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Index / Voices from the Middle: Volume 7 (1999-2000) Author Index Nilsen, Alleen Pace, & Nilsen, Don L. F. Wilhelm, Jeff. Literacy by Design: Why Is Language Play in Y2K: Morphology All This Technology So Important? Allen, Janet. Word Matter Tensions. May, Brought to You by Pokémon. May, March, pp. 4-14. pp. 4-8. pp. 32-37. AuBuchon, Charlie, & Wichman, Nilsen, Don L. F. (See Nilsen & Nilsen, Tammy. Adventures in the Land of May) Subject Index Vocabulary. May, pp. 24-31. Parker-WebsteJroa,n , & Van Horn, Social and Emotional Barbieri, Maureen. (See Rief & Barbi- Leigh. Tickets to the Theatre: Opening eri, September) the Curtain on a Dialogue with Words. Learning/September 1999 Bauer, Joan. Words. May, pp. 44-48. May, pp. 9-17. Columbine’s Challenge: A Call to Pay Atten- Beers, Kylene. Editor’s Message: Carry-on Patterson, Nancy G. Weaving a Narrative: tion to Our Students. Robin Stern, Sep- Luggage that Lets Us Carry On. Decem- From Tears to String to Hypertext. tember, pp. 34-36. ber, pp. 2-3. March, pp. 41-48. Coming of Age: Making Connections. Susan Beers, Kylene. Editor’s Message: Making Pellitteri, John, Stern, Robin & Nakhuti- Hinebauch, September, pp. 17-24. Words Matter. May, pp. 2-3. na, Luba. Music: The Sounds of Emo- Finding Common Ground. Anne H. Kiemle, tional Intelligence. September, September, pp. 30-33. Beers, Kylene. Editor’s Message: Technolo- pp. 25-29. gy, Bus Rides, and the Digital Divide. Hormone-Driven Kids: A Call for Social and March, pp. 2-3. Pryle, Marilyn Bogusch. Peek, Peak, Pique: Emotional Learning in the Middle School Using Homophones to Teach Vocabulary Years. Robin Stern & Debra Rosen- Beers, Kylene. Literature: Our Way In. (and Spelling!). May, pp. 38-43. zweig, September, pp. 3-8. September, pp. 9-16. Rief, Linda, & Barbieri, Maureen. Mes- Literature: Our Way In. Kylene Beers, Bone, Becky. Lessons from a Vocabulary sage from the Editors. September, September, pp. 9-16. Journal. May, pp. 18-23. pp. 1-2. Message from the Editors. Linda Rief & Mau- Burke, Jim. Caught in the Web: Reading Rosenzweig, Debra. (See Stern & Rosen- reen Barbieri, September, pp. 1-2. the Internet. March, pp. 15-23. zweig, September) Music: The Sounds ofE motional Intelli- Campbell, Mark. (See Niday & Camp- Rowlands, Kathleen Dudden. Alice in gence. John Pellitteri, Robin Stern & bell, March) Web Wonderland: Internet Resources for Luba Nakhutina, September, Chandler, Kelly. Post-it Patterns: Valuing Middle Schoolers and Their Teachers. pp. 25-29. the Particular in the New Millennium. March, pp. 49-54. December, pp. 10-16. Santerre, Mary. (See Beers & Santerre, Carry-on Luggage: What to Crutcher, Chris. R*E*S*P*E*C*T: For December) Kids, for Adolescence, for Story. Decem- Take into 2000 and Santerre, Mary. One Teacher's Use of Com- ber, pp. 17-19. puters and Technology: A Look inside a Beyond/December 1999 Dunaway, Shannon. (See Nault & Dun- Classroom. March, pp. 33-40. Editor’s Message: Carry-on Luggage that away, December) Scott, Judith L. Journey into Cyberspace. Lets Us Carry On. Kylene Beers, Foster, Harold M. Reflections on the Past, December, pp. 24-26. December, pp. 2-3. Directions for the Future. December, Sipe, Rebecca Bowers. Lessons for Learn- Journey into Cyberspace. Judith L. Scott, pp. 4-9. ing. December, pp. 20-23. December, pp. 24-26. Hinebauch, Susan. Coming of Age: Making Stern, Robin. Columbine’s Challenge: A Lessons for Learning. Rebecca Bowers Connections. September, pp. 17-24. Call to Pay Attention to Our Students. Sipe, December, pp. 20-23. Kiemle, Anne H. Finding Common September, pp. 34-36. Literacy Leaders Speak Out: Perspectives for Ground. September, pp. 30-33. Stern, Robin. (See Pellitteri, Stern, & the Future. AnnMarie Nault & Shan- Lee, Gretchen. Technology in the Lan- Nakhutina, September) non Dunaway, December, pp. 27-35. guage Arts Classroom: Is It Worth the Stern, Robin, & Rosenzweig, Debra. Post-it Patterns: Valuing the Particular in Trouble? March, pp. 24-32. Hormone-Driven Kids: A Call for Social the New Millennium. Kelly Chandler, Nakhutina, Luba. (See Pellitteri, Stern, and Emotional Learning in the Middle December, pp. 10-16. & Nakhutina, September) School Years. September, pp. 3-8. Reflections on the Past, Directiois for the Nault, AnnMarie, & Dunaway, Shannon. Tracy, Janet. Language’s Landscape of the Future. Harold M. Foster, December, Literacy Leaders Speak Out: Perspectives Mind. March, pp. 62-65. pp. 4-9. for the Future. December, pp. 27-35. Van Horn, Leigh. (See Parker-Webster R*E*S*P*E*C*T: For Kids, for Adolescence, Niday, Donna, & Campbell, Mark. & Van Horn, May) for Story. Chris Crutcher, December, Youve Got Mail: “Near-peer” Relation- pp. 17-19. Wichman, Tammy. (See AuBuchon & ships in the Middle. March, pp. 55-61. Wichman, May) Voices from the Middle * Volume 7 Number 4 ¢ May 2000 Heaven. Angela Johnson. Reviewed by Literacy in a High-Tech World/ Reviews of Children’s Lauren McCulloch, The Village Mid- March 2000 Books dle School, Houston, Texas. March Alice in Web Wonderland: Internet Resources The Ancient One. T. A. Barron. Reviewed Clip and File. for Middle Schoolers and Their Teachers. by Ryan O'Keefe, Fairfield Woods The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Dou- Kathleen Dudden Rowlands, March, Middle School, Fairfield, Connecti- glas Adams. Reviewed by Jesse Lee, pp. 49-54. cut. September Clip and File. Nova Middle School, Olympia, Wash- Caught in the Web: Reading the Internet. At Risk. Alice Hoffman. Reviewed by ington. May Clip and File. Jim Burke, March, pp. 15-23. Suzanne Monaco, Center for Teach- The House on Mango Street. Sandra Cis- Editor’s Message: Technology, Bus Rides, ing and Learning, Edgecomb, Maine. neros. Reviewed by Niuniu Zhang, and the Digital Divide. Kylene Beers, May Clip and File. Stillwater Junior High School, Stillwa- pp. 2-3. The Butter Did It. Phyllis C. Richman. ter, Oklahoma. December Clip and Language’s Landscape of the Mind. Janet Reviewed by Jessie R. Armstead-Loges, File. Tracy, March, pp. 62-65. The New School of Orlando, Orlan- Hunting for Hidden Gold. Franklin W. do, Florida. September Clip and File. Dixon. Reviewed by Brett Markowitz, Literacy by Design: Why Is All This Technol- ogy So Important? Jeff Wilhelm, Carne. Stephen King. Reviewed by Newtown Elementary School, Newtown, March, pp. 4-14. Krystin Benton, Center for Teaching Pennsylvania. March Clip and File. and Learning, Edgecomb, Maine. Life in the Fat Lane. Sherrie Bennett. One Teacher’s Use of Computers and Tech- September Clip and File. Reviewed by Heather Ardeel, The nology: A Look inside a Classroom. Mary Santerre, March, pp. 33-40. Children of the River. Linda Crew. Village School, Houston, Texas. May Reviewed by Ellis Kenton, Salisbury Clip and File. Technology in the Language Arts Classroom: School, Salisbury, Maryland. Decem- The Little Prince. Antoine de Saint-Exu- Is It Worth the Trouble? Gretchen Lee, ber Clip and File. pery. Reviewed by Diana Davis, Oyster March, pp. 24-32. Clover. Dori Sanders. Reviewed by Ariel River Middle School, Durham, New Weaving a Narrative: From Tears to String Freudenthal, The Meadows School, Hampshire. September Clip and File. to Hypertext. Nancy G. Patterson, Las Vegas, Nevada. May Clip and The Lottery Rose. rene Hunt. Reviewed March, pp. 41-48. File. by Tera Boomgaarden, Luverne Mid- You've Got Mail: “Near-peer” Relationships Diadem. John Peel. Reviewed by Jason dle-High School, Luverne, Minneso- in the Middle. Donna Niday & Mark Bartley, Tolland Middle School, Tol- ta. May Clip and