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Preview Voices From the Middle 2006 - 2007: Vol 14 Index & Table of Contents

VOLUME AUTHOR INDEX Allington, Richard L. Intervention all Behind When Nobody Told Us Where 50-53. Day Long: New Hope for Struggling We Were Going. May, pp. 51-52. Lesesne, Teri S., Editor. Books for Readers. May, pp. 7-14. Hayes, Sandy, Editor. Technology Young Adolescents. Getting Lost in a Alvermann, Donna E. Youth in the Toolkit. Improving Writing: Online Book: Unconscious Delight and Lifelong Middle: Our Guides to Improved Bulletin Boards. December, pp. 71-73. Readers. March, pp. 53-56. Literacy Instruction? December, pp. Hayes, Sandy, Editor. Technology Lesesne, Teri S., Editor. Books for 7-13. Toolkit. Mapping the Journey. Young Adolescents. Leaving No Beers, Kylene. The Legacy of Leadership. September, pp. 62-64. Reader Behind: Some Tipsf or Reluctant September, p. 7. Hayes, Sandy, Editor. Technology Readers. May, pp. 42-43. Clausen-Grace, Nicki & Michelle Toolkit. Navigating the Detours. Lesesne, Teri S., Editor. Books for Kelley. You Can't Hide in R’: March, pp. 60-62. Young Adolescents. On the Road: The Restructuring Independent Reading to Hedrick, Wanda, Editor. Bumps in the Journey ofA dolescence. December, pp. Be More Strategic and Engaging. Road. Reading Incentives Don’t 59-61. March, pp. 38-49. Necessarily Grow Readers. December, Maltese, Denise. Out of the Narrow Cuero, Kimberley K. & Joel E. Dworin. pp. 77-78. Tunnel and into the Universe of Lessons from Feniffer: Addressing Hedrick, Wanda, Editor. Bumps in the Discourse. December, pp. 47-56. Common Assumptions Regarding Road. There Is More to Fluency than McGinnis, Theresa. Are Urban Middle “Former” English-Language Learners Speed and Accuracy. December, pp. Schools Leaving Bright Immigrant in Middle School. May, pp. 15-25. 77-78. May, pp. 55-56. Youth Behind? May, pp. 32-38. Daniels, Erika. Literacy Café: Making Hedrick, Wanda, Editor. Bumps in the Meyer, Richard J. Parallel Journeys: Writing Authentic. March, pp. 12-19. Road. This Year's Password: Iatrogenic. Teaching, Learning, and Hurricanes. DeBenedicitis, Deb. Sustained Silent September, pp. 68-69. September, pp. 8-12. Reading: Making Adaptations. March, Henkin, Roxanne, Janis Harmon, & Ollerenshaw, Jo Anne. Storytelling: Eight pp. 29-37. Elizabeth Pate. Editors’ Message. Steps That Help You Engage Your Dworin, Joel. (See Cuero & Dworin, The First Stop: Itinerary from the Students. September, pp. 30-37. May). Editors. September, pp. 5-6. Otinsky, Gennifer. (See Taylor & Ford, Kim, Editor. Student to Student. Henkin, Roxanne, Janis Harmon, & Otinsky, September). Lost and Found. March, pp. 57-59. Elizabeth Pate. Editor’s Message. Pate, Elizabeth. (See Henkin, Harmon, & Ford, Kim, Editor. Student to Student. Getting Lost: Opportunities for Pate, Editors’ Message, September). Patterns? Don’t Even Try. September, Discovering New Directions. March, Pate, Elizabeth. (See Henkin, Harmon, & pp. 59-61. ps5. Pate, Editors’ Message, December). Ford, Kim, Editor. Student to Student. Henkin, Roxanne, Janis Harmon, & Pate, Elizabeth. (See Henkin, Harmon, Postcards from the World of Fantasy. Elizabeth Pate. Editors’ Message. A & Pate, Editors’ Message, March). December, pp. 68-70. Postcard from the Editors. December, Pate, Elizabeth. (See Henkin, Harmon, Ford, Kim, Editor. Student to Student. ». 