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Voids formed by irradiation of reactor materials : proceedings of the British Nuclear Energy Society European conference held at Reading University on 24 and 25 March 1971 PDF

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Preview Voids formed by irradiation of reactor materials : proceedings of the British Nuclear Energy Society European conference held at Reading University on 24 and 25 March 1971

VOIDS FORMED BY IRRADIATION OF REACTOR MATERIALS PROCEEDINGS of the British Nuclear Energy Society European Conference held at Reading University on 24 and 25 March 1971. Edited by Mr. S. F Pugh, Mr. M.H.Loretto, Dr. D.I.R. Norris. © The British Nuclear Energy Society 1969 The British Nuclear Energy Society as a body is not responsible for the statements made or for the opinions expressed in the r T~",*^ following pages. —**• "'''<«*\ Produced by A.E.R.E. Harwell for the \ _ British Nuclear Energy Society ; Published by ICE Publishing, 40 Marsh Wall, London E14 9TP. Distributors for ICE Publishing books are USA: Publishers Storage and Shipping Corp., 46 Development Road, Fitchburg, MA 01420 www.icevirtuallibrary.com A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN: 978-0-7277-4462-3 © Thomas Telford Limited 2011 ICE Publishing is a division of Thomas Telford Ltd, a wholly- owned subsidiary of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE). All rights, including translation, reserved. Except as permitted by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Publisher, ICE Publishing, 40 Marsh Wall, London E14 9TP. This book is published on the understanding that the author is solely responsible for the statements made and opinions expressed in it and that its publication does not necessarily imply that such statements and/or opinions are or reflect the views or opinions of the publishers. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the statements made and the opinions expressed in this publication provide a safe and accurate guide, no liability or responsibility can be accepted in this respect by the author or publishers. CONTENTS PREFACE The Phenomenon of Void Formation The Mechanism of Void Formation by Irradiation Report of Visit SESSION ON VOIDS PRODUCED BY FAST NEUTRON IRRADIATION Paper No, Author(s) Title 1 K.Q. Bagley, Fast Neutron Induced Voidage in J.I* Bramman, Non-Fissile Metals and Alloys C. Cawthorne 2 J.I. Bramman, Density Changes in Cladding C, Cawthorne, Materials Irradiated in DFR E.J. Fulton, W.D.J* Sinclair 3 C. Cawthorne Electron Microscope Observations E.J. Fulton of Voids in Cladding Materials J.I. Bramman Irradiated in DFR G.A.B. Linekar R.M. Sharpe 4 P.J. Barton Effect of Stress During Irradia­ P.H. Nutter tion on Void Formation in Nickel 5 J.D. Elen Some Electron Microscope Observations on Voids in Vanadium, Niobium and Molybdenum Miles V. Levy Voids Formed by Irradiation of J. Mathie Reactor Materials MM. A. Risbet R. Levy,J.P. Poirier N.H. Packan The Effect of Neutron Dose on Void Formation in High Purity Aluminium SESSION ON THEORY OF VOID FORMATION 8 R. Builough The Theory of Void Growth in R.C. Perrin Irradiated Materials K. Malen, The Void Lattice in Molybdenum R. Builough 10 A.J.E. Foreman The Temperature Range and Dose Dependence for Void Growth in Irradiated Materials 11 J.R. Willis The Interaction Between a Void R. Builough and a Dislocation Loop 12 S.B. Fisher A Theoretical Model for Void K.R. Williams Formation in the High Voltage Microscope (i) CONTENTS CONTINUED Page Number SESSION ON VOIDS PRODUCED BY QUENCHING AND OTHER METHODS Paper No. Author(s) Title 13 R.E. Smallman The Formation and Behaviour of K.H. Westmacott Quenched-in Voids in Close Packed Metals 159-176 14 H.L. Fraser Voids in the Intermetallic M.H. Loretto Compound NiAl 177-182 H.E. Smallman R.J. Wasilewski 15 E. Ruedl The Formation of Voids by Quenching or Deformation of Metals 183-190 SESSION ON THE PRODUCTION OF VOIDS BY ION BOMBARDMENT 16 R.S. Nelson Void Formation During Ion D.J. Mazey Irradiation of Metals at J. A. Hudson Elevated Temperatures 191-203 17 T.M. Williams The Temperature Dependence of Void Swelling in Type 316 Austenitic Stainless Steel Irradiated with 20 MeV C** Ions 205-212 18 J.A. Hudson Void Formation in Nickel, D.J. Mazey 316 Steel and Nimonic PE16 ++ R.S. Nelson During 20 MeV C Irradiation 215-221 19 G.P. Walters The Temperature Dependence of Void Swelling in 18/8/Ti Steel 223-230 20 G.P. Walters The Effect of Cold Work on the Swelling of Type 316 Steel Irradiated with 20 MeV Carbon Ions at 525°C 231-237 21 S.A. Manthorpe The Production of Voids in S.N. Buckley Cobalt during Ion Bombardment and Electron Irradiation 239-246 SESSION ON THE PRODUCTION OF VOIDS IN THE HVEM 22 D.I.R. Norris The Simulation of Fast Reactor Irradiation Effects in the High Voltage Electron Microscope 247-268 23 M.J. Makin The Production of Voids in Copper by Electron Irradiation in a 1 MV Electron Microscope 269-274 24 K. Urban Growth of Interstitial and Vacancy Agglomerates in Nickel During Electron Irradiation 275-282 25 J.T. Buswell The Growth of Voids in Stainless Steel 283-291 (ii) CONTENTS