File. Campbell, March, pp. 55-61. land, Connecticut. September Clip Mr. Lincoln’s Drummer. G. Clifton Wisler. and File. Reviewed by Kyle Ehrlacher, Salis- Vocabulary: Making Words Dispatches. Michael Herr. Reviewed by bury Middle School, Allentown, Matter/May 2000 Brendan Radomski, Harwood Junior Pennsylvania. December Clip and High, Bedford, Texas. May Clip and File. Adventures in the Land of Vocabulary. File. Night of the Twisters. vy Ruckman. Charlie AuBuchon & Tammy Wich- Durable Goods. Elizabeth Berg. Reviewed by Reviewed by Sheri Greenberg, New- man, pp. 24-31. Alejandra Knudsen, Colegio Bolivar, town Elementary School, Newtown, Language Play in Y2K: Morphology Cali, Colombia. March Clip and File. Pennsylvania. March Clip and File. Brought to You by Pokemon. Alleen Ella Enchanted. Gail Carson Levine. Of Mice and Men. John Steinbeck. Pace Nilsen & Don L. F. Nilsen, Reviewed by Megan Flom, Georgetown Reviewed by Anne Terrill, The John pp. 32-37. Middle School, Georgetown, Massa- Cooper Middle School, The Wood- Lessons from a Vocabulary Journal. Becky chusetts. December Clip and File. lands, Texas. September Clip and File. Bone, pp. 18-23. Flip Flop Girl. Katherine Paterson. Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats. T. S. Message from the Editor. Kylene Beers, Reviewed by Jennifer Leibowitz, Tol- Eliot. Reviewed by Lucy Valena, Oys- pp. 2-3. land Middle School, Tolland, Con- ter River Middle School, Durham, Peek, Peak, Pique: Using Homophones to necticut. December Clip and File. New Hampshire. September Clip and Teach Vocabulary (and Spelling!). Mari- File. Freak the Mighty. Rodman Philbrick. lyn Bogusch Pryle, pp. 38-43. Reviewed by Jesse Grab, Tolland Mid- Phoenix Rising. Karen Hesse. Reviewed Tickets to the Theatre: Opening the Curtain dle School, Tolland, Connecticut. by Erika Roa, Colegio Bolivar, Cali, on a Dialogue with Words. Joan Parker- March Clip and File. Colombia. December Clip and File. Webster & Leigh Van Horn, pp. 9-17. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. J. K. A Place to Call Home. Jackie French Word Matter Tensions. Janet Allen, Rowling. Reviewed by Anu Vasude- Koller. Reviewed by Kaylee Decker, pp. 48. van, Oyster River Middle School, Schroon Lake Central School, Words. Joan Bauer, pp. 44-48. Durham, New Hampshire. December Schroon Lake, New York. May Clip Clip and File. and File. 50 Voices from the Middle ¢ Volume 7 Number 4 ¢ May 2000 Pride and Prejudice. Jane Austin. Tuesdays with Morrie. Mitch Albom. Emotional Intelligence. Daniel Goleman. Reviewed by Heather Comerci, Salis- Reviewed by Brandon Dorey, Reviewed by Noelle Jack. September bury Middle School, Allentown, Ephraim Curtis Middle School, Sud- Clip and File. Pennsylvania. March Clip and File. bury, Massachusetts. May Clip and The English Teacher’s Companion: A Com- Remembering Mog. Colby Radowsky. File. plete Guide to Classroom, Curriculum, Reviewed by Juliano Fernandez, Venus to the Hoop. Sara Corbett. and the ProfessionJi.m Burke. Colegio Bolivar, Cali, Colombia, Reviewed by Tony Yeh, The Village Reviewed by Katherine D. Ramsey. South America. March Clip and File. School, Houston, Texas. December December Clip and File. The Search for Snout. Bruce Coville. Clip and File. Exchanging Lives: Middle School Writers Reviewed by Michael Halper, New- Victor. Mordicai Gerstein. Reviewed by Online. Scott Christian. Reviewed by town Elementary School, Newtown, Tatiana Bakhoum, The Village Chris Benson. March Clip and File. Pennsylvania. December Clip and School, Houston, Texas. December Failure to Connect: How Computers Affect File. Clip and File. Our Children’s Minds—for Better and The Secret Garden. Frances Hodgson Bur- Watership Down. Richard Adams. Worse. Jane Healy. Reviewed by Lanny nett. Reviewed by Rachel Clarkin, Reviewed