5. & Pate, Editors’ Message, May). What’s the Difference between What Henkin, Roxanne, Janis Harmon, & Peterson, Shelley Stagg & Leonora and Who Gets Left Behind? May, pp. Elizabeth Pate. Editor’s Message. Rochwerger. Cross-Curricular 48-50. Taking a Toll: Who Gets Left Behind? Literacy: Writing for Learning in a Gillis, Bryan. A Journey down the Yellow May, p. 5. Science Program. December, pp. Brick Road: What Oz Can Teach Kajder, Sara. Meeting Readers: Using 31-37. Students about Literary Techniques. Visual Literacy Narratives in the Radcliffe, Rich. (See Stephens, Radcliffe, December, pp. 14-21. Classroom. September, pp. 13-19. & Schaefer, May). Harmon, Janis. (See Henkin, Harmon, & Kelley, Michelle. (See Clausen-Grace & Read, Sylvia. Tapping into Students’ Pate, Editors’ Message, September). Kelley, March). Motivation: Lessons from Young Harmon, Janis. (See Henkin, Harmon, & Kittle, Penny, Editor. Stories along the Adolescents’ Blogs. December, pp. Pate, Editors’ Message, December). Way. Postcards from My Classroom. 38-46. Harmon, Janis. (See Henkin, Harmon, December, pp. 62-63. Rochwerger, Leonora. (See Peterson & & Pate, Editors’ Message, March). Kittle, Penny, Editor. Stories along the Rochwerger, December). Harmon, Janis. (See Henkin, Harmon, Way. September. September, pp. 54-55. Roessing, Lesley. What's in a Name? A & Pate, Editors’ Message, May). Lain, Sheryl. Reaffirming the Writing Whole Lot ofT alking, Researching, and Harste, Jerome C. & Christine Leland. Workshop for Young Adolescents. Writing. December, pp. 22-30. On Getting Lost, Finding One’s March, pp. 20-28. Schaefer, Jan. (See Stephens, Radcliffe, Direction, and Teacher Research. Leland, Christine. (See Harste & Leland, & Schaefer, May). March, pp. 7-11. March). Shanklin, Nancy, Editor. New Puzzles, Hayes, Sandy, Editor. Technology Lesesne, Teri S., Editor. Books for Next Moves. Getting Offt o a Positive Toolkit. How Can We Already Be Left Young Adolescents. Beginning the Start: Learning to Use Data Well. Journey: Get Packing. September, pp. September, pp. 56-58. Voices from the Middle, Volume 14 Number 4, May 2007 Index Shanklin, Nancy, Editor. New Puzzles, Stephens, Liz C., Rich RadcliffeJ,a n Asserting Our Authority as Teachers. Next Moves. How Can You Gain the Schaefer. Using a Writing Marathon March, pp. 50-52. Most from Working with a Literacy to Create a College Culture among At- Wilhelm, Jeffrey D., Editor. Next Steps Coach? May, pp. 44-47. Risk Sixth Graders. May, pp. 26-31. in the Journey. Living Our Bottom Shanklin, Nancy, Editor. New Puzzles, Taylor, Monica, & Gennifer Otinsky. Lines for Teaching. December, pp. 57- Next Moves. How Do We Talk with Embarking on the Road to Authentic 58. Students to Help Them Learn? Engagement: Investigating Racism Wilhelm, Jeffrey D., Editor. Next Steps December, pp. 64-67. through Interactive Learning in the Journey. Personalizing Our Silvers, Penny, Editor. Professional Centers.September, pp. 38-46. Teaching: No Specific Human Being Reading. Multiple Ways of Learning Watson, Patricia. Poem. “Hope for Left Behind. May, pp. 40-41. and Knowing. December, pp. 74-76. Struggling Readers.” May, p. 39. Wilhelm, Jeffrey D., Editor. Next Steps Silvers, Penny, Editor. Professional Wedwick, Linda, & Jessica Wutz. in the Journey. Strategies Need a Reading. Re-visioning the Fourney. Thinking outside the Book Box: Using Situation! September, pp. 47-49. September, pp. 65-67. BookMarTcu to Develop Independent Wutz, Jessica. (See Wedwick & Wutz, Silvers, Penny, Editor. Professional Book Selection. September, pp. 20-29. September). Reading. Supporting Students Who Wilhelm, Jeffrey D., Editor. Next Steps Fall Behind. May, pp. 53-54. in the Journey. Beyond Programs: SUBJECT INDEX Recognizing and Sharing Effective BookMarcu to Develop Independent Reading Incentives Don’t Necessarily Grow Teaching and Learning: Our Journey Book Selection. Linda Wedwick & Readers. Wanda Hedrick, (Bumps in Begins/September 2006 Jessica Wutz, September, pp. 20-29. the Road), December, pp. 77-78. This Year's Password: Iatrogenic. Wanda Tapping into Students’ Motivation: Lessons Beginning the fourney: Get Packing. Teri Hedrick, (Bumps in the Road), from Young Adolescents’ Blogs. Sylvia S. Lesesne, (Books for Young September, pp. 68-69. Read, December, pp. 38-46. Adolescents), September, pp. 50-53. What's in a Name? A Whole Lot of Embarking on the Road to Authentic Postcards of Effective Teaching: Talking, Researching, and Writing. Engagement: Investigating Racism We’re on Our Way/December 2006 Lesley Roessing, December, pp. threugh Interactive Learning Centers. 