antifreeze often leaves a crystalline A leak occurring at a wheel is almost Power stoering fluid may leak from the pipe deposit like this. certainly brake fluid. connectors on the steering rack. Towing When all else fails, you may find yourself direction indicator and brake lights will work. □ The driver of tho car being towed must having to get a tow home - or of course you □ A rear towing eye is provided below the keep the tow-rope taut at all times to avoid may be helping somebody else. Long-distance rear bumper. The front towing eye is provided snatching. recovery should only be done by a garage or in the vehicle tool kit. and is screwed into tho □ Make sure that both drivers know the route breakdown service. For shorter distances. DIY front bumper after prising out the trim cover . before setting off. towing using another car is easy enough, but □ Before being towed, release tho handbrake □ Only drive at moderate speeds and keep observe the following points: and select neutral on tho transmission. the distance towed to a minimum. Drive □ Use a proper tow-rope - they are not □ Note that greater-than-usual pedal expensive. The vehiclo being towed must pressure will be required to operato the smoothly and aHow plenty of time for slowing display an 'ON TOW' sign in its rear window. brakes, since the vacuum servo unit is only down at junctions. □ Always turn the ignition key to tho 'on' operational with the engine running. □ On models with automatic transmission, position when the vehicle is being towed. 30 C On models with power stoering. greater- special precautions apply. If in doubt, do not that the steering lock is released, and that the than-usual steering effort will also be required. tow, or transmission damage may result. Engine removal and overhaul procedures 2013 ^nlikoty to be confined to any one component, so renewal of the camshaft, cylinder head and bearing caps must be considered; seek the advice of a cylinder head rebuilding specialist. 30 The difference between the outside -ameters of the camshaft bearing surfaces and the internal diameters formed by the Gearing caps and the cylinder head must now be measured, this dimension is known as the camshaft running clearance. 31 The dimensions of the camshaft bearing journals are not quoted by the manufacturer, so running clearance measurement by means of a micrometer and a bore gauge or internal 4.41 Measure the diameter of a valve stem 4.45 Measure the maximum deflection of vernier calipers cannot be recommended in with a micrometer the valve in Its guide, using a DTI gauge this case. tolerance, tho camshaft and cylinder head valve end face flush with the top of the valve 32 Another (more accurate) method of should be renewed. Note that undersize guide, measure the maximum side-to-sido measuring the running clearance involves the camshafts with bearing shells may be deflection of the valve In its guide (see jse of Plastlgauge. This is a soft, plastic obtained from VAG dealers, but only as part of illustration). material supplied in thin sticks of about the an exchange cylinder head package. 46 If the measurement is out of tolerance, the same diameter as a sewing needle. Lengths of 40 On completion, remove the beanng caps valve and valve guide should be renewed as a Plastigauge are cut to length as required, laid and camshaft, and clean of all remaining pa*. Note: Valve guides are an interference fit on the camshaft bearing journals and crushed traces of Plastigauge and silicone release in the cylinder head, and their removal as the bearing caps aro temporarily fitted and agent. requires access to a hydraulic press. For this tghtenod. The Plastigauge spreads reason, it would be wise to entrust the job to widthways as it is crushed; the running Valves and associated components an engineering workshop or head rebuilding c:earanco can then be determined by Note: On alt engines, the valve heads cannot specialist. measuring the increase In width using the card gauge supplied with the Plastigauge kit. bo re-cut (although thoy may be lapped in): 47 Using vernier calipers, measure the free new or exchange units must be obtained. length of each of the valve springs (seo 33 Tho following paragraphs describe this 41 Examine each valve closely for signs of Illustration). As a manufacturer's figure is not measurement procedure step by step, but wear. Inspect the valve stems for wear ridges, quoted, the only way to check the length of note that a similar method is used to measure scoring or variations in diameter; measure tho springs is by comparison with a new rhe crankshaft running clearances; refer to their diameters at several points along their component. Note that valvo springs are :he illustrations In Section 11 for further lengths with a micrometer (see illustration). usually renewed during a major engine guidance. 42 The valve heads should not be cracked, overhaul. 