CONTINUED Page Number SESSION ON THE PRODUCTION OF VOIDS IN THE HVEM (CONTINUED) Paper No. Author(s) Title 26 J.E. Harbottle The Influence of HVEM Irradiation on Neutron Induced Voids in Nickel 293-300 SESSION ON THE ENGINEERING IMPLICATIONS OF VOID FORMATION 27 J.F.W, Bishop The Significance of Fast Neutron Induced Voids in the Design and Performance of Fast Reactors 301-318 WRITTEN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EVENING DISCUSSION ON NUCLEATION OF VOIDS 28 D, Kaletta The Atomic Interaction Potential for Nickel 319-322 29 B.L. Eyre A Comparison of the Damage J.H. Evans Structure in Fast Reactor and Accelerator Irradiated Molybdenum 323-331 30 J.E. Harbottle The Role of Gas Atoms in Nucleating Voids 333 31 H• Migge Knock-on of Gas Atoms Into Materials During Irradiation in a Gas Atmosphere 335-336 32 U» Bergenlid Some Observations of Thermal Release of Helium From Irradiated Nickel 337-338 33 I.R. Birss A New Source of Helium in W.E. Ellis Cladding Materials 339-345 SUMMARIES OF DISCUSSIONS 347-358 COMMITTEES 359 LIST OF DELEGATES 360-365 (iii) VOIDS FORMED BY IRRADIATION OF REACTOR MATERIALS PREFACE The British Nuclear Energy Society organized a two day European Conference on the subject of Voids formed by Irradiation of Reactor Materials, which took place at the University of Reading on March 24th and 25th 1971* 126 delegates attended the conference including about 40 from outside the U.K. Papers presented at the conference are reproduced in this volume, together with summaries of the discussions that took place. A list of delegates is appended. For readers who are not familiar with the subject an introduction has been provided which summarizes the phenomenon and mechanism of void formation* The conference was arranged in sessions each devoted to a specific aspect of void formation.. The main technological interest in void formation arises from its incidence in structural materials exposed in the cores of fast reactors and other high flux reactors, where bombardment by fast neutrons gives rise to the forma­ tion of helium by transmutation and displaced atoms* The first session is therefore devoted to presentation of the data on production of voids by fast neutron bombardment* Much of the present experimental work on void formation is however undertaken using charged particle irradiation, and to relate the findings of this work to the effects produced by fast neutron irradiation it is necessary to draw considerably on the quantitative theories of void formation. The session devoted to theory is therefore second, followed by the sessions on void formation by other techniques such as quenching and oxidation, ion bombardment and electron irradiation* Each session starts with a review paper establishing the present state of knowledge in that particular area, followed by a series of short original contributions in the same area. The discussion of each session is presented immediately after that session in the proceedings* Since all the electron irradiation experiments have been performed using high voltage electron microscopes, which have the added advantage of allowing observation of the specimen during irradiation, these experiments have been allotted a separate session* (iv) THE PHENOMENON OF VOID FORMATION The phenomenon of void formation in cladding and other structural materials was discovered at a late stage in reactor technology. The first prediction that such a phenomenon might occur was made in 1959 in a paper by Foreman 9 Greenwood and Rimmer of A.E.R.E. Harwell, but it was not until 1967 that Cawthorne and Fulton, of the Dounreay Experimental Research Establishment, published the first paper in the literature reporting the observation of voids in stainless steels irradiated in the Dounreay Fast Reactor. The phenomenon was discovered at this late stage because very high fast neutron doses are required to form an observable quantity of voids in those structural materials normally exposed in the cores of nuclear reactors. In some pure metals voids appear at total fast neutron doses one or two orders of magnitude lower. The high fast neutron dose is in itself not a sufficient condition for void formation; only in a narrow temperature range of about 200 to 300°C in width are voids formed. It is interesting to note that in this same temperature range other interesting phenomena caused by radiation induced diffusion also occur. These phenomena are collectively caused by the production of vacancies by irradiation followed by thermal migration. The temperature range for these phenomena is restricted therefore to the one in which vacancies are mobile but where the concentra­ tion of vacancies formed thermally is very low and is significantly less than the concentration of vacancies built up by irradiation. Other radia­ tion induced diffusion phenomena include structural changes in alloys such as order/disorder or precipitation reactions and radiation induced creep. The temperature range is different for different materials and for annealed stainless steels in a fast reactor the peak void formation rate occurs at about 525°C. Volume increases of