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UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations VOLUME 202 Recueil des Traites Traitgs et accords internationaux enregistrds ou classes et inscrits au repertoire au Secrgtariatd e l'Organisationd es Nations Unies Treaties and internationala greements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations VOLUME 202 1954-1955 I. Nos. 2725-2737 TABLE OF CONTENTS I Treaties and international agreements registered from 3 December 1954 to 26 January 1955 Page No. 2725. Denmark and Federal Republic of Germany: Agreement (with Final Protocol and Supplementary Agreement) concerning social security. Signed at Copenhagen, on 14 August 1953 ... ...... 3 No. 2726. Belgium and Federal Republic of Germany: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement to renew the application of the Convention and Statute on the International R6gime of Maritime Ports, with Protocol of Signature, signed at Geneva on 9 December 1923. Brussels, 17 and 23 November 1954 ...... ............... 109 No. 2727. Netherlands and France: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement for the delivery of duplicates of looted French transferable securities. Paris, 6 March and 30 April 1954 115 No. 2728. United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East and Lebanon: Exchange of notes constituting an overall agreement (with annexed specific arrangement). Beirut, 26 November 1954 ..... ............ 123 No. 2729. United Nations Children's Fund and Netherlands: Agreement concerning the activities of UNICEF in Netherlands New Guinea. Signed at New York, on 31 December 1954 ..... ............ 135 No. 2730. Sweden and Norway: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement concerning the extension through Swedish territory of a road from Kveli to Tunsj6 in Norway. Stockholm, 28 January 1950 ..... ................... ... 151 Traitis et accords internationaux enregistris ou classes et inscrits au ripertoire au Secritariat de l'Organisationd es Nations Unies VOLUME 202 1954-1955 I. NOs 2725-2737 TABLE DES MATIERES I Traitds et accords internationaux enregistrds du 3 ddcembre 1954 au 26 janvier 1955 Pages No 2725. Danemark et Republique fidirale d'Allemagne: Convention sur la scurit6 sociale (avec protocole final et accord compkmen- taire). Sign~e h Copenhague, le 14 ao~it 1953 ...... ............ 3 NO 2726. Belgique et Ripublique fidirale d'Allemagne: Rchange de notes constituant un accord pour consacrer la remise en vigueur de la Convention et du Statut sur le regime international des ports marn- times et du Protocole de signature, sign~s Gen~ve, le 9 d~cembre 1923. Bruxelles, 17 et 23 novembre 1954 .... ................ ... 109 No 2727. Pays-Bas et France: ]Echange de notes constituant un accord concernant la d~livrance de duplicata des titres spoli~s de valeurs mobili~res frangaises. Paris, 6 mars et 30 avril 1954 ..... ... .. ............................ .. 115 No 2728. Office de secours et de travaux des Nations Unies pour les rifugiis de Palestine dans le Proche-Orient et Liban: Rchange de notes constituant un arrangement global (avec r~glement annex6). Beyrouth, 26 novembre 1954. ....... .............. ... 123 No 2729. Fonds des Nations Unies pour lenfance et Pays-Bas: Accord concemant les activit~s du FISE en Nouvelle-Guin~e nerlandaise. Sign6 New-York, le 31 d~cembre 1954 ... .............. ... 135 No 2730. Suide et Norve'ge: ]change de notes constituant un accord relatif au prolongement, h travers le territoire su~dois, d'une route allant de Kveli Tunsj6 en Norv~ge. Stockholm, 28 janvier 1950 ............................ 151 IV United Nations - Treaty Series 1954-1955 Page No. 2731. Sweden and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Consular Convention (with first, second and third protocols of signature and exchange of notes). Signed at Stockholm, on 14 March 1952 ... ..... 157 No. 2732. Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Norway : Agreement concerning changes in the text of articles 2, 7 and 9 of the Conven- tion of 6 February 1931 containing certain provisions of private inter- national law regarding marriage, adoption and guardianship. Signed at Stockholm, on 23 March 1953 ..... .................. ... 241 No. 2733. Sweden and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Agreement concerning co-operation for the saving of lives in the Baltic Sea. Signed at Moscow, on 29 September 1954 ... ............. ... 259 No. 2734. Sweden and Ethiopia: Agreement (with exchange of notes) for technical assistance in the field of vocational and technological education. Signed at Addis Ababa, on 13 October 1954 ..... .. ......................... ... 