34 Ensure that tho cylinder head, bearing cap bactty pitted or charred Note that light pitting 48 Stand each spring on its end on a flat and camshaft bearing surfaces are completely of the valve head can be rectified by grinding- surface, against an engineer's square (see dean and dry. Lay the camshaft in position in in the valves during reassembly, as described illustration). Check the squareness of the the cylinder head. later in this Section. spring visually: if it appears distorted, renew 35 Lay a length of Plastigauge on top of each 43 Check that the valve stem ond face is free the spring. No squareness limits are specified of the camshaft bearing journals. from excessive pitting or indentation; this by the manufacturers. 36 Lubricate each bearing cap with a little would be caused by defective hydraulic 49 Measuring valve spring pre-load involves silicone release agent, then place them in tappets. compressing the valve by applying a specified oosition over the camshaft and tighten the 44 Place the valves in a V-block and usmg a weight and measuring the reduction In length. retaining nuts down to the specified torque • DTI gauge, measure the runout at the valve This may be a difficult operation to conduct in refer to Reassembly later in this Section for head. A maximum figure is not quoted by the the home workshop, so it would be wise to guidance. Note: Where the torque setting is manufacturer, but the valve should be approach your local garage or engineering expressed in several stages, tighten the cap renewed if the runout appears excessive. workshop for assistance. Weakened valve fixings to the first stage only. Do not rotate the 45 Insert each valve into Its respective guide springs will at best, increase engine running camshaft whilst tho bearing caps are in place, in the cylinder head, and set up a DTI gauge noise and at worst, cause poor compression, as the measurements wiM bo affected. against the edge of the valve hoad. With the so defective items should be renewed. 37 Carefully removo the bearing caps again, lifting thorn vertically away from the camshaft :o avoid disturbing the Plastigauge. The Plastigauge should remain on tho camshaft bearing surface, squashed into a uniform sausage shape. If it disintegrates as the bearing caps are removed, re-clean the components and repeat the exercise, using a ittle more release agent on the bearing cap. 38 Hold the scale card supplied with the kit against each beanng journal, and match the width of the crushed Plastigauge with the graduated markings on the card: use this to determine the running clearances. 39 Compare the camshaft running clearance measurements with those listed in the 4.47 Measure the free length of each of 4.48 Checking the squareness of a valve Specifications: if any are outside the specified the valve springs spring 2014 Engine removal and overhaul procedures 4.51 Grinding-in a valve 4.56a Fitting a swirl chamber 4.56b Swirl chambor locating recess (diesel engine code AEF) Reassembly Attach the grinding tool to the valve head and of wood to protect the face of the swirl using a backward/forward rotary action, grind chamber. Note tho locating recess on the side Caution: Unloss all now components are to the valve head into its scat (see illustration). of the chamber and the corresponding groove be usod, maintain groups when refitting Periodically lift the valvo and rotate it to in the housing (see illustrations). valve train components - do not mix rodistnbute tho grinding paste. 57 On completion, the projection of tho swirl components between cylinders, and ensure that components are refitted in 52 Continue this process until the contact chamber from the face of the cylinder head between valve and soat produces an must be measured using a DTI gaugo and their original positions. 50 To achieve a gas-tight seal between the unbroken, matt grey ring of uniform width, on compared with the limit quoted in the valves and their seats, it will be necessary to both faces. Repeat the operation for the Specifications (see illustration). If this limit is grind, or lap', the valves in. To complete this remaining valves. exceeded, there is a risk that the chamber process, you will need a quantity of 53 If the valves and seats are so badly pittod may be struck by the piston, and in this case fine/coarse grinding paste and a grinding tool that coarse grinding paste must be used, the advice of a professional cylinder head • this can either be ot the dowel and rubber check first that there is enough material left on rebuildor or machine shop should be sought. sucker type, or the automatic type which are both components to make this operation 58 Turn the head over and place it on a driven by a rotary power tool. worthwhile - if too little material is left stand, or wooden blocks. Where applicable, 51 Smear a small quantity of fino grinding remaining, the valvo stems may protrude too fit the first lower spring seat into place, with paste on the