A A RCHIPEL GO An International Journal of Literature, the Arts, and Opinion www.archipelago.org Vol. 3, No. 4 Winter 2000 Fictions: G. HULL from B Testimony: ‘HECUBA’ The Trojan Women Poem: SÁNDOR KÁNYÁDI All Soul’s Day in Vienna tr. from the Hungarian by PAUL SOHAR Photography: STELLA SNEAD in India Portfolio and Essay by the Photographer Letter from Surrey : GEORGE RAFAEL ‘There’s a Small Hôtel: Talleyrand and Mme. de Staël Fiction: D. F. LEWIS Small Fry Fiction: LEONCE GAITER Live at Storyville Marvel: HYDRA A An image from the Chandra X-Ray Observatory Endnotes: The Double Recommended Reading: K. Callaway on Simone Weil Printed from our Download (pdf) Edition A A RCHIPEL GO An International Journal of Literature, the Arts, and Opinion www.archipelago.org Vol. 3, No. 4 Winter 2000 Contents G. Hull from B 6 ‘Hecuba’ The Trojan Women 12 Sándor Kányádi All Soul’s Day in Vienna tr. from the Hungarian by Paul Sohar 36 Stella Snead in India Prelude to Photography and Then Some 46 Portfolio 56 George Rafael ‘There’s a Small Hôtel: Talleyrand and Mme. de Staël 68 D. F. Lewis Small Fry 72 Leonce Gaiter Live at Storyville 77 Hydra A An image from the Chandra X-Ray Obervatory 88 Endnotes: The Double 89 Masthead 3 Contributors 3 Recommended Reading: K. Callaway on Simone Weil 94 Recources 96 ARCHIPELAGO 2 Vol. 3, No. 4 Winter 2000 Masthead/Contributors A A RCHIPEL GO www.archipelago.org Editor and Publisher Katherine McNamara [email protected] Contributing Editors K. Callaway Production design and formatting John Casey Debra Weiss < d [email protected]) > Benjamin Cheever < b e [email protected] > Edith Grossman Odile Hellier < v v [email protected]> Larry Woiwode Assistant Editor Board of Directors Ann Marie Fallon <[email protected]> Susan Garrett Editorial Assistants Katherine McNamara Carol Merica, Matthew Franklin Sandler, Carol Troxell Jane Rothrock Shippen. Letters to the Editor are welcomed, by post or via the Internet. All submissions must be typed and double- ARCHIPELAGO spaced and sent by post with SASE or envelope and Box 2485 International Reply Coupon. An e-mail address is Charlottesville, Va. 22902-2485 USA appreciated. No electronic submissions will be E-mail: [email protected] accepted unless Editor is queried beforehand. We encourage Readers to download and distribute this journal in our Download edition, a pdf file, which can be saved and read off-line and printed. Instructions for use - including access to the freeware Adobe Reader - appear on the Download page of the on-line edition. All previous issues are available in the Download/pdf editions. All individual articles are available on-line at Index. Subscription by e-mail to the Download edition is available through our web site. The authors published herein retain copyright and the right to be acknowledged as the moral authors of their work. No original part of this issue may appear in another publication, either electronic or in print, except identified as part of Archipelago and with permission from Archipelago. ©1999/2000 Archipelago. Acknowledgements/permissions: Leonce Gaiter, “Live at Storyville”: "I Cover The Waterfront (Heyman, Green) ©1933 Warner Bros. Inc. &&&&&& Contributors Leonce Gaiter graduated from Harvard and lives in California. His essays have appeared in The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times Magazine, FEED <http://www.feedmag.com/html/feedline/98.01gaiter/98.01gaiter_master.htm l >, salon.com < h ttp://www.salon.com/june97/21st/cool970605.htm >, and elsewhere. Gerry Hull resides in Georgia. Other excerpts from B appear in American Letters and Commentary and Dirigible. ‘Hecuba’ is a Bosnian woman who lives with her family in the U.SA. Sándor Kányádi was born in 1929 in Transylvania, Rumania. His parents belonged to the sizeable Hungarian minority, among whom he received his education and has spent his working life as a writer, poet, and editor of Hungarian-language publications. His volumes of poetry and translations (from Rumanian, German, and French) exceed two dozens. His poetry has appeared in translation in every Scandinavian country and in Germany, France, and Austria. In 1995 he was given the Herder Prize in Vienna. At present, he travels among Hungarian populations and gives readings to school children for the love of poetry; his book for children will appear in English (Holnap Publishing, Budapest; tel. 361 365-6624). Other poems may be read at Zimmerzine < h t tp://www.nhi.clara.net/z59.htm >, and a portrait of ARCHIPELAGO 3 Vol. 3, No. 4 Winter 2000 Contributors the poet seen at < h ttp://www.btk.elte.hu/irolap/miem/kanyadi/index.html >. “All Soul’s Day in Vienna” is considered his masterpiece; its appearance in Archipelago is the first in an English-language publication. DF Lewis < d [email protected] >was born 1948 in