22-30. Monica Taylor & Gennifer Otinsky, Cross-Curricular Literacy: Writing for Youth in the Middle: Our Guides to September, pp. 38-46. Learning in a Science Program. Shelley Improved Literacy Instruction? Donna The First Stop: Itinerary from the Editors. Stagg Peterson & Leonora E. Alvermann, December, pp. 7-13. Roxanne Henkin, Janis Harmon, & Rochwerger, December, pp. 31-37. Elizabeth Pate, (Editors’ Message), How Do We Talk with Students to Help Getting Lost: Opportunities for September, pp. 5-6. Them Learn? Nancy Shanklin, (New Discovering New Directions/ Getting Offt oa Positive Start: Learning to Puzzles, Next Moves), December, March 2007 Use Data Well. Nancy Shanklin, pp. 64-67. (New Puzzles, Next Moves), Improving Writing: Online Bulletin Beyond Programs: Asserting Our Authority September, pp. 56-58. Boards. Sandy Hayes, (Technology as Teachers. Jeffrey D. Wilhelm, The Legacy ofL eadership. Kylene Beers, Toolkit), December, pp. 71-73. (Next Steps in the Journey), March, September, p. 7. A Fourney down the Yellow Brick Road: pp. 50-52. Mapping the Fourney. Sandy Hayes, What Oz Can Teach Students about Getting Lost in a Book: Unconscious Delight (Technology Toolkit), September, Literary Techniques. Bryan Gillis, and Lifelong Readers. Teri S. Lesesne, pp. 62-64. December, pp. 14-21. (Books for Young Adolescents), Meeting Readers: Using Visual Literacy Living Our Bottom Lines for Teaching. March, pp. 53-56. Narratives in the Classroom. Sara Jeffrey D. Wilhelm, (Next Steps in Getting Lost: Opportunitiefso r Discovering Kajder, September, pp. 13-19. the Journey), December, pp. 57-58. New Directions. Roxanne Henkin, Parallel Journeys: Teaching, Learning, and Multiple Ways of Learning and Knowing. Janis Harmon, & Elizabeth Pate, Hurricanes. Richard J. Meyer, Penny Silvers, (Professional (Editors’ Message), March, p. 5. September, pp. 8-12. Reading), December, pp. 74-76. Literacy Café: Making Writing Authentic. Patterns? Don’t Even Try. Kim Ford, On the Road: The Fourney ofA dolescence. Erika Daniels. March, pp. 12-19. (Student to Student), September, pp. Teri S. Lesesne, (Books for Young Lost and Found. Kim Ford, (Student to 59-61. Adolescents), December, pp. 59-61. Student), March, pp. 57-59. Re-visioning the Journey. Penny Silvers, Out of the Narrow Tunnel and into the Navigating the Detours. Sandy Hayes, (Professional Reading), September, Universe of Discourse. Denise Maltese, (Technology Toolkit), March, pp. pp. 65-67. December, pp. 47-56. 60-62. September, Penny Kittle, (Stories Along A Postcard from the Editors. Roxanne On Getting Lost, Finding One’s Direction, the Way), September, pp. 54-55. Henkin, Janis Harmon, & Elizabeth and Teacher Research. Jerome C. Storytelling: Eight Steps That Help You Pate, (Editors’ Message), December, Harste & Christine Leland. March, Engage Your Students. Jo Anne p. 5. pp. 7-11. Ollerenshaw, September, pp. 30-37. Postcards from My Classroom. Penny Reaffirming the Writing Workshop for Strategies Need a Situation! Jeffrey D. Kittle, (Stories Along the Way), Young Adolescents. Sheryl Lain. Wilhelm, (Next Steps in the December, pp. 62-63. March, pp. 20-28. Journey), September, pp. 47-49. Postcards from the World