up to 15% can occur in some materials at high doses so there is clearly a need to chose reactor structure materials that are resistant to void formation, and to have a detailed knowledge of the incidence of voids in reactor materials for design purposes. THE MECHANISM OF VOID FORMATION BY IRRADIATION The main factors in void formation are the production of displaced atoms by radiation and the subsequent migration of the vacant sites and interstitial atoms to sinks. The random migration of the point defects would cause an equal number of interstitials and vacancies to be annihilated at any particular sink. Calculations have shown however that the elastic inter­ action between interstitials and dislocations causes an attraction which (v) imposes a slight drift on the movement of interstitials to dislocations. Any other structural feature which has a long range stress field is likely to impose a preferential drift on interstitials. The corresponding inter­ action with a vacancy is considerably less and hence there is a small excess in the numbers of interstitials reaching dislocations compared with the number of vacancies. Experiment confirms that during void formation there is a corresponding formation of interstitial loops which grow by capturing an excess of interstitials. Thus an excess of vacancies is left and providing these are mobile they can cause the growth of voids. Vacancies do not normally form three dimensional clusters but rather form flat mono-atomic layers which collapse into rings of edge dislocation together with a stacking fault. Collapse of the cluster removes most of the volume increase except for the very small effect of the dislocation loop. Calculations indicate that the three dimensional arrangement of vacancies in clusters too small to be visible in the electron microscope also would not be stable and would collapse into a dislocation loop. It is therefore supposed that something is required to stabilize the void nucleus* For example, a few inert gas atoms would quite readily prevent the collapse of a three dimensional arrangement of vacancies and would provide a surface in the material having effectively the same free energy as that of a free surface. It would therefore be energetically favourable for other vacancies to condense on such a complex nucleus and continue the growth in the three dimensional geometry of typical voids. Since the vacancies formed by irradiation are less mobile than the interstitials, the temperature variation of void formation is largely dominated by vacancy formation rate and vacancy mobility. Void formation decreases at temperatures above the peak because the concentration of vacancies arising from thermal activation becomes comparable with that caused by irradiation and eventually exceeds it; also voids can lose vacancies by thermal evaporation. The void formation rate falls off at temperatures below the peak because the decrease in vacancy mobility results in a higher instantaneous vacancy concentration in the lattice and hence a higher rate of annihilation of the fast moving interstitials by vacancy-interstitial recombination. If there were no preferential sinks such as dislocations present in the structure to impose a drift on the interstitials, then no void formation would be expected since the vacancy supersaturation in the (vi) lattice would not arise. If there is an extremely high dislocation density present then the dislocations compete with voids as sinks for vacancies and swelling is greatly reduced. There is therefore an optimum intermediate dislocation density when the rate of void formation is a maximum. Any sinks introduced into the structure which show no preference for a particular type of defect will cause an increase in vacancy interstitial annihilation and hence a decrease in the rate of void formation. VISIT TO A.E.R.E. HARWELL About 40 delegates visited Harwell for the morning of Friday the 26th March and of these five delegates chose to spend the morning discussing the theory of void formation. Some of this time was spent discussing void nucleation and strongly reached the conclusion that the collision cascades were not an important feature in void nucleation. The remainder, in four parties, saw in turn five separate topics. Dr. M.J. Makin showed the 1MV A.E.I, electron microscope in operation, and also a display of the results of studies of void formation using the high voltage microscope. B.L. Evre and his Group discussed their findings on void formation in the refractory metals, particularly in molybdenum, where the temperature range for void formation is much higher than that in steels. Dr. R.S. Nelson and his Group showed the heavy ion accelerator coupled to an electron microscope for studying radiation damage in situ and equipment for studying radiation creep using ion bombardment. Dr. D.R. Harries and his Group showed results obtained using reactor irradiation for void production. Finally, Mr. JmH. Worth and his team showed the target equipment and discussed techniques for irradiating specimens in the Variable Energy Cyclotron. (vii)

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