Volatility conditional on price trends Gilles Zumbach 1 5 December, 2004 0 0 2 n a J Abstract 8 2 ] The influence of the past price behaviour on the realized volatility is investigated in the present r e article. The results show that trending (drifting) prices lead to increased (decreased) realized h volatility. This “volatility induced by trend” constitutes a new stylized fact. The past price be- t o haviour ismeasured by aproduct of 2non overlapping returns, ofthe form r·L[r] where L isthe . t lag operator. The effect is studied empirically using USD/CHFforeign exchange data, in a large a m rangeoftimehorizons. AsetofARCHbasedprocessesaremodifiedinordertoincludethetrend - effect, andtheirforecasting performances arecompared. Forabetterforecast, itisshownthatthe d main factor is the shape of the memory kernel (i.e. power law), and the following factor is the n o inclusion ofthetrendeffect. c [ 1 v 9 Keywords: trendeffect,ARCHprocess, volatility forecast, longmemory. 9 6 1 0 5 0 / t a m - d n o c : v i X r a 1ConsultinginFinancialResearch CheminCharlesBaudouin8 1228Saconnexd’Arve Switzerland e-mail:[email protected] 1 1 Introduction The extensive study of the volatility of financial time series starts 20 years ago with the seminal paper of Engle [?]. After a rapid improvement with the GARCH(1,1) process [?, ?], the quan- titative results obtained since then have not been much better, despite the very large number of studieswithvariousvolatilityprocesses. Eventhoughwehavetodayamuchbetterunderstanding of the financial markets volatility, particularly in the high-frequency domain (see e.g. in [?] and references therein), it remains difficult to translate this knowledge into better processes or better volatility forecasts. In order to overcome the apparent limitation of the classical processes, Zumbach, Pictet and Ma- sutti[?]launched astudyusinggeneticprogramming(GP).Theirworkfocused onimprovingthe efficiencyoftheGPinordertoturnitintoapracticaltooltoinvestigatefinancialtimeseries,with an application to volatility forecast. One important advantage of the GP is that it is not biased by our a priori bais and knowledge, as the program searches in the whole space of models (yet notveryefficiently). Indeed, in[?]theGPveryquickly rediscovered inessence theGARCH(1,1) model,andthen,withmoretime,wasabletoobtainbettersolutions. Theanalysisofthesolutions discovered by the program showed that the new terms leading to the improvement werw of the form of a product of returns at two different time horizons. This can be expressed in a sum of 2 terms,onewithareturnsquare,asinmostvolatility processes, andonewithtwononoverlapping returns. This term is like r[d t ](t)·r[d t′](t−d t ), namely at time t, a product of a return at time r r r horizon d t with a return at another time horizon d t′, lagged by d t so as to not overlap the first r r r return. Inshort,wedenotegenerically suchtermsasr·L[r],whereL[r]denotes thelaggedreturn. Notice that such terms are even in the return, namely under the change r→−r, the term r·L[r] doesnotchange itssign. Thisnewtermcanbeinterpretedasameasureofthepastpricemoves,namelywhetherthemarket is trending or drifting. The action of the “trend term” r·L[r] can be understood as follows. If both returns have the same sign (both positive or both negative), the market is trending, and this may induce the market participants to change their positions because of the price move. The trading of their positions increases volatility in the subsequent period. If the market is drifting, the two returns have different signs, and the unchanged price makes the market participants to keep their positions. This decreases the volatility in the subsequent period. This behaviour of the market participants creates a positive correlation with the realized volatility in the following period. Indeed, the correlation