ofF antasy. Kim Sustained Silent Reading: Making Thinking Outside the Book Box: Using Ford, (Student to Student), Adaptations. Deb DeBenedicitis. December, pp. 68-70. March, pp. 29-37. Voices from the Middle, Volume 14 Number 4, May 2007 Index You Can’t Hide in R’: Restructuring Shanklin, (New Puzzles, Next Suppoxting Students Who Fall Behind. Independent Reading to Be More Moves), May, pp. 44-47. Penny Silvers, (Professional Strategic and Engaging. Nicki Intervention all Day Long: New Hope for Reading), May, pp. 53-54. Clausen-Grace and Michelle Kelley. Struggling Readers. Richard Taking a Toll: Who Gets Left Bebind? March, pp. 38-49. Allington, May, Roxanne Henkin, Janis Harmon, & pp. 7-14. Elizabeth Pate, (Editors’ Message), Taking a Toll: Who Gets Left Leaving No Reader Behind: Some Tips for May, p. 5. Behind?/May 2007 Reluctant Readers. Teri S. Lesesne, There Is More to Fluency than Speed and Are Urban Middle Schools Leaving Bright (Books for Young Adolescents), May, Accuracy. Wanda Hedrick, (Bumps in Immigrant Youth Behind? Theresa pp. 42-43. the Road), May, pp. 55-56. McGinnis, May, pp. 32-38. Lessons from Jeniffer: Addressing Common Using a Writing Marathon to Create a “Hope for Struggling Readers.” Patricia Assumptions Regarding “Former” Callege Culture among At-Risk Sixth- Watson, (Poem), May, p. 39. English-Language Learners in Middle graders. Liz C. Stephens, Rich How Can We Already Be Left Behind School. Kimberley K. Cuero & Joel RadcliffeJ,a n Schaefer, May, pp. When Nobody Told Us Where We Were E. Dworin, May, pp. 15-25. 26-31. Going. Sandy Hayes, (Technology Personalizing Our Teaching: No Specific What's the Difference between What and Toolkit), May, pp. 51-52. Human Being Left Behind. Jeffrey D. Who Gets Left Behind? Kim Ford, How Can You Gain the Most from Working Wilhelm, (Next Steps in the (Student to Student), May, pp. 48-50. with a Literacy Coach? Nancy Journey), May, pp. 40-41. BOOKS REVIEWED Professional Reading Blackwood, Gary, Second Sight, Myracle, Lauren, The Fashion Disaster September, 2006. That Changed My Life, September, Albers, Peggy & Sharon Murphy, Telling Bloor, Edward, London Calling, March, 2006. Pieces: Art as Literacy in Middle School 2007. Na, An, Wait for Me, December, 2006. Classes, December, 2006. Bray, Libba, Rebel Angels, September, Nelson, Blake, Gender Blender, Septem- Blackford, Holly Virginia, Out of This 2006. ber, 2006. World: Why Literature Matters to Cooney, Caroline, Code Orange, Nolan, Han, Summer of Kings, Decem- Girls, December, 2006. September, 2006. ber, 2006. Fink, Rosalie, Why Jane and John Creek, Darby, Punished, December, 2006. Oates, Joyce Carol, After the Wreck, | Couldn’t Read—and How They Curtis, Christopher Paul, Mr: Chickee’s Picked Myselfl P Spread Vy Wings, Learned: A New Look at Striving Funny Money, September, 2006. and Flew Away, May, 2007. Readers, May, 2007. Derisa, Christine, Do-Over, December, Paolini, Christopher, Eldest, September, Gallas, Karen, Imagination and Literacy: 2006. 2006. A Teacher's Search for the Heart of Dicamillo, Kate, The Miraculous Journey Paulsen, Gary, The Amazing Life of Birds, Learning, September, 2006. of Edward Tulane, September, 2006. March, 2007. Johnston, Peter, Choice Words: How Our Ensor, Barbara, Cinderella (as if you didn’t Paulsen, Gary, The Legend of Bass Reeves, Language Affects Children’s Learning, know the story), December, 2006. May, 2007. September, 2006. Ferguson, Alane, The Christopher Killer, Peck, Richard, Here Lies the Librarian, Kist, William, New Literacies in Action: May, 2007. December, 2006. Teaching and Learning in Multiple Gallo, Donald R., What are you afraid of? Perkins, Lynne Rae, Criss Cross Media, December, 2006. Stories about