273 No. 2735. Belgium and United States of America: Agreement to facilitate interchange of patent rights and technical information for defense purposes. Signed at Brussels, on 12 October 1954 . . . . 289 No. 2736. Pakistan and United States of America: Mutual Defence Assistance Agreement. Signed at Karachi, on 19 May 1954 301 No. 2737. Norway and France: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement regarding exemption from military service. Oslo, 30 November and 6 December 1954 ....... 313 ANNEX A. Ratifications, accessions, prorogations, etc., concerning treaties and internationala greements registeredw ith the Secretariato f the UnitedN ations No. 4. Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations. Adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 13 February 1946: Accession by Burma ....... ........................ ... 320 1954-1955 Nations Unies - Recuei des Traitis V Pages No 2731. Suide et Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord: Convention consulaire (avec premier, deuxi~me et troisi~me protocoles de signature et 6change de notes). Sign~e Stockholm, le 14 mars 1952 157 No 2732. Suede, Danemark, Finlande, Islande et Norvige: Accord relatif h la modification des articles 2, 7 et 9 de la Convention du 6 f~vrier 1931 contenant certaines dispositions de droit international priv6 sur le mariage, l'adoption et la tutelle. Sign6 Stockholm, le 23 mars 1953 .......... ........................ ... 241 NO 2733. Suide et Union des Republiques socialistes soviftiques: Accord relatif la cooperation pour le sauvetage des vies humaines dans la Baltique. Sign6 Moscou, le 29 septembre 1954 ............. ... 259 NO 2734. Suede et 8thiopie: Accord (avec 6change de notes) relatif l'assistance technique dans le domaine de l'enseignement professionnel et technologique. Sign6 i Addis-Ab~ba, le 13 octobre 1954 ........ ..... .................. ... 273 No 2735. Belgique et 9tats-Unis 4'Amrrique: Accord en vue de faciliter l'6change mutuel des brevets et des renseigne- ments techniques dans un but de defense. Sign6 Bruxelles, le 12 octobre 1954 ............ ............................ ... 287 No 2736. Pakistan et 9tats-Unis d'Amrique: Accord relatif l'aide pour la defense mutuelle. Sign6 Karachi, le 19 mai 1954 ............ ............................ ... 301 N0 2737. Norvige et France: I~change de notes constituant un accord relatif l'exemption du service militaire. Oslo, 30 novembre et 6 d~cembre 1954 ... .......... ... 313 ANNEXE A. Ratifications, adhisions, prorogations, etc., concernant des traitis et accords internationaux enregistris au Secritariat de l'Organisationd es Nations Unies NO 4. Convention sur les privilges et immunitis des Nations Unies. Ap- prouvee par l'Assemblie generale des Nations Unies le 13 fivrier 1946: Adhesion par la Birmanie ..... .... ...................... 320 VI United Nations - Treaty Series 1954-1955 Page No. 521. Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies. Approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 21 November 1947 Application by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Universal Postal Union, World Meteorological Organization and International Telecommunication Union Application by Austria to the World Meteorological Organization Acceptance by Austria of the Revised Text of Annex VII - World Health Organization ........ ......................... ... 321 No. 571. Convention between Belgium and Italy on social insurance. Signed at Brussels, on 30 April 1948: Convention amending the above-mentioned Convention. Signed at Brussels, on 1 August 1952 ....... ....................... ... 322 No. 589. Convention (No. 6) concerning the night work of young per- sons employed in industry, adopted by the General Con- ference of the International Labour Organisation at its first session, Washington, 28 November 1919, as modified by the Final Articles Revision Convention, 1946: Denunciation by the Netherlands ....... .................. 326 No. 609. Convention (No. 26) concerning the creation of minimum wage-fixing machinery, adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its eleventh ses- sion, Geneva, 16 June 1928, as modified by the Final Articles Revision Convention, 1946: Ratification by India ....... ........................ ... 327 No. 612. Convention (No. 29) concerning forced or compulsory labour, adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its fourteenth session, Geneva, 28 June 1930, as modified by the Final Articles Revision Con- vention, 1946 : Ratification by India ..... ........................... 