scaling face of the valve hoad. far above their guides, impeding the correct the convex side facing the cylinder head (see Turn the cylinder head over so that the operation of the hydraulic tappets. Refer to a illustration). combustion chambers are facing upwards, machine shop or cylinder head rebuilding 59 Working on one valve at a time, lubricate and insert the valve into the correct guide. specialist for advice. the valve stem with clean engine oil. and 54 Assuming the repair is feasible, work as insert it into the guide. Fit one of tho described in the previous paragraph but use protoctivo plastic sleeves suppliod with the tho coarse grinding paste initially, to achtovo a new valve stem oil seals over the valve end dull finish on the valvo face and seat. Then, face - this will protect the oil seal whilst it is wash off coarse paste with solvent and repeat being fitted (see illustrations). the process using fine grinding paste to obtain 60 Dip a new valve stem seal in clean engine the correct finish. oil. and carefully push it over tho valve and 55 When all the valves have been ground in, onto the top of the valve guide - take care not remove all traces ot grinding paste from tho to damage the stem seal as it passes over the cylinder head and valves with solvent, and valve end face. Use a suitable long-reach allow them to dry completely. socket to press it firmly into position (see 56 Where necessary on engine code AEF. fit illustrations). new swirl chambers by driving them squarely 61 Locate the valve spring over the valve into their housings with a mallet - use a block stem (see illustration). 4.57 Measuring swirl chamber projection using a OT) gauge 4.58 Fit the lower spring seat in place, with 4.59a Lubricate the valve stem with clean 4.59b Fit one of the protective plastic the convex face facing the cylinder head engine oil and insert It Into the guide sleeves over the valvo end face Engine removal and overhaul procedures 2015 4.60a Fit a new valve stem seal over the 4.60b Use a long-reach socket to press on 4.61 Fitting a valve spring v8lve the oil seal 62 Fit the upper seat over the top of Check before progressing any further that the illustration). Slide the seal along the camshaft :ne spring, then using a valve spring spilt collets remain firmly held in the end of the until it locates in the lower half of its housing rompressor. compress the spring until the valve stem by the upper spring seat. in the cylinder head. jPPer seat is pushed beyond the collet 64 Smear some clean engine oil onto the 67 Oil the upper surfaces of the camshaft grooves in the valve stem. Refit the split sides of the hydraulic tappets, and fit them bearing journals, then fit the bearing caps in collet, using a dab of grease to hold the two into position in their bores in the cylinder head ptace. Ensure that they aro fitted tho right way -alves in the grooves (see illustrations). (see illustration). Push them down until they around and in the correct locations, then fit Gradually release the spring compressor, contact the valves, then lubricate the and tighten the retaining nuts, as follows: checking that the collet remains correctly camshaft lobe contact surfaces. Petrol engines seated as the spring extends. When correctly 65 Lubricate the camshaft and cylinder head seated, the upper seat should force the two bearing journals with clean engine oil, then 68 Note the fitted orientation of the camshaft r%a!ves of the collet together, and hold them carefully lower the camshaft into position on bearing caps. The wider cast lugs must be securely in the grooves in the end of the the cylinder head (see illustrations). Support positioned on the inlet side of tho head, and valve. the ends of the shaft as it is inserted, to avoid the bearing cap identification numbers must 63 Repeat this process for the remaining sets damaging the lobes and journals. be readable from the exhaust side (see of valvo components. To settle the 66 On diesel engines, with reference to illustration). components after installation, stnke the end Chapter 2B, lubricate the lip of a new 69 Fit caps Nos 2 and 4 over the camshaft, c' each valve stem with a mallet, using a block camshaft oil seal with clean engine oil. and and tighten the retaining nuts alternately and of wood to protect the stem from damage. locate it over tho end of the camshaft (seo diagonally to the specified Stage 1 torque. w m m / O k 4.62a Fit the uppor seat over the top of the 4.62b Use grease to hold the two halves of 4.64 Fit the tappets into their bores in the valve spring the split collet in the groove cylinder head 4.65a Lubricate the camshaft bearings 4.65b ... then lower the camshaft into 4.66 Fitting the camshaft oil seal with clean engino oil... position on the cylinder head (diesel engines) 2016 Engine removal and overhaul procedures 4.68 Petrol engine camshaft bearing cap 4.70 Smear the mating surfaces of cap No 4.73 Fitting a