Voidworking Practical Sorcery from Primordial Nothingness Voidworking Practical Sorcery from Primordial Nothingness Dave Smith Stafford, UK Voidworking: Practical Sorcery from Primordial Nothingness Dave Smith © 2020 All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form. The right of Dave Smith to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988. Editor: Storm Constantine Cover Art and Design: Danielle Lainton ISBN: 978-1-912241-17-0 Catalogue Number: MB0209 Set in Book Antiqua Megalithica Books Edition 2020 www.immanion-press.com [email protected] This book is dedicated to Typhon Draconis, who left this world and passed back into the Void in July of 2019. He was a friend and a tireless supporter of my work. Contents Introduction – What is the Void? 9 Caveats 14 Part I: Laying the Foundation 19 Religion and Cosmology 19 Philosophy 25 Contemporary Magic 28 Popular Culture 32 Fiction 33 Music 36 Video Games 37 Film 38 Part II: Voidworking 40 What is Magic? 42 Why Do Magic? 45 Tuning the Magical Mind 49 Re-Imagining the Self 56 The Nature and Use of Ritual 58 The Importance of Symbols 64 Symbolizing the Self 66 The Glyph of the Void 67 The Primal Vortex 68 Emanations of the Void 70 Gods and Monsters 73 Visualization 77 Voidworking in Practice 78 Tools, Trappings, and Correspondences 79 Void Stones 81 Black Water 83 Hallowing 84 Banishing 85 Meditating on the Void 90 Disintegration 93 The Rite of Erasure 94 The Black Jar 97 Black Ice 99 Deep Diving 100 Distilling the Static 104 The Veil of Shadows 107 Scrying: Gazing into the Void 108 The Last: Contemplating Death 111 Conclusion 115 Sources consulted 117 About the Author 122 Introduction What is the Void? Do you know Nothing? If you don’t, you will, inasmuch as it can be known. When I first discussed this project with a friend, he asked what is there possibly to say about the Void? That’s a fair question. It’s not a topic that seems to have a great deal of approachability. However, through the investigation of various sources and conceptions, this work is intended to provide a thorough, practical understanding of what the Void is, and how its power and potential can be used in magical workings of various kinds. The concept of the Void itself is one that most occultists are likely familiar with but may not have spent much effort contemplating. It is mentioned briefly in works that too often seem to assume that the reader has a thorough understanding of the concept and its aspects and applications, but such an understanding is difficult to acquire. Where is the entry point to this information? There is a wide variety of material on the subject, but it is scattered through magical, religious, philosophical, and scientific works of numerous cultures and eras. These sources are further enriched by a deep body of contemporary fictional treatments of the Void in written literature and video games. I’ve long been both fascinated and discomfited by the idea of nothingness. It seems natural to abhor it, yet throughout the progression of my practice, in each of the paradigms 9 Dave Smith and faiths that I have worked in, I’ve always looked for how each one addressed the concept. In English, it is variously called the Void (from the Latin vacare, or vacate via Old French), the Abyss (from the Greek abussos, or bottomless), or simply Nothingness. Throughout this work I will use whichever term is representative of the source material that I’m discussing, although in my own nomenclature, I refer to it as the Void, capitalized as a proper name. The first question to answer, is what exactly do I mean by the Void? Is it a physical place? Is it a metaphysical concept? Is it a state of consciousness? Much like the term chaos, with which it is often interchangeable, it has many meanings. It is each of these things and more. Just as Lao Tzu wrote that the Dao that can be described in words is not the true Dao, and Austin Spare held that the Kia which can be expressed by conceivable ideas is not the eternal Kia, conceptualizing the Void is inherently elusive. It defies a single strict definition. A workable place to begin with is that the Void is the inverse of that which is. It represents a state of existence that has not yet been ordered by a sentient force, nor metamorphosed into another state of being via some process of self-organization. It is emptiness without bounds or limits. It is this state from whence we come, and to which we shall return, and among most people it is a source of dread. We cannot experience the Void directly through our physical senses, but we can visualize it and contemplate it in our minds. Semantically, it is a blank 10