Phobias, September, Detrember, 2006. Lent, Releah Cossett, Engaging 2006. Plum-Ucci, Carol, The Night My Sister Adolescent Learners: A Guide for Haddix, Margaret Peterson, Double Went Missing, May, 2007. Content-Area Teachers, September, Identity, September, 2006. Rose, Malcolm, Framed, September, 2006. Holt, Kimberly Willis, Part of Me, 2006. Smith, Michael W. & Jeffery D. March, 2007. Shusterman, Neal, Red Rider's Hood, Wilhelm, Going with the Flow: How Jenkins, Emily, Joys Go Out, March, September, 2006. to Engage Boys (and Girls) in their 2007. Sonneblick, Jordan, Notes from the Literacy Learning, December, 2006. Korman, Gordon, Born to Rock, Midnight Driver, May, 2007. Van Sluys, Katie, What If and Why? September, 2006. Wooding, Chris, Poison, September, Literacy Invitationfso r Multilingual Koss, Amy Goldman, Poison Ivy, March, 2006. Classrooms, September, 2006. 2007. Yancey, Rick, Extraordinary Adventures of Wood, Jaime, Living Voices: Multicultural Leslie, Jeremy & David Roberts, Pick Alfred Kropp, September, 2006. Poetry in the Middle School Classroom, Ve Up: Stuff You Need to Know, May, Zusack, Marcus, The Book Thi ft, May, 2007. 2007. December, 2006. Levine, Gail Carson, Fairest, March, Books for Young Adolescents 2007. Student to Student Levine, Gail Carson, Fairy Dust and the Abbot, Tony, Firegir/, December, 2006. Quest for the Egg, September, 2006. \lexander, Lloyd, Time Cat, May, 2007. Anderson, M.T., The Astonishing Life of Lowry, Lois, Gossamer, December, 2006. Avi, The True Confessions of Charlotte Octavian Nothing, March, 2007. Lubar, David, Punished, December, Doyle, March, 2007. Avi, Nothing but the Truth, September, 2006. Balliett, Blue, Chasing Vermeer, March, 2006. McCormick, Patricia, Sold, March, 2007. 2007. Birdsall, Jeanne, The Penderwicks, Meyer, Stephenie, Twilight, September, Cabot, Meg, Teen Idol, September, 2006. September, 2006. 2006. $ Voices from the Middle, Volume 14 Number 4, May 2007 Index Chabon, Michael, Summerland, Kotani, Karissa, Tituba ofS alem Village, Park, Barbara, Mick Harte Was Here, December, 2006. December, 2006. March, 2007. Donnelly, Jennifer, A Northern Light, LEngle, Madeleine, A Wind in the Door, Paterson, Katherine, Bridge to Terabithia, May, 2007. September, 2006. December, 2006. Funke, Cornelia, Inkheart, December, Levine, Gail Carlson, Ella Enchanted, Patterson, James, Maximum Ride: The 2006. September, 2006. Angel Experiment, May, 2007. Funke, Cornelia, The Thief Lord, March, Lupica, Mike, Travel Team, September, Peters, Julie Anne, Define “Normal”, 2007. 2006. December, 2006. Giles, Gail, Dead Girls Don’t Write Meyer, Carolyn, Beware, Princess Rinaldi, Ann, A Break with Charity, Letters, December, 2006. Elizabeth, September, 2006. September, 2006. Gold, Alison Leslie, Memories ofA nne Meyer, Stephenie, Twilight, March, Riordan, Rick, The Lightning Thief, Frank, May, 2007. 2007. December, 2006. Haddix, Margaret Peterson, Double Myracle, Lauren, Tty/, May, 2007. Ryan, Pam Mufioz, Esperanza Rising, Identity, March, 2007. Nixon, Joan Lowery, A Deadly Game of March, 2007. Harrison, Lisi, The Clique, September, Magic, September, 2006. Tolan, Stephanie S., Surviving the 2006. Nixon, Joan Lowery, The Name otfh e Applewhites, March, 2007. Hiaasen, Carl, Flush, May, 2007. Game Was Murder, December, 2006. Twain, Mark, The Adventures ofT om Horowitz, Anthony, Ark Angel, May, Nixon, Joan Lowery, Secret, Silent Sawyer, March, 2007. 2007. Screams, September, 2006. White, T.H., The Sword in the Stone, Ibbotson, Eva, The Star of Kazan, May, Paolini, Christopher, Eldest (Inheritance, December, 2006. 2007. Book Two), May, 2007. Voices from the Middle, Volume 14 Number 4, May 2007

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