of the r·L[r] term with the realized volatility, namely with the volatility computed after t, is positive (see below). This “volatility induced by trend” is a new stylized fact for financial time series. Notice that if a return differs by the sign but has the same magnitude, its contribution to the historical volatility is identical. Therefore, the trend term is measuring therecentpricebehaviour, andnotthehistorical volatility. Thegoalofthispaperistwofolds. First,wewouldliketoinvestigate thetrendeffectinempirical data. The main questions are its magnitude, and the time horizons of the return, lagged return and realized volatility where the trend effect is important. Second, we want to include the effect in ARCH like processes. The addition of such a term in a process is easy, it is enough to add one or several r·L[r] terms in the equations. In this context, the point isnot to create yet another ARCHlike process, but to investigate the respective importance ofthe manyingredients that can enter into a volatility process. For example, what are the respective importance of the shape of thememorykernel(rectangular, exponential, powerlaw),theshorttermmeanreversion,thetrend effect,orofthevariousclassesofmarketparticipants. Thepointhereistomeasuretheimportance ofthesedifferent stylizedfacts. 2 Thepaperisorganized essentially alongthelineoftheprevious paragraph. First,wedescribe the empiricaldata,andcomputethecorrelation betweenther·L[r]termandtherealizedvolatility. In section 4, we extend several processes with trend term(s), while respecting the basic idea of the process(oneorseveralcomponents,powerlaw,etc...). Theprocessesarecomparedinsec.5with respecttotheirforecasting performances, inlightoftheproperties oftheprocesses. Inmanyrespects,thiscontributionisanextensionofsomeresultspresentedin[?]. Inparticular, it willfollow thesamenotation andprocesses definitions. Thispaper isself-contained, but inorder no to repeat extensively this reference, some sections are reduced to the essential. More details can be found in [?], for example a discussion of the relative merit of the log-likelihood or of the volatility forecast, inrelationtoagivenquadratic process. 2 The data set The data set used for this article is derived from high frequency tick-by-tick data for the foreign exchangeUSD/CHF.Essentially,fortheempiricalanalysis,thedatasetisaregulartimeseriesfor USD/CHF,sampledevery3minutesinbusiness time. First,thehighfrequency dataisfilteredfor theincoherenteffect[?]: averyshortexponentialmovingaverageistakenonthepricesinorderto attenuate the tick-by-tick incoherent price formation noise. Second, the price is sampled every 3 minutesinbusinesstime. Moreprecisely, weusethedynamicbusinesstimescaleasdevelopedin [?]. Similarly tothe familiar daily business timescale, the dynamic business timescale contracts periodsoflowactivity(night,week-end)andexpandsperiodsofhighactivity. Theactivitypattern during the week is related to the measured volatility, averaged on a moving sample of 6 months. Holidaysanddaylightsavingtimearetakenintoaccount. Thehomogeneous timeseriesusedfor the empirical analysis is computed from the high frequency filtered tick-by-tick USD/CHF data, thatissampledusingalinearinterpolation, every3minutesindynamictimescale. Asthismarket is open essentially 24 hours per day, 5 days per week, the sampling time interval corresponds to anaverage of2’8” (=5/7 3’)during the market opening hours. Theauthor isgrateful toOlsen & Associates, inZu¨rich,Switzerland,toprovidethedata. 