new camshaft oil seal orientation 1 with sealant A Cast lug 78 Refit the coolant outlet elbow, using a 2 With the pistons sitting halfway down the r B Identification number new gasket/0-ring as necessary. bores, carefully feel around the tops of the 79 Refit the fuel injectors and glow plugs, cylinder bores. Any wear ridges found at the 70 Smear the mating surfaces of caps Nos 1 with reference to Chapters 4C and 5C. point whero the pistons reach top dead centre and 5 with sealant (see illustration). Locate caps Nos 1.3 and 5 over the camshaft, then fit All engines must be removed, otherwise the pistons may bo damaged whon they are pushed out of and tighten the nuts to the specified Stage 1 80 Refit the coolant temperature sensor and their bores. This can be accomplished with a torque. oil pressure switch. scraper or ridge reamer. 71 Working in a diagonal sequence, tighten 81 With reference to Chapter 2A or 8 as 3 Scribe the number of each piston on its all the beanng cap nuts to the specified Stage applicable, carry out the following: crown, to allow identification later; note that 2 angle - use an angle gauge, if available, to a) Refit the timing belt sprocket to the No 1 is at the timing belt end of the engine. ensure accuracy. camshaft. 4 Using a set of feeler blados. measure the 72 Fit the nuts to bearing cap No S, and b) Refit the inlet and exhaust manifolds, big-end to crankpin web thrust clearance at tighten to the specified torque. completo with now gaskets. each connecting rod. and record the 73 With reference to Chapter 2A, lubricate 82 Refer to Chapter 2A or B as applicable measurements for later reference. the lip of a new camshaft oil seal with clean and refit the cylinder head to tho cylinder 5 On diesel engines, remove the retaining engine oil. and locate it over the end of the block. screw and withdraw the piston cooling jets camshaft (see illustration). Using a mallet from their mounting holes (see illustrations). and a long-reach socket of an appropriate diameter, drive the seal squarely into its 5 Pistons and connecting rods 6 Rotate the crankshaft until pistons Nos 1 housing until it bears against the Inner stop - - removal and inspection and 4 are at bottom dead centre. Unless they are already identified, mark the big-end do not attempt to force it in any further. bearing caps and connecting rods with their Diesel engines respective piston numbers, using a centre- A Warning: Petrol engine codes 74 The bearing cap mounting holes are punch or a scribe (see illustration). Note the AER and ALL havo an aluminium drilled off-centre; onsuro that they are fitted orientation of tho bearing caps in relation to cylinder block, and the crankshaft the correct way around (see illustration). the connecting rod; it may be difficult to see on these engines must not bo 75 When fitting the bearing caps, the the manufacturer's markings at this stage, so removed, or the block main bearings will camshaft lobes for No 1 cylinder must be distort. Even loosening the main bearing scribe alignment arrows on them both to facing upwards. caps will hove this effect. Take care, ensure correct reassembly. Note: On engine 76 Fit caps Nos 2 and 4 over the camshaft, therefore, that only the big-end cap bolts are codes AER end ALL. the caps will only fit the and tighten the retaining nuts alternately and loosened during the following procedures. correct way round on the correct connecting diagonally to tho specified torque. rod, as the caps are cracked off the rods Removal 77 Now fit caps Nos 1. 3 and 5 over the during production. It is still advisable to mark camshaft and tighten tho nuts to tho specified 1 Refor to Part A or B of this Chapter and the caps and rods for location and orientation, torque. Ensure that cap No 5 is correctly remove the cylinder head, flywheel, sump and however, to save time when reassembling. located by lightly tapping the end of the baffle plate, oil pump and pickup, as 7 Note the fitted orientation of the connecting camshaft. applicable. rods and caps in relation to the timing belt end engines are drilled off-centro, to ensure 5.5a Remove the piston cooling jet 5.5b ... and withdraw the jet from its they are refitted the correct way round retaining screw (arrowed)... mounting hole Engine removal and overhaul procedures 2017 5.6 Mark the big-end caps and connecting 5.9 Pad the bolt threads with tape 5.12a Insert a small screwdriver Into the rods with their piston numbers (arrowod) slot and prise off the gudgeon pin circlips 3f the engine. Depending on engine code, there reassembly. If the pin proves difficult to 17 Examine the piston for signs of terminal aril be some form of marking on the side of rod remove, heat the piston to 60*0 with hot wear or damage. Some normal wear will bo and cap which faces the timing belt end - this water - the resulting expansion will then allow apparont, in the form of a vertical ‘grain’ on ray be a punch mark, cut-out. raised dot or a the two components to be separated. the piston thrust surfaces and a slight afferent profile in the casting. Make your own looseness of the top compression ring in its Inspection -arks on tho timing belt side of the rod and cap groove. Abnormal woar should bo carofully t me manufacturer's marks are unclear. 