328 No. 627. Convention (No. 45) concerning the employment of women on underground work in mines of all kinds, adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisa- tion at its nineteenth session, Geneva, 21 June 1935, as modi- fied by the Final Articles Revision Convention, 1946 : Application by Australia to the Territory of Papua and to the Trust Territory of New Guinea .......... ........................ 329 1954-1955 Nations Unies - Recuei des Traitds VII Pages No 521. Convention sur les priviliges et immunitis des institutions spi- cialisees. Approuvie par 'Assemblee gin~rae des Nations Unies le 21 novembre 1947: Application par le Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord i l'Union postale universelle, l'Organisation m~t~orologique mondiale et l'Union intemationale des t~lcommunications Application par l'Autriche l'Organisation m~t~orologique mondiale Acceptation par l'Autriche du texte revis6 de l'Annexe VII - Organisation mondiale de la Sante...... ...................... ... 321 No 571. Convention sur les assurances sociales entre la Belgique et l'Italie. Signie i Bruxelles, le 30 avril 1948: Convention portant modification de la Convention susmentionn~e. Sign~e h Bruxelles, le ler aofat 1952 ........ ................... 322 No 589. Convention (no 6) concernant le travail de nuit des enfants dans l'industrie, adoptee par la Conference ginirale de l'Or- ganisation internationale du Travail i sa premiere session, Washington, 28 novembre 1919, telle qu'elle a eti modifiee par la Convention portant revision des articles finals, 1946 : D~nonciation par les Pays-Bas ... ................... . .. 326 No 609. Convention (no 26) concernant l'institution de methodes de fixa- tion des salaires minima, adoptee par la Conference generale de l'Organisation internationale du Travail A sa onziime session, Geneve, 16 juin 1928, telle qu'elle a t6 modifiee par la Convention portant revision des articles finals, 1946: Ratification par l'Inde ...... ....................... .... 327 No 612. Convention (no 29) concernant le travail forci ou obligatoire, adoptee par la Conference gen~rale de l'Organisation interna- tionale du Travail i sa quatorzikme session, Genive, 28 juin 1930, telle qu'elle a iti modifiee par la Convention portant revision des articles finals, 1946: Ratification par l'Inde ....... ....................... ... 328 No 627. Convention (no 45) concernant l'emploi des femmes aux travaux souterrains dans les mines de toutes categories, adopt~e par la Conference ginirale de l'Organisation internationale du Travail i sa dix-neuviime session, Genive, 21 juin 1935, telle qu'elle a t6 modifie par la Convention portant revision des articles finals, 1946: Application par l'Australie au territoire du Papua et au Territoire sous tutelle de la Nouvelle-Guin~e ...... ..................... ... 329 VIII United Nations - Treaty Series 1954-1955 Page No. 970. Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field. Signed at Geneva, on 12 August 1949: Ratification by Poland, application by the Federal Republic of Germany to Land Berlin and accession by Thailand ... .............. ... 330 No. 971. Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea. Signed at Geneva, on 12 August 1949: Ratification by Poland, application by the Federal Republic of Germany to Land Berlin and accession by Thailand ... .............. ... 331 No. 972. Geneva Convention relative to the treatment of prisoners of war. Signed at Geneva, on 12 August 1949: Ratification by Poland, application by the Federal Republic of Germany to Land Berlin and accession by Thailand ... .............. ... 332 No. 973. Geneva Convention relative to the protection of civilian per- sons in time of war. Signed at Geneva, on 12 August 1949: Ratification by Poland, application by the Federal Republic of Germany to Land Berlin and accession by Thailand ... .............. ... 333 No. 1021. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 9 December 1948: Ratification by Greece ...... ....................... .... 334 No. 1613. Constitution of the International Rice Commission. For- mulated at the International Rice Meeting at Baguio, 1-13 March 1948, and approved by the Conference of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations at its fourth session held in Washington from 15 to 29 November 1948: Acceptances by Portugal and Iran ..... .................. ... 335 No. 1671. A. Convention on Road Traffic. Signed at Geneva, on 19 September 1949: Accession by Australia, ratification by Israel and extension of the application by the Netherlands to Surinam and Netherlands New Guinea ....... 