3 Empirical analysis Thehistoricalreturnsr[d t ]andlaggedhistoricalreturnsL[d t ;r[d t′]]arecomputedbysimpleprice r r r difference fromthesampledlogarithmicprices. Therealizedvolatility iscomputedwith s 2[d ts ,d tr =d ts /32]= 1 (cid:229) r2[d tr](t′) (1) n t+d tr≤t′≤t+d ts andwherenisthenumberoftermsinthesum. Therealizedvolatility measuresthefluctuation of the prices aftert, in the interval from t tot+d ts , The time horizon d ts , over which the volatility iscomputed, isthemainvolatility parameter. Thereturnsaretakenattimehorizons d tr =d ts /32, namely they grow with d ts . Other choices can be made, with a minor influence on the empirical results. Thesumineq.1iscomputedwithallpointsonthe3’samplinggrid. Withthethreetimeseriesr,L[r]ands ,wecomputethecorrelation r [d tr,d tr′,d ts ]=r (r[d tr]·L[d tr;r[d tr′]],s [d ts ]) (2) 3 wherer (x,y) ontherighthand sidedenotes theusual linear correlation between thetimeseries x andy. 50 18 17 40 16 15 al 14 v 13 r nte 12 i 11 e 30 m 10 ti 9 n ur 8 et 7 r d 6 e g 20 5 g a 4 l 3 2 1 0 10 -1 -2 10 20 30 40 50 returntimeinterval Figure 1: Correlation between the trend term r·L[r] and the realized volatility. The fixed volatility time horizon is d ts =1h 36. The horizontal axis is the (historical) return time interval d tr, the vertical axis is the(historical)laggedreturntime intervald t′. Theaxis divisionscorrespondtothe logarithmicof thetime r intervals. Themainaveragephysicaltimeintervalscorrespondingtothelabelsare1hour(n=12),8hour (n=24),1day(n=31),1week(n=40),and1month(n=47). DatacourtesyofOlsenandAssociates, Zurich. The analysis of the empirical correlation is difficult to visualize, as it is a function of three time intervals. The2dimensional resultspresented belowarecutinthis3dimensional space, showing the level of correlation with colors. The figure 1 is a cut at fixed volatility time interval, at the shortestvolatility estimated ts =32·3′ =96′ (inbusinesstime). Thetwoaxescorrespond respec- tively to the return time interval and lagged return time interval. The main structures emerging fromthisfigureare: • Thecorrelationisessentiallypositive. Thisisconsistentwiththeintuitiveexplanationgiven in the introduction, as trends will make the market participants to modify their positions, increasing the subsequent volatility. Moreover, the levelofcorrelation isranging from 3to 8%,corresponding toaneffectofmediumimportance. • We observe 4 pockets with higher correlations, roughly along the diagonal or above. They are located approximately at positions 10 to 20, 30, 40 and 50, corresponding respectively to time intervals intra-day, 1 day, 1 week and 1 month. These time intervals are indeed precisely the expected time horizons for the main groups of traders, in agreement with the 4 findingof[?]. Themaximaat1monthisverywelldefined,andwithd t =d t′. Ontheother r r corner, theintra-daymaximaisfairlysoft,andclearlyabovethediagonal. Themaximaat1 day showssimilar characteristics, whereas themaxima at1weekisalong the diagonal and weaker. 50 18 17 40 16 15 al 14 v 13 r nte 12 i 11 e 30 m 10 ti 9 n ur 8 et 7 r d 6 e g 20 5 g a 4 l 3 2 1 0 10 -1 -2 10 20 30 40 50 returntimeinterval Figure 2: Correlation between the trend term r·L[r] and the realized volatility. The fixed volatility time horizonisd ts =1day.Theaxesandcolorscodingareasforfig.1. The figure 2 is a cut at fixed volatility time interval, with d ts = 1 day. For this daily volatility, the 4 maxima can be seen, essentially along the diagonal d t =d t′. The intra-day maximum is r r very weak, the daily and monthly maxima are very clear, while the weekly maximum is weaker. Thisshowsthatthevolatilityatthedailytimehorizonisnotinfluencedbyintra-daytrends,butby trendsatdailyhorizonorlonger. Bothpreviousfiguresindicatethatthemajorcorrelationisalong thediagonal d t =d t′,orslightlyabove. r r The figure 3 is a cut along the plane d tr = d tr′, and with the volatility time horizon d ts on the vertical axis. The labels on the vertical volatility axis d ts correspond to the same time intervals on the horizontal axis d t . The maximum at the daily and monthly time horizons are very clear, r andtheweaker intra-day andweeklymaximumcanalsobeseen. Thisfigureshowsthattrends at agiventimehorizon influence thevolatility uptoahorizon immediately larger, andthendecline. Forexample, atrend measured byconsecutive dailyreturn influences strongly thevolatility upto 3to4days, butmuchlessatoneweekandabove. Indeed, thisbehaviour iswhatcanbeexpected fromaportfoliomanagerworkingonadailyhorizonandadjustingitsportfoliobasedontheprice trendsordriftsofthelastfewdays. 