13 Before an inspection of the pistons can be examined, to assess whether the component 8 Unbolt the bearing cap bolts/nuts, half a carried out. the existing piston rings must be is still serviceable and what the cause of the •jn at a time, until they can be removed by removed, using a removal/installation tool, or wear might be. •and. Recover the bottom shell bearing, and an old fooler blade if such a tool is not 18 Scuffing or scoring of tho piston skirt may tape it to the cap for safo keeping. Note that if available (seo illustration). Always remove indicate that the engine has been overheating, tr.e shell bearings are to be re-used, they the upper piston rings first, expanding them to through inadequate cooling, lubrication or -~ust be refitted to tho same connecting rod. clear the piston crown. The rings are very abnormal combustion temperatures. Scorch 9 On engine code AEV, the beanng cap bolts brittle and will snap if they are stretched too marks on tho skirt indicate that btow • by has remain in the connecting rod: in this case, much - sharp edges are produced when this occurred, perhaps caused by worn bores or tne threads of the bolts should be padded happens, so protect your eyes and hands. piston rings. Burnt areas on the piston crown *ith insulating tape, to prevent them from Discard the rings on removal, as new items are usually an indication of pre-ignition, pinking scratching the crankpins when the pistons are must be fitted when the engine is or detonation. In extreme cases, the piston amoved from their bores (see illustration). reassembled. crown may be melted by operating under these tO Drive the pistons out of the top of their 14 Use a section of old piston ring to scrape conditions. Corrosion pit marks in the piston bores by pushing on the underside of the the carbon deposits out of the ring grooves, crown indicate that coolant has seeped into tho piston crown with a piece of dowel or a taking care not to score or gouge the edges of combustion chamber and/or the crankcase. rammer handle. As the piston and connecting the groove. The faults causing those symptoms must be rod emerge, recover the top shell bearing and 15 Carefully scrape away all traces of carbon corrected before tho engine is brought back tape it to the connecting rod for safekeeping. from the top of the piston. A hand-held wire into service, or the same damage will recur. 11 Turn tho crankshaft through half a turn brush (or a piece of fine emery doth) can be 19 Check the pistons, connecting rods, and working as descrtbod above, remove Nos used, once the majority of the deposits havo gudgeon pins and beanng caps for cracks. 2 and 3 pistons and connecting rods. boen scraped away. Be caroful not to remove Lay the connecting rods on a flat surface, and Remember to maintain the components In any metal from tho piston, as it is relatively look along the length to see if it appears bent •.heir cylinder groups, whilst they are in a soft. Note: Take care to preserve the piston or twisted. If you have doubts about their dismantled state. number markings that were made during condition, get them measured at an 12 Insert a small flat-bladed screwdhver into removal. engineering workshop. Inspect the small-end the removal slot, and prise the gudgeon pin 16 Once the deposits have been removed, bush bearing for signs of woar or cracking. circlips from each piston. Push out the clean the pistons and connecting rods with 20 Using a micrometer, measure the gudgeon pin. and separate the piston and paraffin or a suitable solvent, and dry diameter of all four pistons at a point 10 mm connecting rod (see Illustrations). Discard thoroughly. Make sure that the oil return holes from the bottom of the skirt, at right-angles to the circlips. as new itoms must be fitted on in the ring grooves are clear. the gudgeon pin axis (see illustration). 5.12b Push out the gudgeon pin and 5.13 Piston rings can be removed using on 5.20 Using a micromotor, measure the separate tho piston and connecting rod old feeler blade diameter of all four pistons 2018 Engine removal and overhaul procedures U tte ir m * ^ v-t. % v \ kA \ A Jk 5.21 Measuring the piston ring-to-groove 6.4 Measuring crankshaft endftoat using a 6.5 Measuring crankshaft endftoat using clearance using a feeler blade OTI gauge feeler blades Compare the measurements with those listed in rod and its bearing cap both have recesses pushed far enough up the bores so that they the Specifications. If the piston diameter is out machined into them, close to their mating are positioned clear of the crankpins. The use of the tolerance