336 B. Protocol on Road Signs and Signals. Done at Geneva, on 19 September 1949: Extension of the application by the Netherlands to Surinam and Netherlands New Guinea ........ ......................... ... 337 1954-1955 Nations Unies - Recuei des Traitds IX Pages NO 970. Convention de Geneve pour l'amilioration du sort des blessis et des malades dans les forces armies en campagne. Sign~e a Genive, le 12 aofit 1949: Ratification par la Pologne, application par la R1publique fd6rale d'Alle- magne au Land de Berlin et adhesion par la Thailande .......... ... 330 No 971. Convention de Geneve pour l'amelioration du sort des blessis, des malades et des naufrag~s des forces armies sur mer. Signie i Geneve, le 12 aofit 1949: Ratification par la Pologne, application par la R~publique f~d~rale d'Ale- magne au Land de Berlin et adhesion par la Thailande .......... ... 331 NO 972. Convention de Genrve relative au traitement des prisonniers de guerre. Signee A Geneve, le 12 aofit 1949: Ratification par la Pologne, application par la R~publique f~d6rale d'Alle- magne au Land de Berlin et adh6sion par la Thadlande .......... ... 332 No 973. Convention de Genive relative a la protection des personnes ci- viles en temps de guerre. Signee A Geneve, le 12 aofit 1949: Ratification par la Pologne, application par la R~publique fMd~rale d'Alle- magne au Land de Berlin et adhesion par la Thailande .......... ... 333 No 1021. Convention pour la prevention et la repression du crime de ginocide. Adoptee par l'Assemblie generale des Nations Unies le 9 dicembre 1948: Ratification par la Grce ......... ...................... 334 No 1613. Acte constitutif de la Commission internationale du riz. Redige i la Conference internationale du riz tenue a Baguio du Ier au 13 mars 1948 et adopte par la Conference de l'Organi- sation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture au cours de sa quatrieme session tenue i Washington du 15 au 29 novembre 1948: Acceptations par le Portugal et l'Iran ..... ................. ... 335 No 1671. A. Convention sur la circulation routiire. Signee i Genive, le 19 septembre 1949: Adhesion par l'Australie, ratification par Isral et extension de l'application par les Pays-Bas au Surinam et la Nouvelle-Guin~e n~erlandaise . . . 336 B. Protocole sur la signalisation routikre. Fait a Genive, le 19 septembre 1949: Extension de l'application par les Pays-Bas au Surinam et h la Nouvelle- Guine n~erlandaise ........ ...................... ... 337 X United Nations - Treaty Series 1954-1955 Page No. 1963. International Plant Protection Convention. Done at Rome, on 6 December 1951: Adherence by Greece ...... ....................... .... 338 No. 2163. International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1948. Signed at London, on 10 June 1948: Acceptance by the Romanian People's Republic ........ .......... 339 No. 2220. Universal Postal Convention (with Final Protocol, detailed regulations and provisions concerning air-mail corre- spondence, with Final Protocol). Signed at Brussels, on 11 July 1952: Ratifications by various States ...... .................... .. 340 No. 2221. Agreement concerning insured letters and boxes (with Final Protocol and detailed regulations). Signed at Brussels, on 11 July 1952: Ratifications by various States ...... .................... .. 344 No. 2222. Agreement concerning postal parcels (with Final Protocol and detailed regulations). Signed at Brussels, on 11 July 1952: Ratifications by various States ...... .................... .. 348 No. 2223. Agreement concerning postal money orders and postal travellers' cheques (with detailed regulations). Signed at Brussels, on 11 July 1952: Ratifications by various States ...... .................... .. 350 No. 2224. Agreement concerning transfers to and from postal cheque accounts and supplement dealing with the negotiation through postal cheque accounts of securities made payable at postal cheque offices (with detailed regulations). Signed at Brussels, on 11 July 1952: Ratifications by various States ...... .................... .. 352 No. 2225. Agreement concerning cash on delivery items (with detailed regulations). Signed at Brussels, on 11 July 1952: Ratifications by various States ...... .................... .. 354 No. 2226. Agreement concerning the collection of bills, drafts, etc. (with detailed regulations). Signed at Brussels, on 11 July 1952: Ratifications by various States ................... . ...... 356

skall f6rutsiittas vara limnat i hiindelse av brand eller annan svAr olyckshindelse eller darest territoriets myndigheter hava The instructions given in the Institute shall be in either the Amharic or the. English language. Article VIII.
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