5 50 22 21 20 19 18 al 40 17 v 16 r e 15 nt 14 i 13 e m 12 i 11 t y 10 tilit 30 98 a l 7 o v 6 5 4 3 2 20 1 0 -1 -2 10 20 30 40 50 return time interval Figure 3: Correlationbetweenthe trendtermr·L[r] and therealizedvolatility. The horizontalaxis is the timehorizonforbothhistoricalreturnsd tr =d tr′. Thevolatilitytimehorizond ts isgivenontheverticalaxis. Theaxesdivisionsandcolorscodingareasforfig.1. 4 Modelisation in ARCH-like processes: the ARTCH family The influence of trends on the subsequent volatility is fairly easy to incorporate in ARCH-like processes. Essentially, we must add one or several terms of the form r·L[r] in the conditional volatility. For a given ARCH-like model, there is in general one corresponding minimal model incorporating theinfluenceoftrends. Wecallgenerically thisnewfamilyofmodelsby’ARTCH’, forAutoRegressiveTrendConditionalHeteroskedastic. Letusemphasizethatourgoallaysnotin writing new ARCHprocesses, but inquantifying various effects that can be included in amodel. Toaddresssuchquestions, webuildanetofprocessesofincreasingcomplexity. Alltheprocesses are then estimated by minimizing the 1 day volatility forecast error on the USD/CHF data. The comparison of their optimal forecasting performances measures their relative adequation to the data,andtheimportance ofthevariouseffects(atthechosentimehorizon). Ourgeneral strategy istousequadratic ARCH-likeprocesses togenerate volatility forecasts. For quadratic processes, conditional averagescanbecomputedanalytically, andoneobtainsvolatility forecaststhatdependontheprocessparameters. Thepropertiesoftheforecastderivedirectlyfrom theproperties andparameters oftheunderlying process. Thisapproach givesasimpleframework in which data generating processes and volatility forecasts are closely related. For forecasting purposes only, other direct approaches can be pursued. Poon and Granger [?] wrote an extensive reviewonvolatility forecast. 6 Albeittheabove strategy isappealing, thedifficulty ofitspractical implementation should not be underestimated. Foreachprocess, theneededconditional averagesmustbecomputed, andimple- mented numerically. Moreover, as we are estimating the parameters by minimizing the forecast error, the derivatives with respect to the parameters should also be implemented. The theoretical setting isfollowing closely [?],andonly thesalient points aregivenhereforcompleteness. First, wesetthebasiccommonequations, andthendescribe thevarious ARTCHprocesses. 4.1 The basicstructure ofthe processes Weareconsidering processes forthepricewiththefollowingstructure x(t+d t) = x(t)+r(t+d t) (3) r(t+d t) = s (t+d t)e (t+d t) (4) eff s 2 (t+d t) = s˜2[W (t),J ,d t]. (5) eff Therandom variables e arei.i.d. withE[e (t)]=0andE[e 2(t)]]=1. Thetimeindexesarechosen toemphasize thats 2 (t+d t)isaforecast forthevolatility attimet+d t. Theforecast function s˜ eff isbasedontheinformation setW (t)attimet,anddepends onasetofparametersJ . Intheprocesses below, theright handside ineq. 5contains termsoftheformr·L[r], whichhave no definite sign. Asa consequence, the volatility square could become negative. In practice, this never occurs at the optimal values of the parameters, but it could happen during the parameters estimation. Topreventasquarerootofanegativevalue,therighthandsideincludesalowervalue threshold. ImplicitinalltheARTCHequations,amaxfunctionmax(s 2 ,s 2 )isincluded,where eff min s 2 is given in the equations below. The minimal value for the volatility square s 2 has value eff min s 2 =10−10. min This possible negative variance and the related max function are likely to be an artifact of the present ARCH setting, which includes only price and volatility. A more complete framework should include also the tick rate. It is likely that the “volatility induced by trend” stylized fact is related to trading decisions that influence the tick rate and/or the new orders rate, which in turn influencesthevolatility. 