Walton-on-Naze, Essex. Between 1966 and 1969 he was at Lancaster University, where he formed the Zeroist Group. Since 1987, more than 1200 of his stories have been published in books and magazine. For five consecutive years his work appeared in YEAR'S BEST HORROR STORIES; he has published stories, as well, in a number of journals, such as Stand, Orbis, Iron, Panurge and London Magazine; and in THE BEST NEW HORROR, Vols. 1, 2 & 8. He is the author of a novella AGRA ASKA. He is married and has two grown-up children. George Rafael is a part-time writer and full-time wage slave. His work can be found in salon.com < h ttp://www.salon.com > and Art Review (UK; h ttp://www.art-review.co.uk ). Under his full name he has published biographies of Salvador Dali and Miles Davis. He is at work on an essay about La Rochefoucauld. Stella Snead was born in England in 1910. She studied with Ozenfant and Henry Moore and for fifteen years was known as a Surrealist painter whose works were said to be “amongst the most interesting of the strong surrealist movement in [England] in the 1930s and 1940s.” During that period she had eleven solo exhibitions. She migrated to America, living in New York, then Taos; and in 1956, began photography, while traveling in the Americas, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Greenland. She lived in India for eleven years. She has exhibited in a great number of galleries, including the Institute of Contemporary Art, London; Kodak House, London; Lincoln Center, New York; Donnell Library, New York; Gallery Chemould, Bombay. Photographs by her are in the permanent collections of the Victoria and Albert Museum, the International Center of Photography, and Harvard University Archive. She has published eight books: DROWNING CAN BE FUN? A Nonsense Book (Pont La Vue Press, New York, 1992); ANIMALS IN FOUR WORLDS: SCULPTURES FROM INDIA, texts by Wendy Doniger and George Michell (University of Chicago Press, 1989); BEACH PATTERNS (Clarkson Potter, 1975); SHIVA’S PIGEONS, text by Rumer Godden (Chatto and Windus, London/Viking Press, NY, 1972); CHILDREN OF INDIA (Lothrop, Lee & Shephard, NY, 1971); THE TALKATIVE BEASTS (Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1969); SEVEN SEVEN (Folder Editions, NY, 1965); RUINS IN JUNGLE (Hamish Hamilton, London, 1962). She lives in New York. A retrospective of her existing paintings was shown at CFM Gallery < c [email protected] >, 112 Greene St., New York, from April 8 to May 9, 1999; a catalog is available from the gallery. The retrospective will open at Galérie Minsky, 46, rue de l’Université, Paris 75007, on January 13, 2000. “Early Cabbage” appeared in Archipelago, Vol. 1, No. 3, and a retrospective of her paintings in Vol. 3, 1. Paul Sohar was born in Hungary and educated in the U.S., and works full-time as a literary translator. His poetry and translations can be read in Chelsea, Hunger, Long Shot, Malahat Review, Seneca Review, etc.; and will appear in Antigonish Review, Kenyon Review, Many Mountains Moving, Sonora Review. etc. He is preparing a book for children by the Transylvanian Hungarian poet Sándor Kányádi for publication in English (Holnap Publishing, Budapest; tel. 361 365-6624). His translations of ten Hungarian poets, including Béla Marko; Aladar Laszloffy; Árpád Farkas, are collected in an anthology. A selection of his translations of Kányádi and Farkas is to appear in Peer Poetry Review, England; his own poems will appear in a later issue. His translations of poems by Kányádi appear in Zimmerzine < h t tp://www.nhi.clara.net/z59.htm >. &&&&&& We note changes for two of our staff members. In December, Ann Fallon moves to Seattle, where she will become editor-at-large of Archipelago for the West Coast. Jane Shippen, in Buenos Aires as a Fulbright Fellow as of February, will be our correspondent in the Southern Hemisphere. ARCHIPELAGO 4 Vol. 3, No. 4 Winter 2000 Contributors &&&&&& Emergency Money for Writers Professional writers and dramatists facing financial emergencies are encouraged to apply for assistance to the Authors League Fund, founded in 1917 and supported with charitable contributions. The writer may apply directly to the Fund, or a friend or relative may apply on behalf of a writer who urgently needs money to pay medical bills, rent, or other living expenses. Though the money is a loan, it is interest- free and there is no pressure to repay it. The applicant must be a professional writer with a record of publications and a U.S. citizen. For an application or more information, contact the Authors League Fund, 330 W. 42 St. New York, N.Y. 10036-6902. Telephone: 212 268-1208; fax 212 564-8363. Poets In Need, Inc. This organization in California is devoted to helping poets and writers who find themselves in need of fiscal assistance because of health