band listed for its particular surfaces - these recesses must both face the of an engine stand is strongly recommended sizo. then it must be renewed. Note: If the same way as the arrow on the piston crown (ie 2 With reference to Chapter 2A or B as cylinder block was re-bored during a previous towards the timing belt end of the engine) applicable, carry out the following: overhaul, oversize pistons may have been fitted. when correctly installed. Reassemble the two a) Remove the crankshaft timing belt Record the measurements and use them to components to satisfy this requirement. sprocket. check the piston clearances when the cylinder 24 Lubricate the gudgeon pin and small-end b) Remove the clutch components, where bores are measured, later in this Chapter. bush with clean engine oil. Slide the pin into applicable, and the ffywheel/driveplate. 21 Hold a new piston ring in the appropriate the piston, engaging the connecting rod c) Remove tho sump, baffle plate (where groovo and measure the ring-to-groove small-end. Fit two new circlips to the piston at applicable), oil pump and pickup. clearance using a feeler blade (see either end of the gudgeon pin. such that their d) Remove the front and rear crankshaft oil illustration). Note that the rings are of open ends are facing 180* away from the seals and their housings. different widths, so use the correct ring for the removal slot in the piston. Repeat this 3 Flemove the pistons and connecting rods. 3S groove. Compare the measurements with operation for the remaining pistons. described in Section 5 (refer to the Note above those listed; if the clearances are outside of 4 Carry out a check of the crankshaft endfloa* the tolerance band, then the piston must be v\ as follows. Note: This can only be accom­ Crankshaft - renewed. Confirm this by checking the width plished when the crankshaft is still installed f removal and inspection of the piston ring with a micrometer. the cylinder block/crankcase, but is free to 22 Using internal/external vernier calipers, move. Set up a DTI gauge so that the probe <s measure the connecting rod small-end internal in line with the crankshaft axis and is in contact diameter and tho gudgeon pin external A Warning: Petrol engine codes with a fixed point on end of the crankshaft (see diameter. Subtract the gudgeon pin diameter AER and ALL have an aluminium illustration). Push the crankshaft along its axts from the small-end diamoter to obtain the cylinder block, and tho to the ond of its travol, and thon zero the clearance. If this measurement is outside its crankshaft on these engines gauge. Push the crankshaft fully the other wa> specification (where given), then the piston must not be removed, or the block main and record the endftoat indicated on the dial and connecting rod bush will have to be bearings will distort. Even loosening tho Compare the result with the figure given in the resized and a new gudgeon pin installed. An main bearing caps will have this effect. For Specifications and establish whether new engineering workshop wil have the equipment this reason, If crankshaft or main bearing thrustwashers are required. needed to undertake a job of this nature. wear is suspectod, the crankshaft and 5 If a dial gauge is not available, feeler blades 23 The orientation of the piston with respect cylinder block must bo renewed complete. can bo used. First push the crankshaft fully to the connecting rod must be correct when towards the flywheel end of the engine, then the two are reassembled. The piston crown is Removal use a feeler blade to measure the gap marked with an arrow (which may be 1 Note: If no work is to be done on the between cylinder No 2 crankpin web and the obscured by carbon deposits): this must point pistons and connecting rods, then removal of main bearing thrustwasher (see illustration) towards the timing belt end of the engine the cylinder head and pistons will not be Compare the results with the Specifications. when the piston is installed. The connecting necessary. Instead, the pistons need only be 6 Observe the manufacturer's identification marks on the main bearing caps. The number relatos to the position in the crankcase, as counted from the timing belt end of the engine (sco illustration). 7 Loosen the main bearing cap bolts one quarter of a turn at a time, until they can be removed by hand. Using a soft-faced mallet strike the caps lightly to free them from the crankcase. Recover the lower main bearing shells, taping them to the cap for safekeeping. Mark them with indelible ink to aid identification, but do not score or scratch them in any way. 8 Carefully lift the crankshaft out. taking care I 6.6 Manufacturer’s identification markings 6.8 Lifting the crankshaft from the not to dislodge the upper main bearing sheiis on the main bearing caps (arrowed) crankcase (see illustration). It would be wise to get ar

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