4.2 The GARTCH(1,1)process TheGARTCH(1,1)process equations are s 2(t) = µs 2(t−d t)+(1−µ)r2(t) (6) 1 1 s 2eff(t+d t) = s 2+(1−w¥ ) s 21(t)−s 2 +q r[ld t](t)r[ld t](t−ld t) (7) (cid:0) (cid:1) with the 4 parameters s ,w¥ ,µ,q , and the integer lag parameters l. For q = 0, these equations reduce to the usual GARCH(1,1) process. The rational for the equations is the following. The “internal”states measuresthevolatilityatthetimehorizont =−d t/ln(µ),whichisthevolatility 1 computed or perceived by a group of market participants. The equation 7 models their trading pattern which depends on the difference with the (expected) mean volatility, and on the recent trend/driftoftheprice. The“parameter”lcanbechosenaprioriwiththeguidanceoftheempirical analysis above. Itcanalsobestudiedsystematically asdoneinsec.5.3. 7 4.3 The I-GARTCH(1)process Forw¥ =0,theGARTCH(1,1)equations reducetothelinearI-GARTCH(1)process s 2(t) = µs 2(t−d t)+(1−µ)r2(t) (8) 1 1 s 2 (t+d t) = s 2(t)+q r[ld t](t)r[ld t](t−ld t) (9) eff 1 withtwoparametersµandq . Aslightvariationconsists inusingthedefinition s 2 (t+d t)=µs 2 (t)+(1−µ)r2(t)+q r[ld t](t)r[ld t](t−ld t) (10) eff eff In practice, both definitions give very similar results. The empirical results on the 1 day forecast accuracyhavebeencomputedwiththesecond definition. We have also included in the study the RiskMetric volatility. This process corresponds to the I- GARCHprocess withafixedparameter µ. Asweare working withhourly data (inbusiness time scale), wetakeµ=0.931/24. 4.4 The Long Memory volatilityprocesses Thelongmemoryprocess hasbeenintroduced in[?]. Itincorporates inaminimalwaythepower law decay of the lagged correlation for the absolute value of the return, or of the square return. This model is structureless with respect to the time horizons, namely it has a uniform structure betweenaloweranduppercut-off. Therefore, itdoesnotinclude thespecificmarketcomponents asobservedandmodeledin[?,?]. Intheempiricalanalysisbelow,wehaveusedthe“microscopic” version of the long memory process (see [?]). The inclusion of a trend term in the long memory process should preserve this simple and uniform structure. Therefore, the idea is to include one r·L[r]termforeachpartialvolatility s ,andtohaveweightsgivenbyasimplepowerlaw. k Thelongmemorymodelsarebuiltwithasetof(historical)volatilitiescomputedoverasetoftime horizons increasing asageometricseries: t = l t k=1,···,n k k 0 µ = µ1/lk =exp(−d t/t ) (11) k 0 k s 2(t) = µ s 2(t−d t)+(1−µ )r2(t). k k k k The time horizons t correspond to the characteristic times of the EMA at which the historical k volatility is measured. The time structure l of the process is a geometric series l =r k−1, with k k the progression ofthe series chosen tober =2inthis work. Thebase timescale t corresponds 0 to the shortest time scale at which a volatility is measured, and is one of the process parameters. Theempiricalstudies inthisworkhavebeendonewithhourlydataandwithn=12components, corresponding to an upper cut-off of 6 months. The effective volatility s for the long memory eff 8 (LM)affine(Aff)processes LM-Aff-ARTCH(n),withncomponents andtrends, is n n s 2eff(t+d t) = s 2+(1−w¥ )(cid:229) c k s 2k(t)−s 2 +(cid:229) q k r[lk](t)r[lk](t−lkd t) k=1 (cid:0) (cid:1) k=1 n n = (cid:229) wks 2k(t)+w¥ s 2+(cid:229) q k r[lk](t)r[lk](t−lkd t) (12) k=1 k=1 c = cr −kl =c 1 l with 1/c= (cid:229) n r −(k−1)l k (cid:18)l (cid:19) k k=1 wk = (1−w¥ )c k l ′ 1 q = q r −(k−1)l ′ =q (13) k 0 0 (cid:18)l (cid:19) k The“normalization constant” cischosen sothat(cid:229) c k =1and(cid:229) wk+w¥ =1. The“meanterms” introduce two constants s and w¥ . For w¥ =0, the linear model is obtained. The “trend terms” dependonthetwoconstants q andl ′. 