problems (many writers cannot afford health insurance) or other unusual circumstances. Checks should be made out to Poets In Need and mailed to: 2000 Highway 1, Pacifica, Ca. 94044 The Board of Directors consists of Norman Fischer, Leslie Scalapino and Michael Rothenberg < w [email protected] >. &&&&&& Erratum: In Vol. 3, No. 3, in the article “Lee in Retrospect,” the sentence “During his first freshman week at Cornell, he sat down in the undergraduate library and read GRAVITY’S RAINBOW, DON QUIXOTE and THE LAYBRINTH OF SOLITUDE” should have read V., not GRAVITY’S RAINBOW. ARCHIPELAGO 5 Vol. 3, No. 4 Winter 2000 from B 6 The ulcer was small, painless, easily hidden beneath my clothing, excluded me from no activity. Every night I gauged its depth with a small metal ruler and I saw nothing to be alarmed about; the minute changes I observed were probably due to fluctuations in the pressure I applied to the ruler when I inserted it into the wound. And yet when I showed it to people they would stare indifferently at my bare chest, perhaps ask if it hurt much, but they were reluctant to give their opinion and appeared anxious to change the subject; I also noticed they seemed to be looking not at the ulcer but rather at my pointed finger. I don’t know, maybe they saw nothing there, or maybe this was their way of telling me I needed to fix the problem on my own time. But from then on I made a point of asking for practical advice, even from people I knew were not qualified to give it, just to reassure them I was not looking for sympathy. This seemed to break through their reserve, somewhat. Of course the advice I received was impossible to make sense of; I still tried to follow it, less with the object of healing the ulcer than of maintaining my ties to the community. Though I’d not yet benefited from them, I didn’t want to lose those ties at any cost, and I was fairly sure that making the effort to follow people’s recommendations would keep them on my side; I did my best to generate the impression that I was applying their treatments with encouraging results. Sometimes I suspected these lies had caused the ulcer, but they also appeared to halt its progress, and I did not look forward to the day they would be discovered. ARCHIPELAGO 6 Vol. 3, No. 4 Winter 2000 G. HULL from B 30 I was gone for a while. But I came back, through the same door I’d left. Some people were waiting for me. How had I occupied myself? I could no longer maintain that this was an inappropriate question. The initial response I gave, which I composed unassisted, collapsed before developing into a sequence of discrete and audible words, but after several consultations I was able to cite activities which were generally regarded as productive uses of time; whenever possible, I mentioned names of persons who could corroborate my answer. ARCHIPELAGO 7 Vol. 3, No. 4 Winter 2000 G. HULL from B 41 The nose of the plane rested on the ground. Some of the panels on top of the fuselage had been removed for salvage; the huge aircraft had filled with rainwater, and the frontal landing gear had collapsed under the weight. Using a rock as a hammer, we drove a heavy bolt through the underside of the fuselage, and the water rushed out so forcibly as to gouge a reservoir for itself in the hardened ground. While one of us built a perimeter wall to contain the overflow, the other excavated the long channel to irrigate our dried and distant property, for so long unproductive. To distribute the workload fairly we periodically changed positions. ARCHIPELAGO 8 Vol. 3, No. 4 Winter 2000 G. HULL from B 45 I was en route to a meeting, rehearsing the statements I had prepared, when I noticed B laying in an awkward position on the shoulder of the road. At first he looked to be asleep, but his eyes were open; they appeared to fix on me as I approached him, but rather like the eyes of a face on a poster, and for a moment I thought he was dead. It might have been appropriate to stop and help him, but I was already running behind schedule, and if I took on responsibility for B without public support I would have to bring him to the meeting with me, which would not look good at all. And where then? Paired with another I would forget the next destination I’d had in mind, and would have to defer to B to lead me through his own degrading orbit, not being able to break free of him until finally we returned to where we began. ARCHIPELAGO 9 Vol. 3, No. 4 Winter 2000 G. HULL from B 50 The sea met the land, and trees grew on the land where the land met the sea. If rain flattened the sea, the water turned the color of lead and the weighted limbs of the trees sagged down to the land. If the tide rose at midnight, the sea carried the fish past the trees and into the filling fields beyond. ARCHIPELAGO 10 Vol. 3, No. 4 Winter 2000