by Scott Andrews, Ephraim Van Allen. March Clip and File. Tolland Middle School, Tolland, Curtis Middle School, Sudbury, Mass- Hyperlearning: Where Projects, Inquiry, and Connecticut. March Clip and File. achusetts. May Clip and File. Technology Meet. Jeffrey D. Wilhelm, The Secret of the Underground Room. John The Westing Game. Ellen Raskin. and Paul D. Friedemann. Reviewed Bellairs. Reviewed by Roger Stewart, Reviewed by Natalie Holman, New- by Rosemary Petzold. March Clip Newtown Elementary School, New- town Elementary School, Newtown, and File. town, Pennsylvania. March Clip and Pennsylvania. March Clip and File. In the Middle: New Understandings about File. Where the Red Fern Grows. Wilson Rawls. Writing, Reading, and Learning. Nan- Silent Night. Mary Higgins Clark. Reviewed by Ashley Pond, Nova Mid- cie Atwell. Reviewed by Rosemary Reviewed by Tania Jordanova, Oyster dle School, Olympia, Washington. Petzold. December Clip and File. River Middle School, Durham, New May Clip and File. Language Study in Middle School, High Hampshire. September Clip and File. Wolf by the Ears. Anne Rinaldi. Reviewed School, and Beyond. John S. Simmons Spider Worlds. Duncan Long. Reviewed by Juanita Serrano, Colegio Bolivar, and Lawrence Baines. Reviewed by byJ ohn Bazzano, Tolland Middle Cali, Colombia. December Clip and Anne Shaughnessy. May Clip and School, Tolland, Connecticut. File. File. December Clip and File. The Woman in the Wall. Patrice Kindl. Making Learning Happen: Strategies for an Stranded. Ben Mikaelsen. Reviewed by Reviewed by Brenna Hagen, Center Interactive Classroom. Jeffrey N. Golub. Jessica Casler, Harwood Junior High, for Teaching and Learning, Edge- Reviewed by Diana Bledsoe. May Clip Bedford, Texas. May Clip and File. comb, Maine. September Clip and and File. The Stranger. K. A. Applegate. Reviewed File. Reading and the Middle School Student: by Ryan Sayers, Tolland Middle The Yearling. Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings. Strategies to Enhance Literacy, 2"4 ed. School, Tolland, Connecticut. March Reviewed by Shaneal Manek, Lincoln Judith L. Irvin. Reviewed by Rose- Clip and File. Junior High School, Naperville, Illi- mary Petzold. May Clip and File. Sybil. Flora Rheta Schrieber. Reviewed nois. May Clip and File. Shooting for Excellence: African American by Sarah Pulitzer, Oyster River Mid- and Youth Culture in New Century dle School, Durham, New Hamp- Schools. Jabari Mahiri. Reviewed by Reviews of Professional shire. September Clip and File. Noelle Jack. December Clip and File. Tangerine. Edward Bloor. Reviewed by Books Teaching with Technology: Creating Stu- Jessica Monck, Center for Teaching Bring Life into Learning: Create a Lasting dent-Centered Classrooms. Judith Haym- and Learning, Edgecome, Maine. Literacy. Donald H. Graves. Reviewed more Sandholtz, Cathy Ringstaff, & March Clip and File. by Lanny Van Allen, December Clip David C. Dwyer. Reviewed by Donna Tenderness. Robert Cormier. Reviewed and File. O’Brien. March Clip and File. by Ramsey Barnette, Worthington The Courage to Teach: Exploring the Inner Vision and Voice: Extending the Literacy School, Eureka, California. Septem- Landscape of a Teacher’s Life. ParkerJ . Spectrum. Linda Rief. Reviewed by ber Clip and File. Palmer. Reviewed by Anne Shaugh- Katherine D. Ramsey. September Toning the Sweep. Angela Johnson. nessy. September Clip and File. Clip and File. Reviewed by Caitlin Vincent, Forest The Education of the Heart. Thomas Words, Words, Words: Teaching Vocabulary Ridge School, Bellevue, Washington. Moore. Reviewed by Rosemary Pet- in Grades 4-12. Janet Allen. Reviewed September Clip and File. zold. September Clip and File. by Elizabeth Peterson. May Clip and File. Index

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