0 In the comparative study, the long memory models allow us to compare the processes with short memory(exponential) andlongmemory(powerlaw). Weinclude 4versions ofthelongmemory process, namely one linear model LM-Lin-AR(T)CH (linear, similar to I-GAR(T)CH, but with long memory) and one affine model LM-Aff-AR(T)CH (affine, similar to GAR(T)CH, but with longmemory). 4.5 The Market Component volatilityprocesses In[?,?],thecorrelation betweenhistorical andrealized volatility iscomputed forarange oftime horizons, and a similar computation was done for the change in historical volatility versus the realized volatility. These correlations show clearly the characteristic time horizons of the market participants, essentially at intra-day, daily, weekly and monthly time intervals. The observed heterogeneity ofthevolatility correlations canbereproduced withaprocess that incorporates the same characteristic time horizons. As noted in the empirical section, the trend effect shows very similarcharacteristic timeintervals. Inordertoincludethetrendeffectinthemarketcomponents process, it is enough to add a trend term for each volatility component. The market component ARCHprocess ispresented indetailin[?],wegivehereforcompleteness thedefinition. For the market component model, instead of measuring the (historical) volatilities with a simple Exponential Moving Average (EMA), which has an exponential kernel, we use an MA operator whichhasamorerectangular-like kernel. TheMAoperatorisdefinedby[?]: MA[t ,m;z](t) = 1 (cid:229)m EMA (t) (14) j m j=1 EMA (t) = µEMA (t−d t)+(1−µ)z(t) 1 1 EMA (t) = µEMA (t−d t)+(1−µ)EMA (t) j j j−1 µ = exp(−d t(m+1)/t ) The coefficient µ is computed from the time horizon t , so that the memory length of the MA operator is t . The parameter m control the shape of the kernel, and we take m=8 which gives a fairlyrectangular kernel. 9 TheMkt-Aff-ARTCHprocessequations, withthetrendterms,are: s 2(t) = MA[t ,m;r2](t) (15) k k n n s 2eff(t+d t) = s 2+(1−w¥ )(cid:229) c k s 2k(t)−s 2 +(cid:229) q k r[lkd t](t)r[lkd t](t−lkd t) (16) k=1 (cid:0) (cid:1) k=1 withtheconstraint n (cid:229) c =1. (17) k k=1 Thelinearversionoftheprocess Mkt-Lin-ARTCHisobtainedbytakingw¥ =0. 4.6 Other processes Forcompleteness,weincludeinthestudyafewprocesseswhichdonothaveanobviousextension to incorporate the trend effect. Thefirstone is the“permanent forecast”. Thehistorical volatility s 2 [d ts ],withequalweightonatimeintervald ts ,is hist s 2hist[d ts ](t)= n1 (cid:229) r2[d tr](t′). (18) t−d ts +d tr≤t′≤t As all the points are equally weighted from t−d ts to t, the memory kernel corresponds to a rectangular moving average. The “permanent forecast” uses s for the volatility forecast over hist anytimehorizon. The I-GARCH(2) process is a natural extension of GARCH(1,1), where the mean volatility s is replaced byanexponential movingaverage: s 2(t) = µ s 2(t−d t)+(1−µ )r2(t) (19) 1 1 1 1 s 2(t) = µ s 2(t−d t)+(1−µ )r2(t) 2 2 2 2 s 2 (t+d t) = ws (t)2+(1−w)s (t)2(t). eff 2 1 This process is linear (in s 2 and r2), with two components. We name it I-GARCH(2) as it is a naturalextension ofI-GARCH(1). 5 Volatility forecast using the processes 5.1 The data set For all the empirical results presented in this section, the data set is a regular time series for USD/CHF, sampled hourly in business time. This series is obtained by aggregation by a factor 28 of the homogeneous time series used in the empirical analysis. The resulting sampling time intervalof1h24mcorresponds to7/5ofonehour,andissuchthatinaverage,120pointsperweek 10